Clinton News-Record, 1967-05-25, Page 547 Centennial Week Draw Winners (Continued from Page One) Ja^n'es Engel, steam iron, Gin-’ erich Sales and Service; Mrs. Verna ITeumis, box of men’s grooming aids; Arnold Riley's. Barber Shop; T, M. Phillip, Adastral Park, $20.00 credit at Dory's .Supentest;, ■£« Maines, credit af Hai'Old King’s White Rose; Mrs, Desmond Paquet, AdastraP'Park, box of shirts, Pickett and Campbell . Ltd.; Ruth Beuttenmlller, Seaforph, $20.00 merch'and'isp, Clinton IGA Store; Murray McDopgah,. RR 3 .Clinton, electric hockey getme, Ellwood Epps Sports A White Gloves and Top Hat Affair So serious were the Clinton Retail Merchants that they invited Mayor Don Symons, left and Royal Bank Manager Paul Aggerholm to make the 47 draws for nearly $1,000 worth of prizes at the end of Centennial Week in Clinton at 4 o’clock Satur­ day afternoon.. The mayor and the banker “dress­ ed” for the occasion, held in front of the town hall. Master of ceremonies for th'e draw was-R, N. Irwin, chairman of the retail merchants committee. (Wews-.Kecord! Photo) United Church At Auburn Plans Services The Sunday School Anniver­ sary ,jn Knox United Church, Auburn, will feature special speakers this Sunday, At the 11 a.m. service, Rev. L, Warr, Goderich Victoria Street United Church will have charge of .the sermon message. In the evening ait 8 o’clock, Dr. Finlay Stewart of St. Andrew’s Pre#’- byterian Church, Kitchener, will deliver the sermon. Special music will, be featur­ ed at both services as well. In the morning, toe Junior Choir Will sing. At night,, area Hi C members. will provide special musical numbers, violin selec­ tions will be performed by Rev, R. M. Sweeny, Gorrie and Mr. and Mrs. B. Doran,. Auburn, will sing a duet. $hiQP;. Bob Livermore, .transis­ tor radio, Tom Darling’s Store; John Gladkill, ’ ttixp, «L -&T Murphy Ltd.; Mrs. Gladys W#l- , liis, pair of clocks, Galbraith '■ Radio and. TV; Mrs, Ed Dale, $20.00 gwepies, Herb’# Food Market; Lmda Storing, RK, 2 , Bayfield, walnut table,. Ball & Mutch Crest Hardware find Furmtwe; LueWa Ostrom, RR 3 Clinton, gas at Lome Brown ' Motors Ltd., Mrs, -Wilbur WeMt $25.00 ’ .merchandise, Lee’s Ladles’ and : Men’s Wear; W, G, Carter, pFB Clinton, basket of chicken, Dot*-. , Othy Frey’s Century Restau­ rant; AC M, W, Barker, CFB Clinton, $20.00 luggage mer­ chandise, Aiken Bros.; Jean An- darii, portable barbecue, Eaton’s of Canada; Mrs, Cathy Semple, chaise lounge, BimFsoni-^ears Ltd.-; E. Hparbye, RR1, Clinton, $20. bakery merchandise, Bait- liffs Bakbry & Restaurant; Don Greidanus, ‘ Londesboro-, slacks, Herman's Men's Wear; Mrs, Ua Walters, dock, Hur- •on Co-operative Medical Servi­ ces ; Mrs. A. Pelletier, CFB 'Clin­ ton, record player and six re­ cords, Stedman's Department Store; Susan Reiid, RR 5 Clin­ ton, transistor' radio, Clinton E- lectnic Shop; Mrs. Jimlipwson, Blyth', tote box add tapis, Sui? ter-Perdue Hardware; Don Hanley,. paiipte, brush and tray set, D, A,.' Kay & Son; Mrs- Ray Bird', RR 2 Clinton, $15.00 groceries, Carries Red & White; J- Sturdy, RB1 Goderich, gall­ shoes, Lobb’s Shbe Store; Mrs; Femmy Chawrun, RR 5 .Clin­ ton, blanket, Irwin’s Ladins' Wear and Dry Goods; Miss Edna MeDpuald, five smorgas.- bord dinner#, Hotel Clinton; John Kraszewski, camera, New.- combe*# Rexall pnug Store-; Mrs. Sam Ship#, $20.00 grpceiv ies, Harold Swan’s Grocery; Miss LiUljan Stewart, Auburn, blanket, Martin’s Department ■Store; Mrs. M. Morrell, merchandise, Market; Mrs. Fred, merchandise, Store; Helen Broadfoot, London, hair dryer, Anstett Jew­ ellers Ltd.; T, Gulliver, Adas-? tral Park, electric clock, Mc­ Ewans Stationery and Book#; Mrs, G. W, Pinner, Mrs, G. Rath,well, Hurry Waymouth, all of Clinton and Connie Coutts, Walton, each won a subscription to the Clinton Neiws-Reoordf Letter To The Editor Glinton? Radley.Gmreitit’# $15.00 $20.00 .Shots Thurs./May 25, 1967-—Clinton Ne ws-Record-—Page 5 Little England Good Cook Says . Fried Chicken, Biscuits Retail Sales Ladies Appreciate Response f Modern Setting For Oidtime Art This wasn’t Aunt Dinah’s quilting party, but it could have been judging from the costumes and the skill of these ladies stitching in the window of Simp­ son-Sears order office in Clinton last week. The women were taking part in Centennial week ^celebrations and from all reports, enjoyed every moment of it. Seen here are (left to right) jMrs. Ernest Brown, Miss Edna Jamieson, Miss Freida' Schoenhals, manager of Simpson-Sears office here, Mrs. Milton Wiltse and Mrs; Jack'Gibson. . (News-P^cord Photo) —-------------------------------------------—--------------------------------------------------------- ...... ...— . ..- I - - ........ - -- Our “Little England Cook” has provided us with two more recipes' from her file of delicious dishes. These are just 'light when you want something spe­ cial to serve the family and friends without spending; too much time in toe kitchen/ The lady still does, not want her name revealed, but we suggest you try these" tasty treats real soon. You have1 our word for it that the nameless cook from '“Little England” has proven the worth of these recipes many times over. * !k -Fried Chicken Go-Go 2% lb. broiler chicken 2 eggs * Young Lady Wins Mattress At Beattie Furniture 2‘ tsp.’srilt % -tsp, pepper ‘ . T flour cup shortening or butter onions cups milk cup table cream Clean and cut up1 chicken, wash and'dry well. Beat eggs, adding salt and pepper. Dip each piece of chicken into this mixture, then into flour. Melt shortening and while still hot, put chicken into pan and bnoiwn well on all sides. - Slice onions thinly and, plaice'1 on top of chicken. Cook in oven at 300° for 45 minutes. Lift out . chicken and add 4 T flour to the fat in the pan. Blend well and slowly add milk and cream. Continue cooking stir­ ring constantly until mixture thickens. Add chicken and serve im­ mediately with hot biscuits. 6 % 2 2 1 juice off sweet pickles. Save a few - slices of hard-boiled eggsfew .slices of hard-boiled to decorate. To- the Citizens of Clinton and District: , On behalf of the merchants’ wives .and sales clerks of Clin­ ton, I would like to express our most sincere appreciation .to all who made our Centennial Week such a successful event. It was with real pride that everyone took pant in decorat­ ing their windows and dress­ ing for the occasion. These projects are only as good as the co-operation we get, and this was truly a co­ operative effort. Our appreciation is extended to Rev. Ron Wenham and the Congregation of Sit. Paul’s An­ glican ' Churcih for toe church ■service which started off our week; to the Kinette. girls for the fine art display; the ‘ Miss Mary Vandend’ool of RR 4, Clinton, won a $79.50 Bev­ erley Qufiltress Mattress in a draw at Beattie Furniture Store Tuesday morning. Chief of Police H. R. Thompson made the draw. The Beattie store gave out tickets in a recent sales promotion, the last week of which coincided with Clin­ ton Retail Merchants Centen­ nial Week. Kidney Bean Salad Combine-: 2 ’ % U 3 1 l lb.cups kidney beans (1 can) cup sliced celery cup chopped sweet pickle hard-boiled eggs; chopped onion, chopped Add salad, dressing and thin with a little lemon juice or The Rev. Dr. George W. Goth of Metropolitan United Church. London, • will be 'the .guest speaker on Sunday ’morning, May 28 at 11 a.m. at Wesley- Willis limited Church’s’ '66th Anniversary. His subject ‘ will be, “The Church — Dead or Alive?’’ There will be special music by both the Senior and Junior Choirs, Sunday evening at 7:30 there will be a special anniversary service. Instead .of the usual sermon there will be a panel selected from different groups of the church to discuss the controversial theme of Dr. Goto’s morning semiow. On Monday, May 29 at 8 p.m. there is to be “an evening of music” featuring the well known male chorus, “The Har- bouraires”^ trios and soloists. Lome Dotterer of Goderich will be at the console and will play several, solo numbers on the fine pipe organ which • he himself helped to design. This concert, as well as the anniversary services, are open to the general public. All are welcome. • On Wednesday, May 17 in Hurley -Hospital, Flint, Michi-' gan, Eva Leone Magee, 417 East Sherman, Flint, passed away in her' 58th year. She was the widbw of Chester W. Magee who died in May, 1961 Born in Newark, Ontario on July 19, 1909 to Herman and 'Celia Snell, the deceased is sur­ vived by one daughter, Mrs. Gordon (Shirley) Steepe, Hol­ mesville and three granddaugh­ ters. She had resided in Wind­ sor before moving to Flint six years ago; She had • suffered from a heart condition for sev­ eral years. Funeral s'ervice was from Beattie Funeral Home, Clinton on Saturday, May 20 with Rev. A. J. Mowatt officiating. Inter­ ment was in Clinton Cemetery. Pallbearers were N. M. Emigh, Ally Lampman', Ray­ mond Rockett, Charles Rockett, Paul Fleming and Cecil Hyatt; all of Woodstock. Women’s Institute for their1 Centennial Tea; toe Baptist- Ladies for their- bake sale and tea; to, Freda Schpenhals and Sdmpsons-Sears for the use of their office for a quilting bee, and last but not least, oiur most sincere thanks; to. the people who brought'Centennial clothes and modelled for us at our Fashion ShiovV. Our thanks also to Lee's Ladies’ Wear for dis­ playing the modem dresses as contrast. We wish to toank the men who helped prepare for our fashion show on Wednesday afternoon and evening; also Roy Tyndall for the use of the corner store and the town coun­ cil for use of Council Chambers. All these efforts would- have been in vain, it had not been for- the fine way the citizens and district came out and pat­ ronized these activities, a# well as dressed for the occasion. This was truly a memorable week for Clinton, thanks to you Ml1 CLINTON RETAIL SALES LADIES Clinton, Ontario. ’ May 23, 1967. '/f—1 ....................... . TO ALL THOSE WHO PARTICIPATED. IN ANY WAY, IN OUR CENTENNIAL WEEK, WE SAY, A HEARTFELT The co-operation received in all phases of the planning and carry­ ing out of this event was beyond our expectations, It is* gratifying to know that-48 merchants and the entire population of Clinton and District can join together in harmony to have fun and make a venture like this a success. A special thanks to CFB Clinton for the various items loaned so willingly to help make things easier- To the ladies who organized the Fashion Show, you did a wonder- To the you helped'make various organizations who planned activities for the week, our week more attractive. To our DraW Winners, congratulations. Again to one and all, Thank You. We had fun, we hope you did too! FOOD BARGAINS WEEKEND SPECIALS CLINTON RETAIL MERCHANTS COMMITTEE-1 R. N. IRWIN, Chairman R. B. CAMPBELL, Secretary W! 12 rolls $1.00 65c 2 for 65c $1.69 ALL WHITE — SELF STORING For The Salahce Of The Month INGERSOLL — 16-oz. Jar CHEESE SPREAD AYLMER FANCY — 48-oz. Tins TOMATO JUICE KRAFT JET-PUFFED — 11J/2-oz. Pkg; MARSHMALLOWS 2 for 49c MAPLE LEAF — 1/24b. CANNED HAMS LUX TOILET SOAP regular size bars, pink, green, WHITE (DEAL PACK) 6 Bars 65c z 89c lb. SCHNEIDER'S MINCED HAM Pillsbury Layer Type CAKE MIXES CHOCOLATE-FUDGE, WHITE, ORANGE, BANANA, SPICE, DEVILSFOOD 18-oz. pkgs. — 2 for 69c MINUTE STEAKS FRESH No. 1 FLORIDA ALUMINUM V DOORS Another $50 for Community Centre Mrs, Connie Col clough, president of Clinton Women’s Institute is shown here hariding over $50 to Andy Peterson, treasurer of Clinton arid District Community Centre Centennial Fund. This was ’ the profits from the WI's Cehtennial bake sale arid ’ coffee break in the council chanibers oh Friday afternoon in con junction with Clinton Retail Mer­ chants Centennial Week, (^ows^ecord Photo) ■ e' -'-J p- | .j..- ■ ■ ...j:!..! hll|lll||,| |f| j fy , r | s MAKE YOUR WASH DAY A HOLIDAY! LET US DO YOUR LAUNDRY MEN’S SHIRTS OUR SPECIALTY Phone 482-9491 HURON LAUNDRY 154 BEECH STREET — CLINTON, ONT. - FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY .--I-,. .................... . ...ri.nbJ FRESH GROUND BEEF CAPRI TOILET TISSUES . SOUTHAMPTON 1 "H3 ART SCHOOL |T5eSr„- INSTRUCTORS: EVAN MacDONALD, A.R.C.A., O.S.A. HARpLD NORAINGTON ALEXANDER WYSE ' JOHN MEIZNIKOWSKI EDNA JOHNSON, Resident Artist For Brochures: Write to Director, Mrs. Edna Johnson, RR 2, Goderich. JERVIS SALES Phone 482-9390 OMSTEAD LAKE PERCH - COTTAGE BRAND JAMS APPL^-RASPBeRRY or APPLE-STRAWBERRY (ADDED PECTIN) 48-oz. Tins “ 69c