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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-12-10, Page 2
PAGE TWO WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, December 10,1930 The Wingham Advance-Times Published at WINGHAM . ONTARIO Every Thursday Morning by The Advance-Times Publishing Co. Subscription Rate — One Year $2.00 Six months, $1.00 in advance, To U. S. A„ $2.50 per year. Foreign rate, $3.00 per year. Advertising rates on application. THE CHRISTMAS TREE FUND The subscription lists are now av ailable at both banks for the Commun ity Christmas Tree and Santa Claus Fund. The public are well aware that this fund is used to supply Christmas baskets and provide the children of the community with bags of goodies. The cost of this indeavour is about $200.00 and the balance left over from last year is only $29.10, the smallest amount in some years. It is the aim of the committee to carry on as in other years but this cannot be accomplished unless the funds are subscribed. The public have in past years supported this fund gen erously but this year due to the small balance left from last year, a great deal more than was subscribed last year is required. Leave your donation at either Bank'. Be as generous as yoii can. It is the spirit of Christmas. 4< 4= $ ABOUT RELIEF According to reports the Minister of Welfare, Hon. David A. Croll, has been approached with the idea that Ontario municipalities should be en tirely relieved of the burden of the administration of relief. ■ At a meeting of the Mayors’ Con vention held in 1935 this was a much discussed question. We understand that the authorities at Queen’s Park are not in favor of having the On tario or Dominion Government take over all relief. At the time this matter was taken up at the convention of Mayors we stated that in our opinion the muni cipalities should continue to pay their share of the cost of relief and also to administer same. We are still of this opinion as we believe that in tin j end it will save the people money. • So long as municipalities share the cost of relief and administer same each expenditure will receive careful attention by municipal authorities. If the Government were to supply all the funds for relief and administer the accounts, the municipalities would be relieved of the responsibility but there would be a tendency for many places to load more and more relief expenditures on the governments as the municipalities would not be pay ing directly toward this fund. We are firmly of the opinion that the method of sharing relief costs. and administration the same as is now in force, is the most satisfactory and should be continued. 4< 4< * “s’: . COST OF GOVERNMENT Premier Hepburn recently spoke on the duplication of governments, and this subject will receive the attention of those who attend a conference in Ottawa between the various provinces and the Dominion which will be held shortly, Captain W C. C. Innes, Chairman of the Commercial Bureau of Canada, speaking in Toronto last week, said, the elimination of duplicating Gov ernment services and the establish ment of but one Government for the Prairie Provinces and another for the Maritimes would save the taxpayers of Canada approximately $200,000,000 a year. He estimates the cost of our Government in Canada at $900,000,000 a year. Our population is only 10,- 000,000 people and the above sum does seem out of proportion for gov erning such a few people. Whether it is feasible to 'do away, with Provincial governments to effect a saving is a question that would re quire a great deal of thought and in- NEGLECT OF CONSTIPATION* IS A SERIOUS MATTER Delicious Cei’eal Corrects This Condition in a Natural Way Immediate attention to constipa tion* is important for two reasons. It causes discomfort, and may lead to headaches and loss of appetite. It also tends to slow you down. When elimination continues to be faulty, over a period of time, your general resistance may be lowered. And a weakened body is less able to fight off the infections that abound in every crowded place. The most common type of consti pation is that caused by insufficient “bulk”$in meals. In Kellogg’s All- Bran, you have a delicious source of effective “bulk.” Within the body, the “bulk” in All-Bran absorb^ moisture, forms a soft mass and gently cleanses the system. This tempting cereal also furnishes vitamin B and contains iron. Two tablespoonfuls daily are usually sufficient.* Serve as a cereal with milk or cream, or cook into tempting muffins, breads, etc. How much pleasanter to enjoy this nat ural laxative food instead of taking pills and drugs. All-Bran is guaranteed by the Kellogg Company. Sold by all gro cers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. * Constipation due to insufficient “bulk” vestigation. The duplication of ser vices between our Provincial govern ments and the Federal Government could, we believe, be adjusted with little difficulty. It may be that at conferences such as the provinces and the dominion are contemplating some thing will be accomplished in this re gard. Only 12 more shopping days before Christmas. Be sure and subscribe to the Christ mas Tree and Concert Fund. * * * * The County Council last week vot ed in favor of amendment or repeal of the Farmers’ Creditors' Arrange- 'ment Act, This act is not popular with many county councils. ❖ * ' 4- * ■ The Chicago Water Steal certain!} continues to make a great difference to the level of Lake Huron. The lake is 27% inches lower than the aver age for the last 76 years. ■ 4« * * * Do not drive fast on snow roads. Remember you have not the same control over your .car as though the roads were dry. Several accidents due to snow on roads have happened re cently. 4= * 4? * What a cruel thing war is! Gas and machine guns took a great many lives of defenceless women and child ren in Madrid. * * 4- 4< 4< The people of East Hastings must be fed up with the concentrated ef fort by both parties in the by-election. They will no doubt heave a great sigh of relief as the polls close. 1 4* -I* •* 4* 4* , The Nazi party of Germany has a great method of stopping news which they do not wish published abroad. They simply expel the reporters from the country. So far sixteen members of the foreign press have been given the gate, 4{ 4: 4? * A Vermont judge wept as he sen tenced an old friend, If the prisoner had wept there might have been some hope that justice was doing good. 4s 4: 4= 4« It has been suggested by a paper that newsdealers use diplomacy when handing the Globe and Mail to cus tomers. It suggests that if it is a Grit, throw the paper down with the “Globe” up and whcji a Conservative put the "Mail” side up. That is all right for a start but how about it whefi the customer opens the paper to look over the contents. COUNTY COUNCIL DECEMBER SESSION Equipment from County Constables Recalled. Reeve Scott Gave Report of Criminal Audit Board. J (/ S Trade Name rm.jF acquires value with age, if it has been applied to ivorthy mer chandise and to nothing else. has become the hall mark of excellence. full-fashioned S|LK HOS|ERY “GORDON MAID” light service weight and “GORDON MAID” CHIFFON Full-Fashioned Silk Hosiery, now shown, in new WINTER SHADES and we stand behind every pair we sell. You are not taking a chance with "GORDON” stockings. ASK FOR "GORDON MAID”, at per pair ' 4 lb. .29 igg WHITE SATIN Pastry Flour Cake Flour SWANSDOWN Pkg. .35 Dole’s , 2j4’s Tin PINEAPPLE JUICES .25 Campbell’s 10%-oz. Tin Bean-Bacon Soup Tin >10 Shirriff’s New Dessert FANCY FREE 3 Pkgs. .23 Tasty, Delicious ALMOND ICING California Diamond WALNUTS New Fresh BRAZIL NUTS Aunt Dinah MOLASSES Lb. .25 lb. .21 1%’s Tin .10 r 24-lb, bag Special I Domino TEA JHere’s a blend voted "tops" by families everywhere. A fragrant blend that will prove fiavorful, satisfying and most economical! TRY' IT TO-DAYI 49 %-ib. pkg, 2se 1-lb. Pkg. Special! CLASSIC ■ Cteanser I Desiccated and Shredded COCOANUT KETA SALMON VERYTHING TOILET TISSUE - Artificial Lemon or VanillaEXTRACTS SINGAPORE Sliced Pineapple Dominion Value—Bulk Mincemeat Molasses - .10 lb. Tall T5ns Rolls is. .25 25 8-oz. Dot', 5Tins X 9 - .IO Value! Golden Hallowi OATES Dominion Value TODDT ROLLED ©ATS MEN'S SHIRTS '♦ • •• UNDERWEAR Men’s Special All-Wool unshrinkable “GORDON” COMBINATION UNDERWEAR; made by us from raw wool to garment. You will be delighted With the comfort this quality gives during the winter months, All sizes 34 to 44. More than special value at per garment KID GLOVES Featuring our “GORDON” $1.95 REAL KID GLOVES, specially manufactured for us by the most dependable makers we can find in Europe. They are full pique sewn and our wide range includes the last word from Paris and New York. Per pair .....................* SNUGGIES" You’ll be more comfortable' in “GORDON” Snuggies these cold days—correct Fabrics and Style, tailored to fit smoothly. Budpink and Cream. Small, medium and large. All Cotton, Vest or Panty 39<i 50% Wool, Vest or Panty 79 £ 16% Wool, Vest or Panty 49 £ Silk & Wool, Vest or Panty 93d Please remember-—“Nothing better thah GORDON SHIRTS”, when you are ready to replenish your wardrobe. “GORDON” Shirts are the result of years of experience in producing better-value Shirts. They are Well tailored, collar-attached or collars to match, in all sizes 14 to 17%. An interesting £4 f"/| j (fO HA variety now on display. Attrac- J | 311(1 $CrUUlively priced ....♦” ■>The December . session of Huron County Council opened on Tuesday afternoon last week. In his address, Warden R. J. Bowman reported that despite considerable increase in un controllable expenses, the County had been able to stay within the estimates. He considered the criticism of the County Road Committee’s purchase of a new snow-plow very unfair. Dr. H. A. S. Voices, of Dungannon, invited to speak, appealed to the County* Council to take 'emergency steps to rid Huron County of the cause of -undulent fever. He said' that an accredited herd of cattle was ac credited only in the sense of tubercu losis and not at all for Brucella Ab ortus, and asked that rigid steps be taken to rid the dairy herds of the county of the disease. Dr. Voices ad vocated boiling all raw milk for three minutes. Motion was endorsed compliment ing the Warden, Clerk and Treasurer on tlie satisfactory condition of the county’s finances. A debenture in debtedness liad been reduced by $42,- 000 leaving a debt of $46,000. The following communications were received: From the Mother’s Allowance Com mission requesting names of Munici pal nominees for appointment to the 1937 board.—Tabled. From the Inspector of Legal Of fices expressing appreciation of the condition of the Registry Office. — Filed. From Sheriff Robert Johnston 'en closing the i eport of the Grand Jury, —Filed. A letter from the Minister of High ways re Dr. Dunlop’s tomb.—Filed. Treasurer’s Report 'Treasurer A. H. Erskine in present ing his report at Wednesday’s session of the County Council, gave a bright review of Huron finances. He said i “It is expected that the County highways will live within their esti mates. The general account show an estimated deficit of $6,628, The pro- Tin Head Lettuce 2 For 17c Cranberries, Fresh Spinach, Qelery Hearts, Cabbage Fresh Daily WE DELIVER New Season’s Lemon □r Orange PEEL ">■ ,25 5 BLACK BULK FRESH “DOMINION” FRUIT New Navel Oranges AH Sizes Special Prices OUR GUARANTEE IS BACK OF MERCHANDISE ^Walker Stores, Limited Ufa TRI-LAX has relieved Thousands of sufferers from Stomach, Bowel, Liver and Kid ney trouble. Tri-Lax will cleanse the Stood and give you relief. Get the Combined Treatment at your Druggist, A, & H 50 c each TRI-LAX REMEDY Limited, Toronto Ont. Pepper vincial highways show an estimated deficit of $680.53, making a total of $7,308.28. Against this deficit will be an estimated balan'ce in the County Home Account of $3,000, leaving a net deficit of $4,650. In the estimates in June we figured on a -deficit of $7,500. In the face of an uncontroll able increase in administration of jus tice amounting to nearly $5,000, it would appear to have been a very good year. Had tlie cost of admin istration of j-ustice been normal, we would have ended the year without any deficit. Consider also the fact we have paid the department $29,000 on road account, which completes our payments. The inspector at the County Home has been very energetic in looking af ter estates of the inmates and has turned in in excess of $7,000. The re sult is that the County Home has cost us nothing and will close the year with $3,000 in the bank. Advised Consideration Ian MacLeod, Agricultural Repre sentative, advised the members of the Huron County Council to “go slowly” in answer to an enquiry on the pro posal before them to sponsor a test of all dairy cows in the county, to eradicate buicella abortus, the cause of undulant fever in human beings, said by medical men to exist in this district. Mr. MacLeod, though in sym pathy with the movement, expressed the opinion that such a test would mean the destruction of many beasts for which no provision had been made for compensation to the owners. Engineer’s Report Roy Patterson, county engineer, an nounced that lack of ftjnds' had per mitted very little work on county roads of a permanent nature in 1936 and had also caused restriction in maintenaco. One crusher had been in Operation and five of the plants were idle. Eleven bridges had been painted and many ate in need of painting Ten miles of roads were stabilized this year, and treated with common salt which appears, to have a chemical effect on the clay which restricts vol ume change »A salt treated road dries very quickly after rain, About 20/000 of the trees planted in a nursery are growing. “Poles arc a hazard and a contin ued nuisance on the road allowance^. and .the only fatal accident on our roads this year resulted from a col lision with a pole. The Public Serv ice Works, on Highways Act, sets forth that road authorities shall pay at least one half the cost of moving Hydro and Telephone. poles when such is required by reason of work on the road. These corporations were allowed to use the highways for their pole lines without charge, as a con venience to them. “The County of Huron has expend ed less per mile upon its roads than any other County in the Province, and while the condition of our roads has been equal to that of any other Coun ty, we are falling behind in the mat ter of permanent improvements. At (Continued on Page Six) PRIVATE SECRETARY” “Let me take care of the little trying details that slow up your business day. “You want bits of information here, important data there? Alright, I’ll get thetti for you. “Will Mr. Blank be able to see you after lunch? Okay, I’ll find out for you* “Do you suppose Mr. Dash would bo interested in this new proposition? Let me sound hitti out before you call. “Work me as hard as you like? I love it. My salary? »* Ohly a few cents a day!” « HAVE YOU ADEQUATE TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT? Our local business office will gladly supply information.