Clinton News-Record, 1973-02-01, Page 12SARAH HALE CHAPTER (.0.11K will hold potluck sup- per at. :Agricultural office, 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, February AVAILABLE NOW. Prize list for Women's and Junior sec- tion of Clinton Spring Fair. Contact Mrs. Greg Brandon, 482-3129.—c5b EUCHRE and Bridge Party, Thursday, February 8, 8:15 p.m. Bayfield Municipal Building, auspices Bayfield Agricultural Society.--e5p EUCHRE and Five Hundred party, Wednesday, February 7, 8:15 p.m. St. Paul's Parish Hall. Auspices Friendship Club.—c5b COME to Blyth Lions Club Bingo every Saturday night at 8:30 p.m. Community Hall, Ad- mission $1.00, 12 regular games, $10.00 each. Two Share- The-Wealth games. One $25.00 special, Jackpot $125.00.—ctfn RESERVE MAY2,1973 to hear THE SCHNEIDER MALE CHOIR of Kitchener Sponsored by Madeleine Lane Auxiliary St. Andrews Presbyterian Church Clinton c5b ENTERTAINMENT COUNTRY and WESTERN Every Friday and Saturday Evening TASTY SNACKS AMPLE FREE PARKING COMMERCIAL HOTEL Seaforth, Ont. BINGO, Bayfield Community Centre, Friday, February 2nd, 8 p.m. Sponsored by Bayfield Figure Skating Club.—c5b CARD PARTY February 8, at 8:00 p.m. I.O.O.F. Hall, Prin- cess St. Ladies please bring lunch. All Welcome.—c5b JUNIOR FISH and GAME Conservation meeting, February 4, 2 p.m. at club house. New members welcome. Boys, ages 10-17.—c5b EUCHRE PARTY, Sum- rnerhill Community Hall, Friday, February 2. Ladies. please bring lunch. Everyone welcome.--c5b BETA SIGMA PHI presents, "Lead a Queenly Quest: Clin- ton Legion Hall, Saturday, March 10, 10:00 p.m. Bluetones, Lunch. Tickets $8.00 per couple.—c5b MONDAY, February 5, Hospital Auxiliary meets in Hospital Board Room, 2 P.m.—c5b CASH BINGO, Legion Hall, Seaforth, Friday, Feb. 2, 8:15 p.m. Regular games, $10; three $25 games; $75 jackpot to go, Door prizes. Admission $1,00. Auspices Branch 156, Proceeds welfare work.-1 THE 62nd ANNUAL MEETING of the Children's Aid Society of. Huron County will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, Ontario, on Wed- nesday, February 7th, 1973 at 2:00 p.m. The public is cor- dially invited to attend.—c4,5b NEW BINGO, Clinton Legion Hall, 8:30 p.m. Feb. 1. Ad- mission $1.00, fifteen regular games, $10.00 each. Three Share-The-Wealth games. One jackpot for $160 in 55 calls, consolation. One call and $10 added weekly if not won,—ctf TUESDAY, Febuary 6, Bingo at Huron Fish and Game Club, 8:30 p.m. Jackpot $60 in 60 numbers. Six door prizes.—cl 20th Century-Fox Color by DeLuxe" earommooma ,•,,.2 a sCrew3c1I comecy IAlt651101)4114.4 remem ktu aNDL. iN "WiRT:Sup• Poe BEE Su n.4 Mon. 5 Tue.6 ma Shocking aost-Sellor Ds} ShO4 king .Moiio. = Starts WEDNESDAY! so.3 oer them? CODERICH, ON T. 524-7811 "161Poni Junior sont you" , 11111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011171 PRESIDENT'S BALL COMMEMORATING THE TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 140 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3 MUSIC BY ROYALAIRES COCKTAILS 6:30 P.M. CORSAGES FOR THE LADIES DINNER 7:30 - 10:00 P.M. $15.00 PER COUPLE DANCING 10:00 - 1:00 A.M. GUEST TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE AT LEGION BAR PENNY SALE (FIRST ARTICLE REGULAR PRICE, 2ND AT 1c) JANUARY 22 to FEBRUARY 3 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. (Friday to 9 P.M.) SALVATION ARMY RUMMAGE DEPOT 15 RATTENBURY ST. CLINTON COATS, DRESSES, SUITS, SHOES, PANTS, CHILDREN'S CLOTHES 111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111101111.1: GEORGE BEER CHALET 262-2673 236-4210 DON MOUSSEAU .236-4010 at 3 C.H.S.S. AUDITORIUM 0, on Pineridge Chalet (1 1 /2 MILES WEST OF HENSALL) FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2 COUNTRY and WESTERN MUSIC with JOE OVERHOLT DANCING 9 - 1 DEEP FRIED CHICKEN, FISH AND CHIPS and STEAKBURGERS To reserve your table, phone CLINTON FIGURE SKATING CLUB Presents "TV on ICE" at CLINTON COMMUNITY CENTRE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 1 815 p.m, ADVANCE TICKETS (No reserved seats) ADULTS $1.00 CHILDREN .50 (under 12) RUSH SEATS $1.25 DRAWS FOR 5 MINT SETS —c5,6b J 4_141...)/Q14,1 1 DANCE .1 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2 9:00 - 12:00 To BOOT LEGG ADMISSION WITH STUDENT WITHOUT CARD CARD $1.25 $1.50 1 --c5b 4 4 1 oeNnooemottleols000 sees 'Not senior dances. They also skate in competition. Another former member of our Clinton Club, Miss Pamela Craven of the Goderich Club, will be doing a free style num- ber. Pam has her second figures, bronze free style and silver dance and she too com- peted at St. Catharines. We feel this year's carnival should appeal to all who are young at heart and we hope that you will plan on attending one or both of our performan- ces. Tickets are on sale from any of our members. immommiciaiumouims91 •• ELM HAVEN,. • • • • • MOTOR HOTEL ri n • n • • • • THIS WEEK • • • • In "Cold •. • • • • Turk ey" • •.. • • • ,Coming Next Week • • • i 11 ' "Milestone" . • • • • : Matinee Saturday • • • • 1 afternoon 4-6 p.m. • _ . • INEEENIEEMIIIIEIIIIIIIIIIIIMEM111111111111 PLAYING • • • 4001111111•1110••••••••••••ww DANCE Sat. Feb. 3rd to the Music of Rodger Quick and The Rainbows at Hully-Gully SnoSport Dancing from 10-1 Lunch & Refreshments Phone 262-5809 otic"4111Afirr GANzArios scoots itiptisnllEs GET YOUR FLOAT READY NOW! 2 CLINTON WINTER CARNIVAL6:90wilaj,* PARADE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10 re • FOR THE \ • FIRST PRIZE — $25.00 SECOND PRIZE — $15.00 THIRD PRIZE — $10.00 ENTRIES MUST BE FILED WITH THE WINTER CARNIVAL COMMITTEE, PARADE CHAIRMAN JACK REID, RR 5, CLINTON PLEASE NOTE CHANGE IN PARADE ROUTE Parade will form up at the Clinton Arena at 12:30 p.m. and move off at 1:00 p.m. sharp, proceeding west on Kirk St. to Victoria, North on Victoria to Albert, along Albert to Princess, and East on Pririceas to the High School. CASH PRIZES CASK PRIZES CHURCH GROUPS fi SERVICE CLUBS 12---CLINTON NEWS-RECORD, .THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1., 1973. Separate Board appoints committees BY WILMA OKE Standing Committees of the Huron-Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board were named at a meeting of the board in Seaforth, Heading the Building and Property Com- mittee as chairman will be Oscar Kieffer, R.R. 1, Bluevale. Members are Howard Shantz of Stratford, Joseph Looby of Dublin and Vincent Young of Goderich. Chairing the Personnel Committee is David Teahen of Stratford. Members are Michael Connolly, R.R. 3, Kippen; Vincent Young; Gordon Ball, St. Marys. Chairing the Finance and Insurance Committee is F.J. Vere of Stratford. Mem- bers are Ted Geoffrey, R.R. 2, Zurich; Donald Crowley, R.R. 2, Gadshill, and Francis Hicknell, R.R. 5, Seaforth. Chairing the Transportation Committee is Francis Hicknell. Members are Arthur Haid, R.R. 4, Listowel; Michael Connolly; and Patrick Carty, Stratford. An Ad-hoc Committee for building projects be headed by Howard Shantz as chairman with Gordon Ball and F.J, Vere as members. The Board appointed Dan Devlin and James Morris, both of Stratford, to represent it on the Stratford Public Library Board; and Trustee Michael Connolly on the Huron-Perth Respiratory Disease Association; and on the Advisory' Commit- tee on Family Life, Trustees Vincent Young and Francis Hicknell will be the representatives of the board. Away on vacation, trustees David Teahen and Patrick Carty were absent from the meeting, as were John Vintar, Superintendent of Education, and Jack Lane, Business Administrator, who were both absent because of illness. Trustee Vere reported he had attended a Block Parent Plan meeting at St. Michael's School in Stratford where 27 parents atten- ded. This was considered disappointing, Dr. Mowatt honored cuse" was written by Aileen Craig in an- swer to a letter sent out to the congregation by Dr. Mowatt last fall commenting on the low weekly church attendance. The Bill Craigs, Harold Wises, Doug Bartliffs, Ken Woods, Don Pullens and Don Jeffersons all explained dramatically "their" excuse. The senior choir followed along the same theme with the number "I cannot come". After a second number by the quartet "In the Evening by the Moonlight", Bill Hearn and Peggy Menzies depicted "Twenty-four Hours in the Life of the Mowatts", a skit written by Mrs. E. D. Fingland. "Kay's Kitchen Cuties" was a riotous band sponsored by the Starlight Circle, playing "Seventy-six Trombones" and sounding as if they had just stepped from the sound track of "The Music Man", Adele Jervis read Stephen Leacock's humorous piece "My Banking Career" and ended by presenting the "withdrawn money in the sock" to the Mowatts. Pictures 'were taken at the rehearsals and .during the performance and former picture's of interest were gathered. All were placed in a picture album and presen- ted as one more token of appreciation. Also during the evening Homer Andrews TV on ice show MRS. JANE. HOWSE Winter Carnival would not be complete without an Ice Show and this year's program is well in progress. With a cast of 125 talented children and under the direction of Mr. Bryon and Mrs. Fran. Topping, our club professionals, we are presenting a take-off on several T.V. programs on February 10th and and 4th at 8:15 p.m. The first half of our program will feature our delightful preschool and junior children as Romper Room pupils and cartoon characters. Our inter- mediate and senior members will bring you news, weather and sports as well as more adult shows. We are most fortunate to have as our guest skater a for- mer Clinton member, Miss Jen- nifer Riley, now of the Guelph Skating Club. Jennifer has her third figures and is working on her senior silver dance. She recently competed at the Western Ontario Sectionals in St. Catharines. For our featured pair, we have Miss Lorie Patterson of St. Marys Club and Mr. Scott Murray of the Ilderton Club. Lorie has her second figures and senior dances. Scott has his third figures and part of the ir THE WHITE CARNATION' HOLMESVILLE * DANCE and SMORGASBORD _1,* *SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3 10 - 1 4( MUSIC BY CAVALIERS 4( 4( SORRY - TICKETS SOLD OUT OF LONDON 4( 4( ........................................6........ AK VALENTINE BALL * * SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10 * ( 10 - 1 'K DANCING and SMORGASBORD 4( MUSIC BY STAR TREX 4( Jr SORRY - TICKETS SOLD OUT .4( II * DANCE and SMORGASBORD * . -X SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24 * 10-1 * MUSIC BY STAR TREX SORRY - TICKETS SOLD OUT 4( 40( Tickets mutt be picked up one week in advance at Nor- 'K 40( Man's Store, Holmesville. ,powspoir~ftrirsoirm• 40( For tickets, reservations Or information *. , CALL 482-9228 * * We dater to Banquets, Parties, etc. Mr. Tokar reported on a letter received from Dr. Charles T.B. Moyo of Seaforth announcing that Rev. Michael Hannan of the Society of Jesus, who has been a missionary in Rhodesia for the past 30 years, will be in Seaforth, St. Columban and Dublin during the weekend of January 27. Father Hannan will say mass in Seaforth on Saturday evening and in St. Colurnban Sunday morning and will show a film on some of the missionary activities in Rhodesia Sunday evening in the Seaforth District High School Auditorium. Father Hannan was one of the educators of Dr. Moyo in his early youth in Rhodesia, The Board approved resolutions which will be presented at the annual meeting of the Ontario Separate School Trustees' Association which will be held in Toronto in the Spring. The first resolution asks for a one day seminar for Roman Catholic Separate School representatives on Boards of Education to familiarize them with the operations of Roman Catholic Separate School Boards. The second resolution calls for changes in the Municipal Election Act so that enumerators will be given an extended period for completion of their assessment work, or that the number of enumerators be increased to adequately contact all resident property owners and tenants within the time period and that the fee structure be revised to an hourly rate plus travelling allowance so that there will be no hasty or unsatisfactory completion of the work. The third resolution asks that the last day for filling complaints be fixed as the day which is four weeks prior to the day of the elections so that all complaints can be disposed of satisfactorily. The fourth resolution asks that the revision period be amended to be the date which is four weeks prior to the date of elections in the year in which elections are held and the 10th day of November in the year elections are not held. ued from page 1) read congratulatory telegrams to the Mowatts from the Don Kerrs, Beecher Menzies, and Gerry and Dorothy Dumont. One more number by Andy and Gwen's Rhythmn Pals and then the congregation rose and together sang a favourite hymn "Guide me Oh Thou Great Jehovah," Lunch and fellowship was in quantity downstairs, as everyone enjoyed sand- wiches, coffee and cakes, signed the guest book and generally agreed that the evening had been a resounding success. A hearty thank-you to all participants, and a sincere wish for a Bon Voyage as the Mowatts leave for a two-week holiday in the south even though it was the largest attendance to date. So far only 100 parents had signed forms to permit their homes to be available to a child in trouble, while the police of Stratford who are sponsoring the project had hoped for 500 to 1000 homes in Strat- ford. The plan is primarily to protect children against child molesters, Mr. Vere said there were reports of three attacks by molesters in the first three weeks of January. The police will canvass for homes if not enough householders volunteer, Mr, Vere reported, The personnel committee is to consider a policy to cover retirements of long term employees. The board approved a motion granting a request from H. Pulsifer of Henry's Har- mony House, Seaforth, that he be permit- ted to teach guitar lessons in a number of separate schools in Huron County during school hours. This is subject to the policy of the board which requires that he get per- mission from the principal of the school and pay a fee of $2,50 per hour for the use of a room for the lessons. Joseph Tokar, Assistant Superintendent of Education, announced that a meeting of trustees will be held on January 29 at St. James School in Seaforth at 8 p.m. to discuss the Ministry of Education's current reorganization of the secondary school programs. A representative from the Ministry will be present at the meeting to explain the program and answer any questions. Mr. Tokar said a similar program has already been conducted with the principals in the separate schools in Huron and Perth. He said as part of the total program each principal will conduct an information meeting with Grade 8 parents. At these parent meetings there will be a represen- tative from the Ministry of Education to inform the parents about the philosophy and organization behind the credit system. (contin