The Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-12-03, Page 2••‘PAGE “I WO
Wingham Advance-Times
Published at
Every Thursday Morning by
The Advance-Times Publishing Co.
Subscription Rate —» One Year $2.00
Six months, $1.00 in advance.
To U. S. A., $2.50 per year*
Foreign rate, $3.00 per year.
Advertising rates on application.
There are 2098 active boys’ and
girls’ farm clubs in Canada with a
total membersship of about 35,000.
• The interest that the boys and girls
have shown in the past few years in
farm club work is worthy of special
mention. ‘If our youth continue tak
ing an active interest in the woik of
such organizations there is no doubt
but Canada will benefit by the know
ledge they acquire when it is.put to
the practical te<t. We cannot over
look the fact that wo are an agricul
tural country in the main and the
farm youth of to-day should be en
couraged to link up with the Boys’
and Girls’ Farm Club movement.
The expansion of this movement in
the last few years has been gratifying
and those who fostered the idea de
serve much credit. However, there is
plenty of room for expansion and we
believe that the parents could do
much along this line.
In the National Contest for Boys’
and Girls’ Farm Clubs, held at the
Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, Tor
onto, this year, under the direction of
the Canadian Council for Boys’ and
Girls’ Club work, Ontario teams car
ried off the major honors. Each of
the four teams entered from this pro
vince scored a first place, namely, in
the dairy cattle, bee cattle, grain and
potato projects. The team of twin
sisters from Conjuring Creek, Alber
ta, member of the Liberty Swine1
Club,, won in the swine project and
th.e team*of two girls from. Manitoba,
members- of the Teulon Poultry
Club, took the Dominion honors in
the Poultry project.
There were 31 teams entered in the
six projects, four from each of the
provinces except Alberta and Saskat-
jcdiewan which entered three teams
f^ind one from Prince Edward Island.
The teams were winners in the pro
vincial contests, thus winning the
prize of a rfee trip to the Royal Ag
ricultural Winter Fair with all ex
penses paid.
j’c *|c *5*
Two- familiar and popular members
of the Toronto Maple Leaf Hockey
Club have gone the way of all those
who participate in sports. “King”
Clancy has hung up his skates, and
George Hainsworth has been replaced
by the youthful Broda.
Both these players have given yoe-
men service to the Maple Leaf Club
i i
and hockey fans throughout Canada • Hartley Patterson, a former Wingham
are sorry to see them go. It has been : and Bluevale boy, son of the late Mr.
said over and over again that youth 5 Archie Patterson of Wingham. Mr.
must be served and kthe replacing of Patterson was an engineer with the
these two veterans with young play- ■ Barcelona Heat. Light and Power Co.
ers bears out this fact. i for a number of years. Atthe present
Sport fans take their hockey seri- time he is living in England. With him
ously, in fact any game, and the hero is his sister, Miss Victoria Patterson.
The new Goodyear heavy duty Lug Type Balloon
offers matchless tread grip for any emergency. It
has the ability to take heavy loads through the •
“bad lands.”
In deep mud, snow/ broken ground, crushed rock,
and on rough roads it “plows through” with ease.
It holds steadily to the road and automatically
cleans itself of mud and stones. It is the “work horse”
of truck tires.
In a full range of sizes from 6.00 x 20 to 17.25 x 24.
Homuth & Bennett
Phone 1UW Wingham, Ontario
of one night may be given the rasp
berry the next. Those who participate
in sport have to take the criticism of
the fans, many of whom know little
about tlie game. But the time always
comes when the old legs can’t take it
and then some up and coming lad
steps into the breech and for a few
years he will receive the cheers. Then
he, too, will go down the river or join
the list of has-beens. The sports life
nf a playc
is a comparatively few
The age
Hardly a day passes when one does
not read of a call bein;
of chivalry is not dead.
g made for a
ation of blood to relieve a suffer-
patienr. The response to these re
sts has always been prompt and
numbers who offer to donate
>d always evceeds the demand.
Many are of the opinion that the
people of ro-day are a hard-boiled lot
and that selfishness is greater than
ever before. We believe that this on
ly applies to the very few. When the
call of service is made the response
L always great. It is wonderful that
when the occasion presents itself
there are always those who are ever
ready to help their fellow citizens.
* *
Only 19 more shopping days till
Xmas. Boy, oh boy, how time flies!
-i- * *
The fellow that predicted no snow
until Xmas made a very poor guess.
❖ * * *
Kincardine has purchased a wood
lot and expect to cut their relief bill
at least 50 per cent.
* 4= *
The Quints' photographs may now
appear in all papers in Canada. The
Advance-Times has had this service
since the Quints were born.
Lloyd George in his memoirs paid
high tribute to General Sir Arthur
Currie, Commander-in-Chief of the
Canadian Corps in the Great War.
The lads who were over there knew
that he merited much praise.
J’S s’t # j|<
The gathering of war equipment
mostly ships, near and around Spain,
by the various European nations is
enough to give one the jitters
J|c * * *
The stabbing of a lady and three
show horses with a narcotic needle
at the Royal Winter Fair is some
thing that the authorities will investi
gate thoroughly The culprits should
be given a heavy sentence.
The Royal Winter Fair was more
successful than ‘ever this yeatj Can
ada may well be proud of this fine
exhibition which is second to none of
its kind for a yearly event.
The following letter was written by
did not have enough
or patriotism or hon-
mce it failed to govern,
avhs lai’gcly to blame
London, England,
September 25,1936.
Dear Mrs. Betts:
I wanted to write you from Spain
ever since the start of the revolution
but as any letter with the truth about
the situation would never have got
ten out of the country, I have waited,
You will have formed some idea of
the situation there by the reading of
the newspapers, but I do not believe
they could convince you that the hap
py peaceful Spanish workman could
sink to such depths of brutality and
paganism as they have.
The revolution was started by the
military, not against the government,
but against the communists and an
archists who, although in a small min
ority, controlled the government, and
the goverment
personal pride
esty to resign, c
The military
for the present lawlessness and terr
ible bloodshed because it failed to
organize the rebellion efficiently and
in such a way as to bring about a
rapid successful conclusion. One Gen
eral in Barcelona forgot the hour the
rebellion was to start and was in bed
while troops were fighting in the
streets. Serida was taken over success
fully by the troops but on the defeat
of the military in Barcelonia, they
lost their nerve and returned to the
barracks. All officers were later ex
ecuted. They might just as well have
died fighting for their cause, which
was just enough.
At the start of the revolution all
of the jails were emptied and you can
imagine the rabble there would be
in the streets; The very lowest dregs
of society went about where they
pleased. You will recall the beautiful
old churches in Barcelona. I, have
seen most of them since the revolu
tion started and the destruction was
terrible. The only one to remain is
the Cathedral near “Calle Fernando”.
I have been told by people who wit
nessed some of the burning and pil
laging of churches that after the first
outbreak by the rabble, the churches
burnable material not worth robbing
heaped in piles and burned by a spec
ial squad among which appeared the
faces of foreign Rusisans.
The streets of Barcelona present
the most filthy and unkept appearance
they are filled with what they call
the people’s militia “Melicant” all
armed to the teeth and looking all
the world like a comic opera army of
rebels. At the*start they almost made
one siclc to look at them but one can
become accustomed to anything with
time. ■ You will see in the papers
photographs of these citizen fighters
accompanied by so-called patriotic
“Sencjritas” also carrying rifles and.
revolvers, but the senoritas are none
other than the^ scum of the streets
and cabarets of Barcelona. You do
not see any nice people at all in the
streets, they are either disguised as
workmen, hiding out or shot for be
longing to political parties other than
the left parties or for owning prop
You, will think I am pretty bitter
towards the emancipated working
classes but I have seen and known of
so much of their cowardly brutality
that I can only think of them with the
greatest revulsion of feeling.
You have read, of course, of the
systematic murdering by the govern
ment followers, anarchists and com
munists, of priests and many nuns,
property owners, and the well-to-do
Spaniards of the right political part
ies. There is no exaggeration in these
accounts, they are all only too true.
The anarchists, communists and
workmen are now shooting each oth
er in the lust for killing and author
I will give you a few examples of
what they did around Camajord.
When the revolution broke out the
Communists of the village of Cama-
lord dragged the two poor old priests
of the village church out of their
home and shot them in cold blood.
They then battered their poor help
less bodies with stones.
Tn Baloguer the priest and about 28
of the prominent citizens of the town
were hunted out of their homes like
rats and shot. I knew most of them
to be peaceful harmless citizens and
not capable of taking up arms against
any political party. Since that time,
every few nights or so we heard of
further groups of 7 or 8 men being'
killed. Some few escaped to the open
fields where they were hunted and
shot like wild animals,
In Serida about 100 were shot the
first night and since then about 400
more. I knew personally a number
of the people murdered, and I would
say that the only crime they were
guilty of was that of not being arm
ed and prepared to protect themselves
against a minority of workmen and
Assassins armed 1>y the government.
The position of all decent people in
the areas not controlled by the mili
tary is of utter hopelessness. They
never know the moment they may be
dragged out Of their homes and shot.
After the shooliug, in many cases,
the bodies have been rfiutilatedf tfi
Baloguer otie night when a group was
being shot, a lawyer asked to say a
few words. He said he had not taken
any part in politics on one side or
the other and' begged to have his
house searched and an investigation
made of his personal activities before
being shot. A number of the assass
ins hesitated and said there might be
some truth in what he said but the
leader of the firing squad said “Shoot
him, one more or less is of no im
A Tinedies, near Tremp, where we
have just finished a new project, two
night watchmen were killed, by their
fellow watchmen just because, before
the revolution they showed too much
interest in their work. At Flix, near
er .Barcelona, where we have started
a new project, one of our.most trust
ed native formen was killed, because
some of the workmen thought he had
made them work beyond their capac
ity and another was lined up for
shooting when a workman whom he
hjid. helped financially when ill, beg
ged for his life. He was let off but
warned that the workmen had to be
treated in
than once
hide out most of the night while they
the future with more con
life was threatened more
and one night he had to
Thursday, December 3. 1936WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES
real dan-
that the
and they
has relieved
Thousands of sufferers from
Stomach, Bowel, Liver and Kid
ney trouble. -
TrLLax will cleanse the Blood
and give you. relief.
Get the Combined Treatment at
your DftigglSL A. & B. 50c each
searched his house for him, but lat
terly the workmen realized
work had to be kept going
became more reasonable.
I don’t think I was in any
ger at any time but J knew men I
had discharged for spreading sedition
in the. works would like to have taken
vengeance on me. The most prom
inent warships in the Barcelona har
bour were the British warships and
this was a great deterrent to'reckless
action against British subjects by the
Moscow experimenters. The first war
ships. on the scene were the British
and some of tjiem docked, uninvited,
right up against the city’s docks with
very business-like crews and guns,
Higman was on vacation when the
revolution started and, although a
British Consulate seal was put on his
house, it was, I understand, raided,
and quite some arms discovered. Hig
man being an ex-army officer, I sup
pose, had in his possession the usual
tools of his profession. The result
was he was warned not to return to
Spain, but I understand he joined the
English secret service on the French-
Spanish frontier and it is now rum
oured that he is flying with the rebel
forces or aAthreds as they prefer to
be called.
I could go on forever writing you,
but I will leave Some news for anoth
er time. I would have liked to have
gone to Canada during this forced
idleness, but we must wait here in
readiness to return at once to Spain
when the Commuriistls are driven out.
Please give my regards to Dorothy,
Major, Col. Peters and * all other
friends, and I, won’t mind your heap
ing coals of fire on my head by Writ
Tdrontd Grit*
P.S. Our Company has been taken
over completely by the workers and
we all had to leave.
We wish to extend congratulations
to Mr .and Mrs. Roy McArthur, Mr.
and Mrs. John Skin and Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Towne all of Turnberry on the
arrival of three fine baby daughters,
all born last week.
Mr. Lome Gardner visited last
week with his cousin Roy Havens at
We are very sorry to hear of the
illness of Mr. Pocock. We hope for
his speedy recovery.
Mr. and .Mrs. Mervin Deeves and
family have moved their household
effects to Hanover last Friday. Mervin
has secured a position in .a Furniture
factory in Hanover. .
Mr. Dave Gibbs of Wawanosh was
a vistor last week with Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Law.
, The teachers and pupils of Turn-
bery S. S. No. 11 in Lower Wingham,
are working hard training for their
Xmas Concert which will be held on
the evening of December 22nd. This
will be one of the season’s treats.
Messrs Thomas McMichael and A.
B. Longley attended the Fair in Tor
onto last week .
Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Palmer spent
Sunday P.M. with Mrs. Bush and Miss
Gertie Bush of Wroxeter.
The Ladies’ met in the church on
Tuesday afternoon for a business
meeting. •
We are glad to report that Mrs.
Eli Bolt is getting better after her
recent illness.
The concert held in the Union
School last Friday night was well at
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gathers spent
Sunday evening witlr Mr .and Mrs.
Jlefify Mctklcy.
The minutes of Council Meeting
held in Bluevale, Nov. 10th, 1936.
Member all present.
Moved by Breckenridge and Porter
that the minutes of last meeting be
adopted as read. Carried. ,
The following letters were received
and' read: Dept, of Health, Toronto;
R. Paterson, Goderich; Municipal Af
fairs, Toronto.
The following accounts were paid:
Sundry accts., $47.49; Roads $318.33.
Moved by Moffat, and Wilton that
we adjourn to meet at Bluevale, on
December 15th, 1936, at 11 o’clock
in the forenoon. Carried.
W. R. Cruikshank, R. Grain,
Clerk. Reeve.
Husband (whose chances as candi
date had seemed poor): “Darling I
have been successful in the election.”
Wife (incredulously): “Honestly?”
Husband': ’’Oh, why bring that up?”
Railway Surveyor—"The company
wants to run a line through here.”
Farmer— “What! Through my big
‘ “Ah, well, they can’t. I’ve got a
hen sitting.”
We arc prepared to consider a few
niore young- men, for in
Radio as required by the Donunion
Government for 1st and 2nd class
licensed operators. Only Canadian
citizens , pdsscssing good character
and .health plus two years High
School or the equivalent, acceptable,
•unless you can fulfill the above
requirements please do not apply,