Clinton News-Record, 1966-08-18, Page 114* Auburn and District MRS. WES BRADNOCK—Correspondent—Phone 526-7595 V BACK-TOSCHOOL SPECIAL! Mr. and Mbs, William Strau- ghan returned from Kitchener and surrounding district where they visited wtith Mr. and1 Mir's, William Reick and family; at Brantford they visited With. Mr. and Mrs; Elwin -Anderson, and at Bridgeport they visited with Mr, and Mrs, Bob Oswald at their large mink farm. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pent- land, 'North Bay, visited with her mother, Mrs, Charles Straughan. Mr. iand Mrs. Jack Hanna, Toronto, were recent visitor? With Miss Margaret R. Jackson. Mi’s. Charles Straughan viisit- ed last week with her niece, Mrs. I-Iarold Nicholson, Mr. Nicholson and Gary at Sea­ forth. Auburn Teacher and Family To Kenya For Two Years Mr?. Margaret Clark: visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Nicholson and family at Seaforth- Master Johnny Haggitt, Zur­ ich, 1? visiting wMh his grand­ parents, Mr, and Mrs. Tom Haggitt and Stephen. Miss Margaret R. Jackson, Mrs. Wes Bradnock, Sheron and George visited last Sunday in London with .Mr. and Mrs. Sherry Wilson. Thurs., Aug, 18, 1966—Clinton News-Record—Page 'll (Continued, from page one) inig forward to their 'trip When they will leave Mon­ treal by aiir, spending two days in London, England, two. days in Rome and in Cairo, Egypt. ‘ Mr. Toll received his early education at SS 16. East Wa- wanosh 'and graduated from Godehi'ch District Collegiate and Toronto Teachers College and taught iin. Whitby ’ and Hamilton 'and was principal at Oneida Central school for four years’ before enterting the secondary school field. Mr. Toll has been Master at Windsor Teachers College since it was opened in 1962. He received hliis Bachelor of Arts degree .from the Mc­ Master University, 'Hamilton and his Bachelor of Education degree from the University of Toronto and is maw working on hi? Masters degree. Next summer the Toll family will be given a two- months leave in Europe, and, at the end, .of two years plan to come home by’"a cruise around India, the Orient and ■the Hawaiian Islands. They will.keep in touch with thelir folks at home by tape re­ cordings. With 10 ounce Thermos , Your choice of Wagon Train, Barbie, Satellite, Popeye, Pete n Pals SUTTER-PERDUE HARDWARE Going Back-To-Schoo! on August* 27 On Saturday, August 27, Baird’s School, SS 1 Stanley is holding a “closing out” reunion at the school grounds. One of the last pupils taught toy Master George Baird in 1910 brought in the above picture post card. He thinks it was the last class taught by the popular “Master” who started teaching at Baird’s in 1861. Many of these pupils will attend the reunion. Front' row, left to right, Clifford Stewart, Percy Tasker, Leslie Pearson, Agnes Glen, Margaret McGreg­ or, Kenneth Stewart, Leslie Tasker, Ross Taylor and Frank McGregor; back row, left to right, Robert McLeod, Harvey Stewart, Kate McGregor, Mary Mc­ Dougall; Master George Baird; Neil Sparks, James McGee, Leslie Hanly,- ' COMPLETEBAYFIELD — A large con­ gregation was present on Sun­ day morning, in St. Andrew’s Church to mark the anniversary of the building of the church, 64 years ago. Service was’ conducted by the student m/intster of the charge, Donald B'eeik and Rev, Gordon Kurtz, minister of South Ave. Baptist Church, Ro­ chester, New York, preached the sermon. The choir with Mr?. Wm. Cox as organist and 'augmented by Mr. and Mrs. NafteO. of Detroit, rendered two anthems. Ted Dunn was soloist. 482-7023 MIDDLETON is 'in Miss Sandra Middleton holidaying with relatives Sault Ste, Martie. James E. Brown, M.P., and Mrs. Brown of Brantford, visiilt- CLINTON •I- i I ■ expo67 (? I A c? ■■■ PASSPORT TO MAN AND I tl£ WORLD Wandering," hard turning, and pulling to the right or left are symptoms of a steering mechanism that is out of kilter. A complete steering service check on our Visudliner takes , but a few minutes and you can see for yourself the exact, alignment condition of your car. For "new car" steering comfort; plus more safety and tnore tire mileage, drive in today and let us check your car on the Visualiner. ed last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middleton. Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Grind-* ■lay and family of London visit­ ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. • Fred Middleton. Several oases of mumps have been reported in this district.IMPROVE I BAYFIELD — At the regular meeting, of Huron County School Area No. 1 on August 11, the board accepted the oil ten­ der of Ross Scott, Bruceffeld at 12.70 cents per gallon. Mrs. Fred Chapple, RR 3, Seaforth and Spencer Etvine, Bayfield, were awarded con­ tracts for Egmiotridviillei and' Bay­ field schools respectively. Good progress is being made at the site of the Central School at Bruceffeld.- Staff Announced The staff has been selected for the opening of the Fall term starting on September 6. They will be teaching in the .present schools of Bayfield, Stanley and , . Tuckersmfiith until the new ' building is completed. Arnold Mathers has been ap­ pointed principal of the new school. He comes from the Us- borrie Central iStohdol, where he has just gone through the ex- ' encases of closing out the one room schools in that township , and opening the new school. On Mr. Mathers’ advice, there will be a partial grading of the schools in Stahley, in order that the children throughout, the area may be provided with a common Standard of instruction that Will 'facilitate the trans­ ition in January to a completely graded school. Mr. Mathers has drawn a common syllabus, and., will be assisting all the teachers in their problems preparatory to’ the changeover. Mr. Mathers will be opening up a temporary office in Hen- sall iin- conjunction with the Board Secretary, John Caldwell, who has been appointed full- time. Board members moved a'vote of thanks to retiring members of the staff for their service. They are: Mrs. Vina Parker, Mrs. Dorothy Insley, Ma's. Jean , Love, Mrs. Mary Cudmone, Ross Carter and Arthur Finlayson. The new slate of teachers and their locations and grades unital Christmas are: Bayfield1—Mrs. Edith Turner, grades 5-8; Mrs. Margaret Bak­ er, grades 1-4; Stahley, Mrs. Jean Currlie, SS 1, grades 5-8; Mrs. Clara S'cott, SS 3, grades 5-8; Mrs. Vera Hood, SS 4E, grades 1-4; Mrs. Mina Talbot, SS 4W, grades’ 5- 8; Miss Shirley Reynolds, SS 5, grades 1-4; Mrs. Edith Swan,' SS 6, grades 1-4; Mrs. Shirley Carter, SS 10, grades 1-4; Mr?. Laurabell? Reichert, SS 7, grades 5-8; LAKEVIEW CASINO Grand Bend Tuckersmith, N.orma Gemmell, SS 2, grades 3 & 4; Mrs. Karen Menheeire, SS *3, grades 1 & 2; Mir. Adriaan Brand1, SS 4, grades 5 & 6; Mites Joan Elliott, SS 7, grades 3 & 4; Mrs. Barbara Alexander, SS 8, grades 1 & .2; Mrs. Peggy Rawoliffe, SS 8, grades 7 & 8; Spencer Jeffery, ;S'S 9, grades 7 & 8; Miss Marilyn Marshall, SS 10, grades 5 & 6.. Benefit Ball Game For ROBBIE LAWRIE Bly th Ball Park 20•r 9:00 P-ni. Central Huron All-Stars vs. Clinton Intermediate A’s 33p RECEPTION and DANCE For LEONARD HOFFMAN and SHARON BALL Auburn Community Hall Saturday, Aug. 20 - Music by THE ROYALAIRES Everybody Welcome 33b PASSl’PORT POUR LA TERRE D.ES HOMMfS ■4W YOUR DRIVING" 1 PAR-BREAKING 1 SUMMER TIRE SPECIALS [ STEERING ) hard turning, and pulling to the right or left IT SWINGS! ITS SUPERVISED! ITS FUN! ITS TOPS IN ROCK! “frTday.“augustT9“~ The FABLES of FATE A Mdd-Rock Group and a Winner! ADMISSION: $1.50 "SATURDAY^ AUGUST 20 The WILLOWS "The Sensational Canadian Girls" Star? of GBC TV PLUS The CHILDREN A Top Show and One You Should Plah on Seeing! ADMISSION: $1775 “SUNDAYrAlj'GUST“21““ The MARCADOS Guitars—Tlajuana Brass—Sax A N6W, and Different Sound VERSATILE—Real Showmen ADMISSION: $1.50 VIJUALIN^ steering Pick yours up now WHILE OFFICIAL DISCOUNT PRICES APPLY at yotir neighbourhood chartered bank branch! Open and build a Family Expo 67 Tour Account. Be sure your family sees Expo 67 — April 28 to Oct. 27 at MontreaL PASSENGER - TRUCK - TRACTOR TIRE SALES and SERVICE THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOU AND YOUR COMMUNITY I 1 SCRUTON’S CLINTON. ONTARIO