The Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-12-09, Page 2■I ,<j4> PAGE TWO The Wingham Advance-Times Published at WINGHAM „ ONTARIO Subscription Rate One Year $2,00 Six mpnths, $1.00 in advance. To U. S, A., $2,00 per year. Foreign rate, $3.00 per year. Advertising rates on application. JFTVE PROVINCES INSTEAD OF NINE? From time to time comes the sug­ gestion that we have too much Gov­ ernment in Canada. The claim is .made by many that the„cost of mak­ ing laws and satisfactorily looking af­ ter the needs of our 11,000,000 or so \of population could be accomplished with less elected members and not •.so many legislatures. To the Rowell Cornmission on Do­ minion-Provincial Relations at Winni­ peg it was suggested that five Prov­ inces instead of nine would dd much to cut duplicate costs, of Provincial Government and parliamentary ad­ ministration. The proposal is to un­ ite the three Maritime Provinces in­ to one: the three Prairie Provinces one, and British Columbia and the Yukon in one. Ontario and Quebec would remain as at present. This "seems like a very practical idea and one that the Commission should study thoroughly for their re­ port. Some the provinces would, no doubt, raise objections to such a scheme but as the Commission goes from Province to Province, especially those which would be joined with others, they should determine just what a saving this would make and also decide whether or not it would work out successfully. We are overgoverned in Canada and it may be that the Commission will evolve a better plan than •suggested at Winnipeg, but tetter one is found the above to have great merit. s|c 4* * 4: DRIVE CAREFULLY At this time of the year despite the fact that highway travel is not as great as during the summer months the number of car accidents is great. Many of these-mishaps are not caused by the carelessness of the drivers but are due to conditions that prevail at this time of year, fog, slippery roads, etc. ' 8 ■^Vhen weather conditions are such that highway travel is the more dan­ gerous, it is up to motorists to ex­ ercise greater care than at other tim- •es. By doing so they not only pro- the one until a appears THE W1NGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES •Thursday, December 9, 1937 \ on IMPERIAL TOBACCO’S INSPIRING PROGRAM • FRIDAY STATION CRCT tect themselves but .their fellow trav­ eller. The Department of Highways has for the past few years tried in various ways to impress upon the public that courtesy would do much to prevent accidents. There is not a time of the year when courtesy on our highways and sideroads is more necessary than at this time of year. 4? 4s * ? SUBSCRIBE NOW Once again the time of year is here when an appeal is being made on be­ half of the Christmas Tree and Santa Claus Fund. The citizens of Wing­ ham have always supported this fund very generously and it is hoped that they will again this year. Your donations make it possible to give the kiddies of our community a bag of goodies. Any person who has seen the Town Hall jammed to cap­ acity with children at the Christmas Tree concert and has seen their smil­ ing faces fully realize that this gath­ ering accomplishes its purpose, fost­ ering the spirit of Christmas. The committee in charge of .this fund send out baskets. This is a ne­ cessary and truly worthwhile effort and can only be done with the co­ operation of those who give to the fund. Donations may be left at either bank. Do not neglect to deposit your gift as early as possible so that the committee will have some idea of the amount which will be at their dis­ posal. Subscribe now to the Christmas Tree and Santa generous as you of Christmas. * * * Claus Fund. Be as can. It is the spirit Only thirteen more shopping days till Christmas. How time flies. * * * * In Spain and China it will be Christmas in the trenches. Would that the war to end all complished its purpose. s|« * * The electors of the told to mark their ballots right. What a difference this is to voting in Can­ ada. wars had ac- * Soviet were sjs Ontario spent on liquor during the fiscal year ending March 31st, $54,- 015,199,31. This is $4,680,187.90 more than was spent the previous year. These figures need no comment.' 4- 4s 4s 4s { Premier King is spending a holi­ day in sunny Florida. The task of heading a government is a hard one and it is well that our leaders look after their health. * * During the past Legislature held a the House sitting during" that time. That’s ness with despatch. * * * * week the Ontario three-day session, about * four hours doing busi- * Lionel Conacher, the “Big Train” of sport, arid recently elected mem­ ber of the Legislature has been ap­ pointed vice-chairman of the Ontario Athletic Commission. If experience counts for anything, he should fill the position most satisfactorily. WESTERN LETTERS VOICE APPRECIATION Rev. J. F. Anderson received the following’ two letters from the West, for the cars sent from here. Mr, An­ derson was chairman of the commit­ tee of the local district Ministerial Association who organized these ship­ ments. B. Lloyd’s Building, Regina, Sask. Rev. J. F. Anderson, Wingham, Ont. Tour donated carload of provisions duly arrived at Bredenbury from Wingham, Ont., and was distributed by the local committee at its destin­ ation. We, as the central committee well realize the sacrifice and energy as well as the organized effort en­ tailed in assembling each car and we are anxious that a sincere message of gratitude reach everyone concern­ ed. We trust that the recipient them­ selves have already acknowledged this gift but it is barely possible they may not yet have had the necessary infor­ mation to make this possible. .The residents of our drought area have much to be thankful for this sea­ son. The Sister Provinces have been most generous and many of our peo­ ple have been better provided for 1 than they have been for several years, ■We sincerely trust that this may be the last year such help is necessary. Many expressions of appreciation have been receiyed in this office. We only hope the true feeling may be conveyed to everyone who assisted’ in any way to make these gifts possible. Yours very sincerely, J. W. Hedley, Chairman Saskatchewan Rural Relief Committee. * * Salcoats, Sask. To .the People of Wingham. Dear Friends: On behalf of the people of Perley School District No. 395 I wish to con­ vey many thanks and deepest apprec­ iation to all those who contributed to the car of fruit and vegetables which was sent from Wingham to Breden­ bury, Sask. This car was distributed through­ out this district along with five other rural school districts and the town b’f Bredenbury. It was very fairly hand­ led and evenly distributed, everyone receiving their equal share. It has been our privilege on two occasions during these dry seasons to ship carloads- of vegetables to the southern part of the province. But this'year the drought extended 'farth­ er north and most of the crops and gardens were simply burned up. This car was received in splendid condition and if the occasion ever arises the people of this district hope they will be able to repay the people of Wingham for their kindness shown at this time. I am , Yours sincerely, D. J. Wiley, Sec.-Treas., Perley S. D. No. 395. . * * ’IS More Letters from the West' Bredenbury, Sask. * Constipation may lower your resistance to ■ -‘colds.” Relieve constipation with Kellogg’s All-Bran. This food aids regular habits. Serve All-Bran as a ce­ real with milk or cream, or in cooked dishes. Eat two tablespoonfulstablespoonfuls daily, Sold by all grocers. was a God send to us. We received 2 bags of potatoes, 1 of turnips, 1 parrotts, lb. beets and 2 jars of pickles, one of beet pickles and. the one. with the letter on it We sure are thankful for w’.hat we got Everybody here is very bad off, but we are the worst as we lost every­ thing in the fire. My husband is an Ontario man his people live at Cainsville, he has a. bro- hter there, James Hunter. My hus­ band has been at Wingham and has a neice at Niagara Falls. Weil I think you will be tired of my writing as I am not a very good writer as a I am bad with rhuematism’. So will close with many thanks, and will be very pleased to get £ letter from you. Respectfully, Mrs. George Hunter, Struan, Sask, KEEP REGULAR wonderful Volunta'ry the letter on it. You say you would like to know the situation out here. It sure is tough, hardly any crop for five years and this year, nothing, not a binder went in the field. There is not even straw, hay nor feed of any kiiid for stock. I never saw anything like this and I am 63 years old. I have 2 boys grown up and they have not had one days work for 2 years, and to make it worse we had a fire and got burned put, everything we had we lost, and we sure are in bad shape for clothing and bedding. We get relief but they don’t give any bed­ ding. We have no garden either, so what we got out of that car of things Ji o SCHOOL REPORT The following is the Fall Term re­ port for S.S. No. 9, East Wawanosh. Those wltf> missed one or more ex­ aminations have an asterisk beside their name. Grade VIII—Louise Goultes 86%. . Grade. VII—Blanche Manto 79%. Grade VI—Jean Leaver 82%, June Johnston 81%, Catherine Currie 70%. Grade V—Lois Johnston 75%, Wilda Montgomery 67%, Jack Cur­ rie * 63%’, Alvin .Currie 62%, Wilfred Walker 61%. • Grade III—Doreen Currie * 82%, Vera Montgomery 80%, Ernest Wal­ ker 75%, Isabel Currie 74%, Jimmie Johnston 66%, Charlie Currie 59%. Grade II—Jean Dawson 74%. Grade I—Total 280, Honours 210, Pass 168 — Jessie Currie 271, Treva Montgomery 269, Bobbie Currie 143. orsro 7 o Maitland Creamery Buyers T Ontario. Teacher, Olive G. Farrier. THE UNITED FARMERS’ CO-OPERATIVE' COMPANY, LIMITED. Wingham, .Phone 271 ASHFIELD (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs, Wilson Irwin little grandadughter, May Irwin, spent the week-end near London. The nomination was held on Fri­ day afternoon at Finlay’s School. All last year’s officers were returned by acclamation, Mr. -Richard Johnston as Reeve. There-passed away at his home in Belfast, on Saturday morning, Mr. Wm. Sherwood,* one of the old pion­ eers, after a long sickness. The fun- Should Fill Your 4 V .♦I f i 0' and eral was held from the church Mon­ day afternoon. He leaves to mourn him his wife, four daughter, Mrs. Adam Johnstone (Annie) near. Cour- ey’s> Corners, 11th con.; Mrs, James MacWhinney (Bertha), Dungannon; Mrs. Alex. Watson (Evaleen) near Nile, and Mrs. Robert ; McInnis (Marie) near TeesWater; and one son Alfred, on the old homestead 10th con., near Belfast. We all extend ou^^ sincere sympathy to the bereaved latives. , Vy Miss Bernice Blake, teacher near Wroxeter, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Blake near Mafeking, 9th con? • • o Electric Toasters The number one any housewife is trical appliance. an elec- ____ _ It’s the kind of gift that ipakes Christmas last the year ’round in any home. * Be sure to visit this store when you start looking for the perfect gift. Electric Mixers u[i The latest best, complete with all access- r ories. Electric Irons Late model Hot-Point iron, heatc o n tr o 1 unit, extra light Weight The Automatic Toaster, '■ double-sided, with heat j governor. A beautiful gift, ; ij i Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, Wingham, Ont. Dear Mrs. Kennedy: We were the lucky ones to receive your jar of pickles and they certainly were lovely. Thanks very much for them, I keep house for my father and nephew. iMy father is 73 years, old and he said your pickles were the best that he ever tasted. The carload of vegetables and fruit was a God-send to many here as some had no garden at all and rcops Were very poor this year. We hope we have a more abundant year next. Woyld you please send the recipe for those pickles, I sure would love to have it. ’Thanking you, again, I re­ main, Yours truly, Miss Hazel Everett. * * Willson Lake P. O., Sask. Mrs. R. J.Tindall. Kind Friend: I am writing you these few lines to thank you very very much and to show our appreciation for the fruit wc got from the donation car we re­ ceived by the R. M. of Glenriside from Wingham, Ont., and to thank ■every one who so generously gave and assisted to help the needy in this pur time of distress. It surely was appreciated by all who got vegetables fruit, sugar, flour, etc,, from thhtar. May the God of Heaven give you ten­ fold for the good yon all have done to mankind. Thanking you very much I remain, Yours truly* Mr. M, Colton, . ♦ * * ( The following letter was received 'by Mrs, J. E. Geihmill from a lady at Struan, Sask., expressing: her ap­ preciation of the things that her fata­ lly received from the car shipped fi’otn here. .Struan, Saskatchewan November IB, 1937. Dear Madam: . I received your jar of pickles with n o Modernly equipped — The Wingham Advance-Times is prepared to fill your printing needs, no matter what the job may be. . '. . .... The Wingham Advance-Tim­ es prints first-class jobs at economical prices. Printing that will save you time and money. . .• • • • • G Service is a feature of Thje Wingham. Advance - Times Job Printing Dept. Unusual service is given and jobs are completed promptly. . . . Take Stock of Your Printing Now! CHECK UP ON YOUR REQUIREMENTS AND FILL" YOUR WANTS NOW. TELEPHONE 34 And OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL. Any of These? 0o o D BILLHEADS BUSINESS CARDS CATALOGUES CIRCULARS COIN ENVELOPES CHURCH ENVELOPES DODGERS : ENVELOPES FUNERAL CARDS I? u o o 0o * Xi INVITATIONS LABELS . letterheads MILK TICKETS NOTEHEADS ORDER BOOKS PROGRAMMES PAMPHLETS 1 RECEIPTBOOKS p f 4 -y 5 ?• n RULED FORMS SALE BILLS STATEMENTS SHIPPING BILLS SHIPPING TAGS SOCIAL STATIONERY TICKETS VISITING CARD^. •..,. WEDDING STATIONERY .r o