Clinton News-Record, 1966-03-03, Page 10Page 10—-Clinton News-Record—-Thurs., March 3, 1966 SHOW AND SALE BEEF BULLS Under the auspices pf THE ONTARIO BEEF CATTLE IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION Hays Sales Arena, Trafalgar 5 miles north of Oakville CHSS Teacher Speaks To Scouts And Cubs MARCH 15th and 16th, 1966 CLASS CLASS CLASS Entries as follows 1 HEREFORDS 2 SHORTHORNS 3 ABERDEEN ANGUS 123 39 16 Hereford Bulls Sell Tuesday, March 15th, at 11:00 Shorthorn and Aberdeen Angus Bulls Sell Wednesday, March 16th, at 11:00 a.m. The bulls will be judged on the mornings of the days they are scheduled to be sold, commencing at 8:00 a.m. a.m. A catalogue of entries can be obtained from the Secretary. Robert mcgregor, c. a. gracey, President Secretary RR 2, Kippen, Ontario Parliament Buildings • Toronto 5, Ontario The Bull Premium Policy of 20% of the purchase price up to a maximum of $150.00 will apply on all bulls..sold that are Qualified on Performance. 9b V, ■ ■ - - .................... -..........■ -........- ■ Aubrey Langdon, a mathe­ matics teacbei’ at CHSS, gave- a talk on, “Discipline” at Clinton Dions fathei' and son banquet in Clanton Legion Hall on Tues­ day, Feibruary 22, The banquet was held in con- junction with Boy Scout Week and presentations were made to pearly 40 Clinton. Spp'uits and Cubs. ' .Mr, Lanigd'on, who was never a Scout h'imseif, said he appra- elated scouting. He has worked With youth groups including coaching of various sports teams and is cliiteL cadet in­ structor at CHSS. Mr, Langdon was an athlete and excelled at baseball and at one time play­ ed for Montreal Royals pro­ fessional team. He referred to the good dis­ cipline of players on CHSS tearps and also his cadet corps. “If you can, self-discipline yourself you will go a long way in life,’’ saidi the speaker. “But if you are a pessimist and look at the bad slide of everything you will not be as successful,” . ...........- .. ............. Got some lazy dollars ? Put them to work for you! Having cash is great — but it’s just a beginning. Making it work for you is the next step. You can use your cash to buy an Investors Syndicate Single Payment Certificate. It offers you all these special advantages; 1. An attractive guaranteed interest rate. 2. Interest compounded annually. 3. Extra profits through additional credits. 4. No income tax-on the gain until it is actually received. 5. Excellent collateral value af all times. 6. Retirement income option without additional cost. Don’t you think you should put your lazy dollars to work with Investors? Fill m this coupon and mail it today. W. G. "Bill" CAMPBELL P.O. Box 659 SEAFORTH, ONT. Phone 527-0452 NAME ADDRESS V< Lovett Farm Loses Stock And Buildings Fire last Wednesday destroy­ ed1 the barn and implement shed at the farm of Ross Lovett, RR 1, Londesboro. Lost was the stored 'grain, hay and farm equipment, as well as more than 20 head of cattle, some sheep and hogs. Mr. Lovett had been working in the barn, and left to get his children from school. A neigh­ bor spotted smoke coming from the bam. Mrs'. Lovett was in Goderich at the time. Clinton Fire Department was called to the scene, and pre­ vented' flames from spreading to the Lovett house. A number of sheep and hogs, and 13 cattle were, saved. • - -o PORTER'S HILL MRS. DONALD HARRIS Phone 482-3362 . UCW Meets The United Church Women of Grace 'Church met February .16 at the home of Mrs. L. Ids- inga'with Mrs. Chester Sturdy presiding. Mrs1. Donald Harris led in devotions. Mrs. William Cox read the Scripture lesson.- A chapter in the Study Book was taken by Mrs. Elgin CoX. Thirteen ladii.es answered roll call. The various- committees re-, ported on .their work. .One large quilt had been quilted since January meeting and Tylocks for' a 'Colonial Lady” quilt were handed1 in. The hostess served lunch. ,' • .... The March meeting \ will' bie at the home of Mrs.. Art Jonge- he said. He reminded' scouts of their scout teaming in walk, posture ppd d^pprtmept. He closed, his talk With the Scouts golden rate, “Ho upto others as you .would have them dio unto you.” The speaker was introduced by Lion Stewart Taylor who' hais .always been interested in scouting. . Hop President Duff Thomp­ son, former chairman of Huron District Scout ■committee, in thanking Mr. Langdon, said, “For one who had not had the privilege of Scout traiiping, this man in ope of our best scouts.” Scout Ken Slade proposed the toast to the fathers and this was. replied to by his father, Lawrie Slade1, a member of Clinton Scout group committee, Another member of the local group committee, John Apsteitt thanked the Legion Ladies Auxiliary for the dinner and this was replied to by Mrs, Ed Porter, president of tihe LA. A group of fathers and Lions, Ken Flett, E. B. Menzies, Wil­ liam S. Craig, Bud Hayteir, Dory Rutledge and R. B. Camp­ bell sang, accompanied by the Drops Club pianist, Mrs. Don Symons. Mr. Menzies was sing­ song leader during the evening. Assistant District Scout Com­ missioner Ross Milton, from RCAF Station Clinton, spoke of the new age classification for Scouting and the new type of scouting 'uniforms. With boys maturing more rapidly (at the rate of 19 days per generation) there is now a need to set age for Cubs and Scouts back. He said boys are now 190 days more mature than they were at the time of Con­ federation in Canada. •*’ Boys can now enter Cubs at age seven and go up to Scouts, at age 11. The 15 to 18 year olds are now known as Ventur­ ers, who go on to become Queen’s Scouts and Rovers. The assistant commissioner had high praise for Clinton’s scouting 'activities. At the conclusion of the ban­ quet,, the local Scout and Cub Masters and assistants took over and presented, various badges and awards, as listed in last week's 'issue. Classified Ads. Bring Quick Results TENDERS are hereby called for the supplying of 600 lbs, of WARBLE ELY POWDER in 15 «b. bqgs, and for 150 lbs. pf powder packed in 1 ib, bags. Powder to be delivered to 'Township Office, Holmesville, by March 26thi All tenders to be in the clerk's hands by Mqrch Sth. Young Scouts Get Tenderfoot Badge These three Scouts are paying.strict attention to Scoutmaster Lew Ludlow as he talks to them after pinning on their Scout tenderfoot -badge. The Scouts are Robert Brown, Paul Radford and Terry McDonald. ■ . (News-Record Photo) APPLICATIONS are hereby called for thpiposL tion of WARBLE ELY INSPECTOR for the Town­ ship of Goderich for the year 1966. The Inspector will be paid at a rate of $1.25 per hour, and will be allowed 10c per mile for car allowance, All applications to be in the clerk's hands by March 5th. R. E, THOMPSON, Clerk, R^R. 2, Clinton. Father and Son Cubmaster Len Fawcett is shown here con­ gratulating his son Doug on receiving his second star Cub badge. (News-Record Photo) APPLICATIONS will be received by the Town­ ship of Stanley for the position of WARBLE FLY INSPECTOR for the year 1966. Inspector must be familiar with the Warble Fly Act and must keep accurate record of cattle sprayed. Salary will be $1.35 per hour and eight cents per mile for mileage. Applications to be clearly marked as such and to be in the hands of the clerk by March 5, 1966. 2. TENDERS will be received by the Township of Stanley for SPRAYING CATTLE for Warble Fly for 1966. The Township will supply the powder. Tenders to state price per head per spray. All work to conform with the terms of the Warble Fly Act. TENDERS will be received for SUPPLYING AP­ PROXIMATELY 1,000 POUNDS OF WARBLE FLY POWDER. Tender to state price per 15- pound bags and one-pound bags, delivered to the Township shed in Varna. SEALED TENDERS for each of the above, clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the undersigned until March 5, 1966. Lowest or any fender not. necessarily accepted. Mel Graham, Clerk, Township of Stanley, BRUCEFIELD, Ontario. ■ ‘ 8-9b —................ . ‘ ■< r CONTRACT YOUR BEAN ACREAGE REGISTERED, CERTIFIED and COMMERCIAL SPRING SEED AVAILABLE SPECIAL SEED MIXTURES AVAILABLE SEE OR CALL E. L. Mickle HENSALL, ONTARIO J We have Bogged or Bulk HARRISTON FERTILIZER Available at Competitive Price yOUR GASOLINE IS BY FAR THE BEST, THIS HAS BEEN PROYEN BY CUSTOMER — QUALITY MICHIGAN AND ONTARIO — SANILAC AND SEAWAY SEED — FERTILIZER SUPPLIED — EPTAM AVAILABLE * J —Or mail this coupon-------------------- Without obligation, please send me more information; SYNDICATE LIMITED 'Nt CITY/TOWN_________ ______________PROV v* Askabout convenient departure and return times *1 p.°Mway Head Table Guests at Scout Dhrner Shown here are some .of the head table guests at Clinton Lions Club., fathet and son ‘Scout and Cub banquet, Tuesday, February 22. The • event was held on Lord Baden Powell’s birthday ' (the founder of Scouting). Left to right, Aubrey Langdon, CHSS teacher, guest speaker; Ross Milton, Huron District assistant Scout Commissioner, RCAF Station; Lawrie Slade who re­ plied to the Scouts toast to the fathers; Ken Slade who proposed the toast to the fathers; Rev. Ron Wenham, district Scout chaplain, chairman of the ban­ quet and Art Colson, chairman of-Clinton Scout group committee. (N-R Photo) /• J For Information, phone the local . CN Passenger Sales Office CANADIAN NATIONAL “Purchasiing, buildings is dif­ ferent than buying machinery”, notes Mr. J. E. Brubaker, Agri­ cultural Engineer, Ontario. De­ partment of Agriculture. "You can’t go on to a dealer’s lot, bargain for them, and. take them home the same day, or trade them in next year if they don’t suit If you intend to have a new structuip- built this year, then start planning the project now. “For heist results, you should make arrangements with a Con- ( tractor in February or March before his summer schedule ' is . booked.” Be sure to discuss your spring Fertilizer program with your local SH UR-GAIN Fertilizer dealer Your SHUR-GAIN Fertilizers Today From Clinton Feed Mill 28 Huron Street — CLINTON — 482-348 and fake advantage of 0uA o PRODUCTS PHONE 262-2714