Clinton News-Record, 1974-09-19, Page 5By PI O; 1011101, Boron hiPP MAIN CORNER. CLINTON OPEN 2-6 P.M, C'LOSED WEDNESDAYS PINK, WHITE, YELLOW — SAVE 22c DELSEY "Trim PKG OF 0 litt 1 d(.‘t 4 ROLLS V.0.. CAKE MIXES, 8 Var., 91/2 -ca. — ICING MIXES, Var., 71/2 -oz CAKE & moNARCH ICING -MIXES 3 POUCH PACKS 0 4-qt bask. ACTION PRICED! ASSORTED COLOURS OR DECORATOR ACTION PRICED! ARMOUR BRAND WHITE SWAN ACTION PRICED! DETERGENT ACTION PRICED! CHIVERS — 4 FLAVOURS POWDER a . 410, PURE BOLD si. Y JAMS CORONATION PICKLES 3241-oz jar Low Prices with Absolutely No Compromise in Quality! ), STEWS 'N°'byf 100% PURE, FROM CONCENTRATE ACTION PRICED! ASP FRESH 64-fl-az btl ORANGE JUICE , IRISH OR BEEF TOWELS ilk7roloisf Jane Parker Baked Goods have that wonderful Home Baked Taste JANE PARKER SLICED A 2. (BUY 2 LOAVES — SAVE 15C) JANE PARKER, SPICY, RAISIN RICH VIENN LOA% 79fe SPANISH BREAD BAR CAKE 1.9-OZ CAKE 69ie (SAVE 10c) JANE PARKER Golden Loaf CAKE JANE PARKER, RAISIN TWIST Coffee Cake JANE PARKER, FROSTED Ball Donuts (SAVE 6c) JANE PARKER pkg of 659 ,1 JANE PARKER (BUY 2 LOAVES — SAVE 19)c Raisin Bread 2 16-oz loaves 99% JANE PARKER, 2 White or 1 White & 1 Wheat (SAVE 10c) Bread SERVE pkg of two 8-oz loaves 39 ce 8"WN N Snowflake Rolls 2 pkgs of 1279% JANE PARKER — FULL &INCH PIE (SAVE 100 Rhubarb-Apple Pie each 79% JANE PARKER (SAVE 10c) Lemon Pie Full 8-inch pie 695/t (SAVE 10c) JANE PARKER , (BUY 2 PKGS — SAVE 11 e) lO-oz cake 49( Jelly Donuts (SAVE 6c 14-oz cake 69i (SAVE 6c) pkg of6 5 9 5 zt 9-fl-oz jar REGULAR OR POLISH DILLS ACTION PRICED! lit A\ 11 I 11, I MF ,1111/ %V r 'V IT ACTION PRICED! ACTION PRICED! ACTION PRICED! PLUS BOTTLE DEPOSIT HEINZ, FANCY WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCE OR MOLASSES COCA COLA TOMATO JUICE HEINZ BEANS NEED To KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR NEW COMMUNITY? Call <31/Verthiriegoit, LT.. Phone 482.1069 Our hostess Will bring gifts and greetings, along with helpful community information. The new Drug flenefit Program which provides drugs free of charge 'to more than 548,000 Ontario residents has been in effect for only two weeks, and already it is plagued with problems. Many people eligible for assistance in- cluding recipients of Federal Guaranteed Income Sup- plement (GIS), Ontario Guaranteed Annual Income System (GAINS) and Family Benefits Allowance, have been severely criticizing the program. The original intention of the program was to alleviate the burden of the high cost of health care to those who could least afford it. However, in some cases the program is of no value since the drugs needed by certain, patients are not listed in the Government formulary and cannot be dispensed free of charge. Only certain drugs will be paid for under the scheme, and this has led to very real problems for some patients. Some physicians are reluctant to substitute drugs listed in the Government formulary for the one they were prescribing previous to the start of the program. Therefore, some physicians write prescriptions for the drugs with which they are familiar but are not ap- proved under the program, leaving the patient no further ahead than before. Another problem is that the plan does not pay for all types of medications. The formulary does not allow certain com- bination drugs, laxatives and some high-priced drugs. Our of- fices at Queen's Park have been deluged with phone calls from people unable to obtain drugs which their doctors prescribe, some of which are life- sustaining. Another aspect of the plan which is hard to comprehend is the fact that certain compound drugs are not, found in the list. As a result, these prescriptions must be written individually, forcing the patient to take three pills rather than one. Further- more, a person who was taking a ""'&)iiipound prescription' previously paid for thb‘cesfrof the pills plus a dispensing fee to the pharmacist. Under the new plan, the pharmacist will get a dispensing fee for sup- plying a month's supply of each of the three tables, so the dispensing fee is three times as high as it would be for one compound pill. If the Govern- ment is serious about reducing health costs, it must include some of these compound drugs when it revises, the formulary. The Ontario Pharmacists Association said the formulary will have to be expanded to in- clude some therapeutically valuable drugs that were omit- ted. Some people have criticized the fact that only one month's supply of drugs can be dispen- sed at a time. For drugs that have to be taken for an exten- ded period of time, this is a very uneconomical quantity. Also, a new prescription must be written every three months, even if the drug will be needed indefinitely. I believe that the Drug Help your Heart... Help your Heart Fund ON NBWS-RBCORD, THURSDAY, SBiPTOMOBB 19, 19747--PAQg .Benefits Program is basically an excellent idea, but there are some kinks which have to be worked out before -the program becomes totally satisfactory. The Government was late in advertisihg the program, and as a result people were not prepared and well informed beforehand. I hope the Govern, ment will listen to the cam- plaints that have been raised, and make the necessary ad- ditions to the new formulary which will come out January 1st, of next year. Another issue raised at Queen's Park recently was the unfairness of the present GAINS legislation whereby an increase in Federal benefits. means a decrease in money received tinder GAINS,. Effec- tive October 1, the basic ow Age Pension increases from $112.95 to $117.02, the maximum GIS for a single per- son increases from $79.23 to $82,08, Therefore,. someone receiving rnaximum benefits from the Federal Government Will receive an increase of about $7.00, but the cheque received from GAINS would be 87.00 lower, so the increase is annihilated,. The Government announced that it .is thinking about this problem and a decision on the pension boost will he made shortly, I think it is imperative that the Ontario Government allow old-age pensienerS to receive the increase granted them by the Federal Govern- ment This money has been ear- marked to help senior citizens cope with the problems of in- flation and the difficulties of living on a fixed income- I would urge the Provincial Government to amend the GAINS legislation to ensure that it brings the maximum relief to old-age pensioners in Ontario who are in desperate need of help. CIJ WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES No finer meat sold anywhere I Action priced! 20c LB LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO ! FRESH PORK LOIN QUARTERS CUT INTO Produce CANADA No. 1 GRADE, ONTARIO, PICK OF THE CROP SALTINES BARTLETT PEARS 9 to II Chops in a pkg No Centre Slices Removed FRESH — 15 PIECES BOX-0-CHICKEN 3 LEG QUARTERS 3 BREAST QUARTERS 3 WINGS lb 62? 3 NECKS 3 GIBLET PACKAGES SX BRAND, STORE PACK Beef & Pork SauSage lb 78? SCHNEIDERS BRAND, SLICED, 7 VARIETIES , Cooked Meats 6-oz vac pac 42% TOWN CLUB, SLICED Side Bacon RINDLESS lb $1.39 "RED HOTS" SCHNEIDERS WIENERS CUT INTO CHOPS & ROASTS PORK LOIN FREEZER CUT 1.09 PRIDE OF CANADA, SLICED Cooked Ham 6-oz vac pac 89% GOLDEN SKILLET, HEAT AND SERVE Chicken Cutlets FROZEN lb 89it BULK Beef Steakettes FROZEN lb 79% lb Don't Miss These! PRINGLES KRAFT SMOOTH OR CRUNCHY ORANGE PEKOE CHICKEN CRISP—Regular, B.B.O., Roasting ACTION PRICED! MONARCH Coating Mixes 6-oz pkg 39fi PANTRY SHELF --PIECES & STEMS io-ff-oz tins 791 MUSHROOMS 2 INSTANT CHOCOLATE MIX (BONUS PACK 6.OZ FREE!) NESTLE'S QUIK 38-oz carton $1.39 AIR FRESHENER — 5 FRAGRANCES AIR CARE -. 7-oz container 49% 6 VARIETIES COOKIES MANNING 12-oz tin tie bag 75? ALL PRICES SHOWN INI THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st, 1974. COOKED SMOKED HAMS si)FIZION-B7%,',30",7,,4,8Szt CENTRE CUTS OR STEAKS lb $1.09 COUNTRY STYLE Pork Spare Ribs 141.18 SCHNEIDERS, Sausage OKTOBERFEST 1b$119 SX BRAND Bologna BY THE PIECE lb 44% ACTION PRICED! DETERGENT—Buy ono at Reg, Price--Get ono for I/2 prito IVORY LIQUID 2 gileti.59 1311S 3 264-0Z 7 91e 19-FL-OZ TINS 9Pf 214.FL-OZ TINS ""Nil