Huron Signal, 1864-7-7, Page 2Anton signal more or lees injured. Two of the 384 in our polnioa(►istory that has 4akeo P (sotne say three) Pave sine. died, and for a number of )ears. The •pint of con - thee, • ci'.auve and' good faith in which ova stmt added to the 83 already or 196.00ad. project bar been undertaken by our leather/ Dritig up the total killed to 85 46. statesman,., of opposite eatiooalities ted political opinions. afford the highest are t30DERICH, C. W., JULY 5, .1864. THE WAN. airs of the Anal server of their patriouc • endeavors. The Writers rellOa of the CABINET CHANGYIi• The immense teeouroes of Gen Giant's Province will, I doubt not, lima this pro Nt _ with peeeltar satisfaction, a •a veru Demi.: mind are all bent just now on the attempt on ane" part of their nppreucmatts AN Estes d the official (hustle, issued on destruction of the railroads leading to,, to Obtain for ahem tbeit just rights, without I Thursday last, anoonnoea the appointment Ricbmuod from the Smith. The teles ! compromie,ug ten peculiar claiau orpo Ictus rye iusnwuooa of thrlr Frsoeh tau on. George Brown to be President of graph, which, of course, never tibe, tleekhan brethren. The Btu moat Prommeor the Council iu the place of the Hou. Isaac; forms us that the work of demolition !ii t ad deserving of notice•re thw relating to Buchanan, resigned , the Hoo. Oliver. going on wholesale. It is easier, on the miuint aud iosn.. hent ire ted° of the* L.Julrture h.eius br.o directed to Mowat to be Postmaster General, in the whole, twisting railway iron than the ',necessity of protecting thisase end impor room of Hon. M. H. Foley, resigned, and I stubborn necks of the owners. General I Gut interest, sffords a lure indication of ahs Hon. Win. McDougall to be Prorm_ial Wilson, however, who has betty i source tram wbach great wealth to lbs Secretary, in room of Hon. John Simpson,°s bn country may s, that,ov be rtpncte. to "'M. -- Secretary on the demolition busiest, has been Ut theme Balls, that respecuug gold has ter resigned The Speaker of the Assembly headed off and forced to retire. l sewed special attention, and embodied, the having beep notified of the acceptance of Gen Ewell, who was reported to hseefas7otoa of the Leff isl•turtl of Aaiun ta Cahfornis, Britian Columbia, end the Mari time Premiers in British America No Country haring a lure comwercal pope• lidos could long afford to dispense with a law by which thou unfurtaoate in trade side obtain a discharge of their Cabilitiee, office, and the oonrev4uent vacation of their gone to Georgia, has turned up oo the sesta in Parliament by theee gentlemen, Potomac, near Harper's Ferry, with a immediately issued his warrant to the considerable body of men. The move - Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, to issue meat is a verybold and will,doubt, s bete they The effect egg, ata short rinse, the grape end canister mer• poured into their works, producing g eat mortaliy. !Iu last position was adwlabiy chosen.' nrar Hopewell Church, ■hire bit bstw''ie. made most fearful Palos, "h. tiff dispirited and chop fallen, pre up ITh ,result. THE RECENT REPULSE TO SHER- M AN. The following is the brief (oeciai) Sc. count of the late Federal disaster its Geor- gia --" A despatch from Gen. Sherman reports that on June 27th an unsuccessful attack was made by our forces on the enemy's position, which resulted in a loss to us of between two and thiee thousand. one, no fora of ISISNn sad esvalry were d se ss t het weighs and attack dad rot coofus. Gregg L the least, bet be dismounted and gave battle. Greatly we. numbered Untie contested the roust loch by tuck. Gatti be tut out so Ss to are hie artll- Icry, kepkie Confederate. In • positive co ld not us tbslrs. intercept his prozrees Eisele& thele Gregg a 6aukin them t left their nercely atterked his bath and rev. The The following particulars are given :— writs for the new elections Iu South Oz to 1' tk 11 p' and become again actin sod awful members Pudrntant w my o sen of the 24th ins., create no a ezelteweot to as tngtoe. fsoeist, The bill respecting iaolresey adiversion was m■ eon each flank of the Card, South Ontario and North Ontario. The capture of a few towns iu Maryland contains all prorisiuris necessary for the es enemy, especially down the Sandtowe The choice made by Mr. Brown does not or Pennsylvania would give Grant a espi- tablubmeat of rain -u for {be purpose of road. At 8 a. in. Gen. McPherson at - surprise us in the least. It is true, Mr. tel excuse fns abaodosiug the siege of Jim h rgecto thas•e rdjass efl persons fiantd itis tacked ■t the southwest end of about , McDougall is looked upon with suspicion II ichmood for the time beirg in cider to received the careful cowidentiou of ten most sad General Thomas at a point .Pont • by •great many Reformer*, sod it is also chastise the junior. Of 9berman's mays ante lawyers and martaotile mer° of the mile further south. At the settee time the Rosi e. I beg to preoint to your Eacetleocy same time the skirmishersand artillery us that Mr. Brown denounced him bit- w -rata we have no aarht•tic intelligence. the bill of supply for the service of the cur along the whole Iine keptup a sharp tire hely through the Globe for bis alleged One report u that be failed in hu assaults rent year,.to which I respectfully solicit your Neither attack au ed, though both abandopmrot of principle, but now that upon the Confederate position at Kepssaw Excellency's s assent. The Honorable the columns retched the enemy's works, Which Speaker of the L.. is!uire AtermWr thea are very strong. Geo. McPherson err putts the political milleatum baa been ushered mountain, another makes him victorious presented lbs tuhowi:e money bill :— Art his loss about 500, and Geo. ThOmat in, it is only reasonable that thou who The Confederates hare a¢sie blockaded Act for gnnnng to Her.!yenta c5Nun suss of moat aired for detrsyin Writ ex about '2000. Tho IoM u particularly expect mens should manifest bowels f' roc 11' J 7 req t o iseisstppt sod are reported to be penes of abs Civil Ounrnmesr, and fur heavy ie general field officers. Gspenl mercy towards others. We have always gaining ground in the West. Senator certain oche; purpo,eseoonected with the, Harker is reported mortally wounded. deft "mime from tin end of the year 1603 to ---- Looked upon Mr. McDougall, despite his+ Feaeeuden succeeds Mr. Chase iu the faults, as one of the ablest departmental Treasury department, and proposes -to oSeers in the House. of Mn Mowat, ; take immediate steps towards restoring we need only ay that he is regarded Gan the National finances toa state of health,— upright politician and able man—a work.a task of great difficulty, we apprehend. man who, we trust, will not need to be Taking the whole budget of news into ashamed of his work or the manner iii consideration, it would really seem that which it will be performed. There may the war has at Inst settled down into a be a sort of opposition tried against the r series of guerilla struggles, each general uewly-appointed Ministers, but the chances " going in on his own hook, ' and doing ,ref success are very dim indeed. I all the d image he can to public and priv- ate rixate property from Ruilw tys down to THS LATE aAILWAY'D18A5TE8! [ion -coops. The late catastrophe on the Grand emTHE RECIPROCITY TIt AtY. rank demands more than a mere passing v t of by T.rrsekr says the Colli 'rue appa.tte4 ice, because i4 is the most dreadful o fair Use kiud'Is has ever occurred is by the New York Cbamber of Commerce at this tt retry, and because the state of es most meeting to -report on thesubject of tN Iteopr.,ruy treaty with Canada, are busily things revealed by the Inquest on the engaged in inveatigatinr the subjeet,and base heaps of air,. cipal Beards of •Tracte in the --United States is such as calls for coneides, e ,ind into correspondence with all the prio- ation en the rpt of•.evety pereoo who ppe garde his own arety or that of the travel- ing public. The speed attained by the railways of our day is so great that every fur the pumas of sacersiiniog their views en the se,iject resliectitely. So for, we lean: with buts asin ! t Mzception, their opinion -is passenger by them as he is whirled along favorable w a contt°uatice of the treaty In- ted at the rate of perhaps forty miles per do report contain • daluable seriof documents illustnt54 the subject so clkagy bone is made to feel that between him and as to leave little doubt that it will cogi:tiand death 'there t, lifrndly " only a step."— the attention of Congress at ita neat session. A cracked wheel, a faulty rail, a mistake on the par f ociala of a minute of two BLACgwoon. . tt'e hare received Blackwood for June It contain in the startip of a train, or any ow th which rd r s c the hundred o e'r'little things a continuation of Tony Butter, and the Per within the r nge of possibility may at any petusl'Cunte, Also, Life of Sir William moment hurl a train with its priceless Napier; The Public Schools Report load of humanity upon inevitable deetruc- );ton; Letter from the Principalities ; tion. The speed of our\railroad trains, Cotoeljus O'Dowd ; and the CrLi.' f Par - however, is no more blamable to the greed ties. We need only add that it is for of railway companies than to the baste of sale bj all booksellers, as well u the pub the traveling community — not\eo much, lishem,, Messrs. Leonard Scott'& Co., V, indeed. The age is preeminently"jist York. For sale at this office. one. People who leave house on b pew to In the Huse of Lords, on the 13th or in search of pleasure. count every iso- ult., Earl Granville toured that the- [horse most of delay as so much low, and wereicconcur in the message of the Queen that a such a thing possible, would inve'•,t the l+enri°n of £1000 a year be grer,ted to the " wings of the miming,' or'Mr. O.skley'+ I Chanters of E gin. The Ea.l-of Derby ea - p • d his opinion that the .nm of E;gin lightning like see car in order to aceom' ; wou'd honorably associated with ore if the shortest, apace Dalh„us . Cate°i .,r, Herbert, avid Co ,•wall the case, ill that Lewis, a '0l whom had r.odrred s oat see to it that no services to nal deserved 'lard ly of lb 'r cuun t r y. plish their jou eZ of time. This bei railway men can do is precaution is spared to ensure a minimum . ,_ —_- _ of danger, and tf after that an accident 'Tho Elstoure c-trreapoadeut of'tbe should.00eer the public can have uo rea- l sopors 7 Stats states that nu the 5th June sonable right to complain. Berl there is the Kmg efDerimsrkopened the nee railway liue between Co nh n and Elunine The a class of railway accidents which eh•rufrf diautr,ceas ins csoow file■ a soot much mon never. and CAM net•er occur with tit inrelt•- thnn20 En„ lith miler. They hate made the ing criminality on the girt of those to n•lway-mor. than one-third tons., by going whom is committed daily ouch valuable rouui to F rederletaforg mod Ftedenslsorg, so that the fsst•st trains will not. gait over rhe freights of life and property --we mean drouu•f in less than two huns, ehi•:h' u just those which are attributable to the can- the time employed by the 'steamers plying leasnces or inefficiency of' officials charged frets Aort to port' The In,ers.i Chronicle states that the fame dwel'ing house on lrrroll Street, occnpied by Hr. Frank Folden. and owned by with the starling or direction of trains, whether they be station -masters, conduc- tors or ilritera. II this position ii accept- , ed a. correct, then we assert most posi- Nr. II F Martin, of Reschvilb, cru destroyed ttvely that the" Cereal accident should never by fire et noon t• Wedeesday. •. tt !nought eboutt by no misplaced !witch, 1sT d Mr. Harrison, stonecutter, fell no broken nil, no damaged machinery, 'lead in Owen Sound la►t week. nothing beyond the foresight of the most ltoT The baro of J. Lauber, Township cautious of men. The driver off that ill- of 11'oolwich, war struck bl lightning nn fated train prtceeded through the dark- Sunday last end burned down. 'in os sees for hours. Ile was not drunk we standing tiro by was kdkd. Odle, butanes he•halted at St. Ililaire ih" Capt. Hall left New London , CL, station, and bccanee he conversed intelli- on Wednesday of last week on an Arctic giblj'p%icr the accident, and yet in direct Exploring Expedition. et position to the plainly worried rules of • iaI" The hat factory of Petree alt Qo., bit employer., he neglected to place Perrytown, was wholly destroyed by fire a light on the front of Ilia engine, neglect- on Friday morning las. to stop his 'train when near the draw Tao Cairo fir Friers.—it is now sever. , budge, mneal hate neglected even to look ally admitted that the 'approaching harvest • in front of him when the lnrid sip al of will be inferi,r.to the last, even should the danger was burnln and by a series of .weather prove as favorable as farmers could F incnmprchensible !lupi iti: a dashed that wish. Theme was c'nsequedtly a rise in the canto of unci oesiose nfortunales in- price of wheat in the provincial eor markets I to a yawning chasm filled with water.— last week. i tl'e envy Dot hie feeling.; of' remorse r TM London Prototype st ues than on when he beard that Sti dead and twice as Thursday evenin,p the content, of the store of many of wounded were dragged from Mr. Hayden, of S'ruhroy, wer burned — little damage was doe* to the building. I The low will prohas.y exceed 11200. ; being soon at home in the far Went, THE raOdGQAT10I1. watched thus suddenly out of life. It is Speech of Has Excellency the (lower- most melancholy to think of the little nor General- I hare happened! The catastrophe was under the debris. It is and to think of these poor emigrant. braetng the perils of the ocean and n•joicing in the prospect of the 30th ofJune. 1 5. To this bill the! „The struggle to Gsorgu. Ronal anoint was signified ern the following l wu'ds. In Her Majesty's name, Hie F.tcel• Fran the New 'hit Yeses. limey the Governor Geser.l thanks ber'loyai subjects: accepts their benevolence, and The intelligence Irom Sherman's army, as arson to Iselill. After which His Ertel- we are infoitoed -bv the official war bulletin, bogy the ()warrior General was Pleased to tel uulari.rahle. Ile hat met with a decided melee the following hill for the ssenibeatwo; revemse. but nut a decided defeat. The lope of Het llajestf'e pleasure thereon :—•" An ; are generally stated at two thousand or three +let for the relief of James IJseniug." After tho.sand, including many valuable officers. which His Excellency the Governor Generally he battle was fuagfit about four miles north wae to close, the 24 miles from A el,{hth PrrduyiacW k Wlgaest_ w with the f 1 of ural .term n vainly attempted Itonforce toles•Jobffiton I;,,m this strung position by strategy yy, SPEECH. sod has tion tailed to take it by assault, which os Geiitlemew of the LegfslalireCounc 1. sus only m idr as • last resort. And a there Gent/ernes of the Legisiat a Assreibty"es tau rersJJlu w l sitters that successwould a read another effort to overcome this obstacle - I congratulate you on_liaring broujglit to the chances of Feder -alien' securing the corer sdossthe labors of this piutacted'teem,Itelpise,Al!auta,arenot—flattering. In troth sod on the large number of impurtaut mat Gener..l fiber inan's army a in atLemb•nviuk suns, both ut a public and prime caters. eitwiti-'n. The country in which it operated which you wive been enabled to ,ens. I is eahaustsd of supplies, and the single line o treat the act respectinJ mtolvency sail Plan, ,ailwed from Ctuvtienooga on whist the army the relation: at debtors ad creditors u i 'rest depend for pro+•iswna I: out anly con eatittactury basis, -and will give relict' to tee sunily iotrrnpted by the coukderaus cavalry honest but unsuccessful trader. l bark Lad J but is :.b!, t., be w damaged as to be ren greet pleasure m going Her Msjestr's aunt 1crJ urn. r •t Guy ejnmem ton do Canni eo. 1S There was 'a delighUhl shower' at Seafurth on Friday last. Sfir Our poetically inclined contribu- tors must not feel aggrieved if their effu- stons do not as. the light, as we have an immebw stock of the article oar hand. Air On account of the length of the Schedule of Convictions we cannot give the usual quantity of reading matter this week, but we will make ample amends in our neat. i7 Mr. Samuel Sloan having purchased the entire bankrupt stock of R. W. Wallace, contenting of Dt7 Ooode,Qroceriessod Ready Made Clothing, which will be disposed of by public auction and privet. sale each day till the whole stock is isposed uf. Great bar- gains may be anticipated. !LAIN AT LAST• The long spell of dry weather was broken on Friday last by ,• most welcome shower, the effects of which on our patched fields was at once visible. On Saturday even - jog we had another fine shower here, and a copious one, we learn, in some of the Northern townships. The influence of the moisture upon late Spriog sown grain and root crops will be magical, after the great heat of the past two weeks. We see by our exchanges that the break-up (awas quite general—extending throughout auada as well as the Western States. rat. Accmoasr.-0u Tuesday tut, 24th alt.,o townsman, kir. Elijah Moore, received from Sa;rtnaw the sad news that his son Wi- lliam, while engaged in painting a building, had fallen from a ladder and sustained fatal injuries. The agonised father immediately waited for the scene of the diaster by way $ Detroit, hut found 'that the remains of his boy had been shipped foi'Guderich on the 'Hertel before his arrival. f was then compglled with a heavy heart to reteece his steps, and only arrived at home oo atarday evening, , aft..' the body had been conveyed to its resting place ie'the Goderich Cemetery. We feel certain that the whole com nity sympa th ises *id" the family iso its pecui loss. THE STAMP ACT.—The new law came into effect on the 1st f present mouth, hut we do not see that ly painful 3rd Book.—Mary Munro 340, David Johnston 337, David Elliott 325, Lucy Young 324, Thos. Johnston 323, Thos. Best 255. 4th Book.—Sarah Davidson 349, Eliza A. Elliott 314, Martin Johnston 301, Janet Coleoutt 2ti2, Eliza EcIlwain 281, Mary Dunlop 25'7,s Margaret Ross 235, John Gordan 229, Ann Hinccks 167, Jane Dunlop 160. 5th Book.—C. F. S. Stokes 203. Writing. -3rd Clea.—let, Margaret Robinson, 2nd, Lucy Young, 3rd, Thos, 4th Class—Ist prize, Jeuet Coleustt *, 2nd, .Soria Mocks, 3rd, Margaret Ross,' 4th, Mary Dunlop, 5th, .unnie.Lowas,6tb, Jane Dunlop. 5th Class. -1st prise, C. F. 8. Stokes. Mr. McKidd's Prize to the favorite scholar of the school, chosen by the scholars, Mary Munro. This prize was a handsome book of stereoscopic viywa, and was presented in a manner calculated to make a lasting impression on the ftlbeiver's wind. It being 12 o'clock, the scholars were forme in procession, and, headed by fife and drum and the British flag, marched to the pio-aie ground, which was iu a de- lightful grove. But the ruin commenteg at that time broke into the proceedings very materially, so much so that after par- taking of a repast which did great honor to the ladies and young people of the stre- tioo,the children and viaitors,ebout'27 in all, were compelled to retire to the school- house to listen to the speeches. Addresses were delivered by Ret'. Mr. McKidJ, Mr. W. T. Cox, and Reeds. Messrs. Kerr and McCap in, Mr. Lawrence acting as chair- man. Excepting the d raiprning effect of the rain, the whole affair teras a decided, success, and we hope it will not be the last of the kind given by the owe people. EUROPEAN NEWS. Sacuy 11uot:. lot July, i r. a, The steamship Arabia,fr,nt Liverpool 18th, and 19th of Jute; hits pasted harems route to New York. Iters nos no newa,on tnt Danu- (,erman qu.•tbou• 'A rote of censure against the Goserpmeat relative to the .{ahantN w• was del'rdted in p toe Houle sit Communs by seven ret a majority he f"r the goiernment The ppportien regaad this as • virtuel defeat rf the genre. wo sit. Leaden, June IPIh. Tree conference in -t yester'ay , altermooa. ad all the members ae-r premed. A C.ehptet ncil as held r 'trrd.iv after memo. Tta . •edin;;a en I'an:ament caysrd the stock r , Ihas thus far contributed much to the de- pleted revenues of,the Province, in so fur p as Goderich in concerned r— no stamp pro issuer having beeu appoiutad. As the principal to the act fur the elective audit 01 toe public part, of J ,heitoi 's cavalry are en this line, accounts ; and to: the more -compete- pre. and we already have reports of serious dam "maim, of any expeuditure of pubic money, are the road. Besides this,several thousand • withuutany previous sanction of Parlisu tut. uta, tri „fierce troopshart been sent to aid in e work of destruction. The Fedora army in`Georgia, may not he i,l any Unwed, , but it is certainly menaced with ordinary character. The discover es of moues of the precious metals within our territory have rendered eacesary new regulruuysmnference to the ate d.in,_, m.nage:wet of that part of the pubdc{•I,eres of n prt.peny, stat I c.rtideotl,y expect that the enactote,l of the Gold Mining Bal! of this - - serioemill lie toiled effectual ter the protect.l With slit Inches of Success. tom of the rerenur amid will susutwte the r 1y the Y. E a . el 'ro t . Neer !/ d< n WCUt uf this las p purtrut ...branch al 'the Pr•,viucalresourcer. I rejoici W observe I ' cat you hive-,Jirted a me.aure fur the toe in another tole n we .publish • letter from pruvemeut of the jury system of Lowey' our correy;orldest Ottt, Bermuda Hundred, gin Calla .a, and 1 feel a•9ured that the Adntim. tog some tactile Mikan' to the didculues in Iration sit justice generally thereupon sail be ; the James river, is answer to our etrtctures eimp:itiert to procedure, and reduced tee cat' made a few•daye since on the inactivity ut the by` the other measures et law reform imich ,hautes river flotilla. All that has been said you are matured, me aster to our article hen only established .Gentlemen of the Legislative Auemtly : the truth of our state.ueuitt mote clearly, and ' on', Lx'Cense es before the pub the tingle fat t Thy system of taxation which yvu nave that'an tree-Ru•tic direction lf the Nary Ili adopted sill, 1 am convmeed, ter ' to the p.rtmeut would have totems ell the obuta uelit bermes• the revenue y and t r Sit I 4 I arebetween C !i thatI tet M ti t •oar and t Ourbe year. This result of . W the }'ruvince within the LeiL ti asacial rebs! ca(oilal. to have the huppiret t e t uponthecrredit uot hf •The now defence, thea, of the inlctivity of P, F1D ()lit ur navy in the James river is thatod A' Canada abroad., and will tend to promote the growth of public confidence at boats. The boats. did not teaks that river to fat otrr gun petrns. on -you havemsde for the adma and I Pmts. We du nut know bow ankh trate volun;cer furcrs sill, i tract, raise -ib.t ind 91. 1 was in the James river when the Galena and portant brash of the puhuc service Is an' Neu •atuck want up to Fort Dulling. nor hiss impede”( state of ettiinericy• . than'; rbn twit; water t7,se yemsels drew ; but we accep for the supple. you ban scan than,:: (leer ,, "' d,.ubtirse t. ue tbt present etatelneut the. tricrc are `only eievcn festal a certain m Majesty fur the geneal set visas sit as yew , Pq Cult I with take caro th.t they 'sal, be niiu i° the ever, and that Admiral Lee's gunbo t awed with a due regard to economy. draw twelve: Admiral Lee of course cawed{ I'40 cep tie river under thew circuaratancee . Gentlemen and Gentleman,. amid thus twelve inches of mud at the bottom The ltege'nue-ero( private_ bills ehicb of that rt -ram pankze this gnat nation.— with hive peeved, licit the marmot' the subjects s than that ere'. Admi-►I LM spa lighten with whish they arecunrersaut, an satufac. hi • boats w that the only safety of Richmond tory proofby tha growth of comthercial and fns the retry .!.all lie in six inches of !Tad 1saiiifactstt enterprise, shit, the en, r. .a: the \,item of the James. But that is • which ehaiYet,?rires Chore engt cd .n m as misty hotter than a thuwaud furt. q. fur of trial occupavi .nes. 1 am gladrte tee that you rains tht?te mireno gunboats of li„b'ter dnli here made sem,. prdcisioni for the cumrlet.un - then th<.s.' tro'w with Admiral l,ee ; nrar can o1'the sur cry tel Ike hue of railway by wlicli a.'tr.Le bur t. W'0 have lavished money in it is propp •rid to conei l'anmids with Sne ad• thy attempt ; bet we cannot build light draft jmning Provinces of Biiteth Neith America, ' dunb,ats. IV, are a great inventive and and l.1vet thereadt of that surrey stay•'io:d. 'mechanical p.ecp!e ; we canaccompiiahalmost evidence. that this great uhjrat a attainable any feat thnt rr.lwres invent -4.n end mechtni allcat within [he"Itleaesoh these Proewces. I cara.i f, excel t bolding gunboats of light the time has attired when a, cosst,tuaiwaf I draft. That wr.Cannot do We have spent gtertion,+hick bit cur may yearsawitated two thousand million d•sllaei topu t down the this Pruvinct, u ripe for uttlemeul• It u nLrllinn, and six inches el mud prevent is. my intention, daring the approaching realty And the long-haired lotus eater at the head to endeavor, ianne ?fletiun'with my Mmiet of the Navy Department dreams. to devise a plan for this purpose, w htch soler - - t• he laid before l'uhatueut et its nest rantigg. Iii releasing you ('rum further attend.mce, 11 woad impress upon you the importance of E'I irn time New York WurW using the talisman which the confidence of The asriwltonl prespeets of len coen'try stmt fellow subject, confer upm los to herr the nrar 1 Sfil to not look promising. In sectre for sty scheme which may be proposed eoneeauYence oif the severewinter in the Weer, with Ibis inner a calm ad Impartial can • the wheat crop in the eaten of Ohin,lrtd,ona, eitteration, bili in Yahainent and tSrough. Illinois, luwo, Minnesota, and Michigan, end out the country. Dat of Michigan, end part of Pennsylvania. was materially damaged, and, from the hest • 'information reeeived, will yield hut little more than half the tumid number of bushels n those states. It wee hoped that this deficiency mit the crop of wheat would ha made go r4 by special despair h , The Termite of Mr en increased -production of spring sown grains; C bass Say his b hut the weuhur at nether& and planting tin e of a r"l" . long entertained, and delayed "era re {"culrl, wet, and unfavorable, which, only by avCulent ; tlut he we determined to ...rill the great scarcity of farm labor,prereet leve the cabinet, and had prepared his reel ed the sowing Ind planting of anylhing .sear onion at thw time ,Frank ftlair made h s the usual numhbr of acres. From our et violent assault upon the treasury department, change', and thrua;th private MYrce., we stud oecasion,el tilt appointment of an invert• learn that in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois not ligating eommettee ; Ili d he could ret mnro tbrn one-half' the average breadth of homrnhly retire while this investi;anun was laod'ir planed to curn,and that the proportinr pending, but treat tod►y duce the committers ret tau, Mrkyamid peas is about the same. °sal reported, exonerating him from aft Hence, wrro the season flim May to October shadow of censure, he availed himself of the ever M favorable, threw must of necessity be fitk moment whoa n could to don! wide' a large decrease in the amount of grain bar honor to jeiircisptoryly r.gign. Ir a added ; vested in 1964. The p tapect, however, is a an additional moon, that.last waning the I now mncti mon enfa•onblr. In the Nnnh !•eratnryyuttmuted to the ilha.tce commuter half of Illinois, in Iowa,Minnerot•,'t'isconsin, of the Senate and to time ways and meant Nebraska, and the north wuteatem part of eomlwiuee of the limrse a' bill laying addi.' Miehngau, a severe dronth hasmatrrirlly and tional laser upon crnon la;uries, such n manomit:y injured the crops. Nbest, oils, whuurr, nsD+ceo, petroleum, kc, agaom. °`sky, and the grass crop cannot, in this ponied by a statement that it sou ab.oletel ^ars. extant s ' productive western territory, r ecessary to provide Mr 11' ,00n000 mon ,recover, .sen 'under the moat favorable mak revenue from this Murce to enable live g.re- pace4 so u to glee morn than half the aver lrnment to sn nn with teeter, and that 'he 'alio Bald ; hMides. the dry weather is favor' tis deter with which his propixli;ion wsa re- g p ived by both commetees had strengthened fav is determination to ahand,tn the office, the dmimuntinn of the duties of which wero V°"d b 1 h 'll M ndend dint sill, almost to an imr esarbilit y the follies of the admim,ietratien nil the ne haul, and the unwdlingnees of Congress u the other , to provide the means to sustain ne public credit. A eorre eponndeet of the Herald. dating. fwidgnarters, Jame 29in, sirs , lat nidnt en. Iwdhe ncnpied a knoll and threw up ■ Id work for a siege batter?, it wee a poti- on we Ave. her,, unah'e tq hold heretofore ine• a morning the Con. I person lucky enough to secure the ap• intmeot will rcali se at Icat re r<n 1po ft u 1 , per day by -the emululut'nta we should • I think there . would be a regular scramble. for the office. 11'here arc you, office- - seekers ? Now is your time fur a good fat berth 1 SMAL P ' \ 1./ L- 03C I. F,,.IONDVILLE. A family of Highland emigraote arrived in Egmoudville on Saturday, the 25th u1L, and moved into a house close to the village school. On the 29th, three of the family were taken down with the'emall- pis. They are in a sadly destitute state, end we understand that sem f thel d matt: to t l en n,t01 In. reared >hearu,eas yrs tenlay unit iy,but toaa,ds the c;.:-! abetter 1 feelingrailed. ` A letter was R.il u to ' - lerda fromores Lloyd's y y the foreign .JM.e, stating that . r Majesty's kti+.i: ers at Co,.rtr' hagen Las n.,. ted Ihot the I1.ani.h gotein went had not y determi,lef t e Ieuttb of notice to be sir I to British ship., iu,;, in event of the estabil meet lib the bitel:At sit the Garman ports, t some dray sill W Loud..., June 19. The Spaumh Minister at Parishas declared that Spun ha, no idea of the conquest of Peru- lis the House sit Lords Lord Ellen borough spoke on the Danish question, and regretted the abandonment of the tieaty of 1882. and hoped Emitted would insist on its proposition of settlement being earned out, and asked if the., f:kitub deet was ready to blockade the German ports. Lord Russell defended the Government, but regretted that of the peudmg sitting of the Conference he could gyre no explaeations, Cs reguids the deet he said it was toady to go anywhere. Ir reply to Lord Derby he said the question of peace or war could be settled in a few days. London, June 18. Fierier Bros. report breadstuff, steeds— Coffeequiet and steady. Tea firm but . uiet. 4 }'rut,leum firmer, refined 2s 2d. Linseed oil tends downwards. Tatlow steady. American securities nominal without sales. • Letter from Ganbehtit- From the Dundee Advertiser we lean that lk..etal Garibaldi has returned the folluwiug reply to an address from the working men of Duudee,forwarded to btu' un his departure from this eouotry C ' , May, 1.564. 1 thank from my inu,,st seal the working men of Dundee for their loving address. All honor to the maw who rates his. bread hon- estly by the sweat of his brow 1' he is to me for more estimable than a Ring upon his throne, and I extend to all of' such of every oatwn, and of every creed, the right hued of fellowship. I. too, have worked manfully to support myself and those who were dear to rte. and sell know that maty a noble beast beau under an humble garment, amid that iu spite of poverty, "a man's a roan for a' that' Ivrea grieved m this my advent to the land of the brave and the free at bring unable to erns! my visit to Scotland—the country of Brum and Wallace. I cull, believer. hope that this Is but a pleasure deferred. I accept as aismu.ury your stood wishes for the pros- perity -and tnedem ,t my beloved country: Once shai.eu from off her bosom the fortj despots that now impede her progress; way she i.aitatvlyour glunoes nitron w industry: a bit amide veli . , . tau o 1 t• i. 0 1 ee more 'hank I T you each andiall for your good opinion of m e, the which I will endeavor never to las kit.— Yours, lc., G. GARIBALDI. The British Ministry. • ' The Tory papas are out in full try that the Govrruutent is about to he deftaieJ.— l'hey dada e that event to to as eel fain as illy thing human cat be when the vote.lW-want of cunhdeuee uow being colucocnd shall lie proposed. It is not impoestbb, therefore, that we are ken the eve ofa esti Ritual crew and • general election, for Lord Pahnerston is cot the 1041110 retia from the head, of affairs wttln..ut a strug,'le, especialy when the deytb pt the present 1 ttrlistnerd is held by- the ea viten to his desirable, end under circumstances, all Lot certat's tri ensure the rerun of a far larger nblllor of Liters) repry•Motuives than at pr. -.rut occupy seats to 'the Cummuw I 11 use, A eemu-otficiel •Paris paper; stipple-'! nh•t:tbig the Euiluh reports, &matt. that not only is the Fo;flish y;tarrrptivea patty about Ito want the Cahirirt to acebWd roar the a hhte of its porky is respect, of Deutaark, bot a'so t ;worn (hat ills only guarantee and the Only amfeguetd of peace reveries in the genial t'Lu,;res, prop -sr.{ by the Emperor Nepwk m. I H,w mu.Ii truth there may be In all.tins lime attune can deterruiuurf ►tit diet an issue-ul shoot to he penes) between the two great I political sectiotl seems move certain. 1 he I 1 mt'+titre of sus cess. alleri4las the 'fury dash fen 15,wer woud.depeudvhry materially upon th-'nselt of the Cuokreme.-1,10100/4 o'er. I Gleba. ' Soealsu Muss•M'S•rgu.-mtev. Wm. B. Dowoe. Howes N. Y.. writea " Mrs. M. A. Allen's W orld's Heir Restorer bee been aue- cesaful in n'atnanyg say hair, and the World's Ilan Dealing 1t16 tau equal. It cleans.. the hair and Scalp, removes harshness and dryer and always produces the. softener,silhinue and natural gloss so requisite tut bootie baly." Sold by druggists everywhere. Depot, 194 Grseuwteh it., New York. IMPORTANT SALE or •auvat.z T O W N LOT g Ise fYt VILLAGE Or • CLI ITT©ITI' Twenty -Fight Vales* Village Utz, Ibiunsg Mot ,.f the well known 00&DON Ke- lso, ma rhe t•ltlare of CLINTON. will ha said BY PUBLIC AUCTION, 0.t WEDNESDAY, JULY 27th, 18641 C I X ,.f them Lots. via : Now P0, 300, 98t.9ae \ N7,3W immediately, Wpan the Rooth ode of the Railway dostem, sad are well adapted tut Warehaue11 sad ■aantseteries. Ti'wLou, Noe. 3e9. aced 3N, are North Mike Ka Tway, srJ the remainder, vas. Noe. h32,137, 341. 661 In the new .e a of {b. Oo,doe east.: .61,64, R3, a, NM, 0 wren the ulwtry and tke BAY- FIELDRIVER, end sew ' Eligible for Pritrat 7, N, 15, et, r7, 33, 39, 4e and ,or • • 1.. The Lois wilt be put aper me from 840 to etiOsadadd esthe shove anti penis. - I WITI1OIT'r HESE Tkr• a.II afford such an opportunity ar oeered.oi powering rein Mudding Lots slit, item of crib* is this n.•u•iah.og low TEsiMN One fourth of the per. hale money down. or •1'Prov.d ,sins suit. a ihrrr m.+,tba, With isle ems: the rrvntue t t litres rqu.l nsnuat mels} Inen. With mtres4 veer.y on the unpaid pe.•e,. pal. AJ. -e, will beelv,-n when the in.. pay,osat a min, and • mortgage taken lot .b• sube segment payments tale to commence en ose p. Von the Iced south ,t It,. Railway ti trios Iti.x u•lona Os For parlw tiara apply to H I Dt RNUTT eve ; liodenyh, H. HALE Chilton. or to Residences. dllfir VE seldom Rorer - allowed. ' • e +oy ne I. e14, .Ju 1=.. S ales of cotton to -dry, 7,•ou bales; Inatet, irregular andeasier, but qui• duty uncha mg. ed. "peculators and exports took 20,101 pate.. Smith O;I}Gan Jed m t '- 17th tut It Is A'ported on autLyi ray, sai- -t be trust worthy, that the Conledera'e rhes r, Ala hama,ha left,or will leave Cherbou today, to engage the Ceded `States steamer Kerr I G. I[. TRIIEILLN, Aurh,•Ita . Aute 1st. NCI w33 -td MORTGAGE SALE VALUABLE PROPERTY . U\DERMdby si,tee of Powerof Sale ,ontained in • Mortgage 'made by James Seamen, of the Tonnehip of Wawanesh, of t e first part, Elizabeth Summers, hie wife, alb., second part, and John Millard , of the Township of Morris. gentleman, of the third pair, d. fault having been rsade In the doa,paymeut thereof, will be sold et the Aur ort Mart of ME'SRS. THOMSON AND H A ZL EH l' HST, Kin town Street, Goden'-.•Yb,, Q.1 fl'ESDAi', 16th DAY OF AUGUST NEXT, at 12 o'clock, noon, the Wowing ose v + . rt 1 EastIf . s ha ,f Lot "feather p t That eight. in the first concision n,B•ws. T -nosh, containing 100 acres of laud more or less. Deed under Power of Sale. Full ppaerr-- lieule s can be dad by apgdying to ten Ube' _ M. C. CAMERON, Solicitor for Mortagee. Goderieh I 5 J th, IRA{. w23 T hearten] neighbors arc getting upa sub . Which will be Exhibit;,, In CRABB'S VICTORIA HALL. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday Evenings, July 'tb, 5th and9th, at -4 o'clock, and Saturdayafternoon, Jul 9th at 4 o'eloek. scription for their relief Mr. Gerrood, ' GSL1.931.1141.910:91 a !.4'f (.,.'suet . 4 '1; IILDEtI N 1u Cents. on learning the alarming news very pro . .. erly dismissed the school. The villagers are considerably excited about the matter, i ✓ as well they msy be. No doubt the town- I ship Council will see that the sufferers are rebtoved to 'a more retired place and I t hproperly eared foe. t Short Crops Certain. THE AERMAN WAIF. Washington, June 30.— The Hearler says'= resignation n the consummation family° father, mother and chid g*" Iso, -- eters -+lee n sill in each other's `t'tel'ee, June 30. --sleeping psa0ef 7Thio day, at noon, His Excellency the I ec arms en that foal night, when in a few 'Iovernor General proceeded in Sate to the I b momenta they were te be wrenched violent- Clamber of ill. Legislative Council, The i • membersof the 1.• slative Council Ming ' re ly smatter or buried together in the long .aremhled, Ifo Eseelleney was pleased to D Isrlt aleee, bet it et galling to have to pyo- comasimd the attendance of the Legatatie. jun 6empleta ten fact that the etatutropha wen Atssmbly, aunt the limuseDeng preunt, a . V number of Hill• wereaea.nted to in Her Mr t lawtaRhl os b7 the stepdity or worse of jesy'a nano, by Ila Etcelleary the °over- lie i th• train. if the Case is as Sue O"""eal' p dadi germs. ageism his as we fear it Tb. Hon.srrble the Speaker of Ihs Legis . O I•tive Assembly thwn aAdostesl Hu Eaesl fa ......... the sh able to ten rrowth and multi lieation of the chinch bo which have made their appear sees in great numbeas in the West, and it is that what the Areuth as a .wt Naiad by these rapacious inserts. Besides the eery dam .g,ng Arouth in the West and the injury Ly insects. c.•mlderable damage hes host already etatai nod en New 1'nrk and Canada, in eonewquenee of the extremely dry weather Ihat.hpd eweetled in the eastern and middle "einem nh the Union for the past three weeks. Mn that them is no disguisingdie feet that there is to be a.!,ort crop of all des. e,iptinm of grain threnghout the United our skirmish I The Misses. This 1101 a pltasnbgnayaret; Majts is ,ntesit l n wine, std aft► s ae., s nn M be p pared fef spm mi s , and on it fmm three dt1/. n,n r smniom, and will unAhahtedly do their °view of noel Yall. moat trader The 5e ge gun., four thin - it pos,tde.s, Gill M pis. in pewitinn sir all Tea lends,n rrnrs, Is/ this IIs► set., I. Herrsld says tar far this is the bent year for potatoes saints: M' that has horn known in Cornwall M a Ira& rw•t James clew, says Orae than. &sags, les bnnn h..a yMM tare web •tae&• les pant meet at- lent] the Onvernnr General as follies :— ti Yu dies miss of msrder. Nay it roue your Eree!lemcy — In pre. 'demon acne ed what had he. n A Wes lelkf ee to the senting t t your Reeslleney Om bill of tapply parwaa on the tale. th. n t Itopneanill tri i IM !rain, who, we may tlasatira, mese refer a some nl the pr++eipal to .ose •bleb At by the pest* 'e. a Man- have engaged the ettentioe of the Lea ie- emit papa w Isle diming the pveeent eserion. Ty 5"„„t Ibe 1.111 —it w • that nares of parents, having for ins obp„t T was et tit* ss'wettlement of tee nesse sail lmSeelt gsssnaae eon AtAM%ay wresiag, ghost 1101 sew Imlay sob kwve amen i" lbw •„tki5. of at is 1 es salsa berwMs ten two Pro for Ibis Mrmn 1 trwoslgbd, chalet if She ethers Bawl an le ass :ee4 pt'wwleeat sed important *teat w ht of the attack nA ttfinelsLa w w"7 pees, end it r stated that thaw W see*? M tering the sear wad deers. rs.eruasd etatinn a ten I 4 and Mian t hen near en Mary's ehaeeb that • leers vhe,, at .a w.Ay n petite of the sa•rne • MR, DIC CSON'S RETURN. Our\attr;ntiee Scaforth correspondent ( rites t say that the popular and rw- ted representative of these Cuun'ice I arri ed at Seaf'rth from Quebec on the ; 29th It. and Was mat cordially received by his any friends in that locality. Ii. was evoked to Streng's Hotel, where re- Ifreehmfnts. had been provided. After partaking of the good ihiegr placed before them, the crio' any called d'. Ramsay, seq., tin the chair ' and prepared to listen to whatever remarks Mr. Dickson might think proper to make. lie did make ■ speech in his original style, but ourteport- cr foils to give us anything like akar idea of what was said on the occaion. \e ehnuld certainly like to hear Mr. D.'s opinion of the Coalition, Mr. John Cameron, of the Mill Road, Dr. Camp• bell; of Bayfield, Thas. Govenlock, esq F. of' Mel‘flop, D. Moran, of Sekforth, and I. F. Tome, eat, of Goderich, "leo made short speeches, after which the mutant. party broke up. PICNIC, S. 8. NO. 5, CODER! H TOWNSHIP. We had thmleasure of attending an examination and pic-nic in connection ' with the above school on Friday last.— The school is composed of a number of extremely bright and intelligent looking children, and the exercises, conducted by Rev. Mr. McKidd,gave ample evidenoe to the visitor, present that Mr. Lawrence,the teacher,ie eminently qualified Ise discharge .fftciey,tly the important duties devolving upon him. Itis teaching is based on a thorough system, which, if properly coin. cid:d with by parent., must hare a most beneficial effect. immediately after the Examination, a number of handsome' Prises were distributed according to the following system of cretin marks, the narthex given being the highest in each clans. It is to be understood' that for every lemon repeated perfectly, fro marks ars credited, and for a legman with nine mistake, but no more, oat mar.' 1st Book.—flenry Ltppid 271 marks, Thee Young 204, 4gVea Johnston 199, Hugh Davidson 1.116, Marlon Hineka 57, .Sohn Res 80f •ldary A. Porter 66, Mar- garet Rosa"48, Hannah Lippid 41. 2nd Rorok.—Margaret Johnston 26fi, Men. Fowler 252, Jane t(nhinann 24", R&M Fowler 229, Ellen Vetter 161 ,John Hineks 149, Jabs Johnston I43, Hugh Dunlop 137. Sequel -'Jessie Munn 276, Elisabeth Best, 4th, Heart Johnston, 5th, Mary Mishima, a, brit, David Jnbrstns, Fowler 271, Sarah A. Cedeeet1274, Res sena Johnston '274. 673 091 6-3 CD AND PORT OF NEW YORK. EAST RIVER SIDE. on Bullard's Panorama of New York City.