Huron Signal, 1864-7-14, Page 3LATEST NEWS. 13y list might's fio& we see that the Hon. (lenge Brown has been elected for South Oxford by aoclatuation. Further particulars of the Confederate invasion of Marylaud indicate that the Confederates are witbiu four miles of Baltimore, and that preparations for its det'euoe, reinforcements, Ac., are arriving. Gen. Wallaoe has beeu defeated. Great excitement in Deleware. Major-General Frankliu captured by the Confederates. -- Governor Bradford, of Maryland, had his residence burned. The Confederates cap- tured and destroyed a large number of trains. The Mayor of New York protests against sending troops front the city.— All Vmmnulc. tin' between Baltimore and Washington is severed. Nothiug from Grant. Gold 21102! Colai.relal Progress of Britain. -s A debate ,n the House of Commons, on the 7th. inaugurated by Mr. l.indasy, u very in 'Unclose, as shows•/ bow much wisdom maritime countries, loth in the old and new have yet to learn of the /relitL\heory of Free. trade. (tart people would ha•s. thought that the really wonderful progreu of • is country since the time wi.eo we gave up otection, aud more especially since w'e thee+ o n the commerce of the world to our %ores b the repeal of the Navigation Laws rn 1849, it Id bare compelled couutrie. like France, Spat Holland and the Cuhed States, to follow our example. It has nut (men so. The figures which Mr. 1.indsay yuotel,n, illustration ol'his views ought not to be without their Influence un all persona who pretend to be statatmer. In 1849 the tonnage or Great Britain amounted to 3,500,000 tuns; In 1,62 to 4,9,0,000 In 1849 we owned of steam ehipp.ni 167,000 tons ; in 176.1, 600,000 too*. In 1.19 lllrtn. ' in Oudench, on Friday the 8th inst., the wife of Mr. 4oba Stuart, of a daughter. 18tcti. 1,. this Tows on 7urdey Evening We 14th instant, Mu. Jona Attx1—aged 63 year. -- Deceased was a utilise of the Comity Wicklow, Ireland,- immigrated to this Csunky in the year 1833. The Funeral will take place on Thursday the 14th list., at 2 o'clock r. a. Fneuds and aequeintaoces of deceased are respectful y invited to attend. THE MARKETS. G.,plulcu, July 12tb, 1884. Fall Wheat, Spring du (tate, liar ley $0:85 (!y . 0:75 (a, 0:45 (ii) 0.60 (3. Iiay, it ton . 0:00 (re Wool 'embed? 0r 0:40 (4 '• unwashed Pees Pork Itief, Turtles, each 0:45 (1 tLobe, do 0.30 (el t'Itcketu, '1' pair ,., 0:25 (, Packs, do •.•0:40 (a, Il de. (green) .. 4:00i (a ('carrot., 41 busk, ........ .0:25 (al 0:124 (m 000 W „,,,,,.. 0:60 i�rr 2-00 (r0 ... 0:08 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:65 8:50 0:44 0.28 ( 0.00 0:40 (1(.40:45 4:60 (� 4:75 4:00 0:60 0:45 0:30 0:50 0:00 0:00 0:1 0:1 0:a 0:c 0:001 Turnip. bo.tter Pcnatoes Wood Eres tem libttrrtlst*lettIS. VERYT l ING rotWARY ig Boo and Station t 5 as f(ael4asn - 9,700.000, tuns of• British shipplug with At the cargoes were entered wind cleared , in 106.i the amount was no less than 15,300.000 ton. AT Ifut theae results, though greet, hardly sit. an Idea of the enormous lucre winch ha. 66 SIGNAL "- taken place it, the export of 13 bah man- factures and produce. 'lu 1%49 1 declsMl . value of sour exports amounted to .C.1‘900,1100 • tut veer it an,ounted o .£1-16,000,01 . 7'11^ tnt•rvening period has been .the dip weer. illenuium, and they have thrived ih, 11 ,. trwordivary) degree ever since the Itr'tiah Legislature determined that the ships of nations should enter our ports nu the se Leann as liritish ships. Hut some of our' oeighber have adhered to the old doclrin' of protectio• aud have suffered accordingly. France stands painfully stationery. le 1' 17 she owned 6y11100 lulu of`shippulg ; to 1"64- only 980 000 ons. lout rear F ranee impur- 4d frum4:nglaud 4,700,000 'woods of ailk, yg1�, the whole of wblfh had been brought from .f81}t0 India or China. 'Well ai;hl Mr. 1.irwtaay, i 11 commenting nn lh .nnma...Us system, say, 1 est . Ra HL water is wig WE HAVE NOW ON HAND, CROCIERY ANB GL4SSVARE! —ALSO,— A COMPLETE 'ASSORTMENT OF FAMILY t !GERM WINES & LIQUORS. THOS. RODDY & CO., Market Square, Guderich. ew43 God.rieh,July 5, 1864. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. IMPORTANT roiled Counties ul)) D Y v,rlue of • tent of nen Hseen and House,? B F.,:., mooed uul of Her To Wil: ) Pit mem y'. Court of llnren's Reuel. aeJ to me directed agmen Ike 1•ed, sod teetm.eta of Mewl McCeuky. el the and of the Bank 01 Montreal, I have .sisal •oat Mein in extentaro ell the right, sole and interest of the MIA del... WWII 111 end to the south helves ufh o. Numbers 91, 32, 33 end 34 in the lint cunrawuo0 04 the Township "(Morn•. , , the County of Hu- ron, 4oaw:mng two hundred sere. tooth the Amur. ago thereon erected ; w 11101 lands •1141 te5e• trot• 1 "shall offer tat sale at 1111/ ..she 10 'he Conn Hom.Ver, la the Town 01 C.denrh, ou'rue. d•j, the kyvrnth der u1' acuter nexl,at the hour of ?tech a Mille el rig, noun. JOHN MACDONALD, Sheriff, H. & H. Hv S. rollaa-t. Deputy 'hent. .'Iher,d'• I lOk., (Mart,. lo, Jul. lot. Orel ( w23 k.42 FICK, OLUESTI LARGEST & CHE .1 Mier or LITERATI l' est of Hamilton - '112th, Intl. w70 " 7 he Peninsular .sd t): -,:lul .I.•Mmrla. I sanction reach .`t,utlulniyo,. every . week laden' '''''''"1""7*" wild silk and other pr uce of which. the peopleof France air ',r, much se !med.! and next are unnd r the restrictive mein whir II pie. rails in that country, cut % Marseilles and berg their ea ampon, where they. err conte.. by railway, and r.fterwuda 1:4 Heart o: 11, ndeaut, and afterWrl across the country to where they are And yet this i4 the ruinous policy of atalaMn of Thier' pretension s Ibe caw and In which the Lru eror, for offendirz the prejudices of a section of people, lis c:ip{lie d In submit. With re,fsr t,. Spain and Ports nl, wb:rh•eliil sling to old Llys, the wonder in 001.00 •reit : and even in the case of the Federal Gorr rl,ment, some excuse may be found in the Ie• t t60t the Federal Executive bas no fundi ..0 a Meet ,p,w it tea rely except those derived from the , Custom.' dishes on imports; but that shrewd 13uJer end enlightened France should ,:,Lhe,nt. Iv ehelber eyes to the change which a free interchange of products has produced in Eng. 'sod, Is indeed strange. :l he debate thea raised by its i.indasy will Jo gnus for it is pregnant with. instruction. The President of wo p the 'Wald of 1 rode o,;n•rd with most of h;s.• dedu.tionn• and H,r n11)eet of\lndh. _wile to ' show the eouulnrs already. used bow 'cob T apnstelv they will stand in their o light.—,.I f:wgliiA Peeper • Oriental eta. Tellers. on & Hazlenurst f• .11411.0 .k tu,.n•••..i Commission Merchants,' arenbs IO IJ Pgn tms r to Strong's Hotel,' i" t it 'e' l l , •Ines t1 1110...se r . '050 to 1 .nth•sit.)0.•.Iltowerhold4 t.. Hordes.j0,tt'sx,pI'. kr lar nr,t. ►Pen ..mea.- 1 oral., to Loudon� ruw.wrar',re a ran hr 4 ub4•et . t. r'o'w hippwnl to steel.',. • Cosirearwed .lokvi:..oN,.u,,.nemo.., (rs •■/MLt ' .n. 4' N.vn•. n 'run. l'V11ePyed, 4 Me15.Nr war. N.. J. k•a i l o lIrd. 11 Ana. !'.err sw.nwr w.sndee u.. , go lar Yrs. h A•s. hick sof ohm Meer, wewannk ennq 'Tiara - vo I Calor, Rake allmarit m se aseswsdls forgo.. Mr r Odeserts Jade IM. Or VALUABLY'. SALE T0�7�1•T LOTS IR Tlla�flll.a Ga Or ' e i IN SILdLL BIIMe. ; , FOS BALE. $10,0011 ON loan of F'.U4't poop VV MKTY. Apply Ito. A. LEFROY, Retreat', CrderI.,h. Joe. 10111.11144. nw'o-71,ne.sA 8,000 Feet of /Dry fine aud. 1 utteruut Lumber ! 1 T 1 1 H W N W e.l rm. NOTICE ,s hereby given list On. Aaane.atw■ 1` h t Y W Canoga, soil THE CANADA AGENCY ASSOCIATION: I) il:' K.1 , swan 1, IX in. you., (:ulenob. I nue 1111„ I oral. •w!0•e51 •, i o Ascii'. in •n n of flat 110 pu)'mesh 01100111ra err •Hid, uuk•. Iris o, remittal w R. J. ll. ( HIi'MAN, Set retory, •feruntu, whp alums ,t authorized to `caul re- rerkka. •(+.eels, June 45th; Iks4. •wt4-41 GOOD NEWS FOR OER FARIERs.--PARiti FOR SALE ■^,\ the ninth concen,Ioe, the eel hp f of V 1.1 ruo1.5, t terms -11 rear, m the Tom loh.p or Wwwap.,.h, containing tiny HuudnJ acre., wi h about Wrty clea,oJ, ul.r rest Road hnrdww,1 gad and a mever•f51uy; spring on the 1,1 there BOOTS AND SHOES I chanty, I Loo twee mad • .mall orch5d there- with Tale mavputade. Alaply o rnr pr. q,rwor, N.tl'RICE UEt'EREAI'X. Feb. 10.144. w3Jxeee 200 Pairs Men's Kip Cobourg Shoes, 100 200 200 200 `4 D. S. Calf Boots, [Congress] NEW MARBLE WORKS KISCSTOO ST., COD1RIC14. D. atlo.. s t ' .T •, i.„ '. MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, Girl's Calf D. S. Copper Toes, 1...,t, Arc , of every desenMhn, and Misses' (`r 4�r14110•1* 'e of workmanship. furn•sherl on 44 Misses' Calf Boots, - �, 1 pollee, Muni 51 the lowest prom. I.,teral redaction shady kir cuh. „ .. ' •, Ill (um 41'( tett MT 101110 10 Women's Calf Boots, t Weige,or Mommmeits lc. may, b4 wail at the sop. [�Gaferteb, April 1)4,1464.. COAL NEW STOCK �E � CHEAP FOR CASHIoou ! COAL!; piing and Summer Dry Goods, A T (-JOHN FAIR & CO. NI Twenty -Eight Yatuabllp, lege Lots, lomm�e pan of the' well knows 41,41100N E•. S tale, of the Pillage of CE.I N ION. will 1* sold BY PUBLIC AUCTI 0r I0: D. KERR, Jr.. & C3':, ' \OI ELTIE> 91' THE SEISM I r) w .,..i ea.; to, 11:5 attention 10 WEDNESDAY,. JULY 27th, 1864 tle'r tok ,d ' CLOTHS AND TWEEDS, , rf b •'s•n'-. n+a onnnrnl this oras t alj.',r u.>ua lw., 1:,.., 1g .W.d• ., '.' TAILORI�Q Warehouses and Manufaehsrlits. 0 DEPARTMENT is, • e prepared to snake mare mid Hest sired: 11 14, Two Iwo., Now, 364 and tike, eft North of the Cprntt of11ur6v/ : • Railway. mid toe r,u,nn.lrr, cR..1.... 432,247., 319, 661. 4 the new sun. , 1,t IIs Gonion waste: ' (3*41 r.eh. Aprla:AH• 7; h, 14, 22, 27,34, 3'', iu,tf., AI 64. 113,'6,''86 94. mei lib, in-laawrrll Ihr Na.lrey •nil the BAT. FIELD Itt1'41t, and ate -. . , I Eligible for Pr.trfle Resilenees. •'rbc Lute wdl.be pus hp al spar* p";en ran- i tag I. ten $40 o (WO and coir) to the Wiliest :„ddnr slave that pwse. , - A�'•I'1'11(.OLJ'1 1.ESIatVE TI::. w.11 •tried 0110140 n``'l otomity .0 o: r I,'..n o4rr el..d yr.f•un.•g 5'..� f4n.:d,uR loll* on I4,.•n able trr.us rl cr-rle :rtth,s d.u'uh lig loon. •1'F: lt,MM i (hwi fount, of the (•fir.:,a•e,pwey• do.e.i; or by . ■ppirovid.).6so eons 1111 vii• om'fth., will, rnlrt- M•: 11,r.r..dur. rah 1,..'>: e441.1 5"nnm ma1o/.) • 1 IIWfth .rat.:e.4 Teel 4, ors the unix d prion• 1. Adam, +,till ber.yen worn Ibche-1 payment 'u mad: ■w1 -a m.rtiart taken to, .Iw sure' eequeut p+) motels ',:r to r•omru.n.•.•-nt one P • M us the la0d ..teak .41154 Rmlwijr r 4+141.10 near wain. Nl F04 peel. Mary ap 'y- ' nMOI'1'. .--q , Glaleneb, H,' RALE HQ , nr 11 y • 0. ` 1 iZuE * I. • Aurnonoer. • w23•W :_ - -_ w124- VALUABLE CARD OF THA S.' FO HEnmkn.e,,.J Ionto nrknowt.dg the re-(�(� ACRES. ' opt ol'he ln:00nl ramped ha to on a i'. 1,10,0e IrWu the Huy M1 NMI -once ('o., :n c. (rano Godes-n.6 5.d W h,. rewesnl km. by are. - H„pd, 60 arrea cta•a ' WM. MY'1."r. , July Ind, 1.64. . - • • w47 .hods. Al.0 an rue IrwA. 18.44. r a. lhnwsh toe ventre. Proprietor, or to w4.010' - 0 FAR SALE. arelkal ,i.J,te,ai 1,04 No. 1). ..1' colorer, a m1;ee , •11 a m.4 fro to the Gravel , lost haute, horn mot goo, •t oryhsnl of the cboa•ecl ver is ,'neck running i WAREHOUSE 1±S R V i)•E 1 T 1 .l a LIQUORS . Dr. T. B. Montgomery. - ws. *a$ Now i* d.Ip0 or Ors 07011 Or FELT -AND ANI) W U(.) L ' And all Kinds bf Hats at COST] PRICK kFrs 0 it O ASH. D. $ERR• Jr., & CO. GREATBARGINS, ! ! :tray be' Ot,tsli124•41 131 DRY . D S AND C,R OCE RIES,)• COO As i1 is per intention to a eir Ont oar 1E. TIRE. S1Oh OF••G ON 0It'tiE•FO1IE .. The removal ofa low priers. I�HC)I .MAIC /I - I)S, FIRST OF SEPTEMBER lam, Ir of l'ardws'e will be cleared -041 either in wit'Iset.rr part at iIt's i :11' 1 1 .♦ 1 .1-' 1'121( (lidera, l4tbJune, 16G4. • filly to )014N. HAAHI'. . THi'EMAN,' Uoderich AIX AM. FARM ! TO ELL aIr MI 1'ARMS. OR. 10 ' ENT Apply to D. ISRAD�000DIII0,' T OT No. I0..orwo•n 3. ..1..-.. Solicitor, N,'.I Street, ;An Travellers itsPersia, Linins and Japan: t, - Ix) O,onI Ilkwe: tells as of profeu'sual story tellers' and Gtakrwh..Junr 9*Ii,'l a. _ a trillionn , who, standingthe aadmarket plates, tell marvellous mire to ' whdi.77 choose to listen. The folluwieg is t)• N E Ya one id their Chinese parable! : _ Fobi, in the course of his wanderings, ee Quito 04'0100 amt' spda sdvoj'eed ins to a village, knueued at the door of a nets l wer' If Es without, giemy to th woman and begged permission to enter„—\bereeetee. Apple to '• What 1" said she ” an you think I receive \ ' -- I4U"AW * 81N)CLAIs. • into my house every roving. vagabond? Nn, �Qo1snt-b.'IMlelr:-I11lt. ,% wd3-ten, indeed, would be subeliriin4 s rrei.erlable _" • woman—go your way !•• Then he went to The • Load of 'MiSChle the cottage of poor Woman, who at UMW. 0 kindly legged him to enter_ 'She set before A;Ovin L bias the only food she bad—a little goat's '+ milk, broke a pities of bread into it and said :16,:.',17..61 art the Orevel R„ad runmfw Immo " Msy Fohi bless it. that we ma both have ere1*4. �suthamplon, our rode north of 'tough!" She then prepan-d�for him • where n keds oe'ro Wnk iter, sod any unr Ire.- - couch of agree ; and when he fell a•leeji, R perceiving that he had no' shirt, she sat up Belmore4 Waltort9'n, Southampton, all night and made kilo ope'out of mime linen or 0ny plom in that d,re.an. 0, 5,.l had ser"rano0 she had made by her own labor ; in the morn Zanuu mice es he only etpertsto find at Arat ekes Ing she brought It o him, begging he would r''tv hotels, 111 ell rennin.. _ not despise her poor gift. After breakfast ICE - ALWAYS -0* BAND she accompanied him a little way ; and at , parting, Fohi mid : " Mer the test work you FOR 811 undertake lust until evening'!" When Jhe t0111:rishing r rlends got home she began to measure her limen, to in see how much was left ; and she went on 'MC 0(11.1,1000 ('07x5 A 1,1.r)Tn or measuring, and did not come to the end until A ®U![:) siwn.mp MC.rk• r K. ILnOh's rwh, comment/ E nMv ad ex, n'n,y of whole ' are stover egoist.egoist.Wale of vont,, ism. with • 6M - elm. stone dwelling. Lente Luer and own *Md.., s p• W11 terse oreherd hewingmfe Intel • • ■ ne-.bnp Pigeons erect running Lhenusth 1 150 mak. (corn mSeIl.s -Town of Nae, r., applveu 3f• t'. Cam tor.G'sench, on to the mow' err I the i.alenet Wool Feet ri`• TEIOMA Oaderr'eta h. J.fhb I-10. g, n r meand yard were RED AILD FIFTT FEET ! the evening, when he bas full of linen ; tp•ahort, she did not no whit CHARLES (DAYS, W do with her wealth. w4G-1. Proprietor. Her rich neighbor, seeing this, was portly . _ need, and resolved that such good fortune PUBLIC should not merino 'her again. After some months the traveller tame mute more to the village; she went to meet him,preaed aim to go to her house, treated hien with the best food she hod, and in the • morning brought him a shirt of fine linen, which she had made some time beloee ; but 111 night she kept a candle burning in Ler room, that the stranger if he awoke, might suppose she was making iia ,hirt. After breakfast she accompanier] him out of the village; and when1they parted, he said :.'(•Msy the first work you undertake on till evening." She went her way home king the whole time of her linen, and n.tmg is wonderful increase ; bot just r cows be,tan to low. " Before I linen' said she, '• 1.11 quickly some water." Kut when she er into the trough, her port he went on pouring, the 4 soon her house and ; the neighbors com- wsa ruined ; the with ditrscolty .,he r newer seared n. ant then 4Muore filth my poured the near emptied ; Stettin' inere yard were ander w pl'ined that everyth cattle were drowned, an saved her life, for the w flowing until the setting of t - T1rnlr APPROVAI,.—ince. 1 •f. Shepard, Theningienl Seminary, Me., writes -" I find friends who on rwnnmmendation, are di.poeml to ms between COnceasiOtte 3 and 4, said point hems NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN (in pursuance of the Statute in such ease made and provided) that the Corporation of the Township of Colborne totem! pissing a Hy Law to open and make a public road or hlahwer tlhough Lots Numbers five and six, in the third eon Ie)sslon,.11,aatern Divielon, Township of Col borne, which ides or bighwnv may he more particularly dew:sibed Rn follows, that is to any :—Commencing +t a point on the east limit of side road, between lots ave and six, said point being &distance of four chains and seventy links (lc. 701.) measured due south front the northwest angle of lot six,aforesaid; thence due north seyentysin degrees and • quarter Kut (N. 764 o E.) one chitin and thirty links (lc. 301.); thence north eighty degrees and one half east (N. 8040 E) four chane and arventy•nine links (4c. 791.); thence iinrth thirty-one degrees and a quarter cut (N. 114 0 E.) four (4) chains, more or Irma, to the intersection with the Routh 1inikt, of road allowance between conceesiono three and tnur, 1'his deviation to be one chain wide throughout, measured at right angles to is (ifs. Revered coureee. The whole containing an none, erns of ono acre, more or less. Also, y romme1cing at point in the Pentre of road tvrisl of Mew. R. A. A1Mn 0 11'orld_, Hair I}i dm east twelve eb . et limit rnrmluchains an six e ) between ALPO, agent e..-- a,µ .:Nates oho h. For n. Esq., Hotel LOGAN. w57 ARM FORS ] AND UNDERTAKER, U u,:,04tnrr, num uu now M' via ud ■ r"fipNete a.•rrtr,••. I "l Fun.qurs, nl h • "'-:'.•r,.un.; WEST STREET, GODERICH. 01.1.11 !n • (T19 OLut l N THE );01 D. GO ON, Sadne, Bureaus, Table., leedsteide, stair. Cancan. Wool seated Chainrf6i't Mou!din a inning Glansss, in variety, of 1Monte Muufactire- and Imported!' D. G. has alwars on hand o enmptete aR- I u•.',ae ",Amen, or until/1s. g0lsoi HEARSES` I , t•anw•.r1n. TO 11111E. SURGICAL 6614 1- 71•; NECHARt:'AL 1)11':•rl`YKr,' COURT HUUSE SQUARE, GODERICH, .•orae .51 ■•1,.'10.0 .ran■. 1 V INO'tsl.r n nd.antage cf the rkprecis-1( ul Aur can cune,Ier and.purchued n arse and Wert •t.01 .Ndis'■i materiel, at e ) r..l..,ru 10cr., le n - Keine ed to duuli: wool *naming 1u the pro4 non in a skillful Mune sad n, prim e-nd to be competed with in • Caped• it SOW 4RLLIMO OAIIIh WHOLE /TM's OY • Pr, Mon ..may.ul0•il. putirnlar atwitter to., D. KERR, Jr„ & C LIQUORS Y..8. KIR , h 1,I•riCorr pr,s,.c.P. WINES BRANDIES, GIN & • chanoe foe Furniture. elm Loather and Cordwood taken, is PE.' . .1 mite front Wroleler. • •rrieit. room. we 11141 Merchant, Tailor, ,.,,h•,e.ruhrolireth maned Rarer lama 4:1 11:11 I W0611, Irtt Cosa THE RAVEL g0 1). kowsweed bare. 92 AORK SS oLitAits4 Apply to • theterich, Feb 911.1 rrhswfoLtf Wel; Sat reef. teed a large and a oi:-assort• j eil stock of 000 11103TE2G IS AAO 1 And • vsrniv 01 1. envy Article., sect, e. wATCIIMIKER AND JEWELLER WEST. ST., GODERICII, Next door East of Mr. Stotts' Saddlery. WATCHES, CLOCKS ANO AWELRY RI PAIR 1-.1. ttSI Slit IR r OT IC 11 In the best Style & Warranted. Geld & Potted swelry, Watches. Cnnotanity on h•..4 and seaman.. to hr re/tr....writ 0'1101. tanner •luidr.f. AND THE SURSCRIRF,R REOS TO INFORM the inhatem MIN the Counties cf Heron and Room thet he Meatifietnnag, and he. on hand a number of his SUPERIOR FANNING MILLS & PUMPS. ttr•K top 10a M an he Will warrant them to free ‘1. heat from mos, rrnAle, *hem, bre. Pumps made to order and warranted. Paeter• MI Nelson se , Pot town rietotio street Ara Comte. 10.4. will have ipt be an *gent in thin plane, the degnrea and nee quarter east (S. 294 ° E.) , demand 03 ilblreltratA as it trammel; known." Revert (Mains and thirty Sold by Druggista everywhere. Depot, Thence north Neventy•soz degrees and one 196 Groanwieh PC, Nder York gamier Seat (N. 74i 0 E ) a dintanee of four An old toddler, whose -nose had bees dropped off by a sabre ems, happened to le rotors: 'God preserve your eyeakight.' 'Why or 'minim' the ratans. Reams, sir,' he replint, 'if yew eyes Tretaelea fat I Iwo. (4) stamina, more or Imo, to the intersection with the West limit of side road, between lots 5 and This deviation to he four rods wide ihrtmehnut, monitored at right angle* tn several (mussels, containing an meat nf one acre, venni to hrs. Both portions eribtairtiag together two aeon, more or less. .1 A MKS TEWSLEY, nide of Mormon'. peemown MIA pment Cl. fl AToli, which has nor., vet kited to give 1•110.1111 0•Itallart ton to Armors vrAo have used them. HENRY DODD. florter.rh, April 2!rol. lest A Good Farm for Sale! LOT 14 in the 4th eon. of the townahtp nf Stanley, in the enemy of H111110, can- t/tome 100 ser014. inoot or mot, hammy eosseher- shisolosnage Omens. Tweet neon*. AITITY' D. SHADE GOODING, fteheneh 4 1 202, flat .r 11 if A LARGE QUANTITY lu reerl, al and 4w eat. l . 1•AsE1'Elil' A H1'MKAI.t. H•rb.w Quay Oudee.rk b, 11.01. • •w177 tti HAMIILTUPI I I TiMEV) Nor EVEN '•1111 Eft " m issued ever) evening, in T11-14: luny our ;be Mail tie .ior W ew w the great We•r,•rn Iiadway.nd .ontator ■II the 1rle,repn .t:.patcbaw hum the .ret o1 55?, arnveln s' , .r, agwn, Nrw Volk'Marhi't•, andre,mtpeaihum ht ;he news id the da) , lavs) ami Provincial — 1115 • .5rralatum, more hen 15115.5 5I)y "titer prier pulsulod Wen 01 Toro.to,,t sOiw4. • an excellent hoedown our inferno g. Prior W 01 14,40:1, R•5 ler a8•u5. -s feu *bras month', in advance. d n.' ..lift, 4111 “LLra.• Ler e0,n,.a w .. 11 n.rtudriery F411 DAY rn„rninc. amt 'e5,. all tie ,prtant news of the day -Edit. Imka, M14111.11•110.011• 'Matter. Martrlt, ,lie ares and r mooted IV wiliwr,bers at '. • Ono D$lar Maar �ia in A0t!anee• Tb1 Weekly Tunes is the *abespe■1 and beet Family Paler pliWwheal I CasrY. - t'Mriss all letter., post pod, o • - C. E. STEWART & CO., ' Publishers of E.'rs.sg Tim as, Hom,fiws. C. -W. Ni ON BOOK STORE , ctorla Street, Clinton. PRINTER AND BOOKSELLER! Cad Whoa 00,10' PI 11, Dealer 01 4. hoot 614, .1.took &pro, Nil .41611,.•1118.111,f1116, • •1•11111 011141, smelts molly kr la bre. esioonery 1111! shorlr. 111411,,\14111i0•1 oiny ritrettooge. op Matter where whowbrd. i1,0" 01.• ITntortig tand• Room Papers ! Room l'apers 11 110erormi •••00•Anulnal Papers at move unusually 1.1,a1:0,1 :won layughe ter, Imo oral,l, I, rap's. tboy 4errd Oa polar., al great tarot... 'PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS! A LARGE LOT OF emu AT oLD pRicEs „ler r.111Z114 Groceries in all the variety, very low, • .„,. rill, 1.1011vtore no I Untaie. . lo Iv . 'Ill LT MOULDINGS ANi; PleitRES, A complior 1.11,1A steer. on hind and *wade deep. A.L L AND EXAMINE . any oar, vtlhat, eller in the Comity. tort ittenentowil the newsturet Printing 10 mein. Itta0,11011 Kati W: Sr% moue, R7.1..q.l. Floor Shirts,Collars, Neckties, Cap's. Which be is prcprred to Pell Cheap for HUGH DUNLOP, nEns to inform the ishatments 111 (10[IrrAlt I / That he h.,. REMOVED to the shop under EA. Johnson's Picture Gallery, SPRING a, SUMMER GOODS. Very montane Mr the fioderich Trade. ho I, he i. ready to sell id. THE LOWEST CASH 'PRICE. Debentures For Sale. I To Sabbath School Teachers r the Viihsge of hinemilino, being for Ihe, put- t been of ....ornery. The Debenture', ye•rly ii• tree stip" of January end Jill,' te WW. SUTTON, lies47 Tra, la MO rubiwallon., olonied by the AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY may M bad Item the eitooterther per rent. . Meier leen (Remand pen, 'Their publication. many oi them re.ngimeelnIn, •ilapowl loth* use mistime olSosolderd Tile. logical Literature. the works .4 Runyan. Kilter, Paley, to Mien. A dewriptiee calm 1,4•10r met on •pplelit mil 10 him fiOn. MORTGAGE SALE VALUABLE rROPERTY FINDER sed by shine of a Power of Sale: 1 1J' contained in Mortgage made by James ISummers, of the Township of Wawanosb. Ve arm part, Ellgthelh Snnorens, hie wife, of the second part, awl John Mrllarde, of the Township oiL Morris.. gentleman, of the tthird part, default laving been, made in the 'NEXT, as I-2 &dock. noon, the folloding property, vi half of Lot 'Smiler 'flinty eight, M the fimt concenairn, Wawa. noelt, enntitimeg 100 acres, of land more or ocolant ran ANT eitor. tormy Stationer. (orrhn ha. lately retorned freer IlhOr tune!), I 1:01 prepared to Farnath Wan It nooks 00111 howls. ruse •nd nide* will. and vrIth oni Primed Hosilinge, at toe tor vont crepes :hoe Tomato so repaired free rot' etis ere $700 TO LOILN lesh 101 re vete BOOT AN to the store formerly occupied st Mr. t Job Printing Job Printing t f Al tomes ler brava thaw of Wage PrintIout (*ref Li Accidents Assurance. PROVIDENT LIFE 188IIRINCE • . INVESTMENT COMPANY. 'SHOE STO TWO DOORS SO1J1710F opera he will be happy I reetive his old eustoolete E E.,.,,„,,..„ D4 Special A, i .11 Portisment,1 READ OFFICE : 0. 20, TORONTO STREET, TORONTO. es,.• SIGNAL' OFI'ICE, %,". . Hilliard column. cAttinorr, on the ILIUM 11141UARI. Cee RECEIVED, BY W. & Kkif! Dissolution of Partnership. two*. trio maleettinni is 1 hi. demnbresi by mutual 1-11 •14111 Ali SM. seronnt. des moo le‘ pawl hwthienh nr e.t.a Troll imteml. A 'wogs non. either ol taw Sausenhert he JA THORSON. A t) eye, one •hoold IV.v? de spirits ikons Ix Tin.* 6re en frequent that. amonling to the esperierwe of English Conipanoes, („N PF.NSONs IN EVERY TWELVE IS 1Ne JCII,LDFI,ARLY BY AC' IDENT. `r• ' BY ROAD, RIVER, OR RAILROAD Is the' Bush, the Streets, or, at Hos% 'may he provided arsine by Mims mit • Pobry ; le this Company• Inmeenrem Mr Mir sun., with weekly oil Application to 11110 JOHN HALDAN.Jr., Agent, Ooderwhi FOR .DkYS Valuable Farm For Sale.. w. R. BULLOCK. ilEINI1 Lot No 4, Rem. rn Diemen, 7th , Photographic Artist, &a Townshop of Coll...Fn., swab AA hrs.. of etelifert Wad, deed taste of rultivolion, with w /TA, RFN noy)Egyrn Fon tette (bal....oh, On rbe Northers Crewel It14111/ ?gm'. :."Iegm,„.1"""In'nle" Telma •nll Nemo Mar os ewe ranee Wee* h' 6. eellmalted work at Ow armee hawk 14 erre* cosi) ethres„ Tone, hmal,twa torMie: • fele rmys NOT, whim& Mom who mei Irmo kw part of the mower. rest7t