Clinton News-Record, 1967-12-21, Page 11b Monday, the Christmas itiag of the Adastral Park nen's Auxiliary was called rder by the president, Mrs. men Lawson and a. medley Christmas Carols was sung he Girl Guides. he minutes of the previous ding were read by the sec. try and the treasurer gave report. Thank-you notes ’e read from the mayor of istral Park for the ladles* >rts on the skate exchange from Calvin Davis. he convenor for Huronview, s. Shirley Dukes, called for unteers to assist at the Huronview ‘Christmas party on December 14. It was voted that again this year the W.A, pre. sent a wheel chair during the pirty to Huronview. . The president asked for 20 volunteers *to help pack candies for the children's party. The Cook Book is being,prin. ted and will be sold for $1 per copy. Anyone wishing copies may call Mrs. Barbara Gowan- lock. A most interesting and de­ lightful demonstration of gift­ wrapping and bow-making was presented by Mrs. McMillan of Exeter, A Visit by Santa Claus, ably portrayed by WO Palmer fol­ lowed and he distributed the gifts. He made the draw for the door priz;e which was donated by Mrs. R. Ryan. Mrs. Barbara Gowanlock was the lucky recipient of a beautiful table centre of gold with green candles. A delicious lunch was then served by Vi Cassie and Lil Sewell and their helpers. Mrs. Lawson stated that last year's executive had set aside $75 for a Centennial project with the idea that it be mat­ ched by this year’s executive. . A suggestion that the sum of $30 each be given to the two . padres to use as they wish was voted on and passed. The Women’s Auxiliary will approach the DND School to see if they would accept a sum of money not to exceed $100 for any worthwhile project in the school. A spoon was presented to Rene Kelly who is leaving. After the adjournment of the meeting, Mrs. Rita Ryan made the draw for the quilt and doily. The quilt was won by Mrs. Helen Fonger, Apt. J4 and the doily was won by Mrs. Cora Scott' of Clarkson, Ontario. . Mrs, Barbara Gpwanlock and Stewart Bartley have returned home affer being patients ■ in Clinton Public Hospital. '■..... ................... to Mr. and on the birth Congratulations Mrs, Le Patourel of their baby son. CWL Hold Yule Meet By Sandra Sinker May the joys of the season be yours! Jeon Gray ft Have a Merry Christmas! We thank you for your continued patronage. Clinton Community Auction Soles EVERY FRIDAY at 1:30 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager The members of theAdastral Park Catholic Women’s League held their Christmas meeting on Wednesday, December 13 in the Community Centre, It was in fact, not a meeting but a “Christjnas gathering of friends'’, as the members of the Protestant Chapel Guild were the CWL guests. Padre and Mrs. F.P. De Long and the Guild members were welcomed by the CWL Pre­ sident, Mrs. J.F, Slater to a Christmas party room complete . with tastefully arranged buffet tables and card tables and, of course, the delight of every Christmas, the tree laden with gifts. The evening was spent playing “Cooty” (Dear reader, please note - if you are not fami- liar with this game and your curiosity is aroused, any Guild or CWL member will by now have recovered sufficient breath and strength to share with you the hilarious details). The late supper was colour­ ful, varied, delicious and tho­ roughly enjoyed by everyone present. Mrs. L.H. Hibbert, Guild President expressed the appreciation of the Guild mem. bers. Instead of a gift exchange between CWL members, the gifts were to be delivered to the Ontario Hospital, Goderich. A Christmas gift was pre. sented to Father F.J. Lally, CWL Director, and each person present received two other gifts, Friendship and Laughter, and these in turn they took home to share with their fami. lies and community. The capable convenors were Mrs. H.R. Belton, Mrs. R.R. Barr, Mrs. H. Sewell, Mrs. G.C. Carey and Mrs. J.F. Le. Blanc. Their generosity of time and effort had a most happy con. elusion. fp Brewers Retail , w .iil w a Clinton Wedding NOTICEEDWARD-SMYTH Clinton News-Record, Thursday, Dec. 21, 1967 Yellow mums and gladioli for* ' med the setting for the mar­ riage of Sharon Diane Smyth arid John Richard Edward on November 4, at 2 p.m. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smyth of R. R. 2 Auburn, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ian Edward, of Wingham. The double-ring ceremony took place in the Dungannon United Church with Rev. Glen Wright officiating. Miss Betty Irvin was at the organ. The bride, given in marriage by her father, chose a floor­ length, empire waist gown of white peau-de-soie, trimmed with lace, bell-bottom sleeves. She wore a shoulder-length veil, which was held by a satin rose and pearls and carried a bou­ quet of yellow roses. Miss Dorothy Taylor of R.R. 2 Lucknow, was maid of honour. Miss Nancy Smyth, sister of the bride was bridesmaid. They wore identical street length wore identical street-length dresses of blue peau de soie with empire waists and each carried a bouquet of yellow riiums. Reg Riehl, of, S.altford, was best man. Guests were usherrid by George Smyth, brother of the bride and Andy Rodger s of Wing­ ham. Pictures were taken in the basement of the church follow­ ing the ceremony. , The bride’s mother chose a light blue dress with-black and * * * In France Ti'aditionally, adults in France do not exchange gifts until New Year’s Day, In some French villages, shepherds bring their lambs to church on Christmas. CHRISTMAS white accessories. The groom's mother chose a green figured dress with brown accessories. Both wore a corsage of pink roses. The wedding dinner was held at the Carlow Hall. For a honeymoon trip to Flor­ ida and other points the bride chose a light blue three piece suit with brown accessories and a corsage of pink roses. On their return they will reside in Goderich. Prior to her marriage the bride was honoured at several showers at the Township Hall, Goderich, Wingham and Dungan­ non United Church. S w i tze r president Clarence Switzer, of R. R. 1 St. Mary’s was elected presi- dent of the Huron-Perth Short. , horn Association at its annual meeting at Edgmondville. He succeeds Stewart Proctor, of Brussels. Other officers are: Vice-pre­ sidents, James Smith, of Brus- R..,R.,3, Granton; secretary* treasurer, Douglas Miles of Clinton. Ten directors were also named. NO MILK DELIVERY on Christmas Day, Monday, December 25 Usual Delivery on Tuesday, December 26 No Delivery on Wednesday, December 27 NO MILK DELIVERY on New Year's Day, Monday, January 1 Usual Delivery on Tuesday, January 2 No Delivery on Wednesday, January 3 PLEASE PUT OUT ALL YOUR EMPTY BOTTLES FROM THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF OF: FAIRHOLME DAIRY LTD. Phone 482-9342 10 A.M. TO 6 P.M. . SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23RD CLOSED DECEMBER 25TH AND 26TH AS WELL AS JANUARY 1 ST with more interest Will Be In Stratford K. G. FLETT ManagerB. Branch:f Last minute gift ■ - Bank of Montreal 6% six-year Savings Certificates in Merry Christmas gift crackers You pay only $7.35 for a $10.00 certificate, maturing in 1973 . Simple rate is 6% for a total return of more than one-third in six years. Make someone a happy investor this Christmas. Give Bank of Montreal Savings Certificates in merry Christmas wrappers from Bank of Montreal. Wrappers available free,in all branches. QQ Bank of Montreal Canada’s First Bank Open to 9 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday December 19, 20, 21 and 22 Operated by Brewers Warehousing Co. Ltd. Win A Prize Bonus Weekly Winning No. 35079E Prize To Be Claimed At Stratford Chamber of Commerce