The Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-10-29, Page 7Thursday, October 29, 1936
Jcffray spent the week-end
and Mrs. Wm. Mundell in
also Mr. and Mrs. George
•nd took in the anniversary.
Herd attended the
Gorrie, October 21st, 1396
Council met in the Township Hall
-according to adjournment, members
were all present, the Reeve in the
Minutes of last meeting were read
and on motion of Weir and Toner,
were adopted,
Moved by Lovell and Baker that
this Council hereby authorize the
Hydro Electric Power Commission to
cancel the contract op Lot 4 on the
East side of Centre Street, Wroxet-
ed, said property owned by David
Robinson, cancellation to take effect
as of September 30th, 1936. Carried.
Moved by Toner and Lovell that
the School Attendance Officer’s Re
port be accepted as read and placed
on' file. Carried.
Moved by Lovell and Baker that a
grant of $15.00 be given Howick
School Fair. Carried.
Moved by Weir and Baker that the
following bills be paid. Carried.
Edwin Day, taking T. Ellis to Hen.
•sall, $4.50; Fred Mahood, repairing
Branch C, Alun. Drain No. 12, $36.00;
J. A. Bryans, selecting jurors, $4.00;
Alilton Leonard, selecting jurors,
$4.00; Isaac Gamble, selecting jurors,
$4,00; Isaac Gamble, part salary as
Clerk $35.00; Treas. Co. Huron, hos
pital expenses for T. Ellis, $5.25; Jno.
Hyndman, taking Harper girl to God-
•erich, $4,00; A. C. Hutchison, part
salary as Weed Inspector, $21.90; T.
A. Roberts, Part printing contract,
1936, $100.00; T. A. Roberts, envel
opes for Treas and advertising for
Weed Inspector, $10,05; N. Wade,
■premium on bonds for Treasurer and
Collectors, .$57.50; George King,
handling tax tickets and making re
turns, Township Hall, Gorrie, $10.00;
Treas, Co. Huron, hospital expenses
for Wm. H. Bird, $12.25; Norman
Clegg, grant, $25.00; Edwin Day,
bringing T. Ellis from Hensall $4.50,
Howick Ag. Society, grant $100.00;
Howick School Fair, grant $15.00;
Grand' & Toy, vouchers for relief,
$2.38; J, H. Rogers, pt. pay servicing
street lights, Fordwich, $25.00; W.
R, Fraser, M.D., operation and trips
to Wingham, re T. Ellis $27.50; Mil
ton Hastie, sheep killed or injured by
dogs $2.50; Dr. W. A. McKibbon, an-
-aesthetic for T. Ellis $5.00; J. A. Bry
ans, trip to Wingham, $2.00; Dr,
Whitley, certifying Vittie boy $5.00;
J. FI. Rogers, Fees on Clark Alun.
Drain, $10.00; Isaac Gamble, prepar
ing amending by-law, Clark Alun.
Drain, $5.00; Relief $60.10.
Roadi Expenditures
R. Griffith, repair to culvert $6.85;
Allen Griffith, repair to culvert $2.40;
Gordon Vittie, under brushing $20.00;
Creo .Leonard, weeds, $3.60; Harry
'Hastie, weeds, $1.00; Gordon Vittie,
weeds, $5.20; Andrew Edgar, weeds,
$3.60; Wm. Elliott, tile, $17.00; Carl
Shoemaker, making fill, $7.00; E. G.
Denny, making fill, $25.35; C. AlcCal-
lum, making fill and weeds, $16.00;
Robt. Doig, making fill and weeds
$17.00; John Brown, making fill, and
weeds, and culvert $22.45; Andrew
Doig, making fill and weeds $7.00;
Clifford Brown, making fill and weeds
$10.50; Chas. Alaxwell, making fill,
$7.00; Gordon Vittie, weeds, $2.00;
Wm. McElwain, dragging, $4.90; Wm.
Darcey, weeds, $1.00; Leslie Burrows,
weeds, .30; Carman Bride, weeds and
tile, $9.20; Roy Simmons, weeds $2.00;
John Gamble, weeds, $2.00; Wm. AL-
bright, weeds, $2.00; R. Hill, weeds,
$4.75; A. Kennedy, weeds, $1.40; Ross
Doig, weeds .80; R. Griffith, weeds,
$6.80; Allen Griffith, weeds, $7-60;
Wm. Kreller, wire fence, $4.00; R. F.
Edgar, Supt. salary, $70.35; J. W.
^Kreller, fill, weeds and culvert $32.20;
Lloyd Jacques, making fill and weeds,
$19.15; Robert Hubbard, making fill
and. weeds, $11.00; Fred Alahood Jr.,
making fill $9.00; Henry Kreller,
making filt $5.00; Oscar Weiler,
Crushing and weeds $28,00; Harry
Gowdy, culvert and weeds $3.80; Rus
sel Harris, Weeds, $3.00; Wm. Migh-
was a grand sucress with a splendid
Mr. Jack Holland was in Toronto
a few 'lays, having a serious break in
the chopping mill which was closed,
with Mr.
Mundell, i
Mr. and M.
funeral of a friend Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Shorter are now com
fortably settled in Miss l^lizabeth
Hakney’s house.
Miss Jean Crule, of Wingham,
spent Sunday at her home here.
(Thursday arid Saturday Afternoons
at Gorrie)
Eye Service
£/ni ght Specialist
Phone 118. Harriston
iZjr 4 X
' •z
As the time limit on the Millar will
baby race draws to a close, contend
ers are preparing to' put forth their
claims for the fortune at stake. The
ton, weeds ,$3.00; Manford Irwin, re
pair to culvert $3.60; Oliver Stewart,
repair to culvert, $3.60; Archie Irwin,
repair to culvert $5.60; Roy Gowdy,
repair to culvert, .80; R. H. Carson
& Son, Gas and Oil, $39.10; E. W.
Bolton, oil, $14,90; Emerson Har
grave, weeds, $3.00; R. J. Hueston,
cement and plank, $20.40; Stan Fors
ter, weeds $1.05; Art. Forster, weeds
$2.00; Henry Finlay, weeds $1.55; S.
Finlay, weeds $1.10; J. Alusgrove,
weeds $1.80; Edwin Day, weeds $4.50;
Cecil Day, weeds, .80; John Hynd
man, culvert tile and weeds $22.30;
Charles Finlay, weeds $1.00; C. Vit-
tic, weeds $2.00; Ernest King, weeds
$3.50; W, Underwood, weeds $3.00;
John Montgomery, Fill and operating
grader $21.00; Norman Reis, weeds
$2.00; W. Haines, weeds $2.00; Man
ford Irwin, weeds $3.20; Wm, Craig,
weeds, $4.00; Wm. Kreller, repair to
bridge and weeds .40; Wm. Huth,
weeds, $1.05; Archie Irwin, weeds .80;
A. Porterfield, weeds $3.60; Fred
Locking, weeds $2.00; Harry Afetcalf,
ditching $4.00; Harvey Wright, ditch
ing $8.00; E. Gathers, gravelling $1.00;
John Ridley, making fill $13.30; Jas.
Walkom, making fill $13.30; William
Stewart, making fill $22.35; Wm. El
liott, tile $14.00; John Gowdy, weeds,
Aloved by Lovell and Baker that
Council do now adjourn to meet in
the United Church Hall, Fordwich,
on the third Wednesday in November.
Isaac Gamble, Clerk.
Aliss Mac Watters, of Toronto,
spent the week-end with her mother
and sister.
Air. Ireland and Aliss Laura Hicks
of Wingham, were guests of Air. and
Mrs. Cecil Day on Tuesday evening.
The many friends of Aliss Hicks will
be interested to know she accompan
ied Air. and Airs, Thos. Field, of
Wingham., to Long Beach, California,
leaving on Wednesday morning. They
expect tu spend the winter there.
Mr. and Airs. J ,L. McEwan, dau
ghter, Helen and Isabel al>o son,
Thomas, of Wroxet(r, were recent
guests of W» J* a.nd (jallsthcr*
Mr, and ktS./f^AG. Dane, also Mr.
'James LougM Vi/itcd the former’s
sister, Mrs, Pollock and Air, Pollock
at Pine River on Sunday.
Mrs, Earl Toner spent last
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs,
Wood, at Lakelet.
Alts. Bell and Marion Clark
•the week-end with the former’s bro
ther, Mr. Charles and Airs. AtcIUwain
at Fordwich.
Lecture Cancelled
The illustrated lecture on India,
which was to be given by Mrs, Mat
thews of Listowcl, under auspices of
the Evening Auxiliary on Wednesday
evening of this week, has been can
celled indefinitely owing to illness of
the speaker.
Mr. and Mrs, J. H, King and dau
ghter, Miss Jean, of London, spent
born in the county, outside the Tor- ropolitan area, may be thrown out by several disputed registrationspictures here show two of the con
tenders. Mrs. Harrison (1), one of I onto city limits. The will reads “born the courts, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Grazi-
the early entrants, has eight children in the city of Toronto”, and births in ano (2), claim ten children born in
registered, although all but two were , the county, though within the met-1 the. period, but a county birth and J succeed.
their title. They are still cheerful,
however, and hopeful their cause will
Copyright, Star Ncwspapei
the week-end with the former’s par- ] Rev. O’Neil Preached at Conference
Mr. and Mrs. Thoihas MacDonald
of Molesworth, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. King.
Mr. and Airs. Herbert Irwin and
daughter, Miss Lucille, of Long
Branch, were Sunday guests of -Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Irwin.
Mrs. J. Bingham attended the fun
eral of her unple, the late E. J. Pear
son, of Kintore, last week. Mrs. T.
Shearer; of Wroxeter, accompanied
Mrs. M. Querin, of Toronto, spent
a few days last week with her sister,
Mrs. S. Munroe.
Mrs. G. Barton spent a few days
recently in’Toronto and Fergus.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Earl of Ethel
visited on Friday last with the latter’s
parents, Air. and Mrs. R. S. Clegg
and also Air. Delbert Clegg.
Woman’s Auxiliary Complete Quilt
The Women’s Auxiliary of St. Ste
phen’s Church quilted most of a quilt
at their regular meetings last week
held at the home of Mrs. Ernest King.
Owing to the absence of the Pres
ident, the vice pres., Mrs. Norman
Wade, took charge of the meeting
and Roll Call was answered by a par
able from the Bible, and business was
discussed after which Rev. O’Neil led
in prayer, and also the .members’
prayer in unison. The hostess then
served a dainty lunch. A few of the
ladies returned another day and fin
ished the quilt.
W.M.S. Thank-Offering Meeting
Nov. 6th
The Women’s Alisisonary Society
here, are holding their autumn Thank-
Offering meeting in the United church
on Friday evening, Nov. 6th, at 8
p.m. They are fortunate in having as
their guest speaker, Miss Mitchell, of
Toronto, was is Travelling Secretary
for the Society, and will, therefore,
have a very interesting message for
her audience. Everyone will be made
r—H ——r’ . J
Born—On Saturday, October 24th,
to Air, and Airs, Wilfred Brown, a
Dr. H. and Alt's. Mutton and child
ren, of Mitchell, were Sunday guests
of Air, and Mrs. Cooke,
Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Hueston spent
Sunday with friends in Whigham,
Mr, Robt, Ferguson attended
funeral of a relative at Kintore
Thursday last,
Air, and Mrs. Fred Dowdell • and
baby, Audrey, of Toronto, were Tues
day and Wednesday visitors last week
with Air. and Mrs, John Hyndman.
Air. and Mrs. George Foster and
daughter, Miss Margaret, were Sun
day guests of Air, and Airs, Hodgins
at Teeswatcr.
Sympathy is extended to Mrs. W,
Bronin er
tress of
was held tm Monday afternoon from
his late home here and interment was
made in Gorrie cemetery.
whose husband, William
, passed away on Friday
last, after an extended ill-
some months. The funeral
The following attended the A.Y.
P.A, Conference in London from Oc
tober 22nd. to 24th: Misses Doris
Leonard and Elva Foster from Ford
wich, Mr. Robert Paulin of Wroxet
er, and Aliss Nellie Dinsmore, Messrs.
Harold and Harry King and Rev. A.
H. and Mrs. O’Neil, from Corrie. Air.
O’Neil preached, the.' sermon at the
Installation of Officers of the A.Y.
P.A. held, in St. Paul’s Cathedral Sat
urday morning at 11.30. All the
delegates report a very pleasant and
inspiring time. The theme of the
conference was “Idealism” and if all
A.Y,P.A. members can remember and
use the Ideals as set forth they shall
be of still greater service for Christ
and His church.
Following this was the minutes and
roll call, and admission of new mem
bers ,after which a verse of the hymn
“Blessed be the tie that binds” was
sung. An interesting missionary pap
er on the life of the late Dr. Jonath
an Goforth and his work on the mis
sion field in China, was given by Is
ohel Earls. The meeting closed with
prayer by the Rector. The usual
games and lunch were withdrawn
and the time was spent in practicing
the play which the society are getting
contributed a duet. The topic “Young
People and the Missionary Challenge”
was made interesting and profitable
by Miss Alma Brown. The hymn,
“Father, Whose will is life and good’’
was sung especially remembering the
medical missions and the
with the Mizpah benediction.
Women’s Institute
members of the W. I. will en
their friends to a social even-
A. Y. P. A. HAD
Over sixty attended the Gorrie A.
Y, P, A. meeting held at the home
of Mr. and Airs. Joseph Bennett on
Wednesday night of last week, when
the President presided and opened the
'meeting with prayer and hymn “Jesus
calls us”, after which Scripture lesson,
Psalm 27, was read by Robert Wade.
Hallowe'en readings were given by
Harold King and Mrs. Woodcock; al
so a humorous Hallowe'en recitation
by Jean Vittie. David Neilson gave
a paper on Charles G, D. Roberts,
and Alarian Woodcock a paper on Sir
Walter Scott. Alusic was also sup
plied by Mrs. Frank King, pianist,
and Mr. Harry King on the banjo.
After a couple of contests which were
given by Robert Wade and Alarian
Woodcock ,a bountiful lunch was ser-
duringXvhich a social half
enjoyed by all.
Airs. P. S. AlacEwen and Airs. N.
T. AIcLaughlin were guests of Brus
sels friends on Thursday of last week
Miss Aileen Schaab spent the week
end at her home in Elmwood.
Air. and Airs. J. J. Allen accom
panied by the latter's mother, Airs.
Ross, Gorrie, were Toronto visitors
on Monday.
Mr. and Airs D. S. AfacNaughton
and John, also Air, and Airs. J. H.
Wade, Fordwich, spent Sunday with
London friends.
Air. and Airs. John Fleming, Tor
onto, were week-end guests of Air.
and Airs Thomas Brown.
Recent guests of Airs. Higgins
were: Air, and Mrs. Wm. Finlay and
also Mrs.
Tait, Tor-
ing on Wednesday evening of this
week at 8 p.m. in the Orange Hall.
This evening party will take the place
of the regular monthly meeting. Mem
bers are asked to notice the change of
Thomas Oliver, of
of Mr. and
Air. Robt. Paulin was in London
the latter part of last week attending
the A.Y.P.A. Conference to which he
was a delegate.
Mr. Howard Wylie and Miss Ailecn
Schaab of the Howick Mutual, at
tended a District meeting of the In
surance Companies in Shelburne on
Thursday of Iasi. week.
Mrs. Ed. Rann and sons, Jack and
Barrie; of London, spent the week
end with friends here.
Miss Margaret Tait, of Toronto,
was a recent guest of her friend, Aliss
Mtncrva Higgins.
Air, J. L. AlacEwen is having a new
engine installed in his chopping mill.
The engine
land and is
be installed
daughter, Ethel,
Merril and Miss
Mr. and Airs.
Staffa, were Sunday guests
Mrs. J. Lovell.
Miss Jean McBurney attended the
course of lectures given members of
the Bluevalc Institute recently. Dur
ing the course she was the guest of
Miss Florence Fowler.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nichol, Mild-
may, also Mrs. John Hogdson, Guelph,
were Sunday guests of Airs. Higgins
in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Powell and
daughters, Mary and Frances, of near
Wingham, were recent guests of Air.
and Airs. James McBurney.
Miss Florence Fowler went to Sea
forth on Monday to visit her friends,
the Misses Creswell, who were leav
ing for California where they will
spend the winter season.
Air. Henry Timm came home from
Listowel Akmorial Hospital on Fri
day of last week. We are glad to
know he is making a splendid recov
ery following a serious operation,
Mrs. Gorrcl, Pilto Mound, Man.,
was a- week-end guest of Mr. and Airs.
Chad. Henning.
Mr. Wilford Leeson of Toronto was
a guest Thursday last at the home
of D. S. and Mrs, AfacNaught
Mr. Airs, Cecil Alines and fam
ily, of Niagara, and Mr. and Airs. H.
Wright and babe from near Lakelet,
spent a day or two with the former’s
parents, Air. and Airs. W. A. Alines.
Air. Robert Baker spent Sunday
with his daughter, Airs. Fred Double-
dee, of Belmore locality.
Airs. Henry Vogan, of Woodstock,
and Airs. Brooks, of,- •Afolesworth,
spent last week with Air. and Airs.
John Gowdy.
Air. and Airs. Wm. Dane and fam
ily of the 14th of Howick, spent Sun
day evening with Mr. and Airs, Edwin
The young people of this locality
presented their play entitled "Too
Alany Parents”
day night last week and received a
great ovation.
Council met on October 13 th with
all the members present. Minutes of
last meeting were read and approved.
Communications from the Burling
ton Steel Co., re snow fences, the
Clerk of Seaforth giving notice of a
meeting to be held in Clinton to deal
with the matter of transients, and
from the Tp. of Kinloss and Engin
eer Montieth in reference to K. Weav
er’s complaint regarding the AIcQuil-
lan dram, received and read. The
Clerk was instructed to notify the Tp.
of Kinloss that as all the requirements
in connection wilh this drain had been
followed out by this township as, the
initiating municipality considered they
had nothing to do whatsoever with
Mr. Weaver’s complaint, that the con
tract is now completed, and to ask
that township to forward to this
township, without further delay, their
portion of assessment on above men
tioned drain.
Arrangement is to be made with the
local banks whereby for some slight
remuneration, these institutions will
receive taxes according to tax’ notices,
ratepayers being relieved of paying
anything additional for this service.
Two by-laws, one providing for levy
ing a sufficient amount for the repair
ing of the Toll and Lott drains, the
other authorizing the Collector to
charge and collect 3 per cent, extra
on all taxes remaining unpaid after
the middle of December, were both
read and passed. The following ac
counts were paid: The Municipal
World, supplies $2.18; Reeve, Clerk
and Assessor, selecting jurors $11.00;
Tp. Turnberry, share repairing Lott
Drain $7.35; Phillip and Buchanan, re
pairs to‘ grader. 35c; Rhys Pollock,
wire and nails, (50c; Stanley Johnston,
construction on Road 2, $287.80; Win.
Straughan, dragging on Road 2, $16.-
00; Fred Cook, dragging on Road 6,
$10.20; Wm. Walden, dragging and
tile, on Road 4, $29.95; S. McBurney,
salary as Road Supt., $61.20; L.
Wightman, work on Road No. 10, $4.-
50; Gillespie Bros., payment on the
Coulter-Grain Drain contract $389.43;
Dan McGowan, repairing the Toll
drain $23.40.
Council adjourned to meet again on.
Monday, Nov. 16th.
A. Porterfield, Clerk.
at Newbridge Tues-
holi-children enjoyed a
days as Mr. J. Tiffin was
A number of Wingham
took in the fowl super at
Church Tuesday evening. The supper
Truck Crashed into Deer
O. Elliott and L. Russell while rid
ing in a truck north of Fordwich, had
a rather- unusual experience when a
3-year-old buck apparently attracted
by the lights of the truck, ran into
the rear of the vehicle killing itself.
The carcass was brought to Brussels
and the incident ieported to Constable
Pat went to visit Belfast for the
first time, and when he came home
a friend asked bint what he thought
about the city.
“City,” asked Pat, “share 01 could
n’t see it for houses!”
Buyers Of
was shipped from Eng
the first of its kind t<
in Canada,
“From Greenland’s Icy
followed by the Lord’s
Lucille White
Maitland Creamery
On Tuesday evening of last week
the regular meeting of St, James’ A.
Y.F.A. was held in the school room of
the church. The meeting, conducted
by the President, opened' with the
singing of the hymn “The Church’s
One Foundation,” This was follow
ed by prayer by Kathleen Durst, after
which the Lord’s Prayer was repeat
ed in unison. The Scripture lesson,
Tjuke 9:1-6, was mdtfby Bill Atartin,
Young People’s Union
The Y.P.U. held their weekly
ing on Monday evening. The
ident, Stewart Higgins, presided and
opened with Bishop Heber’s mission
ary hymn
Prayer in unison,
chose for the Scripture reading from
Job The business session fol
lowed, “In Christ there is no east
or west” was the second hymn and
Janet Ruttan and Minerva Higgins'
Wingbatn, - - Ontario
Phone 271