The Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-12-31, Page 4POUR
1| cents a word peri insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c.
OEXO orso :ox=ro?oeso
waThHtE^-s bring
his mo-
Farm, Farm Stock, Implements and
Household Effects of the late Geo.
Day, will be held at Lot No. 1,
Concession 1, Morris Township, at
1 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 7th. Terms
of Chattels, Cash. No reserve. The
farm, 145 acres, more or less, will
be sold subject to a reserved bid.
For further particulars apply to the
* undersigned. T. R. Bennett, Auc
tioneer; Henrietta Day, Executrix.
FOR RENT-—Brick House on Maple
St, 7 rooms, all conveniences, full
basement, furnace, garage and barn.
Apply F. L, Davidson, Phone 169.
FOR SALE—A good garage 12x18,
easily moved. Apply F. L. David
son. Phone 169.
Activities at
By Popular Request, A
will be held on Monday Night,
January 4th, at 8.15 Good
Prizes. Lunch. Cards. 25c.
Wingham post 180 Canadian
Legion B, E, S. L.
H. Browne, Sec’y. P.O. Box 321
FOR SALE—One Beach Cook Stove,
one dining room suite and other
articles. Apply to Advance-Times.
FOR SALE—We have both hard and
soft woods and cedar delivered at
reasonable prices. John Falconer,
Phone 267J.
FOR SALE—Comfortable house with
moderm conveniences. Large lot,
good situation. Terms reasonable.
Cosens & Booth, Agents.
farm. Apply stating wages to Box
A, Advance-Times.
Goose Feathers, Duck Feathers,
Beef Hides, Horse Hides, Sheep
Skins and Horse Hair. M. Brown,
Phone 239.
Apply Mrs. John West, Frances St.
cash on delivery. Custom sawing
also. H. E. Ratz, MacLean’s Mill,
WANTED—Good, reliable man to
handle Massey-Harris Machinery.
Apply at Advance-Times.
and Mrs. N. Reid and family
Monday with friends in Mit-
Royal McArthur is spending
Betty Finlay wishes to thank
friends and all those who voted
her to win First Prize in McKibbon’s
Prize Coptest. A Happy New Year
*0*4: ”
r. T wish to thank Uta^y^kind
friends ’who voted for mc-vn the re
cent contest held by McAvoy’s Drug
Store and wish you all a Happy New
Audrey McGuire.
card oe Thanks
I wish to 'thaiik the many kind
friends whb voted for me in the re
cent contest held by McAvoy’s Drug
Store and wish you all a Happy New
Master Jack Walker.
Miss Lois Hayden wishes to thank
tier many friends for voting for her
in the contest held at McKibbon’s
■Drug Store.
I wish to thank all those who voted
for me in McKibbon’s Contest and
helped me win the Kodak.
Alvin Seli.
Mrs. Anna Mae Wall desires to
thank the ones who voted for Leslie
Mae at McAvoy’s Drug Store during
the recent contest.
Anna M. Wall and Leslie Mae Wall.
I would like to thank my many
friends and neighbours who voted for
me in the recent contest held by Mc
Avoy’s Drug Store.
George Edgar.
I would like to thank all those who
voted for me in the contest held re
cently by McKibbon’s Drug Store.
Ralph Seddon,
I wish to thank all those who vot
ed for me fa McAvoy's -contest and
by doing so helped me win the first
prize, a Wrist Watch.
Jean Leaver,
Our collecting department is ft re
Mitt of years of successful experience
fa collecting local or out of towft ftc-
counts. Personal calls made s on all
cases, if necessary. No collection, no
Charge. Remittance made monthly.
* Mall your list of accounts to-day to
. Aurke’s Colkcting Agency few* Stor*’ ;
Mr. and Mrs. Justison spent Christ
mas in Kitchener.
Mr, W. J. Deacon spent Xmas with
his sister in Gorrie.
Miss Dorothy Lloyd spent the
week-end in London.
Miss Irene Sutton, of London, is
visiting at her home here.
Mrs. Richard Clegg is visiting re
latives in London this week.
Mr. Leslie Deans' of Detroit, spent
Christmas at his home here.
Mr. Cyril Murray, of Guelph, spent
Christmas at his home here.
Mr. Fred Piper, of Oshawa, spent
Christmas at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Blackwood were
week-end visitors in Toronto.
Mr. C. H. McAvoy spent Christmas
Day with his mother in Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Peebles spent the
Christmas week-end in Hamilton.
Mr. Victor Campbell of Detroit,
spent Christmas with friends in town.
the holiday with his parents at Lions
Elliot and Fairy Fells are in Lon
don attending the Normal School, “At
Mrs. Emma Chapman, of Seaforth,
is visiting with Mr, and Mrs. A. J.
Miss Isabel Habkirk is visiting this
week with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. King,
Mrs. L. J. Slosser spent the week
end with relatives and friends at
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Nicholas spent
Christmas with their parents at Pic-
ton, Ont.
Mrs. Amos Tipling, of London, vis
ited with friends in town over' the
Miss Ella. Rae is visiting in Strat-
fard this we^k, the guest of Miss Mar
garet Ifague.
Miss Louise Hanna, of Guelph, was
a Christmas guest of her mother, Mrs,
G. C. Hanna.
Miss Alice Williamson, of Kitch
ener, is spending the holidays at her
home here.
Mrs. John McCool is visiting with
her daughter, Mrs. George Schaefer'
of Goderich.
Mr. Edward J. Reavie of Tiverton
spent Christmas with his son, Mr.
Jack Reavie.
Mrs. W. Dawson, Shuter Street,
was a Christmas visitor in London
with relatives.
Mr, Wm. Campbell, of Toronto,
spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
A. J,. Nortrop.
Mr. Keith Oliver, of London, is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Sutton.
Miss Mary Coultes of Toronto was
a visitor of Mr. and Mrs. TQ, Y, Smith
over the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harcourt Mundy and
son, of London, visited relatives ov
er the week-end.
Miss Dorothy Hammond of New
York, spent the Christmas holidays
at her home here, -
Miss Norma Coutts is spending the
holidays with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Alex, Coutts. ’
Mr, Frank Moore, of Detroit, spent
the Christmas holiday with his fath
er, Mr, Wm. Moore.
Mrs, Jean Tervit and daughter,
Donna, are* visiting friends in Tor
onto for a few days.
Mrs. J. J. Elliott spent Christmas
with friends fa Welland and remain
ed there far a visit.
Dr, Marvin L. Craig was a Christ-
mas Day visitor with his sister, Mrs.
W. W. Armstrong,
Mr, Wm, Brawley, of Toronto,
spent Christmas at the home of Dr,
and Mrs. J, A. Box.
Mr. and Mrs, Verne Ripple, of De
troit, visited at the home of Mr, and
Mrs/W T. Cruikshank.
Miss & Wright, of Toronto,
Spent the Christmas holiday vrsltShgf
her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Wright, of Brussels.
■ Mr. Henry Aitcheson, of
was a week-end visitor with
ther, Mrs. W. Aitcheson.
Mr. and Mrs. J, R. M. Spittai and
baby daughter, spent Christmas with
relatiyes in Mount Forest,
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Saunders, of
Toronto, spent the Christmas holiday
with Miss Alberta Walker,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Stanley Hall and
family spent the Christmas holiday
with her parents in Preston.
Mr. George Henderson, of Sudbury,
is visiting with his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. W. Joseph Henderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Rahlves of
Toronto were' Christmas visitors with
Mr. and Mrs, John Galbraith.
Mr. and Mrs. Norval Stimore spent
Christmas with her father and mother,
Mr,, and Mrs. J. E, Homuth.
Mr, and Mrs, F. Samis and child
ren, of Brussels, spent Christmas with
Mr, and Mrs, Fred MacLean,
. Mr. Edward Zeigler, of Kitchener,
was a visitor at the home of Mrs. W.
Williamson over the week-end,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Angus, of De
troit, spent the holiday at the home
of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Angus.
Miss Helen Groves, of Toronto, is
spending the holidays with her par
ents, Mr, and Mrs, Earl Groves.
Mr, and Mrs. P. W, Gray ( nee
Stella Bennett), Toronto were Xmas
visitors at her home on Francis St.
Miss Jean Mitchell, of Weston, is
spending the holidays with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs,'' J. H. Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil McLean and son
of Toronto spent Christmas at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. McLean.
Mr. Harvey Burgess, of Toronto,
spent the holiday at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Burgess.
Mrs. W. Baycliffe and children of
London, visited at the home of Mrs.
John A. MacLean, over the holidays.
Mr. and .Mrs. Roy McGee spent
Christmas at the home of his uncle,
Mr. John Beecroft, of E. Wawanosh.
Mrs. Wm. Forgie and Miss Anna
spent the holiday in .Toronto at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Forgie.
Mr. John Bennett of Seaforth spent
the Xmas week-end with his daugh
ter, Mrs. J, O. Habkirk and Mr. Hab
kirk. z
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Smith, of
Guelph, were Christmas visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Mus
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bonar and child,
of Toronto, spent the week-end at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Mr. George Young and Mr. Wm.
Murphy, of Toronto, spent Christmas
with the former’s mother, Mrs. L. C.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Scott and fam
ily, of Kingsville, were Xmas week
end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H.
Miss Emma Walters, of Toronto,
spent the Christmas holidays with her
sisters, Miss Annie Walter and Mrs.
J. Nichol.
Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Haines apd
Mrs. S. Rowan, afl of Clarksburg,
spent Christmas with Capt. and Mrs.
W. J. Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Greenwood
and family, of Orangeville, spent the
holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Lepard.
Mr. Arthur Henderson of T)enbeigh '
is spending the holidays with his
father, W. Joseph Henderson,. Wing
ham Junction.
Mrs. Margaret Copeland
Margaret spent Christmas
wich at the home of Mr.
A. K. Copeland.
Miss Mildred Reid, of
spent the Christmas holiday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Reid,
Carling Terrace.
Mr. Currie Wilson, of Kitchener,
and Miss Annie Wilson, of Toronto,
Spent Christmas with their mother,
Mrs. John Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McKay and
Mary Elizabeth, of Hamilton, spent
Christmas at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. R. W. Adams.
Miss June Buchanan of University
of Western Ontario, London, spent 'ft
few days with Miss Marion Mitchell
at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Thomson and
family, also were h.ome for Christ
mas and visited at Norman Thom
son’s at Donnybrook,
Miss Marion Mitchell, of Toronto,
and Mr. Scott Mitchell, of Sudbury,
are spending the holidays with their
mother, Mrs. W. S. Mitchell.
Miss Margaret L. Currie of Tor
onto and Mr. and Mrs, Russel Gaunt
spent Xmas at the homo of Mr. and
Mrs. David Currie at Glen Farm.
Miss Betty Blackwood of Bishop
Strachan School, Toronto is spending
the Christmas holidays with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. L, R. Blackwood,
Mr. R. PI. Lloyd returned to Tor
onto on Saturday to receive farther
treatment t>nf his facial injury. He
was accompanied by his son, George.
Mr. and Mrs. I, B. Whittaker, of
Fleshcrton, and Mr, and Mrs, W. E,
Kew, Richmond Hill, were Christmas
visitors wiht Mr. and Mrs. T. Kew,
Mft and Mrs, Kew remaining far the
holiday week,
W. H.
aren-Fletcher, Ernest
been paid out, new
of F.
Speaking of County Council mat
ters, he said that there were certain
uncontrollable expenditures such as
Mothers’ Allowances, Old Age Pen
sions, Hospitals, Criminal Justice,
The Mothers’ Allowances cost the
county this year $18,500 against $14,-
54? last year. This increase was due
to mothers with one child being giv-
! en pensions. 105 mothers receive
pensions. Old Age Pensions cost
$*17,000. In 1934 $15,615. There are
827 receiving pensions. Hospitals
cost $20,430, last year $19,220. Crim-
| inal Justice post $19,000, last year
$15,316, This increase was duejto the
Huggard, Macl.
' cases.
j The rate was 5V2 mills. $29,000 of
' debentures has
snow plow purchased and the over
draft on the year was abdut $4000. A
new purchasing system has been in-
__,, .... , stalled in the Clerk’s Office to buy
visitors with their mother, Mrs. Marg- j the required stationery which will ef-
j feet a great saving.
No permanent road work was done
Mrs. Mary Grieve, Mr. and Mrs,
Alex. Miller and sons, Kenneth and
Ross, of Stratford, spent Christmas
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johns and child,
of Toronto, and Miss Elizabeth Johns,
of Port Colborne, spent the holiday
at the home of their mother, Mrs, W.
A. Johns.
Mr. and Mrs. M. McWaters and
daughter Shirley, Mr. ’ H. Briefman
and Mrs. C, Wright of Toronto,
the Xmas holiday at the home
C. Fuller.
Elliott Fells, -Smooth Rock
Oliver Fells, London, Fairy
Burnt River and David Scott,
grave visited over the Christmas holi
day at J, E. Fells.
Mr. and Mrs. N. D. McKenzie and
son, Percy McLean and family and
Dr. N. J. McLean of Westminster
Hospital,’ London, were Christmas
aret McLean.
Guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs, |
Geo. T, Robertson for Christmas were by the county this year. Some soft
Mr. and Mrs. Vic Wilson and Mr. and springy roads were tiled, 11 bridges
Mrs. Sid Johnston and son, of Tor- 1 painted, fill made at Grand Bend, 300
onto, Mr, and Mrs. E. R, Hopper and ( tons of calcium chloride used and
family, of Exeter.
Visitors at the home of Geo. and
Mrs. Lott during the Xmas holidays
were: Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Lott
Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lott
and Miss Bessie from Toronto, Ed
ith Lott from Huntsville and Ken
neth Lott from Stratford.
I some salt roads built which are prov
ing very satisfactory. The total debt
of the County is $46000 in debentures
and $4000 overdraft. The county rate
is made up of 4% mills plus the >
and Miss
in Sand-
and Mrs.
, i w
Thursday, Dec. TBsE
Sincerely we hope 1937 will be a year of many bless- |
ings for you and yours, a year of Good Health,
Good Fortune'and Mamy Joys,
Reeve Elston Cardiff Will Be Oppos
ed by Finlay McCallum.
Seven Qualified for Council, Four t.o
Be Elected.
school rate.
Finlay McCallum
Mr. McCallum stated he had been a
Councillor for five years, had given
the best possible service that he
could. Later when he was called on
nomination for Council he stated he
I would stand for the Reeveship. Most
■ brushing had been done in his part
of the township. The 3rd was levell
ed and the 4th was given a good coat
of gravel. He considered a 4-yard
| truck too heavy for the roads. He felt
77 r 4 • woo they dicl milch dartiaSe‘ The centreFor the first time since 1932 the I sideroad liad been done to the fifth
°AM°n?S at a c°st of $800, should be complet-
17........................... .......; ed for $2000. The killing of sheep by
1 dogs pretty well cleaned up now as
the dogs that were doing it were pret
ty well killed off.
Edward Bryans
Mr. Bryans spoke in 'high terms
of the late Coun. Brown and also Mr.
Miller who, due to illness, had to re
linquish the office of road superin
tendent. Same amount of uncollect
ed taxes this year as last. Council
must collect the taxes. 1 he taxes
must be secured but he had tried to
keep the mill rate down. More spent
on road 7 each year because crusher
had not been there to be used. The
work was done by teams. Crushed
gravel, he thought, should be finer
and the centre sideroad should be
made a good road from one end to
the other. Council being in 5 years
ection. Every year since thaf time
Reeve Cardiff and the. Council, Ed
ward Bryans, Francis Duncan, Finlay
McCallum, John Brown, received ac
clamations. It is said that far a Reeve
and Council to be elected by acclama
tion for so many terms constitutes a
record. Coun. Brown died during this
year and his place was taken by Jas. 1
Phelan who was also elected by ac- ’
clamation. [
This year is a different story, how-)
ever, Reeve Cardiff will be opposed 1
by Councillor Finlay McCallum and
seven have qualified for the four seats
on the council board.
The nominations took place at the
Township Hall, 5th line of Morris,1
on Monday and the hall 'was filled to I
capacity, The nominations were as
sideroad had been done to the fifth
Those that qualified have an aster-»was quite a record<
isk opposite their names, j
For Reeve
* Elston Cardiff, by Wm. Speir and
W. D. Henderson. I
* Finlay McCallum, by Abram •
Procter and Jas. Clark.
For Council
James Phelan
Mr. Phelan took the late Coun.
Brown’s place for the balance of this
year’s term. He expressed the hope
to be able to answer all questions
next. year. He stated he would strive
to see that the money is spent wisely.
*James Phelan, by Thos. A. Gras- ' jje said it is not the money that’s
by and Thos. Laidlaw.
* Edward Bryans; by Jos. Bewley iTe Reeve and Council for their as-
and Thos. Laidlaw. ’ 1 sistance and explanation during his
* Robert Wallace, by Leslie Fear time in council. He said if elected he
and James W. 'Scott.
* W. Joseph Henderson, by R.
Richmond and W. James Henderson.
* Walter Shortreed by W. James
Henderson and R. Richmond.
* Francis Duncan, by W. D. Hend
erson and Geo. G. Bone.
Finlay McCallum, by Abram Proc
ter and Jas. Clark. 1
John McGill by Robert Shortreed
and Robt. Wallace.
* Cecil Wheeler, by Stewa'rt Proc
ter and Howard Clark.
The election will be held
Jan, 4th, and the polls will
from 8 a.m. uptil 5 p.m.
Following the close of the
lions at 1 p.m. by Clerk Alex, Mc
Ewen, Mr. W. Janies Henderson was
appointed chairman.
Road Superintendent’s Report
The Road Superintendent, Russell __ ________ _____ _. . . _
Currie, was called upon to speak first ’ proving of the Highway from Guelph
and he gave a detailed report of the to Amberley a fine thing.
road work done in the township dur
fag the year. This is Mr. Currie’s
spent but how it is spent. Thanked
be opcif
will do what’s fair and honest and
handle expenditures to best possible
Robert Wallace
Mr. Wallace said he had decided
to let bis name go before the people.
Whether elected or defeated will work
in interests of the township.
W. Joseph Henderson
In 34 .years, Mr. Henderson said, he
had missed but one nomination meet
ing. Was defeated 5 years ago but
took defeat gracefully, Had been
nominated 'for the last four years.
He spoke of the different happenings
during the year, the Throne crisis and
the possibility of a world war which
all hoped would be avoided. He pro
mised if elected will give the very
best that is in him in the interest of
the township and will treat all alike.
' He considered County Council ap-
ance had been very little. Ratepayers
have done the work and this cost no
thing. 'The council had had a good
start with much heavy work done be
fore they took office, he said. ,
Cecil Wheeler
Mr. Wheeler stated he would stand
for the council and would do his very
best if elected. He complimented the
old council and the ratepayers for
their co-operation one with the other
during the past few years.
Elston Cardiff
In his reply, Mr. Cardiff thanked
all the speakers for their kindness. He
said no one should say Mr. McCallum
caused the election. If his opponent
is elected he will be the first to con
gratulate him. He spoke Of the death
of the late Coun. Brown during the
year and in glowing terms praised
him for his work on the council.
He was asked if it was right to
hold back ?,■ of the school grant. Mr.
Cardiff explained any school could
get their grant by asking for it, butj
it was held back as taxes do not come
in on December 15th the way they
did years ago.
He explained the penalty on taxes
and said a few drain-troubles have
been settled satisfactory during the
last year. He agreed that chartered
accountants for auditors would be a
fine thing.
Ex-Reeve Wm. Elston (1920-21)
gave a short talk and said he was
pleased to see council had cut the
mill rate.
Ex-Reeve R. Shortreed, (1924-25-
26) stated he was pleased so many
out. He spokt?*in high terms of Mr.
T. Miller, the former road superin
Mr. Richard Johnston, a former
councillor suggested that council could
save money by pulling brushes along
side roads out in the spring. The large
number attending the meeting showed
that'much interest was being taken
in municipal affairs.
Mr. Abram Procter as ex-councillor
stated he was glad to see so .many
young faces. These young men -fill
the gaps of those who pass on. If
they do this they will do well.
Mr, W. J. Johnston ajso ex-coun
cillor noted many changes in the last
25 years. He had lived in the West
20 years and out there councilors are
elected for two years, but the Reeve
for one, only, He was sure with such
a fine lot of candidates it would be
a good council next year.'
Clerk Alex McEwen was called on
for a few words, and he gave a hum
orous talk and also vowed his con
fidence in the youth of to-day. He
told of the old days in a most i'rfter-
esting manner.
A motion that was carried with the.
approval of all, was moved by R
Shortreed and 'E. Cardiff as follows:
That this meeting instruct the cleric
to write Mr. Thos. Miller thanking
him for preparing the charts of the
Reeves of Township and a descrip
tion of the Township which he had
presented and which now hang in the
Township hall. Ais'o to express ap
preciation of his faithful sc'rvices as
road superintendent.
I Mr. Delbert Clegg accompanied by
Mr. Farr, spent Christmas Day in
London with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Rever family
and Mr. Miller spent Christmas with
the formers father, Mr. C. Rever.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Taylor visited
in Galt on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Newton and
family spent Xmas at the home of
Mr. B. Harris.
R. Brown.
Mr, and Mrs, John
with Salem friends on
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ellis spent
Xmas with their son, Mr. Wellis of
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Clegg of’Mich- s
igan is visiting over the Xmas holi
days with his father and mother and
brother here.
Our deepest sympathy is expressed,
to Mr. Robt. Hayes, and family on
the loss of a dear mother.
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Vittie south
of Gorrie, visited on Sunday with the
formers father, Mr. Thomas Vittie.
Mrs. Fred Demmerlfag of Fordwicfc „
visited at, the home of Mrs. C. Staf
ford Xmas Day.
Frank Harris of Detroit spent
with his brothers and sisters
George Elliot
Saturday at the
of Harriston*
home of Mr.
Finlay visited
Walter Shortreed:
Mr. Shortreed sftid he did not own
first year as superintendent. He took property, just a farmer’s son but he
the place of Mr< Thos. Moore, who j felt they should seek office as they
is ill, and who held this position for j are cabled for other duties. He took
many years. The total expenditure on (the council to task for such a large
roads was $6434.61." 1240 yards of un
crushed gravel was used at a cost of
$568.48. The total cost of this gravel
per yard was 56 cents. The cost of
crushed gravel used was 41c per yd.
and 6456% yards were used. The tost
of road maintenance was $5613,10.
Reeve Cardiff
Reeve Cardiff thanked the Council
far their assistance during the five
years he has been Reeve. He also
thanked the electors far the acclama
tions given himself and' the Council
far the past five years,
When he first became Reeve fa
1932 there was a surplus of $7000 and
the mill rate was 6 mills. Birst year
he was- Reeve it was reduced to 5
mills, second year 4 milts; next
3 mills and thejlast year 2 mills,
surplus this year is only $200
than last yeat
surplus and said there was no use in
! having a large balance in the bank
{ when no interest was paid oh it. “He
. also felt that a yearly depreciation
should be put on the equipment such
as the crusher which had stood as
an asset of $3700 for some years. Pie
said the money that was in the sur
plus could be better used in cutting
the bushes off the side of the roadsjS
as this would cost much more if left $
to the future. Prices will go up and
now is the time to get work done.
He said the County Engineer has sug
gested this idea to the county coutt-
We trust the New Year will bring you no end of
joy. May each morning of it see you rising with a M
smile, and each night retiring' in perfect content-* pte
ment and peace.
Wingham Utilities
John McGill
Mnt McGill stated fie was pot in
the field. ‘Had served as councillor
some time ago. Bor a number of
years he has been drain inspector
and expense on drains for mainten-