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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-07-15, Page 2
OTS3EEE»’-H p»:s>to'C W 5 .,^'StlSk., AtiSbr. ? hr.<s.A'h:x^ sr yr toto r> srm. Wtot x ih> toito sTtottofl nx£;s one- -sn> MtJETWO THE WIXGHAM ABVAXCE-TIMES ThurxJay, July 15th, 1537 W* WWK» * Xhsrsilw bj A<tAXgcc'--7.2‘r.b$ Ykto «> Or? ^ccd Six tootXs, XI vn c Oaco? To 1A & A„ gKx w.s Sktotgft :ay, yea IjpOU'pi.jC' UOjfipiti;s’i sto? s *h Afg -S&.’ft.'a .*$&?< > T.*‘d <w: We 5L‘?oA'ie ta;>; b< c t<mou twn Av ..' wttfTi toey c<.>hx . v, n <ive. <&£?> cOgXi.d pj. S'vVfv. is s.UM'toto-, W shofrk; rot mk, xua?. ;v«; ;*h?;P lYtsr. tvrf. sc ft5«r.y ca’s parks tk) om. ri't&.ii s:.w;: ®frd .:X cilhtorh*, px-X? > vvd uy==4mi xt hu -to li. Thev ?> ivalh ho poto tc to- Sti x?;y gYCfet b«2?y» iX'* ccjtct ..* ■ ac- ttot! ;to to*- ’<»?;-■ dv®t ,»td. o, titW'ffrto tfrto' ftTi Wicomr XiAfr to"- «&ig sto42p to p'.tt; b-.•».»&?> v- woy- 3tj: iteto,. 3: 3: >S 3i wowy^ swrns d; u-cC* in to’touary, lAfA, n.a ^;-st Wtoftoifs Ihstinfto <>; Omato -wa> .to/stok m Salt Ito-vitoan m W>tofe?totk Otoftoj '7to ppmasy -to- yips to ptottok x fto- ianm ■&tol vHl«jse wumeft to wet 'vgtd;*?^ 4o ■tiiF'Whss -Thorr pctoifems xad to- -co* <toto shtorfW’or- romtocmug ;tov -ycstoWtoiVito-^ xs iHttW’-makx’to cm-d -g’ttoons,. ily *fe? yua; 31W. tivto wn 'AtuKWh's ’lustitnres 'to OnPtoic. With ci wmtotohiy to Ii'?2 xto! fr. 4to? -ato to Wfrtoto* 'had tot .■shCtoxsed to '♦§72 with ft totol stiom- ?b?rship o: Sto-fess Tn 4hfe the ^Atowds ”hh>:> itutos h*> well oto&ntoto the rs* to 'the '^yk*te> bYxnrhe? which- tottotto- it 4h‘fe. .papto’ -toW Am? to W& 4hmi. ■*Hs? -Instsmts c'atoy a •itsstoto wofk sx t’te o©m?wm»:v. Y? ..poto? to ■tltoir arttoitics ’fcs..- »o grto- 48& to 'hwt. to ihr 'xmteihir Wtosrfc they catov frm fe 'th^ir ycspsc'tfto Thsy ss?yvy wl i* :is ir. ‘this cppHwii "that makes '.oy-i'asiidxtitm -such xti asset 'ft :3t 3s 3e u^sst .yw 4to wssfer eteaiiss inrro«sc*i W? TAinntoat. In Ontatib $to? of toatfes ’’«e?to 572 s?;T - iriiSCr to) *\ bb ; St . h ■to’ ton?nso»r ' 0> .k 2b;iU-'O dl ?:0.: SK ., , T.Y ...^.^ ■^ •• , 4**4-*. ^^ toi,-'<; tofefrW0- .Vtikl'T ss; Ttca * I V to c.’t T voh*n UtoptY 1j; AgtoS ,h lOtul xfiV . A”:i'vk*lb; 7«to ’Fckrdn p ; 0.1 c®> Tk\'»p hr 3« i Tube S-to wto More ILi:? ana Tto’to ■•Soto. JSsSLtot to spkto'ad ■ .'r in cd-toto. Sfc % S .cstor.Ttxt&d -that .-ton This ytto g£n to totot •kWc.c, Tte ■suit/.fest wtoto tto’u m 2D years. ' sortod wtoi at ■£■*?■! tippeah- ad wtoia to a totopcr grop, A Wntfcfrto'n tow to xr Ktortolm? ■ gtst x tog in tor ?®r. Tlifci is mtos ! ' ?4ir sky vxs gi-yittg to wt 'in ottr x-nt i j to some '.time. i w t*: y ■ tSo to 'SXTtotors wuKn&tl ’ in th? Srmtosh war toy, to; to?', tot some ptoto? tones ;to yttrnfetongm , and h'sc-K-mtm*:. Yow that Tri me tototot-r toncton- tto Ying and k:s itotov xatontt torn- .., _ .. .... istoTi art? tork .-Jrons ewerseas the oto- w‘si- toxtirae tih or t.to d.aj- ton! toi ^’n'J oncxr^ton sttnttoTfmg ; v??s. tozmo-rxm by ’Fisming m xto % .-sb: tomto tohn X. Igvto X 'kimtoang x toto'1 ^K’ to oto'E •ntarme wtoto-rs. Yx ' warns to wtoch gist or 'to may gig ' m toen writer. ■as sfe afe ■ A '".'ocsto-T nt Scaussvito feiil xn egg, ;■£&»• torn .w?«r ttol ttos? toys what ;VrH: topwn Wto % 3s % 3 Tto Ylcamto’s tda soon to gxrtmg ; their tton by mtoms o? nt^anfe'nts. : Ttoe? to? a?«m? .them »w rriito : tS^ nS .pjkttS. AX’j.vs* t> Sfcwnm. ' ito toys 'v-hto ,s»rb a ■ ?’i«i. 3r fto Western "to-. 3? ; 'TtoiKtoons wxx ;oc much .fur ito i ' x htor; SohJixx kiX torjs on Satortoy > ! aforntom. Ttoy wxn'1 to work m w> I iTiesi j»nd wot. igoing by 21 to S..; ' < !?toorsun gkohexl fur the brst she to ; ■ nings xto wto “hto, 3’ito Ito wtothsr.. ] ; Tto Soimdsrs got b®a one run oH bss | ! sfrmts. .Cto'toi.rs torched ' -tto Jass ,i 1 .| ■*■ ' , ' _ ; i xhrty Siimaas xato "he bfeo tod wxdl j : Sttowrn, n pr.rtsidto sttotto frsr Twen j j Sound tou wilted m ito thirii on tor x ; Itorrnge of hits, itomy who tamed j :tto .totom- nt Owen Srumd, took ov-; i to 'Kionnfi .tortos. ito gtoctod good toll j ’ 'to: ito Itoians tongefl xtv? runs oil! , to oHtotogs. Sr*b Orotos grit toe xs- | . stonxnenr tor ■extohtog tor tor Tfito • ‘■asm! to Sid Jttostiif jermd. He told; i4he Ttirr. on toises mil toils The W. ! less, xhe rfi&mn tocse hinhigs 'hi- tog * iioitofe btoy. Somers xaiftjtot a •onm trnil •wHijgito toe iSisnuy to ntoh 'Strimcs. /^HilV-'ptOLET as toe: w a®s to-t a if®33.1WV<.-Subh wtowlhnse egr, IBs an mower—-to th tout ismt®>&,, Bvtoy YaSw^to-MeaB. tone v^totog &S Sc to.csepov'er tejSst toe 3a»BHn Yet St easts yon Jess tor i&as tor «*S xnfi toss tor Ttokecg> tosm xny -etoer err to Sts tonssl toan. 2D atoles to toe 'toJon to -sgas to &wsy tea'into’ srvpart toss. xSmvjsss. ’Top to 3D toSes mer gal* 3on?' ®afcy teetotong salesmen. wjto- tocfe to?- totovr-Eys toy to xnfi toy <£H3t, torose wto scys yrm tore to gray tog-r-er gstoes to ergoy fejssnar per- ^OCTaHnns—Ons-eftr martotoess— Bn^rxr wtito—csstonSy chasto sat toBtoB toe wtoel to Sine- ComtoffiT tomsTrarto Car? Bhg»y tout toqipiaSB'BE' tor ycmrsto, 'Wotoy, ■ttoce yon totoe a -Chemtojut, youT levs to satisfied toito Bsas toxm. ‘CSievroifr:. Wboe tor yrrar mion-ey'.! ■j??m nw ’Wito: * xhatgy toots 1 xto .Alwnrics mato wmr -tor tte orcamim- :jss Safedonin totoc a trip itom , Ireland, to X-ew York 3.SOD This cing toafx is a cummtoria! setottm? :.tij? Trig grtohi sgnifleaner.. ■ -s*. m>a.' miles 'in towns fem •this atty. which gaw o: wt& Tto "mm> to jdsatfe? ■wt ^72 ^s ^oTitoStod 'Wto- W2 tor -tte x.S5»wtos .y®&. ’.swords *lsr> show toto -toe wtotor »i oator Atorin^ ito ■ittofeth ai Amg'issa Tto -ttoal xtonto'’ «n'i 4ksdto m. <toa4a tes: yair frw. Wfb toito ito to^totss to&y IMtooTjsis shtotol fetoi -the wrah^r .aid wJUEWitP to nr. ihA tonrxsmg. 4rtoh tol Airssj at* xBagfeS Xtsst % 4fe 25. j .'i\ .to shorr W: to Shton Sotmtl toUlto to Store to tosh ' Wr or toe totoH 3m •-nrtt so toe toti* 'tons who ^fetos®sB0 to sto Tams, stor- tocy was tirst *m»n up, tee stogfefi xs tod Sterersttn. Tinto ifait a .atobto, ■ t-torney .and Tetsrsrm srtotog. Sum- i ors safe on a .rtolfe-’fe dhtoto. ‘Qrtms ! hit m long -fototo to store Tinto anil Somers, totoi?g totoH rm a -wliS yitoh ;mi8 storing rm 3&ie^ stogfc. -Stogy .'i;b. a double to store 3t&&, Xtoliar irm- huto xnri -itorney wem me MxKsffib to jTijBsr, ' rtoem oirmnd got one tto ih? tourrl; ■’hut ih? Trfb? gome ojgto hack 'with •torto Lto iheto bait. Tetsisrm singled • si»i! rouk stounrl rm ra 'wild piwh, T&- > im tonnxto Somers singfefl sritotog ■ ,i'is<*-s;m .rmrl went to itorxi or. tth? ; ptoy. 'Store? 'wafterl xnfl -wsiu to> •se- 'xXrmtohnfel oifefi uto to S3b- .'.igisighHn, ’Sae smgfeH to score Snm- and Srm«Efi». ibsen Sitting molfeitoil gnotter m tilt sewbth rmfi 'bar! Ste» hasis Coasted to’ito "in Ite -itnsings. W&io$s smart Tnr ' throw tom® sctoH Ja tom. Tto Xttimns todto '.two trntto? in ite Tte jptoSs’ softfell 'toam test .tn -a 'sxtoedttteil ar 'Stousscfe isn Wni* mcsck'i x-nnnnx test v'-?to Sbtoh torsto got xwgy to a bad sfrsn in 4tu fi3S4 iswrax v.-ton "tonss; to r>m g?to ‘ b- .1 sta-wd -oft tto mmtoi toi?'-Was Tester- ;12k»? w?n a 'hnmxw. "Cfeflmsrs tHiaS to in ths iirst hratog rtsj- Tirmelda; mtt tn "Mt. THBh srngleil, ssnnrgr .^mdbrsot: 'vtor. onchto goto 'bat! twit: Simtoy anS 3^’terwn. Dvszn Sirnnfi >-y. pom support. Jtosiss&ls msto ‘ mottoto mwitoer :fc toe miitto. rPfetrs prtd«sr=s, Mtos 'Xrfemte.’&I Bafc-1 'mg fttftttgrJa hn-msr. ■i •1 isJftaw?!®' 4» 'wifftn-wy, .ZJj&mate, Soi'smsziiMf/ awes, J53tt.! 'tosw-isi^wiwwwl. t?rKlU ,, .WP?SWtca&^E^pjffl«;®WlXW»',.> .Sti0W2»^' s iri jtfepsSettffw,’ 3 . Afw» jw/mmkW iSian, AmasAM ‘Stfeffias oc _,.. YtoYtoto 2b ■Stanley, s*s Ttoming, It ’Srfrwsm. x> ~'u»c.r. g — ^aXaiigKih Tfoamtieid, tonnij 3b - :SassSS\ 2> ToSllS * gotYbruns :«apmfth to'mxise -5 tws ^isltar'JifeS Wfrighan*— .'Maffii? XiferT^yWhbH mrt t.?viiX’;-T r-aw.rxl nmr&T.'milcl ^min, 2r . Somsas, is . iSTJcms, x SarniixiiieaL ~ SisESi Sb ■Sassy, .'fi A.-jiiiox, ■- x«rni?A, ’lb .Ptilt-snn. p. b i^itaimeas, j> iXfxasn. xf „„ Utah- .. WYKEW ®BcwE wastes as sa cisw .Ksasasr/ aw <®am ««w tkvi&Mg aonafear HTMO TKSIFT PtJLS ’«O j WBIMWSEPMTES . —__ .; .Must totol license jto.es yet tufisred Ontario mot crisis toll Uale Tidti YuTSitoer 1st tor 1§3S wnE .mmuunred last week. The ptoes jwill tove x totogrmmd of peacock XtoXiil 1 wat®,.. airniantry □m&sittesix. TTto jmmtosers iirx- IMr. Ctorto R. loinsstux. mid ul.to Itorjnto S "Wilison, Tvk.> sspurienr- exi etotssttiilnaiisfe, 'Sixx,,jlmnstoi.. xiu. is tte mtew jmes- * itoitr iffif xto IiMShs§ss Ouliegn, fextTta- j Instead of toro sma^l .crowns, <®e on toti1 .of Oitterin, Tthn tos just .rom- ’xadh sdie, a large crown will appia-r. listed -ten -suKssaSHd years in xhsrrge •aai th? top .of 'the license 5n to? nriS- o'tito Dmunercjal licnarim'siii rif IMz J.hte, The year date will to split, tto! Alifeusn ImifanFsity at Satoyilte, 3Sew !"*2S’r' .cm ito. left of toe crown and 'Stoinsntok. ..Prior to» toat 5t£r, Johns- .ion 'V.TS .itfenimai toto torn Stow lagjpsar totow to? 'bgunes -,~d letters iSntools sn Tnrmwu tor tos ti xata* !ctf the ’license. The letters and Sgcres; jahie T-scord of eeatomp and .general 'wili to slightly smaller toan jstw*! torhiess smxgrienne and will give .ite ‘ inisly tto 'make room tor toe oftoni ■’Sctoed smseltenr 'htotesshto srrmbals .anrl toe plate will to sligtoly ! j 2di:ss Ifls-jn-ir 2H. VOIison. vtorewlE jargsr. to ‘srxremy.^insa5.ursr uf tote Tisiness ..Daltons, will .feavte xtoxge* of dto Etsn- ■ rsraphr’ seriiem. '3ito 'V.n.llsun 'tos jisSi mesiCTesfi frum "fte AtoB* of the ■ Ontario Xasites’ Dalis^e to 'Wfaitoy, j-totote «sto to* toen to ntoigs- to itto ■ onmmsncial Ztopanmsnt torr ’ito tod ;sh; 'years Trfar 4e< that ~s1k vea- :fer 5 ttosi' vmars on tor -stafi to Ito Sitor to ni Tmunto. '3dtos to vvagsham. IWifeons? tiim'oiitoi.b'-toitottorwitotol 1 ptoses to .JtestosEs tofascatKm and ter .irnttemm* imtnsrisrtcr .and .ability ’towtofi te to toensxh torn .toe .iteve.top- toeni ■B !. A. Ffenisrg, 'will? established The- YBriiism Jtosiness .Cblingr in Owaen Snsind in ’kBSl, teas -ADlil ito in- !ttsses: sand .rKshas toani arttivE wtogr wtoi, nithmsgii to- wili r-nntinm; xt j Th? am anotif x>i toe 'Ciwonatizx <year, -winch anaoe a 3£ii wafh sxitor- j:sts This year xn.d which was toe eriTj jxe other TOavinces, will be wnneil jjanfi -mnhsrgefl on asexi yeaAs plates. 1 toe im tot Tight. <'<totMs0o Mill Sacras .Tomcsrs rxm Smug* • r>Tser. Snamd «J®D LflH) HU— -S XO /VZm^iam___JfflB 3®20x-a3 22 i Ssxnx- tan, S'.isramg: .twx*-ii2Se .istes:. 'Sdtwn, TJftin, Qrxrtas. Stoy: istt xsu “ wsss, StaRffin Semid. 3S, Wirnrham Base 23E italfe, mH Sgtosrana 54 to six hmmga, ©ft Sindnisss 2 sr .5 tomigs;- tottfctotor.2. to2to atmitgrs. mi Ga> Try 2 3e iRb iimmss; -stwdi im: to 'PiiexsmnStoy xtoton^sX'to ^towest! 2, to Gnrv?; msnbh- yfen.% to$ms3£ to Bamc*’. SfeatetB tiitrftJm'iU-' Sou-* jnipfra Tiwmi UTs XI ?ix> sma. tesma®ET®aBm®t .lama] Xads SaB Sto Xay ato Itost '| ■t— .j Itoir tondsd utr- lAntral Xeaxsu i "teats ss Sa iiSy wenim, Tto Sct.! lad*, feast! o^.'itoottoxtoidtoostb^hty :'ts^scteg.dxk ixsttit, sou! ^ositaMorati tw® bt -li? .ptotser msrrtJAiii.* it? rfe? Taking; xu ! W. J. toTfitt sifter .nr altes*. of uwh x /mt fc‘s. ; Tto Mte 1&. Srott wn? >?w wit 1OT2 tally Matf sn fto Bth, jBtatstih, Z^sitaric? ’in W25 Sfe wa$- .Bciftig 'ifsi' ’trick 'S*- '‘ wis toesitof tesw W ri? Hi -sc hi to, ‘J toc-mx an Biyifo I5t> 3rto } “IfexsatoaikA .wat w of to tost to toss? tor-Awtoarrta^ xsvaal wt to» tmtytoto*: 'wttot pstd lltoto wen-.- pm?s fe^s m t-v^wtdi tutmi ‘Btoto got toa- "tarn-t to to* mrs‘ mnstgr 'Sail TCtopdu .■atesto after- -itot. 'addmg -sna'H .T^l'toafe CtoicXstoto ■stog&to1 "■^to- stogto £>*’ XterehiKEYi Bwdy. 3B3? Xdfek ■’Statted to) fee isto gttoE , <tyr to’.tosyed^^ [‘lttfSS.-tttK.in to- tocwrtoctoa] to .tor ?Wv festotoL jarjtttoe -mftet jafegKC-'feeto, jbhlftB'fe Jotornl ts* Wfh toiH Wlto feasted W. .Uame and to- 'Vvtogtef J. ‘ TtoiisksMts, toll tss; [ad&rr fejy a .gntostol MtW TMtodK» to; 7 .'StosBy'E: 'D itetosr to^ntoto?n‘te,*toito hc-,wto .tocw. 3fc 'fe’k i«» T, “its, to; 'sitottih x<4to9id.l^i® .^totee^hiidwifi. Ttotois ito’-- ,M “ft. . Seto fe» '•*«» 'fe»® xtttm: ^rto> -I ' tESttcated «k .CitoteGij sokI was x gftr ;-toagli^!s£tmtoatS5. Yr.. Mta* ■■ftaitoEb -.and Ttyfh and idter -wcitt to Styvsfyf »E *SFWM s*a®&t ktrfe. BBS, -JOW AG.B Mt Co» &a mjS yw eh®fe» AIUW®»stW Bws’y .»e rf. vice StaLw-