The Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-09-16, Page 2■$> PAGE TWO Co Often a reverse is the ft It is the duty * Com- $ ST get shorter hours. The doubt, wish they could 'to see how your cattle behave, of $500 was arranged. no to as Thompson - Helwig pretty, but quiet wedding was 7, Bail lege term last spring he was accom­ panied home by Mr. James Mercer, who conducted two weeks evangelis­ tic services in St. Andrew’s and Knox churches here.—-Ripley Express.1 # * * Englishmen are on a “like a mir- Here is her letter; sk the Western Subscription Rate — One Year $2.00 Six months, $1.00 in advance. To U. S. A., $2.50 per year. Foreign rate, $3.00 per year. Advertising rates on application. Wife Feared Husband Would Never Work Again her husband had been at weeks with rheumatism in this woman began to think a^H||WI!U!UTO NEWS '41 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thurs,, September 16, 1937 The Wingham Advance-Times Published at WINGHAM - ONTARIO Every Thursday Morning by The Advance-Times Publishing and then take great pains In bringing in only desirable people. To fill our country up with folks from other countries' when we cannot properly absorb' them would be very foolish and only lead to greater unemploy­ ment. It is a difficult matter to place our youth at the present time. Canada can look to the future with confidence if our governments give us wise legislation. & $ ❖ $ A TOUGH BREAK The Canadian National Exhibition at Toronto, which last Saturday clos­ ed for this year, has quite a set-back in attendance. This was not due to the fact that this great international exhibition is losing its appeal or that the attractions for this year were^not up to expectations. The drop in at­ tendance was due to an infantile par­ alysis epidemic which centred in the .Toronto area which made thousands of people leary of going to the city or at least allowing their children to <do so. The same can be said of Tor­ onto children, their parents kept them at home. We are satisfied that the directors of this great international show will WHAT WILL THEY FIND? In a short time the Royal Commis­ sion, under the leadership of Chief Justice Rowell, on Dominion-Provin­ cial Relations, will start their sittings. They are ready to go to work, the hold-up at present is that the prov­ inces have not as yet prepared to pro­ ceed. It is said that the Western' Provinces are practically ready and that the commission will sit first in the West. Let us hope that the Commission will clean up many of the overlapping departments between the provinces and the Dominion. Governments dur­ ing the last long number of years have been requiring more and more not consider this set-back a perman- revenue to carry on' their respective work and if the commission can dis­ cover some method to help out the taxpayer it will have accomplished something worthwhile. The Financial Post says, in part, in an article last week: “Some degree of taxation is, of course, inevitable and useful. But taxation in Canada has passed the point where it is inevitable, in that it represents a good deal of unneces­ sary cost of government. It has pass­ ed the point at which it is useful, the point beyond which the harm it does exceeds the good accomplished. For money that goes in taxes is lost to the other uses to which it might have been put, in increasing the comfort and resources of the country. And if taxation has not passed the point at which it is productive it must be close to that point. y *»* *•* NO NEED TO RUSH The Canadian Chamber of merce meeting at Vancouver was of the opinion that Canada must have more population if it is to fulfil the destiny that nature intended for it. Canada, it is claimed, has one-six­ teenth of the world cultivable land and more than that fraction of the ■world natural resources. Canada has only one-half of one per cent of the population. Canada is a young country ahd doubt will forge ahead in years come. There is little dought that our natural resources are developed that our population will increase by attracting peoples of other parts of the world. The system that we think ts most advisable is to wait until there is a demand for immigration ent one, which it is not but will make their plans for a bigger and better ex­ hibition next year. Any annual exhibition with a re­ cord such as the C.N.E. has will, with the management it has, draw back the crowds in increasing numbers. They, however, could not control a paralysis epidemic. This great fair, despite this scare, had away over the million attend, which is no mean feat. On Monday the Western Fair at London got under way. It is the 70tn anniversary of this great West­ ern Ontario enterprise and we wish them every success. sk sk Wipgham Fall Fair Dates, Sept. 29, 30. Keep these dates in mind. Be a booster. sk * * Just three more weeks and the el­ ection will be all over, of all to cast a vote. =k * 4= The C.N.E. is . past, Fair is on, Wingham Fair is just two weeks away. Winter will soon be up­ on us. Jk & * =k Goderich Chinese are optimists if nothing else. They have purchased firecrackers to celebrate a Chinese victory. Jk Jk ’k # 5 Japan is meeting with unexpected resistance from the Chinese. It sure­ ly was not expected that the Chinese would stand by and let their country be overpowered by a foreign nation. * * * A girl who flunked in chemistry at high school, has become one of the outstanding women chemists in the A\A\CX VWdVV HYDRO LAMPS ■ TheLon& LiftLampt •M guaranteed 'Wingham Utilities Commission Pbcme 151. AT HOME 20 WEEKS WITH RHEUMATISM When home 20 his back, he would never work again. At last she said to him: “Let’s try Krusch­ en/’ and the change that took place was, in her own words, acle. “My husband is subject io rheu­ matism and suffered terribly with his back, Some time ago, I had him in the house for 20 weeksNwith it. I really didn’t think he would ever work again, We tried all the differ­ ent kinds of sajts you could mention, but none ot them did him any good. Then I said, ‘Let’s try Kruschen.* Since then, we have proved Kruschen Salts to be worth its weight ip gold. My husband is back at his job, thanks to Kruschen. The change it made is like a miracle.“—(Mrs.) B. Two of the salts in Kruschen are the most effectual solvents of uric acid crystals known to science, They swiftly dull the sharp edges ofthe painful crystals and convert them in­ to a harmless solution, which is then ■expelled through the natural chan­ nels. of strangers who were entertained by the antics of these frisky 4 young ani­ mals.' The squirrels had been tamed by Mr.” Nelson Harris,‘of Birr, and they showed not the least fear as he picked them up and fondled them. When (he editor of the Times Advo­ cate was attracted to the car by the presence of pthers, one little fellow sat up on its haunches eyeing the spectators as if they were the cur­ iosities instead of them. Mr. Harris was at the time purchasing some pea­ nuts for his charges and when he ar­ rived the undivided attention pf the squirrels was centred on the peanuts. —Exeter Times-Advocate. Snakes Invade Brussels Snakes seem to be quite numerous in town, three good sized ones being killed in a small garden last week, Another deajl one was- found under the couch on a front verandah by the lady of the house when she went to scrub the floor. Imangine ? the sur­ prise.—Brussels Post. United States, best incentive. * A party of trip to Canada to see” and learn some­ thing about agriculture. They ought to take a trip through Huron County. ❖ Timothy hay is now being used as a building material for roads. In that case they could just plow some roads under. :k 9,i Japana is preparing, for a long‘war with China, which has not yet been declared. Nothing like taking a long view-point on things. s|s 4: The Mediterranean puddle is u very liable to put the world in a muddle. The guards at the Guelph reform­ atory are to inmates, no also. Guilty Of Taking His Own Cattle It is possible for a man to steal his own property, Magistrate Makins rul­ ed at Goderich, when he convicted Dan Pitblado, farmer, pf; taking twen­ ty head of his own cattle from Wal­ ter Lumsden’s barn, after Lumsden had found Them in his pasture and impounded them. “I find you guilty. Your action was high-handed; and the law will not tolerate it/’ said the Bench, remanding Pitblado until Oct. A solemnized cm Thursday afternoon last, when Miss Catherine Celeste, only daughter of Mr.0 and Mrs. Wil­ liam G. Helwig, of Mildmay, was un­ ited in marriage to Mr, C. Robert Thompson, son of Mr, and Mrs, R, Wesley Thompson, Teeswater, The ceremony was performed by Rev. Robb, assisted by Rev, A. W. Sauer, at the home of the bride’s parents. Mr, Thompson is one of the firm of Thompson Bros,, Teeswater and Mildmay. After the ceremony the young couple left for Toronto, Hali­ fax and Philadelphia, on a honey­ moon trip. On their return t^ey will reside in Mildmay,--Teeswater News. Takes Over Dr, Kidd’s Practice Hr. C. E. Connors, of Foleyet, near Sudbury, has purchased the medical practice of the late Dr, R. T. Kidd, taking possession last Wednesday. Dr. Connors is a graduate of Queen’s University, Kingston, and was an in­ terne at St. Michael’s Hospital, Tor­ onto . For the past year he has been practicing at Foleyet, Ont. Dr. Kidd was drowned at Bruce^each a short time ago. , Increases in the price pf steel have necessitated a slight increase in the coat of metal roofing, but it actually costs you less, relatively, to buy Rifa« Rol)orTite-Lap roofing toVaythan ft did in 1933. Look at these figures. Here is what it cost you in commodities to buy Rib-Roll or Tite-Lap roofing in 1933 bb compared to today. Cost of 100 sq. ft. Roofing 1937 112 lbs. 5.6 bp. 9.875 bu. 8.5 bu. 83 lbs. 1933 Beef . , , 120 lbs. Wheat . , 6.85 bu. Oats ... 14 bu. Barley. . , 11.5 bu. Bacon Hogs 96 lbs. _ — So, don't put off getting a new roof to protect your crops and livestock. Get one of Canada's two best roofing values, Rib-Roll and Tite-Lap Roofing—Easy to put on right over your old roof. They save money by cutting upkeep coBt. Be sure to get the genuine E.S.P. product and have no regrets. There are many unsuccessful imitators I Send ridge and rafter Side and measurements for free cost ♦ndhpj estimate. Eastern Steel Products Write us for details or Bee your banker. He will welcome you. U» STATITE LED-HED NAILS. Lead on the head positively seals the nail-hole. A drive screw nail that holds like a bulldog. JAMESWAY POULTRY EQUIPMENT No matter how largo or small . your flock, there is Jamesway equipment of every type to suit your needs exactly. Specialists in incubators, ven­ tilation and poultry housing. Write for literature. The Preston Fertllator attached to your seed drill enables you to sow fertilizer with your fall wheat PICOBAC PIPE HHI —TOBACCO JBHi FOR A MILD,COOL SMOKE Continues Theological Studies 5 On Monday, Mr. Ross McKay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lauchie McKay, concession 6, left for Cleveland, Ten-, nessee, where he will resume' his studies in the Bob Jones College, where he is taking a theological course, in preparation for the Chris­ tian ministry. Ross spent the past school year at this well known col­ lege, which is interdenominational and has made excellent progress in his studies. At the close of the col- 706 Guelph Street PRESTON, ONTARIO * Factories also at MONTREAL end TORONTO Walkerton Doctor Seriously Injured Dr. _Malcolm Stalker, M.O.H., for Walkerton, and dean of the medical profession of this part of Ontario, [suffered a serious fall while descend­ ing the stairs in his home. He is in a serious condition. He is said to have struck his head on one of the steps as he fell, causing a severe cut. On Friday, September 3, Dr. Stalker celebrated his 83rd birthday: In spite of his many years of activity and' ser­ vice in the medical profession he had been enjoying extra good health. • An Uruguajmn who lost $1,000,000 at barraret is back at the game to get revenge. So far he has lost on his attempted come-back abput 10,- 000,000 francs. He should know by now that the odds are with the table but some people never learn when they are beaten. DISTRICT aUitOHHtitjuiiHciiifMtimiMfHimtiUiiiiiHisuttuimiUuMj' Possesses Violin Over Three Hundred Years Old Mr. Wm. J. McNall of Lucknow is in possession of a very rare violin, which he received as a present nine years ago. Mr. McNalL has discover­ ed a label within the violin which reads: “Jacobus Stainer in Absam Prppe Oenipontism,T625." This viol­ in is one hundred years older than one owned by G. A. Schattfe of Wing- hame whose violin is similar to one of a collection in the United States, which is worth many thousand dol­ lars. If age counts for anything, it may yet be discovered that Mr. Mc- Nall'S violin is an extremely valuable possession.—Lucknow Sentinel. 36-Y-ear-OId Binder Mr. R. H. Rayburn, 1st line, east, Caledon, cut this year’s harvest with a binder that has done duty on his farm for 36 years and still does good work. Canvas and parts of the frame have, of course, been renewed, but the first tongue ahd doubletrees are still on the machine. It is unneces­ sary to add that Mr. Rayburn be­ lieves in housing and taking care of his machinery. Dug for Worms, Sound Money A man from London and his two sons, accompanied by Mr. George Noble, of Markdale, went fishing about a week ago in Markdale. In crossing Mr. Wright’s property to the river they ^topped to dig for worms, near where an old barn had stood. Here they were surprised to unearth some silver money, in all to the value of $6.30. George was not so fortun­ ate in finding the eoinS, his discov­ eries amounting to about a dollar. Twa quarter dollars bore the date 1837 and the othcr coins 1861.—‘Dur­ ham Chronicle. Tame Squirrels as Companions Two tiny" squirrels, ode a grey and the other a black, enjoyed the free­ dom of an automobile on Main St and were unaffected by the presence THIS GHASTLY TRAGEDY COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED! ............. 1 x If it hadn’t been for a foolhardy, reckless, criminal driver this accident would have been avoided. As it is, one victim was taken direct to an undertaker’s parlours and two to a hospital. The driver who caused it is hopelessly crippled for the rest of his ide. YOU'LL BE IN TROUBLE IF YOU DISREGARD THE LAWS If you are a reckless driver travelling the Ontario highways, cutting in passing on curves and hills, endangering the lives of others, you will find yourself in serious trouble. The appalling death toll must stop-and vou who are responsible for it will be put off the road! ' ' are watching you; so be forewarned I Ontario Motorists Will Co-operate When you see a motorist driving in a manner dangerous to the public, take his number* make & careful note of the Actual time and place, and when you reach your destination write to the Motor Vehicles Branch, Department of Highways, Toronto, giving full details. We do not invite reports of minor infringements of the traffic laws; you are requested to use sound judgment. We uiH deal adequately with offenders. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Motet Vehicles Branch A thousand eyes