Huron Signal, 1864-11-3, Page 1- --••••• WM. 001, Z liter and Proprietor.] . A , - IMI=1=11."" •-• • $1.50 PER ANN. IN ADVA*CEI in dui way of au excuse tor ooutluet, trXill,t0 It uggle for liberty, he would be one of which, if woad against Irishtnot, itt 1' the first to execreto u unjustifiable ud inhumane to the last degree. R WEL C. W., bell. 213, 1864 OUR "MOCK LLBERAL/TT." Tut Irish rime/ion enters a protest agaiust the charge that itt utterances in relbretioe to Ireland are freimitobie, and asks if ie Lae ever vilified anything Cana- dian. We did not accuse it of hZving done that, but merely stated that its artistes, wilielt generally. treat u libe Wong. el Ireland, are habitually Ire able,it being taken"; ir granted that Canada is a portion of 111 nigh soil. Ile nsk* us for proof that we arc telling the truth. ,,,U'', Ow can that be necessary when, in the ,../ eery next untrue, he eays : " lf, when " we speak hf I rel:antl, we nook the feetA, • 1" we cannot well help epeal inglreanon." r tOranting that our colitetnforary- does always speak the truth iat that coneection, it then follow* that he speaks trrasna,ibly. Why, then, be frighteueil. at the mound of Ibe woridwheh he .90 readily. admits the fact ? and why tvacuse us of, " tuocklib- erality " tweets/5u we cannot strazi„.fin as 6 does in demanding, refinumr?" We agree with him that Irelaud has, suffered wrongs at the hands ef Eugland-we Imertily endraree the etatement that the , systetu of land teuure ,imprined upon Ire- , .. load ie not what/it &Uhl be, and that it , , ... . la elute propeeto give her peasantry back \ . the Tenaat/Right, bit we stop' there. If Ibe reforuss dentendol cannot be secured An a day, we should . Itemitate before ativi .4101g 'nehmen to take up arms -- against Britain, becauee we love and, ',tilt all her Nolte, and lima • thiuk such an act would be in i uie'd I ' LATEST FROM QUEBEC. -.- . Quanta , 'I weday, Oct. 25. The Conventi6u, it is utnleratood, has been engaged tictlay diecuseing what p oversootail be delegated' to the local goyeruments. The ., questa* uf the Judieutry likewise engaged 'Show attention. Although difficultiee have ItIppeared iti couttection with the arraugement 1 ut the hauliers a satisfactory sal ution is cote lidently ezpect'ed. It is MA doubted thot the labors of die Conveutioa will be clotted in , time to. enahle the delegate. to reach Mon- , tteal on '1' Mirada night. I The ItAilway kominiaaioners met to -day at .• half -past four p. in. l'resent-Nleaste, Se ite yard auid Iteid fur the Great Western; Mr dges for t e Grtind Triad', and Mr:Ital. toe r the tt of forma°. (Automatics. Mona e rum the. Northertertadway . Complus Western Coupe ,• and the city of tut*, aretepting the ream ups I recently pass. by. tho et lllll niesirme iu I tesoyet to the iiew ' ks end crowitige alo , tbe hatteaustle, too ly ohyteting tetra.. •etreirroo,..1 •Sirrstrtrunk, •ho raised all wow 1 ut i'''•ettuasi'tts the o.ther mimes having reatItaelitt'tsla;cap7oaputiellal'a Vola re) to Minvey Muscle. Tv t the com tit the littera Westeatat an •urtherti compeat.es sloug their- pretreat ffine, .0. bore icompanies paying Aoll or etimpetteithen the same.. But as t 's would put the et Citrapanica comp.ctsal under the color the Grand Trunk, and ould in infect Esplattede, ueitlier ot tkiii,otIter way olize railway accem to II places the city would cupola to peiposit The l'ou'd ordered that t grant made ‘b the Corporation of the tor five tLet no of the t :rand r trunk y feet shall Le sant. Mired, hut they t Mat the better wining*. 'went is to tisk 0 tracks or far east se the i l'eiou watt on the ()mud Trunk forty feet. 1 If the ti frank chooses that arrangement the t, wcsit isi the .I'llitsti station are to he Owed, and tfie I irand 'Insult are to re e iii compeueatiun 25 leet til Eepleneile tivetee an equivalent. Shou'ai the city not he able to pertect -a tolv of the 25 feet to be given e0 the Grand Trunk, as the law is, or it, ate Act which 'bail be pealed; then lite troind flank.. to hare again the slams titer bad given trei on the .10 feet. The Grand Tht• editor of the f' histery and ., looms greatest reforms *ere tirniteli eiort• of upon bon time reyd I sry well hat the!, r effected in It land I ut by the selfecur It, who, having eel • le, devoted the hest to its elucidation c might go farther mg 4..1w rrect pnt ee of their lit enforcement , rt that t I steps in the ameli iord et the condition of Ireland ?reek la to unoutiloce in it all.ort nine, Out yet named, whether they wish the tmcks go Un the 40 feet, arid whether or not the work is logo On st °nee without waiting for:the dee in tbe I • al gest' •is es to the to ffit of the city to grant the eloivaleitt'25 feet tti *be Girind To morrow the Boatel apretint an engineer to potot out where the :opt for loadi,ig and d•sebaying are tolte wore:emu el, not by cans f rebellions, end petty u 'singe and seer wimettee ••• Arch. Sands, 'McIntyre's plough. Robert Young. Barrimau, ltuueiwan 'Co. 801'S. Joh. Boyd, Barriman, Ituncitnen Co. II ugh -"G irvin, 318h:iffy, liteavert MeDonevall,Barriumn, " . •, Redd Buchanan, Ferguson iiloogh. • Hugh Ilenly, blahaffy, C. Shaw. The ploughing cummenced at 10 o'clock a. tn., aud the progress of the work was closely watched during the day. 'Although the work of a few of the competitors was deficient, owing to piouglia being out or gear, bad ground, dte., it was on the whole very good, same of it excellent. Toe ploughing of Mr. Carwau war very much aduiired, his quiet wanner and easy tun while at work Ountrasting et gly with the frantic motions and ex ening eiertions of others.' Andre reen awl Williaiu blethurgall, a atuongst the Men, Iltade capital w . Arch. Sande, a crack ploughuiat ter looking °ter his Tough land w lei/noes in &e- goist, ideel away, fi islied, .and druee off, net i expecting n rimeivittg, any prize hia trouble. A t theloye yd MoDoug 11 aid very /". l'he latter has, e are glad constrained positi u spoken bile hie' to me a NV 30 Tr 11.4"5.." • 1.;11)19r I N The Greatest P talble.Gaad to the Greatest Passible Nu GODERICH TIIUWAY, lt364. . European N all fair demise • th.toterence -s- Q"bee, coalmine arrived at Liverpool ou the I I th In The steamelop 11Ibenden. fro Coin. c,,,•,‘,11: nterciel tallies continued to be the ncipal I a topic of discuesion. The depreesion it cunt- ntercial circles shows no ditninntion, Inetinees, especially in cotton, is tern dead lock, mid prices continue to I additional failures whrich hew Gre Jo hn There. retert The plough* v was k, an1 sooa after, en from Ilullett 1111a0a110eti the ished 'utlgee, two olio. from • of theur labor* u -I st,lIeury Curw , 3rd, Win. elt11:itli, Alex. Bober st, II ugh lIenly, 2nct, Itayd, •wart Malhougall,4th, 11 Girviu, 5th 'it\ Lt. ilacliatuin. peace, -The l'arie e.trretti lllll dent:of the low .or1.118.11"2re'"' u , ut."11./Itokeolukvictiull• wed laborious; alai Ili • The ploughtn., and a few iiviked vest& • itin nines save Theie gied tunas: A 1"'ur ter'""" le thi'rerlYr ta Mama for the yotni„ aunt, until 11 -pub asnoi.: the number ratted far his ward -re• r„,,e, to roach the a..., gria *then a.ljourned 4 Roma Hotel, Suaith'S' be4"1" i'utt ret"'""""" lune bee" Hill 34.1 artook firsterate sulb"itan- tee,'" ! • rn le at Viell011 and Berlin by Krigladd atid portal honed tor e w .luation 02 We'1"4"49' titer tursied under by the dew. But w he t.i res ct tiro, unworrantald Intl Mal 'tat Prnnyttue det For -ions of the 'Mennen anti Prussian teme c'•11'te l'hirb 4`11 4411`"!0 a'c'rictn• the fail, decompoilition takes lace in seam ws, owl, An dre,w Al, 4th, Mot cluctu Louis Stetlis, a large 1.(!t7erptvtil,-, with habilis' 0 II sterling, Mess mown brokers, I I iattili ties, an closets iu The d Eti wir,4aerlie.:tystouribimgoires.ritMeta meetings, held- in thit city, rostl'and said :- CouledetatairoWters who " Brodirren, I does want to sae peace ,flow 'stood as ;rood autherity Mut there is no despirlth from Wits iiiigton to the just like • ribber ; mid bredd'ren. I does kraut, dimowswit ozierstrece iits:ckeehaur.ibber; ye., bread ren. ;vial say* it befouled here OH what ill ate attempt to regal . ; 9;f l' I 'miss rill Plowing. ....._ pound r i tilitim in the hettatefeeli unless the Coated nuelhatevepeet of a resumption or bow a : emus eliouid moigititise their, at p•inent, - . • Important inoveasehts aL":: 7.pir-rtux.rese7Y thoi Gu'aull-ikir:::Tr.:ailsret it nililliell-ri.id"..11iA2:6.11.8.::e'e,itr:ti.::ta,lui,ri'lg.ilia6,48.;,[7:d:(1.11- ,:‘ ou. i it i e. we vou rt.. i riv uu op; or am el, c X .. 1 detaoral lied lore.); 101„nialte another despot.. . he valley. \ • \ 11 I 4(.01 1liii. 1011 (11144Ir III outitiug tu £32.), oge, Milner k Cm, el with cons:ii mid, IMP , mere. Beediu k Co., ewe. don, whore liabifitier are small. gl fur discount at the Ilunk uf , cf the' Cal on the 12th iittaiott showed giv,,, 3.--..,... •he 0r4 l'e'be7 "'rived reran the ouo.' seeo--'s of' useless sad troublesome plaint 1 big daily all the attac deoaliannt.ulemh it °old be Mime; iiiipurtance. Adettrul l'orter L rated to in the tall as the on improper to mention at thie time rangeturi.la nearly completed tor , : ,• 'thou, ia Ortlel LO prevent vegeta , fi firaties army the satiation is terger amoutit tit vegelatle nilitter id tamed Wider to be feria rated in the froth thati when the opsolti 1041 019111 i1.0111 11 1 LIM( 1130111L 'delta •d until s wing. Awl vast 'tiuntheis Veer river; and it is stated 41 oulf inseYe'tai are turtind up to perish by the cold; ; alma nver, t t he will proCced the pitted Abet have germitteted in early au- vldeneet and there wee cuosequentlY wure of iendesrous i 'a few days. :1"weadbittu;k"wiiiestrJhepeturut.6.e.nt.l'IT'aheail'i'aiaiewati,,,":'hulyf 1.1 paryacudeta ef e. Ifeen:ke 41/1111:14.', "litputrulleitri7/17w;e:d. tielua7'tiall'ay.;11;11'11"tu''arti" eettlemeto Court -delete luati exhiltite a, '5:s, ie Maio:limiter 50, twhile iit Liverpool, strattge &mouldy; the price in I.ondon being ' I t t • stearter Moven! i'l:rtll'iaillor3ka(rr)eivieu. ';24liertf- 1 Zithruvkl.:4:111-1:r:t. 1-61!'"iy. nit 3:* ;of: 'Pt" .1"onier miring does tett the Meeker feel 1141411 040'1 nern"do;', wares are in. good Mandition And the , y forcemist and. ry work per 1.Ie is tavola- nd 1;- 2 ""- • mum. farming °pendulum. with tbe to oiled I warditese the sessim.- Ile ie certainly much 000 better cacti tamed in th. r pect than could P poisibly 1111V been the c had Itie plus Mg ' been deterred mil spri , tritest the smear - Linty of the peathet Is greatly to the prat- ure of the work tend. In the former caw homer 'driers his work," .but hi Me lot- 't„fiet4aptertera.y. oec.bitirse wt.11iotet,hisw1.111sionirkimtleirrivist,4-s eil haa the farmer, ou a clay farm juet as hir Wild has Income thy owing te OM extent °lash -ease sputletiona It, lb', 1,-,e,,:, ,,. • el ii, has . brooteired M Gs. 'the Landon Tones -. It evillite. a'Ali'"1 i'- --ny-- , has att. diturial on the lidflitSS with :10t1,000- I, Hurdini a pillare laisMeri''t,:riiiti rt\ eignature teceutly mad tr.: Tyre; our rni,yllaillS !dolma! parti.teant:-Atter im'he basin Eug1M.01, eutreatiag the N rt i to make 1 1e100"4 Le! "'flee! „tier* WPM - peace with the tooth., The Times mils the . Loa..uferit 8i'PruliChe .:).„,alt„sin,,iw.'„, :1,1%; , kiddie'. signed by thew 30.0,000 gentlemen : lItaitte.':,:feL,,I,4.,1-- 1-,-,'"---.-'1„:" "" epap.ueitjltreCts.j:ili,:lufAull;,t1.4 Itql.:16,..iliollinulii9a etwhediuucunlyd '.!utarlit,...lyi..1. isAattaeratilit..0 ,c.T.:atitio:u.s,1„Isselr4isailipssi 5 i ittit.guld, pliyaltie at itennuda-Braiue to er. Ausericoluts goaoneneed the fiery Sr- A ea A 1',:apt. thew ut C011114 retilMd deal of wor which rettiMe Emilie tot lei pm*. ; .e- ;,.:4:i`,:' , em bA!,is, e,,o1 terrible Si. Mike Komar, , the l Iterniuda ow "It'bu'itiTita. "'aka arriaej ''' .4:elver! a littie troYingatitievareat'lcuals. She • , ?linear cannot doubt that Ainerica will be the ' .shas Kum.. has .siaca Ito atitiptioo to ow, ;.10,......•igere were taken off by the Stathildee 11,! , r• • • the tetiettion that by ten 1"110wio4 odol itelost.1 be hes aorery Leteek2 1, ,ef" ;jointed in Martinet, of the se wecreei seedy to himself uf the earl. "4. 7ffer- weather fur putting io his crepe, or 'apt. 1 tlaue to keep up, iti the smear ecial haPpetietl Frid7y, t tter fur it in the end. Tbe Pafrie says Itotiooke had valuable cargo of bale onhha IF.rziortch pooney.yowun tibenmilneloniciamon Twain tiotin;.,:laiela 1est se.477:"I'lweiebott•furrd•- ,J'Irsuoitplcuttsordunitbwte. h • • 'VOL. 40. r HOBRI MATRICiDE. distinct 'hock@ wen felt in' the vii-mity- -of this • &Aft tru't'uutntiol'ittai. the second heavy, otesiug the heave to tremble and atorepipes to rattle se A .11A$ 01:pi UtS uTli A.TiliWAT ratan The first wed slight and' of brief , if -about to'falf doyen. The third shock ems the faintest of all, aud all they lamest about bri;t4,11., :1112extrel4;.:wrifigt11p.1";;Zil':.!:r .7arhee.ells. tett reconds. Men at work in the belds felt the .ribration Ye./ strongly slid -were sumo- rtble tragedy whirl' w onnueitted. at Mutt alarmed„ thinking that the ground warn Clarke's coffee house, Market Square, etemt to open. The wind at the time wee a London, on Saturdst y night Pt l -A man 114,h,11*CtIorlYs.ebiir"tre'n.lite minted Charles Heyde:wen, 1 a gentla sta te•uf insanity, -1Methr.M0. b; rt:te'em„7.,11;,,r:;itt:, .:wielw,411',„occhk,,"14.10bree cut tiog iscr Ihroot'witit a 71110r. .yeellks, hears! at 'beet the saute time by a pei sou ia from the evidence adduced at the 1 0118), Olio office, who thought at the in. meta that that the teitletppv Man had preview. been it teas the mese ofm moving harrelt:, hut it ill efflieted. witta iitsanity,and had, tome um itioz ic tie.% ti tly,s,,r1e:z1.tr.thrsit.u.k.eut,1 uu latly, Mho 7ti years of uth, w b • _ 110e, attempted the life of Ilia wife. quit. ly eltelong • lier bed, ;Len her son The Cana a; Red River. built , it itIolut a light.telt fur her throat, eIlleldedtbedy, Sli!ivue:-Seelitillital'itmett-twbialt, wicrowi4ii.b a :et clit and, •th a ragir, inflicted a fn./taut e libm.--alid allin a f.out.litnig coltdition. wound t loom, ot lore.. indeed that a Th are four chit:W*1th them. Governor person s ha .1 could latis'itteed 19 the glide Me vi h suet them at l'ortege Lapriore, and . 'flu 'niche. aon then Slut: to his bed, "41'7 I td ait4""Ar'htheati ;Ircs c°' l ' " 2 " hi, hjudweneew, j with 1, wi, nut!, when Fa!, t .; (- 11C u. Le c a .0.11 WO I" favor arreeteill , , at .itiev admit, co to .11110 elf the ch ith • foot followers only going settee, jnstiliad the :Mt. ThtS,deed coased „hi ,.1t 6,,i• 0,, vice wits not folloetel. The en I -tense exeitentielt in the te •libtorlemil, the'lluilse 't wiet to es...-.1..avor to induce tenpin, to open a Goole and itideed throughout the city, The with thens‘iii e ... (or their furs. Theo launderer has borne a gotal ChuraiLer, was trade they lute 'rto carried on with however deeirable kind to hie neither add other n•letivee;! AL"'"!..,":"'"'•„, 1 hel lished by the lied and but fur the failing of his brain ' uld I li.e e•Jeet' t• net 6 linrribiet • crime. (hi Satuntay mor • :,'S'Z'ke:.4.11wt7e1121.:frateiht \ ih , i wh never, in till prehability, leive cotninit el 1 '',,•1;rt.t1eop"; '•111‘1‘ 'tudt'11,„ ly,,,t,i1.11,,,tiaisuhirg r perty of ing r. bloort•, the erinini•r, het& an in-; rote four to five thousay wild riait IlLitt race w committed. -itie settlement below loug. met with United Suites t , Mr. Clarke's house, where the when 'he replied, " na what I mu ' ; on Chart,* dley. te'itii and- hail to fiAlit their . The Pon LI e demised, ,bourn being pre t, was lieked hie name, et' i i state that they do not wish beim, asked if he hall a thing he wished to say, it dieing,. explained him 'Reit lie I the iipt in)f, to begin pi -leech that was t mused of turd...ring Mra.. nu blaria spreading, and that the Natives. tlwre appear hi; r°,.. lel. for bete Iva in the *Mir. c„oht to be obesiug ASOMILIUMI tu a hut ••111111••• 'the 17th' y war. 1. oue, that balm LaiTiON-At reel MA- ! Tag I " next worm - The ardships *rills Draft- its approecle remote:I cimpeoinite is wid to ave been 1 ., , eh', cted oil ttie lioaticial queldinit. fitmor • An 14144" questions we're *Isom -ranted Sod thele now ' the 127_114.'2 utily truants the ditteertr,g up of the treat of inforseo ',over ten plows in tiou, interne' of Ini.:111 finish urk Lefoic the htch artS litlef rni1ij hen uf to041 dela?, titring the Iles turn, he replied, 1 weal make no plea; it you fail that 1 have 'deep inythitig rungs if I an, wonky of deat 1 olll ready hi die ;‘ hue eitSing to say ilustrwinz kt 80:19.:714:11 ikmArils as .ullormj. how I eatesed the deeth of deceased, it 1113.1 reset. acktrowledgm that Priusati 1" •1111 "inch re'weto eel over tor the firs time in Ile stein rnkes. nem of• poor men or the the aa, of ealti„., meth marae ih„.at loer dotalt 1 wart not in bed. 1 wax WI - dreaded. 11. .ht01 no litht. It was illy eni trice yield,' 'ma, nu iuteutimi to destroy thweased • 1 eider- taine3 die idea about twOrlays ice. I had only a re'neat on my mind that 1 woula I promised it to a far Greater than. re. I had ho rrel Alt my Mother ; She WO* very y. Mai vegetable metier is but ol in the evii tial dinner,' with tit gusto of man who Vele entietries on account of the 'blockade' he tie.' &talent at the Provost dlarshat's 1,0„,e erring, and es furnishes war.and elbow paper prie'es.e. ho office alai iiitt allowed to WO home.. la the neecmory pa'AulUlli 'to the roots ncsalittur hav-e been tooth.. t the 2"1"12 tt.)".10°""if "i444 011 of he ehlt: plata. as it is required. Aod bive worked hard nud eaten nothing front ;11";;'::;;t1;tib breakfasCtinte till night.' Thanks to the hriow"that exertioult of the cututuittee. everything !harm In the weot welL e trust the idiaXi.ltintt 1,:i7it i'ni,„N:p1h,„ wilt, in the• time to wine, have many bet- bet omen the king ter 'wateltee and none unlit. ur er «Mita Mal 4 l'one:antinItitIe. Wort . • BLACKW000 for OetoCier is before ux. " thio. It is officially unnoutt The number et felly. up to the staiidard .-ototoaere batirMiloatholition• the grow- • mop ia to the .Ataerlestits, as they are uti eith them. The treatniciat the po have inet'vvith in the 1.'011.0 Stows not to the credit the llovernmeta. 'Were t * true ot the taw Litwin to the, peopt we believe jetties' Would be itune to %beep us et the - It semi. probaffile to us. thet if communic ion ever opens kith the North West, or I ish Tertitory, Me trade of Red River will ter v largely mellowed, The Indians in the Nur •Western territtlriei or the United emus are friendly disposed toward Englaiid, and appear de Ye of tratisfering their trade Atworicaus British subjects..., Alum /real 113lness. titer hal • Mii• h.- ; :Z4 INDIAN CURIOSITIES.-SoMe, interest has been excited to the diseovery'of; a number ot Indian curiosities in the lands, of the asylum ; English Land Company, township Dysart. in the rear of Peterborough. The men' at work in the company's road accidentally wile put t naiad lei lediao (litter, and on reaming Mend buried therein a nuother of eiltor t.ink. other hetivinerielL4 els of excellent workeionship and in carotid intended'. hills of these grimes thrueghout Me /••••iglisli 4 .0gc 1, monatlich There artsmaid to be timelier§ rout it. 1 did pany'e lands, they haying been in former it en 1 went in years the neutral ground between the Chile teem. and the Mohawks. 'the cornieny s •seiffis;raecresadhave teken steps to have those graves '1, rli.a l' I then I ce her throat ; I "'mini° of the bedClOt CriertritRATE Roo 11:s. -A correapendent !ten utrtthe 11 cry after tha with I :intend Sher men's army writes :- " The and gave ,tn Whitworth rifle In uee by tlie toted skit Habib - Clarke. 1 w regret hay ere awl that pehooters iti a weapon peat), to he feared, an persons nearly • mile and a half feel toy mit different tht wonting to what. it was yes allay. ' 1 had rank three from the rebel ekirmish line have been wound- ed what thei thotizlit throve:re* sale foils glasses or wl114 yesterd.y. Liquor anything except solid idiot and shell. One dorm not affect. me mionally ; seldom soldier was mending upon a log crossing • take any. 1 wie say that. I a 'rue estuk, shout one mile sed it quarter Goo the whatever." now nothiug •, Me, of Everest line of rebel ritleitiou mid a comrade was talking with him, when one of r. I . a . ‘evieri ,v• word can))) to him kits waved tue. had no further confereeme and that a lat.er greacy leotefilled. merely by the circ instance intent of 'doing harm to iliyeelf, or auy Schleea ig than witeexieStd 'a 14e tb'stb-et."'*iii.44'1"/ tlut teeing plowed in, the foes SOrl. I 1,11 Se 6.01 111 a I 11114tiO es remelted here that the 11en. William el tall is to have opposition, altboutb iv eut e doted that it will prime of a serious deseriii6e; .1 l'be It. C. Arebbishey of Quebec is in a ' be. . ta\esf I (With, Ins. I f be'ng d but by die el mint pleadings of as O'Connell. 'e inky, tben, to th press, Enc"ourage with Jutland. 'A tneetisg• Ile wes voeme atiowt.1tu'vesit his iffilieted 11,1„.. left it i:i 11.0..tither last, 1 (Preis"' urn! the Sniper- 2tw"'l 1491 14.1 l'r!Taruri."2 for. .L11.1 it we admit (Mutt every oboe re because I road very great iut, le teke place .et the burial of his wife and child. end 1,1 tentae a zit, tilturi.t knows to be the tt tido that barn wadi A. lionlie I eras. Li wpm tett lbe'rs'st er'"'t•ths Possible fi,r the r",11"i"i'''4 %brother but mellowing effect plovre 1„.a to dere titt ecki dreihmor by the m.ke getaway- Lai nOt obLained At less operaLior. et' death and the Jodi hal. pi._ tilt *oil to the action and ed that rho New . bee" '0 101114 "'Thant"' on""lelee'l fe decomposing ette,te of wimer !root, mei the y submitted to "*.*'*1**1.1'.4 Q." slusavis ut the atinoephere- the action that the emineett have upon the earthy rated: cal ingredients of the - 10,41/11.1 %I.ry materially in pultreria ition; and prepares lor alum thorough and thselive tillage. -The suris....d. rendeasil more Imam am} pul- reneeut. will abeurb the ammoulia of allow, which chemistry moves to contain a greater forr cue tban the mine smount of ruin water. 'Perhaps it will too he mit of place here to remark, that Must ft Ails me imploviti toy plow ing a little deeper than was jee.imiliy dune, ni order:to bitug up a new atcuttt to- the dis- ottevudin.t 11,45 deconitiosie4 odium:es of entries end the elements. there thus hastily glaitc7d tit Wine of the adtaittages Oast nem -wearily result Irons fall. ur Lae bill plowing ; the subject is far hem being exhatested, and much yet remains tu he fitvor of this proettce, The subject is tme of importance am! .4 tit alsilabMtly M- isty erroy homer who will give it the con- st&ratiost it merits. I.'or blowy awl sandy "Wile plowittg cannot recommemled, unit tir Ow subsoil thM such rests tei be of • heavy or clayei character. email Moan ,ces, my judgment is, that fall plowing will prove beiteucial„ rather than otherwise, as the clianees of Um weather in wittier will pi e- mote a mom thorough mingling of the ME •Ierent portion of, the sulet.r11 being tamed up with Abe eurfaee-uud hence the' labour reileired its the spring to prepare it tor . of ezeallence 1:etablisheil by the protuoters , the Qtreeit's authority; end 1.1 their land. ry Herald. • of this ; h 31 • et the governmeist dtepotal. They -*ere ch men , . 2 y *ter ng r t *!E riatAillitttrd rut 1 1 1011itir land a steal rz3o The .C.airo merest tandem of the 81 Irish : \ Qeesze, Oct. 26. tents : " Conielitie 0•Dowd on Men hnd tith\trtion of.which m'y %ill be forftet ' Leta I:emit/lean tells the story: Ai one ur Ivey beet awl oat : a.a.„1 co„ ; The Intercoralt prinsifs,1.1.ehasan ninh. Wonixen.and other in General," I. 1. °eta./ -C.ipt tin in` es root „i „ eloquent Ille0 to en er Parliament aft,. of the Nova Scotia syete „mg n„ ea„co P4r 1 Mu"er 8 "8414 1he AlYtham thut bre bticonte • liner to„ stemb tat Men, The 1.ife ofJ •sue • Ton lat Ity 110 he teener,. Ilehlretuid.Tvro necli011 /Or: be pert of the XIII ; In the ()Arden , Symbols; Public wilily nisi Slwleira. Cetton-salee to secere thami.lves until the host paste*. the broad platfortu of pub 'e opinimt, back , o milt line, Malt ita. proposed troutinuutim schoule ; of itichaece wh,tel four days r 000 bales, includiet 5 500 t • this poi* an old tun. sixty' odd years ot y werful indu- inter -setting She -diet, line. s y I ler, part, wite tbe'titeanier Ranger, atnt ta 14'64'64 it' `iyir‘ fi"d ion'' Plate pot the batiks of you • Aand home . the mei. hoe is 10 be embraced in A. The up their utteranwx by else ones bf the press, hut dit unavailing violence -do not eocret sucieti.s-de not 'atuateaa derhand 'neaten's, and above all, do ante 1ri-hmen to rivet chains upon tams of other nations wilder Ilia diltirsion 11111 their deeiraction will reeult iu your imitation ! The (7.ot ellen accuses is of taw mock liberality," of being under. Wet" Tbe 1) .filt,of sp,...tbo. na.. , Avec:store id eepertert. Toe market is a : Lae made hie 15,,e1 . Mt; tall Sof • tater- Sate strotqly to give Isim 1110' c met for flit's. publi..4ted b; L. 60,4 a Co., N. Y.,, and The xi La h,,,.. a .,, i 1 i i i a i !M.!. wit.' the 1 ito...iiii.st ",(1,11e'i a Ins ti.'" -.aim.- s.-. tuarot ..1 1.11 1. le.1.1 a ...e-ttit• .6 . ou Ar to t ,le A .,er lin ti, 4',A1 4,0,14 a thrill 1 wounnei , r. Levey iti pressing the NO" Our Trade • imry dull, wilbal (lecher. ot 4 ,to li.1 por Iti .... euurage the NOM 1,111 40111 Illar,440 1 IP! !'ir..'W It r"nvi‘"i' SOU LV T. J. 3luorhotise Goderigh . ing teutiehey„ Rao uolati411$ Of gouda nog of te: A. 4 10'10'1( ' A is bend. II, It.. a um. ', 401001,0 4 New Itrinti •k baring at to ' ' • tarts are isoutmal. Ireedetuffs-the market longshea ha.n.led gen originally •seuiriel ot ; give him te contract fro.' the frontiertt the • ta generally 4141!. o'oeti 9 hems tiored-uut Bite: doliiteht inlet secrio ;tif the Shedmc , on combo ti Doityposioa 02 fee propmey itenoslis. lar4eat thous,' eau be 1.11(11t :Copt lia Lt ill ••ive hitt) tte other art.., Tlot (brute e eit7 to eight 1. Hai seri s w .1g . - . TO1 ANCE.'1110AWAFL. ,„%,„ tfet„heir p. m. raeilv itine.•1 et lie 'rotheee, nod the aim of tette.) to 1-0/4 11 1 LA 11i 111C I (1 110:1111Lt1 (414 1(11Ut 11., • • !I d.A.I.v eertaint v.! 1 be rat he the "in. ty. of the .o-kity, the I'rooetler Keinfelta, of the Grool ' • •' " • Muffler. lel mut.. .{ 11.00'1 thatne ly upou Wardfixortte, Vit. 24.-+T loqowinj ad Is 'a watch, h.t rut 1144 S i 0 Imffled !tett 0U,Oli, &ulnae, to lef flu rut,, Try. ' betuVrtil Chicago' and conarecool I, any l'eurinee, Stirnia,•.waa diseovenel to be on fire while 'teem ihreuregard, on •risrotning die ell 21112311B18 "2 "tetc b fe"'" Gct thal who owe the A • lying abi.thrsitle the elerdur. To save the comma:el Lot the molly of the W,.1(1,\ bus been Le is so sut roweled vote mire *vamps rod Oahe influeime," becatiee ouritprofessed •"" """" rtIrtH deep Ms i.».1 Well lam ol titer ineli tete. iberalion does tint admit of IC iiolent solu. ruathr„ush Lem, tiMu c" °"' }* 013111"r addsdth" IA° did44. the sine. whre le'ei'" ut 'lie WIII)v'''"ilue"1 '''- \ gig lie our -key -ors softy she Li ...cured arid the to-op:flee scut adrift i , mate that doll old awn lois - rdertal iii titia . dLta 'Mint end want tit ' Inter I 'it: lb tioe of the Irish questi.m. tries be show that th ia• ought lee located else. _ ',emelt .1 iew the river to thii blase.- WLIft• .0.cl. .17 . -In metinsing command at performed hie rininlertrus e ot 6 w ss wish "If...tel 'elegem Mitttory Divia m of the way tiot Mit than iii oy perm. ; mid yet he 1 he financiel eMties ha burly dia. Not i 4 of aity yam! wmi ase,..L. Tbig at the this ta meal Juitcture of theneilitaaylvisioll'iliN. Notion:less aud vizor aft When lie at Cum - demand, of us greater liberality, than il wi':". ' ' define season Ottawa at .1 WO 11 1114 fnr their getteralsupport nt.itestneu-m•ire ultra radicalism than . . • _ *mon ropeder of tir Grand Trask line lama Ih" W''t, I aPi"'"I n'Y c "Pee" et 3 uteheeti• displayed by the most liberal uf British aole.ared, though t details are tot all an. lignaettatah Barrel'. : raii4ed. The name f the C %treaties' - • Menem f“ini the tnoet radited f ',totems considerable culties, ia nut um. and cent6dence. In aseigning me to ther re• prima o t ie 4, The snossitiin pOvitiern Lite Preinient eit the Cue. ! mother country, littering,' uf course, a .‘11 the shipyarde here are closed '; thine is certain section of the Irish prem, which, . not a ship building. , - o . • (ir In the Eepoinitle matter the Railway. '',. • • _ we are ',Try to ',ay, is too nearly :tilled Co Board, after all, him really not deeided imp', ' MoNTRE Jumbinism to reader it vuuthy of being 'btu, havinvnerely made Sli,r,;;,!millitini which Two &petitions were held up as an exanyle of true liberality? may or miy "ot he carried out. The question' • ' Metiers. Aldwot at of the mt. e in which the Great Western is to the •rix.mers• All a lb', reach Eiplanade street in not touched, *be aftho gli others were mixed But in penning the former article it was 'lb Ow Itr 0". in the bloud.of their comraden, but foreffil. Board dee:Ming to imerfere. The Great erll at I At time. On. witteme m. not our wish to hear the Irish Coroartn's Westere, declines r0 run into the Union tithe hf i. 41 lifYi.14 *MOIllre 2 flut "ft, (haws the gloriosa future which lien before sl poll eaten 114 them. Inspired by these bright promises of t. Albans\ Outrage. the Cilobe.) fetterete Stateli has extended\ to me the sass- ratice of hii carneat suppitito Tee Eoccatiet.g of your Slava meet 11114 ,1 411 81'111V:1r expres- sions of their devotion to our none. The / October ;6. 1 86 1. items. army in the field, composed 'of brave t‘;' "loe 'emm and gallant ulticars nre strangers to me, Kerr sp r for and I know him they hill dead ttat promieue Wer2 ifiedi can achieve. The•Ilistory ol the pastowittien seasons fin its OWn diainYelfy, nor its Smarm. so diet there will of neceasity be rai:ernd• .e derisritijons °elms, 'vigor, 'llaccese, meke this appeal •to the mem sad mitituatien of our liberality becauee we tilihre,,eise...,wpaiontLsetto:4is inpia•le all.htbIttet°17::"Itte "V„oar. cannot think as he does. What we felt given any 01 l i iii 011 IIC roimeed tnuisfer Charges ail, tour' er,robbery, attempted • • ble trijoiti In the bloody conget of the field, unmet about was as to how ha could of ae right ot way along ;oplatitele street. Lc. The moo.° sitze.serid epic, 2"4 they eon do *web to strengthen our ca pnertibly reconcile thr urging nf frielimen 1,:te.lItair:lway board haa annaunced that, if the are well treiesed as the Grand There is no ti titter uf their esesaiptan"gagice fill up our ranks, motourage our soldiers, im1 to engage in the present war on the Ride flunk C00811;artlybceuntetO'cf tedide of the North -on the' side of the strong the city t„ the othe„;„rnpngnri7,:t• 11,7, •hd the "hee et St J"he•- aiPtil"thee.:1""dat'f'aat:idilalltka"a'111 th" hasten egaiest the vreak-with the theory of :boo °hue!), and forever void. Tee matter is case '1'heatt.rattatft!:'Jraeibsutet ft"SatItlea"4,,,44e in ihe .1710. arm '01, 141iTlidethisltelr. ...7,..tahyereptreh;parefeharreidlect7.iti.dheiGt. turte of Law, of the Lemke Herald. sure prare.eit )1' l't4Y, holds .kttents ; can mid must lie driverYt years. In the Inca' fftilwei the (Si-C.7f° IZeithte7;71 1"r"ted 10 1400- ItreTritiia srpAaimiaasso ,w.ithh.e10,A00 was arguee, would be /toadied In rekiellin Irish rebellion. The people of I reland, he gond reople of ehould do ro at the first opportunity, and fth,oemipany will nut be alloutd to run east of metiers in 8t1 Albans! rl't)ta:TII Itas. g""rnm rut c'ul. tu abundaitt proviiiMis. There are men etutua;h the word mud the work' nit IlillS1117t".... \1!eallia'afta yet he tells no what Irishmen have done liew•e'rcve7;"theaulolbl't'S'i.ne•itliint17; "It 81-094,'"1 es". St..1"1"'.. frontier. t t7. t.1..i,ecznpnhtsris sthititsble.toi,s.nntir.all.storhservice without litigation, if the city necYel;t tIveh:1-r IL :',.";'e,rv:if,-171t.,e1-1c."0-...1;11 th'' againet the South and what limy aro now 1 neatly !TM& 1,3 reporttiontiptly to thleir 141:. adenbt: the Gianni Trunk compuoy, *h1C11 1**t naght, expecting1atrate,":"witl'idealhIlairslaarg' doing I I.et um not be mieunderstood as Lnr,,ution oarthee., rwiehtokil: gene.,...tin.. il rearonaliie - up. the rat. over tire aMets. ' ° ' 1"71,',.° , 1PeC1 rye ‘1;ooreseriet our/ lel 11.44 wh, o clue trade of Toronto all it has ettked'tfof t Burlington Punta : followingyilegrion wan pablished ;•,. nut go Ka. tO it that non remain who ing hinting that they have not accomplished ! Ives the haThe e ,able to stoke a blow in (hie ritient and de- mist of what is claimed for tl u • tl 101 , 00 lo 4. sti..ive hour. To those eoldiers, if Any, who contrary, we believe that it% the South le •em•-• -4•144.- 1 " fleorie N. Sanders, Ottawa Hotel, see alweit from their minima s without Montreal leaee, spinal in the mune of t 'r brave TOWNSHIP OF C01,BORNE• ever crushed, Irishmen will be entitled to e are captured. 1.),) what you can for emarnles, with whom they have in tIte poet us. so often shared in the privations of the tamp a large /Ware ot the gb,ry accruing to the The ploughing match in connection with f signed) C. C. Wailer:6.n and the of the heed. field, ret at once to their reeoective commands in The South is infinitely more unanimous snip came off on Wednesday, the 2tith Shooting and Stabbing Affrly 1St sponse to thirappowl, within the nest 30 dltrt, conquerors. Rut look at the egmeequences the Agrienharal MUM:0am of thin Town- limnewty is hereby erauted. appe than Ireland ever onn be in dewanding a , Kingston. instant., on the: fartn of Mr John Camp- bell, near Sinith'n The tity was 'tpw,r • - come forward (roily, cheerfully, and with I to every one, of ell clarees and condition:lc to •-• distinct autonomy, -her piriple are mak- aluitist unparalleled in history, and if she and epeetators very goosl. rhe field ney, Willianteville, coif:spelling dm 'tufted " h.11y..e.dta.torymniedna,.:Istrr.:1 to thies..cieJlies cempetitors occurrl417:tatreialt7oureea'k"e's;: bay lll'e:aart)e-MeCliaecsa gtoml heart to the vrork thAt lies heftiest et. ing 8'6'66" 1" "nre freed°m, fine, and the attendancis of scieet-o was a good tough sod, but one "hnord,,e;•11 tohfeki;;;i1ice,,,1 tiin;,e0,atc,h;se the with that; libmatieg t'!.1 tiled tuatAlak'oeetrUliZ fails at larit,her high epirited leaden muet fly into r:tile, and for ages to come her etel of it WU very rough. en much so that row wee over and the romiteee'had diaappe1ar. Providence the enemy *hall he driten from populettone, deprived by oonfimation of ed. The fitst reporte were that two men Zue ehent.L. ;Irt ter.,,esLiteYait,,e1;‘,.7d07 wi•asall Ind , ploughmen who drew the unlucky nein- the emtnmaiy of thetr lathere,- to retain bell COU Id not make anything like the Zrie 7,1:1"nit:"Poit1;‘,;2, th" 11"117,;:en o'itothi""' itrittil im. shall he ertahltshell tr"iotOrr71,11011 h: how their skill would have amonipliehed elighily in he forehead:attic other th.rou7glet tvhich they have shed Wall of blood anti followed by a permanent and Imeerahle peace. V""iltarlthh:tda"ir" rem"1:" e„.1 penatr.i.„:.:m,gsunimo„ ue to die field. We following le a het of the onmpetifore, tot - (mann of tears, -will be ground unde. r the mouth, Ate hell coming out behind the 11117delai‘nnie kmniw„: defl"„emianti7s. 7tifeitortdr the heel of the opprernor and held in onn- flunder m . favorable ci , Inman . The 7stor. Thied.faet /dant AWC by the overhangieg mord. We titer with the Enid of plough used by The"stwmcil inefirPah7 'We"rie iniat:ino74.:erel" fotuantri 'net. 4" "'", ."11 ""1".!"4,641 know the old argument that Irielirnen tre at home uninjured, and Of tile other two nee ot hope and confidants!. I tom!, to yoin each :- 111.1a4Z11(111, 111141 1114 yom privattoes, and MIN. hall, and the other (1.1onaldann) stilt vier brave and ti we men to strike the behold uos with the blot end of Ono). tri"Ph °"' ca"'' "d " "T c"" 1 1 rid°. tint men to I hettc of eneetetion when the atAlcs light for the North not broftnee the people (Retarget.' was erased in the forehead hy 7 of the South have done them an irre ar •• • blow 'het shall hinny narees• Mir Sins rains tbjury, but under an infata7 atetrIPbe- 1A2".mitdr:4711' MeT;',"64h. (111"6". lief that by en dning they are, in emu tt ' . reiyatarioua way, striking a blow at Eng- Andrew Curenn, .fahaffy, ituneinaan lend. The is glaring aud Co., *clench. anionnt of verbiage can mother np. John Balkeld, Barnum, " Andrew ("rese, Mahaffy, " We are u far front decaying controversy Thu. SallOW11, " fr OM our friend el the Iroit Cosodine, bet Hugh Mearatten, Tbotntsion's /dose, eireeted 10 blitf from hire sesethlog Goderich. e ,vas new netemi. movoig ot planting Will be cueseterably les - sent it. But otherwise the treatment lien a d with it new i•teentiJrtie" noes of vompare niended tor light drifting suds is the very with the h melt* barrel ef hIr. Lona 8. "totwote of titut r!or csayey or beery Mods. - Retinue et tor It le keuwn ilea illy Neuter iequirea to be cuinpaeitel, the pri.tioleunt, I tin ita 'greet permeability, will 1641e: 1614 'fle!''''"'-'4•"--(1141014 AlInCrAC1111.. readily pass thr gli fhe best made wooden baerehroso that time mud aletoriti aliments to.milhOns 1111thins's orectie tiro ' 1"re by lee/""•te• "Me"' Co:onial TInion_la Annexation. in this °allele alone dollars annually. Mr s A mon; die jouennle of New Brunswick it he ' I r d ! , seem* there . but ttne silly and recklem en- s": tr.it4111e1.1jr.:ri'o41 situ' colh.7r; ''Itrhil..I'ew.t.wi'Luntuodilt7aasonet,h:Is'h:1:thrtref.:Icta01:111res;:a.ci r.otsamrile.:1:;;:qhh: p.41.1111117, whonilive::yr,.1.1:eith :.h..es optimal) lutes. hare el...tyto any.i.n. oligh 10 entincinte wettmenet favorable to sumemitien with the ripted States. It is ly is the barrel infostrehle °I. 12°""'gr bblt n ' tul y to unikeitsail that the Provitices hate coluntineaa'dirladeillie.:11r Itirrouaiei It° il7T1Teten'drvatellie1b7" • leilitical condition is needed. Ilet they ete arrived at that shote when a change itt their to the commeroisi *wild "f " l'ermet!eal militia tint ito idea that change ein invoke pacloi:e can scarcely be 111e1 "ti1"*"1.1.," 41 llll i1111 with the Steen. The present altered 3!any million. sre ling annually through ine ambito* of Ile, H4001111 IC him reAleeed ihot nd bminier g my wile. I her, but (loci kept me lot speak to my mother 1130 room. She called Ilie raSor on her ; moot sty what the es wae on her. I 1 ttood still self up to 31r. • done. it. I of thin blood guilt, these foie! messeitgers came combing thniugh iienAritniegrtababrei,eildenenneeeultarettim., tiliethj,:afroyito, w. sank into the water Ali officer speaking of both thighs, and with this moiled 'wound 6 verdict : That the prig. •r,Charles • t sari: qhey bleak Me loam of • limb Ileybourn, destroyed hi4 nen r, e a soOd shot onn • cant tun.' Rebel de - my that each div sion of the rebel 19 rii u 1;11 shout fifty uf thew lech are wed in tie ir 'Littlest] lint." 1'0 11A 0 Monin 1•L Under. *hie head tier ,ptiblislies the folios Mr; ea Vows, silent tl.e Ameticen ember 26, 1-60. •It is evident .1tin Maria Ileyboure, by cot g her thioat with razor 1.11 tile eight of 'Mur- cia), '2•Ind of 1.)etotter. 1061, lie beit at the time in a slate of intemity.” It is. probable, stye the Itee•Prese,iii, the priemer will be tie -welly tried for the flaunter at the appnvicliing aseista and n eonnititteti tO the Provincial Lunatic if u aeylum iluring him life. the g. N.irth. Commerce of Jerusalem. nightly backed b • h naatia in whites,' ere tithes, o 4 contem tracts from itest ie melte reflection that the South even el could e'er read for three months 117 plel, clewing itrength of the f..11 hunt id .1114Ye.OW/101)(1,enibling 'th einem of murder and pillage, • demote populetion of 'poor match My the herdy awl rest". of the Free Sumo.' Sept. am that the public w ill ad- ot been mingueled by our Joliette contest. The ted frees the first has sch Of C011 Hever subdue the w prucleimed the "Jerweelem," says the 11 hi year's report to the Foreign -01%e., " is lute populate. the least ciiminercial or italuulial city 04. 1'4;1. 'We know," lb itish trude is rei.reseitted by one tea that they hae" 1.11tatfrtiiiashb ut:".aetfasta:raya: daraill,e° rykO'itidlainaticayt0; er101:It'twhi: The llll of (hie cny is computed -et ente be" Plaeed bey"' 15,000. rather mere. than balf of thein Jeers, - "aid the N'o"th '1'08' the rest 31.telems and (*twisting's. The chief S'''411. end tbc ""r,111 ha' native indeetiy ie the Manufacture tot 10.1p, "11"! c"liel";°" chaplet*. crucifixes. heada, creme* and the like, niarb 'for the moo pita at kih'eheni, Moil trolel 10 the ril,tr lion oho amoiall/ flock to . the holy city t,r the number of 6,1100. ' 'the imputation 0:1 he milli)) Sandjuck,or province, is . ntimated at 29,000, a .,whom 16.000 fln, 11x1romiectlates. ()wing le, the alerroee of • :tee' roi•le, um! the insects; ity triAin4 from the predatory tribes of Ilvd tttt ins iehabiting • the oUtil.irtAl 05 lbe distriet hut who road' enoly he kept in (het k, vieti and fertile tile". lie walle, ur are leo partielly and ',wily cultivated ; fiteturita ere uto to Ire met with, arid 110 mines me worked, though it be We- , Mt that at.tiototr, biturnen, • and reek abutted on the *lion s of ehe Dead Set:- The princinel, if not the only Mottos hem E.g. !and, wiSe cotton getiele earl iloMe enlinuels, I ut the fotoner have greitly diminished Once ihe•eotton Mts.; it is caleteated. that Tin Wes of there goed* the' rattle et 4101.000. annually find 'hair way here. • The exports nre mire oil end glean. Very little , is done in Milton en hum, what is reimal being of in• ferior laity. and Con/fumed on the spot ; but try11,. ctwoti row', ftlih"ist lienrgineae"OttoPt;:lam0iighibt.bec= et:soled, cultivated, with gsiod Rev), prefer instruction, seal implerhents, )(ire)) to the pensialitry. The vegetalile tiredness is barely sufficient for local 1-11Willitemetiiii. Jaffa is the h h tel.ch Jertesalem deels elth . foreign coulitries. The troide of Jalti fra intneremn of females whm 1 have felt me perienced • consi•lerahle increase in 14.1 : 0410"i'helli."'in '1,49167410"anees'fritaya of 4,11hme 111141*;10100eP^71:1611"eel•I'Inting * w"derful Pim*. amount in I sed, with a pros; ert 01 this again t.ing tr.bled or qu.drupic4 is" 1.1. ,ttle• A *roman in Boatrin was married tlws was owing to the interest eitereised. The other ty. Three time efter she began to merchants who operated in cotton reale • "mire mueh "like te her h""horet. 0010 la, from his host pocket a piebtl, het it In her "Jerilattlein warm.' this latter combats; ot The CONTLI1ERATI(11( Sense -Ift is linnim what remartahle,that sotwitliste rig all the details 'het have transpired in ri enee to our um/ Governatint, eathracirig th tester oration of the iniportent machinery tbs. prat *choose. there hae heen point to provoke anything like an attempt at cr eism. Every featur to La \ 0 met wo 4 general 'Leveret WI defied reolionable sentment or &Meted grounds for lair Melee. thin. Ibis is somewhat remarkable, and ioevigus sell r the final issue. if there is Ito mie to find faint, eertain'• all Mast be whetted, and if 10. sin satisfied. the nwasures muct be ,wtse and emu/int. I t not tim Mu, yet, lioeever, and thee may be a lifunal -margin for criticism when the remilt in finally made pultite.-Art_ston British ANIttittlft. lv r.,trr. a . -Th.- Leader calle attemion to in imposter, • German, who hes leiely he. n going to people in that city, mid under pretence of great Miltfortone and poverty, horrnws money with the promise to return it. Forgetting himself he called mom the same ;meson twice, with the same story, et intervals of n couple of weeke, and thus exposed him - *elf. lebeakatraem7..laeri.lciphi'remr.esiontun"leol 'Pnf'uc27"111mee,_.irce_,I'''','._1*11).• • (tem it eYet. was before. What the people 011 project tui retatiVl, further. t nen real moan) Ali or tee long rataloame "I"PinIsh '''''''"es British Noith Ainerica went...what they look', bowints•(.*;atkied-14iird11 utinitlited•f..skli,..1:"'Ini"4111140i1iS ' le.:37 : 1.}:e.s.aas.:14.asja.as,geiralt.irtie:fd..ed:reai..141o1(17s...fits'irf..stlelre jiaear.asretssadpesafricckaastavels, tity utt tbe arrival at us- tet their departure ;mon; toem opportunities foot emir poste seed from port. rivir luilitY 1", i8 °ex" ,iin,..- tor' 111C(1! ism,/ their trete and commerce, ed. a comitiction with Greet Itritain. 't his would it;tot"wibrralliiiiiiii'"rlitEcnrtienePacalsn4,kW"tl4.1,:c13711:::=i 'e'lli;:e4.41)l. lta'ehlv.irli'Inti::74"1:‘ • '1:6.ar41: : 1 het' m isitifact u rin 4 operations, unfl it,b;a8;0113t8hoWNilir"if ttihnal'" •11"1"11":"Y."8"°‘If e'llun'eletifiiltei'''' Moe«. It' would give them adrantagee thet 11,, iiroviihstg ellicieut meat. fit their mutthil do l.bec.a.;:srlieliliemi.7,p,,Iraner.4:411.6 atiliimsei .itette.‘1,1,,ns,g,,..n..iled.t., a„ebrimsoul filth jti,e,...,...„...1,7! they could secure by Ito either means lit all that Mot hem. nett on the subject 1)7 journal* ' IN* inventiiiii to n I Itroli,th Commeretai It C011 1 1 11(.1 1.111 III. As to the l'revincee 1.1a0'.::::17.1: n'i,itay.:';;Ii•O‘til gTifuhlaappe rso'111,11 101710.1 ar t'n"i',111 with :rvvolewkn:61:1, itlhemi:1111,:e.:,lzelit ,ufts,l'eynaliernyt.vire they are neither prepered nor deairous for clitwiiti; ilikill':Inete:ry;10h1R41n"r:,:el:Teudittriboet"811:in',011:,1,Ur'stinehevitdnrt.6::,1:P°41,1111,tya:j:ci.le:11:1°":11,.1, eprese..,:rovye, t.ht..iirt001.1.7.jnoryeti.thin.. wit. istahoatbose t'ariir.e.nht beitig an ilidelmodalit nation, we beliece the' welt a eheti le at present. They wish eta] to iodation 4. so nnia7 tolviela '0( 4^", ?,' ,..,..4'1 Such cumeeti at give., whic nignitying a sti - &ale,. neo shipper's Ittellerslic are41,", ''''"""' inifnes4 to at rept the reeponsibilities tif the si'm'4•italr''oaflitaale'llron'arearttf ;Nor jtwrel'atneswil tuoilm"Z"tcl.11 kiPflihieli‘Tioveriinieut. not • r'noli of royalty. They wish to have selected ha head oor,),„flere til fhe dad': l be ',err'!" be" ,.'"8„ • hut it Statesman Whose lei m of ser•ire would, twee cooped nor wilt 4.7 "Nrl 1^ b.).- l'e' as now, expo,. every tour or fie., years:, tliti .r.Y:Tth...in.iii.:e:49::".•,,,t,t, jii..1.1•11ri.....„,aino iitiiri.:Ifthcb...o.,,:21;th,hli„st h.or:tlei)01:1,:ati; .tarth......tdir1711n.inhoodf.f,e,ittirtnatic:f,trroartnno4twet.A;11,1rIrtIlli.11,41,110,11:sh.r.isliOgni.th.r0i C11119•11 14(1 1V11. promeled aud governed there ri"ivrpoit i-mi:-..:e.i,, 6:a: ......------pa, weak, eekinit „cad. 4 the inasees, no thoughlful Orson w ill , to ree.is.t. orders u, p......„) .... pia, („, a 'fires. Or that piny aononot of perivemion'een in- . Imd, ,t,.4 h.. ,,,,l yet 01,,,,i,,,,1 ,,„„. 1,,,,,.,e,,y, ilitee them to &mend ratnetathm trt the American rnion. ft would have been an 'SC had hersees.aile.:: ihangul4at°,,jutili.nt,,rix.Y,,',',4' PPit,,1h.,;,,h, etretintul exhibition nf folly h. oer stsies. 7 • fhe foes Men *ore from Portsmouth. awl tr.l' jibe ?burrs. itust well4aa se rand other werecomfaratively peotperons end free trom well known to the_polioe. Th. poliee waited „( at 1.'4 portion a iso...(1.4.40 *01.m4tyr.h1wyttansen tilt.aci.rimeornamei th re: rlutlinp„ritu; :Yakosfsirlibetrn'irsti,:dnsea" ',ultra" refia'anath trollalaWas%"aaingt1 _0conatolatIW-iAbselar.staialtee "al hatiblitahia ineh*;' to""e'004 1111111"0 :i02(""31211".0reetett", 111111414"..411 d:huttldanh'it .weerl'Iriteaegteeranittl- tre'aaag "few twalimeaienatSetailint cansasn thes.ssaimaire attempting to erreet teem they rumered that Miteell'a guerrillas' made it mid freight. pistols' at them and kept them as upon Marlirsenwit. Vse, Imit Mehl leffelerfer I taken into custody, bat not until he had fires Cana& tafhoritiee rtreatts reamed tone Ago an 0 • Str Jr., In her lively Newport 001- remondenee was: "Either American +einem are indeloine in triet and heatitifyine wee erf arsenic. or adi.en vit 'looking up.' Ceitainly this summer her introduced rne to moving the rewdiee are all young men shoat town, "(Signed) 1'. T. Re:ANtrn ABB, heavy vests! nonce, are considering the de het *nom th,. p,,,ficht of o . and promulgate annexation sentimeitte to y. one of them, Duncan Mc Konsiexeeep. haw NMI 112 sat A Atreekilitleit Plitt r.. -A t eoneefer these things when they fimot the int into Rcide's home, frois whenee bo wet dd rveittedbettlavldmlflbatiut .ef the New Toth Owen,' stines that ft short pnlifie whlt their leetibmients.-.t JoIm,le. Id African hi One sles were 11., Newt pottit tif 25 per cent. 111eve me nom mock ine,atimapted to withdraw it afterwards. ore, all doing sell. nein very often large liimidirlfe'll it 611.'221°21. sh`wwine her oint item of ecetsa, Austrian and Reastan steam lel. then rot erazy, pointed it st her horthand, govern itiell of goods hems to 'he left lieliitid for want of room ; hut only inte Emill.h taverner P.'hn'lledenithemdetrItltill:ermna. Ilerl..:hts.•t "1..e"tligihet: riegrellb41.2 visited Jetta iit 1 063. The exports isecreded 1400,000 ; ot the imports Iiii Mateittee are th. "se' - Thin II" 1•1116414. kin' ca.mieliTehtett 4f7irn:slii.i.:rktftly 411:4114::rruhifite. hnn.t, ,C1'.1-.., Thi: N,,,,,-"'.' IT0:1;:".;:4111M-111°711.1811°1411 between Bey t and Jaffa, thence to he Car a 11 I la ( .. The Montreal -ie. rthqn eke. the meet enerworieet awe. neelbeeerimies filen* Feening reg remark,' thet while riel on to Alexandrie. 104T1.'2)111„1.""eil 714•Crof't of 'totardeIvr2"- awl° dF:htlise1too'haliolWarart. Aliorthrillaa"liaar jnerneraa."411, mean; witty, ear that *bre the lord iiatehithen its ... nue& us disposed te ...eel Quito or Mehlis, 6...1 the gem rof Ma eest oats Pull in the frequency of ifs eartteralres. At most It el' the If. do snarl and sank "IM ten misuse past ftwr o'clock yesterday lber is Au Mira.