Clinton News-Record, 1973-02-15, Page 12WANTADSt Pack 41.- 'Power 1110* iffigragginingdoggassaggyr Your Old Crate Ready For The Heap? You need one of our late-model 0 used cars. we're ready to deal or trade .. 1970 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2 door hardtop, sharp 2 tone finish, power steering and brakes, radio, rear speaker, whitewalls, power trunk lock Lic. K51046 at $2450,00 1969 OLDSMOBILE 4 door Delta Custom Sedan, driven 32,000 miles by one local owner, fully equipped. 1971 CHEVROLET BELAIR 4 door sedan, power steering and brakes, radio, rear seat speaker, fully reconditioned and safety checked. 1969 CHEVROLET BELAIR 4 door sedan, V8 engine, automatic trans., radio, only 29,000 miles on this locally owned car. K51479. $1795.00 1966 CHEVROLET BELAIR SEDAN, V8 engine, automatic, trans. "AS IS" K47846. $375.00 OTHER RECENT TRADE-INS 1971 DOGE CHARGER "SE" 2 door hardtop 1969 CHEVELLE MALIBU 2 door hardtop 1971 FORD TORINO 500 2 door hardtop 1968 CHEVROLET BELAIR 4 door sedan 1969 OLDSMOBILE DELTA CUSTOM 2 door hardtop 1970 FORD CUSTOM 4 door sedan. 1967 OLDSMOBILE DELTA 2 door hardtop Many other fine Used cars to chciaSe from, dNIAC financing available Lorne Brown Aotois Ltd. liiii ii, Clinton trio St. 482-9321 • L TV BRING YOU • Large screen viewing • Automatic fine tuning • Automatic color control • Philips unrivalled warranty and Ser- vice that's a snap. \ MODULAR 4 COLOR TV .1 ' THE CARONDALE ,— Model 26CC91 The richness of imaginative styling is most apparent in this full length cabinet. Here is truly a beautifully sculptured cabinet of rare beauty. It is fashioned in the traditional good taste that characteries Philips fine furniture cabinets, Deep mouldings along the base make this a distinguished set you'll be proud to own. And you'll enjoy the superb performance of Modular 4 color. Cabinet constructed of hardwood solids and decorative non-wood materials and specially selected Walnut veneers finished in Mediterranean Walnut, Smooth rolling Shepherd castors for easy moving, Dimensions: •35i/•1' W, 291/2" H. 23" D. (including back cover), Reg. $869.00 other console models also on special s79900 PHILIPS Merrill T.V. Service 482-7021 RADIO & APPLIANCES REPAIRS CLINTOts1 ONt PHILIPS OPNOTCH TIVNOTCH FEEDS tIMITED GRASS SEED and SE are ED ort9to RbeA.in IN SHORT SUPPLY Order yours now and be assured of the Variety and Grade you wont at Competitive Prices .,)?hotte 5214910 Seaforth 12,-,'CLINT011 NFW.S,RCORt), THURSPAY 'February 15, 1973 Conservation Authority approves budget Agricultural Society holds card party IRWIN - Bei‘iiktowies A $310,850 budget for 1973 was approved Monday by the Ausable-flayfield Conservation Authority at Exeter, Past-chairman William Amos said it was indicative that conservation authorities now have become "big business." Since the authority was created in 1946, making it the granddaddy of the province's current 38 authorities, more than $3.5 million has been spent on capital works projects by it alone, he said. This year's budget for administration costs alone is $162,950, more than three times what it was 10 years ago. "So it's easy to see that the operation and management of a conservation authority is really big business, and it would not appear likely that it will become less so in the years ahead." "Our task will become more involved and more complicated as more and more services are asked of us." Mr. Amos, who was suc- ceeded at the authority's an- nual meeting here Monday by Elgin Thompson, reeve of Tuckersmith Township, said the greatest emphasis on the services of conservation authorities "will probably remain in the provision of recreational open space. "This is a resource which is disappearing even more rapidly than the farm woodlot. In our area most of the lakefront property is already in private ownership and our valleylands are going the same way." He said the authorities must continue to change with the times to provide more facilities and services for an increasingly younger and more affluent population. The authority's budget this year represents a $43,750 in- crease over last year, due primarily to continuation of its capital spending programs, up this year to $147,900 from the $122,584 spent last year. This year's budget was reduced slightly after reviews from the $335,950 proposed in December, Last year the ministry of natural resources lopped more than $57,000 from the authority's 1972 budget, all of it in proposed capital projects, The authority this year is seeking a total of $197,740 in provincial grants for ad, ministrative costs and capital programs. While the provincial ministry of natural resources has increased its grant allowances to the authorities, there is an indication that a further upward revision will be made shortly, Fred Jackson, finance and legal supervisor of the ministry's conservation authorities branch, told the 32- member authority Monday that it could expect word of newly- revised grant allowances within a week. He said the action stems from recent representations made to the ministry by chair- men of the province's authorities, Monday's election of officers broke a four-year hold on the chairmanship by Mr. Amos, who represents McGillivray Township. Earlier, he had of- fered to continue as chairman only if the post went uncon- tested. Mr. Thompson, a 15-year member on the authority, defeated his only opponent, Lorne Hay of Hensall, in a 17- 12 vote. Fred Hearnan of RR 3, Parkhill, one of three members appointed by the province, was acclaimed vice-chairman. Trinity Anglican Church, Bayfield, Ontario, decorated with fresh-cut daffodils and peach rose buds tied with dainty white lace bows, enhan- cing the pews, was the setting for a very pretty double-ring ceremony, Saturday, January 27, 1973 at 7 p.m. when Rev. George Youmatoff united in marriage, Sheryl Viola Ben- newies Seaforth and Robert W. (Erickson) Irwin of Bayfield. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bennewies of Seaforth, and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. E. Walter Erickson of Bayfield. Mrs. Don Johnston organist, Bayfield, played "Praise My Soul" and "Hymn to Joy". The bride looked 1pvely as she entered the Church on the arm of her father. She wore a hooded, floorlength fitted white silk velvet • gown, with high neckline, fashioned with leg of mutton sleeves, and she carried a white Bible covered with yellow baby roses, baby breath and fern and white satin ribbon streamers knotted with yellow rosebuds. Miss Carol Southgate of Seaforth, as maid of honour, wore a floor-length emerald green velvet gown, round neckline, long-fitted sleeves, ac- cented by a velvet bow tied in the back, She carried a large single yellow chrysanthemum, entwined with fern, and yellow satin ribbon streamers. The gowns worn by the bride ands rnaktill:! —our were . 4.4A 00140 bride's inother. The groom was attended by Mr. David Watson of Sudbury, Ontario and the. guests were ushered by Mr. Murray Ben- newies, Seaforth, brother of the bride, and Mr. Andrew Erickson, Bayfield brother of The Right Reverend Carman J. Queen, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Huron, an- nounced Tuesday that he has appointed the Reverend Joseph Keith Stokes, B.A., S.T.B., of Blyth, as Rector of the Parish of Leamington. Mr. Stokes, with his wife and four children, will be moving to Leamington at the beginning of April, Mr. Stokes, who was born in Toronto, is a graduate of the University of Toronto and of Trinity College, The first four the groom. For the reception and dance Which followed at the Com- munity Centre in Bayfield, the table was centred with a three tiered wedding cake, decorated with pale pink roses and silver leaves, It was flanked on either side by white wedding tapers, Fresh daffodils and pink and white streamers completed the arrangement. The bride's mother received the guests wearing a floor- length fitted gown of purple crimpolene, rounded neckline, long bell sleeves, black and white accessories and a corsage of white carnations. Over her gown she wore a hand-knitted purple shawl. The groom's mother assisted, wearing a mint green floor- length gown of polyester georgette over taffeta, with rachet lace insets, high frilled collar and long gathered sleeves, and a corsage of red roses. A floor length hooded cape of gold bonded acrylic complimented her outfit. The young couple are residing in Bayfield while the groom is attending Conestoga College at Vanastra. Guests attended from Mit- chell, London, Kitchener, Sar- nia, Crediton, Dashwood, Seaforth and area, Mount Clemens, Michigan, St. Marys, Exeter, Goderich, Orangeville, Sudbury, Kincardine, Lon- desboro, Clinton and area and Bayfield and area. Among those attending were the brides grandparents, Mr. William , Brodhagen of Mite chell,-Mreenei Mrs, Edwen,Bene e newies of Seaforth and the grooms grandfather Mr. Bert Irwin of R.R. 2 Seaforth. Prior to her marriage the bride was honoured at showers held at the homes of Miss Carol Southgate and Donelda Sturgeon of Bayfield. years of his ministry were given to Missions in the Diocese of Calgary. He came to the Diocese of Huron in 1965 as In- cumbent of Walpole Island, and four years later was ap- pointed Rector of the Parish of Blyth, Auburn, Belgrave and Brussels, In Leamington, Mr. Stokes succeeds the Reverend Canon Ernest S. Wells, who is now Rector of St. Paul's and St. Stephen's Churches in Stmt. ford. By Miivena Erickson Fifteen tables of card players enjoyed the party sponsored by the Bayfield Agricultural Society, Thursday evening, Friday 8. Society president Everett Mclllwain, thanked those at, tending for their support and donations of lunch and prizes, The successful party was arranged by the committee in charge, comprised of Mrs. F. Hovey, Mrs, T. Penhale, Mrs. F. Clift, Harry Baker and Mrs, G, Graham. Euchre prize winners were: ladies' high, Mrs. R. Stirling; ladies' low, Mrs. R. Taylor; ladies' lone hands, Mrs. Susie Pollock; men's high, Don Harris; men's low, John Sem- ple; and men's lone hands, John Lindsay. Bridge prizes went to high, Mrs. Elva Metcalf; ladies' second, Mrs. R. Blair; men's high, Ernie Hovey; men's second, Fred Clift. Draw prizes were won by Fraser Stirling, Les Elliott, Mrs. Mary Grigg, Mrs. George Heard, Miss Ethel Dewar, George Heard and Gord Graham. PERSONALS Mrs. Betty Ann Quigg, Kim and Joey, Mr. and Mrs, R.J. Stevenson, Doug, David, Karen and Kathy, all of London, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Earl, and celebrated Mr. Stevenson's birthday with a family party. Mrs. John Graham, Wallacetown, visited her son, • daughter-in-law and grand- children, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Graham, Nancy and John, from Sunday to Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Scot- chmer, Robert and Lori of Chatham, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. L.W. Scotchmer. Mrs. Ed. Florian and son Dennis of Clinton, were guests of her sister Mrs. Berthena Hammond for a few days last week. Registered guests at the Albion Hotel included Frank and Muriel Stilson of Granton. Mr. •and Mrs. L.A. Westlake, 1 visited for a recent weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown and family in Kitchener. Mrs, L.B. Smith has returned home after a two and one-half week visit with her family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rowse and children, London, and Mr, and Mrs. Glen Smith of Paris. Mr. and Mrs. Smith accompanied his mother home and remained for the weekend as her guests. Mrs. Steve Scotchmer, Mollie and Jodi of St. Catharines are spending this week with her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.F. Scotchruer, while Steve is overseas on a business trip. Miss Wendy Greer is at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Greer, R.R, Bayfield, for this week, while studying for her examinations at Waterloo-Lutheran Univer- sity, Mr. and Mrs. John Wild and Joey, R.R. 3 Bayfield, attended the wedding of her niece, Miss Nettie Bedard to Mr. Kenneth Stevenson in Brantford on Saturday, February 10. Miss Bedard is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bedard. On their return home Mr. and Mrs. Wild and Joey spent Saturday evening and Sunday with their son-in-law and daughter and family, Mr. • and Mrs: Don By Mrs. H.F. Berry Mr. Robert McCartney, Brucefield and Mr. Allan But- son, Staffa left Monday for two weeks holiday in Florida. Mrs. Stanley Rumble, Toronto, visited a few days with her aunt, Mrs. J.W. McBeath. We are pleased to report that Miss M.E. Swan has returned from University Hospital having undergone surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Stevens, Brantford, spent this weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson and Gordon. Mr. Fred Burdge is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London: Friends and neighbours of Mr. and, Mrs. Cliff Henderson were guests for their Twenty- Corriveau, Sheila and Bryan in. Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Graham and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Spell were weekend guests of. Mrs. Graham's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Rockett of Woodstock and went curling at the Wood- stock Curling Club. John Graham, captain of the Bayfield Girls' Hockey team, reported they had played an exhibition hockey game in Hen- sail Saturday afternoon and won 11 to 0. The Hensall Girls play a return engagement here on Wednesday evening. Sunday evening and Monday Varita By Fred McClymont Mr. John Smith was able to return home from the hospital last Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Eric Chuter returned home last Friday after spending several weeks in Florida. The flowers in the United Church last Sunday were placed by the members of the Webster family in memory of the late Mrs. Melvin Webster. The members of L.O.L. 1035 held a successful card party in the Township hall last Friday evening. Fifth Anniversary. Mrs. J.W. McBeath has returned from Seaforth Hospital feeling better. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Scott, Toronto, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Scott and Mary Jane. Thirty-two neighbours of Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Henderson met in the Church hall on the evening of February 10 to celebrate with Cliff and Jean their twenty-fifth wedding an:- niversary. Games were played after which Mrs. Jerry Moffatt read a fitting address and the happy couple were presented with a mantel mirror. Jean and Cliff expressed their thanks and a bountiful 1pnch was enjoyed by all. afternoon and evening is mix curling in the Bayfield. Are so come out and throw a f rocks. It's loads of fun a good exercise WI! Congratulations to Ga and Brian King (nee Turner) London on the arrival of th son Timothy Warren, bo Thursday, February 8 in Joseph's Hospital, London, brother for Matthew and second grandson for Mr. a Mrs, Robert Turner Bayfield, Kippen By Rena Caldwell Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Ho' are holidaying in the South. Wedding bells are ringing Centralia for Mr. Don Li tleton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ro Littleton. Grant McGregor, who was patient in South Huro Hospital, Exeter, has returne home. Mr. and McGregor are holidaying in Texas. Kippen East W.I. meeting will be held in the Legion Hall Feb. 21 at 2 p.m. (Please note change of time). The roll call will be, "Name the most rewar; ding thing being a Women's In- stitute member has given you." Mrs. Wm Dale will give an Avon demonstration and Mr. Wm. Gibson a hair styling demonstration. Mrs. Ernest Whitehouse will have charge of the lunch. John Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomson, who is studying engineering at Waterloo University visited his home for the weekend, Mrs. Sam Storey and Bill visited Mr. and Mrs, Bert Thomson on Saturday. Rev. Stokes appointed as Rector of Leamington Brucefield Mrs. James