Clinton News-Record, 1973-02-22, Page 3BUDGET CUT DISCOUNTS ON ALL TIMEX WATCHES NOW AT ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Established 1950 Clinton, Seaforth Waike'rton Western pick-up can be just as dangerous on a snowmobile as it can on horseback as these two participants demonstrate at the Novelty Snowmobile Races at the Clinton Winter Carnival last week. The idea is for a snowmobiler to rush down the track, pick up a partner and rush back to the starting point. Fastest crew wins. Most of the pickups were dragged along the ground a breathtaking speeds. It's hard on the skin too. (News-Record photo) ' the year of the rotary ••• MAZDA Join the youth movement. The rotary engine cars are where the action is, And now you can get started in three new young rotary performers: The RX-3 Coupe, or Wagon, or Sedan. You can hang in there with either an automatic or manual shift. The speed stick makes it fun. While the automatic makes it easy. The decision rests in your hands. But rest easy. Both come with the rotary engine. Or perhaps we should say go. Driving the rotary engine is the closest thing on earth to flying. It is uncannily quick and quiet and vibration free. You don't have to worry about pistons, valves, rods or cams, either. There aren't any. Rather, two rotors simply and smoothly spin out the power. Some power, Unlike pistons in a conventional engine, which use connecting rods to transmit power to the crankshaft, the rotors run directly on an eccentric shaft. Torque output comes from this shaft. As the rotors make one rotation, the eccen- tric shaft turns three times. But as the pistons in a four-stroke conventional engine complete their cycle, the crankshaft turns two times. And of those two, only one produces the power to drive the car. While all three turns of the ec- centric shaft in the rotary engine produce this power three times. Quicker acceleration is the happy result. Mazda has fewer parts to service, too, About all you have to do is to change the spark plugs and oil, and clean the air filter once in a while, ROSS COCKWELL GARAGE LISTOWEL For a demonstration call Cleve Carter akos,,,,, knows: CLINTON 4824175 CLINTON NEWS-RECORD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1973-4 .ondesboro UCW to attend World Development Day Jack Riddell is •••••••••••••• Successful farmer — graduate of the Univer- ity of Guelph — partner in Hensall Livestock Sales — Jack has taught high school in Clin- ton and Exeter — been a government livestock specialist — he is a trustee of Huron Board of Education — Married — active in church and community work. Mrs. Bert Shobbrook ie Aimwell Unit of the W. met in the church lor February 12, The ident, Mary Peel, opened meeting with a reading r a Day's Beginning."A nn was sung and Mary Peel I the Scripture and excerpts n an article "Why we op- e Capital Punishment" owed by Prayer. 'he roll call was answered 26 members and one visitor. rrespondence included thank is from Jean and Richard addick. The next meeting 11 be March 19. An invitation s read to the Huron Perth esbyterial United Church omen Development Day to be Id in Seaforth World's Day Prayer will be March 2 at 5 p.m. in the church. Muriel Sewers and Florence rtwright took charge of the ogram. Muriel gave a reading alentines" and Florence ve a reading "Valentines for veryone". Muriel read poem ridges" and a hymn was ng. Muriel read "Winter ralentine and "Contentment" nd gave a Valentine contest. ;hut in Valentine boxes were iacked and lunch was served )37 Gail Lear and Margaret Nhyte. BEREAN UNIT The Berean unit of' U.C.W. held their meeting on February Southcott continued from page 1 MacNaughton said that he found it a little hard to be as contemporary as a Progressive Conservative should be so had made his decision to retire, "I would like to know who said, and where, that there were no issues in this election," he noted, commenting on ac- cusations by NDP party leader Stephen Lewis. "There will always be issues in a democratic society and the can- didates know of many of these and will discover more as the campaign progresses." 13th at the home of Mrs. Laura Lynn, The president, Mrs. Ena Howatt opened meeting with prayer and a reading on the theme "Knowing how to fail." Mrs. Margaret Whyte read the scripture. Mrs. Howatt gave the meditation and prayer. The treasurers report was given by Mrs, E, Wood and minutes were read by the secretary, Correspondence consisted of thank ,sous from Kay Saunder- cock and family, Richard and Jean Shaddick, Mrs. Skimmins. Children's Aid Society, Rev, Jas Ludford, Christian Island for Christmas bales. Mrs. Will Manning wished to be remem- bered. Mrs. Margaret Whyte repor- ted that an invitation was received to attend the Huron- Perth Presbyterial U.C.W. Development Day to be held in Northside United Church Seaforth February 28th at 9:30 a.m. The afternoon speaker will be Miss Patricia Clark, a writer in the Observor. The World's Day of Prayer will be held March 2nd at 8:15 in the church parlor and men welcome. Mrs. Bert Shobbrook will have the March study period. Mrs. Harry Durnin, supply secretary, read a thank you note from Rev. Ludford for five cartons of clothing sent at the end of January. Roll call and .Birthday pennies were taken with 17. members and one visitor present. Mrs. Howatt /closed the business period with 'poem "Valentine Wishes" and the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. The study was given by Mrs. Myrtle Fairservice who capably gave an interesting study of the Ganges river, the sacred river in India. There are five million people living in the city of Calcutta. She also showed dif- ferent pictures of the country. Mrs. Fairservice closed the meeting with prayer. Mrs. Howatt thanked her and Mrs. Lyon for having the meeting in her home. A lovely lunch was served by Mrs. Joe Shaddick, Mrs. Jessie Jones and Mrs. E, Wood. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The community hall was nicely decorated for Valentine Day for the Women's Institute meeting held on February 14. The president, Mrs. Eric An- derson, opened the meeting with a Valentine ,poem followed by Opening Ode, Mary Stewart Collect and 0 Canada. Roll call was answered by 24 verse.memb members with a Valentine Minutes of last meeting were read by secretary Mrs, Margaret Taylor and Mrs. Mervyn Datema introduced the guest speaker, Mr. Fox, Clinton H.D.C.S, who showed two films on China: Modern day China and China 1947, He also held a question and answer period which was quite profitable to all. Mrs. Lorne Hunking thanked him and presented a gift. Mrs. Anderson also thanked him. The treasurer gave the finan- cial statement and com- munications were read inlcuding a letter from Mrs. Noblett, Provincial President; a letter from Mrs. Harvey John- son, Huronview asking if we would plan for the Huronview December birthday party. The 25th Officers Convention will be held at University of Waterloo May 1-2-3. Delegate will be Mrs. Lorne Hunking. It was moved to pay hall board rent. Elaine Vincent favored with a , solo accom- panied on guitar. The following committees were appointed for February card parties, Mrs. Liberals . . . (continued from page 1) "If I am elected," he promised, "I will not live in an ivory tower, nor will I try to build an empire. I would not be happy in an ivory tower. I will be back here in the county wearing my rubber boots, talking to people so that I will better understand their problems and will be in a better Bert Shobbrook, Mrs. Bert Brunsdon, Mrs. Jessie Jones and Mrs, Ena Howatt; for the Sunshine Sister Banquet Mrs. Lorne Hunking, Mrs. Don Buchanan 'and Mrs. Claire Vin- cent; the nominating commit- tee, Mrs. Watson Reid, Mrs, Les Reid and Mrs. Margaret Taylor. A motto was given by Mrs. Lorne flunking "You are the solution to the world's problem" and Mrs, Ena Howatt was appointed to at- tend the next Hospital Auxiliary meeting in Clinton. Mrs. Gourley gave a reading "Valentines Day" Elaine Vin- cent favored with solo "I'd like to teach the world to sing", The meeting closed with a closing thought by the president, The Queen and W.I. grace. Lunch was served by Mrs. Bert Shobbrook. Mrs. Bert Brunsdon and Mrs. Tom Allen. W.I. CARD PARTY The Women's Institute held their card party in the hall on ,Friday night February 16th with 13 tables in play. Winners were; high lady, Stella Adams; lone hands, Margaret Thorn- dike; Florence Cartwright; men's high, Don Buchanan; lone hands, Mac Sewers; low Ivan Carter; novelty prize, Mac Sewers. Draws were donated by Tom Duizer were won by Eric An- derson and Claire Vincent. There will be another party on February 28th at 8 p.m. Ladies please bring lunch. PERSONALS Mrs. G. Cowan' returned home having spent the past three weeks with her son Bill and Gregory in Hanover, while Mrs, Cowan had surgery in Barrie Hospital. Jack Riddell Liberal Raceway dates ... money event. Each leg will go for $6,000 added and the final which will be raced at Clinton on September 23 will be $10,000 added, Last year's event raised eyebrows around the province when spectacular times were turned in by two Forest owned pacers, Derby Dan and Atomos. The Stake is raced at eight different tracks with the best eight horses meeting in the final at Clinton. While in Toronto recently, members of the Kinsmen Club also joined the Harness continued from page 1 Tracks of Ontario (HTO) which is a an association of smaller "B" harness tracks in Ontario. Other members besides Clinton include Dresden, Orangeville, Elmira, Hanover, Owen Sound, Belleville, Fron- tenac Downs in Kingston and Sudbury Downs, The HTO declared at its founding meeting to be "unalterably opposed to any form of off-track wagering." Members are fearful that the Ontario's proposed legislation to permit off-track betting will cause the existing raceways a revenue loss. Elect a man who will speak his min and r ' I,.,, Ili itY1 104 Help Huron lead the way! ere's how you can- ••••••••••.••.• • • • assist in stopping constant increase in Ontario govern- ment expenditure -- Check the ever increasing and wasteful bur- den of provincial debt which this year alone will amount to 800 million dollars. Interest on our provincial debt costs us 1 1/4 million dollars a day, every day of .the year. Jack -Riddell says ••••••••••. "We in Huron can either send one more Tory to Queen's Park to add to an already over- weighted majority or we can send a Liberal to help bring accountability back to govern- ment." Help Huron..help Ontario....help yourself vote Riddell Moraramooloolaywoewaftwoorkawrnire*