Clinton News-Record, 1966-03-03, Page 6z CUSTOM WORK MISCELLANEOUS REAL ESTATEPage 6—Clinton News-Record-—Thurs., March 3, 1966 ACCOMMODATION ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR RENT RATES For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, In Memoriams, Engagements 3q a word; minimum 75c • "repeat^""” 2c a word; minimum 50c CASH. DISCOUNTS ’/? off only if paid during the week after the last insertion. BILLING CHARGE 10c added on second bill. ' FREE Births, Marriages, Deaths' ~ DEADLINE 6:00 p.m. Tuesday DIAL 482-3443 ........... i z ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT ONE BEDROOM Apartment, unfurnished; also furnished apartment. Ceriel VanDamme, phone 482-6685, ltfib 4 BEDROOM HOUSE, in fair condition, on , Mary Street. Phone 482-6694. ■, 51tfb LARGE TRAILER for rent, ful- ly furnished. Apply at Becker’s Trailer Court. 20tfb LOVELY modern country home, freshly redecorated, one mile north of Hensall on No. 4 Highway. J. C. Smillie, Phone 262-5141._______________38tfb 8 ROOM HOUSE for rent; also 2 bedroom cottage, available now, centrally located. Phone 482-3837. 2tfb SMALL APARTMENT, fumish- ed or unfurnished, heated. L. G. Winter; 200 High Street, Clinton. Phone 482-6692. 2tfb FURNISHED Apartment, one bedroom, private bath 'and en­ trance; redecorated. Phone 482- 9390. 8tfb 4 BEDROOM HOUSE, oil fur­ nace, bathroom, in1 Zurich vic­ inity. Phone Zurich 236-4351 collect. 8, 9b UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom a- partment, centrally located, am­ ple parking, available now. Phone 482-7661. x 35tfb FOR RENT — modem 2 bed­ room cottage, with oil furnace, near main street: $50 per month. Phone 482-9087. 7tfb 2 BEDROOM uptown apart­ ment, furnished; 2 bedroom house in village of Holmesville. Phone 482-6694. • 32tfb 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX in ex- cellent condition; gas furnace, available now. H. C. Laiwson. Phone 482-9644. 47tfb 2 BEDROOM unfurnished heat­ ed apartment. Apply Ceriel VanDamme, Phone 482-6685. 9tfb, 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, gas equipped. Apply at 157 Mary St. ar Phone 482-9353. 9p HEATED Apartment, 1 bed­ room, large livingroom, kitchen and bath. Available April 1. Phone 482-7057, Lloyd Batkin. 9tfb 2 HOUSES for rent, 3, bed­ rooms, one available now and one by April 1. Rent based on income. Apply to Clinton Hous­ ing Authority, Phone 482-9545. 9tfb 3 BEDROOM house for rent, modem kitchen and bath, 1 mile east of Brucefield on Mill Rd., Halbkirk bus line to RCAF Station, Clinton daily. Haugh Bros. Brucefield, Phone 527- 0927. 9,10b SELF CONTAINED one bed­ room apartment, or one room with bath, heated, and furnished. Available now. Phone 482-7227. ______________________2,3tfb TWO BEDROOM Cottage in Clinton. Available now. Con­ tact Mrs. Leo Stephenson, Sea­ forth. Phone 527-0513. 6p-tfb 3 BEDROOM HOUSE in Bruce-' field, 3% miles from RCAF Station, newly decorated, ser­ viced by high school, bus, avail­ able March 1. Phone 482-9820. Gtfib COMFORTABLE ground floor apartment, Conveniently locat­ ed. Heated. Two 'bedrooms, new kitchen and bathroom, gas range supplied. Rent reason­ able. Available now. Apply to John Plumtree, 84 Albert St., or phone 482-9695. 4tfb ONE GROUND FLOOR 2 bed- roam, heated, unfurnished a- partment. One upstair 2 bed­ room, furnished, heated apart­ ment. Both self contained. Phone Roy Tyndall at 482-9928. 47tfb W1 CARDS OF THANKS I would like to express my thanks for all .the kindnesses shown, to me uud my home While I wag a patient in Clin- ton Public IIosij[Mtal. It was deeply appreciated. •— MRS. MERVYN LOBB./ 9b GROUND FLOOR, 2 bedroom apartment, heated, available now- Phone 482-9527. 48tfb SELF CONTAINED apartment heated, 2 bedrooms, furniture optional. Phone 262-5047. 3tfb NEWLY DECORATED FUR- nished and heated 1 bedroom apartment, private bath, wash­ ing facilities. Phone 482-3329 at noon oi’ after 5. ltfb MODERN 2 BEDROOM House, 3 piece bath, oil furnace, avail­ able March 1; also 2 bedroom apartment, large living room, modem kitchen and bath, gas heat, immediate possession. Phone 482-9649. 5ptfb 2 BEDROOM apartment, newly decorated, at 100 North Street, available now, Apply to Don C. Colquhoun, 482-9506 or 200 Ont- ario Street. 44tfb ARTICLES FOR SALE CtRIB and new mattress, $10.00. Phone 482-9347. 10b CHESTERFIELD and Chair in good: condition. Phone 482-9625, 9p BICYCLE for sale, large gent’s 28” wheel. Good condition $12.50. Phone 482-7219. 9p ELECTRIC RANGE, 6 years old, 4 burners, timer, window in oven, stove like new. Phone 482-9202. 9b COME IN land check our % price tables. Outstanding values. House of Bargains, Clinton. Phone 482-7735, . 9b WALNUT buffet, oak buffet, china cabinet, cedar chest, dress­ er, 'Chest of drawers, toll-a-way cot, small tables, modem % bed. Phone 527-0458. 9b COMPLETELY Reconditioned Piano, will deliver to your home, Price $140. Terms or cash. For details phone 482- 9470. - 9p, 10b THEN’S PILE Lined Ski Jack­ ets, Regular $13.95, Sale Price $9.80. House of Bargains; Clin­ ton. Phone 482-7735., 9b ELECTRIC Rangette, also coal or wood range with warming closet and copper reservoir. Phone 482-9706. 9p, 10b POTATOES for sale; beef by the quarter or half; pork by the half. Phone 482-7578. 29tfb SIMPLICITY- Washers now a- vailable at T. A. Dutton Appli­ ances, Brucefield. Open even­ ings. 38tfb CAREFREE HEATING ~ For the only fuel odl insured against explosion, we give free burner service. A. G. GRIGG & SON, phone 482-9411. tfb PICTURE FRAMING AT Beattie Furniture 40eow ONE OIL FIRED cast iron heating boiler, complete with oil burner and' oil tank, 60 linear feet baseboard connector, circulating pump and oushion tank. Phone 482-9227. 6tfib LADIES’ and GIRLS’ dresses, Coats, Ski Jackets, Car Coats etc. Special 30% , discount. House af Bargains', Clinton. Phone 482-7735. 9b 30” TAPPAN gas range, built in style, ' overhead oven, 4 months old. List price $439., priced for quick sale $298. or $200. and good electric range. Terms can be arranged. Phone 524-7718. 8tfb MILDMAY Sweet Applebutter made from -ripe apples and sweet apple juice. No spice, sugar, salt or preservatives add­ ed. The healthiest food pro­ duct made. Far sale at the Clinton Meat Market. 7, 8, 9p VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service Repairs, hose? and bags for all makes of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned mach- ’nes of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, Varna, vhOne Hensall 262-5850 DRAPERY PULL' RODS — Track, curtain rods, Venetian blinds, bamboo draperies, win­ dow blinds. Free estimates given. Irwin's Dry Goods. tfb For fuller brush PRODUCTS in Goderich, Hullett, Colborne & East Wawanosh’ Townships, Clinton and Blyth Call LORETTA MORLEY 524-6425 Goderich after 9 p,m.x 2tfb ARTICLES FOR RENT WHEEL CHAIRS — The C. P. & T. Fund of Clinton Odd­ fellows Lodge have wheel chairs available far loan free. Contact Harold Tyndall, 482-7409, after 6:00 p.m. or James Cox, 482- 7093. ARTICLES WANTED ELECTRIC Train wanted, in good condition. Mrs. Cliff Glazier. Phone 482-7550. 9p WANTED — Highest cash prices paid -for used furniture. Mike Cummings, auctioneer, 66 Hamilton Street, Goderich, phone 524-9064. 7, 8, 9p AUTOS FOR SALE 1961 VAUXHALL, Victor de­ luxe, radio. Best offer. -Phone 482-7606. 9-13p 1963 CORVAIR Monza, 4 speed transmission, fully equipped, 25,000 miles. Phone 482-9437 after 6 p.m. 9p 1953 MERCURY Gravel truck, good condition, rebuilt motor, plywood racks and tarp, Tom Penhaie. 71R 3 Bayfield. 9b 1962 FORD half ton, long box, with heavy duty suspension and six ply tires. Good condition. Phone 523-4220 Blyth. 9b 1964 FORD Convertible Galaxie 500, power equipped, 35,000 .miles. Phone 482-9654 after 6 p,m, 4tfb 1962 VOLKSWAGEN, Deluxe; radio, heater, safety belts, col­ our - red. $750. or best offer. Phone Clinton 482-7614. 8-llp Mobile Homes — New Trailers, all sizes; 52 x 12, 52 x 10 in stock. Used trailers, 52 x 13, steeps 8, washer, and dryer; 42 x 20 with washer and dryer; 41 x 10; 41 x 8 and 50 x 10. Ap­ ply at house, Becker’s Trailer Court. 6tfb 1955 CHEV. COACH, 6 Stan­ dard, good 'tires, new brakes, battery, shocks and starter. Body good. Custom radio. (1966 Plates). $265.00; 1956 CHEV., 2 DR. HDTP. “283” standard. Body and motor fair. $125.00. (No Plates). Phone 482-7162 after 6:00 p.m. „ 9p CUSTOM WORK DRESSMAKING, also women’s and men's alterations. Phone 482-7606. 9p MASONRY SERVICE— Chim­ neys repaired, repointed; stone work, fireplaces built; base­ ments. repaired, waterproofed and white coated. Work guar­ anteed. Ray Squire, phone 527- 1332, Box 335, Seaforth. 2tfb WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter’s Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Esta­ blished Jewellery Store. tfb CLINTON Saiw Sharpening Services — saws, scissors, shears, clippers and all edge tools sharpened quickly and ac­ curately. Saws sharpened, gum­ med and set. Belsaw Sharpall Equipment, Art Levett, 139 Erie St. S., Clinton. 49tfb MOTORS REWOUND and re­ paired; small electric appli­ ances. H. J. S. Repair Service, 123 Erie Street, South, Clinton. 7ptfb REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expert­ ly done. All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-7676, Ken McNaim. 52tfb Wei Specialize In , . . Furnace Installations" Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plumbing Installations Ea vestroughing CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric • SALES & SERVICE 46* King Street Phone 482-7652 DAILY CAR RENTAL, rea­ sonable rates. McGEE’S, Gode­ rich. Phone 524-8391, 3tfb NOTICES. GARDINER’S Barber shop will close at 5 pm. Friday and Sat­ urday this week. 9p PERSONAL WANTED — Wife and com­ panion for a widower-. Write Box 91, Clinton News-Record. 9b HELP WANTED PIANO TUNING 9b "X SECRETARY-TREASURER for Huron County Federation of Agriculture.. Apply in person to the office in Credit Union buiild- inig (back entrance) on March 9 between 1:30 and 4 pm. 9b YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and other defects regularly. I appreciate the continued priv­ ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area. George W. Cox, phone 482-3870. HELP WANTED FEMALE REAL ESTATE CASHIER wanted, one with ex­ perience preferred. Apply Cor­ rie’s Red and White. 9b RESPONSIBLE Woman, to live in, and care for older lady, Small well-equipped cottage, no heavy work. Two days a week, while regular staff has time off. Apply to Box 80, Clinton News-Record, 8 tfb CLERK-TYPIST Central Huron Secondary School CLINTON Required For Principal's Office Duties to commence approxi­ mately March 21, 1966. Salary schedule $2,200 to $3,000 with annual increments of $150. Excellent working conditions. Sick leave plan in effect. Application showing exper­ ience, references and salary ex­ pected to be mailed to the undersigned and postmarked not later than March 14, 1966. Any application not neces­ sarily accepted. L. R. Maloney, Business Administrator, Clinton District Collegiate Institute Board, CLINTON, Ontario. 9b 1% Storey Duplex, 1—r3 bed­ room1 apt. with living room, dining room, kitchen, 3-pc. bath. 1-—1 bedroom apt., living room-, kitchen with dining area, 3-pc. 'bath, 2 oil furnaces, Lot 110 x 132’, garage, well located. .Price $10,500, ■ 1% Storey 4 bedroom dwell­ ing with living room, dining room, den, kitchen, 3-pc. bath, gas furnace, immediate pos­ session. Lot 83 x 132’. Price $6,500. 1% Storey, 4 bedrooms, living room, dining roam, den, large modern kitchen, 3-pc. bath, gas furnace, corner lot 80’ x 90’. Price $8,000. l¥z Storey wiith living room, dining room, kitchen, 1 bed­ room, 4-pc. bath down, 3 bed­ rooms, 1-pe. bath up, sun porch, garage, large lot, early posses­ sion. Price $7,000. FOR SALE — 3 BEDROOM house, stucco op brick, sound construction, New uh furnace, Corner tot, A good buy. Phone 482-9788. 52b-2tfb 3 BEDROOM HOUSE with bath, kitchen, living and dining area combined, good basement; Mrs. Laurence Stephenson, Varna. Phone 482-3877- 9, IQp 3 Bedroom 1% storey 13. years old on No. 4 Highway, % mile south of Clinton. Large kitchen, dinette and 'living room area combined, 4-pc. bath down and 1 bedroom on ‘main floor, 2 bedrooms up. Approx. 3 acres of land. Good opportunity for veteran who has not used his VLA credits, 2 bedroom cottage, 12 years old) excellent condition, oil fur­ nace, pannelled rec. room in basement, owner is moving from 'area. Priced low for early cash sale. 7 room frame house on King Street — 3 pee. bath down — new gas furnace, spacious 'din-1 ing and living room area, mod­ ern kitchen, closed in sun .porch, 4 bedrooms up. This property in excellent condition and must be seen to be appreci­ ated. Owner would consider good mortgage to the right person, $7250.00 3 bedroom solid- brick on spacious lot, close to schools, new kitchen area, large dining and living room area, separate den, 3 bedrooms and bath up, new gas furnace. This property priced tow for quick cash sale. K. W. Colquhoun INSURANCE—REAL ESTATE Office: 14 Isaac St., Clinton Phones Business -482-9747 Residence — 482-7804 I wish to thank friend's and neigiityofrs for cards and flowers while J was a patient in Clin­ ton hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Walden, Dr, Addison, and the nurses on first floor.-—EVE­ LYN RAPSON. 9 b I would like to thank my friends 'and neighbors for cards’; visits and flowers while I was a patient ip Clinton hos­ pital. Special thanks to Dr, J, A. Addison and the nursing staff. — sibyl mcdougall, 9b Our sincerest thanks to ah our dear relatives, friends, nei­ ghbors and ladies of Ontario St. United Church for the won­ derful kindness shown to us in the loss of our dear mother. A special thanks' to Dr. Flowers. We can only say, God bless you ah — THE HOLMES FAMILY. 9b HELP WANTED MALE BAR ’STEWARD and cleaner wanted. State wages expected. Apply to Doug Andrews, Sec. before March 15, 1966. Phone 482-9089. 9, 10b A MAN WANTED to run a Cedar Rapids Crusher, yearly work. Apply Alex Tanner, RR 2, Stratford, Ontario or, phone 271-9390._________ ‘ 9, 10b YOUNG PERSON to train as aircraft spray 'painter. Apply to Sky Harbour Air Services Lim­ ited, Box 130, Goderich, Ontario. 9b INCREASE yaur income. You can earn up to $3 per hour sell­ ing Rawledgh Products full or part time. Write Raiwleigh, Dept. C-169-16, 4005 Richelieu, St. Henry, Monteral. 9b H. C. LAWSON REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE Phone 482-9644 9b SERVICES AUCTIONEER RICHARD H. LOBB 113 Ontario St., Phone 482-7898 Graduate of World's Largest Reisch American School of Auctioneering 43-65 to 43-66p For kindly visits, flowers, gifts of books, treats and cos­ metics, letters, pretty valentines and lovely cards with which relatives, friends and neighbors so kindly remembered me dur­ ing my brief but pleasant stay, in the Clinton Public Hospital, I wish to express here my 'sin­ cere appreciation; also to Dr. Oakes and Rev, Park. And to the highly efficient hospital staff for kindly care and ser­ vice. I am very grateful. — OLIVE M. CUNINGHAME. - Tike family of the late Wiilbur Jewitt would’ like to express thanks to their friends for all th'e kindnesses shown during their recent loss of a dear hus­ band' and father. Special thanks to Mr. 'and Mrs. Jack Medd, Dr, Brady and Dr. Malkas, Miss Drope and her nursing staff at Seaforth Community Hospital who were so attentive and kind to Wilbur during his lengthy illness, to Mullet Masonic Lodge, the Canadian Order of Foresters. Thanks to our minis­ ter, Rev. R. S. Tsehanz, the UCW of Constance United Ch­ urch, Rev. J. C. Britton, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Witney, pall­ bearers and flowerbearers. 9p REAL ESTATE ATTENTION FARMERS! PLAN ON BUILDING in the Spring? Choice lots on High and Kirk streets for sale. Se­ cure your now. W. N. Counter, phone 482-9649. 9tfb SERVICES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service. Alvin Riley, 524-6514. 153 Lighthouse St., Goderich. 18tfb FOR SALE FOR SALE A QUANTITY of loose hay for sale. Phone 482-3262. 9b ONE I.H.C., W6 tractor, in per­ fect condition. Phone 482-7637. 9-10p SERVICES AUCTIONEER and Appraiser Licensed and capable in selling all types of auction sales. Bruce Rathwell, Brucefield. Phone 482-3384. 7tfb ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mt. and Mrs. Charles Houghton, Clinton, wish to announce thp engagement of their daughter, Darlinpe, Marie to Elias C. Muilwyk, sop pf Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Muilwyk, Brussels, Ontario, Wedding to take place-on Saturday, March 19, 1966. . 9p BIRTH PINEL •— In Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday, March 2, 1966 to Cpl. and Mr?. George1 Pinel, Clinton, .a spin. CARDS OF THANKS I would like to thank ah my friends 'and neighbors for cards >and visits during my stay in hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Newland' and the nurs­ ing staff on first floor.—AL­ BERT LEIBOLD. 9b DEATHS BEADLE — At Huronview on Monday, February 28, 1966, Marion Youngblut, 89, widow of George Beadle, Auburn. Service today, Thursday, March 3, from St. Mark’s Anglican Church, Auburn, to Blyth Union Mausoleum (and later to Ball’s Cemetery.) TURNER — At his home on Monday, February 28, 1966, James Harvey Turner, Varna, dear husband of the former Sarah Jane Stewart, in his 82nd year. Funeral service on Thursday, March 3, at 2 pm. from Bonthiron funeral home, Hensall, with interment in Bayfield cemetery. WOOD — In Clinton Public Hospital on Friday, February 28, 1966, Mrs. Rebecca Wood, formerly of Hullett Township, in her 95th year. Funeral ser­ vices on Monday, February 28, from Tasker Memorial Chapel, Blyth, with interment in Blyth Union cemetery IN MEMORIAM KNOX — St memory of Wil- liam H. Knox who passed away March 4, 1963. “Upright and just in all your ways, Loyal and true through ail your days, Silently suffered, patiently bare, God took you home to suffer no more.” —Lovingly remembered by wife and family. 9b HOT CROSS BUNS Full of Fruit *h Spice and Everything Nice Bartliffs Bakery Limited Bakery and Restaurant 482-9727 CUNTON </ ORTHOPEDIC and general Shoe Repair. Our Clinton De­ pot is at 55 Albert Street at Amsings Store. Hehk’s Shoe Repair, 71 Hamilton St., Gode­ rich, 38tfb JACK’S FURNITURE REPAIR SHOP. Furniture and other wooden articles repaired; At rear of No. 84 Albeit St. Phone 482-9695—John Plumtree. 21tfbl ...........—--------- ------ DO IT YOURSELF SAVE MONEY RENT THESE MACHINES floor sander FLOOR EDGER HAND SANDERS Belt Finishing Duo Type LARGE POLI8HER-SCRUBBER JIG SAW SKIL SAW RUG SHAMPOO MlTH WET-DRY VACUUM CREST HARDWARE RAIL & MUTCH Ltd. 69 ALBERT ST., CLINTON Phone 482-9505 ' tfb APPRENTICE to train as air­ craft mechanic. Must be inter­ ested in learning to fly. Prefer­ ence given1 to farm boys. Apply to Sky Harbour Air Services, Limited, Box 130, Goderich, Ontario. ' 9b LOCAL PETROLEUM distrib- utor requires a honest reliable man, able to meet the public and operate oil truck. Would prefer a man interested in learning to service oil furnaces. Steady employment. Apply Box 81 Chnton News-Record. 8, 9b MAN WANTED .for 500 acre com and poultry farm. Must be energetic and fully expert-' enced with farm equipment. $1.75 per hour plus pension plan, workmen's compensation, pal'd holidays etc. Year round work. Apply in writing only to Fleming Farms Ltd., Beams- vfille, Ontario, giving age, ex­ perience etc. 8, 9, 10b HURON COUNTY’S LEADING farm equipment depot. Over 1,000 belts and hundreds of pul­ leys, bearings, bolts, spark plugs, plow shares, etc. in stock at all rimeis. John Bach, IH. Dealer, Phone 527-0120, Sea­ forth. 8tfb Shipping Livestock Every Thursday to Kitchener Stock Yards Harry Watkins Phone 482-3213 leow DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS — Call Collect DARLING & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton 482-7269 Licence 25-C-66 7tfb 500 BALES of hay with a good percentage alfalfa. Priced rea- sonable. Phone 482-7482. 9p ABOUT 400 BALES wheat straw; also 400 bales mixed hay. Wilfred Penfound. Phone 482-3216. __________9, iQp KILN DRIED shelled com for sale, will deliver- of necessary. Phone George Troyer, Hensall 262-5282 or 236-4072. 9-llb 5 WHITE FACED Calves, 1 week old:; also International 7- ft. cultivator on rubber, heavy spring. Charles Reid, Varna. 9b “449A” INTERNATIONAL 4- row com planter, in good con­ dition. Also AUfiS'-Chalmers “B” tractor equipped with 2 row scuffler and bean puller, Phone 482-3375.______________ 9p FARROWING crates save baby pigs^-ah steel, easy adjust­ ment, mounted troughs for easy feeding or trough and bawl. For information — George Troyer, RR 2, Hensall, Phone 262-5282 or 236-4072. 9-18fo NEW and USED Mildmay Threshers. “little Beaver” ■electric hammermills. Hammer­ mill screens, cut to any size. Endless hammermill belts, belt­ ing any width or length. Turnip pulper knives. Chopper plates for Gem, Little Beaver, Woods, Champion, Manure and' forage wagon aprons. Baler kits to save grain when bale threshing. Lotbsinger Bros, Ltd., Miildmay, Ontario. 9, 10b STORE FOR RENT STORE and office on main street. Phone 482-6694. 32tfb TRAVEL SERVICE STAN BLOWES TRAVEL Ser­ vice, 32 Wellington St., Strat­ ford. For all airlines, steam­ ships, rail, hotel reservations, tours. Low bank rates on time payments. Prepaids arranged for relatives visiting from over­ seas. CaH 271-5710. ________ Notice To Creditors In the Estate of ANNA ELIZABETH BROWN, late of the Village of Bayfield in-the County of Huron, Widow, de­ ceased.All persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died, on the 20th day of December, A.D. 1965, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 7th day of March, A.D. 1966, after which date the assets will be distributed, hav­ ing regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 11th day of February, A.D. 1966. E. B. MENZIES, SolS'rfcrX’said Estate. I ^e, ladies, Yollie Sytnfek 164; 7,8,9b I men, Maynard, Hymers, 196. BRUCEFIELD MRS. H. F. BERRY Phone 482-7572 Miss Janet Henderson, Uni­ versity of Western Ontario, London, and Miss Barbara Hen­ derson, Waterloo University, spent last weekend at their home. x Neil and Allan Haugh, John Walker, attended an implement convention in Chicago" last , week. Mrs. ‘ Norris Sillery received word that her brother tin Re­ gina had suffered a hehrt at­ tack. Mrs. Mac Tully, Peterbor­ ough is visiting with her sisters, Mrs. Greg McGregor and Mrs. Charles Lane, who is ill. Ron Patterson, Timmins, vis­ ited . over the weekend at his home in Clinton and with Mr. and Mrs. A. Patterson, Bruce­ field. Murray Tyndall continues in ill health. Tuckersmith Unit of the United Church Women will meet in March at the home of Mrs. B. Walters. -----------o----------- TUCKERSMITH MIXED BOWLING LEAGUE High single, ladies, Anna Aid­ winkle, 193; men, Maynard Hy­ mens, 256; high triple, ladies, Marg .Rogerson, 464; men, May­ nard Hymers, 682; high aver- Pts. Snow Birds...................... 82 Blue Jays ......................... 70 Meadow Larks................. 60 Night Hawks .................. 54 LOST AND FOUND LOST—Man’s Butova watch, gold coloured, 23 jewelled, self­ winding, Reward given to find­ er. O. J. Stanley, phone 482- 9574. 9b DEAD STOCK MARLATT BROS. $5.00 and up for weight over 1,000 lbs. Highest cash prices paid for dead or disabled cows and horses. Please phone promptly phone Collect 133 Brussels 24-HOUR SERVICE Licence 390C65 3tfb VIKING Stainless steel separa­ tors; Viking milkers, 2 unfits for $500. installed. Basil O’Rourke, Brucefield. 8, 9p PIONEER and P.M. Canadian chain saws. Two dependable Canadian made saws. Now oh display at Robt, Glen Pioneer Saws. Phone 482-9292 Clinton. 8-13p LOST — ar missing since Mon­ day a.m., Feb. 28. Beagle pup, about 3 months old, black, brown and white. Contact Tom Shearer, 336 Victoria Street. . . . 9P LOST — Timex wristwatch, left on dressing room bench of Clinton Arena, March 1st after Hockey Game — Blyth vs. Hehsall, Finder’ please contact Gerald Riley 527-1146 or leave at Arena Office.________, 9b BEATTY FARM SERVICE CENTRE 17 Rattenbury Street East Clinton Sanitary Steel Stabling Gutter Cleaners Silo Unloaders Pressure Systems, etc. Inquire about our new Universal Wagon and Chain Harrows Order now for Winter discounts MISCELLANEOUS LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don’t take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl re­ stringing. W. N. Counter. tfb Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY at 1:30 p.m. Government Inspected Scale* Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager ........................................ "I ill 1 >iiaii'iliiiia»iniii iiiimiMH*/ LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 75 PIGS, 8 to 11 weeks old, Scott Cluff, Seaforth. 9b ONE GRADE Holstein heifer due ..March 15. Joe Shaddick, LondeSborO. Phone 523-4510. 9p 5 PUREBRED York boars, 4 months old. Jah Koene, Phone 482-9987. 9, 10b men, Maynard, Hymers, 196.