Clinton News-Record, 1974-12-24, Page 13the Christmas Eve Communion service. Lodge Ladies Exchange Gifts The members of Amber Rebekah Lodge met recently with the Vice-Grand Mrs. Ber- tha MacGregor acting as Noble Grand in the absence of Noble Grand Mrs. Margaret Consitt. Mrs, Beatrice Richardson assisted as Vice Grand. A character committee was ap- pointed. The Vice Grand reported for the visiting committee and Mrs. Dorothy Corbett gave the treasurer's report. "Thank you" notes were received, also thanks for flowers received by members. Arrangements were made to drape the Charter on December 18. The C.P. & T Committee ,held a progressive euchre party in the Lodge rooms December 12. Following the meeting, Carol singing' was led by Mrs. Evelyn McBeath at the piano. Mrs. Irene Blackwell directed charades and Mrs, Dorothy Parker gave a reading entitled ' "A Christmas Story". Gifts were exchanged from the Christmas tree and a social hour was enjoyed. Legion Auxiliary Meets The December meeting of the Hensall Ladies Legion Auxiliary. was held December 3 with president Wanda McClin- chey presiding. Past-president, Mildred Chalmers installed Kathleen Grefger, as a new member. Plans were finalized for the New Years dance. The Auxiliary and Legion members are sponsoring a childrens Christmas party for members on December 22. Mildred Chalmers won the mystery prize, and Wanda McClinchey the guessing prize. The money doll draw was held on December 21. St. Paula ACW Prior to the regular meeting of St., Paula ACW, shut-in Christmas boxes were packed at the rectory on Thursday af- ternoon, December 12, The president Mrs. Anderson opened the meeting with a prayer and the minutes were read and approved. The study book was given by Annie Reid on "Settle thoughts before evening". The Officers for 1975 are the same as in 1974. Correspondence was read and dealt with. Mrs. Forrest and Mrs. Anderson read about the Eskimos in the far north. It was decided that the ACW would send a donation to the Hunger relief and the Missionary budget of the Church. Mrs, Anderson closed the meeting with a poem. Girl Guides Enrolment The members of the first Hensel' Girl Guide Company fell into formation, in full uniform, marched into the hor- seshoe formation and stood at attention while three tender- foot guides, Roxanne Lavery, Karen Shiels, and Jo-ann Pep- per were officially enrolled by their Guide Leader, Mrs. Eric Luther and her assistant Mrs, Arthur Slade. After a quick exit, the Guides reappeared, transformed into candle-bearing angels, humble shepherds, wisemen and the Holy family to present an im- pressive play "The coming of the King", narrated by Yield Mann. The choir of angels, ac- companied on the piano by Mrs. Joyce Pepper, sang the ap- propriate Christmas carols as the play proceeded I Mrs. E. Luther concluded the programme with an inspiring prayer in front of the Nativity Tableau. The Guides then graciously and proudly served coffee and their own home baked cookies to the mothers present. Euchre at Lodge A Christmas euchre was held Wednesday evening in the Henall Lodge rooms. Spon- sored by the C.P.&T. Commit- tee, eleven tables were in play. Winners were: ladies high, Mrs. Joe McLellan, Seaforth; ladies low, Mrs. Glenn Bell; men's high, Ernie Chipchase; men's low, Alex McBeath; most lone hands, Annie Reid. ' A draw for a ham was won by Joe Carter of Exeter. Chiselhurst UCW "We have seen a great light" was a poem read by the president Erla Coleman to open the Christmas meeting of the Chiselhurst UCW, which was held in the Church on December 10. She also welcomed the members and several visitors with Christmas wishes. The roll call was answered by 19 members stating what their favourite Christmas carol was. The treasurers report was given by Dorothy Brintnell and there were several donations given by the ladies to charitable organizations. Dorothy Parker used as her theme for the worship service "No more darkness'. Dorothy Brintnell and Mary Brintnell assisted her by reading the scripture. Rev. Don Beck enlightened all with his Christ- mas message on "Lightness". For the programme, Dorothy and Mary Brintnell, Marg Cole . and Pearl Taylor sang "Silver Bells". rtse candle lighting service with all partierpailrig was' :"on- ducted by the Minister before the meeting was closed, after which Rev. Beck pronounced the benediction. A gift exchange followed with secret pals being revealed. The hostesses were Fredo Boa and Beatrice Boyce and Sarah Dick. We soul You Greetituis The delightful holiday season is here! May you enjoy every moment with family anct friends in true contentment, . . and we' wish you the best of gifts: peace on earthy good will toward men! R. E. (Bob) McKinley M P for Huron.Middlesex DIESEL Punips and Injector' Repaired For All Popular. Makes Huron Fuel Infection Equipment Bsylleld Clinton-024971 INSURANCE K.W, COLQUHOUN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Phones: Office 482-9747 Res. 482-7804 HAL HARTLEY Phone 482-3693 JOHN WISE GENERAL INSURANCE— GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS Clinton Office: 482-9644 Ras: 482-7285 BRYAN LAVIS INSURANCE General and Life Office: 10 King St. 482.9310 Residence: 308 High St. 4824747 ALUMINUM PRODUCTS For Air-Master Aluminum Doors and Windows end AWNINGS and RAILINGS JERVIS SALES Jervis-68 Albert St, Clinton ,482.9390 CLINTON NEW$ RECORD, THURSDAY, DNCEMBER 24. 1974,-PAGE 3A C1-1 KiSTAA AS R E ET1 CiS As the Three Wise Men brought gifts to the Manger, so may this hOliday season bring to you peace and joy To stir customers and friends, our greet- ings, good wishes and grateful thanks, 5274911 EAPontH WI Christmas Meeting The Christmas meeting of the Hansen W.L was held Wed- nesday evening in a beautifully decorated Legion Hall. President Hilda Payne welcomed members and guests and the meeting opened in the usual form, The roll call was answered by 20 members with "the best Christmas gift I ever received." Secretary Janis Bisback read the minutes of the' November meeting, Correspondence con- Meted of a thank you note from the Home Economist Jean Penquilley; a letter from Eric Luther announcing that the C.N.1,13. canvass had been a success; and a thank you note from Hilda Payne. It was requested that leaders end assistants are still needed for the next 4-F1 club earning up in the spring. Jessie McAllister reported for the birthday party held at Huronview in November, and also gave a report of the board meeting held in November, and read a letter from Brother Bob in India, bringing us up to date of the proceedings and hap- penings there. Treasurer Marg Ingram gave the financial report, The program convener was Grace Peek. Everyone enjoyed a carol sing with Myrtle Sherritt at the piano, Earle Shapter favoured everyone with a vocal solo "Whispering Hope", accompanied on the piano by Joyce Pepper. Grace Peck introduced •Mrs. Tove Bell, who told everyone about Christmas in Denmark. She showed a decorated Christ- mas tree and different other decorations, and also told about the menu for the Christ- mas dinner.. Grace also in- troduced Mrs. Tomkins, who owns a Hobby Shop north of Brucefield. She showed and demonstrated punch em- • broidery, and also showed difr ferent other designs to make up for Christmas. Courtesy remarks were given by Elsie Carlile. \p: ra Simpson gave the duties a PI 'strict director and a penny sale was enjoyed at the aura May holiday 4, Many thanks ej4 blessings c)? 1, for being ti brighten 4 able to your ,set-re tree. you, DRINK, DRANK, wan< "My mother and father died at age 46 because they were both drunk's," explains comedienne Carol Burnett of her role as host of the powerful one-hour TV special Drink, Drank, Drunk to be seen on CBC-TV Sunday, Dec. 22 at 10 p.m, The programt produced in the U.S. by PBS with a grant from the 3M Company, is 'must' viewing, particularly for the estimated three- to-four million Canadians who have alcoholics in their families. ST. Josephs Catholic Church Christmas 1 97 4! CHRISTMAS EVE - DECEMBER 24th CLINTON: 8:30 p.m. Carols 9:00 p.m. Mass There will be no Midnight Mass BLYTH: 11:30 p.m. Carols 12;00 Midnight Mass CHRISTMAS DECEMBER 25 BLYTH - 9:00 a.m. Mass CLINTON - 11 cm, Mass 51,52b Business and Professional Directory OPTOMETRY J.E, LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST CLINTON--HON. ONLY 20 ISAAC ST. 482-7010 SEAPORTH BALANCE OF WEEK GOVENLOCK ST. 527-1240 R.W. SELL OPTOMETRIST The Square, GODERICH 524-7661 BOX 1033 212 JAMES ST. HELEN R. TENCH , B.A. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT TEL, 482-9982 CLINTON ONTARIO NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER prompt, Courteous, Efficient ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE, ANYWHERE We give complete eats service PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235-1984 EXETER FRED LAWRENCE Electrical Contractor Home Farm Commercial Wiring Phone Auburn 526-7505 langlitart, telly, Doig intd Co. eharlaffid ACcOlintarifill 268 Main St,, Exeter ARTHUR W. READ. Resident Partner BUSS 235000 RES, 238.8075 .6%". • 0 .. ci4. -4.. CHURCH SERin co ALL. SEMMES ON STANDARD TIME ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" ' MINISTER; LAWRENCE 15. LEWIS. 18A” 11.n. ORGANIST AND CHOIR DIRECTOR: MRS. DORIS McKINLEY; A. MUS. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1974 9;45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. FAMILY WORSHIP & NURSERY 11:30 4.m, Junior Congregation Text; "HE THAT IS WASHED NEEDETH NOT SAVE TO WASH HIS FEET." John 13:10 Sacrament of The Lord's Supper will be observed. EVERYONE WELCOME ' WESLEY-WILLIS UNITED CHURCH "THE CHURCH THAT CARES" 1.7.1(7PLFST:117176 OD7-"--7731,67a17/IG7EZZE-41 • MINISTER: JOHN S. OESTREICHER, LA., S.A.E. ORGANIST: MISS CATHARINE POTTER CHOIR DIRECTOR: MRS, WM. HEARN SUNDAY DECEMBER 29, 1974 11:00 cm. MORNING WORSHIP SERMON; "CHARACTERS I'LL NEVER FORGET" `THE MAN OF FAITH' 11:00 a,m. Sunday School and Nursery , HOLMESVILLE UNITED CHURCH 1 p.m. Worship Service and Sunday School SERMON; "CHARACTERS I'LL NEVER FORGET" • 'THE MAN OF FAITH' CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE AT WESLEY-WILLIS CHURCH 11:15 p.m. — Midnight CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHUM Clinton 263 Princess Street Pastor Alvin Beukema, BA., B.D. Services: 10:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. (On 3rd Sunday, 9:30 a.m. Dutch Service .et 11:00 a.m.) The Church of the "Back to God" Hour every Sunday 4:30 p.m. CHLO EVERYONE. WELCOME • . BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH "EVERYONE OF US SHALL GIVE AN ACCOUNT OF HIMSELF TO GOD" — ROM. 14:12 PASTOR: REV. L. V. BIGELOW 10:00 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP 7:30 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP 8:00 p.m. FRIDAY WEDNESDAY 8 p.m. PRAYER MEETING ' YOUNG • EVERYONE WELCOME PEOPLE'S MEETING ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH SUNDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1974 SUNDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS 10 a.m. MATINS Sunday School FELLOWSHIP BIBLE CHAPEL 162 MAPLE ST. (1 street west of Community Centre) - 9:45 a.m—WORSHIP SERVICE 11:00 a.m.—SUNDAY SCHOOL and FAMILY BIBLE HOUR 8 p.m, Gospel Service Tues, 8:00 p,m.—PRAYER and BIBLE STUDY For Information Phone: 482-9379 CALVARY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 166 Victoria Street Pastor: Leslie Hoy, S24.8823 9:45 run, Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Prayer Service end Evangelistic Swift* 7;00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service 8:00 p,m. Friday, Young Peoples ALL WELCOME ST, ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. EDWIN G. NELSON CHARLES MEFIRILL, ORGANIST SUNDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1974 10:00 a.m. Sunday School for all ages 10:00 a.m. Worship Service All Welcome FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH HURON ST„ CLINTON SUNDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1974' 10:00 e.M. Sunday School for ail ages 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship SPEAKER; MR. JACK CHRISTIAANS Special Music Thurs. Evening , 8:00 Bible study and Forayer meeting All Welcome conclusion of the meeting and the Hostesses Vera Brintnell and Nellie Riley and their Assistants served a tasty Christ- rnas lunch, Friends Shower Bride A large number of neigh- bours and friends assembled in the school room of Carmel Presbyterian Church recently in honor of Beth Troyer of Sarnia, bride-elect of this month. The room was beautifully decorated for the occasion. The programme was arranged by Mrs, Bert Thompson and Beatrice and Sylvia Bell and Mrs. Robert Taylor, Beatrice Thompson presided for i the following numbers; a quartette by the Pepper sisters, Brenda, Marilyn, Laurie and Jo-ann, with Brenda accompanying on the piano; a reading "How to Cook a Husband" by Mrs. Robert Taylor; piano solos by Donna Taylor; a reading by Sylvia Bell; guitar selections by Kathy Love; and a musical number by the Pepper sisters.. Contests were enjoyed and followed by carol singing. The address to the bride-elect was read by Sylvia Bell and the bride was presented with many miscellaneous gifts, for which she expressed sincere thanks. A delicious Christmas lunch was enjoyed by all. United Church Notes Steven Gerstenkorn lit the third Advent ' candle at the White Gift service in Hensall United Church on Sunday mor- ning. The choir sang the an- them "Hallelujah", and Rev. Don Beck preached on the ser- mon topic "Christmas 50 years ago" and told the story "Once upon a Christmas". Portions of Scripture from Matthew were read by Jo-ann Pepper and Vicki Mann. The baskets of flowers 'were from the funerals of Cornelius Faber and Earl Soldan. Sunday evening a Christmas carol Service under the guidance of the Hensall Choir was held. Sunday, December 22 was the Christmas Sunday Ser- vice and December 24 will be rn MANAGEMENT AND Sti'3PP OF McAdam Hardware