Huron Signal, 1865-01-19, Page 2--r
uren , ignal. wLicb it ie °must sed is is a minority
alter all, we moat also say that the prem -
i .. from which the jubilant " we told
GODEKIC11. C. W., JAN. 17, 1865. Jou w," gentletuen draw their startling
eoockuiene, are utterly false. It u 10-
ILLLF-BSLIAICK• tirely false that any portiou of the Caue
Owe of tbo noblest priociples that oma 0 Yr .. bas ever n000nrrlged raiding or
raiders. On the eoutnry, it has been
and is a young moa a that e. to emiathat Masted upon that any breaob of our hose
and i. later yeah be comes to ase hhat pitahty should be followed up by the full
the very sutoward mnumstanees wbwb rigor of the law, reel with „era-. m the
threw him early upon his own ratourose, decalwa tri the cum that have Dawe be-
n d Lis uwo nod rove jeot spirit, wen tae ! fore our °ours, the leading desire on the
means, °oder Proataous , of laying 8rm part of conductors of the prose has all
and sure the fo tcllecous of his ultimate along bun tbat our British laws night bo
material and intellectual wealth. Hence expouded and astJd opo° by men whose
it wieb he tha °ren to caro of parwu judgment we could rely upon and support
to taach their children to meet the first heartily, feeling that we had right upon
tiny difculties of life with a bold front -'our uJe. Every osuJiJ man will admit
W rely upon their own isbmenh of wJl ilei although our Goveruweut has lieu
and of arm in the accentpling entofevery anxious Wkeepon guwl tonus with the
on '
thio that is worth of g pe
F Y has ue r-
ln Csbioct asJ
L tS' Pa
the brstlin not v cow stirs arena of
K' baps, a step or two out of ila
their future Selt. If this principle of sus to exhibit its zeal, no single
Independent Self-reliance is one of the txwspaper hu ahuseJ its iuBu-
brightest adornments an,l.moat desirable once oyer the papular mi t by 14-
qualties of separate individual existence,
dearonng to thwart tt in carrying out to
wole be aplIIJ t with equal nonce to a the latter what it amside:•s to bu our poli-
Witb t it, hey it a whole nation.- lieu and international obfi. loons. Aird
open the if, the individual c of nth rs I yet the wiseacres rale " \: • t•dd you so. '
apdn the ows his be of eapgs n other, I at every freab met of injustice heaped up n
and he allows his best fineling• and cncr- I us Lbey can see oothing absurd in the
gin :o stagnate fr want of a motive to
e xertion and suece s in what be antler twanifestos of Gen. 11iz and yf r. tewanl,
take.. Just so a nation. if tt oonmtnlu although one bas been declared euid by
to be the drud c of a neighboring State- the President, and the other_ is denounced
g e b anealled for and mischievous by a large
iP it ie wtietied to first a mere of the American people. These
market for nos material -bile the neigh- thin- binneJ people tremble at every out-
bor supplies tho ma0wfacturcrl goals -i(
it noglesta ata own avenues to the highway a• 't" eaert.airwl of opinwu, spot from
of commerce, ben°se the neighbor is their contracted and intolerant views, and
shrewd enough to point to his own mads I7rst.thd1 arc abjectly gnean enough W be.
ready -built^ if it neglects iu own liters more '4' ricnd ihan the Americans tham-
tore because the neightorii presses them nJvos, ■nd we sera usly believe that if
some of them had the way they would
with rkarp but ripen Geist tnah, it falls hand our fair Province o r W President
far short sf its duty to future generation' Lincoln a •tiew-Yearb gi withouttns
and proclaims its willingness to endure ■ slightest oompunctiun. The Jcnnunse
state of semi -slavery, anJ ultimately W the sending of volunteers W the
loco the last hope of maintaining the 111511 prevent raiding, they iy down the 1
lotions handed down to it. ballot u ■ conscription, knot they by ear
With thio view of our nceestitiei and device seek to convince the Washingto-.
obligations befbre u.,we can afford to moi!e authorities that tbero is no esrthlp reason
at the prohlbitire,pastport system areae- why Canada should not be Per` nJ parcel
cessfully established by the " best govern of the Great Repebl'o tt onco forever.
ment the sun ever shone upon." If the {]•enc their 1 •io even i" stoma kpp vLs
Washington Cabinet wishes to Imitate the
attend, which we deny, we contend that McCagae,
systema in vogue jn the 011 World. lit it. I weir maudlin, mulles. schoolboy cry of Aul.y, A Stitt;
If it wishes to engraft upon the freedom' „ Thee Smith, Jai
Re told you so 1 " is infinitely more 020 j' gco0 Sam'I Whit
oC Washington, Madison and Webster,' ehievous in its tendency than even the, nun, jr, Neil McKa
rent to
linens' Prt'k Quinn, Jno McKay. Angus Me•
IA nald, A M ilyen, Alex McDonad, Juhn
('lark, Ju Beacom. Joo McKinnon, James
Veky. Alex McGregor, Geo Ileein%er, N
.Nctierrijal, Jesse Fultord, D McGregor, The
roc, Ju Howimun, ('oliu Campbell, Syrisu
f McC•llur►, M Hogg, su Fluber, 1Jinn
Hoayg, Ueu S,mpeoo, Jnu l.rmunt, John
Oalbraub, gem Ralston, 1t.oht Nark, John
Gardner, Alex Moffatt, Jac Zimmerman, K
Allem, S Duncan, duo Donald, Rub' Crook-
shsuk. Alt. Camppbell, Wm Crookahank,
Wes Wiliam, H S kl U Yreaos, Rubt AaJ.r-
wu, Jou Latimer, Thus Nibaa.
Crunoer U Clark, U Espliu, Jason lice,
Wm Body, Jas Muir, Sam Aikes, Aha
Wallace. Win Sesnb, Ed SimM, Joo Good,
Angus Campbell, Heol Leggett,'L) Cam ll,
K Jobuetone, Chas Thaoiulph, Do, id oley,
Joo McKay, 11'm Golan, Itobt Long, Thum
.tpplevate, Ju Mile", Jas Star jr, Jas Crn-
law John McCoy, Dune McCallum, U Loua,
It Lockhart, Alex Brown, •1, , Cortex, Mor-
ru Garton, FA Bgotorn, EJ Comely, lieu-ge
N'r sew, Jas hole L, Hugh Uae ideou, R'm
Lade, M u Pbdlrps, Jos Onion. I)ru Wallace,
Pat Bowes• heruai l Walter, we. Fina, kubt
Jones, Ssinl Hunter, Phos Sunni, U Mr Kay,
Geu V. K y, Jan M.Curnuck, C F Goo1ene,
W m M. Kay. H C Sutherland, 51 alclean, Js
Cuunurn, T Leg:et. Geo Eggard, H W Alum,
Alex Wright, -M Black, Joe Mahn, ltobt
Angus McFaydeu, J McLeod. N McPy
cern,.l McLean, Wm Fraser, Jno McKenna,
U m d McDonald, Uunald McKinnon. It
uudl Ulalte,Jno McDaosW.Lsughlin
Alex YcQuarrie, Isaac Offord, M
, M Mclean, Joo Mclea,, A Me, 'Donald Mclean, Jnu
Joo Uunn, Ju Wiikiei W idiom
ci)ou.ld, H McCallum, J Me•
leu d, Peter Bestir, M Stewart, A
Melt gos, U Drummoyd.
:cael, }t Keeser, Jno Mc-
'resegham, And Miller,
1t Eogerb Juo Kerr,
y Geu g, K
m llanuun, James
rip•htou, EJ Benny,
Jno Moulin,.1 Mc-
tairison, Jaynes
n ins, L Murdan,
lirLlsz, W u,
Wm Muslin.
Kleu'er, L
unn, jr,
Me Kin°
A rtbur,
1, ,. me,
I laneld,
R 'Dung. Chas
D lrm(d, jr, Pat'k
Sawurl Cleudcnairtt,
.1 nil Fournier. N Smi
Nrcholurq F' IWwe,
Darling, 1' Kolmer, U l
!tab% Benny, 1' Johnston,
tarty, Colaot Huller, Ju
t)uubos, I Fenbur,ler, lie
Ww Mo,dan, Paul Fisher
Itemy, E Voclaker, Jas Iteate
Joo Clendinning, A Willer. 0
hraton, Jou Lamont, Geo l'eell,
T U.trtiu j, Jw Kamiman, F Ho
r r `1 ewar MMCA '
RichdHape, U,t
McCreary, Joos Young, Chiu Mrnn,
Igg:u, And Unhman, Wut Seem
ieblsyal,Jou Faher, Juo Adatan.
r haoss.
Allin James, Ino Hendcraan, D Ireton
J Y Aold, Geo Scott, Colla Keased', Jam
' sunnir.
Alma 13e11. Jno Lamood, Joao St..s,t,Chas
through, M WidMman, Ueu Bell, J C Comp
bell, Jou Bell, wm Scut, Al•* Ualbreitbr L
McArthur, Jno Fraser, David Wallace, sum
Millar. Juo Pe•rwu, Weil Bell, Dunc Lemuat,
David Martindale. Mae Pollock, %V Goweu•
lock, H Thad*, Alex Karmer, Arcb Cameron,
Jas Clark, Chu Beel's. Alex Currie, •ea
Bargees, D Wilkie, Juo Forrester, Julia
Uuwenlccb. Rube Crai(( Clerrseut Morton,
J F Reiland', Angus 7albr.itio Ju FWlkaer,
Jno Boyd, Aagua McGillivray, .1 neap.
Reht Lawrie, J Kepkey, Mord McArthur,
JuNeelauda, Ed Gurdon, Uurd McLean.
Ju John, Rich Waster. Geo Craig, Geo
South, Ales Stewart, Jae Parker, P Angus,
Ales Sinclair, Thum Ferguson, A Hurn, Thus
Caseadan, woe Gable, Vincent Mesm, Cbas
Parent, A'ee Angw, Juo McNabb, Ala: Me-
Nabbjr, Frank Kamtwod. _
r' -lien Butler, irreverently termed by
some "the beat," bas been cashiered. Cstie,-
chronic incotmpeteury.
Ata reat Convention of dele tes
g %a
bell a Nashville nrolutiuo. wen aduptd '
with • view to •llolishiug 'level,. in 'l'enue.
see. The cempreinon of the pow wow may
be imagined. wben me 'tate the blasphemous
Parson Itrownlee was pitched upon as the
coming Got ernur.
}Ontloe nijht of the 13th inst., the K.
Catholic Church in Brantford, eras nearly de
Parties wishing to pay their sub-
ecriptions to the Signal in wood
will please bear in roiud that we
want it in the green state, hence-
forth. Let it be good. Maple, we
think, makes the beet firing to be -
found in our Canadian Forests. The election of Sobool Trustees o0
Wedueeday aul Thurday last rwulttd u
GRAND TRUNK R. R. follows
St. George's Ward, Mr. A. Smith,
Qodartoh Draaoh (without opposition.)
ztur 'r a}ti_ie. nae.. taus- St. Andrew's WarJ.-Mr. G. N. Weill
0ou0 100T. was elected over Mr. G. H. Parsons, -his
of the newspaper pros of Cauede► We
teal w b.sitatioo in saying that the publle
ruay insure in this Company with all
,o.Ideuce. Ths alma of such Isco ou
its directory u the Hos. J. H. Camelot'
is a sure guarantee of its soundness.
Eaprre Local lane'
OODERICH.. oar a:u0 • r 15.00 • w 4:e0
CLINTON Pan 1:04.0 6:e0
HAhPUKHKY...10:30 t:35 9:00
FEAFOR 1 H....I0:30 2:00 6:16
CARKUNBNOOK 11:06 2:35 H36
MfrcHELL... t1:35 .1bA 7:00
STKA I FORD •a 12:30 a ass 3:66 7:40
00110 wxar. '
$TRATFORD ni, 1:15 r m 2:00 0:10
hellt'HELL.... 2:00 3:10 0:e)
CAKKuaBHOOK 2:35 3.45 0:10
EAFOIIfH.... 3:00 4:40 9:30
HARPUHUEY.. 3:10 4:50 9:30
1;LIPTON .. 3:40 54. 9.50
O ,UC HICII •t 4:30 6:30 10:10
tally 'roe• of Stages run nom tiwierrea
Luc know, Kmcard'ne, arc.
ra St. David's {Yard, Mr. Crabb, without
opposition, Mr. H tys, the retiring candi-
date, having declined re-notoination.
• St. Patrick's Ward. -In this Ward the
retiring Member, Mr. 9. Ybotlaud, was
• • re-uomivaWd and being n b Mr.
o McKenzio was defeated after a
pretty sharp contest.
On the whole, cuosideriog all that hu
to been said about bad school manageulent,
hc., by tike electors, it is perfectly asWn-
eotlei Mas p 9 M two years ago, •.d was
an ornament w the place as well ae • credit
to the asl of the ambers of the merge.
Ciao, many of whom dropped • 11011 tear u
they pared by the blackened skeleton walls
on their way w the old School Roue, ib
which they formerly worshipped. red •hich
they will have .gain w make use of until
such time u • now building can be ereclad.
There eau au iruursome ou the building fur
93.500. The fire, there can be no dcebl,
originmd at or near the hot air furnace
, when • large fire had been made on linter -
day eveuisg about nine o'clock. The fur -
nano was • most useless rare fur the purpose
of h•wng, uwing no do4bt to its faulty cuo-
♦ Oood Suggestion•
To the Editor of t?e Signal ,
Ste, -A late number ufyour jour-
nal contained the resignation of Mr. John
Nairn, who has so long ben inspector of
the schools in the oouut To that gen-
I. b
tleman's great experience as an edueatibn-
ist, and seal in the discharge of the duties
of the office, the education of our youth is
much indebted, -and in his retirement
from the petition he will certainly bear the
ubtng to how htt,e tuwrest u wast- kindest regards of all who appreciate faith-
ineeto i by firo. UrhuJe 51000. Supfa,svd n yet 1'}yr • } t Trustee eketions; and we Iff fulness in discharging a public duty.
umndiuisw. >• D u Y i9u sense in the sug gestion I
The-1/'efneas o CouGdrnt on no The office is one of such interest to the
} PW+Ks _.__.-- .uhf be en :hao d as 10 I
cede go eummuuny that 1 trust a few °Lsenuions un
hecrux it thinks it will tiny Prutestaut m r.
fluency in Looter Car•da. DI!1Nss SO D. Id. RITCRtx, Ep.- en W vote Cur trwst4ws !the subject would not be out of place. '1'bn
fested in th
think there'ts
that the law a
enable the rute-p
at the sawe tiro
ordinary municipal
(i The mime :_aper says : "the new, Brom
Amar tea caused great Yt¢,faetnon iu Eugiand
among the blends cf t • Ntotb•" Wlist
neer T The paaitwrt uyatem, the abrogation
of Reciprocity, Gen Du'. order, the stoppage
of M.11.lbyough Caudal
We understand from those who havo
received lettere of invitation that Mr.
• vote of $I ems le • sat• Tlwa
the aecn ive .es'o Muga fleets few, DlDie l
Hate; Ileudriebs, Hiehe, Rowe nem% ..4
Vau Winkle,
About a week ago, when the Meagre.
Blair, promiueot Border Stas polilicuus,
went to Gen. Grant's beadquartes, it was
rumored that their object was to visit
Richmond to endeavor to bring about
oegotiatiuus for peace. These stories
were r iled, however, by the return of
the Blain te Wuhiugtoa-some Yid
because Grant would not take the reepun-
nbility of issuing them a pass through bis
line., and others because Secretary Stan.
ton interfered by telegraph, denying that
they had any authority from the Federal
government and auggestiog W Grant to
preveut their further progress. When
they return d the New York Tribune, mo-
cepting the tement that Stanton had
interposed, deo uner d him for the act and
stron •I ur w' of
by b'd
a idtim makih
surae overturn fur hc ppurpt.e of stopping
the furthereffuaioh f blood. Mr.Htwace
Greeley went to Wa.hugton, had soofer-
ruces with I'resident'Iineoln, and sup
ported his views by all tae arguments he
could bring to bear. It uqw that
he prevailed so far u to alta Lioeuln
incline favorably to his pro i tee, aad
that the result u the Wain are again ow
that they elect their auprrio'aiduit uC our schools aboull their mleaion southward. A despatch
from {A'uhington may■ .
repreaonwtiruro. In quuhhcu Duos that •ppe,ar ltojethrr n•er-
ut conducted, the looked iu leaking the appointment. It hu " The two Blain left hero yesterday
been the prevailing opinion that those hold- fur General Grant'. headquarters, where,
is a miserablu 11 is aid, are waitiu for them,
that the Haar) 1OO p nations, which regmn a eanun a000unt l> R
of knowledge requisite tar the discharge of agued by Me rebs Secretary of W am,
ted wtth very I their ora professions are ciompetent to ex- PerwtttiuR them W go W Richmond, Thu
ect of from- amine both the reacher and his s,bonl. Rut Biel glen the late peace-miriun renewed
oras die• : esperienes should teach thew taking any ritaltt) dere."
Ritchie'■ Stanley. friends intend giving many cases, u at pr
him a dinner in Bayfiell on Friday next. election of school trust
farce, mad yet we all kno
' fid Goldwin B,nith 'thinks the sinking of TIHOR! UNLUCKY- MCNKCTe. We uo• to which that' sra sent le v.:
the t'loridawaspurelyeec,dentel. Ot'courte,,d-retand that the Brigade Ua•ur received
but who cares much what the geutlens•a 1 eoorsiJenblo powers. The o
+hints. • tel gram oo Weduesday last from the ioq tbo School Act so as. to
C} fhe N. Y. /Jerald el:tiding to the )lititia Department directing him to tinct election for Truatacs was
quiet tone of ibl 1.:,b -n 7]'mea, nyn " it order the musketa allude) Win our tut such election entircl from t(t
,, •lou ,. I
aceras inpouible w kick t ,, d t to a
}ass." Aad this u the iaaJana of a mai to be delivered up in Toronto tmrneda,ite• atru lea which at Doe uwo enc
Safe. ly. Constables Trainer and Ilaslehunt largely into wunicipal election'. Ila
_ h} Urpr 4S0 lira here biyn lou"n 1661, started off at onco to secure the we )ns• at uch a necessit might have
i 1 gra s 1 e
bV nilrod secidunts in the L ratted Stles.-
se grata . iutenst in the matter that thn ma crit of 1 be Wuhington corrwspoudeat of the
p 1 1 HLrld wanes u° the a• ne'city -
party such men dot' not receive their edementsry It is curreett/ retorted Wit Yr. Greeley
au alucstio,n from the teat books now eaed, and urged upon the President and the ltepublica•
Irum lbs sural iuf thio important gaa11&val on members of Cumgrw the beuehu whneh
'sir would accrue to the North from a fur,
n the sunerintrud.ut ntleu loam that iueuenee human, and undisguised atempt to secure
t he mitto have oraerte 1, (,r the welfare of the peace with the South ; that the brut overture
school-. Tbe Mee might ise said as to the aho,IJ come Iron the North as the stronger
acquaintance of our Canalian school system, 14.417 t that a hoe•er should be ietruat.d
We.baye to p.y dearly 1n h.map7tn s for our
rapid travelling t -
ci Eh. Constitutional Conventins of Mis.
man hu pored an ordin cies abolishing
'every throughout the State -to take effort
i eunilely.
l reel.l Mrfonrhl, Ate: McDonald, R `Scutt, from
)r. io Menb . W. Scott, Jas Hamiltcn,Jnu
Watt,' rcb Kirkland! Juo Cameron, Jame• •
Murilly, t Lewis. 1( Jaeson, Wto Maken- pearls ore
house, 1' a Witton, Simi Woods, Thomas is.t for ty
Scutt, W -F Sanfuni. Jno Mc- f;} They
Jo. Morris, Jas Mcliregor, land on the
air, Hugh McKenzie, Jae the railway: i
Angw McDonald, Jun tbinj.
-Marlin Bulger, John The Corel
The !Ionian winter ie ssidto be awful,
a ie Cr\ as far u the eye can reach
onat tat.
tcb says the hat kind- of British
•. good wile,• thorough cob, • bot•
unit, and • pentad beefsteak.
ad • heavy snow corm in Eng•
1 th ult., mid traffic on many of
uwrropted-a most uuluual Esq. ; 1st Yin do Sem'' Platt, FJq• ; 21d
do du Wm. Mackay; Treasurer',Jas.Wtaon.
erateu have sustained a Fe 1. ; Secretary Wm, Mackay ; committee carried lite day, as, \undoubtedly, it always evident that no 1,08
Wo trust they will do ao in'iime to -,save formerly, it barely esitsis at the prose
those who) may be tiling them from doing time, and we really think the pro
themselpe any harts, which will be pretty change would be a beneficial one.
sun to be the case if the old diet locks
are Bred off. CLANTO;1. pro
\ otfin
Mechanics'Insauna- 0`, [FromorrchelonCarespaWrnt)
CLinToa, Jen. 14th, 1363. sub°
The regular anneal meeting of tel s institu• Our 5'gbool Irwin Election bas re. led engate •
tion eau held in the'Court Roue last e•enmg, in the retain of Mr. William Murry and Mr. we find w
(l th last.) Tbe PresiJent ro the chair. R„bert• Cellendar. for • number of yedrs tog duties le
The of icers appointed for the current year Past these lec iions in Clinton have been hotly 1 he'ie.e Ih
were u linins.: -President, Jne. Davison, contestd. Generally the contest has been apP• :'sting one
mucor u be
between the two'principles of Itae 11 1 rod would then bate t
Free School, and Free School ho trove, i.Lly t, the duty employ
d the hens( aoJ Treat males of teaching and with the delicate business of openiud the
tiegutiattura ahou!d be a pen m or per.ena
ducting • school. Any rosy material im•- til h' jh *lauding, known aa repe s.°ung
mart cannot be ezpeeted so long as the 'the wrbes of the Federal govenment, sod
's conferred upon men who make it unmistakably iudoreed by it ; and that lbs
rdn to to another caliin4, which should pe"yle would be sure to apiplwd M honest
Weir time and ever ,ea: besides, effort of abu 411)4, irregetti,.e of the easy 4
% which 1 night result. W'br4•er emit, Ire tbs
w enntendeauartwllymegleet truth of the sentiment• attributed to Mr.
al'y'loomed upon them. . Greeley, tit u plain that hu visit ben has sot
nm-Jy would be found in teen .,,bout some effect. E.en Toad. Ste`
r the county, oe al Iemt. as .area, use of the got to clamor fur ubju-
utd attend to, and he /anon end eztermioaion of 11ie wbn. pup -
tuns his entire intention ulanun of the Soulb, was, for him, .aper
j ba who's time. It is ee-deotediy curteous to Mr. Cox when the
so cepeble of msprct. latter attacked him in the House os Thurs
n acquainted with it day. and spoke til Mr. Greeley as ' • distis.
thu and rgany other gunhcJ a . •bis patriot,' in.euutxetioo with
.ell 1.5:i4ed u s the T'n'brat•.mucic (amnio/ •peace 0110011
coasiderebls e: W !Lcbmcud. is fact. the tone of the tte-
cerfel. There Vubucan coegreeeman has suddenly ekaused,
id • judicious •aid as Mr, C r fittingly sad, they ars feet
made, its coming over to General McClellan s dec'ars-
maniten in non brat we eb'utd ' ezbaust all the resource.
of st.tesmenebip prectrawd by a .utored
nations awl taught by the trednwas of the
It, American people, couesrent wok the honor
mad interests of ibe country, to secure peace
sod re enabl:sr. the Csise.' That the . due
eo the ete.rroea of Yr. Greeley, 1 tare Mt
a 4, 1,,."
The hoard renter:s •daonally -
" Tim, faher end son, an again en
tr for ttiCli,mind, 1Lu arse doubtless
heel with sums sat of of ci.l •utkonty
t with the confederate ebirb for the
of bringing .Most p.sce epos the
the Union. Thal lL-y ray 'recited,
their intention, wilt be the esilient
1, without distinction til party, who
the anomalies irueperable from military Gw y threat of '' rrtulialnry mersuru.' 'Parr, Ju Uro.n, .\ng Mcl►enz'e, hb.rin seven lou Lieut.
antnliwtioo, let us,00t sa it na Aod Audcr n. ass Snyder 1 McKy,A Heigh, dra,h from paraiys
p y iGaLd Fulford, Geu Caalic lGebd Fease.t,
when 1t rudely and•nowarrutably thrusts TQE ELECTION OF REEVE AND Juo Ball. b. l4cbmouJ payee
DEPUTY. Y most ioeue°tial rebel e
aside our trs a from its dominions, let us, si oeuu: M osiry,pi. -
intead of whining and denouncing each Alex b, Jerson, Jno Adolph, o Gibbons, j The atnry it currcn
The first meeting of the new Council 1) lode a Jos Kan, Sort 'wan, r Wale, find' via 'stunt
other u traitora,rx demanding retaliation, X gg j •: r
turn around quietly and see to what ex- took piano io the town hall, yesterday Tho. EneF^ Jn McNicbnhMeVeil, F. chi, I of .000, intioomend tliatwtbea
( Monday) at 1 Y o'clock. a pet
tent we can rely upon our onrn resource, Welsh, Jno Vance. jr, Dan Ruble, N Su oa, hada to uk parliament for a co
J. V. Detlor, Eat , Mayor, presidel. D Beaton, Arch we P Sonclar, Niel c. crew of the vote. The n
low we may bat build ap oar own toenu ' Jt• Po
and niece, and cod our way cwt W Present, all the Councillors elect. After Millen, Robt Irnng, rho. Martin, Neil M connot he traced to • good source.
the broad Atlantic through k itish tern- the usual routine,
ass. Sterling Price, .boo of Mantagemeut, Mews.. Gibbons, Pentland, will do in tum suuitie rhete the voter-, are '''% any npenu,.n u
is rn n. WnelJ c,, lbe r actual practice- Ia
F:etchar, Slo•ue, Ales. Smith, La(roy, H. D. 'peso who hao eliddrenso educate. buten y 1
reas ns, l think none s
are not, at the seas tits%\more aulerrbuno teach,, .ho. in addition t
was the ablest and
mendler west of Ihe
Can.sron, A. M. Ries, Judge Cooper, J. B.
Gordon, E. Land, W. M. Stvage, and F.
that thea Prion of Jonlon. their neighbors',be have race yhildren. } u he I I bt th t h
daatly supplied with this wtsrld s goods than pet ieucer a known hu he r
myself 1 have .l.iys heret"foM o .lron,tty b ,w introent of the kind v en
io the dtgaily ; Sore Lucky Fellows to Teekenmith berc6, nal i Reeds would soon
. reniment in in favor of the Free School plan, t 1 must the coo+muo schools. ,
idenhle im• The folbwinR names wero not rcocired confess that lbeoe are Mme ma -antes where Yuen, ke.,
heeever, with the list of Militiamen ublished b what a k" to be grws injut•ce occurs fn -
P I the working. it is certain:), the duty o1f t-h+e L•elgillop, Jno 7th, 1865. •
Brite► as last week. They aro for the WwnsLip State to provide the mean. for havin j • cry
onli.r c l'Tuck•rsmith, and twenty you.6 Coen youthful member of it tateht the rudimet e
turopean News.
tate allowance
- s
Lend, L Steel, Tight Saunders, Juo Stewart, elm The business of kidoappin
Jos Hall, Jno )idler, Areh Blue, Jno Jnhn. 1 s 'eels on the Eastern Totenabips
i ht■ Ilia worship the 'Mayor addressed t}e aeon. Luke Finn, Robt Montgomery• Wm R b
rya If d ranches Detroit acd del g y 'eileral agents was never w brisk or
the hart of its ma maoimous m• or to Council. Ile Yid he- need hardly inform Stewart, Rageoe Egan, Ju Foster, Arch, pude ly earned en as now.Hou.eisee bre su
k I them that it was necessary to ase their McGillivray, Darr Oanaugh, Mat I'ortpr,'Jno open, o taken from their bed., and ear
turn Canadians back from her doors, Cs- Renis, itul+t Selves, Iiobt Irioorl.•y,' tlli•m by force to the States to be sold as sub
bat endeavors to secure the interests of Hawks, M McKillop, Arch McKillop, SSeott, tete*, and ere is nu redress. The overa-
nadians mus just eery their trade and W m I.In d, "i bra I, aeombe, Joo loan , W es
the town during the year. I" order W I g meet has wi drawn the ro:unteer lore* from
their money eastward. IlamilWn, Toro° do this it would be necessary, considering Muotg.mep, R'"1 L70n. that section, a Yankee ruffians hare it all
to, nd Montreal will hardly object to the aacevoce, their own way. he people are talking of H
am t when ere begin to pour the the large deficiency wLich depressed the h R I J D taken( op arms n their own defence, and Lo
'm ! who have no doubt been sufferin the
K of • eomnen education e,mhnceJ io that uhd
r Ings of disappointed ambition will be tormu'a known u :he three R's, •.x :-ltead•
lead to see that they are in for it atter ing, It'iu,g, and Kithmetic ; but it is no lea
11 : the duty of tb -ae members of the eommuniay
-Robe NeCar(ne o t
1st Baffnlion. y,R b who Gave children to educate sod who are ' Lt
Jas Broadfoot,Hugh Rankin, Rich) I .ble W pay, 10 bear their lair .ban of the i. its resrtast of the year, alluding to the
ea nae.. A. it is, there are men men who
Donald McKenzie, Ju Cooper,Joo I V° T premea aww (itudr of the Nu'th to
ly Frd Welland, Wm Charters. are.bandantiy al le to pay for the educarnn -In tim, rant state oI Norlh.•rn feeling
Naw Yosx, Jan. 12.
Steamer Cluna. from L.rverpool on the
bas arrived
•root,De,. 31. -The Timis of to dy,
ngemen Arc eI , no ughert) Ale: Mr Kin•
wealth of thu Wnt into their lap If funds to pr•eutx the molt' rigiJ economy. non, Allen McLean, D,nad 51c1)onld.Hemry lr°uh etyma nines • e:peetcd. i Maio
Ile trusted that all the discussions that eit,.on, Jas McKee, Wet Iwmb U dcOregog RlTb. Huffalo Co 'ler says that •n order lu,
of their ehedren who use both their votes then ora tom .eh reaao• to apprehend waw
Buffalo rcfuea 10extend lbs hand of fel- mi bt arise would be eondueteJ in • Juo A McKinnon Thr. Cuonin h•mc, Ales was recen.4 from W u njton, on Satardy, I n asd influence to secure it on tba Pie n tel % y p
K g by rhe Lake Shore nitro companies, to take red tfalion.-Wm Oliver,Jas Mills, r rinnci• her sutra n which s render. n here ineriuble.
lowahip to the grain traders of iluros and 36 l o .1d, Eugans Yull.o, Isase Ndlu. a ai because th can make tb ,h pp
otbmaul rod honunble a irit, anJ that v. the western mri!s which ba• hercolore gone' Pater M Jeuph IaArther, {Ves P J I Amenc.nm neith • nciaa tha •tres th of
Bruce; if she threatens W send our to al bre Y Pat'k Quinn, Robt McKee, Jas Pinkerton,
y h ght he ff L th part f 11 Ju o Shi I I , J i Mc 'ono• I, 1'•fk C'on ry, tO •uJ from Detroit bT the :real Western Wallace, Ja Lowrie, (iso \ott, Uao SIC• who ¢as uo cbddien Iirer •proportion of lbs EnglenJ, nor undrrtlauJ the unanimity with
IWlwa it is aubabk tbtl'he order eau -1 ex nae
t cro rat n e air on c o a e a' n L I I The workin oC Ib• law, tum p P')
fishing -masters to Fort Lafayette for dar- - Solomon II. t K ]none, IL,bt Mnnl emer T t Kay, Akx R s 0. Pe < T wLirh war wJl W r toted if forted . n
to avoid whatever might mar the harmony T• gg T• Sicken Lrcausr the Gnat W'estrrn Company
ing to step into her bac. yard, and if she Fri Cumm ghame, Ju U.inw' It bl'i' ben,
eventual) cloaca out our .rich int icrlL whack eLou1J creat at the BoarJ. As ,p„o licej•n. \( to lirundle, Mul. Mch'oJden, had rnh•Jnwn rU ezpreu trues, ahrch air MlattIOV A•T •iITTINo.-We are re -
T for himself, while he wiahcd to maintain Jno Symer', 11 Thompson Alex McKmnou, mid the mats, rather thait any purpose w
Le h d' f I k orJcr and be sapportal im w dome, ee -°nne , en at:, m on, ames take •atrona•e from the Cared an nitway q tested to annna co that the Annual
ftr N'endnp. Peter Fraser LruDhin Me[bnald (r,• A brnsponJent from the "Sonny Missionary McelinR in tonnectioo with
t us not m sue • 11 u event ang AI 1' 1 (l H F C rd J
oor hw,l , e menlif we can I ee Let'r he sincerely hoped that the beat con'trur W,m Ionia, Allen Campbell. Ruht Arne, Soab,r' sey. the rebel. are hoIJ raj nut, uo the Church Society wi take place in the
• OR be tion would at all limes be put upon the Pat Bra an, t'at QuuJan, J.mH Saunders, eaptctuunn of being recd, used m March -
t b F I ▪ d• d F e Th s the• Epieedipal Charch of tLt town on R'eJ-
' l m t eon air t con a m ortulra, t ms . a
th fi ood h edl and u if `
snap c ng erg umor n, Ialtguage he might ase Ile aesared them James chore, Ju Valentine, UunaId Mc• nha k b nit h f h rani(•I f
we meant W show true indepcodence, pay IA,uald, Oso Tat• Ju Jackson, Jno Connel 1 Pe J oeday evening„ the 18 t , t 7 0'
that the genuine sympathy extended to
oar share for the ehlar)mment of tho \Vel- Jae Fiske, ltichd haake, Jma Mair. h - The concludu,g porton of Mayor clock. will be
h• b tin I C th t b il. k ( f Det t) nal room •e u a of
e ono since n er s rc' .n u
and Canal and the con'tre full of the the passport gstrm - ' L nler w. remove Revels• Meson. DuMonlin, S
ih t col nial Railway, in the full belief great alt the gave him more satiefuetioo . ^Norman McDunla 1, Sarul ileo e, Jnu thu great ubu civ in tree xray of fate mom• mlehael, C. C. Johnson and Du
than all the honors they eouW bestow I mrrc'al utsrcuurse wnb the C.o.du, and an 7 be osnal collection will be taken
that the ships of the west can Mil from Jamtveun, M.I McllanelJ, Jnn l,amheth, Jas ubttucted a jr, u end n e we ma Iouk
the harbors of Sarnia, Bayfield, Goderieb, neon him, and Ire could say thot hie inter- Sianett M•I M, I cod, N McKay. Jis Juni an' lot an earl), and complee ptoatnuon of
est in the welfare of the town was greater Ilunald MelGtchie, Allen IYair, W m lluaen. hwh,re iu oar city."
Kincardine, fie , and find for our farmers I 1Vm McCoah, Wm F.ngI ., DnnnI1 36 Eny,
now than ever before. In conclusion, he Jnu M'arn•, Wm Swot , N lfathHnn, T \I'o6 fhe olitical life of 10.0 Plmarstnn
and millers just as brood a market as that O P
the lost. our ours men eacbew expressed a wish that they might have a mon, H Celine, N Moore, lI Murnn, Wm h .a teen lunger than that of any st•v'man
I I R comfortable nd happy year together. Cumming, Murk Alclannan, Ales McKenzie, of the present century, at home nr abroad. --
their Beadle's Dime Novels nd 'Ledgers' It was then moved b \ir l ameron J M t It H ! S A I 1 h f 1' ' M 1 ' ed 61t l
tm y e poop e n ■rsor. ' b,
view, therefore, u unj tit, for i think the a reluctant Govern
government of the reentry has fully dacharg. ant r, Coit of .ar wool
ed its duty wh.n it hu made the legislative sad irrevocable H4blisli
grant (or edpeainnal purposes, .nd if tlge independence. The West 1 u mail steamer
people, after that, ate so apathetic that they arrived at Southa.apton to d.y, .with over two
won't ilia huge their duty In their ufbpri ,g cod `half mdbuns m sp ecie. i'e _
1'aait, Dee. 31. -An ira 'l decree
t and nation. fhe
be Ike immediate
et of Southern
by taki.J.1..,,,,.titthe °sears's"ofthe authorises the importat,n of haudiee
eduearon which the government has proved of every descriptors, from any coo `r y sud
rd, the gorenitn•nt •t any rem eauwl be under an Aeg. roto St. Louis, Srueg\I snJ
•livered by y
the Car- hl•w.d fir n. Thr discusson, however, 1' ,h. Isis of Gone, Another decree .pe'irethe
f l h f h Jd t
nut o pace ere, or t e question I no r1 of Ca cone to both Freneb end fore' n
urdien. some op a the tae erection. The enmest •nsele. The Band of llnllard to day ref:Ne d
The followin r •re the eouncillors elect :
Mrure. C. Whitehead. Thos. Kellj, Jno.
p.eedue, Alfred Brown, Jno. McRae. Rave,
Y un vomer),, umr tin, nr erson, at o nn.e ettenue ,tit oaf C. Whilahsad ; depoty, Alfred Brown.
(not ■very hsalthful pabalam; at best,) y 1 Ditto Guzcl, A McLeml, I. McDougall, Gen Jrare, from' 1 94 w IF4?; that of Count
and invest in nod solid British literature secondd by Mr. Runcimn, and' Resolved Wilkinson, Jno McTavish, Jnn (tell, Geo Nesse!rode, also the same number of years- HCLLEI-T, .
R unanunously that Itobt. Gibbons, Esq., K•edha_ 1)urid lartm Angus VieK+y Wm newly from }FOs to 1ri56 the Inks of
-let our people emulate the little town
Oshawa in the encouragement of A
of - imith, Juo J 1 1 el., Jno Patterson, Arch d 1Yelbagton Inde mon thn bony Eve yens., The temperance By -Law eau voted on on
rarer, be i eeve of the town of Goderich f tie (;ameron, Jno Stewart, Joo Sinilb, Donald dating from the time when' be wen Chief Tborrde,y and Frtdy last. 0• the enc day
cur t y ar Y ( J Full rd O Fah t Job eye to hub" t h' d th th t f 3'
manrf rrtures, let ns try to turn out
ren c r ver, u u eo a er un, ,i ere ry ,o an n n ea ; • o n
It suss then moved by JIr. Rnncitnao ' T'hum mon j:, 1) Campbell, Chu IVilann, Robert I't,-I even ler still. But Lord 1'a
every other article required for home con- ' Wm ontgomery Jos :hoer Ju Pearoak
seonded h Mr. Clifford, that Dr. Mo- , menton entered the (louse of Commons
sumption ucreJitably a we now duourl I Paler Mrlhur, U.rid Bell, Anra. McDonald, 1106. nod hu held office, with very lig
splendid Canadian tweeds, nd it may be' Dougall be Deputy Reeve.- to t
Carriod. A'ex Nv oce, 'fhe 11,11 'r, Kenneth Mel.• intrrmimion, since 1tlU or'e,en years mu
hankcd the welt, de Hnilida. 1V I. t. t.. Ee I'ullock, Nun half • center,•-• [Ones a Wesk.
Tha Reeve and d
that we can Ret along very nicely without, epaty t
I Board for this mark of thcit confide:oe,
the good will of Seward and independent stsca t.lto TILE PEACF. RUMORS.
of hi■ .cry peculiar application of the nod promisd to do all ro their power to J,w Kerb, KJau {sell' •This 1 si d,MY'urman
advance the interests o. the town during It is aaeerted on the strcn lh of • {1'a
"e effete Moonie doctrine If the Coifed- g.1ea1 JY Cuine'I Dun.idtathmsun A R
aid, Au w Moore, L Jordan,
r it stood 91 fur, 91 • •ins. The artitgle
I• g
wan carried on neriday with eztreme rijor,
but the ways bd it by 21 mejotity.
r their continuance in office. NcAskill, Kenoetb, M,l cud, li Mc L) nal I. in •ton des etch to the icw York Tribune
erntion Scheme, so heartily concurred in ti P
by a vast majority of the Canadian people
aad sanctioned so cordially by the Impel ial
Government, neane anything at all, it
means to stamp the .cal of Nationality
upon three Prorineea-it mens to erect
a standard under which all true hearts
may rally -it means to strike out boldly
for permanent aeperate existence nn thi.
continent, and we mean to say that the
\ stoner we are led to test to the utmost
every resettle* we pnmacas of load or
water the better it will be for ourselves in
Mr, Jonathan Bieck was appeeted as it'm Gnthth, Uond Leitch, Jus Wood, Rohe that within Wo daps 5 ecseation of heatili-
auditor by resolution, nd him Worship M Cue Jas U Ky Jno 11loal y J h
named Mr. Sherlock as the other. Al.•x tic laud, lieu Mr Kay, And Miller, 4 to the opening of peace negotiations. Oa
Committee on Committees and salary 1lcDonald, lt. bt Itunnby, Arab 3lcLom'td• thio subject eau take the following from
Committee were balloted for and will Mind Cameron Hector M'Fdrywn Hu •b
m n AI x Rr•ce Jn
l' r u n
Y,:Ur), jr, Meredith 1Ir Kee, J0¢n . rurman, tin's will take place in America with a view
McAwla, Ned Int of q r -„ the Aetea of Thursday :
report al next mceting. !toot, lho. Stanley, Ca ,t (Wean, 1. NcFa The greater portion of the editorial col -
After a short and exceedingly' harmoni- ',yen, 1t Ilunter. John McLeod, Ales Niiboh umns of the 7itnes of y.sterday is devoted to
nus meeting the Council adjourned until suns 1) Chatham, it Mclhnald, Mat Damn•,,,,, the discuecion of the peace morrnments that
Johnston Griffith, hat Achesrm, Jae Iturns now occupy the popalar altentinn. The
•ridgy evehing. !t Gammunr, Jno McLeod jr Sant Ilool, wm •mount of space :rad reasoning that for the did en, when, from the weight o
Sutherland, Murd Murrison, II Whalen, Mud 1•n few days our cwemporav he■ given to mime other emote, the roof fell `.in nd
T11E RECIPROCITY TREATY. McGiuivray, Dan McCowan, Colin McKenzie, this theme, otta!is, notwithsta ding its ea• °rushed him to death.
-_ em Keys, A Itolden, ora Taylor, It 71el.. preeai,iru of incredulity as to the benefit lobe I ASiDFIF.LD COUNCii«
BT the report in another place it will ke•, Dunc Camplell, l'eter Carrel, Jnu Hes. derived hom these ptelnminaries to negoha
sun, Ed Chadwell, Ilu Ir McKean. wm Ilu. tion, that it considers the 'abject one of great
A very'neat nd uscl"ul Al.nanao for
I s6 r will'te found on the 4th page of
to -day's fettle\ Clip it out before the
paper is laid away.
FATAL Aconine
cidcnt occurred on th
thia township and Colbdi
last, 10th ins., by which, regret to bare
to say, t life was lost. M Robt. John•
sten, an aged man, haying anion to
enter an old shed on the day entioned,
snow or
-A melancholy ae-
townlinc between
e on Tuealay
the god. We have rich fields, stout- De sow test tree A Dmgehon of the Itett- er, Geo Murry jr, M cAuley, Uood 31.n.t importance and wonky of Yrioos conudera
hearted farmers, enterprising merehnia, procisy Treaty his been at length decided go•nery, Chas McLean, Dan Colwell. Jno tion.
u A'ell whit eau't be eureul must Mel'askay, Peter SMwfclt, Yater Mc Ewan, Th
be endured. Ile must now look to our Alex rata Jne McKw )r, Gro Stewart, J C T M
t at tree Confederae Con air has
resrx J Why mheteM we drwpmd T lase Gnhern. sum F reser jr, Tbd Congtimrguod, the eRec Ih g
ire, fortonately, perbaps, not stmng own railway* and canals, and it is to be Ken McKenzie, Cbr McDo.gnll, appended thirteen commissioners to confer
ma m8omr ntMa s, the twWe 9t. Lam Ho" a eoma'rnIs.( the 7Smes, to which we
R • .n eft iced b w dca tch t°
I nllu M e her c
w a
enough to brag, and bluster, bot in the
name of ll that is manly, kt ns not sit
dw•e nd weep I
•' W It TOLD YOU S0 ! '
It woa11 bo amusing wen it not so
aboard to llama to the wondrous wise way
in "'birth .mrtain Canadian newspapers,
headed by the " unoo•guld " Montreal
Wiitses, aesoeat Rea sooh seta Y (Ieneral
Dix's order tr Mr. Reward's " preeler
peep rt ay...." It is beesses of those
wished C.edwr who harbor raiders nd
wry them oe to thin Wei of nerds.
asd piracy, sod thew wished Cassdiase
n saiw their °plainest from that particle
of the Pr'ew whim' ata11 iwl, at the
gllsrltsms British privilege of hue l .up.
sin awl Acs vi1d.Y.. W►W sus r
booris . ohs aibw clad tr p.N1e s
g -Oe a pantos of oar Pow
hoped that the Canadian Government will meaner/ vn.a•w. wick an equa. numb.r on our ode upon 11.
Alee. Nrlean, fhea Slrafnrd, .m A •.bjert of peace. The • pointment of these
sed extend oar rott hit hwar to I:uroup Young, Stewart Johnston, John Seller, Elij from • resolution gbaitted10tn lh. C7rufeder
P Par R 7 to Yeller, .m W Inn, Alert Lclie, K Menm)--ata Congress on the seventeenth chime.
laws, sum Mrl.ure, N Smith, Joe 1..... 1).n _. _.
THE DRAFT. Chambers Hugh Illark, Sem McLean, Jnn The Pdtnbnrgb Coaraml ulh • bnrriblr
Mclworl, It Shannon, N McK,bbon, it Hale, story. Knme days •g0 • tYn 0501 a eke
FIRST BA1 TALION B- RCCE MILITIA. ltenj Horn., Angus Mclen, wn Johnrtoae, filengenoek saw -mills nn business. end ted -
em Ilamilton, Albert Climaty, Dan Paterson, ,ertrmly going ton near the machinery he
at.aaw•.ta. Jne Matheson, T Burd, Peter McPherson. .0 ramght h• • belt and the next m0m.•t
Sylvester Coles, Venetia, Hohendm. list -Das- was thrown in among the saw.. 1 he nun m
•r•saL Done McArthur, Ian Male, Jnn Howard, et erge thought he felt the machinery give a
Albert YJtnn, Wm Street, Wm Moffatt Jam Frtse•rl, 'I ha Grua, Jnn McKey, Murd nR, end nn Iook,ag up wee horrifed to sou •
J U Prase., Itobt Yortgrsmery. Met/mold, Alex McK.nzt. Geo Orr, Nor human ..tet thrown off by one of eke u.s,and
McLeod, Huse 1MintJ5, Ales Andersen, J a Kaman being in among then, in the proems
Geed,. wn Tif8n, Hem ('amenm, George of Ming est apo The engin. was instantly
YcLs.ghh,, sum McPherson, wm Mahon, stopped, hat not before the sufferer was cut
Rich'd McBurney), Rich Thompson. Ii Teeeb sluice* into inebes-in fart the foot that the
barn, H It 11ao eeoa, Thr. rihelloa, Aea ran ... brown off was the larges piece that
McKenzie, Jr. darns, Gen Perypeue, Jns ease eft of him.
Cramston., Rn:n Teter, wet, Jo.
RYnah jr, Roek Mel .ld, J Sell, Adu Tia R:e►.nnd Diipateh, d,f tbe 731, rya
L .•ell, I)..atd Yel[i.eea, Oe0 Meer., A •o O1e of the mea markable tttinae aheut
Niebotena, Ales Omdew, Y Mlaeves, Juke the ism ttetiewi of thh (RuHu'a) eanl a ta
tinge, t ►d. Mae sum flel)eeekd, James os the feet time it Id •0 Dw rig r sneer
f'D.t'►tl2p be' set►. e'
eve, m 1fie Jae wcI•es C 'r ia.J Me[.oee, Jw Mallei. g Pvmu Reid ward of h the ws
Wm Rl.ek, Arek Tho.peee, Jae Morvan,
J.. Geddes, Dka.d Long, hobs Natohet, 13
Oiubos Jiro Il.a.on Aloe Webb R Koplin,
wm white, Ibht flaks, Jae V.'.i , John
Lamar Jos Me ay, Jos Bartos, Thomas
Dittos,lW. Santos t'rm Kennedy C. Crow,
Jan Greh•m. Item kele°s, T►oe Sleek. 0.o
Ifissksaem, sum McDu..ld, Wm Powell,
Tres Jaw•w, David Pato., Wm Hem.irird.
tdset J sum Briggs, O w i.h..a, J
pee M M, Jae mink, T Jaetr
Omhem Hug► A.M.D. ihe• W J 1 Mee d h
Yen et Jos OYs.3e, Heed Ne `* •°w t crow y t
Ilem•id, AMa MI twelve rano.. Prem R:ebsaoO11 and yes
J,nCrew, R Bertms, Owe Fleming, Jr Ham• He.Mren, w Trelw..s,trboa DDM N mat esu .mrd
seems to -have leen more of a personal char
actor than anything else, f r the candidates
all declared themselves of the same views :.n
the gnestien that has so.strong4h agitated the
people's n t,ds in this village durin.t the eler
tiur, jut pgkt, and its immediate predecessor.
iz., the appointment of none other than •
6 t claas teaches, and, if prwseblm, none other
teem a first-class Normal School Teacher. -
Each candidate for the two vacant seats at
the Bo rd was eir.ely questioned and hu
answers mealy aid
finally the we
the situatio of
whenever the
for another ye
were alto all
bolding a Nor
County first el
commended •
them. TIJe
considered qui
here, as some i
to have espres
School eertifie
Count) Roard
them. Thequestion of the relati
the two kinds of certificates was,
thoroughly' ventilated at the Nomina
Trustee,. try Mr, C. A. liartt, of this
who, in a sppeeech of more than an
elunnion, thorongh!y dispelled the illuer°
that had peen ea fr sly used by designing
men, that County !lewd certificates were
it• rate of discount from 6 to 5i.
•1.rvsaraot, lee- 31, earning.-Coltnn
sates to day bee thoua.nd bales. including two
iboutand to speculators and importera-
Market quiet with rather better ton.,
Breadstuff' quiet and steady. Provuioua
aeruani on crena point, and Debate in the Federal Senate,
•e alt pledged W throw epee
He•dTencherforco:epetitirm TUB M'IT14IN TO REPEA1. iT
oestion of ap;ointing • teacher - A iXJ I'T F h.
came before them, and th.y '
d jed to mecept • teaehrr W•snorr nos, Jan. 12, 1065.
ms, . ehool eeftificae, unless •
•ss ma were en strunjly re Tile Senate ioalay o, merino of Mr, Sum-
s to le a nu choice between tier' proceed el to the eousideration of the
proearin of lbese pledges u. Reripmeiiy treaty. .
to • trium h by wine panne. Mr. Ilowe took the floor in opposition to
::fluenti.l p e ons were known the repel rep the treuy.
s d their coot pt for Normal At 1 :30 o'clock Mr. Grimes interrupted
ates, to have sorted that Mr. Iiowe by asking That the Senate tug a
terrific• ei wen nperinr to receea of ten minutes to allow its members w
pay their respect to Vice -Admiral Farragut
who wu upon the Boor. The receas wu
Mr. Ilowe resumed the Boor on the Reci-
procity treaty
Mr. Morrill succeeded !Ir. Howe, and ad-
voc.,,ed the repeal of nhe treat' whieh h«
id had been unfavorable to the interests of
twitter than those of the Normal School. 11r. ih pe°Pin °( New England. Ha argued
Harte showed himself t , be piissesed u1 ron. ih ^ he t h,ty bel been unequal in its open
dder•ble knowledge of the question and spike + t the dnntaise of it has been
•t ti r with •', n earnntnrts, end n rcmli y ('anada to n.,greater eaten( than
d,rm..ness of purpose that were partitwarly br ie Ci ted Stat... -
edifying. and enncinded with • peroration C • I e footed 1F.e repeal of the
that, "'afloat any exnggeraonn,may be styled Irea17. 'The nerd of Trade of iletronl d d
not represent 11 people of Michigan when
they opposed its peal. They nprsented
only the intense o meechanu but the fir
men of Michigan wii.'!,p not in favor of the
'anada had been in
lion ever since it
commmir , •n Ihi. ossa ir Cher rrann why
the •coon recommendeA by t committee on
Forel n ter
Iatr nn' a nu d 6 • n.
Mr. Foote could cele no °rea,ion for pro
treating a debate on • question on
then Good be, lin said, no derided n inion m
value of
t n for
ri ge,
hn 'a
eloquent. 'The County Iloaod certificrdos
W:Iliam Mlsough, heave, Maurice 1)&tri., were torn to tetten in so far as they claimed
Deputy ILeeve, Uunld McIntyre, George. to pie eridene.. of ooholanhip un the Calc of
Armstrong, William Lone. their post man, and more than one instance
Ti1RNBERKY. win mentioned of their having he•n granted
to %,pnnns who hair not been bef•e the Bolted
- n whom f f
t ere ore Ihe M
Dear .Sinal, -What do eu think of 1 •rd could are -
9 I tasthdcerufiestenatestheyJd)hoe•'•
the following leo-simile, all but my own (only,'z q,.ned." After hie addrmn, Connty
name, of a receipt given by a collector of Ito•rd rertifirates wen very generally toted
.cheel-eaten, not 511 mild from this town- a hamb•g• opd nn nne hereehnuts, 1 •entu5
W asy, well DZ food bold enough to hazard a p
'h'P contrary assertion for some time to come, Cungreu oe in the cnuhtry. While the crone(
" Received from William 11 -, the for oven those rhe before thought well of had Pe"mt highq ••"ficul to the interest'
m def wit d*IIIsre and throe eeofa heirs them now dmil of the -n la of CanaA it hid rovad rr.
•ria school taxes for 1864. '• something rotten flat it:e of Denairk.' tidiest to the interest o the i"nited Stales.
tasty. The people of
amet w'
h nth the
T l re
ed d
ou R frail) that tnere mast bre Pm P ass P P
DAVID R. - ha l was reciprocal only ifn n■mer.
Fi B iN CU(ifTOY. Mr. H.le argeed .gains the repel of the
Collector and f ra't.e. treaty, stating that ie advantages had been
to a
bins t
of such
J -sin of
Love their ountiy. Irum the uatemeor
0f oar Waith .41.0 correspondent., sod t•.
tow of Ihe oracu from the K,ehmond
prey, given el entre, it would Vein u of it
were rarely pout 'e that lhn war was sub-
stantially over Evidently these peace
negotiations have n going on lunjer, and
have progreseed fe her, thea •u been
g, nen ly suspected. I, • td tha rcauh of the
Blar mwh,n is known n will be but
htae Tote oat in the la,.re. • i oto.rsnniea."
The article or the Iticbm Lzarwuer,
to which the Ilorld n'ere e, . Y fol
I ,w.:-
" One would not he supentitio ,
seem to perceive in the eir • 4i
mephitic odors til Waah,ngton.
pricking of your thumbs. you an tel
something th..ay comas. It ia
e ear,but w ill probably soon be plain .ams
what panic° sr piece of Yankee villi•sy end
treachery lurks under the unofficial visit of
Blair tenter, •r:d Blur junior, with,. sur s\
Me,. ike Tasks, is tis ce,y ohm of the '
Nei. York papers whieh •nnoaneea their
departure, and •Arrau that they are to mabe
certain ccs a..: lesuon fres themselves
(for they represent not.o1y), W our author•
dice at Richwood, tendm.•, perhaps, not oce
nor soon, but wmetime or other, w the n.
estabhahment.e( peace. llere ie an exaet
repetition oftheperform•nee of Kirke end
Jacgo.srthe two spies who were entertained
.t out expense in the SFiotewood,were clouted
with the President, and afterwada went
home and pshhahed all they saw and heard by
way of • campaign document for Lincoln's
elm, tion. Mr. Davis had • deep respect, it
ass -esus, for the chnneur of thou spies, and
pressed their hands with effusion. It is true
our Secretary of State was obliged to make
an issue of veracity .i•h the rogues, bat
which version"( the story, that of the rogues
or that of the Secretary wise most gserally
believed by a deseerning public, we have so
mean' of learning, in one respect this pair
differs Irom Kirke and Jacque', whereas the
latter were quite unknown, tb• Blain an s
known, and. what is knows of them n meet
decidedly unfavorable. herein Jecooes and
Kirke b.d else advantage, Thew Mere.
Ulair are, nd have been, to um them ■p is
nne word, a pair of regular W'shingles poll.
tieiing, 'peculators in electrons, aid jobbers
m the public money. 1t is impo sibls to
conceive any two Yankees in alp the North
more unlikely to have an honest errand i■
coming to Richmond at thus day. An; given
couple oC Hebrew blockade runners would be
much more welcome •niton, heeau s they
would et lent smuggle into us certln sent
commodinica. it a not pouible jut yet tie
say what nhjeet ofdisunion and treason nee
be served by it, but of one thing we are very
sure. Three men not being cnmmi.i00rs
authorized to open negotiations between grry
ernment ■od government are spies. (fill
e overn e t ao i ri
th g m n t .o se their Vunt, or hes it
already done w t The question n really net
put veashowdy, nor with nJ View to•
ran the government ; indeed the said gar
ernment will einharrw itself very little by
recon of anything we may ear en the sub-
ject. Yet it n not • very small ammo that
any Yankee novetmake', er tolnul, or nws-
paper editor, nr Wa.hingtoa lobh amber.,
who may ehor.e to come here and look shoat
him, and thrust hrmael(into the ea►,mel of
the President and head' of departments, end
take notes ll the while whieh o.7 he service
hot we
of the
y the
rant et
There ie no date, and the signature ' reeiprrel and not one-sided u sited by able to hu government in their plea n( esen-
On Sunday morning between one and two many Senawrs. Mr. Hale atter time further aqserine era, et" get fall p etstel m sed ,reeve
maybe taken for David Ret. Troly, .'clock the hmaotifel ediitee helooleng to remuks against the repeal of the treaty, mne. bd/wrA. an t(do. 1t is no light arms by
root lhenry that it yrry. W Rise compo- the Chorch of F.n Isnl .i' f in the °d tr. rifer the suhject track to the Cnmmit4e •n) mean.. W. have, ll of as, a very enn-
ient men a brit aria- Gar doin_--w,:-1 g --. •id.nbl. utemt in Ih• saeea.*t.l prasenp•
the firm there sum no hope or chance a uv fir the i'.ntuunn, Th. ww reveaw ebro Ibe ,ate•e.t of life nr de.lh 100 es ad ••ewes
ger We desire to direct attention tr . nrx the building en greet propene hod the gallon of the eraser A dare inleresl .I'e in elm meinsslaaaes sf
the of the Rsever ivannee games made before any nne asw it. A fe. Mr. Wilson said he bad prepared sa em the dignily of this tannery, sed of the
t'nmpeny in another enlomn Thu Com- ani,lu earn r.tnned fmoi th. V.try Sbi)meat, that instead of re line the tre.b ',v.." t .M► s have in K.
R+in b t h he e e0nvmirioe be eppeii.ted to mak. • sun w" 'sin' w vee nor gnterneeeey aoeass,
village was disermared to be r M . From
Rork, moires application here. Mr Doolittle expl ince why he Aneld vote hon of the prasenl straggle Nu lee• them
en u man h demon of ., r tent r property in the Church,
! 1 I Rro '""Pr trwaty. 021'•4•. I0 ln•t d peeve, rf
mending too Flar.nn+am, wee all entirely Funher ew.arks ne the ubjul .ere mad. the/ he sent, het not to ese it Mwaini .lth
tahildy red high standiryf, ie whom fhe
onblie may repos. p -feet a rmirle ee The en annmwuin.. of th. t. ..,.sum thet was the two termer ie fever of ramal end the 1et er enerim spin as Ile hosoe.4 gmnse of the
destroyed. Many people in the village dept by Mews. Cnirnma, inrddb and Hendricks. Indn•idnl .asmie• w•o sae .nod.? klaMr,
fo nio. papmre ap.k Very highly of it ; gn:n, o•, sed some sn nos meds aware of Mr against H. A motion to refer the mobjt..eett ecef•d••ai'y. we ese wary •mIl ewe Weee-
•nd ems n( its prinnip•1 maaegwn was :l anYl the ti air the Jod:eery Co.mirtse w last. 7be kyrd whes s5 M he the uopiss of Jheemsw
slily a prnmioeot red hoo0ntsk membee ►e(iding, r eaegt rHdere d tbe tY{swmf tie ear el the ressMime, .b:eh .0 adnplmd oy (bay are granted an sedieae•, they have
-- -.- sraiM msrwammes _
mos of !Denting suttee. The yea •„d eaye wore than elld nm the pee with the raave Beth re sud mea, le sass