Clinton News-Record, 1973-02-01, Page 22---CLINTON NEWS-RECORD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1973 Auburn Walkerburn Club to hold auction sate .Towil Talk owoopoun -0Y MARG .RW0 MARY'S SEWING CENTRE 17 ALBERT ST. CLINTON, ONT. AUTHORIZED WHITE ELNA DEALER SPECIAL SEWING CLASSES ON LINGERIE KNITS and MEN'S WEAR. PRECISION SCISSOR SHARPENING USED MACHINES REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES 37tIn BUY YOUR DRUG NEEDS AT YOUR DRUG STORE YOUR IIRUG STORE Clinton, • ntario P one • GIVE YOUR VALENTINE ~vrctdizotidCANDIES HEART SHAPED BOXES $ 100 to $750 Choose from our selection of VALENTINE CARDS 10* to '3" tc FROZEN CANADA GRADE 'B' YOUNG BROILER TURKEYS 4 „h. LEL ARENA SCHEDULE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1- INTERMEDIATE GAME 8:30 P.M. MILVERTON ys.. CO LTS FR IDAric.FEBRUARYPUIUN IOR:.GAM E9211,002PFAUMIWOMM BELMONT VS MUSTANGS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4- TOT SKATING 2:00 - 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC SKATING 3:00 - 4:30 P.M. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6 NOON HOUR SKATING 12:00 - 1:00 P.M. C.H.H.L. GAME 8:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7 PUBLIC SKATING 2:00 - 4:00 P.M. MINOR HOCKEY WEEKEND THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO, OFFICE-- Main Streak &Worth — Phone 527.0400 Mrs. Margaret Sharp, Secretary-Treasurer FIRE, EXTENDED COVERAGE, WINDSTORM, THEFT, • PROPERTY DAMAGE, LIABILITY, 'ETC. — COMPLETE FARM COVERAGE, including Machin,. ery •and Livestock Floaters, — URBAN PROPERTY — We now offer Composite Dwelling Insurance as well as Homeowners hi- surance, — SUMMER COTTAGES, TRAILER HOMES CHURCHES, HALLS. AGENTS: JAMES KEYS, RR 1, Sealorth; V. J. LA,NE, RR 5, Seaforth; WM. ,LE1PER, RR 1, Londoshoro; SELWYN BAKER, Brussels; HAROLD SQUIRES, RR 3, Clinton; K. J. ETUE, Seaforth; DONALD G. EATON, Seaforth. CHARLES Beauty Salon SALE OF PERMANENTS EXTENDED TO FEB. 7 PROTEIN PERMANENT Reg. $12.50 Reg. $15.00 REG. $17,50 PERMANENT PERMANENT PERMANENT 10.00 $12.50 15.00 Includes Cut, Shampoo, Style and Set CHARLES Beauty Salon 74 VICTORIA STREET CLINTON PHONE 482.70651 Ittr White Swan Assorted Colours 2roll Towels pkg. Paper Middleton The A.C.W. of St, James Middleton Thursday evening February 8th at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Alvin Dutot. The committee in charge consists of Mrs. Ray Wisc, Mrs. Jack Smith, and Mrs. Joseph Storey. SINGER SALES & SERVICE Repairs to all makes of Sewing Machines. PHONE 482-9378 after 5 Nestle Chocolate Quik Honeydew Frozen Concentrated Saniflush Orange Toilet Bowl Drink 12 t aft, Cleaner Imperial Coloured 20 or, Am. 09.10U Margarine 3,4:93` E,10, Smith Garden 34 or, A vc $ 1 Ctflr "Ir Cocktail 4 Rupert Frozen Cod or Haddock Fish & Chips Fluffo IIbShortening 37c China lily Choice Whole, Sliced or Pieces & Stems musnroomi'7',43c Stippled 1 Serviced Oy IL Leek 'Jaded PRICES MUMS UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY MUM 3, 1973 WE RESERVE ENE EIGHT TO LIMO QUANTITIES TO AVERAGE FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. FROZEN CANADA 4 to 5 lbs. Grade 'A' Ducks Top Yalu vac pac 1 lb. pkg. Sliced Side Bacon Cut From The Beel Chuck Boneless Top Wu vac pac Short Rib Skinless lb. 955 Roast lb. 1.09 Wieners Coleman's Fully Cooked FOO [BALL SI YLE FROZEN CANADA GRADE UTILITY ROASTING CHICKENS 44 '71 pTo i CHECKERBOARD FARMS FROZEN Fully Cooked TURKEYS LB lie CAMPFIRE 1 lb. pkg. Sliced Side 69c Bacon lb. 88c Steaks lb. 1.19 Wieners lb. Top Vale Fully Cooked Dinner lb, 62C Hams Zia to 01 et 3%x lbs. I • wia Davern Pork 8 Beef Breakfast 2 lb. pkg. 1.19 Sausage Burns Sweet Pickled 3 to 4 lbs. Cottage lb. 59c Rolls lb. 83c Cut from the Beet Chuck Boneless Burns vac pat 1 lb. pkg. Cross Rib Skinless We wonder if Don Kay has ever wished he had a sign in his store like the following; "Any husband choosing colours must have a note from his wife".' * * Mr. Lawrence Ellison, a native. son now residing in' Hamilton, Ontario, is in town to visit his sister Mrs, Cecil Cooper, Sr., and is a guest of the Hotel Clinton. * * F/O Reg Cook of London spent a few days this week with his mother, Mrs. Ellen Cook of Clinton. * * Mr. and Mrs. Orland John- ston have returned home from a two-week vacation in the sun at West Palm Beach, Florida. * * * The card parties are in full swing right now. We have the results of the last euchre and five hundred party at the IOOF hall. Winners at five hundred were: Mrs. Ed Nickle, ladies' high; Mr. George Wright, men's high; Mrs. Orville Blake, ladies' low; Mr. Dan Gliddon, men's low. Euchre winners were: ladies' high, Mrs. Frank Cummings; BY FRED McCLYMONT Mr. and Mrs. Doug Proctor and Tracy of Toronto visited over the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn John- ston. 'Mr. and Mrs. Nick Whyte, David, Crystal ,Brian and Murray of Seaforth spent Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred McClymont. Mr. Harold Dowson returned home last week after a stay in hospital at London. Mr. and Mrs. Bob McClymont, Michael and Shannon of Guelph visited with relatives at Varna and Clinton over the weekend. The death occurred in. Michigan last week of Mr. men's high, Mr, Elwin Pickard;. ladies! low, Mrs. Charles Cun- .ningbam; men's low, Mr. Frank Thompson; lone hands, Mr, Charles Cunningham. Mrs. Bill Edgar won a draw for a ham. * * * What fun vehicle available to winter sports enthusiasts is faster than a snowmobile, carries two. people, is easy to transport, creates neither air nor sound pollution, 'and costs nothing to operate? Answer: ice yachts, now manufactured and sold through dealers across Canada, according to the Financial. Post. Ice yachting which began a century and a half ago, was very popular in the early 1900's but interest faded after World War I. Now it seems to be making a comeback. Until recently it was rare to see even half a dozen ice yachts on a frozen Canadian Lake. However this winter, you can sometimes see two or three times that number. Says technical adviser Bill Gooderham: "It can never be a big market, but nobody has yet found an objection to ice yachting. It's fun and it leaves the ecology undisturbed." Harold Taylor a former resident of Stanley Township. Mr. John Smith was taken to Clinton Public Hospital last Saturday. The United Church Women will hold their February meeting this Thursday evening in the Church. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered last Sunday in the United Church with Rev. Bruce Guy of Dash- wood in charge. A number from here atten- ded the annual meeting of the Bayfield Agricultural Society last Wednesday. The date of the Fair this year will be August 31 and September 1st. The January meeting of the Walkerburn Club •was held at the home of Mrs, Garth McClinchey with the president Mrs, Elliott Lapp in charge, The minutes were approved as read by the secretary Mrs. Worthy Young. The roll call was answered by eight mem- bers an,d two visitors, Thank you notes were read from Miss Margaret R. Jaekson and Mrs, Nellie McDougall. The hooked mat was won by Mrs, Henry flunking. The draw prize donated by Mrs. Walter Cunningham was won by Mrs. Worthy Young. Mrs. Elliott Lapp invited the members to her home for the February meeting when the program will be in the charge of Mrs, Walter Cunningham and Mrs. Thomas Cun- ningham. The lunch will be in the charge of Mrs. Carmen Gross and Mrs. Leonard Ar- chambault. Roll call is to be answered by naming your favorite winter bird. On motion of Mrs. Lloyd McClinchey and Mrs. Henry flunking it was agreed that a miscellaneous auction sale would be held ,,at the next meeting. The program of the afternoon was in the charge of Mrs. Wor- thy Young and Mrs. Elliott Lapp. Mrs. Young introduced her daughter, Mrs. Glen Patter- son and her friend Mrs. Bert McCreath of Goderich. They told about their interesting hobby of working with ceramics. They demonstrated how to make the molds and showed how to pour to make the beautiful articles they had on display. They told the dif- ferent steps until the items are painted and fired. Mrs. Lapp thanked the ladies and presented them with small gifts. Lunch was served by Mrs. Walter Cunningham and Mrs. Garth McClinchey. by the chairman gave the mem- bership as 160 with 35 in-active or non-resident (total 195), There were nitro burials, four marriages and seven baptisms, After a vote of thanks to all, the congregation thanked Pastor and Mrs. Fry for their leadership with the unanimous invitation to remain for another year, KNOX U.C.W. The United Church Women of Knox United Church held their general meeting with Unit One in charge. Mrs. Albert McFarlane opened the meeting with a poem, Mrs. Norman Wightman was pianist. Mrs. McFarlane read the scripture lesson. Meditation was given by Mrs. Jessie Naylor. Mrs. Bert Marsh gave a reading and Mrs. Alfred Fry led in prayer. The offering was received by Mrs. Torrance Tabb and Mrs. Jessie Naylor. A piano in- strumental was played by Mrs. Norman Wightman. Mrs. Oliver Anderson in- troduced the new study book on India. Mrs. Bert Marsh gave out literature on India. Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer presided for the business meeting. The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as read by the secretary, Mrs. Beth Lansing. After reports were received and business was put through, lunch was served by members of Unit One. Freshly Ground For Casseroles or Turkey Burgers Minced Turkey Meat lb. 79' Australian Frozen Shank Half LAMB LEGS lb. 69 c Tap Val Halves or Slices Fancy Peaches Habitant Table Syrup Akan 12 inch Foil Wrap 3 "rol; 1 .00 Appleford Food•Soyer Waxed Paper '"trolii395 Save-All Waxed Paper 1OO N, 9c Varna ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of Knox United Church was held in the church on last Sunday after- noon. Following the morning service, the congregation went downstairs where all enjoyed a delicious lunch served by the members., of , Unit lOne.l of,,the U.C.W, ... After lunch, Pastor Alfred a Fry chaired the meeting with Keith Arthur, the secretary reading the minutes. The U.C.W, the C.G.I.T. Explorers and Sunday School and Junior Congregation, all presented ex- cellent reports. The financial statement presented by the treasurer Mrs. Kenneth McDougall, showed after all expenses had been paid that there was a very sub- stantial balance. The Mission and Service givings report as given by Mrs. Lois Haines showed an increase of over $200 from the previous year. The U.C.W. have undertaken to finance a new ceiling for the Sunday School room and the Young People have offered to install it. All reports showed a strong spirit of co-operation among the various groups of the congregation. New members of the Session were appointed as follows: Joe Postill, Gerald McDowell, Lawrence Plaetzer and Mrs. Lillian Hallam; the Board of Stewards, Douglas Durnin, Robert Arthur, John Hildebrand and Mrs. Jessie Naylor. Maurice Bean was appointed to the Board of Trustees in the place of the late Charles Scott. Donald Haines and Miss Brenda Ball were appointed auditors. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arthur are the new members of the Manse committee. The Session report as given AUBURN SOCIALS Allan McDougall and friend, Joseph Proulx of Sudbury spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDougall. George Timm and Miss Erna Bethke of Gorrie visited last Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. 'Maitland Allen. Mrs. Ronald Rathwell of Parkhill visited last Thursday with her mother, Mrs. Celia Taylor. Douglas Archambault of St. Marys, Miss Cheryl Graham of St. Marys, and Donald Parker of Goderich visited recently with Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Ar- chambault, Rick, Miss Brenda and Miss Marilyn. Mrs. Slater Sr. of Hespeler visited last week with her son Robert, Mrs, Slater, Frankie and Joanne. Mrs. Robert Slater took her home on the weekend. Miss Lois Morley Reg. N. of London spent the weekend with her friend, Miss Judy Arthur. Miss Marilyn Archambault was honored by a birthday party when her mother Mrs, Leonard Archambault enter- tained little friends on her eighth birthday. Congratulations to Auburn men in winning the trophy in the Dr. McLennan curling bon- spiel at Wingham last, week. They were Leonard Archam- bault, skip; Glen Sellers, vice; Thomas Cunningham second; and Gordon Daer, lead. They won the 9 o'clock draw and the over-all championship. Mr. 'and Mrs. William Straughan spent a few days last week with their daughter, Mrs, Thomas Jardin and Mr. Jardin at Wingham, Mrs. Kenneth McDougall at- tended the funeral of her cousin, the late Kenneth Stewart at Seaforth last week. Mr. and Mrs. John MacKay of London spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacKay, Miss Carol Beadle of Kit- chener spent the weekend with her parents Mr, and Mrs. Harry Beadle. Mrs. Elmer Trommer visited last week with her mother, Mrs. H. Odbert who is a patient in Stratford Hospital, Brian Craig of Conestoga College, Stephen FIaggitt of Hamilton and Keith Scott of London spent the weekend with their parents. WE GIVE YOU MORE.... V Personalized The Finest Service Quality the lowest meat specials in town, featuring Canada Approved Grade 'A' Red Ribbon Beef Stokely's Finest Fancy Haney Pod Peas or 00,10 iiskova Macaroni & Cheese Beans Fancy Kraft With Pork Applesauce Dinner Valley Farm Choice Frozen 13 or, iff Sc plqU PRODUCE OF ISRAEL.SWIET JAFFA Demi ORANGES Sire car.79c U.S.A. FLORIDA MP CELERY STALKS 11:45c U.S.A. NO. 1 (Bonus Pack) CALIFORNIA HEAD (8 iolz, Free)3 Hereford to, LETTUCE Crisco r. Corned () 89 Beef " each " 7 tin U.S.A. NO. 1 FLORIDA RED NEW POTATOES lbs 79c CANADA NO, 1 ONTARIO MARSH CARROTS 2425c SuOor Bravo 39c Liquid Floer Wax 2106n;: ei39 Swing Orange Flavour Crystals 3 614:: 79` Robin Hood Asserted Flovadri Pudding MIXDS 4 R 9s. 1.00 York Frozen Fancy Whole Strawberries 20:: 75c 404 's A, 10 14414 Cif jar . . Erin Brand Whale White "°,!,;,43c Potatoes 5 '9 ,?„;; $1 Post Sugar 32 or. bd. 49c Crisp WE AVE DEC ARED lArAGAINS,TANFLATIO E.B. EDDY PAPER SALE White Swan 2 ply Assorted Colours Facial Tissue Tissue 3 1,`:,11 1.00 TOMATOES Babies Only Please Assorled comers MEXICAN NO. 1 VINE RIPE Bathroom Appleford Food-Saver fkefill IN ft. roll Waxed!paper37c soye-Alf Refill 100 ft, roll , Waxed Paper35c