Clinton News-Record, 1973-02-08, Page 5Frank Dixon of Victoria, Street in Clinton admires a giant ten inch Amaryllis bloom that he grew in a pot in his living room. Local horticulturalists say it is one of the biggest blooms they have every seen. The plant which is three feet high was grown from a single bulb pur- chased at Durst Farm and Garden Centre, (News-Record photo) Londesboro news & views test "Old time songs" by Dora Shobbrook; an instrumental by Gladys Armstrong, and a PERSONALS Mr. Ted Fothergill is a n . STEPHEN LEWIS will speak at the Nomination Meeting of the Huron New Democratic Party MONDAY, FEB. 1 2 8:30 p.m. Clinton Public School ALL WELCOME , LUNCH SERVED EXCELLENT FARM TRUCKS 1 96 2 CHEVROLET 40 SERIES Two-Ton Stake Truck Completely reconditioned & repainted. New brakes, Excellent rubber with dual lug rear. Cab and interior in unbelievable condition. 48,000 actual miles, Six cylinder 4-speed transmission, 14' x 8' platform with rack and tarp. Y71612. $1095 McGEE PONTIAC - BUICK - GMC Goderich 524-8391 %%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '41.‘1•1 %%%%%%%%% FRESH PRODUCE RED — WHITE FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT, SIZE 48'S 10/9V CANADA NO. 1 CARROTS 3LBBAG 2/698 CANADA NO.1 WAXED TURNIPS 1394 %%%%%% 1..•••••.....% ••liN.N.N.N.iii FROZEN FOOD SUNSPUN ASSORTED FLAVOURS HALF GALLONS SILVERWOODS ICE CREAM 79' allfgegoiv OW NE MOPS/ CHRISTIES COOKIES TOILET PAPER TOWELS VIVA CK TISSUE CUT RITE REFILLS SQUIRREL 2 LB SMOOTH OR CRUNCHIE PEANUT BUTTER TEA BAGS KADANA 100'S NABOB LEMON,PAGK OF 2'S PIE FILLING CATELLI PLAIN OR POLSKIE OGARKI DILL PICKLES 32 OZ BLANCHED OR SPANISH BERE'S PEANUTS MAPLE LEAF 16 OZ. CHEESE SLICES PACK OE 5/3 01 ENVELOPES SUN UP ORANGE CRYSTALS BREAD AND BUTTER 32 OZ CATELLI PICKLES 1 LE BAC 55' 4 ROLLS '1 6 ROLLS '1 3 ROLLS '1 77' 69` 2/49' 3P1 59c 79` 75' 55' 51' Turkey Wings L8294 10 Lb Box 5 2.75 COLEMANS Epicure Bacon LB89t LB 634 LB 59C LB 694 LB 59t 1.39 16 OZ WAX PAPER 100 BUTTER PECAN RICH REGULAR 690 LEWIS CAKES (We reserve the right to limit quantities) MAC & CHEESE OR Chicken Loaf BEEF & PORK Sausage SWEET CURED Side Bacon BABY BEEF Liver ROUND Steak Roasts LB' WEEKEND SPECIALS February i f 8,, 9, 10 AL'S .Ir HENSALI - ONTARIO MR. FARMER YOU'RE INVITED To HAUGH TIRE SUPPLY 'HAI) 0+1 TIRE SUPPLY TUESDAY, FEB. 13 at 8:00 P.M. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO DISCUSS "T" RAIL & DIRECT AXLE RIMS , FOR YOUR TRACTOR COMPANY REPRESENTATIVES WILL BE ON HAND FILMS OF ON THE FARM DEMONSTRATIONS FREE REFRESHMENTS reading, 'an old fashioned By Mrs. Bert Shobbrook valentine' by Ena Howatt. The cherrio club held their The meeting closed with meeting on Wednesday Lords prayer and all signed a January 31st at the home of card to send to Mrs, Townsend. Laura Lyon. The President, Games of cards were played Ena Howatt, opened meeting and lunch was served by Elsie with a Valentine poem "A Yungblutt, Gladys Armstrong, quaint old fashioned costume". Laura 'Lyon and Mary The scripture was read by Longman. Mary Robinson and the meditation on scripture was by DESSERT EUCHRE Ena Howatt. Minutes of last The Women's Institute held meeting were read by secretary a dessert euchre and raffle on , Ida Durnin and thank-you's Friday, February 2nd with 14 'were received from Olive Gaunt tables in play. Winners were: and ' from the St. Paul's ladies high, Mrs. Bob Thomp- Cathedral appeal. A donation son; ladies lone hands, Mrs. was sent. Ena Howatt; ladies' low, Roll call was answered by 11 Vaughn Hunking; mens high, members and one visitor. Bert Shobbrook; mens lone Collection was taken and the hands, Jim McEwing; men's draw was won by Mary Robin- low, Edwin Wood. Four boxes son. Group 3 will be in charge of groceries were won by Mrs. of the February meeting. Bob Dalton, Beth Knox, The program included Mildred McNeil and Mrs. Eric readings 'you and me', a Anderson. There will be a card comedy of cards', 'the black party on February 16 when the out' and 'too busy' and a con- ladies are to bring sandwiches. patient in Clinton hospital having had surgery on Friday. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lee retur- ned home on Friday night having spent the past three weeks vacationing in Florida. Mrs. Gary Gaul of Stouffville and Miss Barbara Lee of Kit- chener spent the weekend with their parents Mr. and Mrs, Jack Lee and brother Mr. and Mrs. David Lee. The Women's Institute meeting to be held on February 14th at 8 p.m. will discuss World Affairs. Mr, Fox of CHSS, Clinton will be guest speaker and speak on Eastern Asia. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shob- brook visited on Sunday with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Ellerby and family Clinton on the occasion of Mrs. Ellerby's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Allen spent the weekend with his brother Dr. and Mrs. Lester Allen, Watford. The Aimwell unit meeting will be •held on Monday February 12th- at 8 ry Thl= i Et( t ho chureh hall • when Valenting boxes will be packed for shut:, ins. Independent Shipper to United Co-operative of Ontario Livestock Dept Toronto Ship Your Livestock with Roy Scotchmer Monday Is Shipping Day From Varna Stockyard CALL HAYFIELD 565-2636 By 7:30 a.m. Monday For Prompt Service Ne Charges on Pick-up ty By Joyce Pepper Hensall United Church congregation held their annual meeting and pot-luck supper in the Fellowship Hall of the Church Wednesday evening. After a delicious supper everyone joined in a sing-song led by Mrs. Ron Mock with Mrs. John Goddard at the piano. Everyone was enter- tained with two lovely vocal duets by Don and Gayle Travers, Rev, Don Beck acted as Chairman for the evening and chose a devotional using scripture, and words of en- couragemeni to the congregation for 1973 were given followed by prayer, Rev, and Mrs. Beck were presented with a gift on behalf of the congregation by Mrs. Robert Reaburn. Rev. Cliff Britton expressed his thanks to the ladies of the congregation for the delicious meal that had been prepared. Mrs, Robert Reaburn acted as Recording Steward for the meeting. The annual report was reviewed and approved, A few minutes of silence was held in memory of those who had passed away during the past year, and a prayer followed.; Reports on the various commit- tees were given as the annual report was reviewed. The budget for 1973 was presented by Mrs. Jeck Crysdale and ap- proved. The nominating committee presented the following ad- ditions to Committees for 1973: Communications committee, Eric Manfield, Mrs. Ken Elder, George Parker, Tony Kyle and Howie Wright; property com- mittee, Jim McGregor; stewar- dship committee, Mrs. Ernie Whitehouse, John Heal, and Carl Payne; congregational life and work committee, Mrs. Edison Forrest, Malanie Veal; worship and membership com- mittee, John Blackwell, Ross Alexander and Mrs. Ron Mock. The Presbytery representative is Ross Kercher and alternate Bill Mickle. Mrs. Edison Forrest was appointed as recor- ding steward for 1973. A vote of thanks was given to Mrs. Robert Reaburn for acting as recording steward for the past year. Rev. Beck pronoun; ced the benedication and closed the meeting. 1-, " CHIS6.HUFIST ANNUAL MEETING' A pot-luck luncheon and an- nual meeting of the congregation of the Chiselhurst United..Church was held Thur- sday afternoon. After a delicious luncheon, the annual report was reviewed and ap- proved, also reports from various committees were given. The budget was presented and approved. Rev, Don Deck closed the meeting with the benediction, PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs, John Skea and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pepper at- tended the Open Mixed Curling Bonspiel, sponsored by the Canadian Canners at the Exeter Curling Club on Satur- day. They were very pleased to have placed second in the early draw and received a lovely basket of assorted cheeses and a large package of back bacon, The sympathy of the com- munity is expressed to Mrs. Anita Bengough and sons Bill and Joe in the sudden loss of a dear husband and father Mr. James Bengough. Mr. and Mrs. William Mickle 'and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mickle, London, spent Sunday with their Mother Mrs. Laird Mickle, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peters returned Wednesday of last week from a two week stay in Victoria B.C. where they visited with their son Tom and his family. While there they at- tended the wedding of their granddaughter, Lynne, UNIT IV MEETING Unit IV of Hensall United Church met Thursday after- noon at the Church for the February meeting. Mrs. J. • McAllister presided and opened the meeting with thought from the Bible. Mrs. Leona Parke gave the devotional using Scripture and leaving everyone with the questionable thought "Who is the Lazarus among us"? Mrs. Russell Erratt furthered the study on India. The programe was in charge of Mrs. Gordon Love who read a poem and introduced the members of the family of success. Mrs. Love assisted by Mrs. Armstrong and Mrs. McAllister, read a humorous dialogue based on the T.V. show "All in the family". It was reported , that the members had made , td,':OCk, and, sliu iii s. during January: Members Were reminded of the World Day of Prayer to be held in the Anglican Church on March 2. CLINTON NEWS-RECORD, THURSDAY _FEBRUARY 8, 1,973*--.5 sompg OF WORSHIP Little, David Kyle, A service of Celebration was held at the Hensall United Chu'reh, Sunday morning to an- nounce the completion of the decoration of the sanctnary,The reopening ceremony was con- ducted by the contractor, John O'Leary, the Property Commit- tee's past chairman, and the present Chairman Walter Spen- cer and Howard Scane and the Minister Rev. Don Beck, Mr. Harry Hoffman of Dash- wood was the guest soloist who sang two numbers entitled "You must open the door" and "No other song". Rev. Beck chose to preach on the sermon topic "Move out with God", and the choir rendered the an- them "Praise the name of the Lord". Coffee and refreshments were served at the close of the service in the Fellowship Hall. OBITUARY James Robert Bengough A well known Hensall machine shop operator, James Robert Bengough, passed away suddenly on January 25, 1973 in his 65th year, He was the beloved husband of the former Antoinette Ziler, and dear father of William and Joseph both at home, The body rested at the Bon- thron Funeral Chapel, Hensall, until Monday thence to St. Boniface Church, Zurich, where requiem mass was said at 10:30 a.m,- with Rev. Durand of- ficiating. Temporary entomb- ment was in the Hensall Union Mausoleum, with burial' to be at a later date in St. Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery, were held at the Chapel Sunday CASHEWS YOU WILL GET ONE POUND OF CASHEWS FOR ONLY $1.00 WHEN YOU PRESENT THIS AD PERSONALLY ( 1 POUND ONLY PER FAMILY) AT COYLES FACTORY OUTLET 260 Tillson Ave. (rear) Tillsonburg Bulk displays of Fresh Roasted Nuts, Baking Nuts & Fruits, Spices, Oat Meal, Rice, Cake Decorations, Old Fashioned Sticky Raisins, Hot chocolate 5 Lbs. for $2.10 Cambridge Chocolates Garbage Bags 100 for 2.99 • 01M-S-T0000 FRIDAY. NIGHT 7 9.• CS OFFER GOOD UNTIL MARCH 31, 1973 Hensail news United Church hold annual pat-- hick dinner Smith, Joseph Zimmer, John. Ziler and Bill Watson. PallbeafOrs were. Edward William Prayers funeral evening. 4.