Clinton News-Record, 1973-02-01, Page 8This is the second part of four parts in the New-Record's "guess who it is contest." The first picture appeared last week and two more pieces will be presented in the paper in the next two weeks. When you assemble the picture and think you know who it is, send your an- swer to "Contest, BOX 39, Clinton News-Record, Clinton, Ontario. First prize will be a year's , free subscription to the paper. (News-Record photo) Magic Circle members evening unit meet WE ARE DISMANTLING BUILDINGS ODC Site, CENTRALIA (Ex RCAF Base) And Have For Sale goad used lumber all sizes, plywood, doors, windows, cupboards, shingles, asbestos siding, electrical supplies, plumbing supplies, bathroom fixtures, miscellaneous items. Salesman on site daily 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. except Sunday or contact C. A. McDOWELL LTD. Centralia PHONE 228-6961 or 228.6780 FOOT PROBLEMS (not a joke) ATTENTION I! BY Putting too much pressure on arteries, veins and the nerve system on the Ininoms of Your feet, calcium deposns can develop on lointi, veins and OW101. &WOOS', aches end On can fotlow. ALZNNER FOOT CORRECTOR ARCH SUPPORTS Can be your answer., They distribute the weight 'wanly and 'promote blood circulation ... make walking a pleasure again, Recommended by doctors. THE ONLY ONE WHICH MASSAGES AND CORRECTS FREE DEMONSTRATION AT YOUR DEALER'S HOLLAND'S SHOE STORE 28 Albert St. CLINTON 482-9692 Why Pay More . WHEN YOU CAN'T BUY BETTER Sides of Beef . 0 • Hind Quarters . 0 • Front Quarters . 6 C. n .79( LB. .91 LB. .67( LB, This is beef from the Fergus Turnbull feedlot ... tops in Huron County Sides of Pork . . All Meat Processed and Sharp Frozen FULLY GUARANTEED PONTIACS Air Conditioned BUICKS Models In Stock `wwwwwwwomeneweemsresmik, 4.11M11011111•11•111...1111111M1=1, Scarce Hard To Find Models IN STOCK Pontiac Grand AM As Well As A full Range Of Regular Firebird Hardtop Coupe TRADE NOW 11111111E THE MARKET IS STRONG 2500 series Wideside Pickup with Sierra Grand Option. Our Used Car Stock Is Low. We Are Being Extra Generous In Our Tradeftln Allowances! Catalina Safari Station Wagon McGEE PONTIAC - BUICK tGMC By Mrs. B. Shobbrook Over 100 attended the an- nual congregational meeting and family night Pot Luck sup- per in the church hall on Mon- day, January 22, Following the supper, a sing song led by Rev. McDonald with Mrs. Harry Lear at the piano was enjoyed. After, Ian Hulley entertained the children upstairs by showing several films. It was moved that Mrs, Ed- win Wood be secretary for the congregational meeting and the 1972 minutes were accepted as printed. A panel discussion was given by leaders of the Groups and reports were given by: the session, Mr. Jim Jamieson; the Stewards, church treasurer Mrs. G. Gourley; the U.C.W., President Mrs. Margaret Whyte; the Sunday school, superintendent Mr. Dennis Penfound. The U.C.W, project is to remodel the kitchen and the M. and S. objective was met. The 197:3 Budget was given by Garnet Wright and accepted by the congregation. Nominations and elected were: session, five year term, Nelson McClure, Mrs, John Riley, Mr. Gordon Shobbrook, Mr. Jack Tamblyn; stewards, three year term, Mr. Gary Jewitt, Mr. Ross Lovett, Mr. John Pollard, Mr. Garnet Wright; special session mem- bers, two year term Miss Louise Lovett, Mr. Ken ,Jewitt, Miss Audrey Peel, Mr. Michael Pen- found; manse committee, Gar- net Wright, Mrs. Gourley, Mrs. Reg. Lawson, Mrs. J. Clare Vincent and 2 representatives from U.C.W.; auditors, Mrs. Mary Robinson and Mr. William Leiner; church trustees, Harry Lear, Robert Thompson, Joe Shaddick, Lloyd Pipe and J. Clare Vin- cent; manse trustees, . Don Buchanan, Joe Shaddick, Ed- win Wood, Lorne Hunking; delegate to Presbytery, Norman Alexander, Bert Shobbrook and J. Clare Vincent; Bible Society, Mrs. John Riley and Emmerson Hesk. New business included discussion on manse furnace. It was voted to accept the tender of Tom Duizer to install a new furnace. The anniversary com- mittee of Gordon Shobbrook, Jack Lee, Mrs. G. Gourley, Mrs. Murray Lyon, and Mrs. Bert Mission and Service Fund ob- jective for 197:3. It was planned to add to the 58 year anniversary book to the 75 year one by the U.C.W. There were 17 new members including 12 by profession of Faith, 5 by transfer; 18 bap- ',isms; 10 marriages; and 16 burials. Harry Lear moved a vote of thanks to Rev, McDonald for his untiring work and wonder- ful leadership in all phases of our, church work and com- munity, Rev. McDonald also expressed his appreciation to all for their faithful' atten- dance and help, The meeting adjourned and Mr. McDonald closed meeting with' Benedic- tion. Each was alloted their job for dishes and tidy up. YOUTH SUNDAY Youth Sunday was observed in the United church on Sun- day morning with special guests being Messenger Group with their leader Mrs. Ted Hunking and Explorer Group and leaders, Mrs. Mac Sewers, and Mrs. Wilmer Glousher, Welcoming into the Narthex were Mr. Don Buchanan and John Jewitt and the ushers were members of the Explorer Group, Carol Burrs, Barbara Carter, Linda Johnston, Nancy Fothergill and Nancy Presz- cator, Before the service, Bob Stover accompanied by Gail Lear at the organ and , Ken Scott with guitar led in a sing song. The scripture was read by Explorer Debbie flunking. The choir anthem was "We hear Thy voice". The flowers were placed in the church in loving memory of Mr. Ken Stewart by his family. Flowers were also placed by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott in honor of the marriage of their daughter Jean to Richard Shaddick in the church on Friday evening January 26. Rev, McDonald's message was "means of Grace". There will be no church or Sunday School services during the month of February. The church will re-open on Sunday March 4th. Rev. McDonald left on Sunday evening for Florida, ac- companied by Gary Buchanan and Clayton McClure. W.I. DESSERT EUCHRE The Women's Institute dessert euchre was held last Wednesday night with 20 tables in play, winners were: ladies high, Mrs. Lloyd Pipe; ladies lone hands, Jessie Jones; ladies low, Beth Knox; men's high, Ted Fothergill; men's lone hands, Raymond Riley; men low, Bill Flynn. There was a raffle on three will be another draw on February second at 8 p.m. along with the euchre. PERSONALS A number from here atten- ded the funeral of Mr. Ken Stewart on Wednesday in Seaforth. Sympathy is extended to his family. Mrs. Jessie Jones visited Sunday January 21st with her daughter, Mrs. Jim Snell and family. It was Mrs. Snell's bit; thday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hamilton London Visited on Sunday with her father, Mr, Will Govier and aunt, Mrs, Lily Webster. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Shaddick entertained friends' on Wed- nesday night, honoring Miss Jean Scott and Richard Shad- dick prior to their wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Shaddick and Robert drove Mr, and Mrs, Richard Shaddick to Melton airport where they took a plane to their home in Edmonton where Richard is a member of R.C.M.P. and Jean is employed with Mutual Life Insurance. Richard and Jean wish to thank friends in the community for making their reception such a success and special thanks to Londesboro United Church Women. There were 10 ladies from this district attended the sum- mary day on "Ontario Fruits" held in Wesley-Willis Church, Clinton on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shaddick, Juliana and Richard spent Friday night with 'his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Joe Shaddick and attended the Shaddick-Scott wedding and reception. Mr. Jim Neilans returned home Saturday night from spending the past two months with his cousin Miss Margaret McGill, Denver, Colorado. Miss Valerie and Vicki Garrow visited Sunday evening with their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook. Miss Wilma Radford, Lon- don, visited on Friday with her aunt, Mrs. Lily Webster and Uncle Mr, Will Gooier. Cm istalice BY MARY Mclwain The Forresters held a very successful Family Dance on Friday evening with Mary Broadfoots Orchestra providing the music. Prizes were given for spot and elimination dances. The Anniversary dance was won by Mr. and Mrs. Nelson McClure. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Bill Storey at- tended the funeral of their ,ceusip, „Arnold, Finclilate4,„„in Hamilton on Tuesday. Mr. Bruce Johnston of Grand Valley visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd, Jim and Kerri. Mary Ann Klaver visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan , Bill, Doug, Betty and Bob. Rev. Stag McDonald. of Lon- desboro, Garry and Clayton McClure left on Sunday to spend a month's holidays in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator , Diane and Nancy spent Sun- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. David Preszcator, Christine, Lisa and Christopher. Mr. and Mrs, Marris Boa, Steven, Sharon, and Kenny spent Sunday with her parents Mr, and Mrs. John Wammes. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Preszcator, Billy, Debbie and Michael visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Dillon of Clinton. Mr. Jim Medd is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital where he is to undergo surgery. We would like to wish him a very speedy recovery. You Get MORE at Merner's • Free Pickup of Beef • Curing Service Our customers rave about it No Charge for Hamburg Patties A special to introduce our new grinder - mixer. You'll be pleased with the grade of hamburg this new machine turns out. The meat is mixed better. All Meat Wrapped with Vita Film You see what's inside without unwrapping. No freezer burn. Fifteen members of the Magic Circle met in the church parlour on January 15th. Mrs, T. Oliver welcomed the ladies and read a New Year's thought. The worship service was conducted by Mrs. A. J. Mowatt and Miss Mary . Jamieson. Mrs. H. Howard introduced the study on India and Roll Call was answered with payment of fees. Envelopes for monthly offerings were distributed. Twenty-six home calls and nine hospital calls, were reported. The ladies were asked to provide sandwiches for the fun night for families to be held in the church on Sunday, January 28th. A motion to renew mem- bership with N' emerind was carried. Mrs. Mowatt reported that she had visited this drop in centre for Indian people passing through or living in London and was very in- terested in the work being done there, She delivered a box of jams and jellies collected by the members and suggested that we send food for their next sale. Suggestions for fund raising will be the annual koffee klatch and country store in November; -teams are to collect pennies and the winning team will be entertained by the losers in October; A garden party in The junior :3-year-old class for the month of December of the Canadian Jersey Cattle Club was topped by Warwick Peggy's Poppy, a daughter of Marlu Milady's Peerless, owned by J.A. Wright, Saanichton, B.C. At :3 years, 51 days, she produced 15,965 lbs. fat, 4,55% in :304 days, a Gold Medal recorcE Warwick Peggy's June; and a noon luncheon in , March, Mrs. Mowatt asked that button hooks be brought to her for use in therapy depart- ment for Spastic children. The meeting closed with the circle and Mizpah benediction, Games and a delightful lunch were organized by Mrs. Mowatt, Miss. Jamieson and Mrs. Oliver, and enjoyed by all present, Poppy is the new all time class leader for milk, junior :3, :305 days, 2X. Next was Dalevilla Captain Wendy, a daughter of Dalevilla Captain, owned by Mrs. Lloyd Dale, Seaforth. In 305 days, she produced 12,056 lbs. milk, 608 lbs. fat, 5.04% at :3 years, 18 days. 8---CLINTON .NEWS-.RECORD, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 1, 1973 Londesboro news & views ShohbpokLaeleae,tsnaalweall,,,theXes,?....of..,groceries -.which.weS arangernents for —the anriiver- won by June Fothergill, Beth sary. It was moved to raise the Knox and Tom Duizer. There Lower Interest Rates NOW AVAILABLE ON • st and 2nd Mortgages anywhere in Ontario on RESIDENTIAL - INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL and FARM PROPERTIES Interim financing on new construction or land development REPRESENTATIVES IN YOUR AREA-PHONE SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS & CONSULTANTS LTD, ' AREA CODE 519-744-6535 COLLECT WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASH Seaforth has top jersey cow MERNER'S MEAT MARKET PHONE 23/-3314 DASHWOOD