Clinton News-Record, 1967-12-14, Page 98 Clinton News-Record, Thursday, Dec. 14, 1967 -...f .......................... — - Hospi t a I W A spend At their December meeting the Women’s Auxiliary to the Clinton Publi<? Hospital put ip a busy evening spending their hard-earned dollars. They have reviewed a list Of equipment submitted by the doctors; and passed a motion to purchase the followingtwo Otoscopes and Ophthalmp- scopes^ a Hudson Bfaqe and Burr, Traction - Apparatus, a Sony Pulse Recorder andaBiyd Respirator. The .first three items will be particularly useful in many instances and the lat- ter two will be a boon in all Instances Involving anaesthetic It was also moved and sec­ onded that the profit from the cart by used to support the bur­ sary fund. By vote, the meeting times for the whiter months of Jan­ uary, February and March was changed to Monday afternoons at 2 p.m. Because of the New Year’s holiday the January meeting will be held on Monday, January 8 at 2 p.m. The next two meetings will be held on the first Monday of the month. The Jan­ uary meeting is the annual meet­ ing and the Auxiliary urges that as many ladies as possible try to attend. On December 7 a work party met at the home of President /A, Personal r i SOLD On The Idea When You Find Mr, and Mrs, Percy Johnston accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, Don Campbell spent Sunday in Weston with Mr. and Mrs, Rob. ertJohnston. White Gift Sunday will be obr served next Sunday in the United Church.' FRED McCLYMONT Phone 482-3214 The Boy Scout group got off t< a good start last Monday nigh with George Whittle as leader * * * ♦ ♦ ♦ The members of LOU 103 are holding their supper and an nual meeting on Thursday even ing December 14, Sorry to hear Mrs. Cecil Dowson lias returned to St. Joseph’s Hospital, Londoii'fQr a second operation. We hope for p speedy recovery, Six new Explorers were initiated into the Auburn Explorer group in an installation service in the Sunday School room of Knox United Church last week. Front row, from left, are Doris Helen Bartliff to assemble little Christmas remembrances for the patients who will be in hospital on the holiday. ANNOUNCEMENT * * ♦ Floyd McAsh pf Ham.iltpn spent the weekend at the home of his parents Mr, and Mrs. John McAsh, * * * The United Church Women held their Christmas meeting in the church on Wednesday evening. The president, Mrs. Mervin Hayter, opened the meeting with prayer. Group Three had charge pf devotions with Mrs, Ralph Stephenson leading, assisted by several members of her group, Mrs, . -Bev Hill played the piano. A. number of girls belonging to the Explorer group sang a couple of Christmas carols, The pastor. Rev, M. Morris son, gave an interesting and timely talk on “Thoughts on Christmas.’* Several delegates who attend­ ed the recent Presbyterial held at Moncrief gave their reports on that meeting. The roll call was answered by 25 members with a Christ­ mas verse. There were, also 10 visitors present. During the past year there have been 353 calls made to sick and shut-ins by members of the UCW. A donation was given to the Boy Scout group which has recently been or­ ganized. The nominating committee brought in the following slate of officers for 1968 which was adopted by the members. Past president, Mrs. M. Hay- ter; president, Mrs. Charles Reid; vice-president, Mrs. Wil­ liam Dowson, recording secre­ tary, Mrs. Robert Taylor; trea­ surer, Mrs, Robert Webster, envelope treasurer, Mrs. John Ostrom; corresponding secre­ tary, Mrs, M. Johnston; Group One .eaders, Mrs. William Mc­ Ash, Mrs. Robert Stirling; Group Two leaders, Mrs. A. J. Mustard, Mrs. Harvey Hay,ter; Group Three leaders, Mrs. John Qstrom, Mrs. Ralph Stephen­ son; Group Four leaders, Mrs:. Wayne Taylor, Mrs. Gordon Hill T’jyo former members Mrs. Lee McConnell andMrs. Melvin Webster were then called to the front spid each presented with a gift and address. The meeting was closed with prayer and Group Two served lunch., ....■.. . CENTRE fDFCT hardware VKEJI AND FURNITURE Nayler, Yvonne Bean and Maureen Longhurst; back row, Cathy McCllnchey, Faye Seers and Joyce Chamney. OBITUARIES CATHERINE S. COLE Catherine Sophia Cole, 87, of R.R. 3, Clinton, died Wednesday Dec. 6 in Clinton Public Hospital. A daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hudie, Mrs. Cole was born May 26, 1880 in McKillop Township. She married Robert B. Cole in 1907. Her husband predeceased her in 1952. Surviving are: sons Randal, of R.R. 1, Arva; Robert, of R. R. 3, Clinton; andfive grand­ children. Funeral service was held Dec. 8 in Ball Funeral Home with Dr. A. J. Mowatt of Wesley- Willis United Church officiating Burial was in Clinton Cemetery. Pall-bearers were: Bruce Keys, Chester Sturdy, Ervin Sillery, Robert Taylor, Russell Colclough, and John McFarlane. Out-of-town visitors attending the funeral were: Mrs. War­ wick Cole, of Highland Park; Mich; and Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam Robbs of Stratford. BEVERLY JEAN ADDISON Funeral was held November 30 for Beverly Jean Addison, 24, who died in a coma Novem» ber 28 in Clinton Public Hospi­ tal of injuries suffered ip a . car acciiient two months pre- viously. Service for Mrs. Addison, of 121 Wellington Street, Clinton, was conducted at Ball's Fun­ eral Home by Dr. A, J. Mowat of Wesley-Willis United Church and Rev. A. E. Duffield of Dun­ das Centre United Church, Lon. don. Burial was in Clinton Cem* etery. Pall-bearers were: John Teb- butt, Lew Tebutt, Robert Snell, Ron Jewitt, Larry Jones and John Sangster. Flower bearers were: Robbie Farquar, Alvin Jones, Doug Jones and Wayne Grigg. OUT How Easy II* Is To Choose Your Gifts From CLINTON'S MR. H. C. LAWSON owner of H. C. LAWSON Insurance and Real Estate Is pleased to announce that MR. JOHN WISE Holiday Specials will be joining the agency as a EFFECTIVE TILL 6 P.M.-DEC. 23 partner on January 1st, 1968 The agency will continue to be known as: STOKELYS PEAS Clinton, Ontario ?; SCOTTIES TISSUES 400's ■. VIVA PAPER TOWELS 33c Mb.bag only 69cKADANA COFFEE Season's Greetings To All! CLARK'S NEW RICH BROWN PORK AND BEANS, 15 oz. 15-OZ. TINS CHUM DOG FOOD H.C. LAWSO INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE 3 tins $1.00 3 lbs. $1.00 48-0Z. STOKELY TOMATO JUICE DELMONTE BREAKFAST PRUNES CELLO PACK 50's KADANA TEA'BAGS MONARCH POUCH CAKE MIXES 6 for $1.00 W 6 tins $1.00 MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE jar $1.00 Herb's Food Market PHONE 482-3445 FREE DELIVERY 20-OZ. E. D. SMITHS KETCHUP SHIRRIFF'S LUSHUS-., JELLY POWDERS 10 tins $1.00 5-15-oz. tins $1.00 Ufj 'ONE STOP' CLINTON PHONE 482-9414 Me r XST-ij- J0 HURON ST. 3 bottles $1.00 10 Pkgs. $1.00 3 pkgs. $1.00 2 pkgs. $1.00 Nobody builds qualityquite like Admiral In home entertainment, too, nobody builds quality quite like Admiral. Leadership in electronic^ assures you of the finest in color TV, black and white TV, Solid State Stereo, FM/AM radio, clock radios and portable record players, In all appliances and electronics for the home, you cah count on Admiral for unbeatable quality and value. With the purchase of this stereo or any other major appliance at Groves ,& Son Electric you automatically become eligible for the $100.00 Christmas draw BOXING DAY PROCLAMATION BY RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL, I HEREBY PROCLAIM A CIVIC HOLIDAY On J BOXING DAY TUESDAY DEC. 26, 1967 And Call Upon All Citizens To Observe It As Such Signed* DON SYMONS, Mayor, Town of Clinton. <1i Oj ill K® wj *%$*£•?* IS 69-71 Albert Street • GIFTS FOR EVERYONE IN THE HOME (Including the home) • Ask about our Family Purchase Plan. • For Evening Appointments Phone 482-9505 before 6:00 p.m. BALL & MUTCH , LIMITED Crest Hardware and Furniture 69-71 Albert* Street Phone 482-9505; NEW FROM SHUR-GAIN RESEARCH SHUR-GAIN 18% PIG STARTER NUMBER 10 MEDICATED A MODERN LOWER COST RATION FOR BABY PIGS FOR IMPORTANT REDUCTIONS IN PIG FEEDING COSTS AVAILABLE NOW FROM YOUR LOCAL SHUR-GAIN FEED SERVICE DEALER CLINTON FEED MILL *