Clinton News-Record, 1966-08-18, Page 3AUBURN The Ladies' Aid
of Mark’s Anglican phM^cjh
met at the home Lloyd
Humphreys, Dublin,. for its AdST’
ust meeting with a good attend
ance. The 'president, Mrs. Or-
val McPhee opened the meeting
with Mrs. -George. Hamilton’s
92nd birthday hymn, “Beneath
the Cress of Jesus'1; Mrs, Gor
don R. Taylor accompanied' on
the accordion for the hymns.
The scripture lesson, was read
by Mrs, John Daer and Mrs.
McPhee led in prayers. Two
readings were given by Mrs.
Thomas Haggitt.
' The Bible study was given by
Rev. ?, Pakenham from the
book "Smoke on the Mountain”.
It was the basic introductory
chapter on the study of the Ten
COMFORT — Entertainment Is Our Business
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Lyon Family
Hold Reunion
At Exeter Park
ant afternoon was recently
spent in an. Exeter Park when
the descendants of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Lyon met for a
reunion; 89 relatives salt down
to>. a sumptuous ^dinner. ,
Sports were enjoyed and
plans-made for next year. New
officers are: president, Mr?.
Harry Durnin; vice-president,
Roy Holmes; secretary-treas
urer, Mrs'. Murray Lyon; sports-
committee, Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Gaunt; lupch committee, Bob
and Elewyn Kerslake.
Friends were present from
Detroit, Chatham, ~ Dresden,
Thamesville, Wabash, Strath-
.roy, Goderich, Hanover, London,
Exeter and Londesiboro.
Former Clintonian
r /
Former Butcher,
Alex Butler
Dies in Toronto
■ ’ Funeral was ' held Thursday,
August 11, in. Knox Presbyter
ian Church-for .Alexander
Butler, 70, of 60 Montreal
Street, Goderich, who,died Mon
day, August 8 following a heart
Mr. Butler was a well-known
Clinton, and GodCrich butcher,
and was a' former chaplain of
Maitland Lodge, A.F., and AM.
and was a member of 'the Kirk
‘Session' of Knox Church, Gode
rich’. He served overseas during
the First World War with the
160th Bruce Battalion.
He was the: son of the late
Alexander Butler and .Mary
Deeming of Blyth 'and later
lived in Lucknow, Clinton and
Seaforth, 'arriving 'in Goderich
38 years ago.
He is. survived by- his wife,
the former Annie Margaret
Mclnnes, whom he married at
Langside, July 23, 1919; a son,
D. Alexander, Toronto; a dau
ghter, Mrs. Walter A. (Mari
lyn)) Gryba, Ottawa; and a
sister, Mary Butler, Clinton.
Rev. G. L. Royal officiated
at the funeral and1 burial was
in Maitland- Cemetery, Gode
rich. Pallbearers were Ralph
Henderson, Carl Worsell,. Wil
liam Ross, Joseph^ O’Brien, Ar
chie Wilkins 'and Elmer Jen
kins-. -
Lodge Funeral Home was m
Starting Thurs., Aug. 25 '— Double Bill
Walt Disney's "BAMBI" — and
"The World of Abbott and Costello"
V —i ■» m-i.i—..I. —— ■! i .............
Mrs. Fordyce Clark gtave- the
missionary 'theme on life in A
small village in the Congo, .tell
ing -qf ithe massacre pif .elevpini of
our mi-ssiiqnariies in tihfit village,
The president thanked Mrs.
Humphrieys fbtr opening* heat
home land also to those who
had taken part in tine progrw.
The minutes were read by
the secretary, .Mrs. John Daei’
and 'the7 treasurer’s report was
given by Mrs. Andrew Kirkcpn-
nell. The birthday box was pass
ed and also the .travelling apron
was passed arid received a pen
ny from each member for each
letter jn the words ''Transfigur
ation of our Lord”. The roll call
was answered by naming the
Bishop that confirmed you and
Rev. Pakenham closed wlith
Mrs. Humphreys served a de
licious lunch, assisted by Mrs.
Orval McPhee and.Mrs, Ron
Rathwdll. A successful auction
was. held following the. serving
of birthday cake for Mrs,
George Hamilton’s 92nd> birth
. ’ ------o——-------
Clintonian Club
Picks Roses As
Favourite Flower
The Clintonian1 Club held’
their monthly (meeting at the
home-of Mrs. Tom Leppjngton
on Wednesday afternoon, Aug
ust 10 when 14 members an
swered roll call by naming their
favourite flower. It. seems roses
were the favourite!
First vice-president, Mrs. A.-
Adams conducted the business
part of 'the meeting. The work
committee sold tickets on a
small tablecloth left from the
bazaar and Mrs. Pearson was
the lucky winner. An autograph
ed card was sent to Mrs. Fred
Borkmyre who 'has moved to
Hamilton and is ill.
The Club was asked1 to help
canvas's <a ward for the. Can
adian National Institute for the ■'
Blind this fall, but decided
against it. ,
The club is going to a Strat
ford park on Tuesday, August
23 for a pot luck dinner and
sight-seieing tour.
Mrs. Hobson gave a couple of
readings 'and Mrs. Mote con
ducted. a parcel game which
Mrs. N. 'Pearson won. Mrs. G.
Bailey of Bayfield won both
items, in the Dutch auction—a
crocheted table centre-piece and
a dbllat bill., Mrs. Cummings
Won the mystery prize.
The September meeting will
be at the home of -Mrs'. Fal
coner. **'
After adjournment a delicious
lunch was served by Mrs.' Col-
clough’s group.
□Safe deposit boxes, or Safekeeping,’
to store and protect your valuables.
Foreign exchange facilities, to convert
your money into U.S. funds or other
foreign currencies.
Royal Bank termPlan loan, for boat,
new car, cottage equipment, other
holiday expenses.
Travellers* Cheques, for convenience,
safety and peacc-of-mind on trips.
. . 7
Money transfers dr money orders, to
transfer funds or make money avail
able for family or friends while away.
Enjoying the
of these Royal
Red Skelton
Freddie the Freeloader, alias Clem Kadiddle-
hopper, alias Cauliflower McPugg, alias Mean Little
Kid—>they’re all Red Skelton, master of mime and
mirth, seen each Tuesday evening on the CBC
television network. * '■
AUBURN — Funeral services
were held last Thursday af ter
noon for Mrs. Robert Arthur in
Knox United Church, Auburn, i
with Rev. 'John Wheeler offici
ating. ; . ■
Mrs. Arthur was \ the former,'
Irene Mildred1 Taylor and was
born at Wiarton. She was: the
daughter of Mrs-. Margaret Tay
lor of Granton and the late
Fred Taylor arid was in her
48th year. ' ■ '
She passed away in jOintoh
Public Hospital on Monday,
August 8. She was a member of >
Knox United Church and sec
retary of the UCW of that
church. She was 'also a member
of Auburn Horticultural Society
and a great lover of flowers.
• Besides her husband she is
survived by two sons5, George,
Toronto; John, London; two
daughters, Mrs,. John (Marg
aret) Boer, Lakeworth, Califor
nia, .and Miss Jayne at home;
also her mother, -Mbs. Margaret
Taylor, Granton, two sisters,
Mrs. Wilda Cttatworthy, .Gran
ton; Mrs. Ben (Hazel) Park,
Dungannon; 'brothers, Frederick
Taylor, Erie, 'Mich;; Stanley,
Hamilton; Stuart, Nile; Ray
mond, Welland; George, Lon
don, and two grandchildren.
Burial took, place in Ball's
Cemetery. Pallbearers were
Gordon Dobie, Carl MiU^, Ray
mond Hallahan,- Thomas John
ston, Bert Doran and John
Flower-bearers were James
Britnell, Billy Joe Hallahan,
Arthur Youngblut, Ralph- Mat
thews, John More and Tony
The beautiful flO-ral tributes
were a Silent reminder of a
loving mother, a kind neighbour
and a thoughtful friend.'
—,--------o—'--------- - f
Mrs. John Caldwell
Funeral at Blyth
Mrs. John (Thiirza) Caldwell,
87, concession 2, East Wawan-
osh Township, died Thursday,
August 11 at Goderich.
Surviving are two, sons, Earl,
Blyth; Ralph, at home; two
daughters, Mrs. William (Ella)
Carter, Blyth; Mrs. Laurie
(Dorothy) S’cotty, Morris
Funeral service was held Sat
urday at 2 p.m., at die Tasker
Memorial Chapel, Blyth. Burial
was in Union Cemetery, Blyth.
Spelling Bee ”
Fun and Profit
At Exhibition
Here’s how to turn ypup tal
ent fop spelling into" ia cash pro
fit. The women’s divis.iop of the Canadian National E^ibitiiphi is
sponsoring an Adult Spelling
Bee, on Thureday, September 1
.at 8:30 on the stage of
the Kitchen Theatre lih. the
Queen Elizabetli B'uilding. The
three winning contestants will
receive a World Atlas from the
Encyclopaedia Birjtannica, along
With prizes' of $50, ?35, and $25
from the CNE.
If you are 18 years of age or
over and can spell words found
in any standard dictionary,
write for an entry form to:
Women’s Division, Canadian
National Exhibition, Ehiibiiition
Park, Toronto 2B, Ont. Last
minute contestants will ’ be ac
cepted, but if you send in youi1
entry form and 25c entry fee as
soon as possible, you will be ad
mitted to the grounds free o,f
charge on the day of competi
If you aire proud of your
ability to cope with those’hard-
to-spell words, enter the CNE
spelling bee bjight away. This is
your chance tp earn extra
money for just having fun.
Classified Ads.
Bring Quick
Wedding Pictures
Phone 482-7006
f—.......... '■' ........ • ' .....
For Clinton and District 5
Experience Preferred But Not Essential
Apply To:
- - 32-3b '
The Weatherman has certainly come up with a “real
old-fashioned” Canadian summer this year. Plenty of'heat,
sunshine and -the occasional thunderstorm. Although vaca
tioners are smiling and it's been 'perfect weather for the
beach or for camping, in most areas farm lands could do
with a few good rains for the thirsty ground and crops.
However, for thousands of holidayers the weather has
made trips much more' pleasant. Just a stroll through the
business section here in Clinton gives an indication of the
way Canadians are on the move . . . licence plates from
many provinces are parked -along with local vehicles.
With Labour Day weekend only a short distance away I
imagine that many of us will again be on the move to
enjoy the' last long weekend of the summer months.
' You’ve a Special servant to help make your trips more
pleasant . . . either long-planned vacations or spur-of-
the-moment jaunts to a nearby beach or community. A
quick call ahead and you can be sure, friends or relatives
will be at home when you arrive. I’ve found it a great
idea when on a long trip to telephone ahead for hotel or
motel reservations. That way, at the end of a day of
covering -many miles -by car, I don’t have to -begin the
search for accommodations. That can be a frustrating ex
perience and can result in added miles of driving during
the busy tourist season. Happy travelling, and do drive,
♦ .♦ •
TJwr^ >
Clinton News-Record
August 19-20
A Peter ROGERS Production
Kenneth Wijlianns, Barbara
Windsor, Bernard Cribbins,
Charles Hawtrey, Efic Barker
Dilys Laye
James Darren, Michael Callan
Deborah Walley, Carl Reiner
Peggy Cass, Eddie Foy Jr.
Jeff Donnell
— In Color —
August 22-23
"Voyage To The
Bottom of The Sea"
— In Color ;—
Jules Verne’s
"Journey to the
Centre of the Earth"
Pat Boone - James Mason
In Color —
Wed., Thurs., Fri.
August 24-25-26
They live and love from spinout
to crackup!
s "FIREBALL 500"
— In Color —
Frankie Avalon, Apnette '
Funicello, Fabian, Chili /Wills
"Die Monster Die!"
— In Color —
Boris Karloff — Nick Adams
□ Royal Bank “courtesy card’’ to help
establish your Identity at any otho|
Royal Bank branch as you travel.
You may have heard or read about our renewed
effort to stamp out obscene and harassing telephone calls.
I hope none of you' eVer receive such a call but if you do,
here's what to do. DON'T TALK. This type of- caller
Wants and needs an audience. With no response frdm you
there’s no encouragement to continue or to repeat the call.
HANG UP. Put the receiver back In place quietly if the
caller refuses to say anything or at the first obscene
word. Nothing is to be gained by slamming the receiver
down. In fact, by replacing It normally the caller gains
no feeling of satisfaction that he has annoyed or frighten
ed you. CALL US IF abusive calls persist. Our Service
Representative can call In people we have specially trained
to help investigate, identify and work with police in the
apprehension of these callers. We are as concerned as the
Unfortunate victim‘’when obscene or harassing calls are
received. It is our business to provide the best possible
telephone service for our customers and we dre determined
to stop deliberately irresponsible and malicidus use of the
* ♦ •
The many bonus features of Royal’s full-scale vacation-banking
services are sure to delight you, as proved by the thousands who
keep using them time after time—for summer, winter, between-
season holidays, or casual trips. Ask for ,our booklet, entitled
••Helpful Services”* for detailed information on our complete
range of convenient banking services:
Consult your Royal Bank branch manager i
Clinton Branch: P. Aggerholm, Manager
Goderich Branch: J. D. Davison, Manager
. ................................ ............... ...........■
On August 2, 1922, Alexander Graham Bell died at
the age of 75. Unlike many of history's great men, he Was
fortunate enough to live to see his life’s work well estab
lished arid in the hands of talented arid dedicated people.
From Dr. Bell’s work have sprurig many erf the miracles
bf communications Which today We almost take 'for
♦ ♦ *