Clinton News-Record, 1967-12-14, Page 3/■■■ V■''! I.ffliiii ■! Ilin'I I..,,,. i...J. ."! BEAUTIFUL BREEZY , . By BELLCHAMBER BAYFIELD PERSONAL ITEMS • CHURCH NEWS > CLUB ACTIVITIES < VILLAGE HAPPENINGS Correspondent: AUDREY BELLCHAMBER — Phone 565-2864, Bayfield Subscriptions, Classified Advs. and Display Advs. all accepted by the Bayfield correspondent. Personals Mr.' and Mrs. Harry Baker spent Wednesday until 'Satur­ day in Toronto. Joining their parents for the weekend were Mr, and .Mrs, Chris Klardi and Albert of, Princetown. -Mr, arid Mrs. William Smale of Grosse Pointe, Michigan W^re , weekend guests of Mr s. Myrtle Robinson, WEDDING SAUVE - WESTON * * * Ervine Pease and Mrs, Myrtle P.ease, London, were at their village home for tlie week­ end.* * * Miss Shirley Brandon, Essex spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Warner Payne. * , Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alf Scotchmer from Friday until Sunday, were Miss Diane Vogt and Jim McLeod of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Scotch­ mer and Jody of Sarnia joined them from Saturday until Mon­ day. * * * ,Ed Sturgeon, who had been a patient .in Victoria Hospital London for some time, returned to his home on Saturday. * * * Mr, and Mrs, Elwood Mit* chell, were in Detroit on Sat-' urday and Sunday./ * * * ) Mr, and Mrs, Bryan Kings London, spent the weekend with the lady’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner. ♦ ♦ ♦ Will interested cubs and would be cubs, present them., selves at the municipal offices (former school) at 7 p.m. on Thursday December 14. Bring a parent with you and $1.50 registration fee, onnrmnRriHnnnnnnmHHnnnnrw THE HOME OF TASTY PASTRY SINCE 1877 SHORTBREADS and CHRISTMAS COOKIES BREAD CRUMBS FOR DRESSING LIGHT and DARK FRUIT CAKE CHRISTMAS PUDDING Clinton. News-Record/ Thursday, Dey. 14, 1967 3HENSALLlegion holds CHRISTMAS PARTY The Legibn Hall, Hensall, in 7 a tovely, petting of Cliristmas emblem? wa? the setting Tues­ day evening December 5, for the Christmas party pf Hensall Le* gion Ladies Auxiliary attended by 24 members. Election of officers fpr J968 was held con- < ducted by Mrs. E. Davis are as' follows: Past President Mrs. Harold Campbell; President Mrs, .Gar* net Allanj 1st vice-president . Mrs, Grant McClinphey; 2nd Vice-president, Mrs, Vic Stan; secretary, Mrs? W, H, Bell; treasurer, Mrs. Grant Bisback; < pianist,. Mrs. Ed .Mupn; Execu­ tive, Mrs. Gordon Munn, Mrs. Paul Neliands, Mrs, Wilmer Dalryaple, Mrs. JapkSimmons, Mrs. Mary Taylor, Sgt. At Arm? Mrs. Harry Horton; Sports com­ mittee, Mrs. Clarence Reid, Mrs, William Smale. During the business period presided over by president Mrs, Harold Campbell, $10 was don­ ated to the Businessmen’s As- . sociation; plans were made to send Christmas boxes to sick and shuMn members; final plans were made for the child­ ren’s party. Sunday, Dec­ ember 17. Mrs, Stan Kochan was instal­ led as a new member. Mystery prize was won by Mrs. Maude Hedden; guessing, Mrs. J. Chalmers; attendance, Mr. J. Simmons. Bingo was played and refresh­ ments served, members ex­ changed gifts. Londesboro Twenty-eight ladies were pre­ sent at a miscellaneous shower given for Miss Betty Idsinga at th? home of Mrs. Bert Lyon prior to her marriage on .Sat­ urday, December 9. Contests conducted by Mrs. StanleyLyoif and Mrs. Bert Lyon were en­ joyed. Miss Kathy Lyon helped carry the gifts to the bride elect. Betty thanked the ladies for the many useful gifts. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess assisted by some of the guests.* * The community extends war­ mest congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hunking who celebrated .their 48th wedding anniversary on Sunday, Dec- embei’ 10. Most of the family enjoyed the day with them. Those who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. V/ill lam Moore and fam’lies, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Moore and Don Johnston, all of Goderich-. * * * The Sunday, School Christ­ mas concert will be held on Friday December 15, at 8:30 in tthe Londesboro Hall. There will be a silver collection but no exchange of gifts at the concertoav; -ID -..nT «' * * * Miss Beverley Oswald of Tor-, onto was a weekend visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shaddick. * * * , Sixteen ladies attended the . December meeting of the / Cheerio Club held at the home I of Mrs. Wilmer Howatt. Mrs. Townsend opened the meeting in the absence of the presi­ dent Mrs. Durnin who is still ;in St. Joseph’s Hospital. Roll call was answered by current < events. A social afternoon was enjoyed followed by a sumptuous supper served by Group 1. UNIT 4 U.C.W. Thlrty~sixChrlstmas pack. ages were given out l£st week to sick and shut-la member.s pf Hensall' iji»ite<pC?hurch^ pa­ tients at South Huron Hospital Blue Water Rest Home, Huron- vlew. A project of UCW of the church, convenor was Mrs. R. J. Drysdale, helpers, Mrs, Lome Hay, Mrs, Jack Simmons Mrs. William Clement, Mrs, Wilmer Ferguson, Mrs. Harvey Leslie was putting logs in a bush near Komoka when the cliain saw kicked back nnd.sev*'. ered several tendons in his arm. He was driven to the hos­ pital by the logging contractor Alvin Taylor, also of Hensail, where he underwent guvgeyy. Alvin said he was unable to determine what caused the saw to kick, hut said this frequently occurs when the saw strikes a hard, section in the log. Unit 4 UCW Hensall United Church held a Christinas Fel­ lowship meeting Thursday Dec­ ember 7 with 32 members and five guests present. The program which commen­ ced at 10 a.m, included quilt­ ing, knitting and visitin?, with a delicious pot-luck dinner ser­ ved at noon, Worship service was conduc­ ted by Mrs. E, Rowe and Mrs. Leona Parks. An interesting part of the program was for each perspn to' say something, nice about the person to the left of them. The following are the execu- tiye for 1968: Leader, Mrs. James McAllister; Secretary, Mts. R, M. Peck; Treasurer, Mrs, T. J, 8herritt, assistant, Mrs, George Armstrong; Pia­ nist, Mrs. Sherritt, Christmas stockings were handed out to members which will be filled for women pa­ tients at the Ontario Hospital, Goderich. Christmas carols were sung, * * * The annual Christmas parly of Amber Rebekah Lodge, Hen­ sall, was held in the Lodge Hall, Wednesday evening Dec­ ember 6th, After the regular meeting which was well attend­ ed, a donation was given to the War Memorial Sick Children’s Hospital, London. A Christmas program includ­ ed a reading by Mrs. Alex Me- Beath; piano selections by Mrs. Robert Pryde, and a sing-song of Christmas carols. Members exchanged giftsand lunch was served, * * * Kippen East W.I. has comple­ ted its short course on “Baking With Yeast.” Thirteen ladies participated and the Summary Day will be held in Clinton January 16, Leaders are Mrs. John Sinclair and Mrs. Harry Caldwell. * * * Mr. David Murray patient at Blue Water Rest Home, near Zurich, will celebrate his 101st birthday Monday December 18. Mr. Murray made his home with his niece Miss Hannah Murray, R. R. 1 Hensall, before going to the Rest Home. He was born in Hay Township and spent sev­ eral years out West engaged in farming. He is unmarried. * * * Leslie Riley, 24, of Hensall, whose left arm was gashed Wednesday morniifg by a chain saw, is in satisfactory condition at Victoria Hospital, London. MAKE . YOUR CHRISTMAS Flash Bulbs — Batteries —- S — Filrps — Slide *1 - Camera Carrying a .wm. Light Meters —• w $6.00 Polaroid Cameras and Film $ Splicers — Tapes — $5.00 Projection Screens. ” SLATE OF OFFICE^ Mrs, R, J, Ladson vice-presi­ dent, chaired the annual meeting ” of the Anglican Church Women held at “The Hut,” on Thurs­ day afternoon, December 7, It opened With tile singing of X “The Advent of our King,’’with Mrs, F. A. Clift at the piano, The Rey. E. J, B. Harrison led jn Devotions, Ten members answered the roll call* one of whom was Mrs. Chris Parker who has since an­ swered the call to Higher Ser­ vice, The secretary’s report, was adopted as read by Mrs. C. E. Diehl. Mrs. G. N. Rivers reported a good balance on hand with which to commence the work • in the New Year. ‘ Mrs. E. Earl reported that she had written and sent a Christmas Gift to the Prayer Partner, Sister Dorothy Dykes. Mrs. Clift reported for the • visiting committee and flowers and cards sent to sick and ■ shut-ins. A donation of $20 was made to the Trinity Church * wardens for the budget. Mrs/ G, N. Rivers presented ‘ a proposed slate of officers for 1968. Mrs. R. J. Larson in ac­ cepting it, vacated the chair to the Rector. He expressed his thanks to the members for their loyalty during the past year, and urged them to develop more and more , in these changing times, accord- * ing to the Gospel, He wished the members every blessing in the coming year. Since there were no nominations he pro­ claimed the following duly e- lected for 1968: Honorary presidents, Mrs. J. M. Stewart, Mrs. R, H. F. Gairdner; president, Mrs. J. B» Higgins; 1st vice-president, Mrs. R. J. Larson; 2nd vice- president, Mrs. Emerson Heard secretary, Mrs. G. L. Morgan Smith; treasurer, Mrs. G. N. Rivers; prayer partner sec­ retary, Mrs. Carl Diehl; edu­ cation secretary, Mrs. F.,A. Clift, assistant, Mrs. E. W. Earl; visiting committee, Mrs. F. A. Clift and Mrs. G. N Rivers. Following the closingprayers in which the Rector remember­ ed the sick of the parish, a social time was enjoyed. Mrs, L, B. Smith, hostess, assisted! by-'-Mrs.. R. j; Larson served daih’ty17 Cltfi'sthti'is' ’1"refresh-[ ments. ’ ’ White chrysanthemums and ' lighted candelabra decorated Trinity Anglican Church, Bay* field pn Saturday, December 9 for the wedding of Kathryn Joan Weston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weston, Bayfield, and Morris Joseph Sauve, Bay- field, son of Mrs. Mary Sauve Goderich. Rev. E. J, B. Har­ rison performed the wedding ceremony. The church organist, Mrs. Donald Johnston, sister of the bride, accompanied die soloist Mrs. J. B. Higgins, who sang, “I’ll Walk Beside You” and “Because”. Entering the church on the arm of her father, the bride looked lovely in a floor-length gown of ivory nylon lace, fea­ turing a- fitted bodide with a scalloped neckline, long lily point sleeves, and a full skirt. Her finger tip veil was held in place by a headpiece of white petals, seed pearls and lily-oMhe-valley. Her. white prayer book, gift of her god­ mother, was encrusted with red and white sweetheart roses and white ribbon. Miss Janice Pruss, London, was her cousin’s attendant, she wore a floor-length gown of aqua lace over a deeper shade of aqua peau de soie. She wore a match­ ing ring headpiece with a cocktail veil and carried a bou­ quet of white baby mums cen­ tred with red sweetheart roses. Richard Graham, Bayfield, , was best man and guests were i ushered by Donald Johnston, i Bayfield and Terry Johnston, i Goderich. i The reception was held at I the Albion Hotel, Bayfield, The ( bride’s mother received the ; guests in an olive green gown , worn with black accessories, ; a green, gold, and black hat and a white carnation corsage, , she was assisted by the groom’s mother who chose a turquoise and black lace dress, black and white accessories and a corsage of white carnations. For a wedding trip the bride wore a pink and green two- « piece outfit, black accessories and a pink rose corsage. On their return, Mr. and Mrs; ‘Morr'isf S&u^e will' resi'di=k iiLBayfieldpH .axM Trftft°'nto4’fi^r faarfiagiTW bride was honoured at showerg given by the ladies of Trinity &£ Church and the church choir, * .L£0.°.qQoojOQpQ°°°oo°°°°°o°°o o ooooo.oo oooooo' 74 tw IW IW 1 * Starting on Friday, December 15 MITCHELL'S | GENERAL STORE § will be open from 8 a.m. until 9 p.m. until | December 23. Get your name in for the free 'ffy S turkey draw. JoodoS —.ffl.ca 03.C RECEPTION FOR ." 9, A # s c^Anel Gift Sets $7.00 to $14.25 Albums - Perfume $6,75 ,tq $8.50 Viewers, - Cologne $4.00 to $7.00 Cases ~- Spray Perfumersrl* Spray Cologne $4.50 to $6.50 Bath Oil • ’ ------ Talc Soap Bath Powder $3.00 ' Our photo finishing includes $1.75 a free film in black and white $6.50 -------‘ Other Fragrance? by Evenjng in Paris, Caron,5'“Chantilly, Du Barry, • We carry a complete line of or cojor. CHRISTMAS CARDS Single or Boxed 5c to, $1.00 59c and up it) 1 PLEASE NOTE Our store will be OPEN SUNDAY, DEC. 24th from 2.00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m rr 3 I PRESCRIPTIONS Phone 482-951.4 ; . iClinton. Ontario / GODERICH On The Square First With The Finest FIRST RUN FILMS IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT—.Entertainment Is Our Business ...................... ..........................— mit THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY December 14-15-16 THE HIPPIES AND DIGGERS ARE HERE! < :: SATURDAY Ssirtsk ..................... •••• •>• ■ ! PERFECT FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING - SMALL APPLIANCES I Ladies please bring sandwiches 49, 50b Falconer (nee Sandra Smith) DECEMBER 16 Clinton Community Centre UUE-iNS EASTMAN COLOR “The Love-ins” at 7.30 & 10.15 p.m. — PLUS — SHE FANNED THE FLAMES OF THE WICKEDEST HELL-HOLE IN THE WESTI i •urnng % 127 Main Street. Exeter • * ■.... ..; K PICTURES p»e5QH! .‘Frontier Hellcat”'at < ,8.00 p.m. only r • Coming, Next: "HELL ON WHEELS and f "CATALINA CAPER" LOOK GALS! The ideal gift for your man. ST. ANDREWS U.C. W. The UCW of St. Andrews’ Church met on Wednesday even, ing in the Sunday school room of the church, with Mrs. Tom Penhale as chairman and Mrs. K. Siertsema as secretary. Mrs. J. Scotchmer and Mrs. Hutchings, gave the treasurer’s report which showed the fin. ances in a healthy condition. As the new slate was not quite complete, the election and in­ duction of the new officers was postponed until January. It was announced that the an­ nual carol service under the auspices of the choir, will be held in the church on Sunday, evening December 17. * * * (. Bayfield Lions held their an­ nual turkey bingo on Friday, December 8. A large crowd was in attendance at the vil­ lage Hall. Winners of' turkeys were Mrs. Dick. M'cLean and Mrs. Ted McLean, both of God­ erich; Carl Humphries (2), Mrs. Yeo Koene; Mrs. Jack Merner; Mrs; Lloyd Hoffman (3); Doug Telford; Mrs. Ken Pollock, Hen­ sall; Mr Si Ken Mackie; Larry Johnston, .Varna; Mrs. Wilf Castle (2) Clinton; Mrs. Nora Heard, Varna; Mrs. Don Haw; MiSs Nancy Castle. Clinton; Mrs. Arnold Making (2). Winners of share the wealth Mrs. Nora Heard, Varna, $13; Mrs. Dan Weston, $12; Mrs. Carrie Heard, $12; Mrs. Jean Bell, $10; Mrs. Ted McLean Goderich and G, L, Morgan Smith split $15, COLUMBIA 108 piece DELUXE Socket Tool Set Ideal for Home, Farm, Shop, Boat & Auto Repairs. If any break - we replace it. / SQQ95Exceptional value at uv POWER root Handyman 1/4” Drill Reg. 16.95 NOW 13,88 Handyman Orbital Sander Reg, 24.9s NOW 21'88 Handyman Sabre Saw Reg. 24.95 NOW 21.88 FREE,CARRYING CASE WITH EACH ABOVE WOW! Handyman 7” Power Saw NRoe’-4.’,” Special Announcement The Odd Fellows and Rebekah Humanitarian Service Committees (Hospital Bed — C.P. & T.) of , CLINTON - SEAFORTH - BRUCEFIELD - HENSALL EXETER - BRUSSELS - WINGHAM announce that they are again sponsoring a subscription campaign for the purpose of furthering their Humanitarian Services Programme.“Instituted for the purpose of relieving distress wherever found”, and for purchasing additional sickroom equipment such as hospital beds, wheelchairs, etc. W This sick room equipment Is made available to any resident of HURON COUNTY, FREE OF CHARGE For Home Use. Your MAGAZINE ORDER (New or Renewal) will help further this community project and every resident is urged to co-operate. Residents when called upon should request to see the representative’s letter of introduction signed by a C.P. & T. Committee Member of Clinton, Seaforth, Brucefield, Hensall, Exeter, Brussels and Wingham. This is to eliminate any misrepresentation by unauthorized persons. donations are not to be solicited OR ACCEPTED Your C.P, & T. Chairman Is Listed Below Wm. Ford, Exeter Hat-old Wise, Clinton John Broadfoot, Brucefield Mrs. Peart Brooks, WinghaM Mrs. Aldeen Volland, Hensall jaek L. McCutcheon, Brussels Wilmer Broadfoot, Seaforfh FOR SICK ROOM EQUIPMENT CALL NEAREST C.P. & T. CHAIRMAN £1 SAVING SALE CONTINUES FRONTIERS HELLCAT • ["WsoB"] GQTZ GEORGE -PIERRE BRICE BasedonitWYil'byKMlMW HORST WENODT-Dlrededbj' AUREO W ■CINEMASCOPE^ COLUMBWCOtOH Anfng STEWART GRANGER Show. Time: 2.30 p.m,; Children 35o • MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY December 18-19-20 i We Also Have Electric Blankets — Vacuum Cleaners & Polishers — Coffee Percolators — Heating Pads Table Radios and Electric Knives. GINGERICH'S SALES & SERVICE 482-9634 CLINTON SEAFORTH ZURICH .....................I 1 » ■ 1111,JAGKIEMMONS inKSV! COLUMBIA PKliMS Presents JMKIBMMOM IN A MARTIN MANLIUS PROOUCDON NINA WAYNt * LUUlt MAT CHUT r by MNAViSIOir afcr by EASTMAN COLOR Adult Ententainrrteftt Shows at 7.30 and 9.15 p.m. •i