The Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-07-01, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, July 1st, 1937 day evening lash Many in this district sympathize deeply with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mit­ chell, of Turnberry. Mr, Mitchell has been seriously ill in Wingham Hos­ pital during the past two weeks and it was found necessary to amputate one of his legs on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs, MacDonald and children, of Seaforth, spent Sunday at the home of her brother, Mr, Les­ lie Wightman, Mr. Jos. Holmes, who has been very ill for some weeks, was taken to the Walkerton Hospital on Saturday last. The ladies of the Women’s Institute held a very successful Strawberry Festival in the hall here on Monday evening. After the supper the young people of the United Church present­ ed their play “Mother Mine" to packed hall. a BLUEVALE Institute to Meet July Sth The regular meeting of the Wom­ an’s Institute will be held on July Sth at the home of Mrs. Stanley Gallaher, taking the form of a picnic, A short program of singing, readings and con­ tests is being arranged, and a paper on “Current Events’’. The ladies are asked to bring lunch suitable for the occasion. Woman’s Association Met Mrs. J. Wickstead, 3rd Concession, Morris, was the hostess this month for the regular monthely meeting of the Woman’s Association of the Unit­ ed Church. Mrs. Robt. McLennon presided and conducted a business period, Over theirty ladies answered the roll. During the afternon the ladies were favored with a solo by Mrs. Earl Hamilton. At the close of the meeting, lunch was served by Mrs. M. Smith, Mrs. Sparling Johnston and the hostess. WHITECHURCH Rev. Mr. Gardiner, of Londesboro, preached anniversary services on .Sun­ day at Brick United Church and the ■Choir rendered special anthems. They are holding a baseball game in con­ nection with the ice cream social on Wednesday evening and a good pro­ gram is being prepared. Many of this community" will ex­ tend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor, of East Wawanosh, and extend also a welcome to his ’bride. Mr. .Gilbert Beecroft motored to ■^Colborne last Thursday and his bro­ ther, Melville, who teaches there, and OLVERS Cash Store Phom 116 5 Minute Tapioca with Sherbet Glass .....__ 15c Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs........ 25c Muffets, 2 Pkgs__ ________19c Picnic Cup..................10c Doz. Snappy Razor Blades, 5 for 8c Samis Date Cookies Just like Mother bakes...20c Buy 1 Lb. Toddy................39c and get >/2 Lb. for............... 1c Both for .......... 40c Hedeau Cheese, */2 Lb. Pkg. 16c Save the tops of 4 pkgs, and re­ ceive a beautiful Water Set at Cost .....................-...... 89c Fresh Vegetables and Fruits Always Fresh. Cured and Cooked Meats Al­ ways in Stock. Miss Marjorie McDowell, of Mill­ brook, returned home with him. Miss McDowell will also visit with other relatives in this district. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Coulter visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry McGee. Mr, J. D. Beecroft has purchased a new Dodge sedan. Miss Chambers and Mr. Roy Mac- George, of Englehart, spent last week­ end with relatives here. . Mr. George Watt, of Toronto, spent the, week-end with his sister, Miss Muriel Watt, at the home of Mr. Wm. Barbour. Mrs, McCharles, of Lucknow, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Kennedy. ' Miss Bertha Mackay, of Stratford, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Mackay. Mrs. Chas. Sproule and Mr. and Mrs. Earle Sproule, of Wroxeter, and the former’s son, George Sproule, of Detroit, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ross. Mrs. John Gaunt and little daughter spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Geo. Coultes, of East Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Anderson, St. Helens, visited on Thursday at the home of their daughters, Mrs. Robert Purdon. Mrs. John Morrison, Angus Mor­ rison, John Morrison and Annie Mor­ rison of Turnberry, visited last week with Mrs. James Cornelius. Mr. J. D, Beecroft and Florence and Frances Robinspn visited at the home of Mrs. F. L. Creighton, De­ troit, and with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Kirk, of Birmingham, Mich., on Tues­ day last. Mr, Ezra Welwood has been busy the past few weeks selling the Cressy ’Products in North Huron. The young people of the United Church presented their play “Mother Mine” at the Carlow social on Fri- Mr. and Mrs. Milton McVittie of Flint, Mich., Mrs. McKay and daught­ er Jean, Toronto and Miss Dorothy McVittie, Kitchener are vistiors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. David­ son. Mr. and Mrs. P. S. MacEwen spent a few days mother, Mrs. Brussels. Miss Jean guest at the home of Mr. and Eldred Nichol. Alex Mowbray has returned home after spending a month in Northern Ontario. with Mrs. McEwan’s James Strachan near Holmes Newton is a Mrs. Girls Won Sunday School Contest The attendance contest in the Uni­ ted Church Sunday School ended last Sunday when the total attendance was 106, the largest for the year. Two boys’ classes were competing against two girls’ classes for five months, with the result that the girls won by an aggregate attendance of 3. contest was close all the time, so provided much interest. The and andMr. and Mrs. Harold Harris son, of Tilsonburg, and Miss Ethel Johnston of Byron, spent Sunday with their parents. Miss Mossie Milligan has returned form a visit to Detroit. THAT EXTRA FEW MINUTES We sp^ud in eye examinations means perfect satisfaction to our friends. Come here with perfect confidence-—you will be treated fairly at all times, R. A. REID Registered Optometrist Office in Williams’ Jewelry Store Every Wednesday Morn­ ing — 9.00 to noon. Phone 55 for appointment. Courtesy Prompt Delivety Our Slogain: “You have tried the rest, now try the Best.” GROWING MASH fortified with Vitamins A, B, D and G DON'T neglect your growing birds. If you do you will reduce your profits from eggs this fait The period .between 6 weeks and 6 months of age is very important to your success.. The best of nourishment Is needed to build a sturdy frame and strong body and to properly develop the egg-producing machinery. Blatchford's Growing Mash builds, strengthens and matures. 31 ingredients properly balanced, ‘easily assimilated. All 4 essential vitamins present and active at full strength when fed because SEALED IN by the patented Y-O process. Blatchford’s Builds Better Birds ooid tsy ■ Jj' i GROWINGS MATURING ; POULTRY 5’W.forJ Calf McalC01 Held Strawberry Festival The Ladies’ Aid of Knox Presby­ terian Church was favored with ideal weather conditions for the strawberry festival held at the church on Monday evening. Following the tea, a play "Simple Simon Simple” was presented by the Wroxeter Dramatic Club. The play throughout was cleverly enacted, con­ tained many witty and humorous ex­ pressions. and was thoroughly enjoy­ ed. The caste consisted of: Simon Simple—G. A. Wearing Sophie his wife—Vera Wright. Stella, his daughter—Aileen Schaab. Sammy, his son—George Paulin. Sally Ann, the maid-—Mary Gibson. Minerva, a boarder — Margaret Wright. Hazel, Sammy’s Fiancee — Jean Sangster. Thankful Barlow, who runs the Elite Hotel—Howard Wylie. Elwood Elkins, home from the city —J. H. Bryans. Dorothy Deeckworth, city girl—* Maude Milligan. Between acts, community singing was enjoyed, conducted by Mr. Cook of Gorrie, Keep in mind the Garden Party at the United Church on Thursday, July 1st. Miss Margaret Knox of Gorrie is visiting with Mrs. J, C. Higgins, Miss Pearl Mathers, Toronto is spending her holidays with her father, Mr. Thos. Mathers. . ST. HELENS DUNCAN KENNEDY Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Weathethcdd and daughter, Marion, and Mrs. Ches* ndy of Port Stope, Michigan, were guests of Mr .and Mrs. L. G. Weather* head for a few days: Mr. Plnktiey of Dungannon was Stories of hymns and their writers were read by Jean Thorn, Laurine Miller and Dorothy Miller, The topic “Worship' in Music and Song" was taken by Mrs, W. A, Miller. Vera Tay­ lor and Dorothy Miller were appoint- ted as delegates to the Summer School, “When you married me you knew you were marrying a bank clerk, did you not?” “Yes. Why?” “Oh, nothing,, Only I thought per­ haps you imagined you were marry­ ing a bank.” BELGRAVE TT Prompt Delivery FOR Phone 161 1. i WITHIN' j L YOUR ’ UypcEx, SHOP AT Smith’s Economy Food Store SMITH’S FOUR O’CLOCK TEA..........45c Lb. KING BUG KILLER — Kills The Bugs — Good For All Garden and Flower P-L-A-N-T-S Prevents Blight Stimulates Growth “FERTILIN” A Combined Fertilizer and Soil Pest Des­ troyer for Plants, Flowers, „ Lawns. PARIS GREEN ARSENATE OF LEAD ARSENATE OF LIME LAWN MOWERS SCREEN DOORS And WINDOWS WINDOW SCREEN PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES LIME PREPA'RED PLASTER ROOFINGS and COATINGS WIRE and FENCING — LOWEST PRICES — BUCHANAN Hardware presiding officer for the Entrance Examination being tried here. Misses M. C. Rutherford,. Isobel and Dorothy Miller were recent visit­ ors with Mr, and Mrs. John Bennett of Port Albert and with Rev. W. P. and Mrs. .Lane of Goderich. Mrs. D. Farrier and her daughter, and Mrs. J. D. Ross and children of Lucknow,- were guests of Mr. and ■Mrs. Elliott Taylor on Thursday and called on friends in the village. Mr. Harold Hyde of Kincardine, spent the week-end at his home here. The regular meeting of the’Y. P. U. was held on Sunday evening with the president, Isobel Miller in the chair. GENTLEMEN the finest Filtered Pipe ever made. THE DUNDEE 48 shapes — Price $1.00 Omar Haselgrove’s Smoke Shoppe. OUR WATCH REPAIRS Stand the test of time. Williams The Jeweller INSURANCE ALL KINDS Sun Life Assurance Co. Fire - Casualty Automobile Mrs. E. A. VANSTONE John St. Phone 192 Memorial Services Next Sunday Arrangements have been completed far the Memorial service to be held in tlm Brandon Cemetery op Sunday, July 4, at 3 P- m. The service will be in charge of Rev. J, B. ToWnend of Knox United Church, Rev, Maloney of the Angli­ can Church will give the address. It is expected the minister having charge of the service in the Presbyterian Church will also take part. Decorat­ ing of the graves will be done before the service. Traffic officers will be present to direct the parking cars. Showered by Friends A large number of relatives and friends gathered together at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent on Thursday evening in honour of their daughter, Dorothy, when marriage to Clifford Logan took place on Satur­ day. The gathering was brought to order by Martin Grasby who in a few well chosen words expressed the best wishes of the company to the young couple for a long and happy married life.. A miscellaneous shower of gifts was presented to the young couple in a decorated basket by Anna Grasby and Nora Wheeler. When' the numerous pretty and useful gifts had been opened and displayed, Clif­ ford on'behalf of hip bride-to-be and himself expressed thanks for the .gifts and good wishes. Lunch was served by the ladies and a social time enjoy­ ed. Mr. and Mrs. .C. R, Coultes and Mabel spent the week-end in Toronto. They were accompanied by C. G, Mc­ Crea. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McKenzie and daughter, spent Tuesday at the O.A. C. Woman’s Association Mrs. Carl Procter was hostess to the members of the United Church i Woman’s Association on Wednesday afternoon. The ladies finished piecing a quilt top. It was decided to buy music for the choir. The members are asking for donations of money in place of holding a garden party. An invitation to hold the next meeting at the home of Mrs. Harold Procter was accepted. The business part of the meeting was conducted by Mrs. Lyle Hopper, Lunch was served by the hostess at the close of the meeting. Visitors on Thursday at the Manse were: Mr, James Herd, Misses Eleanor and Norma Fisher, Mrs. F, Fisher and Mrs. J. Denman, all of Atwood. Mr. Lawrence and his three sisters of Mitchell, spent Sunday with Mrs. R. Yule. Mrs. Violet Coulter, who has been visiting with Mrs. R. Yule, has return­ ed to her home in London. She was accompanied by Miss Verna Yule who will visit this week with her, EAST WAWANOSH COUNCIL Make Your Cooling Drinks with THIRST-ADE ........... 5c Each Makes a Quart. Alymer or Lealand’s TOMATO . JUICE ................ 25/z Oz. 10c Australian SEEDLESS RAISINS, New Stock 2 lbs. 23c KETA SALMON, Tall Tin 9c All Brand Fish and Meat PASTES ........... 3 Oz. Tin 10c JUNKET ICE CREAM MIX While They Last ......5 for 25c BUTTERNUT PEANUT BUTTER............. 2 Lbs. 25c McLaren PREPARED MUSTARD.......23c 25 Oz. Jar LEALAND VINEGAR 12 Oz. Bottle ...„.................. 10c ROSE BRAND BAKING POWDER .......... 14c Lb. Tin 7 DALTON’S FRENCH DRIP COFFEE .. 33c Lb FRESH GROUND WHILE YOU WAIT Tip Top or Bright’s PIE CHERRIES ... 12 Oz. Tin 12c MADE-RITE PASTRY FLOUR ........... 89c 24 Lb. Bag NEW STYLE HEAVY ZINC RINGS ............25c Doz. PARAWAX 2 Lbs......... ............. .......... 25c FRESH GINGER SNAPS ..........-.............. 10c Lb. ■ ' / Lealand’s Ideal Sweet Mixed PICKLES ....... 27 Oz. Jar 25c IODIZED or FREE RUN­ NING SALT .. ........... 5c Pkg. For Sure Jell Use CERTO............-......25c Bottle JAR RUBBERS, WHITE Light 5c Pkg. Heavy 2 Pkg. 13c KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES 3 Pkgs. -.................................25c GRANULATED SUGAR .................. 10 Lbs. 57c With Dollar Grocery Order (Sugar Not Included) For Home Grown Fresh. Berries, New Cabbage, Carrots, Cauli­ flower, Cucumbers, Hot-House Tomatoes, also Lemons, Oranges, Grapefruit, Phone 161. We Are At Your Service. $257.40; Joe Kerr, .trucking $376.33; R. Chamney, gravel and checking $54.00; Wm. Elliott, tile $4.00; Corp­ oration of Wingham, Cement tile $28.25; Ppddler People, stcTel culvert $46.84; N. Smith, crusher belt $42..24; Twenty-six other road acocunts $346.- 25. Council adjourned to meet again Monday, July 26th. A. Porterfield, Clerk. EAST WAWANOSH on Mr.zand Mrs. Frank MacDonald and family of Seaforth, and Misses Marg­ aret Vipond and Agnes Coughlin and Mr. John Vipond, spent Sunday at Leslie Wightman’s. Miss Nellie McKee is 'spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leask McGee. . Mr. Melville Beecroft, Colborne, is spending the summer holidays at his home. and enjoy a Cook spent Robinson’s. real the Bel- Don’t forget the ball game between . Bluevale and Brick Church at Brick Church on Wednesday, June 30th. There will be an ice cream social afterwards. A good program is being prepared, so come night’s fun. Miss Margaret week-end at Thos. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wheeler, grave, visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Leaver on Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Gardiner, Londes­ boro, spent Sunday with Mr. John Beecroft and family- Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor ar­ rived home from their honeymoon on Thursday.. We welcome Mrs. Taylor to this community. Miss Vera Casemore spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Gershom Johnston, East Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Chamney and daughter Ann, sp'ent Sunday at the same home. SPECIAL SATURDAY VALUES At the adjourned meting' of the Court of Revision held on June 28th, the appeal of J. C. Heffron against his assessment on the N. H. Lot 41, Con. 1 was again considered,. A re­ duction1 of $500. being made. Council having viewed this property since first meeting, also having heard the opinion of a few parties relating to this property. No further changes or alterations being made, the Court of Revision was then clos.ed and the Assessment Roll .as now revised will be the as­ sessment roll for 1937. Council resumed and ordinary bus­ iness was then proceeded with', F. Marshall and J. Johnston waited on the Council in reference to drainage required opposite their properties on Con. 3. The Reeve and Councillor Ruddy were instructed, to meet the interested parties and arrange a sat­ isfactory settlement if possible. Another draihage matter was that of Fred Toll, who requested that the Toll Drain be repaired and cleaned out this summer. This request of Mr. Toll’s will be attended to later in the Season, The following accounts were paid: A. G. Vincent, lamb destroyed by dags $8.00; J. F. McCallum, sheep valuer $1.50} N. McDowell, equalizing Polled Village 5.00; A. Fattisdn, bal­ ance salary as collector $15.00; & McSutney, salary as road supt $52,50j Ii> Gloushei*, gravel and trucking $203.20; Chas, ftobinson, crushing ARROW SHIRTS—A fresh cool shiirt for hot days, latest styles, colours, reg. $2.00, Special Satur­ day ........ $1.85 Flannel Slacks, plain grays and fawns.........................$2.95, 3.95 Novelty Check Slacks.......$3.95 Cotton Trousers.................$1.95 Polo Shirts, fancy strpies $1.00 NEW! Aberley Silk Sport Shirts, fancy backs.................. $1.50 Klingtite Swim Trunks 1.95, 2..95 KING’S Maitland Creamery Buyers Of UNITED FARMERS’ CO-OPERATIVE COMPANY, LIMITED. Wlngham, • . Ontario Phone Wi