Clinton News-Record, 1966-05-12, Page 4Page .4-w^lintsn. Hews-Record^Thurs., May 12, 1966 'I fMIDDLETONInterested In Sending A Child To Camp At ' Vhc M^y'" mpetjng of, Hpren Cofl^ty (Xiildren's'.’Aid So'ciety the possibility . of s,ending children to various phurci} cqmps ip the county .far a week ar ten days-this, suminer was discussed. ;■ The number of children ;to be considered is small, and the cost is '.appno?dina,tely. ,$15 to $20 per child. The mem­ bers feel that this is a very worthwhile project. Any individual or group in­ terested in helping with .camp fees for any of these child­ ren, please contact the Child­ ren’s Aid Society .office in the Court House, Goderich, as . soon as possible. , 1:. ... ....11............................................................................ ' ' ' GODIRICH, QNT. '..... EVERY WEEK SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE PARTY This Week. May 14—"The Martiniques" Minimum Age 17 Years LIONS BINGO NEXT WEDNESDAY Complete Catering' Serviep —• Weddings, Luncheons, Banquets, etc. Phone 524-9371 or 524^9264 A weys: Ms&i/ ‘ ‘ closed With, tihg Wy .Stewart Cplleet,. , Thf?! ■ JujiiQ'T. Fq-'reiers. held theiii' montiily toe^ting’. i.n the town hail,. Qqrdop.Qross was in. Charge :O(f. the meeting' and the buainchsis.. Their guest; spQsa^eq.’), La;nry. Kain spake on fei'tili^er, and. Showed a film. ‘ The joint; meeting foJilowed with, -Gordon G-ito&S; and Marian Hiokey in charge. The meeting opened With the Junior Fartpr ea.Y ^dng. The minutes were read and adopted, The treas- urfeii'.'s jpepoy-t was given. A total of 4Q memberships were ool'leat'ed, Other business on future ’ activity was discussed.' --------,—_o----------- A a ‘ ’ J Most of the support for can­ cer research in Canada comes from voluntary . contributions, collected during April by, the Clinton Junior Farmers Hold Joint Meeting ' The Clinton Junior Farmers held their regular meeting in the Clinton Agrj-culitijral- Board’ Rooms.. The president, Carpi Mcllwalip opened with everyone repeating the Opening Ode. The secretary, Joanne Cook -read' ■the minutes’ of the last meeting and gave the treasurer’s Tepoi't. Other business was discussed. Carol 'introduced, the guest speaker;,. MisS Dianne Liddito’d, home economist for Huron ■ County. She -spoke op, fjowep arrangements and demonstrat­ ed two beautiful arrangements. Diane was 'thanked by the.] Canadian Cancer Society.’ IT Man Shows Slides Of Pilgrimage To The Holy Land Mr, .Torrance Tabb of Auburn delighted' a lairgK> audi-' once in St. Anglican Church, Middleton, last Sunday evening, when Jjie showed cob ored slides of .his pilgrimage to the. Holy Land. ' The rector, "'the Rev. E.-.J. B. Harrison weicpajied" those- pre­ sent -and stated that1 this even­ ing was held Under the auspices of the choir; their project new vestments'. ’ ‘ V Under the direction ’of the; organist, Mrs. Joseph Storey, the choir sang' “All Things Bright and, ''Beautiful”, ‘and “Tell Me the Stories pf Jesus”. Mr. I-Iarrisoh initrodpeed the ‘guest speaker, Mr, Torrance Tabb of Auburn, a‘retired: far­ mer who, rea^.of.a tour to the Holy Land under the leader­ ship of Dr. John .Rjfce. Mr. Tabb joined this j tour, of 65 perisons in. New York and flew to”Eng­ land and i,then: to "Cairo via Rome and Greece. He went for a camel ride to the Pyramids of Egyipt - and on a cruise’ down" the- Nile, where Moses was’ rescued from the bulrushes. He was to Lebanon and Syria. These pictures were, of par­ ticular ’ interest as. many pre­ sent ha^ not previously seen pictures of the Holy Land. Mr. Tabb’s commentary was. most reverent and moving as he showed mjany of the holy places of • our Lord’s earthly pilgrimage. . We recall vividly bis slides of,the luxuriant flowers in the Garden pf Gethsemane, the Golden Gate in the wail of Jerusalem, the. fond in the River Jordan where our Lord was- baptised by John, Sunset on the'Dead Sea, the Galilean shepherd in biblical-dike vest­ ments 'carrying a large sheep. His audience was transported back to biblical times as. we saw pictures of .the women of Samari'a still carrying their’ water jugs to the fountain; we. saw the fields where Ruth gleaned for Booz; Jacob’s well where the’ bucket 'is still lower­ ed 80 feet down to the water; the view of Jerusalem through an arch from the temple -Easlt to Mt. Olivet; scenes from the town of Bethlehem and church of the nativity; Syrian guards1 mounted camels,' Throughout Mr. Tabb’s velogue he stressed pictures of ancient churches and temples and their beautiful interiors. He also brought to light the ancient civilizations of Egypt, itra- Phone 482 7006 the the onWedding Pictures partial assistance • The Disabled Persons’ Allowances Act The General Welfare Assistance Act The Mothers’1 Allowances Act . " • / The Old Age Assistance Act Ask about convenient departure and return times For Information, phone the local ■ ■ ■ CN Passenger; Sales.Office CANADIAN NATIONAL Legislation approving the Ontario Medical Services Insurance Plan—OMSIP for short—was passed in the Ontario Legislature on Feb. 1 8th of this year. Coverage commenced April 1st for social assistance recipients. Coverage will begin July 1st ■ for'those who have already enrolled,.or who enroll now before May 16th. OMSIP PROVIDES COVERAGE REGARDLESS OF AGE, INCOME OR HEALTH Everyone who has lived. in .Ontario for the past 3 OMSIP has been estab- months is eligible to join, except those who are enti­ tled. to physicians’ services . under another Act. Members are free to choose their own'doctor. If a member travels outside the Province, and requires care, OMSIP will still pay the doctors’ bills up to OMSIP established rates. People who find they can­ not continue to pay for all dr part of their OMSIP con­ tract because of unemploy­ ment, illness or disability, may apply for temporary ‘ their place of employment, assistance in paying their /union,-etc.) ' fees. lished to provide adequate insurance coverage for the payment of doctors’ bills,., and to make this coverage- available to all Ontario resi­ dents regardless of their age, income’ or state of health. Enrollment in OMSIP is " voluntary. The Plan is intended for individuals and their fam- > ilies and does not provide group coverage. (Group cov­ erage is where'a number of individuals collectively pur­ chase insurance through. /unidn/etc.) * W.2o Since the aim of OMSIP leg­ islation is to provide adequate medical insurance for Ontario residents, full or partial pre­ mium assistance is available’ for those who require it. Automatic fully-paid coverage Many residents and their dependants have automatic­ ally received fully paid cover­ age under OMSIP. These are people who are already re­ ceiving benefits under the fol­ lowing Acts: - • The Blind Persons’ Allowances Act • ' • The Rehabilitation Services Act Automatic fully-paid cover­ age is also provided for old age security pensioners and their dependants declared eli­ gible for coverage by the Ontario Department of Public Welfare. Fully-paid coverage on 1' . application People resident in Ontario for the past' 12 rqonths and who had no taxable income in 1965 get full assistance. This means if these people make out their application form now, before May 16th, they will get OMSIP protec­ tion, .fully paid for by the government, starting this July 1st. In- addition,' many who have been resident in Ontario for the past 12 months will be eligible for partial assistance, „ depending oh their taxable income and number of de­ pendants. (See below). DO YOU QUALIFY FOR PARTIAL ASSISTANCE? i Yes, if you are a single person Yes, if you have one depen- and. your taxable income in dant, and" if together- your 1965 was $500 or less. total taxable income in 1965 Complete cost..........$60.00 Government pays... 30.00 You pay............. 30.00 ($7.50 every 3 months) was $1,000 or less. Complete cost Government pays.. You pay................. $120.00 ■ 60.00 Yes, if you have a family of 3 or more, and if your family’s total taxable income in 1965 was $1,300 or less. Complete cost $150.00 Government pays.. 90.00 You pay................. 60,00 ($15.00 every 3 months) ' i You pay.............. 60.00' ' ($15.00 every 3 months) What is taxable income? Taxable income is the amount of your income upon which you pay tax after exemptions for dependants and other • allowances have been deducted. HERE’S YOUR APPLICATION FORM —Please use BALL POINT PEN. Cut out form carefully. Mail today! INSTRUCTIONS 1. If you have a.Social Insurance Number'write it in the squares provided starting with the first number in the first square. If you do not have a number, place a v mark In the square marked-NO. ., Print your last’or Family Name in the box. (Example: Smith, Jones, Brown, etc.),. . Printyourfirst and second Given Names In the.boxes, (Example: John,. Harry, Mary, etc.), it you have a nickname or are commonly known by another'name for mailing purposes, please indicate in the box marked OTHER. Print your address in the first box; your City, Town, Village or Post Office in the next, box; and-your County, or District in the last box. .' 5. Write the number of the day on which you were born . in the box marked DAY.’ Print the name of the month „ (or its abbreviation) in the box marked .MONTH. Write the number of the year in the box marked ■ automatically with fuFiy. paid-coverage. YEAR (Example: 9 Feb. 1927). --------------------------------------------------------- Men should place a y/ mark in the box marked MALE. Women should place a y/ mark in the box marked FEMALE. If yod are single place a V mark in the box marked SINGLE. If you are married place a'< mark'in the box marked MARRIED. If your status is other than single or married (Example: separated, divorced or widow­ ed) write your status on the line marked OTHER. Write your occupation; and the kind of business or industry in which you woi;k (Exartiple; Carpenter- Building Trade; Farmer—Agriculture; Salesman- Bakery). 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. a. 9. Print the first names of your wife or husband (spouse) in the first box. Then print the first names of all your eligible dependant children, starting with the oldest, in the following boxes. If you have more than five eligible dependant children continue your list in the section on this side of the form. If you have more than 10 eligible dependant children, list them separately and return with your application form. .Under BIRTH DATE, write the number of the day'of birth, print the ' month and'write the number of the year of birth. (Example: 18 Sept. 1954). Under SEX, write M if the child is male, F if the child is female. 10. Sign your name on the line marked SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT and write in the date and year. 11. IF. YOU ARE APPLYING FOR PREMIUM ASSISTANCE . Read this section very carefully and complete either the section marked ’ 'A' or the one marked "B‘ (not both). 12. Remember, if you receive benefits under any of the Acts listed under #5(1) In the folder entitled "OMSIP...WHAT IT MEANS ANDWHAT IT CAN DO FOR YOU", you should not complete an application form. You will, be provided FOR ADDITIONAL CHILDREN ATTACH A SEPARATE SHEET ADDITIONAL DEPENDANTS Day Birth Date Month Year Sex MorF * 1 v PARTIALLY ASSISTED PREMIUMS Cost for those eligible for premium assistance’ (a) The single person ............... (covering only the member) with a taxable income In 1965 of.$500 or less (b) The family of two................. (covering the head of the family and-one eligible dependant) with a total taxable income in 1965 of $1,000 or less (c) The family of three dr more.......... ' (covering the head of the family and*a|l eligible dependants) with a total taxable income In 1965 of $1,300 or less FULL PREMIUMS Cost for those not eligible for premium assistance (a) -The single person........................... .. (covering only the member) (b) . The family of two.................................... (covering the head of the family .. arid one eligible dependant) Xc) The family of three or more............................... (covering the head of the family and all eligible dependants) Complete Cost $ 60.00 Government Pays $30.00 $120,00 ,$150.00 $80.00 $90.00 ONTARIO MEDICAL SERVICES INSURANCE PLAN APPLICATION FORM PLEASE breefaodReNcoSup™ above 1. Do you have a | Social Insurance . |f yes, Insert) Number? L-------—-------f , , No □ —i Social Insurance Number i For office use only Last or Family Name J 3.' Given NamOs (First)(Second) You Pay $30.00 (S7.S0 every 3 months) $60.00 (S1S.00 every 3 months) $60.00 ($15.00 every 3 months) COST .$60.00 a year ($15.00 every 3 months) $120.00 a year ($30.00 every 3 months) ,$150.00 a year ($37.50 every 3 months) SEND YOUR COMPLETED APPLICATION FORM TO: OMSIP, P.O. Box‘1700, Terminal A, Toronto, Ontario. City or Town or Village or Post Office County or District 2. Your Name Please print 4. Your Address Please print RR # or P.O. Box or Street & Number 5. Birth Date Day | Month | Year 6. Sex' □ □ , Male Female 7. Marital Status □ .. . □ •Single Married Other (specify) 8. Occupation 4 Nature of Business or Industry 9. LIST DEPENDANTS. Spouse and/or children (children must bo under 21 and unmarried). Other dependants and fully employed children must apply for separate coverage. Given Names Only YearDay Sex MorF Birth Date .. Month Birth Date Month 3rd child 4th child 5th child 'Spouse , 1st child (oldest eligible) 2nd child Given Names Only Other • APPLICATION FOR PREMIUM ASSISTANCE 11.1 have lived in Ontario for the past l2months. I am -hot covered for total medical care by government. I agree to allow the Medical Services Insurance Division td verify all statements made by me on this application. (SIGN A OR B ONLY) A. NO TAXABLE INCOME I hereby apply for full premium asslatance I and my eligible dependants had no taxable in- ■ come for the 12 months ended December 31 st last. I state that the information given by me Is correct. 10. In applying for coverage under The Ontario Medical Services Insurance Act, 1965,1 confirm that I have lived ip Ontario for the past 90 days, • I am not covered for total medical.care by government and'that the Information given by me Is correct. , List additional dependant children In space provided above. For office use only B. TAXABLE INCOME OF $1,300.00 OR LESS I hereby apply for partial premium assistance •My taxable Income and the taxable income of my eligible dependants was in total $ for the 12 months ended December 31st last. I state that the Information given by me Is correct r Signature of Applies*! .Dale.3ft Date J Greece and ItOmle; With the relics of King Tqt’S tomb; the pillars of Jupiter's Temple; the Coliseum of Rome where sb miany Christians were thrown to the Lions. I-Iis slides were colorful, educational and inter­ esting, Mrs. Joseph 'Storey moved a sincere vote of thanks to Mir. Tabb and-expressed the feeling of all 'present when she stated, “He brought the/Bible stories to life, a living reafliity.” . • A duet, by Misses Sandra and Patricia - Wise concluded the evening’s .program. All re­ paired to the Sunday School, room where; lunch was served]■ Mr. Wilfred Jervis of .Clinton moved a hearty vote of thanks to the ladies. .This was a very successful and interesting even­ ing, , ■ ■ v; ■ *■ -----------------,----------Q------- ‘ J MIDDLETON i St. James WA Growing Things The Women’s Auxiliary of St.' James'. Anglican .Church, Middleton, met Wednesday evening, May 4 in the Sunday. School room with 13 members and five visitors present. The president, Mrs. Don Mid­ dle-ton, . • opened the meeting with “For,1 lo, the .winter is past. The rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth. The time of the singing of birds is come and the voice of the turtle is heard in the land”. These cheery words from the song of Solomon set the tone for this meeting, which had its emphasis on growing things. Mrs. Dutot was in charge of the meditation, ,ais taken, from the Living Message-. ■ Mrs. Ray Wise read the Scrip Lure lesson, Acts 1, 1-14. The ’ members’ Prayer, ’the Lord’s Prayer were said in unison. ’ The Prayer Partners’ prayer was given by Mrs. Joe Storey. The minutes were • read • by Mrs, Jahn" Grigg and the roll call was 'answered' by “a gar­ dening tip.” Mrs. Keith Miller gave 'the financial statement. The presidept announced <a workshop course1 in London from May 27-29, with Dr. Bodie of Michigan in- charge.. Mrs. Joe Storey showed the members a lovely Easter card sent to the WA from our Prayer Partner Miss Yoshiko Nonaka of Japan. As it 'is Mental Health -week, the president announced -her in­ tention of taking any who de­ sire to go to the Ontario Hos­ pital, Goderich, on Thursday, visiting day. Mrs. John Smith stated that the, Dorcas bale was delivered to London and the Dorcas work completed for the season. Mrs. Stewart -Middleton, in­ troduced the special speaker for the evening, Mr. C. J. Liv­ ermore of Clinton, who is an expert on gardening, fertilizers, etc. A panel discussion group was formed .with Mrs. Fred Middleton and Mrs. Stewart ■Middleton joining Mr. Liver­ more'at the front.. Mr. Livermore was plied with timely gardening questions by the panel and by many of 'the members, all of wlrich he an­ swered expertly and in lay­ man’s terms.,'Mr. Livermore as well as being guest speaker donated.many gifts to the.Soc­ iety, of seeds, corn, peas, flow­ er pots and fertilizer sb that everyone present -had a sou­ venir of the occasion. Mrs. Ed­ ward Wise thanked the speaker for his wealth of information. Mrs. Don Middleiton conduct­ ed a’ flower contest. Following lunch a brisk sale of widely as­ sorted plants, etc. took place. These were .member’s donated by the > and Mrs. ’ Clifford Epps of Clinton. A garden trellis gaily entwined with bright flowers and tissue papef and bouquets of seasonal flow­ ers gave this meeting an au­ thentic floral spring-like set­ ting 'in defiance of winter’s reluctance to. depart. f Opening Dance JOWETT’S GROVE k f BAYFIELD Dancing Every Friday Evening During Season ■' —..■ \ • , • V . 4 .- How to turn your small change into a small fortune ■Do you realize'that, in your lifetime, you will pro­ bably earn more than $250,000? How much of your earnings fortune will you keep? Why not squirrel away just a dollar a day in an Investors Savings Certificate.. In ten, fifteen or twenty years you can accomplish financially what .very few people ever do in a lifetime. At the same time, you can enjoy the benefits of an ever-increasing reserve. Just write or call: Vu W.G. "Bill" Campbell F.O. Box 659 SEAFORTH, ONT. Phone 527-0452 ■> ■ SYNDICATE LIMITED t . ’ . Or mail this coupon------—. Without obligation, please send me more informatloni NAME ••••••«<<a«a»vas«s*««s»*«»«os««saes*«ssss»««»ss»«eseassssss»easss»«sses*afawse«ssssa4a«»a««««af«q* ADDRESS CITY/TOWM MtMMhlHIHMHIHIMHHHIIRfmilllllHt PROVb SCOJCOi 6the modern way9 < 1 o <>> V: f Today’s ultra smart Superior Propane ranges feature recessed tops to give your • kitchen “built-in-beauty’’. Your Superior range is designed to stay more beautiful with exclusive chip '■ resistant porcelain protection. Now cooking and baking can be fun. Superior auto­ magic controls cook, bake, simmer or broil foods perfectly . . . the.'clean, economical propane way. This month your Superior dealer is featuring an Exciting Trade-in plan. He will give you up to $50 for your old worn out stove—(no matter what condition) on 'the purchase of a gl,earning new propane range. Remember there's no money down., .. just $2. a week and you cap start cooking the modern way. ^COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIALS RESIDENTIAL TOO-1ST Signature of Applicant ________________19 Signature of Applicant ‘Superior* Propane Ltd. » Monteith Street j8TRATFORD, Ont 271-0810 ./ FOR HEATING, DRYING TOO... SUPER OR IS AUTOMAGICALLY BEST FOR YOU COOKING, / PROPANE LTD. t i