The Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-04-30, Page 4PAGE FOUR WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, April 30th, 1930 Brandrain - Henderson B.-H. “English” Paint is made from the best paint materials obtainable and includes a suitable product for every purpose. The only white lead us­ ed in its manufacture is the world’s standard — Brandram’s Genuine B.B. A formula label appears on each can of B.-H. “English” paint> showing that the white base con­ sists of 70% Pure White Lead and 30% Pure White Zinc. The base is mixed ready for use with Pure Linseed Oil, Pure Turpentine and Dryer, Pure Tinting Colors. We also have in stock a High Quality Cheaper Grade of Paint. MACHAN BROS. Stoves and Furnaces Plumbing and Heating Phone 58 Wingham, Ont. Ml whole of the northern portion of lot number 1 fronting on Culross street and having a uniform depth from Culross street of 116 feet, 6 inch­ es; Secondly: The east half of the t south part of lot 2 on Howick Street in the said Thom­ as Irwin’s Survey, (Village of Bel­ more) and Thirdly: Lot number 1 on the said Howick Street in the said Village of Belmore, containing by ad­ measurement three-quarters of an ac­ re more or less, saving and excepting that portion of the northwest corner of said lot formerly sold and convey­ ed to one Sterling Haskins. On the firstly described" parcel is said to be located a 2-storey brick hotel known as The Anglo-American Hotel containing 16 rooms. The puilding is said to be in a good state of repair with registers in each room, and at the rear of the property is a stable and garage. On the secondly described parcel is said to be a 1 and 1|2 storey frame building Used as a store and dwell­ ing. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent, of the purchase money on the day of sale and the balance within thirty days thereafter. The property will be offered subject to a reserved bid. Further particulars and conditions of sale will be made known on the day of sale or may be had on appli­ cation to the undersigned. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, 24th dav of April, A.D. 1936. T. R. BENNETT, Wineham, Ont., Auctioneer. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ont., Vendor’s Solicitor. Advertises “You can imagine I am well satisfied, and will advertise Bray Chicks tp all my neighbors,” writ­ es a' Bray customer at Otterville, Ont. Here’s the reason: He bought 300 Bray Chicks last spring. The extras MORE than' covered the losses, and he raised 301. At 4>/i months the pullets be­ gan to lay, and in the high-price month of December were laying 70 per cent. At -f'/z months old the cockerels weighed 5 lbs, apiece. That’s what the remarkable in­ crease in Bray business has been built upon — low losses, high pro­ duction and satisfied customers who "advertise Bray Chicks to all the neighbors”. this The topic was taken from the second chapter of the Study Book, “Jangles Preferred,” by Dorothy Aitken, The meeting closed by singing .hymn 436 find repeating the Mizpah Benedic­ tion. United WtM.S, The regular meeting of the W-M,S. of the United Church was held at the home of Mrs, A. Shaw on Tuesday, April 20th, Mrs, J. Breckewridge pre­ siding. Meeting opened by singing “Thou ceaseless, unexhausted love,” and the Call to Worship, after which the “Ninety and Nine" was sung and the president led in prayer, with the Lord’s Prayer repeated in unison, Mrs. J. Fell was appointed delegate to the Presbyterial at Clinton, The devotional leaflet was read by Mrs, W. J, Johnston, and the 5th chapter of the Study Book was taken by Mrs. J. Fell. The scripture reading was the 16th chapter of Acts. The meet­ ing closed by singing “Christ for the world, we sing,” and the bendiction. ST. HELENS AUCTION SALE of the Household . Furniture of Mrs. H. B. Elliott will be held at the corner of Josephine and John Streets, at 2 p.m., on Sat­ urday, May 2. Terms—Cash. No Reserve. T. Fells, Auctioneer. FOR SALE—Brand new Linoleum, 6x2 yards. Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE—12 pigs, 6 weeks old. Nice even bunch. Apply Norman Mulligan, 1 mile east of Bluevale. FOR SALE—Pure bred Hereford Bull Calf, about 2% months old. Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE—Two Calves. Will take wood. Also Quantity of joists 2x10 in. by 20 feet long. Phone 625r23. John Rogers._______________ FOR SALE—Baby Chick Brooder; Oil Burner, capable of taking care of 500 chicks. Cheap. Apply A. C. Adams._______________________ _ FOR SALE—Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover seer, grade 2, $5.50 per bu. Apply Thomas O’Malley, Phone 41 r 2, Teeswater. FOR SALE—Desirable residence pro- petty situated on Shuter St. For *• "sale cheap to close estate, Apply R. S. Hetherington. .. *F6R SALE—Laurel ~Hulless Oats’, treated, readv to sow, 75c per bus., Red Clover $8.00 per bus., 141 Seed Peas $1.00 per bus. Robt. Coultes, R.R. 5, Wingham; Phone 629r4. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Mary Ellen Love, late of the Town­ ship of East Wawanosh in the County of Huron, Widow, deceas­ ed. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all creditors and Others having claims against the estate of the late Mary Ellen Love, are required to send par­ ticulars of their claims, duly verified, to the undersigned, being the solicit­ or for the Administrator of the es­ tate of the said deceased, on or be­ fore the ninth day of May, A.D. 1936, and that after such date," the admin­ istrator will proceed to distribute the said estate, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at twentieth J- Wingham, Ontario, this day of April, A.D. 1936. W. BUSHFIELD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator; NOTICE TO CREDITORS CARD OF THANKS Don’t delay—we’re into May. Get your Bray catalogue and price list today. Then book your order for Bray chicks. We believe it will pay you. Fred W. BRAY Limited CHICK HATCHERY and Laura visitors on and Mrs. "Mm! Mm! |m glad these have f> the strain-proof We wish to express our apprecia­ tion to our neighbors and friends, al­ so to the Staff of the Wingham Gen­ eral Hospital for their kindness and expressions of sympathy during our recent sad bereavement. —Mrs. Peter Hastings and Family. A. C. ADAMS, Agent Wingham, Ontario. a CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this opportunity of expressing to our neighbors and friends our sincere appreciation of their kindness to us during our re­ cent sad bereavement. —Mrs. James Edgar and Family. ForcedSale CARD OF THANKS Mr. Win. G. Gray find son, Howard, wish to thank all their neighbors and friends for their many kindnesses and expressions of sympathy during their recent sad bereavement. DRESSES AND HATS — at — BURK’S STORE Unheard of Prices. Goods taken for unpaid rent. CARD OF THANKS FOR SALE OR TRADE—A desir­ able home in the Town of Wing­ ham, would consider city or farm property in or near Calgary, Alta in exchange. Address Mrs. J. Ames - Balzac, Alta._______ _______ FOR RENT—Two dwelling houses both in good condition, situated on Frances St. Rent $15 per month. Possession May 1st. Apply R. S. Hetherington. ______________ FOUND—A truck tire, between Bel­ grave and Wingham. Apply Rob­ ert E. Go Iley._______ __________ LOST—White Sow. Richard Culli­ ton, Glenannan, 603rl2. LOST—Between Salem and Wroxet- er, Tire, Rim and Carrier. Please leave at Park’s Garage, Wroxeter. i IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Catherine Ann Peterman, late of the Town of Wingham in the Coun­ ty of Huron, Widow, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Tr-ustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Catherine Ann Pet­ erman, are required to send particu­ lars of their claiufs^duly, verified, to the undersigned, being the solicitor for the Executor of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased, on or before the ninth day of May, A.D. 1936, and that after such date, the executor will proceed to distribute the said estate, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this twentieth dav of April, A.D. 1936. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. Mr. ad Mrs. C. S. Blackball and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mundy and fam­ ilies wish to thank their many friends, neighbors and relatives for their beautiful floral tributes and kind sympathy shown them in their recent sad bereavement. Also on behalf of Mr. Theodore Mundy we wish to thank everyone. Cosens & Booth EAST WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSH Notice to Drain Contractors Tenders will be received by the I dersigned up to Monday, May 4th, | 1936, at 3 p.m., for the construction I of McQuillan Drain in the Township | of East Wawanosh and Kinloss. Plans and specifications may be seen at the | Clerk's Office. | Sufficient secruity to the satisfac- j tion of Council will also be required | for completion of the work. The lowest or any tender not ne­ cessarily accepted. ALEX. PORTERFIELD, Clerk. TENDERS un- MEN WANTED for Rawleigh Rout­ es of 800 families in Bruce and | Huron Counties. Reliable hustler should start earning $25 weekly and increase rapidly. Write today, j Rawleigh, Dept. ML-453-S-D, Mon-! treat, Canada._______ __________| REd”bRICK BUNGALOW, beauti-j fully finished, up-to-date in all res- ; peels. Apply to T. Fells.________J SPRING CLEARANCE SALE OF I USED PIANOS. Such well-known j makes as Heintzman, Nordheimer,» -. - - __ Mason &: Risch_Weber and others;; p.m. on May 4th, 1936, for the com­ at reasonable prices and terras. Write Heintzman & Co., 242 Dun- ■■ das St., London, for further partic-i ulars. No obligations. _______ 1 STRAYED—To the farm of George Tervit, a yellow hound. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for advt UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE—i Of Farm Stock and Implements; will be held at Lot 16 and 17, Con. ‘ 12 and 13, B. Line, Howick, at 1 ’ o’clock sharp cn Tuesday, May 5, 1936. Terms.. Cash. Ervie Thomas, Prop.; T. R. Bennett, Auct. 'WANTED—Cattle to pasture for the summer. Phone 630r3. Matt. Fer­ guson, Belgrave. Tenders will be received up to 3.30 pletion of the Contract on the Kin­ burn Swamp Drain. The completion of the work must be passed by the Engineer in charge, and according to the plans and spec­ ifications as of the Report of Geo A. McCubbin, Dated October 7th, 1933. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk’s Office, Londes** boro and a check for 10% of contract price must be given with tenders. JAS. W. McCOOL, Clerk of Hullett Township. Mr. Geo. Carter and Mr. and Mrs. Small were in Kitchner on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Currie spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Wm. Ar­ buckle. Mrs. C. Showers and family of Wingham, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Thomas Taylor. We are sorry that Mrs. Taylor is not im­ proving as quickly as her ' friends would wish. Sunday visitors at the home Of Mrs. Wm. Anderson were Mr. and Mrs. Herb Sheills and family Blue­ vale and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ander­ son Stratford. Mr. Russel Ireland spent Sunday at the home of Mr. E. Ireland. Mr. Leslie Buckman and children visited at the home of M. J. J. Kerr. Mr. Hugh Thompson and Miss Margaret Irwin were visitors in Lon­ don on Sunday. Mrs. McBurney, Mrs. Wightman, Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Shiell at­ tended the W.M.S. Presbyterial in Clinton Tuesday. Miss Lizzie Scott has not been so well and has been taken to Wingham General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hall and Jim­ mie, of Wingham, also Mrs. Charlie Congram and Harold, visited Charles Shiell on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Purdon and family, also Mr. and Mrs. Alvir. Pur­ don visited at George Walker’s on Friday. Mr. Rutherford Reavie spent Sun­ day at Ripley. MORTGAGE SALE I t BELMORE NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of John Wood, late of . the Township of Turnberry in the County of Hur­ on, Farmer, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the Trustee ^Xct, that all creditors and. others having claims against the Estate of the late John Wood, ate required to send particu­ lars of their claims, duly verified, to the undersigned, being the solicitor for the Administrator of the estate of the said deceased, on or before the ninth day of May, A.D. 1936, and that after such date, the administrator will proceed to distribute the said estate, having regard only tp the claims of which7 he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this twentieth day Of. April, A.D. 1936.J. < BUSHFIELD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitof1 for the Administrator. j Of Valuable Property in the Town-1 ship of Howick in the County of ? Huron. 1 | UNDER AND BY VIRTUE off j the powers of sale contained in a cer- s tain mortgage which will be produc-** | ed at the time of sale there will be | I offered for sale by public auction at I The Anglo-American Hotel, in the I | Village of Gorrie, on Monday, the 18th day of May, A.D. 1936, at 1.30 “ o’clock in the afternoon, by T. R. | Bennett, Auctioneer, the following i properties, namely: FIRSTLY: Lot No, 147 in the Vil- I lage of Howick as laid down on a i.‘-ru _| Wiliiam Roth, P.L.S., dated the 15th | day of* May, A.D. 1856, said parcel | containing one-fifth of an acre more | or less, including all buildings that I are or may be erected on the said ; lands with the beds, bedding, electric lights, and equipment now in the said buildings. SECONDLY: In the Township of Howick, in the County of Huron, in Thomas Irwin’s Survey of part of Lot 1 in the "A* Concession of the said Township, and being firstly; The Rev. Lloyd Thompson conducted the funeral of the late Mr. Culliton at Mildway Tuesday of last week. Mr, and Mrs. Sterling Haskins and family have moved in with Mr. Harry Metcalf, Howick. Visitors out of the village Sunday were Mrs. Peter Hakney at Bluevale, the Herd family at Ripley. Miss Jean Herd and Jack of Wing­ ham attended a banquet in the As­ sembly hall of the high school, Clin­ ton Friday evening. Mr. R- j- Barton of Fergus visited at John Fitche s Saturday and called on Eleanor and Munice Jeffray. James McNeil and friend motored of London last week and viewed the scene of the accident, which claimed the life of Mrs. Mundy of Wingham. George Herd and Jack Holland gave a patty in the Mill Thutsday evening, the Clifford orchestra ren­ dered splendid music, Misses Mary, Elizabeth Salkeld of Goderich were Friday with Mrs. Miller Graham. Master Donald Thompson of Luck­ now, spent the week end with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Thorn. Misses Dorothy Webster of Lon­ don, Dorine Webster of Carlaw and Irene Woods of Waterloo were home for the week-end. Mr, and Mrs. George McRoberts were visitors on Saturday with the former’s sister, Mrs. McIntyre at Teeswater. "North of the Peace River" was the subject of the interesting lantern lecture at the meeting of the Y.P.U. on Sunday evening, read by Mr. Durnin Cuyler Ramage and the scripture lesson. The lecture was Phillips and Mr. Iona Swan JAMESTOWN read Mr. Clarence Grainger who for the past week has been teaching at S.S. No. 4 Grey returned .to Stratford; where he is attending Normal school. Mrs. James Wallace, Detroit, Mich., is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. tllercury STRAIN-PROOF TOP It’s the new top with the 2 way stretch that protects sheer stockings from the strain of tight gartering. Ask for this new, more economical stocking by Mercury and solve your stocking budget problems. Clear Ringless OKn Ringless light service for chiffon daytime or morning WO H. E. I sard Co. Will Grimmer for a few weeks. While cutting wood for John Riley last Friday, Wilfred Savage happen­ ed to get his hand caught in the saw and hadxto have several stitches in his thumb and finger. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Henning and family, Turnberry, visited on Sunday with Allan and Mrs. McKercher, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Grainger, Mr. and Mrs. Alex King of Detroit, spent the week end at the home of ) Wm. Grainger. Miss .Margaret and Bonnie Rich­ ardson returned to Stratford after visiting the past few weeks with their aunt, Mrs. Oswald Simpson. Miss Mary Jacklin, 2nd Grey en­ tertained her school mates one even­ ing last week, when she celebrated her eighth birthday. Mr. Earl Grimmer is assistinig Mr. Lawrence Willis at some wood cut­ ting these days. Debts Debts If you haven’t already sent your list of accounts or notes to KELLY & AIKEN THE COLLECTION SPEC­ IALISTS, At ORANGEVILLE, ONTARIO, it would .be wise to do so now. Remember—Nd Collection, No Charge. Established 1890. While at work in his blacksmith shop Wednesday Mr. Shurter had the misfortune to jam the little finger of his right hand, which is causing him much trouble. Visitors, Mrs. Fred Tuck and babe at R. J. Douglas. BLUEVALE Steady and True MissionThe Circle held their regular meeting on Sunday afternoon with the president, Miss Alice Thornton in charge. The meeting opened with the hymn "Steady and True.” The Lord’s Pra­ yer was repeated in unison. The scriptitire was read by Daisy Holmes. Hymn 81 was sung followed by a reading from "Adventures of Young- Africa,*’ given by Marie Wettlaufer. Special Bargain EXCURSIONS TO ALL STATIONS IN WESTERN CANADA Going Dates: Daily May 14 to 28, 1936 Return Limit: 45 Days. Approximately ONE CENT PER MILE Good in Coaches only SLEEPING CAR PRIVILEGES Passage Tickets also on sale, good in: (a) Tourist sleeping cars at approxi­ mately ltfc per mile, plus regular berth fare, (b) parlor and standard sleeping cars at approximately l%c per mile, plus regular seat or berth fare. ROUTES—Tickets good going via Port Arthur, Ont., Armstrong,, Ont., Chicago, Ill., or Sault Ste. Marie, re­ turning via same route and line only. Generous optional routings. STOPOVERS—within limit of ticket, both going and returning—at Port Arthur, Ont, Armstrong, Ont, and west ;also at Chicago, Ill.; Sault Ste. Marie, Mich,, and west, in accord­ ance with tariffs of United States lines, Full particulars from any agent Canadian Pacific THt FOT OF OOLO AT TH t CHC OF THC.HA1NBOW— BIO SAVINGS rXOM THIS CCOHOMV SALE. DOMINION STORES LIMITED These values are effective for April 30th, May 1st and 2nd Shirriff’s Jelly Powdei LUSHUS3 pkgs. 23C Assorted Flavors Aylmer Fancy Jumbo PEAS 2 No. 2 Tails 29e Aylmer Fancy Sliced .Pineapple 2&31< Aylmer ChoiceCherries p,e2#„t23< PeachesPIE 2^0Z23< GOOD HEALTH — FROfc THESE TASTY VI TA LIZ- IHGAYLMER FOOOS. FOR THE WINTER. TIRED APRETITt. Classic Tin VTA Cleanser 3 s crax 8pg:i2e Butter 14-oz. IQa VVaffers Pkg. Aylmer Soups VEGETABLE J Aylmer Tomatoes 2 Tins 2I< • 10/4- a25' •Tins SURPRISE WESTON’S Oven Fresh Corn CHASE & SANBORN GINGER Aylmer . PeaS No°4eSieve “Seal Brand” SNAPS Aylmer Fancy ,Corn K Coffee •10c Aylmer Catsup - 35c ROWNTREE’S Cooking Chocolate 17° Perfection j4-lb. Tin Cocoa 15< Slab Aylmer 12-oz. Tins _ __ .Chili Sauce 2For27< InSant Food 2Tins19< SOUPS Celery, Chicken with Rice, Asparagus, Clam Chowder, Pea, Oxtail, AYLMER ASSORTED 310^ oz, Tins SOAP 10 °46‘ Bulk Soap • Chips 3 ibs 23* Aylmer Wax Beans 2 g>2 Aylmer Peaches 2 Juicy Oranges Large Size 29 and 45c doz Ch’ce Grapefruit 5 for 25c Choice Eadishes 3 for 10c Mead. Lettuce, Large Size 2 for 19c Fresh Carrots « Bunch 5c Choice Asparagus 10c bch. i-Macaroni & Cheese Loaf SPECIAL WEINERS it. 30^ S9C Walnut Pieces lb. MEATS 29e Diced 2-lb Pkg. SUGAR GRAPE NUTS Lge. Pkg. 18$ DOMINO 8-oz. Tin BAKING POWDER W