Clinton News-Record, 1973-02-15, Page 2Nearly 750 children crowded CMS far Carnival Children's Day Lower Interest Rotes NOV` AVAII-AIKE McKil lop Fire Insurance report BY WILMA QKE Fire losses covered by the McKillop Mutual Fire In- surance Company, Seaforth, totalled $105,455 in 1972, it was announced at the com- pany's annual meeting Friday, Mrs, Keith Sharp, Seaforth, secretary-treasurer of the com- pany, said this figure is down considerably from last year's $267,908. Profits in 1972 for the 96- year old company were $6,466. Net insurance at the end of the year was $45,287,467, an in- crease of $1,423,273 over 1971, Robert Archibald, 1111, 4, Seaforth, was elected president, succeeding John Moylan of RR 2, Dublin, Stanley ,McIlwain, RR 2, Goderich, was elected vice- president and Mrs, Keith Sharp, Seaforth, secretary- treasurer. Re-elected to three-year terms as directdrs were: William S, Alexander, Seaforth; Ross Leonhardt, RR 1, Bornholm; and John T. Moylan. Kenneth G. Carnochan, RR 4, Seaforth, was elected to fill the two-year term vacancy on the Board of Directors, created when Allister Broadfoot lost his life in a farm accident last year. The Board voted to hold the regular monthly meetings on the third Wednesday of each month, rather than on Friday. Our picture. of Mr, Dixon with the Amaryllis plant .has. brought to light several others in town. Mrs. Warren Gibbings tells us she has a plant with pinky stripes. The only ones we've seen previously were deep red but we understand there are four or five different colours. The writer's mother had one at Christmas which grew to a height of about four feet. She had to stake it to sup- port the stalk, * * * Best wishes to four Clin- tonians who celebrate over-90 birthdays during the month of February. They are Mr. Gus Harris, Mrs. John Mulholland, Mrs. Adam Cantelon and Mrs. M. McCartney. anywhere in Qnterlo on RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL and FARM FROPERTIEE. Interim financing _On new construction or land development REPRESENTATIVES IN YOUR AREA-PHONE SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS & CONSULTANTS LTD. AREA CODE 519444,6535 coLLECT. WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASH Postmaster General Andre Ouellet has announced the Cana,da Post Office issue on March 9, 1973 of three stamps in denominations of Sc, 10c and 15c to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Designs for the three stamps each recall a different aspect of the work and tradition of the RCMP. Their initial trek across the western frontier in 1874 is featured on the 8c stamp. The 10c stamp symbolically por- trays the spectograph, an iden- tification device used by the Force in its crime detection laboratories where the most ad- vanced techniques of police science are employed. The world-famous Musical Ride of the RCMP, which was first per- formed in 1876, is the subject of the 15c stamp. WE ARE DISMANTLING BUILDINGS ODC Site, CENTRALIA (Ex RCAF Base) ' Mr. and Mrs, Ben Riley and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Riehl, Jackie, Kim and Shelley of Kirkton. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Jewitt, Carol, Judy, Danny and Billy were Mrs. Ella Jewitt, Larry, Ken, Kevin and Steven, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Preszcator, Billy, Debbie and Michael and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jewitt and Lori of Clinton. Packed lunches cart be me - chanical, boring and blah. Or, the lunch box can be a source of pleasure. and good nutrition. All it takes is just a little extra effort and planning. Here's some ideas and suggestions 'from the home economists for Union Carbide Canada Limited, For those of us who missed the Open House at the White Carnation last month, there is a second opportunity, The Huron Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society will hold a Daf- fodil Coffee Party there on April 4. Some excellent enter- tainment is planned with Mar- jorie Hays Dunip as one of the guests. See the Coming Events for further details. * * '* The Wits'-" rinrnival Bingo on alonuay night was attended Funeral Home in Clinton with Rev, Lewis assisted by Rev. Morrison officiating. Interment was Baird's Cemetery in Stanley Township. Pallbearers were: Aldie Mustard, 'Varna; D'arcy Rath- well, Brucefield; Joe Corey, Jack Macklin, Ward Knox, and Frank McCowan, all of Clin- ton. Flower bearers were nephews Robert Johnston, Toronto; William Dowson, and Mack and Grant Webster, all of Varna. e ms' i^1,SALO M PULLEN-- N— Salome Pullen of RR 2, Blyth passed away February 1.0, 1973 at Clinton Public Hospital after a lengthy illness. She was 84. Mrs. Pullen was born in England on September 19, 1888 and came to Canada in 1924 with her husband John whom she had married on December 20, 1919. He predeceased her in 1957. She is survived by two sons, William of Blyth and Bert of London; one daughter, Mrs. J. (Alice) Ismaz of Toronto and one sister and two brothers who are in England. One son predeceased her. Funeral services were held from the Ball Funeral Home in Clinton with Rev. Keith Stokes in charge. Interment was in Baird Cemetery in Stanley Township. Pallbearers were Harry Pullen, Bert Elliott, Ronald Gordon, Earl Kelly, William Pease and Harry Wooley. CANADA GRADE "A" FRESH YOUNG HALF TURKEYS 3.5 lbs. Li4.5134 FROZEN Whole or Half PACIFIC TUNA 3 to 6 lbs. LB. 111114 CANADA GRADE 'B' FROZEN YOUNG BROILER TURKEYS 6 to 10 lb. L8.49 PRIMROSE FROZEN HAMBURG PATTIES 4 oz. Portions LB. Colcon's Fully Cooked-N.0,0H Style TOP VALU SLICED WHOLE OR HALF MINCED HAM OR SMOKED HAW. 1.05 VARIETY PACK pkg, 89c lb 69c lb. 69c ICE CREAM 14 gat cont. 6 oz. 79 jar NON-RETURN BOTTLE PEPSI COLA 3 "g: 884 COLGATE SUPER TOOTHPASTE Irg 99c RUPERT FROZEN GOLDEN RAMROD PERCH OR COD , 16 ox. pkg. KIEENW.Ply Assorftd Colours, Pop..Up FACIAL TISSUE 35 pk0. of 200 CANADA Na, 1 N, B. TABLE $ 59 POTATOES 25 lb. bag POLY House tun, 'MOS or plattic Garbage- BAGS jg I . o S f 0290 10 or Ito DEWS-:RECORD. P.WRSPAY. :EBBRITAP" 1.5. 1973 T- • T 1 oWil teessesessiw OY ,PAARG RUDD 1st and 2nd iltiortgages by about one hundred persons. Mrs. Don Forrest of Clinton won the tamp donated by the Clinton PUC, Linda Sanders of Exeter won a personalized deck of cards given by Clinton Com- mercial Printers, Mrs, Lawrence Denomme of Clinton won a year's subscription to the Clinton News-Record and Mrs. George Yeats won the jackpot of $50. News of Constance Misses Brenda Hummel' of Clinton and Angela Flynn spent the weekend with Kerri Medd, Miss Donna Buchanan of Toronto spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Buchanan, Paul, Gary and Jim, Mr. Bill Dale spent the weekend in Toronto as a delegate to the Ontario P.0 Convention. Mr. and Mrs. John Mann of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Don Lamont of Goderich were Saturday evening' visitors with Mrs. Irene Grimoldby. Mrs. Bruce Walker of Seaforth and Mrs. Dona MacDowell of St. Thomas visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan, Bill Doug, Betty and Bob. By Mary 11/1011wain The Canadian Foresters held a euchre party on Friday evening February ninth with the following winners: ladies high, Marjorie Anderson; lone hands, Margaret Taylor; low, Marjorie Duizer; men's high, Jan Hulley; Ione hands, Bob Thompson; low, John Thomp- son, The next euchre party will be held on Friday February 23rd, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Riley, Wendy, Debbie and Benjamin of Huron Park spent Saturday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ben Riley and family. Mrs. Irene Grimoldby and Mrs. Ken Betties of Winthrop attended the funeral on Satur- day of Mrs. Jack Riley at Brussels, And Have For Sale good used lumber all sizes, plywood, doors, windows, cupboards, shingles, asbestos siding, electrical supplies, plumbing supplies, bathroom fixtures, miscellaneous items. Salesman on site daily $ a.m. to 5 p.m. except Sunday or contact C. A. MCDOWELL LTD. Centralia PHONE 22861'61 or 228-6780 Local obituaries Clinton WE GIVE YOU MORE Flower bearers were Ricky Powell, Kenneth Cook, Donald Cook, Bill Wilson, Harry Cook, Dick Powell 7 all grandsons of the deceased. HARRY POWELL Funeral service was held at the McCallum Funeral Home on Thursday, February 8 for the late Harry Powell of Goderich, who passed away at F. CATHERINE WEBSTER Alexandra Marine and General F. Catherine Webster of Hospital on Monday, February Queen Street in Clinton passed 5 in his 87th year. away at Victoria Hospital in Mr. Powell was born Novern- London on February 5, 197:3 af- ber 8, 1886, in Halton County, •ter an illness of one month. She the son of the late Harry and was 63. Sarah (Bell) Powell. Mrs. Webster was born the On March 19, 1907, Mr. former Catherine Johnston to Powell married Laura Curtis the late Wellington and Mary Bell who survives him. He was Ellen Johnston on November a member of St. George' 16, 1909 in Stanley Township. Anglican Chum" ":21"—'§' he 'ItteVid4'd „ _Stanley Township and Clinton Ifikh School and on Alsiit 4, 1931 she married Melvin L. Webster in her parent's home in Stanley Township. He survives her. After their marriage, the couple resided in Stanley Township until 1948 and then moved to Varna. They moved from Varna to Clinton in 1967. Mrs. Webster was a member of Ontario Street United Church and she was a life member of the UCW. Besides her husband, she is survived by one son Robert of Varna; three daughters, Mrs. Ken (Joyce) Scotchmer of Bayfield, Mrs. Jim (Lois) Hart of Brussels and Karen at home; eight grandchildren; two sisters, Miss Rachel Johnston of Clinton and Mrs. Harold (Margaret) Dowson of Varna; and one brother, Percy John- ston of Varna. She was predeceased by one son. Funeral service was held on February 7, 1.973 from the Ball the lowest meat specials in town, featuring Canada Approved Grade 'A' Red Ribbon Beef Personalized The Finest Service Quality Supplied & Serviced By M, Loeb Limited . . . WE RESEW:VINE RIOT TO Elydr cp,IAEFTEMS TO AVB AGF FAM5L REOOFFEEMENTS: I Wnr$IPOCtivulliwrt ICE(FtWf.Siu EFY nip EiAitY14 10): CANADA GRADE 'A' FRESH He is survived, by Jive daughters, Mrs." Aleph (Emma)' Wilson, Mrs. James (Olive) Rean, • Mrs. Joseph (Edna) Cook, all of Goderich; Mrs. Ted (Lottie) Cook, Colborne Township; and Mrs. Nel (Freda) Cook, Holmesville, and five sons Orval, Laverne and Ernest of Goderich; Robert of Kamloops, B.C., and Herbert of Kitchener. He is predeceased by one daughter, Mrs. Mildred Clements. Thirty-eight grandchildren and 45 great-grandchildren also survive. Also three sisters Mrs. Lottie Dix, Waterdown; Mrs. Maude Stokes, Camp- bellville, and Mrs. Belle Harrison of Milton, Funeral service was conduc- ted by Rev. G. G. Russell. In- terment was in Maitland Cemetery at Goderich. Pallbearers were Clavin Powell, Vic Powell, Arnold Bell, Albert Powell , George Bell, Meredith Wilson all nephews of the deceased. A NEW TASTE TREAT•EROZEN SEAFOOD PATTIE Lunenburgers TOP VALUNACUUM PACKED SKINLESS WIENERS pkg Hb 63c DAVERN BEEF E. PORK BREAKFAST lb. 79c SAUSAGE CUT FROM THE BEEF CHUCK BONELESS BLADE ROAST lb. 1.19 CUT FROM THE BEEF CHUCK Boneless Cross RIB STEAKS lb. 1.39 FRESH CUT TURKEY LEGS AUSTRALIAN FROZEN SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS lb. 63` COLEMAN'S EPICURE SLICED SIDE BACON BY THE PIECE MARY MILES BOLOGNA FROZEN INDIVIDUALLY BONELESS lb. 38c ALASKA POLLOCK.99g. 1 113. 9 9c pkg• WE HAVE DEC ARED IAIRLIAGAINSJ NFLATI9N! \s/ort +st SHIRRIFF S Assorted Flavours 101.1j Oit Wa /QUEENS ROYAL STANDARD PEACH SLICES DELSEY AsSorted Colours. BATHROOM TISSUE NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT pkg. 39t ,,,,JFASCINATION Assorted Flavours CHOICE CUT BEANS,. PERS.S.CARROTL MIXED VEGETABLES or CREAM STYLE CORN JELLY . POWDERS •000reeeeeeeee•••••••i••••••••••••5•••0400••••••••• 00000 •••e, • • • • BANK RATE FINANCING • • on all models - new and used • Comes To Brussels Motors • • • • • • Interest rate of u.78/70 over 36 months. NO down payment on approval credit, • • • See Our Selection • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • STATION WAGONS • • 1971 - 10 passenger Kingswood Chev, • 1960 - 10 passenger K1ngswood Chev, • • 3 oz. pkg. 14 oz tin CHICKEN, TURKEY, SALISBURY STEAK OR MEAT LOAF BANQUET FROZEN MEAT DINNERS KRAFT Regular Process CHEEZ WHIZ KRAFT This means added savings when you purchase a new or used car. Compare our average 1 - ;70 Chev. Station.Wagon 2 - "70 Ford Galaxie 500 1 - '70 Chev. 4 dr. 11.T. 1 - "70 Olds Delta Custoln 2 dr.H.T. 2 - '69 Pontiac Parisienne 2dr.&4dr.H.T's. 1 - '69 Plymouth Fury 3, 2 dr.H.T. 1 - '69 Chev. Impala 2 dr. H.T. 2 - 'GO Chevelles 2 ,dr.H.T. & 4dr.Sedan 1 - "11 Pontiac Catalina 4 dr.H.T, 4 - '72 Chev.Impalas 2 & 4 dr,H,T's, 3 - '72 Buick Skylarks 2 & 4 dr.H.T's. 2 - '72 Buick Custom LaSabre 4dr.ILT's 2 - "72 Le Mon 4 dr. Soda, 2 - "71 Ford 4 dr. H.T'S. 3 - "71 Ford Station Wagons 1 - '70 Ford Station Wagon 2 - '70 Pontiac Station Wagons & 2 br. 11 Oz.: pkg.. 01K LUNCHEON MEAT ASSORTED COLOURS KLEENEX PAPER TOWELS2g 55c TOWELS aikae i .39 MAPLE LEAF CANNED in 59c PICNIC PINK OR BLUE JOHNSON 3-C107H HEINZ BEE HIVE tot vALu SMOOTH PEANUT BUTTER 3 ibt, 1.09 PURE FANCY CORN APPLE JUICE "Ifr; 37c SYRUP lh, ti, Q, .0 "its c REYNOLDS MIR 12 INCH LIQUID FOIL WRAP 25,f:639* DETERGENT 2 trg: 69* TEA BAGS 60 Itt; 6f 89c 1lPin 1 39 RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE BONUS DISCOUNTS FRESH PRODUCE BONUS DISCOUNTS TRUCKS 2 - '70 Ford 1/2 ton pickups 1 6 cyl.standard; 1 118 aut. 1 - '68 1 ton pickup 2 - '69 Chevy Van V,-8 .$.uto 6 dyl.autO. - '69 Ford 'Econoline Van 6 aut. - "70 Ford 1 ton Pickup '70 GMC one ton stake with duaIS V - 8 auto '69 Chev. 50 series, 350 eng.5 speed trans, cab & chassis '49 Ford Super van bUNCAN HINES-ASsorted Flavours CAKE- MIXES 12 Bb 19 cm gs. -- pk buteEks STRAINED BABY FOOD 4' 1'c,', 16 Hershey Oionr or Asiontd family Pock, CHOCOLATE BARS 3 VIV,`,!: 89* PURINAPURINA 000 CHOW sbt'i 11,09 YORK FROZEN-CONCENTRATED JUICE ORANGE F OR 88 maws EYE FROZEN COOL WHIP 16 on, 39c McCAIN'S FROZEN FANCY CARROTS • I 55C TULIP 88c SNLIMEADON EROZES CHICKEN LEGS OR BREASTS"A' •79 McCAINS FROZEN BEEFEATER FRENCH FRIES 49c wiymo ORANGt FLAVOUR 314 79c U.S.A. NO, I FLORIDA FLAVOURFUL TEMPLE DOZEN 59c CANADA NO. f ONTARIO YELLOW COOKING ONIONS 24 39c ORANGES :BRUSSELS : • CANADA NO. 1 ONTARIO MARSH CELLO CARROTS 21b. 27 e bag • • • BRUSSELS — ONTARIO • imfOPMi 11,417! 'MI6 sem. at *Ow Osseo Owe °task RvErt kvinsitio • 110.14Sists-seessees•••••ii ••••••••••04 IiPirbsio•••••••••••041.seiss li MEXICAN NO. T SALAD DELIGHT VINE RIPE TOMATOES 2 it.. $9c U.S.A. NO. 1 SLUM ROSEBUD CELLO RADISHES', 14 23c