The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-09-07, Page 10THE TIMES-ADVQCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO,THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 7, 1950 Specfafors, Performers Make I Lions CarnivalSuccess Of The Lions Club Roller Skating i Desjardine, David Green; 10 to Carnival held at Grand Bend onil4 years. Francis Green, Ronald Friday drew hundred of specta­ tors and performers to take in skating and costumes tests, Winners of fancy dress turne contests were: Under eight years, Tommy Banister, Karen Taylor and Karel Hodgert. Con­ solation prizes were given to all the others in this kiddies’ class. Other winners were: Eight to 10 years, Norman Huggins, Judy Part eon- cos- L Phone 421 Previews its Coming AttractionsTHURS., FRI., SAT, September 7-8-9 Marie Windsor, John Emery, Wallace Ford, Jack Lambert, Larry Johns. i B I. CN&qffi Whose Only Weapon Was LOVEl Melsaae, Jerry Mathers. Winners of the amateur skating contest were Lillian Connolly, Marie Od- bert, Phyllis Huggins. Norman Huggins and Mary Banister were winners of the fancy skating­ prize. Judges for the events were Mrs. Edgar Fink and Mr. and Mrs. George Fink, Detroit. Judge J. J. Coughlin, Wind­ sor, and Jerry Mclnnes, of Lon­ don, picked winners of give-away prizes. Winners were J. Ander­ son, Stratford, chair; J. Secord, Brand Bend, radio; Keith Ogil­ vie. Grand Bend, pair of blan­ kets; Donald Dunugin, Thedford, iee box; Della Baird, Grand Bend, lamp; Hilton Trumner, (Grand Bend, electric kettle; I Newton Hayter, Parkhill, ear | rug; Bill Hyatt, London, a gal­ lon of anti-freeze; Gordon Grey, I Parkhill, motor oil; Olive M. i Gill, Brampton, lamp. James Dalton served as master of ceremonies and Griffin Tho­ mas and W. J. Holt supervised events. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCool, of Wingham, called on Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hoppei' on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Robertson and David are enjoying a motor trip in the United States, Mr. and Mrs. Mae Walker and son Bill, of Toronto, called on Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Traquaiv Sat­ urday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Parker, of Holt, Mich,, visited at the home of Mr. Frank Sheere for the hol­ iday week-end. They were ac­ companied home by Mrs. Blanche Boyle who is spending a few days there. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Colling­ wood, Russell and Grant spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alderson of Arkona. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Moore and children of Toronto visited their parents the latter part of last week and the holiday. Mr, Moore returned the first part of the week while Mrs. Moore will remain here for several days. Mrs. Norman Hockey spent a week in Toronto visiting brother-in-law and sister Mr. Mrs. R. Simpson and spent eral days at the C.N.E. Mr. Grant Collingwood, her and sev- This Bofors gun Korean coast in DESTROYERS STAGE SURPRISE RAIDS ON COAST — Canadian destroyer Athabaskan has shelled the enemy-held 1. A/ H I* / CANADIAN aboard thu sudden raids on military targets. Landings have been made without casualties to place S. Korean troops ashore to haress the enemy from the rear. Able Seaman G. H. Boyd of Tor­ onto (left) and Ordinary Seaman L. W. Knox of Brandon, Man., are shown here readying the gun for action, The two other Canadian destroyers Sioux and Cayuga have also par­ ticipated in raids. —'Central Press Canadian 'Hats Off To Lucan P Speaker Tells Large Booster Night Crowd The railway strike prevented r soon find out the country to > toJohn A. Marsh from speaking at! which they belong belongs _ i t* t\tvs c, V* r\ rl -vr ’*Lucan s Booster Night last Wed-I somebody else.” Urging listeners to takenesday but his place was ably! greater interest in government, G. Kirkton Club Parade Features Zurich Frolic Hensall Wins Ball Tourney A monster parade and sports featured the Lions Club Labour Day celebration at Zurich, Forty- two floats, decorated bicycles and clowns joined the blocks- long parade led by the New Dundee Clown Hensall won games played, wood S-6 and Paul Brothers, sented entertainment in the eve­ ning and Victor Diunin showed free movies for Float Prizes Parade prize ed: Best comic and family merchant’s float egg grading station, Zurich Hydro-Electric, Dominion Hotel; manufacturer' fleisch mill; Thiel, Lloyd A. Merner; Lions Club, Band. both of two ball defeating Dash- Zurich 9-2. The of Kirkton, pre- the children. winners includ- float, Earl Thiel best industrial or Silverwood’s ’s float, F. C. Kalb- comic car, Lewis Miller and Bill and decorated car, the driven by Jacpb Mr. and Mrs. James Lawson visited over the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Lawson, Jimmy and Karen, of Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. R. Norman and son David, of Tillsonburg, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Traquair on Sunday. Mr. Norman was a former flying officer at the R.C.A.F. station, Centralia. Mr, and Mrs, William Gibson and family returned this week from a trip to the west. COMING EVENTS O.E.S. BAZAAR — October 19 50. Details later. 14, 7c Haberer; consolation award, G, Hess, E. Haberer and R, How- aid; boy’s bicycle, Jack Yung* blut, Robin Myers; girl’s bicycle, Marion Fleischauer and Mary Geiger, Mary Ellen Thiel and Elaine Grainger; national cos­ tume, Linda Bedard, THEATRE GRAND BEND PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS FRIDAY and SATURDAY September 8,-9 MOM’S Great Drama of the Adventurous West ★ ★ ★ Robert Taylor John Hodiak Arlene Dahl in Ambush’ Pius Short ‘ONTARIO LAND OF LAKES’ of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cann of Usborne have moved into their new brick residence on Sanders street. Mrs. Norman Hannigan spent last -week visiting with Mrs. G. Freckleton at Port Elgin and Mrs. D. McGinnis at Paisley. Mr. and Mrs. Erie Campbell, of Belmont, spent the holiday week-end. in Exeter. They brought home w i t h them the former's f father, Mr. Andrew Campbell, , who has been ill in hospital. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Randall. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Randall, (sun David, and also Mr. and | Mrs. Bob Stiison were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank ■ Taylor. MON., TUES., WED. September 11-12-13 TOWN HALL : ANNE REVERCB^.^ h filled by Fred G. McAllister,! he said: “We must keep control former mayor of London. J of our Mr. McAllister was warm in .hands.” his praise of the Lucan commun- ' “This ity for their fine new arena. “1; helped you to realize how you want to take my hat off to you,”;can help to keep Canada yours.” he said. “While W'e in London < The annual Booster Night is were holding out our hand to ■ sponsored by the business men governments in Ottawa and Tor- J in aid of the Lucan and Com- onto for help in erecting our. munity Memorial Centre, was an arena, you people have been put- ' outstanding success and thor- ting your nose to the grindstone oughiy enjoyed by all. and building it yourself.” The stage performance, with Mr. McAllister spoke on “This ’ Leon Paul as master of cere- Canada of Ours”, the title of monies, featured outstanding ar- the speech Mr. Marsh was to • tists, who delighted the large have given. xuCu UI Referring to the railway strike ! many handsome prizes, which had just been settled by J The draw for two lambs— parliament, he said “Some peo- donated by Mr. W. S. O’Neil & affairs in our own community building has ! ! 1 i Views Com Experiments in crop improve­ ment on the farm of Arbogast Bros., R.R. 3, Stratford, were viewed by members of the Kirk­ ton Boys' and Girls’ Corn Club at the fifth monthly meeting there Thursday evening. Ray Ar­ bogast, president of the Perth County Crop Improvement Asso­ ciation, is carrying out variety tests with soy beans and hybrid corn in co-operation with the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph,- and the experiments proved of interest to club mem­ bers. An extensive series of fertilizer tests is also under way. Round table discussion fol­ lowed field inspection. Bob Card of Mitchell discussed fertilizers and Ray Arbogast spoke on weed Harvest Home ice James Street W.A> Sun., Sept. 17 11 a. in, — Guest Speaker — REV. ANNE GRAHAM Assistant Pastor of Metropolitan United Church, London — Guest Soloist — BOB STEVENS Tenor, of London. Pupil of W. R. Goulding and contestant on CFPL’s ‘Search for Talent’ ■ audience, Then came bingo, with ‘ control. Norman McCully of St. 1 Marys discussed storage of grain corn. xx. s>. wx’.cxi oc Gladys Switzer, vice-president, pie think Canada is run by big • Sons— was wen by A. Lockwood conducted the business part of corporations, others think big of Delaware. The mystery prize ’ the meeting, assisted by Lois unions run the country. But to- (a jwp-up toaster donated by;Nethercott, secretary. A bus tour day we find out that Canada is Mr. Steele of Woods Mfg. Co.) ‘to the corn-growing area of run by us and our representa- was won by Miss Gladys Me-' Kent County was proposed for tives. Runu. Other valuable prizes were September 23. It was decided “Does Canada belong to us or t won by Allan Ryan, Bert Sales, that, because of the late matur- do we belong to Canada? That1 Dave Youngson, Granton; Frank ity of corn this year, achieve- is one of the biggest questions Hicks, Centralia. , ment day would be postponed in the world today.” The speaker The dan-e was sponsored by t until late in October. It is gen- illustrated his point by the war ’ the local Junior Farmers in aid ; erally held in conjunction with in Korea. “If people believe they of the Memorial Centre. Music just belong to a country, they’,was by Fletcher’s orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cole and: Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Werner Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood re-,and two daughters were guests turned home the end of last;at the home of R. E, Russell week after visiting in Fort Wil- over the week-end. u^d attending the wedding | Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dunsford L4^S’ m uMlt?r J,r‘; and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gent- LJJJL J.Lh ttier ailrt Shirley spent the holt- the Kirkton Fall Fair. Mrs. Arbogast served lunch to members after the meeting. R, E. White, agricultural represen­ tative, was in charge, assisted by Jack Urquhart, club leader. EJ MONDAY and TUESDAY September 11-12 ★ Robert Mitchum ★ Janet Leigh in a holiday of teasin’ and. squeezin’ "Holiday Affair’ SHORTS ‘Flicker Flashback’ and ‘Donald’s Happy Birthday’ WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY September 13 - 14 ★ Alan Ladd 4r Wanda Hendrix ‘After Midnight’ Ladd in a hand-to-hand combat in war-torn Mediterranean SHORT SUBJECT ‘Fall Guy’ For Health’s Sake Roller Skate EXETER ROLLER SKATING RINK SKATING MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS Skating 8:00 to 11:00 P.M. SATURDAY AFTERNOONS 2:00 TO ADULTS 350 CHILDREN REFRESHMENT BOOTH Hot Dogs French Fries Ice Gum Cigarettes 4:00 P.M. 250 a All those interested in the re­ organisation of the Men’s Bowl­ ing League are invited to attend. MATINEES SATURDAY AND HOLIDAYS *AT 2:30 PAL WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY MONSTER PARADE « TRIALS RACES ® BANDS • SOFTBALL * JUNIOR FARMERS’ TRACTOR RODEO ® REGIONAL HEREFORD BREEDERS’ SHOW =• DANCE AT NIGHT e Grandstand Performance Wednesday Admission id Grounds and Grandstand 250 marriage took place in Wesley ’ United Church with reception at the home at 1444 Ridgeway. Fort William. On the return trip home they visited In Sauli Stu. Marie with Mr. Woods* sister. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Anderson and family and at Goderich with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Linklater, sis­ ter of Mrs. Wood and Mrs. Cole. Miss Olive Wood, R.N., of Toronto and Miss Elaine Haines. iR.N., of Gleneden spent the holi­ day week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. St. Clair Shores and Mrs. Frank week-end. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Land and family of Royal Oak, Michigan, and Mr. and Mrs. Reg Wuerth of London visited at the home of A. E. Wuerth over the week­ end. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Theimer of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Swartz, London, called on friends and relatives over the holiday. Rev. and Mrs. Laurence H. Turner and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Cook and others. Mrs. R. L. Clarke of Toronto is a visitor this week with Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Down. Mr. and Mrs. George Griffiths of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bailey are holidaying with Miss Annie Handford. Mrs. Clara Hallern and Mr, Sam Grainger attended Decora­ tion Day services at Clandeboye oil Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Powe recently returned from' a two* month trip to the west coast. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davis were Mr, and Mrs, Roy Davis of North East Penn­ sylvania, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burkhart and two children of Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Millen of Chatham, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Davis and Allen of Lon­ don and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Burk­ hart of Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hanni­ gan and son of Toronto are spending a week with the form­ er’s mother, Mrs, N. Hannigan. Jack Taylor of visited with Mr. Taylor over the i day week-end in Cleveland, Ohio and visited with the former s sister-in-law Mrs. Belle Dunsford and daughter Mrs. Bernice Holtz. The Mason-' Order, after be­ ing dosed for the summer months, will hold their regular meeting nex* Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Coombe, with their sun Leonard and lady friend from Lincoln Ave., High­ land Park, Mich., made a short call Sunday with their cousin, Mrs. E. J. Miners. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Pearce of Ilona and Mr John Orchard and Albert and Miss Mary Orchard of Shedden visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. W, C. Pearce. R. E. Russell and son Bob visited the C.N.E. on Thursday of last week. Mrs* John Perki ns Dies Following Long Illness Mrs. John Perkins passed away at her home in Exeter Monday following a lengthy Illness, She was in her eighty-fifth year. Mrs. Perkins was the former Serena Elizabeth Vanstone and she came to Exeter from Lambeth sixty- three years ago following her marriage to Mr. Perkins. Surviving besides her husband are one daughter, Mrs. William Hunter, of Exeter; four sons, Roy and Gordon of Detroit, Nor­ man and Fred of Estevan, Sask.; one sister, Mrs. Emerson Cornell of Lambeth (all of whom were present for the funeral); also two brothers, Edward, and Frank Vanstone, of Lambeth. There are thirty-three grandchildren. Mr. Perkins was taken ill the day his wife passed away and on Thursday morning he was taken to hospital in London for an operation. Deceased was a member of the Pentecostal Church and the fun­ eral Thursday afternoon from the Hopper-Hockey funeral home conducted by Rev. H. T. Ken­ drick. The grandchildren acted as pallbearers and flower-bearers. Interment was in the Exeter Cemetery. William Henry Cooper Mr. William Henry Cooper, who for a number of years has resided In Exeter North, died Saturday at the home of his son Hubert in Stephen Township. He was in h i s seventy-fiftu year and had been ill for almost a year, about farmed Thames Mrs. name was Emma Wickert, pre­ deceased him by five years. Surviving are five sons and one daughter, Ernest, of Exeter; Manford, of Egmondville; (Cora) Mrs. Ezra Parkinson, of Mit­ chell: Hubert, of Stephen; Vivan and Orville, of Kippen; also one sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Wilkinson, of London. The funeral Tuesday after- nooh was held from the Hopper- Hockey funeral home, conducted by Rev. Mr. Kendrick of the Pentecostal Tabernacle. Inter­ ment was in the Parkhitl Ceme­ tery. The pallbearers were Messrs. Milford and Edward Prouty, Harry, Norman and Ross Bat­ tram and Roy Smith. Before coining to Exeter eleven years ago, he in Hibbert and on the Road. Cooper, whose maiden i Misses Carrie and Minnie May of Toronto visited with Miss May Jones and called on other relatives over the week-end. LAC and Mrs. James W. Low are visiting in Brownsburg, Que. with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Low and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dale of St. Thomas visited for a few days with Mrs. Charles Dale. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Gable of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. How­ ard Ford and two sons, Perry Lee and Terry E., of Brampton, visited with Mrs. Frank Brierley and other relatives over the holiday. One of the guests at a negro weding approached a man who was very dressed up.» “Pardon, suh,” he said, “but Is you de groom?” “No suh, I ain’t,” the man re­ plied with a sorrowing look, “I was eliminated in the semi* finals,” Cream Chocolate Bars WESTERN FAIR Six Jays of glorious entertainment for everyone » « . horticultural and industrial displays » • . the famous Conklih Midway . * . livestock) agriculture and dairy exhibits . * * dog, horse and flower shows * . . many wonderful attractions too numerous to mention. GRANDSTAND PERFORMANCE each afternoon and night. Tickets now on sale $1.50, $L25 and $1.00. FASHION SHOW each night exdept Saturday, 8:00 p.m., in “The Theatre”^ Manufacturers Building. HORSE SHOW each flight starting Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. And Saturday after&oon at 1:30 p.m. in the Ontario Arena. HARNESS RACES eadh afternoon —- Tuesday) Wednesday) Thursday and Friday. WESTERN FAIR Sept 11th « 16th W* D. Jackson, General Manager