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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-04-06, Page 4
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL G, 195Q i PLEASE PHONE 449-J-13 HENSALL 80-r-2 the.w as nice and .Mrs. Clifton WIREtossed 5 63 I Now Available WE ALSO HAVE GATES WE LOAN WIRE STRETCHERS my breath with me.” * laced next with to is Westman is having sale Tuesday, , April the set. 496 Greenlee. of London spent the home of his Mrs. Hugh Car- 4, .a was Cantata. service ' in the Friday morning services will be service in St. Sunday owing The comes boys who were apprentices used to get so covered with ink they were black and called ’‘devils”. Mrs. Roger Sharpe report that confined to Dilling and Mr. of London spent term “printer’s' devil” from the 16(10’8 when the RACE BARN' HOLOCAUST COSTLY — This is what the race barn at Exeter Community Park looked like to Sunday visitors after the disastrous fire that claimed six valuable horses the previous night. Only one horse, owned by Jack saved. With a strong- wind fanning ❖ * Morrissey, flames the fire was out of control even before the firemen reached the scene. —Jack Doerr, Exeter (Cut through the courtesy of The London Free Press) Page 4 CARLOAD OF | For satisfying results, try I Want Ads. eLl .fVySsAL.. The Exeter Ladies’ League ended their regular schedule last week with the Hot Dogs as the league winners. The Dogs ended the season with 66 points, eleven points ahead of their nearest rivals. In the games on Wednesday, March 29, the Skunks poured it on .and blanked the Rookies 4-0. Bernice Christie (206) to pace the Skunks to their win, followed closely by Doreen Prance who spilled 560spilled 560 (295). Kay .Hay broke 609 (228) to lead the Rookies. The Yarn Spinners Whizzers 3-1 in the Rutli Arthur was tops (182) for the Spinners, while Lorraine Brock had an indentical triple for the Whizzers, with 259 as her high .single. The Sorority pulled their sec ond upset in 3 weeks -when they took .3 points from the Musket eers. Naida Francois again paced the Sorority gals With 572 (246) while for the Musketeers, Hap Cutting was best with 455 (1SS). * ft ft Ht On Thursday night the .Frisky Sisters and Hot Dogs clashed with the former upsetting the league winners 3-1. Ethel Cush man had a .fine night with 613 (2'21) for the Sisters, while for the canines, Dot Brady spilled 574 (200). The Lucky Strikes ended their season with a 3-1 win over the Happy Gals. Agnes Cutting toss ed 530 (210) to again lead the Strikes, while for the Gals, June Grayer rolled 459 (187). Betty Shaw had the best single for the Gals with 210. The Housewives laced the Jolly Eight 3-1 in the last match of the evening. Dot -McFarlane J spilled 578 (245) to lead the) wives to their win, while for the Eight, Elaine Rumball hanged out 531 (265), |■s""* * * « The season's high average to Phil Haworth who rolled the high triple to Dot Hall 765, and the high single to ion Jackson, who tossed 'Congratulations gals, that is trundling in any league. tfc sfc 5k Standings— W L A Hot Dogs ..... 48 IS 18 Skunks .......... 40 26 15 Rookies ......... 38 27 14 Happy Gals ., 39 27 13 Frisky -Sisters 39 27 12 Yarn Spinners 3 6 30 10 Housewives .... 30 36 14 Lucky Strikes 30 3 6 11 Jolly Eight ... 26 40 8 Musketeers .... 26 40 S Whizzers ....... 23 43 4 Sorority ........ 20 46 5 Playoff Rules Clarified On Tuesday night, April league executive meeting held at the home of the secre tary, Dot Hall, , Playoff rules and regulations were discussed and clarified for the league members. The league i has been divided in 2 sections, A and B, with the B section bowling on Wednesday nights and the A section on Thursday nights. .Each team will bowl the other five teams in its section once, with the top team at the end of 5 weeks being the .win ner of the group. Then the two winners will roll off in the finals. It is hoped that the finals can be finished in one week. The point system will govern the standings, the same as in regular schedule play. Official scorekeepers and foul line judges are to be appointed. It is hoped that some men will volunteer their services to help out the girls with this. As in the men’s league, there will be no handicaps and the teams bowl on alternate alleys. KIRKTON (Intended for last week) Mrs. Archie Robinson return-1 ed to her home in the village I this past week, having spent the 1 past four months jat the home of ‘ her son Eldon, where she was nursed by her son and his wife, having broken her hip some time ago.Mr. William Anderson of Lon don, a former Anderson hoy Js spending some time with his sis- 'ter, Mrs. Wes Hodge. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Smith were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fletcher Saturday evening. Mr, .Reg. Morrison, who has Been an employee with Mr. W. <4. Simmons & Sons at Exeter, has accepted a position in their new John Deere plant at -Gode rich. Miss Stella Sewell, Superin tendant of the Galt General Hos pital, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Wiseman. Mrs. Fred Switzer spent part of the past week with her twin sister. Miss Blanche Simpson, at Welland. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hodge, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Batten and Mr. William Hodge, all from the vil lage, were guests at the Hodge- Harper wedding which was’held at Mt. Pleasant Church Satur day. Miss Lizzie Collu spent the past week with friends in Lon don. _'Mr. and Mrs. Allen Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Smith, Mr, and Mrs: Laverne Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Francis and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Duncan were Thurs day evening supper guests at the liome of Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Smith, of Woodham. STOP WORRYING about heating your home Coal, inert, smoke, ashes, irregular heat Cdristant attention to the heating plant... no wonder people who use coal dread to see Winter come.* All that worry is banished forever in the home which has ToridheCt, the modern oil burner. ♦ Cdtne in and learn how easily you can enjoy the comfort and convenience of advanced oil heat. ^OMAT/c 0 EDGEWOOD Misses Margaret and Bernice Westman have returned to work in London after being ill, with the measles. Mr. Alien an auction 11, Mr, and and Jacqueline and Roberta of Ailsa Craig spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore, 'The friends and neighbours of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mitchell held a shower for them Saturday night,-. Their home was burnt last Friday. Some of .the country roads are in bad shape. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Moore and Marion spent Tuesday with Mrs. William Cornilh at Mooresville. Due to th© Damage of Telephone Lines Our Kintore Phone Is Out of Operation COLLECT INGERSOLL OR RIVERSIDE POULTRY CO Howard Ferguson, Manager ELIMVILLE Miss Wanda Stephen and Mr. Laurie Stephen of London spent- the week-end with their parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles Stephen. Mr. and Mrs, Normgn Jaques and family, and Mrs. Ross Skinner and Larry visited Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Philip .Murch. w Miss Seeta- Collyer of London spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. William Routly. A number of ladies and friends, called on Mrs. Lewis Johns on Wednesday afternoon to see the trousseau of her daughter Ola, bride-elect of last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Bird and Darian visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper. Mrs. M. Dobbs of .Glencairn is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mr. Brock. Miss Hazel Ross Dilling the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dilling. Quite a number of ladies at tended the shower of Miss Ola Johns at the home of Mrs. Jack- son Woods last Tuesday after noon. Euchre Club Meets f The ElimviBe Euchre Club was held Tuesday evening in the town hall with Mr. and Mrs. A, Dilling as hosts. Prizes were won by Mrs. Charles Stephen, ladies’ high; Mr. Alvin Pym, gent’s high; Mrs. Philip Murch, ladies’ consolation; Mr. Franklin Skinner, gent’s consolation. The Eliraville choir are pre setting their Easter Canatu in Elimville Church on Friday eve ning at 8 p.m. A southern minister stopped at one of his members’ homes and found Mrs. Smith on her front porch smoking a pipe. The min ister asked: “What will St. Peter think of you when you go to heaven with tobacco on your breath?” . Mrs. Smith: “I don’t calculate taking SAINTSBURY Mr. and Mrs. W. Carroll of Parkhill spent one day recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Turner. « We are sorry Mrs. W. .J. Davis bed. There was no Patrick’s Church to the condition of the roads. Mr. and Mrs. C. Shipley and Peter of Lucan were . Sunday- evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll. Miss M. Isaac of London spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Isaac. Miss Almarie Davis spent last week at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobbs, of Exeter. Mrs. (F. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. H.‘~.Davis and family and Mr. and IMrs. A. Elston and family were Friday evening din ner guests at the home of ,Mr. and Mrs. M. Elston. Master David Fenn is confined to the house with measles. Mr, and Mrs. F. Smyth called at the home of Mrs. W. J. Davis on Saturday. Miss J. Davis and Mr. J. Par ker spent iSunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Abbott Mr. and Mrs. I-I. Noels and family of Aylmer were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. M McDonald. fMr. and Mrs. H. Davis ,Al marie and Alexia were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and (Mrs. E. Mr. A. Carroll the week-end at parents, Mr. and roll. Mr. and Mrs. R. Greenlee spent Sunday visiting in London. CENTRALIA Mrs. E. Knight returned to her home recently after spending the winter with her daughters. Mrs. Lome Hicks is supplying at the school this week for Mrs. Ivan Hearn, who is ill in St. Jo seph’s Hospital, London. Mr. Steve ’Molnar of Quebec is holidaying with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. ,S. Molnar. Mr. and Mrs. G. Baynham visited with iM'r. E, Carruthers in London on Sunday. We rejoice with ,Mrs. H. Mills in the good news tliat her grand son, David Mills, who has -been seriously ill for several weeks in the Sarnia hospital is rapidly improving. Mr. Eldon Murray is assisting the staff at the -Creamery in Harriston for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald O’Brien and family of Mt. Carmel were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. -O’Brien. A number from the village motored to Brucefield Sunday morning for the church service when t'he choir presented a very beautiful Easter There will be church on Good at 10:30. Easter held in the church Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. In the evening the choir will present their cantata “King All Glor ious”. The Alert Mission Band will ' meet in the schoolroom of the church Tuesday afternoon, Ap’ril 11 at 2:30 p.m. The Centralia choir are pre paring an Easter Cantata “The King Of Glory” to be presented ■Easter Sunday evening. They will be assisted by outside talent. rival of a baby boy to their home. z Miss Barbara Hayter, who has been visiting with relatives in Detroit returned to her home on -Saturday. Mr. Mansell .Hodgins and sister and Mr. and’ Mrs. Ross Love, Clare, Don and Kathleen, Sliipka, spent Sunday in Lucan with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hardy and family. any Patrons and Customers To Our lA Having' disposed of the Exeter and Winchelsea Creameries to Canada Packers, Limited, I wish to express my sin’cere thanks for the continued loyalty and support given me by the patrons, merchants, consumers and staff during- the long years that I have been associated with the Exeter and Winchelsea Creameries. I bespeak for my successors the same loyal support that has been given to me, W. G. Medd Check your fencing needs and then see us for your requirements. free, of charge to fencing wire customers Exeter District Co-Operative Phone 287-W J. A. Petrie, Mgr HARPLEY (Intended for’ last week) Owing to the bad condition No. 81 Highway, a number people were unable to attend the Grand Bend Church on Sunday. Mrs. Max Desjardine and sons, Alex and Robert, and Mr. .and Mrs. Jack Ridley attended _the funeral of Mrs. Martin in ter on Friday. Congratulations to Mr. Mrs. Clarence Stone on the ar- Exe- and Complete With Year’s Service Ready to Go No Extras Conroy TURB-O-TUBE Forced-Air Furnace or Hanging Unit Heater A Newly Developed Principle i Fast, Economical Heating of Homes LESS MONEY TO BUY LESS MONEY TO OPERATE LESS MONEY TO INSTALL Fan Started and Heat Being Delivered Within Three Minutes F.O.B. Factory - $200,. $225., $250 Monthly Terms If Desired