The Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-07-29, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES
Show Starts at 8 p.m.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, July 29th, 30th, 31st
Dorothy and Tommy Wade are
spending1 a holiday with relatives at
Ford wish.
Miss Irene Walsh R. N. of Strat
ford is spending her vacation with"
her parents, Mr .and Mrs, N. Walsh.
The service in Knox United Church
was taken by the Triple V Bible class
on Sunday, when several of the mem
bers took part. The service next Sun
day will be in charge of the Young
People’s Society of Brick Church,
Mr, and Mrs. Jos. H. Millman of
Detroit are guests for the week with
Mr, and Mrs, J .A- Brandon,
Remember her unusual, name...
you’ll never forget her lovely face!
Directed by Herold Schuster
Produced by Robert T, Kane
A 20th Century-Fox Rtleaie
Presenfing . ... .
Henry FONDA • Leslie BANKS
A Comedy Drama in Technicolor.
Also a Musical Comedy and Fox News.
Admission: Adults 35c, Children 20c.
Monday, Tues., Wednesday, August 2nd, 3rd, 4th
“Pennies From Heaven”
A Comedy Romance with Music.
Also Andy Clyde Comedy and Sport Revue,
BELGRAVE teresting synopsis of the book “Jun
gles Preferred’'’ with some sections
being read from the book. The meet
ing was closed with the National An
them. Lunch was served by the hos
tess assisted by Mrs. J. Michie, Mrs.
W. Armstrong, Mrs. I McArter and
Institute July Meeting
The members of the Belgrave
Branch of the Women’s Institute met
at the home of Mrs. Earle Anderson
Tuesday afternoon last week, for their
regular meeting with a good attend
ance present. Mrs. N. Keating the
^president, conducted the meeting
which was opened with the Ode and
Prayer. The minutes of the previous
meeting were read and the treasurer’s
report received. It was decided to quilt
the quilts as soon as possible. The ' won by Stewart Geddes. It is valued
ladies also agreed to sell sandwiches
and lemonade at the Soil Demonstra
tion on July 27. The Roll Call was
responded to with the name of a good
book to read. Mrs. W. Pocock read
a paper prepared by Martha Arms
trong on Canada’s 70th Anniversary.
Barbara Michie gave a reading which
was much enjoyed. Community sing
ing was also enjoyed. Mrs. W. Arm
strong read an address prepared by
Miss Bessie Hillen .It was a very in-
social time spent.
Former Belgrave Boy Won
Announcement was made this week
that the fourth annual Alumni Mem
orial Scholarship for 1937 of the Sea
forth Collegiate Institute had been
Sun Life Assurance Co.
Fire - Casualty
John St. Phone 192
at $25.00.
A son o fMr. and Mrs. Ernest Ged
des, Seaforth, formerly of Belgrave,
Stewart this year completed his Col
legiate course. During his five years
at the S. C. I. he has taken an active
part in school activities.
The Alumni Scholarship is given
each year by the Alumni Association
in memory of graduates of the school
who fell in the Great War.
To be eligible for the award a stu
dent must be in the senior year; must
have obtained an average of at least
66 per cent, on seven, papers, includ
ing Departmental examinations; and
must have taken an active part in at
least one school activity.
The staff of the Collegiate submits
to the secretary of the association in
May of each year a list of eligible
students. These names are then plac
ed before the senior pupils, Collegiate
staff and Alumni executive, who vote
separately. The results o fthese polls
determine the winner.
Ralph McCrea is visiting with rel
atives in Toronto.
We Have Just Installed a New
Gilson-Taylor Ice Cream Machine
And Are Now Making
Our Delicious
Ladies’ Groups Met
Mrs. Walter Davidson was hostess
tq the members of the Morris Circle
of the Presbyterian Ladies* Aid for
the regular July meeting. The after
noon was spent quilting, refreshments
were served by the hostess.
Thursday afternoon members and
friends of the Bluevale Ladies’ Aid
Group gathered at the home of Miss
Olive Scott for sewing and afternoon
L. O. L. Held Ladies’ Night
Bluevale Orange Lodge held their
annual Ladies’ Night at Fairview
Farms, the home of Mr. and Mrs. G.
O. Thornton, .on Thursday evening,
July 22nd. About seventy members
and friends enjoyed games and a short
program. The very enjoyable evening
was concluded with a weiner roast.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph .Smith attend
ed the funeral of Mr. Shnith’s sister,
Mrs. Lou Armstrong near Brussels.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Aitcheson of
Ripley spent Sunday'with Mr. and
Mrs. William Abram.
Rev. J. R. Greig and Mrs. Greig
are spending this week at Camp Kin
tail along with ministers and their
wives from the synod of Hamilton and
I London. Next Sunday, August Its the
pulpit of Knox Presbyterian Church
will be occupied by Donald McRae of
Bernard Lillow is spending this
week at Kintail, theguest of Rev. J.
R. Greig and Mrs. Greig. •
Mr. George Mundell of Drayton
spent the week-end with his brother,
John Mundell.
Saturday afternon A. D. Smith en
tertained. Bernard Lillow, Floyde and
Harold Hollenbeck, Roy Mooney, R.
Patterson, Bob Fraser and Spence
McKinnon to a picnic at Bruce Beach
and Point Clark. ,
Mr. and Mrs. William Griffith’s of
Montreal afe spending the next two
weeks at their home here, with Mrs.
Mary Sanderson.
Mr .and Mrs. Peter D. King spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Spier in Morris.
George Thompson Jr. celebrated his
birthday during the past week and en
tertained a party of chums at Point
Jack McKee, Montreal is spending
his holidays with his grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Curtis.
Mrs. John Casemore attended the
funeral of the late William Casemore
near Wroxeter last week.
Bob Fraser, Morris with his grand
parents ,,Mr. and Mrs. ‘Robt. Shaw.
Roy Mooney, Toronto, with Mr. and
of Mrs.-. R, J. Woods on Thursday,
August bth, Roll Call, “Helpful Hints
for Monday.” Subject, “The Can of
Feet” by Mrs, Rathwell of Lucknow.
Hostesses, Mrs. Lorna Durnin, Miss
Annie Durnin and Mrs, Will, Ruther
The service at the United Church
on Sunday morning was in charge of
the Huron Presbytery Y, P, U, ex
ecutive. Assisting in the worship serv
ice were Mr. DeWitt Miller of Wing
ham, Mr. Clarence McCleneghan of
Whitechurch, Mr. E, W. Rice and
Miss Jsobel Miller, president of the
local Y. P, U, A fine address was
given by Mr. McClenaghan. Next
Sunday the service will be in charge
of Rev. G. Q. Cox ol Hearst.
Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Smith and child
ren of Toronto who have been visitors
with Mrs. Smith’s mother, Mrs. John
Webster, are leaving on a trip to Flor
Mr. George. Clark of Hamilton call
ed on old friends here on Saturday.
Thursday, July 29th', 1937
QIW Discount on all Summer
/O Dress Fabrics,
Fancy piques, Tub Silks, Voiles,
Flowered Chiffon Rayons,
OAflZ Discount on all Summer
AiV/0 Lingerie,
Slips, Briefs, Panties — A Big Range
to choose from. Get your supply now,
SPECIAL! ORIENT Hose, Crepes and Chiffons, reg. 1,00 pr. ., 2 Prs. for $1.85
Pastel and dark Suits, reg. 12,95, $7.49*
Tub-Silks, limited number .... $5.95
Pastel Crepe Dresses, reg. $8.95
.........................................$5.95, $6.95
Voiles, reg. $5.95........................$2.95
White Summer Coats.........Less 20%
Fancy Cotton Sport Shirts .... $1.00
Silk Sport Shirts, fancy backs . $1.50
Klingtite SwinL Trunks .. $1.95, $2.95
. Flannel Slacks...............$3.45, $4.95
Summer Socks.......... 25c to 75c
=: : : : : -------|---------------- .
Children’s Socks, Odd Sizes, Rayon, reg. 29c for .. 10c Silk, reg. 35c for .. 19c
Our headliner is our delicious
big loaf of wholesome milk
bread — made with pure milk,
finest flour and choicest ingred
ients throughout. Not only
good — but a smacking good
value, the big loaf that goes so
Gibson’s Bakery
“Always The Best”
Cash Store
, Phone 116
Miss W. D. Rutherford has return
ed from Toronto, where she was
marking examination papers.
Mr. Wm. Blue of Detroit who has
been a patient in the Goderich Hos
pital for three weeks following a ser
ious operation, was able to return to
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. And-
.erson on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Salkeld and
family of Richlea, Sask,, Miss Eliza
beth Salkeld of Goderich were recent
guests of Mrs. Miller and Mrs, Gord
The weekly meeting of the Y. P. U.
was held on Sunday evening. Dick
Weatherhead read the Scripture lesson
and Miss Irene Woods gave the story
of the hymn writer, Fanny Crocby,
Reports of the Summer School were
given by Isobel and Laurene Miller.
* __________ __
A. D. Smith.
Special This Week
Red Band' Jem Rubbers ....... 7c
2 for...................................13c
Seal-Tite Rubber Rings 5c box
Maple Leaf Soap Flakes
5 Lb. net........... ........ 65c
Kellogg Corn Flakes 3 for 25c
2 Kellogg’s Pep Bran Flakes
1 Glass Tumbler, All for 25c
Saniflush............................... 25c
Big 5 Cleaner ----- 5c
Lexia Raisins, new fruit 17c box
Lux Hand Soap 4 for.........25c
Snow Flake Ammonia 5c pkg.
Oatmeal Date Bars ... 20c Lb.
Chief Toilet Paper 3 for....10c
In All Flavors — Bulk or Brick
Bricks ,.... .. * ».»15c Bulk, Pint ......... 20c
Lily Cups........... . .:. 5c Double Dip Cones.. * 5c
Special Sundae Cups, with Fruit ........ 10c
Give Us a Trial — You Will Be Delighted
Phone9 W.Order* Delivered.
Owing to the busy season, the at
tendance at the Women’s Institute
picnic held at Kincardine on Tuesday
last, was much smaller than usual, but
those who were there, spent a very
enjoyable day. After supper an inter
esting program of sports resulted in
the following prize winners:
Youngest person present, Anne
Oldest person present, Mr. John
Race under 13, Ronald Beatty.
Gwen Dougherty.
Young men’s race, Ross McPher
son, Charles McQuillan.
Married men’s race, MrzWm. Dou
gherty, Mr. Wallace Miller.
Young ladies’ race, Miss Mildred
McQuillan, Miss Sadie MacCharles.
Married ladies’ race,' Mrs. Durnin
Phillips, Mrs. Alex. Murdie.
Kicking the slipper, (men), Stanley
Todd,. Wallace Millet.
Kicking the slipper (ladies), Miss
Irene Woods, Mrs. Dougherty.
Cereal race, 1st, Mrs. Jas. Gaunt
and Mrs. E. J. Thom. 2nd, Miss An
nie Durnin and Stanley Todd.
Throwing the rolling pin (ladies),
Mildred. McQuillan, Laurine Miller,
Mrs. E. J. Thom.
Throwing the rolling pin (men),
Allan Milter, Charlie McQuillan, Ross
Mrs. R. J. Woods is holidaying at
Aux Sable Beach.
Mrs. Hilda Miller of Windsor and
Master George Olds of Detroit were
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mti
ler and Mr .and Mrs. E. J. Thom last
The members of the Women’s Insti
tute are invited to the meeting of ths
St. Augustine Women’s Institute to
be held on Wednesday, August 4th at
the home of Mrs. Jas. Cray,
The August meeting of the Wom
en’s institute will be held at the home
Courtesy Prompt Delivery
Our Slogajn: “You have tried
the rest, now try the Best.”
the finest Filtered Pipe
eVer made.
48 shapes — Price $1.00
Omar Haselgrove’s
Smoke Shoppe.
We spejud in eye examinations
means perfect satisfaction to
our friends. Come here with
perfect confidence—you will be
treated fairly at all times.
Registered Optometrist
Office in Williams’ Jewelry
Store Every Wednesday Morn
ing *-» 9.00 to noon.
Phone 55 for appointment.
Mr. Donald Elmer, whq has been
visiting at the home of his uncle, Mr.
Robt. McClenaghan, returned to his
home in Toronto last Saturday.
Mr. W. R. Farriet received word on
Sunday of the passing of his nephew,
Mr. Milton Sherriff of Hamilton. Mr.
Sherriff, wh, besides his wife, leaves
to mourn .eight children, has been
very ill for the past few months with
cancer. He also leaves his mother,
Mrs. Wm. Sherriff of Wingham, and
two sisters, Misses Robena and Grace,
and one brother, Wesley of Windsor.
Mr. Farrier and Garnet leave on Wed
nesday to attend the funeral at Ham
Mrs. Jas. Cornelius and Mr. and
Mrs. Amos Cornelius visited on Mon
day with the former’s neice, Mrs. T.
Irwin of Lucknow.
Mrs. Robert Phillips and Mrs. R.
Ryan of Goderich visited on Thurs
day last with Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
Mr. and Mrs. David Cox of Palm
erston visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Mac Ross on Thursday last.
The young folks of the Presbyterian
church and of the United church are
holding a weiner roast at the 10th
bridge on Wednesday evening. Every
one welcome.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Egleston and
son Dennis of Detroit are visiting
with his mother, Mrs. Egleston and
other relatives in this community, be
fore leaving to camp at Kincardine.
Mrs. Naismith of Sarles, N. Dakota,
is visiting here with her sister, Mrs.
Robert Ross.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Parsons and
Donald and Marianne returned on
Sunday to their home at Toronto, af
ter visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Mac Ross.
Miss Isabel Simpson of Innifail,
Sask., visited last week with her uncle
Mr. John Simpson and with other rel
atives here and in Wingham, before«
leaving to visit With relatives at Kin
Miss Margaret and Miss Georgina
Murray of London are visiting with
Mrs. Murray in the village .
Mr. Garton and Mi*, and Mrs. G.
Garton and baby John, spent Sunday
with the former’s daughter, Mrs. Art.
Holland, in Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Anderson
and Catherine and Jimmie of Ken
more, N. Y.t and Miss Shirley Haw
of Toronto are visiting here with Mrs.
Anderson’s mother, Mrs. MacGregor
and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Purdon receiv
ed word on Saturday night of the
sudden passing of their grand-datigh-
ter, Beverley June, four-year-old dau
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Purdou
of Detroit. The little girl took diph
theria, and was taken to the Hospital
on Friday, but passed away on Sat
urday. Besides her parents, she leaves
to mourn her, three other Tittle sis
This community extends sympathy
to the bereaved parents, and family.
Miss Annie Qrasby, who is helping
Mrs. Henry McGe#. spent the week
end at the home of her parents, at
The S. S, of the United Church
held a ver ysuccessful picnic at the
10th bridge on Friday last, and the
Women’s Institute are holding their
picnic at the river this Friday. Every
one is invited to come and" bring al
ong a picnic basket.
Rev. and Mrs. J. Watt .and family
of Toronto are holidaying at the home
of her uncle, Mr. Wm. Barbour,
the United Church were in charge of
The executive of the Y. P ;U. of
the services in the’ United Church on
Sunday ,and five young men, Clarence
McClenaghan, Mr. Rice ,Mrs. Miller,
Mr. Millan Moore, led the service,
while Mr. George Taylor gave a
splendid and inspiring message. Rev.*
G. O .Cox will preach next Sunday
and the next Sunday, Rev. J. W. Watt
will have charge of the service.
Misses Pearl and Thrlma Creighton
of Detroit are visiting at the home of
their aunt, Mrs. J. D. Beecroft.
Mr. George McClenaghan is so far
improved, as to be able to be out of
the house for a short time, we hope
for a speedy improvement.
Mr. and Mrs. Aldin Purdon and
Billie spent Sunday with Mr .and Mrs.
Wm. Falconer of Bluevale.
The past week has seen most of the
wheat crop cut down, and the thresh
ing will commence this week.
Mr. J. D. Beecroft and Ernest spent
Sunday with Florence at the Child
ren’s Hospital, London.
Last Thursday evening the young
people of the United Church who had
been presenting their play “Mother^ffi.
Mine” met at the homp of Mr. andJK'
Mrs. Thps. Moore and spent a
evening with games and contests. '
ing the evening Mrs. Robb, who was'
the manager of the play, was present
ed with a silk parasol by Miss Agnes
Gillespie, while Miss Muriel Watt
read the address. Lunch with ice
cream was served and a good time en
joyed by all.
The following ladies of the Presby
terian Church, Mrs. (Rev.) Pollock,
Mrs. Robt. Mowbray, Mrs. R. J. Ross,
Mrs. Archie Anderson and Mrs. F.
Coulter, have each welcomed into
their home two little children from
the Toronto Neighborhood Associa
tion. These children will have two
splendid weeks of holidays.
Stand the test of time.
Prompt Delivery Phone 161
SOAP CHIPS.........3 Lbs. 25c
Campbell’s TOMATO
‘ JUICE 54-Oz. Tin
APPLE JUICE..........19c Tin
O.K. Unwrapped LAUNDRY
SOAP......................10 Bars 29c
BEANS .........2 Large Tins 25c ,
Dixie Dainty GRAPE
FRUIT JUICE_____15c Tin
Manhing’s COCOANUT
COOKIES ............^..,....15c Pkg.
McIntosh’s «
MINUTE TAPIOCA..........................2 Pkgs. 33c
NEW STYLE CERTOZINC RINGS ..........25c Dozen Jells All Fruit ..........25c Bottle
MEMBA SEAL Cut 14 White
For Jams and Jellies 10c pkg.RUBBER RINGS 5c Dozen
FRENCH DRIP COFFEE................
...« 33c Lb.
CORN FLAKES ... 3 Pkgs. 25c
Fresh salted
PEANUTS 2 Lbs. 25c
new, mild
21c Lb.
59c Lb.
Miracle Whip Salad I CHATEAU
DRESSING 32-Oz, Jar 57c I CHEESE 17c & Lb. Pkg.
We Have A Full Line oil Cocked Meats, Back Bacon, Breakfast
Bacon and Cottage Rolls Sliced to Your Order. Also Fresh
, Home-Grown Tomatoes at Special Prices by the
Basket er Pound.
r »