Clinton News-Record, 1966-02-10, Page 8Page 8—-Clinton News-Record—-Thurs.,* Feb. 10, 1966 Classified Ads. Bring Quick Results Vi Schedule of Chest Clinics SEAFORTH: Seaforth Community Hospital Second Wednesday Every Month in WINGHAM: General Hospital Third Monday of the Month- in l the the Afternoon Afternoon EXETER: South Huron Hospital Third Thursday of the Month in CLINTON: Public Hospital Fourth Monday of the Month in the the Morning t Morning GODERICH: Alexandra Marine & General Hospital Fourth Monday of the Month in the Afternoon N.B.—Either the July or August clinic is subject cancellation at each centre. Notice is usually given well in advance, AVAIL YOURSELVES OF THIS FREE SERVICE TRAIN TORONTO Ask about convenient departure and return times For Information, phone the local CN Passenger Sales Office I I to Robert Broome, 16, of Wing­ ham, was given a two-year sus­ pended sentence Friday, Jan­ uary 28 on a criminal negligence charge laid after the death of a Seaforth area girl, December 9. Broome was the driver of a car which struck Anne Marie Devereux, 13, of RR 4 Seaforth, as she crossed Highway 8 to her home. She had just got off a school bus. Mr. Justice John D. Wilson of the Ontario Supreme Qourt placed the youth on probation for the two-year period', and suspended his driver’s licence for the same period. A jury re­ turned a guilty verdict January 14, but recommended leniency. Huron County probation of­ ficer, William Graven, said Broome had the alternative of resuming his Grade 10 studies ar taking a provincial institute of trades course. After consulting the youth’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Broome, and defence counsel, C. C. Misener, Stratford, Mir. Graven said it was likely Broome would continue his high school work. "You have been convicted of a very serious offence. You are not what is called a bad lad; your associations and activities seem to indicate an approxi­ mately normal person, with Some unaccountable lapse in op­ eration of a motor vehicle," Mr. Justice Wilson said. "From 'the information I have received from Mir. Graven, you should be able to make a good living and become a good citi­ zen of the community. In your case, you are fortunate to have had the jury's recommendation of leniency.” O\J CANADIAN NATIONAL Could Improve J. Carl Hemingway Board was has been a the percent- Wheat Market On February 2 the Annual Meeting of Huron County Wheat Producers was (held in the Agricultural Board Rooms Clinton. The attendance was quite small as usual which I suppose means that this group is doing a satisfactory .job. While this is no doubt true a larger attendance and mare active support on the pant of the 800 Wheat Producers in Huron County would enable the organization to accomplish some advantages not yeit a- chieved. Russell Bolton, chairman of the Ontario Wheat Producers pointed out that according to the Department of Agriculture survey conducted by Dr. Pat­ terson, the fall wheat planting of 410,000 acres is smaller than the previous year but consider­ ably larger than the acreage harvested last summer. Mr. Bolton srauea that while the acreage has not varied greatly since the Wheat Pro- (Continued iErotn page 7) Ashley Be'ran called only two penalities, one to each team, in the cleanly played1 contest. Red Wings: Brian Delawsld, goal; Dick Jewson, Mark Jenk­ ins, Barry Edgar, Doug Osborn1, Terry Fogo, Cai Fremlin, Paul Kayr John VanLoo, Tom Dennis, John Snell; Bob Mann and Ger­ ald Holmes, coaches. Rangers: David Slade, goal; Paul Anstett, Ken Cooke, Rod Campbell, Brian Langille, Mike Anstett, Tam Munch, David Fawcett, Wayne Cantelon, James Newland, Jerry Loibib, Fred Bird, Ray Lobb; Malt Ed­ gar and Cam Addison, coaches. (facers Marketing established, there steady increase in age of the crop marketed. From this we can only conclude that the Wheat Producers Market­ ing Board has increased the sale price .of wheat as compared to feed grain. M. R. "Mac” McDougall, di­ rector from Kent County was guest speaker.’He said the sale of the balance of the exception­ ally large crop of 1964 was difficult and the world price quite low. The last of the crop was cleaned up by the Federal Government malting gifts to needy countries. While we appreciate the gov­ ernment taking the , wheat we needn’t feel too grateful since this wheat could have been sold to Quebec for feed had Ontario Wheat Producers re­ ceived the same preferential freight assistance as is .provided to the western feed gra)in grow­ ers. Incidentally there would have been no need to use any of the stabilization levy had this wheat gone to Quebec. Mir. McDougall reported that the Wheat Producers are not satisfied with the changes in the Bankruptcy and Bank Act as these amendments still fail to give the necessary protect­ ion to farmers storing grain in commercial elevators. In closing, the speaker told of the new shorter and stiffer sitrawed wheats being developed at the OAC but it will be a few years before any new varieties will be released. Talbot, the last variety re­ leased has a higher protein con­ tent that is maiding the millers unhappy but since fall wheat in Huron County for some reason is lower than the Provincial av­ erage, Tallbot might prove ad­ vantageous without being a problem to the mailers of pas­ try flour. In answer to questions it was stated that comparatively small quantities of lower grade wheat have been sold for feed purposes and only about 250,000 bushels have 'been purchased by the Board this year as compared to 5,000,000 bushels last year. -----------o----------- Russel King MIDDLETON Wedding Pictures JERVIS STUDIO Phone 482-7006 ‘Tbe one beer so good it’s made Canada famous for beer f throughout the world! In Ireland and over 60 other countries, you can enjoy a world of flavour in the balanced beer. 1 ■H I 1 ■ 1 ■ A. CARLING 1 ;g$g ?.’:S H$ 1 I i MB 30 ii 5$ IBS SB $ •g KSS: w Irish folk singers at Dublin’s popular Abbey Inn, The CARLING BREWERIES Limited BLN «»•» Clinton Memorial Shop T, PRYDE and SON CLINTON EXETER SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon Local Representative A. W, STEEP 482-6642 TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH MRS. S. MIDDLETON Phone 482-7525 WA On Candlemas The Women’s Auxiliary of St. James Anglican Church, Mid­ dleton met on Candlemas Day, February 2, at. the home of Mirs. -Fred Middleton with 12 mem­ bers present. This wias a "work” meeting with most of the afternoon spent in quilting. The devotional part, of the meeting followed with the president, Mirs. Donald iMtddle- ton in the chair. Mirs. Ray Wise read excerpts from the Living Message "Thoughts on Lenten Service”. Mrs. Keith Miller read the Scripture lesson and gave a reading appropriate to the gen­ eral theme. Secretary, Mrs. John Grigg read a "■thank you” from the church wardens for the WA’s donation of $200, also a “thank you” from Dan Middleton for card sent while in hospital1. It was decided to hold a pre- lenten social evening on Friday evening, February 11> in the Goderich Township' Hall in Holmesville, as the previous party 'there was so successful. The committee in charge con­ sists of convener Mrs. Dutot; Auburn Veteran At 70 . AUBURN — Funeral services were held Thursday, February 3 for Russel King who passed away suddenly on Tuesday morning at his home tin the village. He was in his 71st year, was the sqti of the late Albert King and Annie Lawlor and was born in this district. He served in the 161st battalion overseas in World War I, 1914-1918. * For many years Mr. King operated the Auburn, hotel and was mailman from the CPR to the post office. He was prede­ ceased by his first wife Anna Stewart over 20 years ago. Surviving is his wife, the for­ mer Madeline Youngblut; two sons, Stewart, Toronto; Donald, Strathroy; two daughters, Mrs. Harry (Margaret) Phalen, Ac­ ton and Mirs. Warren (Pauline) Mitchell, Sarnia; five grand­ children and two great grand- chdldren 'and one sister, Mrs. Albert (Mildred) Killough, Springfield. T’he funeral held at the J. K. Arthur Funeral Home was in charge of Rev. John Wheeler to Blyth Mausoleum, with final buriial in Ball’s Cemetery. Pallbearers were Bert Criaig, Alvin Plunkett, Gordon Miller, Clifton McDonald, Wlillfaim Moss and William Dodd. Mem­ bers of the Blyth Legion held a service on Wednesday even­ ing. v r* -o HOLMESVILLE MRS. LLOYD BOND Phone 482-3210 Miss Sandra Williams, Burl­ ington spent the weekend With her parents, Mir. and Mrs. Har­ ry Williams'. 'Frank McCullough is a pat­ ient in Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don. Mr. and Mirs. Flrank Lawson and family, Londbn, were week­ end visitors with Mir. and Mrs. D. Gliddon. Mr. and Mirs. Dave Williams and baby, St. Marys, visited aver the weekend with the lady’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yeo. Community Card Party A successful card' party was held in, the Holmesville Hall (old schoolhouse.) on Tuesday evening, February 1 in aid of the Hospital Auxiliary. Winners at euchre were ladies' high, Mrs.. Clayton Hod'gins; flow, Mrs. F. Cantelon; V r committee, Mirs. Dan Middleton, men's high, Ken Harris; law, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Aidwinkle, Mrs. K. Miller, Mrs. Storey, Mrs. McCullough, Mrs. A. Miller. The members were reminded of the annual Women’s World Day of Prayer Service on Fri­ day, February 25 in S>t. And­ rew’s Presbyterian Church, Clinton. Lunch and a social half hour concluded a pleasant meeting. Personals Thomas Todd, Lucknow and Stewart Middleton attended the ■annual meeting and banquet of the Central Ontario Aberdeen Angus Association in Guelph last Saturday.--------—o----------- Idea To Stop Rabies In Dogs V The Ontario Humane Society has come up with a proposal which 'they feel could stem the spread of rabies, and protect families from getting the dis­ ease from their pets. The Society is proposing to the government that "no dog be licenced by a municipality until the owner can show proof' that the. dog has been inocu­ lated against rabies. The veterinarian issues an al­ uminum tag, along with a writ­ ten certificate for dogs inocu­ lated against rabies. These could be presented by the dbg owner when he makes applica­ tion for a licence for -his pet. f At the same time the Society recognizes the fact that the measure would not do anything about cats — and though the danger from these pets may be just as large, or larger than from dogs, they nevertheless suggest that control of dogs would at least help the situa­ tion. Edward Grigg; most lone hands, Ernest Dumin. “500" winners, ladies’ high, ’Mirs. Orville Blake; low, Mrs. A. Fisher; men's high, Larry Fisher; law, Edward Deeves. Lunch was served by the ladies at the close of 'the evening. /— . ................................. For the crushing and hauling of approximately 20,000 cu. yards of gravel to Township Roads in 1966; %” screen to be used and the crusher to be shovel-fed. Contractor to supply all requirements and to obtain and supply all gravel. Tender to state pit location ond approx­ imate yardage to be delivered from each. Work to be completed by June 19, 1966, under the supervision of the Road Superintendent and subject to the approval of the Dept, of Highways of Ontario. Tender to be clearly marked "Tender—Gravel" and must be in the Road Superintendent’s hands by 12 o’clock noon on March 1, 1966 and will be opened and considered on March 1, 1966 at 1:30 p.m. Tenders to be accompanied by a marked cheque for $300.00, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. i Allan Nicholson, Road Superintendent Egmondville, Ontario 6,7b ■mmZ $50.00 to $5,000.00 For Bills! House Repairs or any good reason . . . Well, call today or mail $ Request Coupon below. Name Address Phone Amount Required—$. ATLANTIC gjfc FINANCE i1 III i Illi S Hill II Bl DON MURPHY, Branch Manager 7 RATTENBURY STREET — CLINTON Phone 482-3486 You Are Invited to a at 8:00 p.m. in HENSALL LEGION HALL Thurs., Feb. 24 Hear All About The Latest in Weed Control Practices Sponsored by: , Interlake Chemical Services Limited and Agrospray Chemicals Limited z ARE YOU THE RIGHT MAN To Lease a Modern BP Service Station In CLINTON Do You Desire—INDEPENDENCE —TO BE YOUR OWN BOSS —TO MAKE MONEY —TO INVEST IN YOUR FUTURE , and are not afraid to work long hours. IF THE ANSWER IS YES—BP Canada Limited offers: —FINANCIAL assistance —FREE LIFE INSURANCE • —TRAINING ON SALARY —3 YEAR LEASE For Further Information — Phone Collect MR. I. S. FITZ-GERALD DAYS: 471-0320 EVENINGS: 471-0745 Or Write To BP CANADA LIMITED 1215 OXFORD STREET WEST = LONDON, ONTARIO I 5.6.7,8b z I 1