Clinton News-Record, 1966-04-14, Page 8Pagp Nm April H ISM
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Correspondent: AUDREY BELLCHAMBER — Phone Bayfield 38
Subscriptions, Classified Advs., Display Advs. and Job Printing
all {accepted by the Bayfield correspondent
Bunny Bundle
The Bayfield Brownies have
contributed $3,70 to John Dick
en’s “Open Line” Bunny Bundle
Fund for Crippled Children. The
girls are grateful to all those
who helped them with, their
“odd job’’ project, On Monday
the Brownie pack had 'an “ob
servation walk” and later took
part in an Easter egg hunt,
Cub New®
During . opening ceremonies
on April 11 Cub Marvin Mernpr
Was presented with his. “White
Coat of Paint” and David Ren
ner was presented his “Pet
Keeper’s Badge”. This is one
of the proficiency badges which
a Cub may earn in addition to
the Five Stars.
The Cubs went on a hike
down to the beach, after which
.they were treated to hot choco-
late and cookies at the home
Qif the
Cubmaster, Mirs. Erick-
Miss 6. M* Canfiplpn
Funeral Tuesday
At Beattie's
class VA“ Mechanic jm
Perso mils
George Little had her
nephew, OPP Constable Wil
liam Johnston, Mrs. Johnston'
and their four children from
Sf, Catharines with her from Thursday until Saturday. Jef
fery is staying with Mrs. Little
for the remainder of .the Easter
Mr. 'and Mr®. Barney Myers,
London, were in the village on
Friday to open Mr®, Myers
mother’s cottage. Mrs. S, H.
Bryant will be coming up for
the summer later tills week.
- Mr, and Mrs. Tom Logan Jr.,
London,, spent Sunday with
liis parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.
Michael Scotchmer spent last
Thursday in London visiting
friends. •
S/L and Mrs. Andrew Toma
and family, Wallowdale, spent
the holiday weekend with his
mother, Mrs. L. H, McLeod;
Mr. and Mrs. John McLeod,
Port Stanley, joined them on
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Atkin
son 'and family, Detroit, were
at their summer home for the
Mbs. Percy Weston and Mrs.
■ E. A. Featherston are presently
patients in Clinton Public Hos
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mar
shall and daughter Tracey Eliz
abeth, London, joined the lady’s
parents, .Mr. and Mrs; Fred
Weston for .the Easter weekend;
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Scotoh
mer, • Sarnia, were with Mr.
and Mrs. A. F, S'cotchmer, from
Friday until Sunday.
Nigel Bellchamber 'and Den
nis Logan Who have been at
> I
Vic and Olga Whittingham Welcome
All Old and New Customers
their 'homes tor' several dlays
retmmed to UWO London, to
commence writing their year’s
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Grime,
Derek and Barry returned to
Guelph on Tuesday after having
been guests of Mr, 'and Mrs.
Fred Hulls since Friday. Miss
Joanne Hulls, Milton, arrived
On Monday to spend the week
with her parents.
Mr, J. E. Mayman Sr., Pres
ton, Mrs. W.‘H, Dawson, Ham
ilton, Mrs, H. Oaskenette, Wind
sor* and Mr. 'and Mrs. J. Cas:-
kenette, Galt, were Easter Suh-?
day guests of Mr. and Mrs, Joe
Mu and Mr®. J. C. Mac-
Kenzje, Margo* and John, Tor
onto, visited their parents over
the Easter holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Pounder, John,
Catherine and Mary Belli,
Chatham, spent the Easter
Weekend' as guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Scotehmer.
Guests at the Albion Hotel
from Thursday until Tuesday
included, Mr. and' Mrs. Pat
Boehmer and their four child
ren, Kitchener, Mr, land Mrs,
Raymond Bauer and their eight
children, Waterloo. Mrs. Bauer
was the guest of honor at a din
ner on Monday,
her binthdlay.
Renouf Johns
were 'also at the
for the weekend and returned
to Mount Clemens, Mich., on
Mrs. J..Stubley and Mrs. Mj,
Watson, Toronto, spent Thurs
day in the village.
Mr. and Mrfs; Chris Klaudi
and baby son Albert, Wo,od-
stock, spent the weekend With
her, parents, Mr. and Mrs; Har
ry Baker.
Mr. arid Mrs;. G. S. -Poulter
and Monty Poulter, Ottawa,
and Mrs. John Taylor, Strat
ford, ■ were guests on Sunday of
Mr. 'and Mrs; G. N. River's.
■Mi’, and Mrs. Ernest Rehn,
Grosse Pointe -Farms, Mich.,
spent the Easter weekend with
the' lady’s mother, Mrs. David
David Dewar, Miss June
Neilson and Miss Mary Mona
han, all of Toronto, were guests
of Mrs; William Metcalf for the
Mr. and Mrs. Russell' Flowers,
Kim, Debbie, Greg and baby
Jill, Streetsville, spent the holi
day weekend With Mr. and Mrs.
Adam -Flowers.;,
Miss Lynn Gaffield, Pont
Hope, Robert Elliott, Miss
Mary Lou Strong, Arkwright,
were guests for .the Weekend of
Mr. and Mrs-. Spencer Ervine;
joining them on Sundlay were:
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Strong, Ark
wright, and Mr, and Mrs. Rus
sell Heft, Owen Sound.
Mr. -and Mrs. R. L. Maloney
and family, visited relatives in
Burlington over the weekend.
Family visitors with Mrs. J.
Cluff over the holiday were:
Mr. -and Mrs. Fletcher Mc
Laughlin and Megan Ann, Tor
onto, Mr. and Mirs-. Patil Moss,
London, Mr. and Mrs.
and Mrs. William. C.
and children spent
with her father, John
to celebrate
and Gawairi
Albion Hotel
Feed your young chicks your own home-grown
grains fresh-mixed with profit-proven National
Chick Concentrate! It’s rich in meat meal protein,
so- it forms a perfect balance with the vegetable
nutrients. Whether you have your own grains or
we supply them, we can custom blend the finest
fresh-mix you can buy—right here at the mill——
using National Concentrate, of course. (P.S. Ask
about National’s profit-proven Chick Starter
Crumbles, too—plain or medicated!)
the best in seed and
friendly service
Phone 527-0927
Cluff, London, Mr, and Mrs.
William Barker and family, St,
Thomas. John and Heather
Verhoven, Montreal, joined
them on Sunday,
Brigadier arid Mr®'. F, A.
Clift returned last Wednesday
fppm a three month tour of the
Azores, Madeira, Portugal,
Spairi, Ireland and England.
Their daughter. Miss Barbara
Clift, Ottawa, joined’them for
the Easter weekend,
Mr, and Mrs, Harold Weston
had fheir son and family, Mr.
and Mrs1, Ray Weston, Pat,
Mike arid Danny, Utica,.Michi
gan; their daughter, Miss Sue
Weston, Royal Oak, Mich.;
Rick Rice, Ferndale, Mich., with
them for the Easter holidays,
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Teeple
and Sheila, Port Dover, spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Cliff Utter.
• Mat and Mrs, J. R. R. Wil-
lock, Oathie, Douglas and Ain-
slie, Toronto, came on Thurs
day plight for the Easter week
end, They were joined by Mrs,
Willock’s niece and family, Mr.
and Mrs, R. Johnston, David
and Robbie, who remained until
Monday. Mr. and Mrs;. Willock
■returned to Toronto on Easter
■Day en route to attend‘a wed
ding in Peterborough on Mon
Mr. and Mrs; William Parker
spent Monday in Mitchell.
Mrs. Alvin Hohn and daugh
ter Pearl, Preston, made their
annual pilgrimage to Bayfield
on Saturday with flowers for
Trinity Church in memory of
herparents, Mr. and Mrs;
Henry McClinchey and sons
Roy and William. They also
visited Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner
in Clinton hospital.
■Robert H. Middleton and son
Bob, Hensall, were dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs; Carl
Diehl on Easter Day. ■<
Miss Kathleen Reid Who had'
been a guest of Mr. and Mrs;
Car Diehl, returned to Wind
sor on Good Friday with her
brother, Bernard and Mrs. Reid,
who moitored to the village to
fetch her.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Par
ker, Jackie Pam and David,
Dorchester, spent the holidays
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Parker.
Walter Erickson, Toronto,
joined his wife and family at
their home “Spruce Haven” for
the weekend.
Mr. arid Mrs. Ed. Rowse and
family, Welland, were with the
latter’s, parents, Mr. and Mrs;
L. B. Smith for the weekend.
Mr. and
with his
Mrs. Keith Leonard returned
to Willowdale on Saturday af
ter being with, her mother, Mrs.
E. A. Featherston for a week.
Mr. and- Mrs. Otto Smale
and their two children, Hensall,
were guests of the lady’s par
ents-, Mr. and Mrs. R. Roy
Fitzsimons on Sunday .
OPP Cpl. Lloyd Westlake and
Mrs. Westlake and family, Kit
chener, spent the weekend with
her parents, Mr. and' Mirs. Mal
colm Toms.
■Mrs. J. E. Howard returned
home on Thursday evening
from an extended trip to Flori
da with her brotoer-in-law and
sister, Rev. and1 Mrs. H. G. E..
Crosby, Moortown; They stayed
at “The Sea Dunes” at Mel
bourne Beach. Miss Pat Bar
wick, London, joined' her grand
parents on March 25. After
leaving Malton Airport in the
morning where there was 6” of
snow, she was able to swim
that evening in Florida. They-
returned' via New York State,
where they spent some time
with Rev. and Mrs. Crosby’s
son, Paul Crosby arid family.
Mr”, and Mrs. A. E. Lewis
came on Thursday to visit Mrs.
Lewis’s brother and family, Mr.
and Mrs. F. A. McFadden,
Misses Mary and Shirley Mc
Fadden returned to Toronto
with them on Saturday.
Mr. arid Mrs. Alan Elliott,
formerly of Clinton and now
residing in Burlington, called on
Mr. and Mrs. G.* Bellchamber-
over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Penhdle
and! children, visited Mrs. Pen-
hale.-s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Bent Faber, in Kippen on Sun
day and later Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Penhale whose other
guests were Mr. arid Mrs. Mel
vin Bennett and daughters of
Mrs1. Glen
to' spend
Smith and
came on
some time
X H. F. BROEZE, Varna
H. F. WETTLAUFER, Clinton........................ ■■■ _ _ __.....
Tfte Lowest Cost Source
of Nitrogen
Phone 482-3210
Mr. arid Mis. Hairy Williams
spent Easter Weekend' visiting
friends in Hamilton arid Bur
Christopher and Susan Teb-
butt, Woodstock, are visiting
their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Carmen Tebbutt.
Construct son on the Bayfield
A new building is going up on the south shores of the Bayfield River,
near the harbour, Clare Deveulle, Stratford is putting it up, and will use it fox*
small craft repairs. , (Beilchamber Photo)
Funeral service was conduc
ted on Tuesday, April 12, at
the Beattie funeral home for
Miss Bertha M, Cantelon, who
passed away in Clinton Public
Hospital on Sunday morning,
Rev. R. W. Weriham, St.
Paul’s Anglican Church rdctbir,.
officiated, land interment was
in Clinton Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Robert HL
liott, Francis Cantelon, Doug
las Cantelon, Edgar Armstrong,
Fred Miller and Murray Mac
Born op May 22, 1877, in
Goderich" Township to Peter'
and Elizabeth Cantelon, Miss
Cantelon had lived at home,
75 Rattenbury Street West,
Clinton, until March 1962, When
she took up residence at Huron-
yiew. She was a member of
St. Paul’s Anglican Church,
Clinton. /
Miss Cantelon had not been
■in good health for the past
four years, but spent only three
days in Clinton hospital prior
to her death.
Surviving are four nieces and
three nephews.
‘'I’ve got my first part
play. I play a man who's
married for 25 years."
‘'That's a good start,
his father replied, “Just
at it and one of these days you
may get a speaking part.
the boy said after
home from school,
in a
r Treflan
(trifluralin, Elanco)
Pw: • ■
On Easter Sunday
Easter visitors in the village included Charlie
■and Kim, left, children of Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Parker, London, who visited their grandfather John
. Fraser; and Jackie, Pam and David, children of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert T. Parker,.Dorchester, who were
visiting with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Parker. (Beilchamber Photo)
Trinity Awards Contracts
For Repairs $2,262.
BAYFIELD — At the April
meeting of Trinity Board of
Management the main topic for
dfecussion was renovation and
redecoration of the church.
The rector’s warden, Fred
Arkell and chairman of the
property committee, Lloyd
S'coitchmer, people’s warden,
presented estimate's of $1,012.50
■and $1,547.50 received from
Don Sager, Goderich and Bell
and Garrett, Clinton in respect
of repairs' to the ceiling and
These include installing a
new ceiling several inches low
er than the present ceiling, in
sulating the ceiling, and boxing
in the metal wall retainer rods
and also covers the removal of
the pews and other furnishings
as necessary.
I A motion that the ceiling be
’lowered was made by Lloyd
Scotchmen and seconded by
George Beilchamber. The esti
mate of Don Sager was1, ac
cepted on a motion o>f Robert
Turner, seconded by Alf Scotch
men, on condition that a firm
contract be signed and that the
work be commenced immetii-
' ately after Easter and com
pleted within three weeks.
A contract for redecoration
of the interior of the church
was awarded to Thomas Brown',
Willowdale, at a -cost of $1,250.
on a- motion by Harry Baker,
seconded by Fred Arkell, on
condition that the work be
completed by June 1.
A motion by Fred1 Arkell sec
onded by Lloyd Scotehmer au
thorized A. F. Scotchmen to do
such deotrioal work (remov
al and re-installation of ceiling
fixtures) as' necessary.
It was moved by Fred Ar
kell, seconded by Mrs. R. J.
Larson that funds be trans
ferred from the “Oent-A-'Meai”
Fund to 'the general fund as
necessary in connection. with
this work. The Board was also
assured that a large sum would
be made available from the
funds of the Trinity Guild.
„ It is 15 years since the Ch
urch' was last re-decorated and
no major structural changes to
the main building have been
made since it was built over
100 years ago.
Until the work is completed
services will be held in the
Parish Hall.
-----------o----------- .
Sometimes a speech is like a
wheel — the longer the spoke;
the greater the tire.
you can t
see a weed
' ON
Taul Vibrating Danish Cultivators
All Brands
At up to 50% Off List Price
Early Funk G-Hybrid Seed Corn
Agrico Anhydrous Ammonia
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"Excellent control of both grasses and broad-
leafs." That’s the comment of many large,
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The result, you gat greater yielding crops be
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light for your crops; less time-consuming
harvesting stoppages- caused by weeds ; and
more efficient use of fertilizer. For dependable
weed control that helps you make more profit—
Contact Shamrock Chemicals Limited, London,
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Eteneo—the company that Shares its experience with you
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Contact your Shamrock Technical Representative
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