The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-08-31, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 31, 1950 Evening Service One garage will be open in Exeter on Sundays, Wed-* nesday afternoons and dur- , Ing the evenings through- ’* out the week. ■ Open this Sunday, Wednes- day afternoon and during the evenings throughout the week: Campbell & Crompton Service Station CLASSIFIED RATES 25 words or less * 350 More than 25 words ljc per word, Subsequent Insertions 25c More than 35 words lc per word. Senoi-Displtiy Classifieds (restricted to one column) First Insertion 84c per inch Subsequent Insertions 70c per inch Classifieds calling for a number 10c extra. Bookkeeping charges will added to all accounts not paid within one month, Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction .sale copy should be in Tuesday at the latest. box be '0 Exeter Radio & Electric 0 o o Electric Wiring House and Car Radio Repair Large and Small Appliances Lighting Fixtures DON JOLLYPHONE 187-W Poultrymen Note Fall Wheat Is Now Being Harvested and You Will Want to Feed It to Your Chickens GREENWAY Mrs. A. F. Matthews of Lon­ don spent a couple of days last week with her sister, Mrs. W. T. Ulens. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Curts and family are on a motor trip visiting relatives in Winnipeg. Mr. Claude Dettioff of Detroit is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Albert Pollock. Mrs. Hal Richards, Mrs. Mary McCoy and Miss Ruth McCoy of Aurora, Ill., are visiting relatives and friends here. Congratulations to Mr. Mrs. Harvey Eagleson on birth of a, Mr. and and Robert spent a few relatives here. Mrs. A. McIntosh returned to Kalamazoo them on Friday. We extend sympathy to Maude Hodgins and Mrs. sell Hodgins in their sistei’ in Toronto on day. Mr. and Mrs. McMaster* son of Bothwell, and Mr. Mrs. Ross Pollock of London visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pollock and Carl, Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, Clifford Whiting (nee Miss Dorothy McKane) who were mar­ ried in Toronto on Saturday. Miss Marion Woodburn spent a couple of days last week with Miss Marjory Pollock of London. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dawson, Murray and Miss Eleanor Daw­ son of Hensall visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bro- phey -and Frances. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Horner and Betty Ann and Mr. and Mi’s. Bob Porter and Clair of Parkhill are on a motor trip to Nova Scotia. Mrs. Fred Steeper had the misfortune last week to fall, in­ juring hex* knee. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Jerry Brophey hill spent a couple of week with Mrs. W. T. Master Peter Fallis Forest is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey and Frances. WANTED with and the daughter. Mrs. Jim Wellman of Kalamazoo, Mich., days last week with with Miss Man- the passing of Sun- and and of Park- days last Ulens. of Mount PLAY SAFE — Do Not Feed New Grain to Poultry Before October 1 New’ grain does not always “poison” flocks of poultry but it OFTEN does. FOR SALE—-Durham cow, to calf September 3,. carrying third calf. Phone 84-r-3 Zur- rich, Sol Gingerich. 17:24:31c FOR SALE—Purebred Yorkshire hogs, 6 months old, Alberta breeding, — Filmer Chappel, Cromarty, phone 44-r-12 Dub­ lin, 24:31* FOR SALE *— Cement gravel, sand and fill. Garfield Brock, trucker; phone Mrs. J. Stew­ art, 54-r-8 Kirkton. 24:31;7* REG. HEREFORD BULLS for sale—T.B. tested, serviceable age, good rugged calves. At farmers’ prices. Also a few females, —E. R. O’Neil, Den- field P.O., Granton, 27-r-15, 2 roads south of Elginfield, sec­ ond farm east No. 4 highway, 15 con. London. 24:31:7:14* FOR SALE—W li i t e enamelled coke stove, only been used one winter. Also one Signal Oak coal heater, with new fire pot. Both in excellent condition. — Clare Melick, phone 125 Dash­ wood. . 24:’31:7* MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS — From your local agent. Any magazine any time. —Harry T. Buston, phone 4 61-J Exe-' ter. 31c FOR SALE'—McCormick Deering combine (52) with Continent­ al motor, used two seasons.— Wally Wein, Dashwood. 31;7* FOR SALE—Pinto pony, well broken to saddle. Apply Dick Manore, Grand Bend, phone 62rl. 31c WANTED—Baby’s bed, Phone 3 (MV Exeter. 31c WANTED TO RENT—Farm up to 100 acres, with buildings. Write P.O, Box 92, London, Ont. 24:31:7* LIVESTOCK WANTED — Up to $5.00 each for Dead or Dis­ abled Horses, Cows, Hogs, at your farm, Prompt service. Phone collect Exeter 287-W. William Stone Sons. Limited, Ingersoll, Ont. 10:17:24:31c WANTED—Home and care for elderly lady (not confined to bed) within reasonable dis­ tance of Exeter.— Call Rus­ sell Moore, 682r4 Hensall. * 34:7* WANTED—Immediately! A fur­ nished apartment, 2 or-.more rooms, in or around Exeter; couple with one child. Write Box’ “U”, Times-Advocate. 30* REAL ESTATE 100 ACRES FOR SALE—This is one of the most productive farms in this district. It has a good set of buildings with hydro and water pressure. This farm may be bought with immediate or fall possession. —C. V.. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. 27c i Feed SHUR-GAIN Complete Feeds until your own grain matures then change to SHUR-GAIN Egmaker Concentrate and grain 1 to 3 This program will keep your flock out of ble and squeezes the MAXIMUM PROFIT from laying flock. trou- vour More and more practical poulti’vmen ing to profitable SHUR-GAIN. are switch- CANADA’S MOST POPULAR FARM FEEDS 32% 17% 30% 17% 15% 14% Shur-Gain Egmaker Cone. Shur-Gain Laying Mash Shur-Gain Developing Cone. Shur-Gain Growing Mash Shur-Gain Range Pellets Shur-Gain Fattening Mash $5.95 $4.10 $5.80 $4.10 Pellets $4.25 $3.90 $4.25 $3.80 $4.05 CANN’S MILL LIMITED Higgins-Down Wed In Strathroy At Bethesda United Church, Strathroy, Edith Helen, daught­ er of Richard Down, R. R. 7, Strathroy, and the late Mrs. Down, became the bride of Ray­ mond Nelson Higgins, The Rev. R. C. Wright, Kerwood performed the ceremony against a background of pink and white gladioli, of the music, ter of The riage Down, eyelet she carried a white Bible, with floral streamers. As maid of hon­ or, Miss Leola Down, cousin of the bride, wore pink nylon sheer. Roy Gibson, Dashwood, was groomsman. Ushers were Ken­ neth Irwin, Appin, cousin of the bride, and Ralph Sweitzer, Exeter, nephew of the groom. Guests were received, follow­ ing the ceremony, in the church parlors. Mr, and Mrs. Higgins make their home in Exeter.I ! j Customer: “My goodness, I are high!” i Grocer: "Sure, part of the program.” Customer: "How?” Grocer: “All the hens making shells.” FOR SALE,—2 plaid wool dres­ ses, size 8, blue coat size 4, wine coat size 6, green coat size 10 (winter).—Call Times- Advocate. 31c PLUMS FOR SALE—85 c. six- quart basket.—First farm in the second mile and a quarter south of Dashwood. Phone 31r44. 31c Exeter. Leroy Harris, cousin bride, played the wedding Mrs. Austin Gibson, sis- the bride sang. bride was given in mar- by her brother, Robert She wore a gown of white and a fingertip veil and will eggs war are WHALEN CORNERS the Back to School Shoes ComfortableSmart A New Complete Line of Shoes for CHILDREN j Young Men Black Basketball Shoes ows EXETER For satisfying results, try Want Ads. EXETER Canvass Gym Shoes Fall Casuals in PHONE 376 FOR .SALE—350 New Hampshire and Rock pullets, laying. Mrs. John R. Stewart, R.R. 1 Hen- sall. Phone Hensail 692r41. 31* FOR SALE—4 Holstein heifers due to freshen in Nov.; Hol­ stein cow carrying second calf, due Sept. 1. Apply Blair Bros., R.R. 1 Centralia. 31* FOR SALE—Cheap! Two chests of drawers, kitchen cabinet, small cook stove, dresser* and stand. —Phone 27 6-J.31c FOR SALE—Cornell seed wheat, guaranteed free from sprouts. —'Chester* Dunn, 45S-r-4, Exe­ ter. 31c FOR SALE-—7 yearling Hereford steers, good quality. Apply to Jack Caldwell, phone 13-r-ll Exeter, Ont. 31* FOR SALE-—Studio couch and chair, in good condition. —- House 102, R.C.A.F. Station Centralia. 31* FOR SALE—19 36 Olds coach in good condition, $225. Apply Home 124 Centralia Airport. 31c FOR SALE—About 3 dozen fruit sealers, pints and quarts, $1 per dozen. —Phone 442-W. 31* FRESH HONEY—Open d ay at Clandeboye on Friday for fresh honey sale. Also a quan­ tity of seed rye for sale. W. F. Abbott, Exeter. 31c ■FOR SALE—Kitchen cabinet in good condition, $5. —Phone 15 Exeter. 31*----------------------------------------—- FOR SALE—("ream enamel black trim, combination coal and wood stove, in good condition, reasonable. Apply to Box “E”» Times-Advocate. 30c Changing Sport Scene (Stouffville Tribune) Canadian sport seasons, pre­ viously regulated largely by the weather, have been turned topsy­ turvy by floodlights and the latter label. With summer just under way in Eastern Canada, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and Hamilton rugbyists are getting ready for the late summer and early fall. Likewise in Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg and Regina they are training for the fall games and, curiously enough, despite the earlier fall there, they play most of their contests at night. Both East and West m i d - A U g ti S t games are planned. Baseball is in full swing now and rugby will overlap it con­ siderably because floodlights will permit more ball playing dates that are revenue producing. Hoc­ key will crowd into the picture, due to artificial rinks, almost before baseball is pushed off the scene and certainly before the rugby season ends. When big money gets into sport, ways and means are found to extend the seasons and close the gaps that .previously existed. Fans now can see rugby in the afternoon and hockey at night. There is follower, likes it certainly jections. the introduction of professionalism, under the amateur no rest for the Sport but that is the way he and the promoters are not raising any ob- WE HAVE FOR SALE houses in Exeter, Hensall,’ Clinton and Mitchell. Stores in Huron and Middlesex. 22 farms of 1 to 275 acres in Huron, Perth and Middlesex.—W. C. Pearce, Realtor. Earl Parsons, Sales­ man, Exeter. '31tfn FOR SALE:—'Frame stable, corn­ er ‘Huron and Andrew Sts.— Apply Mrs. II. Armstrong, Huron St. 30* ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW for sale—This 2-bedroom home is well located in Exeter. It has ■bright well arranged rooms and all modern conveniences. Quick possession. —C. V. Pic­ kard, Realtor, Main St., Exe­ ter. I7tfc TENDERS WANTED Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation 395 Fleet St. West, Toronto TENDER — CENTRALIA NO. 4/50 Construction of Concrete Reservoir Sealed tenders, plainly marked as to content and addressed to the undersigned, will be received in this office up to 4:00 p.m., Thursday, September 7, 1950, for the construction of a 200,000 Imperial -Gallon Concrete Reser- voix* and related Piping and Pumping Requirements to be located at the R.C.A.F. Station, Centralia, Ontario. Plans, specifications and forms of tender required may be ob­ tained at the address shown ab­ ove, at our Branch Office, General Products Building, 343 Richmond St., London, Ontario, and also at the Centralia Station, attention, ParkerMr. W. Henderson, % Construction Co. Each tender must be panied by a security MISCELLANEOUS LOST AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any sb?e, any age. r—G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. May 4*tfc PAPERHANGING & PAINTING -— Paperhanging a specialty. Work guaranteed,—Mr, Nixon, phone 380-M Exeter, 18tfc LOST—In Exeter, first part of the week, lady's wrist watch with leather strap, western buckle. Reward. Finder phone 378-J, 31c PERSONAL SPRAY PAINTING ■— Houses, barns, sheds, roofs, etc. Free estimate. — G. W. Eagleson, phone 40-T-2 Dashwood. 27:10:17:24:31:7* SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 lbs, New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new heal­ thy flesh; new vigor, New “get acquainted” size only 60$. All druggists. BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, fin­ ancial statements, income tax reports, auditing, etc. —Nor­ man Cowan, Hay P.O., phone Dashwood 40-r-13. 10:17:24:31c WORK WANTED NOTICES EXPERIENCED Tractor Oper­ ator available evenings 6 to 10, vicinity of Exeter. Reply with phone numpex’ to Box “A” Times-Advocate. 31* NOTICE—Will the party that loaned an auto rug to Mrs. Clayton Sims .the night of their car accident, please call 63r3 Crediton to claim same. 31c AUCTION SALES NOTICE — Whitewashing. Ar­ rangements can be made. — Bill, Watson, phone 35-r-19 Dashwood. A24-N23* Rawleigh Customers I am giving up the Rawleigh Agency. All goods are now on sale. Orders over $1.00 10% off, over $10.00 15% off, except minerals, sprays and. spices which are 10%. Orders will be taken over phone or through mail. I will make delivery into Hay and Stephen in September., others call at my home. Be prepared to settle old ac­ counts when I call. Send in orders early while stock is com­ plete. Will be home evenings and Saturday afternoons. Bring profit Kitchener Stock Yards sell by PUBLIC AUCTION EVERY THURSDAY AT 1 P.M* a large offering of Dairy Cows, Market Cattle, Feeders, stockers, Calves, Hogs, Sheep, Horses Ship your livestock to the largest Auction Market in On­ tario with room for 25 car loads. Three auction rings operate at one time. The modern way to market livestock. Accurate ac­ counting. Lunch counter. Ten acres parking area. ’ Foi’ a (big day come to Kitchener* next Thursday. F. J. Steffler, Manager Phone 2-9 671 tfc To sharing cards. E. L. JOHNSTON Rawleigh Dealex- Phone 183 Exeter tfn by AUCTION SALE Of Farm, Farm Stock Chattels The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction on Lot 14, Con. 5, Stephen Twp. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 at 1 o’clock sharp the following: ■CHATTELS: 7 pigs; 2 small calves; 14 cows; 2 heifers; 11 calves; set of sleighs; wagon box; fertilizer drill; fanning mill; set of scales; 5-ft. mower; hay in barn; hay fork, ropes, pulleys, slings; walking plough; bean cultivator; old disc; man­ ure spreader; binder; set of harrows; tractor plough; tractox disc; level’ harrows; lawn mow­ er; household furniture; hay rake; hay in field; oats in field; beans in field; 50 hens; 2 horses; half interest in thresh­ ing machine with bean attach- m ent; Allis-Chalmers tractor; rubber-tired wagofi and rack; bean boiler; fork, shovels, hoes, chains, whiffle trees, neckyokes, boxes, barrels, Dodge cax* and other articles. FARM—Being lot 14, conces­ sion 5, Stephen Township, con­ taining 100 acres, more or less. On the farm is a brick house, bank barn TERMS cash; real on day of days. Frank Taylor, Auct. Fred Dawson, Clerk Adam Kirchner and Estate of the late Karl Kirchner, Props. RE: ERECTION OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER TO TOWN whom it may concern: I have been authorized, By-law No. 14, 1950, of the Cor­ poration of Exeter, to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for the erection of the Village of Exeter to a town, said town to be named Exeter. And to apply further to the Ontario Municipal Board for the division of the proposed town into three wards with the following boundaries: • WARD 1—That portion west of Main Street, from the South Boundary to and including the south side of Ann Street and on the east side of Main Street, to and including the south side of James Street. WARD 2—That portion west of Main Street, from and including the north side of Ann Street, to and in­ cluding the south side of Gidley Street and on the east side of Main Street, from and including the north side of Janies Street to and including the south side of Gidley Street. WARD 3—That portion east and west of Main Street from and including the nol’th side of Gidley Street, to and including the North Bound­ ary. Please take notice that I am making the said application the this I accorn- deposit equal to five per cent (5%) of total tender. A certified clxeque or negotiable Government bond will be accepted as security de­ posit. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A. J. E. SMITH Regional Construction Engineer and pig pen. of sale: Chattels— estate—-10 per cent sale, balance in 30 HELP WANTED HOUSEKEEPER for home in town, ____ _____ Apply Post Office box 128 Exeter. 31:7* modern three adults. YiOUNG MAN WANTED to work on farm for about 2 months, good wages,— Sandy Elliot phone 64-W. 31c WANTE13—Young mail to learn auto mechanics. Apply .Post Office box 158, Grand Bend. 31c to atOntario Municipal Board date. 9 C. V. Pickard, Municipal Clerk, Exeter, Ontario. Dated at Exeter, Ont,, July 13/50 Jy 13: O 5c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of KARL KIRCHNER, Deceased. Take notice that all persons having claims against the estate of Karl Kirchner, late of Township of Stephen, in 1 County of Huron, Farmer, died on or about the 19th | of January. A.D. 1950, are ’ t 5 WANTED—Housekeeper for one adult in Exeter, Comfortable home with conveniences. Phone iOS or write box 311 Exeter. 31* help Wanted— Girl for store work, some experience pref- ferred. - - Phohe 52 Exeter. ... 31c the the who ■day _._______ __________Re­ quired to file the same with the undermentioned solicitor, after Which date the estate of the said deceased will be distributed with regard only to those ciaims of which notice shall then have been received. Dated at Exeter this 28th day of August, A.D. 1950. ELMER D. BELL, K.C., Solicitor for the Executors, Exeter, Ontario.% Linotype Apprentice A Splendid Trade for a Young Man With Reasonable Education Times-Advocate Give your white elephants ‘green backs* with Want Ads* in the Estate of LOUISA WILLIS, Deceased. Take notice that all persons having claims against the estate of Louisa Willis, late of Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died oh or .about the 17th day of August 1950, are required to file the same with the undermentioned solicitor on or before the 16th day of September A.D. 1950, after which date tlie estate of the said deceased will be distri­ buted with regard only to those claims of which notice shall the n have been received, Dated at Exeter this 28th day August, A.D. 1950* ’ ELMER D. BELL, ICC., Solicitor for the Executor, filxeter, Ontario. of Clearing AUCTION SALE Farm Stock, Implements, and Furniture E. Nairn, auctioneer, will sell by public auction oxi Lot 0, Con, 10, Blaiishard, 4 miles northwest of Granton TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 coniinCncing at 1 o’clock sharp the following: HORSES: Gelding, 8 years old; aged mare; aged driver. CATTLE: Two Holstein cows; Durham cow; 2 Durham and Polled cows; Jersey cow. The above cows all milking and due again in February. Six Hereford and Durham steers rising 2 years old; 7 calves, Durham and Here­ ford cross, rising 1 year old. HOGS: 26 store hogs, 100 lbs. each; 3 brood sows due in Octo­ ber and November; York hog. FEED: 8i acres of good corn; 9 corn cribs. IMPLEMENTS: M.H. Ixay load­ er, nearly new; Cockshutt corn cultivator, nearly new; Cock- sliutt manure spreader; 2 Mc­ Cormick mowers, 5 ft.; Letz grain grinder, new; set of Iron harrows; 2 disc harrows; wagon and box and rack; set of trucks; cultivator; liay rack and roller rack; single furrow riding plow; walking; roller; set of scales; 5 milks cans; Universal milker, 2 single units; wheel barrow; logging chains; blan­ kets; set of harness and collars; two robes; cutter; light wagon; cream separator, 700-lb. capac­ ity, with power attachments; 3 incubators; also a quantity of furniture. Positively no reserve, the farm is rented, TERMS: Cash. George M, Parkinson, Prop. W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer 31c of w.