Clinton News-Record, 1966-09-22, Page 7MRS. WES BRADNOCK—Correspondent—Phone 526-7595
Auburn and District
Mr.- and Mrs. George Haggitt
and family,. Zurich, visited last
Sunday with Mr. arid Mrs,
Thomas Haggitt and Stephen.
Miss Laura Wagner i*etui'n-
ed to her home in Syracuse, N.Y,, after a two week’s vri’-
cation, with her sister, Miss
Minnie Wagner and other mem
bers of her family.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Phil
lips, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Johnston and Miss Laura. Phil
lips 'attended. 'the funeral of
their cousin, the ..late Lome
MacDonald of Seaforth.
Mi's. Joseph Burlage and
Mrs. Nellie Sitoyer, Detroit, vis
ited last week with Mr, and
Mirs. Gordon R. Taylor.
Mrs. Melvin Jewell, Gode
rich, visited last week with Mr?
and Mrs, Robert J, Phillips.
Mr. and Mrs-. Fterik Raithby.
have purchased the home, of
Mr, pnd Mirs. Garth Walden pf
Loftus Street, • ’
Mrs. Ralph D. Munro and
Miss' Viola Thompson visited
last Thursday with Mr, and
Mrs. Donald youngblut and
family ’ait London.
Mrs. F, 0. Moll veep, Oshawa,
and Mrs, Norman Peppier,
Hanpver, were recent visitors
with ’ Mr. and Mrs,. Robert J.
Mr, and Mrs. John R, Weir
,and her mother, Mrs. Elsie
Eustace, London, visited on
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wil
liam Slfciles. Mrs. Eustace re
mained for,a. longer visit with
her granddaughter, Mrs, Stiles,
The annual ’ Bible Society
meeting for tills district will be
held on September 27 at 8 pjm.
in the Auburn Baptist Church.
Couple Feted
A very pleasant social even
ing was held ait the home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Sempto,
Bayfield Dine last Saturday
night when over 40 neighbours
and friends met to honour
newly-weds; Mr. and Mrs. John
Semple, Jr. (nee. Catherine
Draper),, of Clinton.
Euchre winners were: ladies’
high, Mirs. Janies Angus'; ladies’
low, Mrs. Joseph Postil!;. men’s
high,. Robert Draper; men’s
lbw, Ralph Welsh. Frank
Thompson held the most lone
An appropriate address was
read to the honoured young
couple by Mr. William Brand
The newly-weds were presented
With a large mirror and a wal
nut china, cabinet.
John thanked hits friends on
behalf of his bride, and himself
and invited them to call.
Ladies served ‘ a delicious
St. James WA
Mrs. John Grigg,, Joseph St.,
Clinton, was the hostess for the
September meeting of the
Women’s Auxiliary of St.
James Anglican Church, Mid
There were .12 members, five
visitors and the reefor, the Rev.
E. J. B. Harrison, present. .
President Mrs. Don Middle
ton opened the , meeting and
thanked the members for help
ing make the 75th anniversary
celebration in June such a
splendid success. Mrs. Stewart
Middleton was. in charge of the
Devotional Service wiilth the
theme, “Come ye Away”.
Scripture lesson was read by
Mirs. Gordon Rathwell. Mfs- J. Grigg gave the secretary^ .re
port and Mrs. Keith Miller, the
financial statement.
Mrs. Jack Smith reported
that the Dorcas Committee had
received orders' for eight quilts.
She" displayed one with , the
quilting completed, done en
tirely by Mrs. David Deeves.
It was decided to donate $5
to the CNIB and also to ' help
in the volunteer work at the
Ontario, Hospital, Godbrlch. The
sale of Christmas Cards will
again be a fund-raising project.
■ The fall sessions' Of the Dean
ery of Huron were announced
to be held on Wednesday,, Oct
ober 5 in St, John’s Church,
Mrs. Lome Jervis was the
"■special guest .^peaker for /the
evening and was introduced by
Mrs.- Ray Wise, Her subject
was “The Indian and Canada's
Mrs. Jervis i,s a keen histor
ian and presented her audience
with many vital 'and ■ little-
known facts of the’ Contribution
of the Indian population to
Canadian history and' heritage.
She traced the history of the
confederacy of the Six Nations’
Indians, who to this day know-
no international border. with
the USA but are free to come
and go. She gave a most de-c
tailed account of Indian treaties
and of the part played by Paul
ine’Johnston, and Senator Glad
stone, now an- important .figure
in the Indian Affairs Branch.
There are now 21 Indian cler
gymen ordained in the Can
adian- Church of England.
Mrs. Jervis Ulusltrated her
talk'- with clippings from her
scrap book of colorful Indian
personages and historical sites.
Mrs. John Cale thanked the
spealter. ‘
The rector closed the meeting
with „ prayer and lunch.- was
Mi's. Don Middleton, express
ed a vote 'Of thanks to Mrs.
Grigg for- the “house-warming”
meeting in her new home in
' Thanksgiving Service
- ‘The annual service of
“Thanksgiving for the Blessings
of Harvest” will be held in St.
.James. Anglican Church,' Mid
dleton on Sunday, September
25". at 2:30 p.m. Everyone is
James. Anglican Church,' Mid-
25". at 2:30 p.m. Everyone
At Auburn
St. Marks Church
AUBURN — Baskets of fall
flowers, fruit and 'vegetables
decorated St. Mark’s Anglican
Church for the annual, Harvest
Festival; Sunday. The rector,
Rev. G? E. 'Pakenham was in
charge of-the-sarvice and Miss
Judy Arthur* Was the organist.-
Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor sang a
Rev. Pakenham chose for his
text, “Lift up your‘ eyes 'and
look on the fields, for they are
white all' rpady for harvest”.
He stated that, since the. begin
ning of time, men has- given
thanks to God for His goodness
and everyone should give
thanks to-day, in praise and
prayer for God’s goodness to us.
In closing, he remarked that
only when we give thanks, our
harvest Will be truly great.
The offering was received by
ushers Robert J. Phillips and
Thomas Haggitt and the re
ceiver was Kathy Sahheider. A
beautiful bouquet was placed by
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew .Kirkcoh-
nell and family in memory of
her father, the late Samuel
Daer and also one in memory
of the late Mr? William Double
day of Blyth by his family.
Use Classified Adsw.
AUBURN — ' Mites Helen
Youngblut, L’istowel, ‘ was, hon-
(ored tost. .Saturday evening
When friends .gathered -in the
Sunday School room of Knox
Presbyterian Church and pre--
sented her with a bridal showier
of many gifts.
Mrs. W. Bradnock was the
chairman for the program. A
Solo “The. Sound of Music” was
sung by Miss Nancy Anderson,
accompanied by Mrs. Donald
Kai of Oakville. A piano, solo
was played by Miss Margaret
Hdines. A cake contest was
given by Mrs. Donald Plunkett
and ’the winner was Mrs. Don
ald Kail. A reading* wias given
by Mrs. Kenneth Patterson de
scribing the groom’s.' dress at
his wedding. A duet was sung
by Mrs. Donald Haines 'and
Miss Margaret Haines. Other
contests by Mrs. Plunkett were
the bird contest and the winner
was Mrs: Oliver Anderson and
the floral wedding contest- was
won by Mrs. Donald Haines and
Mrs. Ralph Muinto.
Beautiful corsages, made by Mrs. Robert J. ’Phillips were
pinned on the bride-to-be by
Mrs. Donald Plunkett and Mrs,
Harold Rolston of London pin
ned a corsage on her Sister,
Miss 'Marjorie Youngblut. Mrs:
Kenneth Patterson read the ad
dress off congratulations and
the gifts were presented b£
Joyce Leatherland, Sih er on Col
lins, Sherrill Patterteon, Gail
Patterson and Shelley Patter
Helen thanked her friend's for
the gifts. Lunch was served by
the ladiete of Knox Church as
sisted by Miss Lila Youngblut
Of Goderich and Mrs. Donald
Everyone is invited to comb to
this meeting. Mri Andrew
Brndjai '-will show films,
Ml and Mts. Joe Haggitt,
Leamington, vistilted > tost wrick
With Mr, and Mi's. Thomas
Haggitt and they attended the
funepal'. of the late' William
Doubleday of Blyth,
Mr, and Mrs. Maitland Allen*
returned home after a few
Weeks’ visit in Flint, Mich,,
with William. Coates, who re
turned with them.
Mr, and Mrs. William Dobie
and family moved to Goderich last week.
Mr, and Mns- Nomman Hamil
ton and family, Goderich, visit-, ed bn Sunday with Mr* arid
Mrs. Ben Hamilton.
4-H CJub Meets
Auburn Cuities 4-H Cooking
Club for the fall project, The
Supper Club was held with-the
president, Brenda ■? East in
charge. Minutes were stead by
the secretary, Ruth Bere. Each
member Answered the roll by
naming a good food habit.
The leadeir, Mrs. W. • Brad
nock outlined the food guide
for Health — including the im
portance of using meat, fish,
fruit and milk in the; diet;
The various uses of, milk was,
discussed. „ '
Mrs. Frank Raiithby super
vised' the- demonstration of the
making of a white sauce which
was done by Brenda East and
Rulth Here- This stance was
later used1 for a scalloped dish
of carrots and peas, which was
made by Joyce Leatheirland,
This 'dlish was. served along with
the erutons which were mad!e
during the meeting.
Plow Match Display
The executive of the Auburn
Horticulture Society met 'in. the
Library rooms last week to
plan for their fall' programs.
The president, Mrs. Frank
Raithby was in charge of - the
meeting. The' minutes were
read by secretary, Mrs. Bent
Craig. The financial Statement
was read as prepared by the
treasurer, Mrs. Norman Mc
Plans were made for the
floral display at the Ploughing
-.Match in Seaforth on October
12., The committee in charge
are" Mrs. Arthur Grange, Mrs.
Albert .McFarlane and Mrs.
Bert Doran. The Auburn Soc
iety will be working with the
Blyth and Brussels societies on
that d!ay.
The next meeting will be held
on October 24 when it is hoped
to have a; guest speaker on
flower arrangements, Thex committee in charge Of the' pro
gram will, be Mrs. Robert J-
Phillips, Mrs. Gordon^ R. -Taylor
and Mrs. Kenneth Scott. The
pot-luck lunch will be served
by Mrs. Bert Craig, Miss Viola
Thompson and Mrs. Bert
Doran, .... '
See Europe Pictures
The September meeting of
the Ladies Guild of St. Mark’s
Anglican Church was held at
the home of Mr. and* Mrs. For-
dfyee Clark. Mrs. Clark. was; in
charge of the meeting with
Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell as
.pianist. Mrs. -Clark’ read 'the
scripture lesson 'and . tod in
prayer. The Bible study was
taken by Rev. G. E. Pakenham,
giving the introduction on the.
book, Stmioke on the Mountain,
explaining the ^Teo.- Command
ments. •
The president, Mrs. Orval
McPhee had charge of the bus
iness- period. 'Mrs. John Daer
read the minutes and Mrs. An
drew Kirkconnell, the treasurer
gave the financial statement.
The toll call was answered by
naming your favorite .harvest
hymn. The travelling apton re
ceived a penny for each letter
in Our Harvest Home.
The men were invited to the
meeting and Mr. and Mrs. ,
Clark Bail showed' cotorgd pic
tures of their recent trip .to
Ireland, France, Switzerland
and Germany. They had many
pictures of. Rev. and Mrs,
Robert Meally, former'sector of
St. Mark’s who is now in Ire
land. Jtev. Pakenhani • closed
With prayer. The next meeting
will be held1 at the Rectory in
Blyth. Mrs. Clark assisted by
Misses Wendy and - Kathy
Schneider served a dainty
CHILD portraits
Phone 482-7006
Mr, and Mrs. Johrt Hoggart
Londesboro Hall
Friday Sept. 23
Jim Scott's Orchestra
Ladies please bring
Make Your Arrangements Now
Before The Fall Rush
Phone 482-9411
Contact Us For All Your Fuel Oil Needs
■ , - ’ ***> ' ■ aotfb
Fire Destroys
Hallam Barn
Near Auburn
AUBURN Lr. Fire of unde-
termined origin completely de
stroyed the barn on the farm
of Mr. and Mrs, John Hallam
on the Maitland Block of Hul-
lett Township early on Wednes-
day morning.
Blyth firemen answered the
call but the building was be
yond saving. They directed
their efforts on a nearby gar
age which they were successful
in saving,
The year’s crop of hay, Sfra,w
and grain were all destroyed,,
also p. hammer mill- The build-"
ing and contents were partially
covered with insurance.
... ' .... o---- ------ - •
Ladies Club
Gives to CNIB
ClubThe Sumrneifaill Ladies
met at the home of Mrs. Lucy
Ellis, jSeptembe^ 18 with 18
members present. The vice-
president Mis. -Clayton. Ellis
was in Change Of ithe meeting.
The roll call was answered
by a suggestion- for a roll call
for the s coming months. A.
thank-you note was read from
Mr. and Mbs, Paul Golds
worthy. The treasurer’s report
was given ’ by Mrs, Norman
Wright and a donation given
to 'the, CNIB. The- ladies dle-
cided to have HohBo teas with
a fine of $1.00 for anyone who
changes clothes.
Mrs. Neville Forbes told . of
their trip to the East Coast by
bus which was very interesting
Mrs, Norman Wright gave a
reading “The Little Red School
Mrs, Harry, Watkins ha'd a
guessing contest won by Mrs.
Lloyd Stewart and the raffle
was won by Mrs. Jack Murch.
Tlie next meeting will be ‘at
the home of Mrs. Bill Jenkins,
October 19, note the change in
date. The roll call, “What we
miss most about the 1 room
school.” Mrs. P.. Westenhout,
Mrs. Clank Ball and Mrs.
George Colclough will .be in
charge of the program and
those oh the lunch. committee
are Mrs. Ross 'Lovett, Mrs. Bill’
Lovett, Mrs. Jack Murch and
Mrs. Wilfred Penfound.
(Photo by Jack Doerr)
Supper Club
FaiiProject ■
First meeting pf the CMhtbJl
4-H Club ivas
held on 13 .alt the
home of Mrs, Kedtb Tyndall.
Name of this fall’s project is,
“The Supper 'Club'*. FLcrll call
was answered by ten members.
Offjeeps .elected were: presi
dent, Marilyn ITojland; and
vice-president, Lois St, Ctojr.
Leaders are Mrs. Keith Tyn
dall end Mrs, Bill Holtohd,
Demonstrations were given
on measuring liquid and dry in
gredients, Next meeting will be
Tuesday, September 20 at Mrs,
Bill Holland’s home.
Mrs. Alice Armstrong, Pitot
Mound, Man., who has been vis
iting relatives here returned
home last week,
Anniversary services will be
held next Sunday, September
25 in the. United Church at IX
a.m. iand 8 p.m. with Rev. Eb ford, Seaforth, as gurist min
ister,. Special music ’ is being
prepared by the choir under
the direction, of Mrs, Robert
Plan Sale at
October Meeting
Unit 3 of the Brucefield
UCW met in the Church Hall
With 18 ladies present. The
Study and 'worship were led by
Mrs. Ken Scott, Mrs. Don
Brodie and Mrs. Betty St. Louis,
the subject being “Teen Be
Mrs. Al Hill led the business
session; secretary’s report was
given by Mrs. J. Aikenhead1,
and treasurer’s report by Mrs.
R. Broadfoot.
Everyone is to bring sorne.-
thing to sell to the October
meeting, and a smorgasbord is
being planned. for November.
Mrs. J. Aikenhead entertained
the ladies with" a. game and
lunch was /served by Mrs, Aid
winkle and her helpers. The
draw prize was. won, by Mirs.
Aidwinkle i
Tjiurj., Sept, .22, 1966—
Clinton News-Record—Fg. 7
Use Olas$ifled
For Quick Results
WWll.i .1 J.-I.! ..................................
will be open until further
notice on Wednesday
and Saturday
from 1 to 5 p.m,
and Saturday morning
from IQ to 12 a.m*
No wire fence, old
concrete or car
bodies permitted.
Residing Near Hensall
Mr. arid'Mrs. Gerrit Wilts Were married recent
ly in Bethel Reformed Church, Exeter, by the Rev.
Harmon Heeg. The bride is ’the former Reino-Wynja,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Gerben Wynja, RR 2
Hensall. Mr, .and Mrs. Seibrand Wilts, RR 1 Lon-
desboro are the parents of the groom. The young
couple is residing at RR 2 Hensall.s
Phone 262-5180
Robert McLean is a patient
in South Huron Hospital, Ex
Messrs. Ralph Turner and
William Consitt went by plane
Friday to Pilot" Mound, Man
itoba to attend the, funeral of
a cousin, Jack Cockerline who
was fatally injured in a traffic
mitehap. •
Mrs. Wilfred Windsor, Ailsa
Craig, visited Saturday .with
her sister, Mrs. Vivan Cooper
and Mr. Cooper and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Lome Schnei
der and family, Stratford, visit
ed Sunday afternoon with Mr.
and Mrs, Bert Thomson and
Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor of
Stratford were Saturday guests
of Miss Mabeille Whiteman: * •
• Rev. D. A, MacMillan and
Mrs. MacMillan of Londbn
spent .Wednesday afternoon
with Mr. and 'Mrs. N. Long. .
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sheffer of
Dryden, Mich., spent a few
days last week visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Eld'in Kerr and other rela
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Robinson included
Mr,' and Mrs., John A. Wolfe
and son, Croton, and Miss Loi's
Johnson and Douglas Town
send, Moose Jaw, Saskatdhe-
Miss Gail Robinson spent
Sunday in London.
Mr. and Mirs. Emerson Kyle
are attending the Right of
Way seminar in Ottawa this
Kippen ■ United Church Wo
men vVill hold their annual ba
zaar on Saturday, November
Kippen United Church Wo
men visited the Ontario Hos
pital at Goderich oh Monday
evening and provided a pro
gram and birthday cake for
over 120 patients'.
For Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Hallam
Auburn Community
In last week’s edition of the
Clinton News-Record, we1 erred
when we referred to Miss Mary
Fralick as “Mrs. Fraliick” in
our story concerning a gift
that was presented to JMiss
Fralick, a faithful member of
St. Andrew’s choir.
’ We regret any embarrass
ment this error may have
Friday, Sept. 23
Music By
38b -A
Only During HOOVER Week
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90 Albert Street • -
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Clinton Memorial Shop
Open Every Afternoon
Local Representative
A. W. STEEP 482-6642
. (For University Credit)
English 20 (Literature-Composition) *
begins Sat., Sept*. 24, 9:30 a.m.
Psychology 20 (Introduction)
begins Sat*., Sept. 24, 1:30 p.m.
Classes meet in
Central Huron Secondary School
The classes will,meet for 16 three houf sessions
. and are open to credit and non-credit students, .
Credit course tuition fee is $100.00; the non
credit fee per course is $50.00 and is not refundable.
English 20, English 44 and Psychology 48 begin
September 24th at Central Secondary School, Strat
Students previously admitted to University '
should register immediately for Extension classes.
Registration forms are available from the Summer
School and Extension Department, U.W.O. London.
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