Clinton News-Record, 1973-02-15, Page 6Clinton Colt captain Ken Deer has a smile on his face after scoring a goal on the way to Clinton's upset win over Milverton last week in Clinton. The Colts journey to Milverton this Friday night for their second play-off game. In on the play were Laurie Colquhoun (6), Rick Fremlin (7), Butch Fleet (behind net), and Joe Livermore. (News-Record photo) KFC leads CHHL hockey 1847 ROGERS BROS. S LVERPLATE pattern revival event The pattern you chose yesterday looks love- • lier than ever today. That's why we're offering you this special op- portunity to update or add to your service. SPECIALLY MANUFACTURED TO ORDERS RECEIVED IN FEBRUARY AND MARCH FOR SEPTEMBER DELIVERY. FLAIR 1955 SPRINGTIME 1957 LEILANI 960 ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD • established 1950 Clinton Seaforth • Walkerton 10111111* 197 1 CADILLAC 4166,, SEDAN DE VILLE ve' This beautiful luxury automobile is completely equipped with all the padillac power accessories plus AM/FM stereo radio, tilt and telescope steering wheel, full tinted glass, automatic air conditioning, padded vinyl top, finished in a beautiful golden brown shade with a gold vinyl top and matching in- terior. Over $10,000 new. Lic. No. K55044 4i„,,.McGEE PONTIAC-BU1CK GODERICH 524-8391 II • ARENA SCHEDULE "Winter Carnival Week" THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15 9:00-11:30 - St. Joseph's School 4:00-5:00 - Public School Skating 7:15-8:45 Wingham girls vs Ilderton girls 9;00-10:30 - Clinton girls vs Seaforth girls FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16 9:00-11:30 - Huron Centennial School 1;00-3:30 - Christian Reformed School 4:00-6:30 - Squirt (minor hockey) 7:30- Snowmobile Dance Saturday, FEBRUARY 17 3:00-4:00 - Broomball Finals (Winners from Monday) 4:00-5:30 - Girls Hockey Finals (Winners from Thursday) 6:00.7:30 - C.H.S.S. Teachers vs Elmira teachers, ADVANCE POLLING FOR THOSE PERSONS WHO EXPECT TO BE UNABLE TO VOTE IN THEIR OWN POLLING SUB. DIVISION ON THE REGULAR POLLING DAY. ADVANCE POLLING WILL BE HELD AS FOLLOWS. AT LOCATIONS TO BE PUBLISHED LATER. SATURDAY and MONDAY MARCH 10 MARCH 12 From 11 A. M. until 8 P.M. REGULAR THURSDAY POLLING MARCH 15, 1973, From 8 A.M. until 7 P.M. ONTARIO OF WHICH ALL PERSONS ARE ASKED TO TAKE NOTICE AND. GOVERN THEMSELVES ACCORDINGLY AND IN OBEDIENCE TO HER MAJESTY'S WRIT OF ELECTION, DIRECTED TO ME FOR THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF HUR ON PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IF A POLL IS DEMANDED AND GRANTED FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING A PERSON TO REPRESENT THE VOTERS IN THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF ONTARIO FURTHER NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN OF NOMINATION OF CANDIDATES: THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1973, AT THE OFFICE OF McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., 10 MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, FROM 1 P.M. UNTIL 2 P.M. THE OF PERSONS AT . REVISION OF LIST OF VOTERS THE ADDITION ADDITION OF PROXY QUALIFIED VOTERS AND THE MISSED CERTIFICATION ENUMERATION OF PROXY CERTIFICATES. FINAL DATE MARCH 8 AT 8 P.M. And further, that for the purpose of revising the list of voters, as directed by the Chief Elec- tion Officer, Returning Officer Russell T. Bolton will sit for revision of voters' lists at following places: GODERICH—Town Hall, on Saturday, February 24, from 10 A,M. to 12 noon. On Monday, March 5, from 4 P.M. to 8 P.M. CLINTON TOWN HALL—On Thursday, February 22, from 10 A.M. to 12 noon. on Saturday, March 3, from 4 P,M. to 8 P.M. EXETER TOWN HALL—On Thursday, February 22, from 4 P.M. to 8 P.M. On Saturday, March 3, from 10 A.M. to 12 noon. SEAFORTH—At the Office of McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co., 10 Main Street, Seaforth, On Saturday, February 24, from 4 P.M. to 8 P.M, ' On Monday, March 5, from 10 A.M. to 12 noon, On Wednesday, March 7, from 4 P.M. to 8 P.M. On Thursday, March 8, from 12 noon to 8 P.M. for final revision of Voters' Lists and proxy certificates. Deadline for Changes or MARCH 8. 8 P.M. Deadline for Proxy Certifica- Additions to the List of Voters. " . ' tion by the Returning Officer 111111111111111111111111111 NIMMIIIIMMIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Official Count THE ADDITION OF THE VOTES CAST FOR EACH CANDIDATE TAKEN FROM THE STATEMENT OF THE POLL AS PREPARED AT EACH POLLING PLACE, liqa BE ANNOUNCED PUBLICLY. THURSDAY, THE 22nd DAY OF MARCH, 1973 AT 10 A.M. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN DATED AT SEAFORTH THIS 5th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1973 RUSSELL T. BOLTON, RETURNING OFFICER the NOTE THAT ALL TIMES SHOWN ARE STANDARD TIME PROCLAMATION Klyclion rtipm 402 13--CLINTON NEWS-RECORD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1973 'Stangs begin play-off series In Lambeth, on Wednesday, last Friday in Clinton, February 7, Paul Johnson It was a close game right scored two second period goals down to the final whistle. The to lead i the Mustangs to a 4-2 teams were also even in victory over the Flyers. John--- penalties at six apiece. son also drew an assist. The first period ended in a 1- DRMCO beats Holmesvill The first period ended in a scoreless tie, after both teams had played sloppily, In the second period, Clinton regained some of its form, and walked away with a 2-0 lead. Penalties to the Mustangs killed Gary Yeoman's chances of a shutout., The Flyers got on the scoreboard at 12;31 of the third on a power play goal. Randy Millar scored what proved to be the winner at 14:42 and was followed 10 seconds later with a goal by Bill Crawford. Another Lam- beth powerplay connected later in the period to round off the scoring. A total of 19 penalties were called in the game. Out of the eight Clinton received, six came in the third period. The Mustangs again had to play with juggled lines as they were without the services of Brian Kennedy, Peter Thayer, Bill MacDougall, and Gord Riley. Mike Anstett and Gary Cummings were switched back to defensive duties. The juggled lines became worse after Dan Colquhoun injured his shoulder, late in the second period. A game between the Tavistock •Braves and the Mustangs ended in a 4-4 draw 1 tie. It was a slow type of hockey with both teams checking each other closely. The second period saw much the same brand of hockey and , this period also ended in a tie, 2-2. Each team scored twice in last period. The play got a little more wide-open and made for a more exciting game. The goals see-sawed back and forth until Tavistock tied the game at 13:00. Both teams came close to scoring a winner in the dying minutes. Randy Millar scored two goals and singles went to Mike Anstett and Phil Petrie; for the Mustangs Billy Crawford picked up two assists. On Sunday afternoon, the Mustangs lost a heart-breaker to Exeter, when they ended up on the poor end of 4-2 score. This game was also a close one, with a score of 1-1 after one period, and 2-2 after two periods. Penalties to the Mustangs in the third period, added to the efficient forechecking of the Hawks, kept the Clinton attack bottled up. Exeter went ahead on a powerplay goal at 4:00 and put the icing on the cake at 6:22. The Mustangs couldn't finish off the good scoring chances they had had all through the game. Wayne MacDougall and Phil Petrie scored the goals for Clin- ton. Gary Yeoman had a good week, playing very well in all three games. Thanks to Gary's loyalty and consistent goalten- ding, the Mustangs have now clinched fourth place. Although Gary doesn't have a shutout this year, he has a very respec- table goals- against average for this league, Since Gary began playing for the Mustangs, they have increased there output, and decreased their goals against, moving them from eighth place, to a fourth place finish. The Mustangs now play against last , year's 0.I-LA. Junior D. Champions, the Exeter Hawks in the playoffs, The first game is this Friday night at 8 p.m. in Exeter. The showings so far between these two teams have been very exciting, rough, and well played. This type of hockey is guaranteed for the playoffs this year. From now on it's nip and tuck for the players and greater fan support would be greatly appreciated. Clinton's first home game in the playoffs is this Sunday night at 8 p.m. and we hope to see you there! The KFC Juveniles hold down first place in the stan- dings with 30 points on 14 wins, 3 losses and 2 ties. Building Centre is second with 28 points on 14 wins and 3 losses. Building Centre has three games remaining and the Greg Burns, 13 goals, 19 assists, 32 points; Butch Fleet, 11 goals, 20 assists, 31 points; Joe Livermore 15 goals, 14 assists, 29 points; Paul Draper, 13 goals, 10 assists, 23 points; Don MacDougall, 10 goals, 13 assists, 23 points; Ken Daer, 10 points, 12 assists, 22 points; Rick Fremlin, 8 goals, 12 assists, 20 points; Bud Boyes, 7 goals, 9 assists, 16 points;, Laurie' Colquhoun, 6 'goals, '8 agiStEire Oihth;Inearii Reid',"5" Come out and support your local team as they have a very good chance of dethroning the Hawks. In the five years since the Clinton arena has been built, there has never been a full house to see a hockey game. It has been predicted that the games between Clinton and Exeter in the playoffs will be Winners by class were: Stock A — Bill Empey, Auburn; B — Doug Allan, Markham; C—Cliff Johnson, Ingersoll; D—Alex Lockhart, Toronto; E—Bob Baker, Clinton; Junior—Scott Darling, Dash- wood; ladies A—Audrey Collins, Varna; B and Juveniles one. DRMCO is third with a 8-6-2 record for 18 points. Bayfield holds down fourth place with 15 points on 6 wins, 9 losses and 3 ties. Holmesville is fifth with two games in hand on Bayfield and 4 points behind. Holmesville is goals, 6 assists, 11 points; Don Bartliff, 3 goals, 7 assists, 10 points; Harvey Carter, 1 goal, 8 assists, 9 points; Mel Hohner, 4 goals, 3 assists, 7 points; Ken Meriam, 4 goals, 1 assist, 5 points; Greg Jervis, 1 goal, 2 assists, 3 points; Bruce Lyndon, 1 goal, 2 assists, 3 points; Randy Glew, 2 goals, 1 assist, 3 points; Bruce Schoenhals, 0 goals, 2 assists, 2 points; Der- Win Carter, 1 goal, 1 assist, 2 points. decided by one or two goals. If the fan support for the Mustangs doesn't get any bet- :er in the playoffs, the last four months Coach Bill Weber and his team have been working, will have been a complete failure, no matter how well the Mustangs do in the playoffs. C—Angie Sobeski, Harley; pure stock free air A—Bob Hen- shaw, Ilderton; B—Ken Tye, London; C—Gary Moore, Clin- ton; modified A and B—Bob Wood, Stratford; C—Keigh Siemon; D and E—Corrie Van Amelsfort. Ken Lee figured in all of the DRMCO scoring last Tuesday, February 6 against Holmesville as DRMCO defeated Holmesville 4-3. Lee scored DRMCO's first three goals and assisted on John Hodge's goal at 9:30 of the third period. Bill. Manderson, Pete Postill and Paul McKellar scored for Holmesville. Ken Lee opened the scoring for DRMCO at 5:35 of the first period from Steve Allin and Steve Doak, with DRMCO playing one man short. DR- MCO was also playing short- handed when Bill Manderson scored for Holmesville at 9:00 from Tony Verhoef. Ken Lee put DRMCO back in front at 2:16 of the second from Dave Graf and Bob Papple. Holmesville tied the game at. 9:18 on Paul McKellar's unassisted effort. Ken Lee scored his third goal of the game at 11:13 from Bob Pap- ple. Pete Postill tied the game at 1:42 of the third unassisted. John Hodge scored the winning goal for DRMCO at 9:30 from Ken Lee. In Goderich on Wednesday, February 7 Building Centre scored 5 goals in each of the ' first two periods to defeat Sifto Salt 13-6. Rick Sowerby, Den- nis Lassaline and Paul Corriveau each picked up 4 points in the game. Sowerby scored 4 goals to lead the scoring attack. Dennis Lassaline picked up 2 goals and 2 assists and Corriveau, 1 goal and 3 assists. Brian Schmidt and Jim McLeod each added two goals for Building Centre, Mark Lassaline and John Phillips scored the other Building Centre goals. Jim McAstocker and Ron Whetstone paced Sifto Salt at- tack. McAstocker scored 3 goals and 2 assists and Whetstone 2 goals and 3 assists. Ross Beckett scored Sifto Salt's other goal. Building Centre led 5-2 after one period and were ahead 10-2 after two periods. Only two minor penalties were called in the game, one to each team. Paul Kelly's unassisted goal at 11:11 of the third period gave the KFC Juveniles a 5-4 victory over DRMCO in the first game last Sunday, February 11 in Goderich.. The win' clinched' second place for., the Juveniles. 'DRMCO had win all 5 of their remaining games and the Juveniles lose both of their games to tie t Juveniles. Paul Kelly led t Juveniles with 2 goals and assists. Tim McAstocker, Bri Thompson and Al Shelt scored the other Juvenile goa Brian Allin opened the scori at 2:55 of the first for DRM from Dave Graf. , Ti McAstocker tied the game 5:41 from Paul Kelly. Bri Thompson put the Juvenil out in front at 7:25 from Pa Kelly. Kelly fired a low dri from the point for the Juvenil fourth goal at the one minu mark of the second perio Mark Fisher assisted on t goal. Ray Allin cut t Juveniles lead to one at 8; from Del Bedard. Bedard tie the game at 12:01 from Joh Hodge. Al Shelton put th Juveniles back out in front wit 4 seconds remaining in th second period, Ken Lee pu DRMCO back on even terms a 7:10 of the third from Bria Allin. Paul Kelly scored th winner for the Juveniles a 11:11 unassisted, DRMCO too six of the ten minor penalties called in the game. In the second game last Sun- day, Sifto Salt held a 3-1 lead going into the third period but Bayfield came back with four unanswered goals to defeat Sifto 5-3. Don Johnston paced Bayfield with 3 goals. Gord Fisher and Jack Kellough scored Bayfield's other goal. Bayfield went ahead early in the first period on a goal by Don Johnston at the 33 second mark from ,,,Gord Fisher and Jack Kellough. Wayne Draper tied the game for Sifto Salt at 7:31 from Ron Whetstone. Glen MacCuspey put Sifto Salt out in front at 9:36 from Albert Brall and Ron Whetstone. Ron Whetstone scored Sifto Salt's third goal at 13:55 from Harold Cook. After a scoreless second period, Bayfield came back to win the game in the third period. Jack Kellough cut Sifto Salt's lead to one at the 29 second mark from Gord Fisher. Don Johnston tied the game at 6:26 on a penalty shot. Bayfield was given a penalty shot when a Sifto Salt player fell on the puck in the goal 'crease. John- ston skated in on Rick Duck- worth and deked him to his stick side. Don Johnston scored the winner at 9:52 from Lorne Merner.., Johnston- ,fired the puck., from a. scramblet itr ;front of I the' net.5Gord Fi'sher' ad'ad an insurance goal at 15:23 unassisted. 4-9-3 for 11 points. Sifto Salt is in the cellar with a 0-16-2 record for 2 points. The regular season ends this week in Goderich on Wed- nesday, February 21 between DRMCO and Building Centre. This ,Sunday February 18 in Goderich, Sifto Salt plays DR- MCO at 7:00 p.m. and the Juveniles play Bayfield at 9:00 p.m. Sifto Salt and Holmesville play on Tuesday, February 20 in Clinton. Canada has replaced Britain as the biggest buyer of Australian wines, importing 556,000 gallons in 1970. * * * The New Zealand White and Californian are the breeds of rabbits most commonly raised for meat in Canada. These breeds will dress out at up 'to 60 per cent of liveweight at eight to 10 weeks of age. Leading Colt scorers Support your local team Snowmobile race results