Huron Signal, 1865-01-26, Page 2.11 4uton remellawmiemmenweememme Geng.” for the kiwi 'wiener in which the ; mast hart been proposed and recreed. --• life in the tiresnalde of Statiley. he had taker' onerythineps it mem, dome ses fell eh .1* of • the week ihot Use tu Ille done, anJ always Moorecemweswer-=--e- ---e duine it well. l'he result, seu teat et was ,SOMICNI. c. w 1 ., v,..2i. isoc. held in aniversee esteem riee,ever h3 eas "•I . ••• ' ,h.ouwe• (A ppleus..) In public and pricier 101; Ititehie had eltemi leareel a tlieetueli• TRIg W•111 - The Federal' mow to have enaLlithed theosselvee in Serannah Mime its capture. Posed service with the North hos been resumed, large storm of captured cotton are being bleeped, mud nee:laboring firm- . en are iota to tied, in the city. Sher- man has agoin assumed the. offensive; and it is amerced that further victories may stem be expect -tea. Tee" Federal monitors wore aunt. iu Charleston harbor on the 16th by torpledoes. The pace stories are emisrodi ague. It i4 now stated Reit the atiesiom of Bleir to Richmond was not so futile as at first reported, and that having held long eionferenees with Mr. Lincoln, he has gone back tu the Confederate 'end- • tal, armed with power to arrange fur funk- er negotiationr towardia peaceful arrange. snout of ezisting difficulties. Wilinieg- ton is and to be so emtpletely shut up that blockade raintling is out of the at les - tion. Cotton, liewever, to ehe value of 13,500,600 has been Phipeed from minion to Nassau during the past leo days, 'MI great activity exime amongst bleckade runueri. stoI",%, honest turn. not Uleftly la matters ul dollswo cid coma, but i.1 the in mitt:settee' ut ;Wm; hellorehle priemples Wet ohould mer ek eimer Of a public male arid them - endearing pielities wheel ucie ut olio. the ud 4•10122041. 11101 pereetunteig attributes 1, re levied Feed Inc Climes.) Eveu there weee room for baterd iti his breast. la; tr,melloseee lemettly, and we as thole du wee can • e smile and snide a a .1." (Lnieliter eed Me would leer popes, st bumper te the heolth of the Gueet u: the e. etimg to Menlo lItteltle, Ilsoi. • 'Doe 4..04 woos leceived with Muesli of ale photo hot 111.14.10 OW table tattle. opine Me Affinuein seal Moline :they heard Mr. Ititeltie'esresowille Ilt• would hive to *Mt a wor- e the ittivellent reeler -Le Met hetet. leen lie cluemien, apd Itielet4 Ite lied iou Ghouls', w ere heertily concur' in by all ieeneet. Ile (Mr. A.) was gled te So Pinny of Mr. lalsonte's ioet4hOuill end fumed. Mini a ills - omen protein on Wit °volute., lweeese eneedered test be was tenth, or the *Orme hey welled to pey to kis resat as • puttee end a priretegentlemati. . Mr. Reeler ied represented the township le its lo'ititey in verieur celiac:Una and it mutt give- Mat etemie,e to nee so insey of bir fittede erJupd hito tem Mein Menne: upoti their commit .,144.00 ever./ i idicieem of usideninielied t u t tele.ree. ( A pelouse,) Ile wee ts sti ie• IpeCoed app eci ited -as a ufficia: wt. mem pissed tor essiffility, mei tirotirieticy When lie (Mr. It ) Came into Om teweship upwefes ol thil1/ yealeaju it mobil w &holies. - - .1M teasplIsiontrers Dinner 10 11. II. Ititchic. 'Esq. Prompted by a deeire to manifeat their appreciotioo of the public serv and pelotas virtues of D. 11: Ritchie, Foot ' ,:oebia Stanley friende entertained t .fdromeiplintentery Dinner en Frid ev 3. log last, at Bolton's Hotel, Bee -field. Th evening wee a very pleas int one, mod we, were glad to see that although the sol'uner! waa a femily one, so te epeak, many of Mr. ititchie'e friend* from tioderielt, Ctititon, Bruoefielilk. eeeC-a(orth, 10., were preeent on the occesion. When dim', 'eras announced Dr. Woods of Stanley took e Chair. eupported ou the right by the gumat ol the evening. and t W. W. Connor, Esqi, Ott the left by Drie Cole mid A. M. Ross, Eso. oPeter son, En., County Clerk, filled the tee - Chair. Amongst the guests we noticed Mr. Ales Johnston, Reeve of Stanley, Mr. D. L. Silk, Mr. A. Camphell, Mr. Richards, Dr Gardner, Mr. F. IL Bin • he was sehieeted to MI the Iserbilime. ittenboit le life se .0 tiers couttey. Ile wee; let a dente. Before he met !veil einteteneille I rit atrieficial cepecity, he hod by the latto uf hie owe 11 n141 herrn hinter!! mure, geoe hone. *h. w ried eel beleedee to no ionetv. 11 was vein,: lu the etfueis of steal inev that they erre provided with such a serene ae he I been placed hebee them tor that 4111tifer It must now .1oe- a roomer sal pleas ore to Mr. Ranh.' to oke reftes peettvemew o( het hod accomplished tit eiltilletittint with inhere. They 11411 Moe • fiee reilway eavetsme the I:Airily and at 44:impiety eetetork of splendid grave' rued*. ;it the erujectioti of which their .erteemed „1 eed tete, e. preen:mit pave ;Tte‘e e these greet puleic. irselovement. elo vehuld lemmas% of. the fernier* of the G em!: pee:reel; 7 Why, rather dein rule; ity4•14 Nority, they would commit* tositase their pre itt texes doileed ur (Yee! &of che ••0 Mr. Binh, .- tom to respond amide con- inued cheert Ile 'Ilene -Mr. nowirointi, VieeChaitmell gC111 iv me :4r 10 1 11 to,,,k niost 4i:el); tlw ve. y Lee/ rod Coterie.; Pewee. which *lie Meet 11.41 propoted, fleeter, ted by A.liainsue • sod Mimi ved by the % lien - 1..ok around me t rreelelll 11 hoed. y remit eit of the truchine feet diet Any 01 thew ruy tio-4irees eh° are How rey wi4"1., *heti I knew them time 1 the pe le 4;1 • uf eatery usenlerost, tu so 0( fie yvilin4 aim w. -re boy., 'mil sone) ha been elope Mr. Adesesori reputed the bealtb of D. le. Sills, Esse • ; Mr. Sets responded in an elorteent spetich.! which we !egret went of s;oliele elevens se I trine reporting in telt, iett reiy easy tait len wo al the rate of about COO per niteuse. I either la the way, as the eteilleman lit at least twice ors fret ae Iliet. John A. Mc- ; eiltu is said tu he the feethet weaker 'nt reasouable terwe. The matter should lie attended to, at all eveuts,' by the authon• ties of Brum without delay. . The Present Winter. , , The winter thus far has been the rover. est expetieneed in this section fur the peg tett years. For yearn put the quantity of *now thot fell annually was so small, " The Medical Pioreesioth" mie leant!, . and Penned to deerease at such a rate, that h'ee'lp'";:att'deredolo 1,1 1)" .14)4°r' and huulum ',Yet' twiny imagined the time nut for distant '14.1,s1 ls.,'":4',1„;,71..1,1O1,,too ollos flo'.°....•'"x.,,..":el.:11 7.1r:::111,10 'gill the year round. This winfer however mr, "ii iieesed fie hmtili t s pr i of the ledite; wheat we should have nothing but wagoning seem* 1 it o • se ) deteruithed to wake up fur plat defi• 1.1emphe I end De Leech. thel,...jeAcle(1.;•it, pump; eel the Inelthe of, Wel isiettetes. SilllT the early pert of December Mr. 'won* neieeeke ie ei.neet sto.. snow has flatten aliment' constantly until it 'hankie; the emu:user ie mite iteehiete own! lies about 3 feet deep in the woods and the le addition la whet we hare given in detail' roods ere drifted full; so much 110 that iu 1.41- 1144 ii: eitel.y moroceihrenee of her. Meet., there were s wigs unborn eed, pieces pl•cer laden vehicles can hardly COMO Old el es/melted music (win ow iteytieid itrees ot the 300CeolisiOUe. There is 'a theory, 1 lie compeny broke up about 2 n clock, founded on pretty oniud principles, we Bend, ar. think, that SUCh winters are always fol - not a seigfe word leaving leen titteied to mtr the lotrodeity end good tbe histily lowed by splendid eprings an I $11111111C111. p'ease.I company. Al •1111 events, " old inhabitants," can . • v T011ell for the foct that the besteerops ever PE.it'E PLIOSPETS. gathered in *hie pertio Coneda, in thel 11" PratKeta of a "Pe"! P°300, or "good old tiatea were gado:reel after whieh\we heard se much"teeently, seem to itptt such cola, steady, snowy winters _am have exploded. 'We tear nothieg of. the we ere new enjovieg. Me hope tl.c lapse meeting of Oldie,' delegates from each of tiwe has not tee:tiled the theory, for stenos, and as for the wilsion of Bleir & Woat Certainly a eplendid crop next year Son, it seems that the worthy peir were would he very acceptable to our crappled not' so much morel by patriotism as by t, farmere, .und more especiolly wit Would deeire to ee.cure ten On pecuniary objects. 1,,4„, happen to tee good, - That the Contederates aro still unappiled by the recent dicsieters to their arms io LITER A k Aurvicr.s. evidenced Ly the Hoeing resolution Tam Cetitt.Aeli A collection of Settee which 0.45 adopted by \their Legislature and Lyrics, original and sdeeted, for ithin the past few days\: • • b • itradred, thot we, the representetierti ot the Colieederete State* are\ firmly delves. tiled too cuelititor the streeele ieewhielt re are etre:vett mail tee Coiled Stew* shall ue knowledge oureincleeeodettee ; imd to Witt &let minetem, ; wink • eincere OuriviCtioto oil the jetties, (dour vitae. awl arehumble rel. atterespott e Sul vete Itelet. el Nietiens. we soleonoly Oulerlste.” P ) II. 11. Cameron, Evi., Principal tithe • Centrul Sebool, Godericlo, publiehed by , Theo. J, Moorhouse, Bookseller and Stet ionot. Tide lithIseme little volume of poetry supplies a woo which ham been long felt comsection with the magic. mehools of The New York am* .41.14,1 .9,44 the cotintry. Hobert.), although the re- Sewsee gives tery little lily of peme. • . . . . _ . n guter macs ot setioot poote s uge It sees ‘• Thiate who me IS ,k tee to peitie three el. e published in ,Cansila, no attempt his been Pical. er, m tellseemeee, lle ; wade to throw into a permattent and st• meth net ur remoile, of persona( i ttersiews trochee furtu a eiaffieient ounther of tames, uffictelaut the mewl 1f.rsertimeiol, ase, Provincial Parliament. (eremite, Jan. 19. This day at three o'clock p. lin Excel. leaser the . Governot Geiterel 'crummier( in stele to (be chamber el the Leeielattre Conti eil in the Parliament Builetues. The mem hers of the lemislative Ceuteril beteg mum- bled, Ike Excellency was plessed to cum; novel the attendance of the leetelative As- sembly ; aud 'that Mouse being piemei, !IL Face lens" wits !demon! 1 o opso the third session of the eiehtlt Pal Meerut el the Prow - rice el Camels with Ilic MOMaitoz Skeels Irwin Inc Throne., Hot lir:a:rum* k/ Legialutios Conweii. ask awaticestto of Ma Lreio tottro Asoostlativ "In calltne reubeo ther to resume the ocrereinance ut your'. unitutional duties, 1 demur 112 express my t cent Prow elence ilist goaluiale fell 011 111• rnenh cuitterament of the people 6 end Ihe continuatite to us or Messer.* of peace. ik(ultters to a beterti• , remitted to con prineerity and bts Prurinte, ttouteseert bete hten examined on the Mourners* and tero limy of the Stales • kitterieli loy penises were after the tense natio. of thi tie acts have ems du refeee ou Cetiailiart ere/. In med.: to preveirt or• gems:wen of mot sock "merle lees * this Piovince,and elm) to fro %hie me • 1.0 .:111:Lia,pdr :oht .4. :a iit 0:at a p :lb; ea. t z. lioik tit 01 r dale ti frgi:::tter hoe of the United Steles. awl with tee s..ine demo I have tolled out for per. mauve duty a lig:WU of the vulenteer hem have sueeested the propyiety • of &melee the executile goos• ernme it with struniger rower than it nutv powders:fur destine rah persoos e hu. while erail.14 thenteelver of We right of asylum elm!' heti sihrays heen allowed on Deed. sell to pellucid refit:vs front all find et emeat its, any he unmindful' of tbe olilieetietts which, by their residence sonionzst Ids, tbey etc einem to obey .our tact arid le re - seem tee &Neared policy uf our So.ercien. .k hill I ined.for Om purees, *111 be iere before y u, and I auk fur it tour 'early cum ' 464. 'Mai ninappy ti be able tr; iefurin you of the seal arid alacrity deepened ' laz the mem e el t • woo:Antes, force •Voloor Called Noun to lure me for 'wive service. Tint comet,* s101•111 that the preteltt population of Cairosdu thee dot deptiterAted from the manly virtues w loch 'or Isoweller Iler emcee leen wide', it de e•vee ite oi au1 that it 'Bey bo meted on, Under any eircurnmaecetrie to ; 10 the to our pooljumill,reiting their hilltoet on a false dloC•. rattled tO the caracole, of oer c1111:1 basic A very lin,e lefte time it Seems to tie then,: but we aro hippy to see th tt the wi I cent/Mee en* wie th 4 eh e el utters even it they wree compatilee with the prince complete aud publisoer of the volume pies oif whist) the Wm has been, conducteol, befertoos' have succeeded tio ',II ie pro- • must prowe abortive Iter itelluMe that We em fest to alley, ten *not, mol that, this is to be /0 lel lletpitiel ;114 47;111 13,15, • 11 WS '111.4)1.01y wippote, 111011W: 11111 1 hel it I. ucc ed sooluelatily, ass'the tem ot negirti oti I -es than tees co, I rem,. V.1., tee towieffirp. Frum the toad elicit they to -me the war And dee. way in winch yeti, Cltairmeni ete te. • anyleely suppose th3t, we *di g•ve teem ebarled ; more Car aie,4itethent a peeve the, efieselliethen rehellion ne a frentage to them - Ins .• lenitive met "Amanita! e it -eels? raven they waive their chiton (0 tidellendellt•e. we mince. e their voi.struction vat this lgiisti 1 ' tali ? 'Can we re them Sem severeieety their aNt.ptielint of the trim C411 st itt m Ley t him: 011 Wily point *IMO., did 100 haveet hen tie Y beenti tee star ? ker, Mr.• 4.thu Eseun, Mr. T, Walelt; - Moors. .Moorc, Daviton and Moss of . Goderich, Mr. John Joedyn, and -about• sixty of tile tuost reepeetable rout- ers, professional men and menthants of tbe neighborhood. . The hotit had provided it sufficiency of the good thitios of life fur his hungry guests many uf wham had ridden far through the froety night uir, and, although he no doubt did los best, it could hardly be expected that he would equal in skil- ful serving and tasteful arrangement the more experienced caterers of oar large towns and cities. It is, however, possible, that be imaginel any little deficiencies on his part would be made up by the good will of 'the ;guests ioearile Mr. Ritchie, and we are wort hippy to sty diet be was not disappoioted; fur in all uur expe- rience of things of the sort --ani .it it pretty large -we never saw seventy gen- tlemen noire thoroughly bent upon ehow- ing kindness and pool feeling towards a guest whom they sought to honor an I please. On the removat-of the cloth. the Chainnon proposed • The Queen, God bless Her. (Cheers.) II ind-Uod elle the Qecen. ,. l'rince and 'Princese ofoWales arid the rest of the Royal Knotty. Bond-Bule 1 Brittania. . • , . The Governor General. '. For he is a jolly good Fellow '' The Chairman then proPosed, Tlic Ar- ray and ?itty of Britain. The toast was received with enthu-iasni. . Adjutant A. Juhnstott , =Al Bottalion Iluron Militie, in respuoidin, mai, I feel Mr. Chairman, Vice -Chairman and gentle- men, most hippy in returning thanks fun the warns Intl hearty wanner in which ynu have dreak the health lit the army awl n avy of Great 13ritoin. With regent tn the n ary, I would Only say thOt il there is a ' asyy afloat that don't love, them, Mir wavy of Old Eiglind will tdayli thew, .at least, to fear then' , and th3t banner, the pride tithe British nation (nod we are a part), that banner of freedom and no moricory, that banner which ham stool the '• II into sod the bre:xe for a thousand yeors," will Mill be borne triumphant, Mt every sea and in !very clime by the odium officers mad men of the British novf. And should we unfortunately hare we 'mien for their services on them lakes, they will woke our. saucy neighbours .dance to the music of Mien,' and rockete ; and in this business 1 mu confident th it ' they would Do well assisted gni supported by the bone and eine" of C inola, and &ISO by the hardy moon and Llue•nosel fiehermen from Mehra:, and the coasta of Nova Scotia, Newfouniend, New Idrunsaick, arid the sturdy lligh and Sootch from l'riiiie Edwards Island. (lireat iippiarae.)-- Mr. Cheirmae, I know these wen, I have been anthoest them, forty years ago 1 watt Signal director on the Caudal of Halifis, and also in Charlottetown, P. E. Island ; I know they are loyal to the core.- tCheers.1 IVitli regerd to the army, Mr. Clairman, 1 need °My euy, th It they ,witl be ever proud, ready and %Wino to dia. °barge their I duty, and I may add, that theit dincipline and efficiency, is only tot* 'tingled by their vie* and bravery, When confrooted by an ene.ny, and 1 am sere hi laying, that they are the best clothed, fed, paid, armed and accoutred, of any •rmy 10 the world, anil last but not lemit. their Artillery and Cavalry, have the beat honest, that can be fathead, tor those urine 0 the merrien Anil to vmelude, their di•abled mid wont -out soldiers are bratter providod for than that of any other artily, that I halm either soon or read of. (Choers.)-- And tbe old sailors likewiwo and any one wise bats or nosy visit Chelsea Hoomitel, or urseewieb College, will be coniinced of Mote AMU. ( A ppl• sec ) Ay Mr, Whitt. yit illseirenan row and soot be wished ii &video! moon entre ono better Rble thon blerealf se propose the toms which lie mot mem reboot 10 near. Mr. Berth*. , howerer. asa =Ir terroondod by hit remolds sod es mre him they 0 so know that tai ex yos. is, mealy mrai.74 sired. The Otlelll Wirt! Fears a Ins I Rd erestieg boe enust411 to &peak sor u10, 1 aiu ellwast form at-000lorg mattenittle. to your but welt rea.el 1., Mr. Aol,itileeed 1 ie;ardistit,Irtit puNie Sarties• I feet nem, es geese. may Bey, witheut iodu'gitte egotism, teat 1 have taw.en a deop ea.:lest 1 all Ilse 1134414 insprueelnitodS tot the Comitiee. %Veen. I li.st 'mew ilm tirenchip thee was; n o; • Feel te it, atel liard.y t.ee cut dose, I 11, Veld, Of Coll:de, there Wen! home i.1 die vow yo, ,t„i.0„t e,„tto ouch ferto ethieri 10.10 enjity. 1.stead of a Ite,e, serenade from a Imre}, we were, tensest dive ter1„, erected eith the hoelirie ot wieves. Our I .. • nut the se.:liti et chance of their , ,0,1 1,egetiateties ol any /On. theueli we holt 11 in another pasture tie ds were tiie tiebroken troolle ; deet.eete 1,7 peeper, a .„ i1,1 1, hay mews tite tope of elms, (lauehter ) hut ; hy ne mean remote. Lee's army et all that remains el th rehellien, :mil se lone as Ow I have lived ts see spritigsq up ground Mr ell the conifures end many of the !emotes of civilised lite.. (Applause ) In those early Joys Ch•re etteeeet a reirme bet were this aed BrueetieId that 1 ems Hut at, eut tent 5' are cheneed mow, stet we are. most ut tat,' able I or hued hewers without hav 111,e IS Wet our .411 12e 411•1 then. 1 Ill 47 it iy thoi there is net • Unit in the tow milli., that, serum/hi heeler or endwed nee e levideltied thee 1 del. But 1 Wee y‘inti4 10441 10 hear it met Leer Liuk beck with mile te 11.e , Mils and trium.phs, herthiliqs and haimitiess erthus. eevy straegotie yea s. (Cliortm ) lle could %Fume Itiose resent that 'he (...1 110114111.4 by the dem bilfti.41100 (her Led :nee trim. A, their represesiliiti re the telleiti. I ;stip feel c ty Councils he led veleavietel tte iv:roe there feillifully, and ho lead the penmen. of eneeete 'het he eel getter:illy *net es4!ul Amyl Imo( he undertook. (et hat co •aefileteer.) lovp;iy 1 110014 'het the etedialtty el the [Mee" 41,111014h U. ti011 le45 is proof that Ile still tejeys41 confidence aed esteem. Well iet videos ,r Mg to melte a lengthy speech,,te ern. d ere- seeia them fur then 1.1.ele•-se 14 .• ft•Slli Mile Seal.- Clirer11.), Soi. by Cele, •.• Wedee eele!one 0 bona The 4 heir an then emposed the Veluetecrs an,1 51.1.i:a 'e.tud t. Rosso n response. *Hulled te the great elienee th hal White el tee le 12," sounteer tell VIVO 'Centel.. so ery re. centiy; whieh Wee ',Aced by the chestie tem Mid eunleever continvol awing Ilie posst few seam 111 cense.' ere ef the Anocri can M ar. Not lime el: es the American peep!. seemed to th.ne lace steeffing a. mies meeperably cOonetied sith the devotee... of Euro;oe, lout we new etre that is the Cid does imitate we awe nu', iAiit tor espehl Mich a prowe as we c, a "weep'. When 'het destroyrd the Iodic ion Is srushed, and •c shal Cove such a Ve meet fol.'s,/ the rest me& siutherity 11 the Cermet ; Mel lews uf letendl Sin A. 11..t 'het great hett'e tete tins te fie fu . It eaii meet be averted ; r evade Ow' could Wsterl et, awl its result en side. h lemt, roust lit mleally decisive ••It is t tier nal (bee th govere lit is now ate aseme. - It is hri igine . its aveilable- mi'itery force lp neer upe teat. Its tint. 0%11 01 esti 11. be to coined teem Lee to meet it ;eel's:lc. eessful in that, i.s peat eted•avor „eel be 1.. detest and overwhelm him. At.' it foals ha eith.tr the war may be preforete.le sorted,' lo/th, we mull, in the engross: CourSe I 01 etreiota, 11 14e s prompt Mel IMtioif Foca; e. Aed in 11,1 Other tray, isirl at lio WM t mem, ourjrneptierde can we.heve iteace ist all.•' --.••••61.- • .11i. 40.4 -- The Toronto Reform tom. wittier. • just what was _wanted. The book contaths ub itit 1 4 ) tog •s and comprises lvrge nutuiter or pieces must be- come t....ry pmpler wherever 'introduced: Iffeedee several :ton lord loxes Anew p T- utu Beloit' awhors, tt coutams Klee witty genre from such Canadian writers as Alexander McLachlan, the tate Thomas MCQUeen and Wm. Bannatyne, which. alone are worth the wavy asked f the hook. As this is the firs! enterprise the kind ever mteenpted in the County !Neon, we tru41 Mr. Moorhouse will be matey rewarded tor the time and trouble it has cost The attention of meal:too trustees and Others directed to the ad- artieuient in another column. , , CII 11 13Elta' JOURNAL, -We 13580 to thank Mr. Moorhouee fur a coPy of this fontousilriti•li Monthly. Thc present is a gm...1'61w to subscrthe for It. • SocieTv.-We should hare noticed this brill' ent magaziee in our last: Chawitt _le Co , Toronto, T. J. Moor - house, Goletieth : Contents of the Janti try notnher '01 I Foehiooed Winter", Fire - i le FrolieS, Scotes itt Court, Coelebs in peareti * %treacly Eovelope, The Mystery of the Bloody 11/trib. Our Wid: owed Reece, Custri.ii as it affects Dinner- time, Social Sketehes. A Fast liun and a Double '.iill. The Pie(trin Cinumittet or Aotociation of Toronto, has Leen guilty of high erim:s! and ntiolentean'ors in the eves of Rowe I &mese it dared on the evening f the 1 71 t 3 convene a meeting for the purpoee or dim:meting the Confederation Question.' When Hon. 3Ir. 'McPherson *as elected the Lerribe and ite entailer followers rim- ed eith delight, and proclaimed what it eciahrd to believe Was G fact that Unitise& was deo told burie I orthout hippo resurrection. That Wilt after the Col& 'tine t lett hed tetervemol Since- the cumaietlee tion of our party 'leaders and it • is net spent uf the feu they had resche I tite sloths of a itnit.eten mew:, pewee eeneee„).. vim iriag that loch, ah 'exhibition of tinge anneal and a4 the 1110ilein i 111,1•40e• uuciilled-for penis triebip created much metes the art of war. 1'. g"" "" indignation in the 1/113 or echo -niers.: They complained, ve thst.1 although they Lail coneenled o bury for the tine:ob.:Fig the hatchet or rty war- ! fare; their old opponents manifested nc desire to meet them half way. on the controry, tluritie the Saugeen contest pled e reeteceible peewee ee.I be believe,' the lioderich ceutponies toed done melte every eleetim since they have int 035 vflizeill tt Moe.' nod filled e eiesriellce teke constn.iii4 Iiiree Cele.* of men. The Castedait euthorities 11.014,1 Mer7 inely. he thought treteleirkeig sehools. mit was abeeluttly eecematy the* I lie 'Meet slwieel have seine little know leidae of the dude. thecseieht Ire called te t., serfdom. l'he Volifeteers 01 l's•ia.14 orecu little luovide eetallOishinw 114.08 ,„,lo that 0,1 all the • 0 u party Welles, positien. C. Yes," nerd Climes ) e not tor .a tnotnent ceased to Mr. Stewa.t said lie Wel and ellen they 4 ton• b. Ira' tried he heird 1110'eonservative organixition, either would 1m able to sleet up With ano •. allege, the time will s of their ,V,Oltintear companies. (1.e.ehtet the old lines oil! be sad A pplavee.) Sone by Mr. Jicelyn. 'fhe Viee ('Itairmee then propened 1111 Ag. Nue eta of the Comity 1.1 etnilleti• tem %Ali the iteno• of 1: Sills, Eel. Mr. Sete gaill be ma balmy to Meet le meet sn nutty idielletent lemiletnen twootool that boa.d It •as delreleful to tlielk 111..ir were bet s wIreo own teulit vole igi•Oier le eet tl • hie,or tit seethe's:* oho ile...1 O..1 ne hikelv ae Mr. lielehie. A tritsvture was the - 6.01.101i.111 of all civilise ,,,,, end witheet Commeree, snit the Arts aed Scieileed t "Uhl here fitieletiCe. Conti, tring the le Mt it Fee 31 meet ago wito its present 01 ti ,,,,, the ; sew what • ea 1 than o• .n effected y the ate iii the strong he oar fernierr. 71r. Selo alter &liven. • some-, whet lengthy etwech upon 1110 iluo st uf Ag; neulloire and CoottiouIree. by tem mount -tee • well eserned soluera ow r. Itolchie. I. I he Bar nf C int1da," wns stole tool be mere... reapendod 1,1 by eless.s. C Moore mod Jim Dertsoe, of (lielorith• %Ir. Ailemom, timpreeet the health of A el Rees, County Treamiter. Mr. WM in reaponding dwelt upon the "meld premien the Counitre held in a firmii cm, memo( view. end the great benefit rleti. tot from We pulite* improvements for whist. lases were twin( pad. hui in him of6. ie: volition se •seelleni ormertunity ef knewlei Mr. Ritchie's worth in • public mut private capacity. As lln effieer he wast not serpeseen Ay any mile le the Province. ( pplawse ) Mr Ross, io a neat end romplinosiotery manner, peoposee Th• prima of Caned.," .1% connection with the name of Mr. W. T. Cox, of the Huron Signal,. Mr. Cox responded in suitable terms, thank ing those present, on behalf of the Press, ever. Now, !entre assurance to t reform organ'. plinl It cad or Mr. have reach up mese, es they ly 'come when ideally defined me r, their press has the' n round anil denounce mien, as nn net or unclean- ry. They rejoice at the defeat arewell, in South Ontario, and think or ROOM le th&ilt that it is ell of reform t stand with folded 111 while they sgrucp awly every oonetit• uencylbtliat offers an opportuaity. 1, Their ery of treachery is absurd, and is even open to retort. It ie the duty of Reform. ere, at this juncture, to du all in their power to prevent partis inship front throvting °Week* in the way of useful legislation, but it is no less their duty to keep • watchful eye upon those who will not mreple to take advautage of eny perineum' on their pert. Enna Improvement Ennd. The (inehec co respondent of the Lender. gives • list ot Municipalities which should at once mend power of At- torney to an agent there to draw land impremement fund for 1860. Brum, we Astern-, in the eategory. If an agent is desired, We would reennunead Mr. Beery Grist of Qnebee as a gentleman who will, we believe, etemate any commis - lion ef the port with prowtritude sad on ClItlICIIMAN'S 31 tooetor. -An es- cellent book for Ant:neat. readers. Ito - ported dtrect front Enel rod by Chewett le Totouto, sold by T. J. Mourhouee, Goderich. • Goner for February is to heed and is a /Tien 1 number, superter, tf poolde, to anything that has preceded it. An ei- trcuvelY ..trui book for 'ladies. M001. 1101111e supplies it. . Elooll Anneo.--2:31esers". Tiekinr Field*, the celebrated Boston publishers, have kindly sent in a cepy of their ill ne trate.] edition of Tennyeon's admirable poem; linneh .kriien. It 18 printed on tinted papereillustrated hareeettleisately, and i al- lozether oanyckispeeineen of typography. Mr. 31,,orhouse will hove it on elle in a few thy.. The Treaty. .-- - A cortex ent o the Montreal 'Her. all' M I our ite- ms of yesteriley you stated the Senate of the Uinted States hall, by • vote of 31 to 8 confirmed the action token by Congress, in reference to the Reciprocity Treaty, 10 that there ie not oo any doubt that the nieces+ try notice w be given to the British Gonernm •nt for e abrogation. It luly not be g-nerally underethoil that this action on the part of the Amtricen entheritien ives us ache tire of Likes Mitthigon and ChoMplain, and th it nn Cana,li In vemel cen, after the terniination ol the Treaty, enter either of these likes without theepermission of the Ainertein • ci ;ea.! idourtdy,, toltre 1,11,e.u... .rot eez .u,sfewta cc .1.dated stattosee Lewer Caned., leir fef L iraM4Ceeirsda, Itave cemplete.1 the termer . , 4 Litt priieeilsee • Sh1t11 he 144 leifor:erses" ;'( iert their detv Tr in • very ed. -mired mate. The eit'Lli'keeletjuiloeit';:i; eirmedenet the code ut :tett' a 4- sa u tbe end law 01 hoth F. curb a id Eit,:10111 etsteitil WI to he of drew betietit to the coltaintehts of Lower cepemb, hyeutilo ini ihe meek) of aft oreee. t , rood in teen i141144.04.;ell the till 'taw undo, ishia,hey e, aud e tech hetierte hist{ 0,17, tre • Yak'. itilf1411:114.41114:1 pee° ;lel wheat civil are se.:ti:ated LW it. " Citntletitra of the log islatice Assewiltly " The etpeedito e -re elereJ neressery eal:ine out ilie volutilee;11 fee active service. sad Which was uelot men when the estimates of thieve -rem yeer were speed es, will neve; , s tete seseeplem eitsry .vote tipm revise. : I !vise deemed thet a.1 estimate tor •tles.pur. ; tt ein ev to he in a position to inform ' yoe Met the b neial lees:stem of dm hot I erase to have bee sitereled with tenter:lel re. milts. The reve hie bee lareeey he:maw& ; cod there hese-wen co,eememeneous viten ;,;si°,"•:r.th (.1.4 itt ejete it it he lor the next tietencial year ei be Lel before you, and vett irie th they hue; beeti trained ir i4 Site ettreti *a. tr econeme comeiece *fie ecicy. - \ Mmememaimatememmemmemermetemmmeenime,,, 'the Ilease resolve! to pass the usual Standieg Cupasittees. Mr. Certify, then moved thin the Speech be considered tin Mouday next. liir. Holton thought thy Englials practice e houtd &tepee' et pruerediee at ouce with the Sionsch. Mr. Ca.tie'eseid that had never been the practice hem; broth.* it would be unfair, se • large number el -member' eery about. The inotieu was then carried. On motion of Mr. Cartier. seconded hy hlr Bemire the liouse edjourned 'mil Men. dey next, el. There meteors to be' ne prinerect of renumption of hostilities in front of Itichmond ter some time to mane. er-v, The lndians in Colorado have renewed their atrocities. A telegraph operator re- ports he tound an Aniet ican lent he, 11 miles west of Valley city, Lei ere, at1i1 Seven Wall* burnt to eintleol,-..triong theno. two vhildren atid title woman. It was expected the Indians would butcher every porson on the road, mares speedy aestelatiet Were Moil. Government. Thie will prove a genuses blow to Ceti oh in commerce, and should n weive the immediate attention of our Ministry. • ILotIrab!t litn11,17t•il oind f>telth atm, - .. • . '. At the dote of the lett sett. ill Pei Ii4• % Me it 1 iiitoristrd you that it. oes my Mt en Pit, itt eiti•jiinelisit e eh ruy ministers. tu p ere mill sidemen) yeti • ute tome fer the so:u U . t!i• ieeistitotteuoi pooeeet, the di .4e:ie.' i, . iif tsfilvli, lots 'We mine !erre aettme the l'resioce. ' A careful centeleretion of i ptelliern et Bliese teeth Ameri taec imicieni teat the et.cutnit aoint Co,untk Co. of it vireo Agrietalturofrkey. -7- ANNUAL MEETINli. The Annual meeting of members of the Ce. of Guam Agriculturol Society took ace in the Britioh Exehauge Hotel, tench, on Saturday the 2 1st inat. porta were received trotn the follow - such Societies: Stanley, limpur- hey, II , Leter, Ashffeld• and Wawa - ore, Aiuleytille, Clinton. and reasurer's Report • we learn encetneut of the year the sum of iiI.21.- in Flo, front the noel w 11774.10, 1. The mown 13.82, leaving a ids of 823.49. re-eleeted et ,Vice 41 Vice and • 1. ing nosh, Be 'llowick. From the that af the there wa* 011 he The etit't. reeeir enjoin sources of to making, in all 8 I 8.1'5. paid out in 1 861 was $ balance in the treasure.'s 'Phe report Was adopte I.. Robert Gibbons, Evt., w .•tresident ; A. M. lt we, E o., PreeidentioWea. Young; Eel., :- Presidaut; G. M. Trueman, Se' Andrew\Donogli, Treasurer. Tits Directors appointed few the e rent year were, J is loom" Pet Cerro!, Jtio Stever, OF:1mill* ), J. W. Elliott, JeMee jorraw Wm Piper, and Jolm ce.\ Messro James' ohnstoni, Sannyside, London; F. Stone, o lion David Christie, and Wm Fieteetison. M. P. P., ware voted as members trf the Board of Agrleuleure for the current year. , It f AS decided to hold the tuectings id Dark's Hoiel daring Ile year. , our next. The taro out of members W.1S f lire but hirdly so large as lost year. TIM See'y in comm.: ion with the Co. COUNTIES COILACJIlLs TIMILB11111111ITIL - - Tbe new Council wet at the Court House, Goderich, ma Tuesday last, Mr. Vamsou, Cosuties' Clerk, toik the chair aud before the wewbere took their seats read the (minim] of It. A. Garrison, Eiet , relative to the duty of the Clerk le the wetter of informal oertilicoms bourue by Ito.vei and Deputies. o The following gentleweu /aduiwereil 40 their moues - Adenoid-WM. Malluugh . 'Reeve, 11001.er _ _ De tu ebe putf [teem,. Cliuton Whiichcad lt. Ciebuine- limey Sieve It. tiodelich -leen Dr. Me . ; eheeptit D. le Lieslelich fortuity- Wee. It, Henry Fuld D. 11., Grey -Arch. McDeuald 11, Leckie 1). H. Bay -Rat Brown It, James Suttee D. It. lluileW-Iluniptiley Sum; le Joke Wes wick D. It. (libsou II; Strung D. R. Dowitie lt,, e'er - D. Be Menu -Cum. It littelesed le Aired Ilrowe '1.). Stanley74-Aliz. Jubsistouclt, Alex. (emir -ion D. B. di'epheu-Riettard. Sweet It, Jeo. l'a. eons If 11. halter/104h -GeV Spri.111t D 1. Sills, D. lt. funibeiry-Zlohn Messer It Ueburue-Arch lt., Robert t'ree.y, 1..). R. Wawanoeh - Hulot Curve R.., Win Ferquirer • sett D. it. ibel aud Allietiosee-Itepiesentativ• not in. Arrau-Jeu it Leafage' , Tbussas Nichol - sou le R. • Brien -Jewell Brocelbaek R., Thee owon, lit. Brues-Juo Seutt Duncau McKinnon, 11. R. . Carrick-Me:heel F.seer It.,Jtio Hoeg D. It. Cielrues-tratites it It, Peel Item, , D. R. Elderslimeteloo Gibies It , Joo Debbie D. It Uric:mock-Jett Valvoline' kb, Ibuis Co, teen D. It. I Iluron--Rien Jelmstoo , Mt Moran DB Etecerdiee V Wage ee %VW Sallie°. K Plitt let Saugems- 040 Wallace. Soulbemieuti-Tlies Adair, 1 fie eentlertieu cotupusine the teouncil bat• lee tekea Wes; mats, It am sn+ved by Mr. Jos Wletcheed, seceredee by Mr. .1, M. Ltimiden; Thee Robert Gibbowsr, .Esq.,-; let Wandets for the cerreet year-Cerried venue. ously sleek leud appleme. ' 4.iiuti+ur tbaured the Ceuuen heir ,cuntieurd confidante i Inn. avid • •eelif emicaver to discharge We ins epee Cm to the beat uf his 1.sviug sAvad"..1 to the eatheef melt h.s scat, mid the session usual. f eiterestinj metiers eon. tor sield Mame efority. eas iipeteol A felt reeor uected with the I Age Society ie gettine up a . l'Iub for the Crack& ial orders C30 be left at, his office, Goderieh- e'oe • - 02 Ediseutlati. ••••• • The Barley ExtrisidltIon Case. Recorder Dem, of Toronto delivered judgineet ie the t113141 or Maley, the 1.1.eged pirate. kc. The Itecoider, atter going over the elude of the evidence, decided Out the erimner should he germ ap to the United 1 ihistrill Ste under the Asebteton Trete iv. Application ras immediately mode tor liehens corpus in 01.1er to car4s the etase be- fore the pidgin. TOWNIIIIIIP COUNCIL MIN.* In answer to nunieroue enouiriee, we would state that, as heretofore, we shall be happy to publish the Minutes of Town• ship Councils grails items', in the eolumns of the 'Signal'. Clerks will oblige by sending them in se snort after the meet- ings as ottiesible Anil by writing all proper names very legibly, ao as to avoid mis- takes MIP" The C- ounty Cooneil meets in the Court Howse, Goierieh Tnesday next. gerrral Meuse d leek of the Li ow effieleil the Imp elven rett melely ler the s eilement of cieeste of Provieri tl Pole terehel • SS for ilto sim memos ereetion els neW 'enema ity. P mine wore opened by me .i.ni .stry tweeter. ith Me Lieuteitent 1.1.hyrun.)rt ot the inner rot in es of It ••• h .heh...re:eil,th,vra,nott uei (let▪ tere:. late.compi of delegates ft ois those colonies repretie ng all shrdos of. politival party in tbeir seral commerinies numihated tar the me tire Lit-uteitent,Goverrees their rue Provinoces, *he ameateled here «insets sanction flee crown, end at my tiniest te cenfer witfi the members oil the Cemsdian ministry on the pointillist of. effectieg a elm.. ol all the Provirie;s of British North America. Conference! Cler leoi.gth oned d •Iirrerations, arrived m the condi:eon that a federal union of them Pee vieces wes fausible an I desirable, 'Red the result ot its latent, is • plan of et menet eel for trm proposed 'mien, enthodied et see ies ol neolutione, :which, with other papers relatirte to the entojevt, 1 havr• direeted to lei laid be- eur.e. T701:1; general deeiee of a Union, and tbe -particular plan by weed, it it proposed to car. ry 'het inteetion ieto effeehheve broth received the end's! Reprolmtion of the Imperial Guy- ernment. An Imperial act of Parliament will 11:i:en; ise„atr:.1 tie oi,rjec.rftloh.g, 4C10olot,ffires". tAndthel beet been officialt, hoorayed fay the Secretary ef State that 11er 'Majesty's ministers will he piepared to inironlece • bill fur that peirpme into the Inewriel Parlinment se soon se they etal hare been notified that 'he proensel has th, @meth.% ol the Leeimatures re pies -mine the amend etch% nicks effeeted by It. " eommeed;ne to pen nuentien this subject the impol lance ef which to yoarselves and jun. dencend000ls it iS impossibM to ex• negerate, I would clime fee il your calm, tee neat and i Nowlin! cotimidetatiollts. Wit!) the Men id' 'dish Noah America it now rest. to decide whether the veil traetol erten- try,.. hielt they in heti,' shoil he enodolidated into • state, combinine within its arcs tie ihe elemen111 of nartenal greetneer, en -untrue for the evenly of its somponeet peek and eentromeitg to the einem!' ard stability uf the Amen., rir wheth0 ilk Movers! le °steeps of *hien it it constituted shall female 1,. their relent fraerdentary •ed iloileted corn• ; e0T0IIrtilitely pol•erielle for nintell aid end ieeapable of un.fertakine their 'writer share rif Imperivl reeporssit ility. le the dis cession of en issue el such rnement 1 fee vently prav Mal your winelw mny be Reified to i.,,,,•ionoos winch shall n;deune th honor of tour Soverign, to the welter.. of fte'r sulijeeta and to your one re;eontion ie patriots an statesmen." 11 s Eteelleney having left, the building the business of the Conned commenced. 1.16110.eTtrit entitelh. The Ron Megan. (liners', Denvonehel, Chaffers, Mel'nersen, Durhesney, end Bell were introduced atel tonk their mats. ' On motion "(Se -E. P. Taehe-the eonsider al ion 01 the S-eei•11 WU postponed until Mireiley nevi. The Council then 'dimmed. femme .tre •11/11111111.V. The Speaker haeint taken the chaie the several re elected end nee merahem took thcr mats. . . the Me -throat Msny dil'erent opinions have been wdmne umedmes will, appear ta . Letter From • To the Eehler lhe name Me, • (Le last edtii; poi published a cern aritecatio anent C.rrresprindente' reams pOlittnietit Of School trustee* fur 1 Nesienothine eats allied mot sato dee f. Melds of 'dm:stein than to am able MI lot un the part of *Ise poop. aopoini surteible persons to the very resim b:e offim of Missies's, as on -them depend. t eu4sijiirj Cot Competent teacheos; which 1 regret in ism instances le not atteteled Pisa bre But the matter on`whiels I Web to maks • of an few obserretious it theaoseeh oda Mr. Ilartt, sm wit whieh iu (recording to4i.ocr toresoondeat) previous, perticulaily edifyieee' whieh tont lodes &lei"' 114. with* mew -aeon " that ma be styled the l'Yer quern.' T'm portiou attic se. eel, to Odds her their Mem. I refer is is follows : The -County Board. retire ie eeeeet, certificate! were turn 10 lettere, ia 110 fer as they eImetel et be reale:wee of • steolersh p Tel NNW COVIIICIL met on Lloyd's Heel eesfurth, on Me 11811 knit., *hen it way re• siihrtel tu send the iodotaitabie sericulture' lieo. Sproatt, Esq., tu the Ceunty 'Commie mid the nu lees mile,prieng melt:heel 11. L. • Sills, Esq.. as Deputy Item e. lb I NAV DIN E. . Cour.cillors elect fur 11,65:-Wre Miller, John MeKerme, Ounce Daniel, Woo Ita•tkie, Jobe P. McIntyre. WIS Miller, J P Millet/cc Alcallf4LOP: The elect of .thie tithuithip, via Messrs. E,rt,s, Bernie Dmocy, Robert Ikon, , ElhOtt lint/ Juo. Ileysonet, to hod then. first sneetiee, Munteutnery's bee. futth, ue the ieth, when it oas Muted by IC Ilavr, &mantled by Mr &cote, . Thet Jobe Elliott lie Itetne. fur the commit year -1 err 'ed. • , Moved by 5Ir Scoteamonded by Mr Emu, That Denies Demo, be 1./einty Hears lee tee current yeer- (7arried. Mr tiovenluck, lam Breve,. who refused to run at last des lion, ruade all elthileut parting epees b to. los eueveroars,uffe rill his asmatenee to elucidate arty entesection ebich atigbt seem dark. Peter Sellirmi was appoieted Atomiser coid Owen Belly Culiketor-tieurg• Docent..., License Inspector, Andrew Gomm. lock, Ea 1., preseuted a requisition to %Ise Council prayer.; • poll might be called to vute un the Temperance Act of I Mel. Tits CenliCi1 authuessel Mr W .1 Shannon, Cleik uf the worship. tie puelieh t e Itericeritien and Ity-Lom ttoil Harms Sigma. le Bays, Ear , *SS reappotet.c1 I 4. muter. Alter 'suttee sense doom s to tech:met welows, the Commit alijourned. " If Y. . !Poem eur oeTti Csreiiereiiiassi • Fiat.-Tlitst well 'metre esteblialtaiesit,lo the Village of Frareenowe, lone accepted - by James LAM, Eeq., but lately by Mr. Brodetick, stotekeerer, caught 6 • lege eve1011‘. luisbetes,burtied 10 the greeted. The NM* ,,,,, g ale.,or the sky by the Istria dame, was 'Oilseed, end wee naked: et the velatee uf Varme•in Stanlee, mimeos mites 1.disdant. 1 he fire is supimend te Bars origi, noted shout _eh. Mote 'pipe:\ It started at about 6. p, m., and in km titan im Iwo, all wtse mete Mi. -Betels:eV. mock, which was leete, wail 11121401241 10 seerly ' aineuite I base net beerd whit the ' beildines were insured ur owe The goods, and butldines aid autocrat W 83000. The Municipal Comersffore elected for Mk! Tearer, tIse seam is last year -vm Cese, Jamint-Swaidie, R ;beet Brume, Julia 11. Getighe.,, a ,t1 William Turnbull, EN. They. mot to dey, pursus.e. le Stetetemi II Celoelt, emote lad proceeded' le the 'Weenie relfeei. rem The ineetine waa he'd is the Ione 11+11, Lomb. tg.ite • number ist, the eate- peyeoi were reeve. iberieck.-.' Robert Ilruor •wee appointed Reese Seld . J... ieee. Joules S Depety Retei•,--enoktiog • e_ 'chaste front lest year of Movers itainesd or your 'Cale and Smdlie iiteteml uf Brown. , frem t• uar The Council of 11 ay have of law years Le the se. adepted the plan of letting the offices of ,..I 1 .111nee. Cleth. Treesurer, Asseasur aed Collector, by te,., I, tender. Tiedey tbey siiimittuel Woe W demi feed ,Clerk and Tresserer, with • salary of 8140, t. and egree I to advertise for tenders for die ,. offices of Ammeter eel Cueectur ; leaden Ili be given in on the "ith February next. The Council se, eppar,•ntly, *frigid le deb petition fur the olli.esol Clerk sad rises. afraid (net they iniebt lose theoretic,* :d end he teed eereiet ; Ind Um Amer .rerd them lee year moil ttio year' hose selary hut year was 111,10, and mecum. et no one sitille raw- iiiiti the C.,:hreter, who del ere rotiet.b.1.1 their 4 brine Ow, ruins! setatelrle, ter • I ... seejegt, &ad who.) eu'es have been homed tu guide ei..10 that it wetted seem 01" mere muceery for US to prutrude cite ideas on the .suitj-te. idea of a drawieg forth an e nsion of our To Is+ cduested 0" d it not eoneey the iniedect-litet u hen %We- Coe 1 until gnsrlaelly, step by step, wrclffitt fielleer I • fettlier MP. the tedlesi mines Of Eimer tette., noca nitre iniattertor4.0 ‘11%seee ticial elanee ; this is net Edecatien. As- , wieltt wet adesire perms .say beceuse pretty poll reeeett wee tee sayings of its saletrese " het an educated This etelle4 of our breins with. • eonglosnerated nesse, ideas: mOred up is iimmriesble Cinfu Won,. litel the ; beller, far limier, le u hese ihr tame of ;Icitow...4 lem set the • f bee muter of that lit le - , lel onion has a great effeat on irmortied; altho eh Were are • greet mony, it west is wren use toll( ; they thine thot because they ere Anted arid eilecet d men them is. tee ititytheie More repined fiom therot and thee time beeonte cereltes and indelent •iel e lmse their ett;enees. Better would it here Imen if t kuew lees and Prized ii . . 1 in ore. ' °Ater§ rise education, they make them . selves of peat service in the cold, reine 11 ; the esteem ion of tne peoele. and doing pea honor to theitiselvet eel e,rod otheis, thin they pet their litilentegell 1.0 • Wolter. use. IAgain -education, we am', prepares us fo socrety. We 101014 71elt ditfi•rettre ' between the esteem anJ the Atiteducated , the farmer with how much eeie and bow ; fluently h4 contemn on -any oehjest, witi•e ; the letter seems limn, as though lie;eas not Iquite sure trf whet he is enytti4 ; and much ' ,loner (14 you notice it *hen tm is conve; sing with an elevated men. A. the wo.ld Memo's educated how taunt more imnroved it be cony. Asti aed &tenets beeirt to make n raen rroeieu all o'er the world -improve memo of e•I•ry kind soon begie to appear.- thenkful mieht we then te be that we have very good orportunitiem to imp-ove our selves, 11 hi e utheit woted be glad of sueh importunities hut it it net within their mach. Olad ouilit we trt feel the( we are net shut ie um, ienonmere-that we am ie a re- fill...inert ietelligent part of the world, o here educetion is porperleg oe either sides of us. Hoard of Peluso! Trustees. the annual erecting of the limed for Or ganization for tres year was held last night at the Iheird Room-MI.0e members present. Tbe Blend is now competed of the (Clotting gentlemen, Messrs. A. Lefrny. A. Smith, W. Iliek, Oeo. MeKenSe, C. Crahle Alec Kirkeride, Joh., Longworth and Geo. Davis. Mr. Leroy was chosen Chairman and Wm, Berkey Secret try. A Sueerintendent was not appoimerl The Curator was not appoiee ed- Lbw Bawd being...Solved 10 Meeive Widen fur the sitestionlirtheir nein meet mg. Committees on Fin mos, Lihrary & Conlin cies were appented and the Board adjourned. Eligibility of bebool Trustees. Data Stevsto-At • School meetine held tem month in one of the sections in this township, an objection wet matte to the eliei• heity of a candidate for the .freateeshipethet he had not paid hisschool retell for year • aml having, as requested, written 1/r. Ryer- son for his opinion, teceired but sight the following answer. Yours respectfully, J01114 NAIRN, Local Sept. Trotovro, lIth January, 1063.-1 ham the lemma to state in reply le your letter of the I eth 'tot , that a porton is eltginle to he Matsui and woe a. Trustee in • school atee. lion 11 Le he a residen't mussel freeholder nr householder in it whether he km paid any echool rates in it or not, though he rennet rote at school niestinge in the metion without bovine paid see% rates narrate within (melee moat he. Ihrlr •ei k toi on the pert elate posiesserse1 Now, Sir, I should lire to know whet Me. Ils tt Omens by .4elt Melee ere.' -Des he mean 'het Cie Coolly Bea; d cells top -thee yen after year a conielemble &mance) m•oely for the perpowe umber or teanen (many of Clem firm • ' harehng them. and others Who foment Ilimitwiter, voteless.... without examieing them •0 to their attionmeols Mod 1;461164S Isf leathi0 01 ilipell he artmin that the members of 'the Beard are thererites net rrreelitip"ionde'rottbire.Ltetitisnfoirhh"r.‘71:1;tY17, poimessed ef eonselerahle knowledge, •hieh I eagret be maeis 1114t tittle use of, .or he would not here aeoken ie the manner be appear, 10 have done. Mr. Ilant should have recollec- ted that the County Board does not profess I to teach- es Weeniest is merely' la ezamir e- . and meny teacher* who bold no other then • teunty Board cei titivate are blebly educeted men ; and 1 may say that few if tasty of these •hu hold firm -cease certiecrites hut are capable hot.s4ut:dveltry;11ee,l,i,..,hroerdnreetiir:tieeonefinria; ine their eltialten to their eerie It mey bore oecurred 'het a not periectly rotlifed teach. er recteited a first dem certificate, but the eery fed nf seek retell beirig few and far brume., Mom the Imre and discrimination used hy th• Boer I, wed should Mr. Ilartt and yew Clinton correseondent present them se',es for exarninatien at its next meeting 1017 would find • fine clam eel -UN -site. from ; the County of Buron'eloard of Public femme, liOn 1101 trite the hunthug they appear tal ; . . 102 ein . I 1 smile, Sir, You Jr s0Y1 4.EriP 11 7 filYliEKLOCK, tocal Saimiatmdeitt. irlIBORNE• Tat Tim 6ce.-The people of this townthip, oe the 19th and 20th adepted the prohibitory Causes of Dunkin $ Bill by • . . . • gni in Berm The pollute ereated a greet excitement FenTlIte IttOsehleu Tee 014711 Of MR. CASE -Tire exp.i.ne. Mr*, Case is a very good example of what pereetering tawny will do for a maa in' Canada. Nearly 30 years ago he came here in Very airlderate circumstance. Be hewed oat for himself • home, raised a family of 12 children, saw m .st of ids sons head, of families and swam* of farms, and died tte age of Fe years ir. * Matta circurnstenees. Ile leaves Itehind to mete his lose, I 0 sons end 2 daeghtere, 50 gnoitlebildren, and 10 great-granti children. We al' sy,ripatnite with hir helmet wee, now lonely widow, Mrs. Ann Case. She eill sad ly vitas her partner of le many years - A Ithengh 75 years of age she is yet 'Most as smart and active ne a girl. May she live w isny yews to tell of the struggles aed 11:. amplis of her mrls I 111-.01V_IZ-11.• -- CATTLE Inn. - Fairs will he held in 11 iwielt Village nn the laat Torredays, in Thersore on Ow hut Wednesdays, in Wrose ter on the lout Tharsdam, and in Ainleyeille on the last Prie1 571 Of th• months of lenuary, March and November of the present year, of wliteh Met fanners anti dealers will do well • make a note. 1 he prioreplis of tiler ib• offices in 11.• gift of •he Council by- ender ieetther right or .1 is, ereeg it it IA lit u'd to ell, ii wron v. it • °Led be spr ied to teem. It is tehelomed el Ilse rempoyers ut Townselp of Hey ell ale a 1.011 of this timy. lotoettdh.4., and • this Kent's. men .cotopreibig the present eoreil amen cone Lem," them sobs. fang 51 icipal boa. witl nak theirs to ex; lam tlet; say the reest at cut unic meat eisterice. The weenier custimues 11011my. rasa are drifted fall, tow! two It et te assow • the bush. FarTheill arre anetowely erminisi of ma member how they are af for fewl fer 0.10e. If we hare e late eerinoe it ohl he a setim s matter. 'f here ter. c eats less straw tor tl e amount el stuck in the 1111Firshilf elf May. ASHFIELD. A FENIAN ADvENTURE-A very good story is told at the expense of a youne 111 et in thir township. It appears thit schen the Fenian excitement was raging, a young man who was coon lerahly in love with a neighbor's daughter, was moniteg away from the habitatien of bits inamorite one dark Mello thinking, no doubt, of the lisrpy 111.,ment when, he would he able to dorm the ample waist of 01 nett nit. eni her a I les own. Going through the field* he was paving the piternal. barn•yard I when a huge, savage black ram belonging to his father rushed out of a shed and breeeht hen such a blow the rear that he wto, Rent ',pawl- ing into a snow,b ink. h;..saying to rise, the lover reoeived another peg in the bock. and thinking that he was certainly Mur- dered, he roared, " 011, you bloody Feni- an, you've killed me ! Murder ! M va - put !! MURDER !I Hearin* bia cries, his father ran out with a double- berreled gun and, found the eon lying bleeding at the nom with the black ram standing over him in triumph. IMO PINE RIVER. Soiree.-It may not be oninteleating tot your readers to hear id the progress malting in the North. Ifavi ig been induced to Sek• soloist' ride, and alter • somewhet. cold bee pleasant drive el elmet Wiente.two masa, we found ourselree society ureter the rem( end enjoying the kind litispitelitv of nur esteemed friend, Mr. Fraser, merchant and tmatmaster, neer Pine Point, het i order to reach the object ot oar vim we heti to renew our jeer- ney for shoat three miles, wbes without soy intioduetion in the shape of a trilbies or clearanee we found tritium and alone in the woods • plam of worship, which is really a eredit to the inhabitants of !Cure, and the team displeyeri try sdorning welt roreriereeme sod tee elemdance provided of the ettest is the lane. showed the) moles and female had hien rime, with mash rn their rompers - nen for !Moir (teal bone Attest a year aga Ism fall a party sommehled and 'tire to ono k • int a will the trees of the forest had in met • wsy, a elearam• semi mad.. and riming the winter the ssameal was prowelml and lief down, end the sommer diseelled all doubts by MOW, a meg comfert