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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-08-24, Page 10
Page 10 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 34, 1950 Famous Speaker, John Marsh To Highlight Lucan Program Known as one of the out standing speakers in Canada, John A. Marsh, M.B.H., will high light a star-studded program at Lucan’s annual Booster Night next Wednesday. Mr, Marsh, who is general manager of the Canadian Ex porters’ Association, has toured the United Kingdom, United States and Canada speaking on various phases of Canadiaii lite. For three years he was employed by the government to publicize Canada abroad, In 1942 he was featured as Canada's Man of the Week, and earlier was elected Hamilton’s man of the year. On the same program with Mr. Marsh will be the popular Paul Brothers from Kirkton and other professional performers in cluding Margaret Lewis, Doro thy Steadman, Slaughter, and an outstanding was presented Exhibition last Along with the entertainment there will be a draw for two lambs, donated by William S. Neal and son, four* door prizes ■and. a mystery prize. A dance, bingo and refreshment booths have also been arranged. The program will be held in Lucan Arena in aid of the Lucan and Community Memorial Centre. Admission price draw on lambs door prizes. Booster Night affair in Lucan, ized in 1937 by Mr. Erwin Scott, proprietor of Scott’s elevator and waxing plant. Although a very busy man, Mr. Scott finds time for the wel fare and promotion of youth in the district. Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, he is largely responsible for the erec tion of Lucan’s beautiful new arena, recently dedicated to the men who paid the supreme sac rifice in the two World Wars. The building, valued at $100,000, was erected by local labour and subscriptions at fifty percent of the estimated cost. Jan Say, Jerry The Knicklings— aerial act which at the Toronto year. On The Greens — By JMERL MODE — Thirty bowlers took part in the local jitney Tuesday night. The first prize was won by Betty Hockey, Irvine Armstrong and Dick Davis with a score of two wins plus 12. Vera Fraser, Ethel Mode and Ulric Snell with two wins plus 10 received second prize. Helen Rivers, Sylvester Taylor and Dick Seldon were close behind with two wins plus 8. Last strong, Rivers trebles most enjoyable time but did not bring home the bacon. Monday night was a busy night for the tournament bowl ers. Lex McDonald, Sylvester Taylor and Ken Hockey won fourth at St. Marys, while Shoot er Bill Sanders with Kay and Andy Snelgrove and Vi Hoppei* with Ila and Russ Snell attended a mixed trebles tournament at Strathroy. Friday night Irvine Arxn- Russ Snell and Harp took part in the Goderich tournament. They had a is an annual It was organ of. $1 includes and draw for CANADIAN AIRMEN IN TOKYO—Crew members of Cam ada’s 426 Transport squadron, on tlieir flights to Japan in the Mrs. Miners Observes Ninety-First Birthday Miners of Exeter will on Thursday celebrate her ninety-first birthday and will have the well wishes of many friends and relatives. In spite of I Pacific airlift, don’t have much time at the Far Eastern ter- Mrs. E. J. her age, Mrs. Miners is enjoying splendid health and is able to he up town each day. She is faithful in her attendance at the James Street United Church and also the bible class. During her lifetime she has been interested in missionary and temperance work. Born one mile south of Exeter her maiden name was Emma J. Balkwill, daughter of the late Silas Balk will. In 1875 she moved to Essex where in 1886 she was united in marriage with Rev. William Coombe. Mr. Coombe predeceased her in 1909 and she returned to Exeter where she was married to Mr. Miners, who predeceased her a number years. of f well minus, but they are -able to pose for a few pictures before turning round and making .the return hop. Shown in Tokyo are F/L F- J- Boland, Montreal, left, a navigator with £26 and F/L A. J. Byford, Ottawa, captain of aircraft, absorbing a little local color. /The Japanese is unidentified. —CPC Town Topics Items of Social and Personal Interest in and Around Exeter The Times-Advocate and our readers are is always pleased to publish these items. We interested in you and your friends. Phone 31w G. Appleton John Payne COMING EVENTS Remember the date, Wednes day, August 30, 1950, Lucan Booster Night, bigger and better than ever. Further details in next weeks issue. THEATRE Previews its Coming Attractions Phone 421 FRIDAY & SATURDAY August 25-20 ‘Buccaneer’s Giri’ - Colour by Technicolour - •k Yvonne de Carlo ft Philip Friend Thrills! Adventure! On the high seas! W. E. Welsh Was Co-Op Supporter William Edgar Welsh, a known resident of this commun ity, passed away at his home Monday following an illness of several weeks. Born in Exeter, a son of the late John Welsh, the deceased was in his sixty-fifth year. For thirty-five years he [farmed about a mile and a half [north of town and in 1945 re tired to Exeter. He was one of the leading men in the erection of the new Co-Op elevator and also erected a couple of homes in Exeter since leaving the farm. He was a member of the Trustee Board of James Street United Church and for several years was the president rades Bible Class. Surviving are widow, the former four daughters, Hurst (Feme); berts (Dorothy), Mrs. Fred Nixon (Ruby) , Mrs. Charles White (Marjorie), all of London; and one son, Donald, at home; also one brother, John of Middleport, N.Y.; and three sisters, Mrs. Mary Ham and Miss Emma Welsh, of Lyndonville, N.Y., and Miss Bessie, of London. The funeral took place Wed nesday afternoon from the Din- ney Funeral Home with Rev. H. J. Snell -and Rev. C. W. Down officiating. The pallbearers were Messrs. Albert Keys, Ben Case, Oscar Tuckey, Charles Monteith, Hector Taylor and Lloyd Taylor. Interment took place in Exeter Cemetery. of the Com- his bereaved Verda Short; Mrs. William Mrs. Lyle Ro- MONDAY & TUESDAY August 28-29 ‘Outside the Wall > Marilyn Maxwell Gale Storm All I know about dames I heard in prison . • * Now I can find out for myself! WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY August 30-31 ‘Tokyo Joe’ ★ Humphrey Bogart Alexander Knox MATINEES SATURDAY AND HOLIDAYS AT 2:30 P.M. Mr. and Mrs. D. and Mr. and Mrs. motored to Hamilton on Sunday to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. Payne are on holidays and will visit with their family, Mr. and Mrs. John Payne Jr., Mr. and , Mrs. Bill Weston, and Mr. and Ricci, Toronto. Appleton visited Mrs. Jack Rowe. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. with Hamilton, Reynolds, Vai Mrs. and Mrs, and Mr. the Charles Fear man, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson I of Caledonia visited their aunt, Mrs. Myrtle Senn on Sunday i last. I Miss Donna McDonald of Oil City spent a few days last week the guest of Miss Stella South cott "at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Harness and Mr. and Mrs Walter Har ness of London are this week enjoying a motor trip to North ern Ontario. Misses Lily Miller of town and Violet Hyde of Hensall are holi daying in Winnipeg, Man. Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Southcott have returned after spending a couple of weeks at Grand Bend. Mrs. Southcott stood the trip well and enjoyed the outing. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Brown of Amherstburg were Sunday guests with Mrs. L. C. Hicks and fam ily of Fairfield and also of Mr. and Mrs. J. Creech and Johnnie o f ,'ffi X t QTMiss L* E. Elliott, Carling St., returned home on Sunday after visiting with her niece, Mrs. A. A. Simpson, Strathroy, for ten days. Mr. Oscar Anderson of Sarnia, a former employee at The Times- Advocate (who now owns his own printing plant), called on friends in Exeter last week. LAC and Mrs. James Low of Whitehorse, Yukon, are holiday ing at the home of Mrs. Low«s mother, Mrs. T. Dinney. i Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Roulston of Simcoe visited over the week- i end in Exeter and were accom panied home by Gale and Karen, who have been visiting their grandparents, Mrs. Roulston and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Howafd, for several weeks. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Penhale, of I holidaying Dashwood, and Mr. apd Mrs. ampton. _ ' Arthur Ford, Detroit, visited re-1 Mrs. A. L. Munroe of Toronto is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Simon Greb. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Trieb- ner and Roy spent Sunday after noon with Mr. and Mrs. Corbett■ and Mr. and Mrs. sell Brintnell. Mr. W. G. Medd, who been visiting with his son Bruce at Napanee returned to Exeter last week. His many friends are pleased to see him out and around again following a pro longed illness. * Mr. and Mrs. Gcrdon Emmett of London spent the week-end with Mrs. Emmett’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Fraser. Mrs. Olive Hopkins of London visited over her sister, strong. Mrs. G. J. Nat Rus- G.nas Cadets Fail To See Royalty; They’re Busy With The Princess (Squadron Leader Carter Hovey, i former public relations officer at RCAF Station Centralia, writes the following story from the United Kingdom where he is ac companying Canadian Air Cadets on a goodwill tour.) Aberdeen Scotland, 13 Aug. 50 This morning the group of Royal Canadian Air Cadets touring the United Kingdom and Ireland set out from this beautiful city into the foothills of Scotland to visit the Scottish residence of the King and^ Queen at Balmoral. The original plan was that the cadets, would be received by the King and Queen but this was not possible as their majesties are remaining in London due to the imminent birth of a child .to Princess Elizabeth. The grounds and castle at Bal moral were (beautiful in the mor ning sunlight set against a back- drop of heather covered moun tains, with the river Dee flowing near at hand. The visit by the Cadets was a privilege which has seldon if ever been enjoyed by ,any other group as the King and Queen go to Scotland to rest and live in as great is possible during there. The group attended ! vice at the little Church of Scot- ' land at Crathie a few i yards from the castle. , vice was conducted by ; John ’ Lamb, Chaplain ' King. The King and Queen were - to have attended this service. The church was Crowded but no thing like the crowd that would have been present had their majesties been there when many have to be turned away. Thanks For Food Following the visit to the castle the party went on to the village of Braemar farther into the foothills where they attended a luncheon provided in their honour by the City of Aberdeen. On the drive to Braemar they passed Braemar Castle, the resi dence of Lord Tweedsmuir. At the luncheon the cadets were welobmed by the Lord Provost of Aberdeen, Duncan Frazer, who spoke of the great help that Canada had given to Scot land in the days of great food scarcity. To quote “You sent us ■parcels by the thousand which— I can assure you—brought com fort and variety when we were passing through lean years. For those gestures of your generosity we extend to you our most hearty thanks—and I am proud to meet you face to face—and offer the hand of friendship on this your visit to’ Auld Scotland.” The reception of the Canadian party in Scotland is typical of the welcome which they have re ceived during their tour, Every where people have made a great effort to make our stay here en joyable. Tb date the party has visited London, Cambridge, King’s Lynn, Cranweil, Edinburgh, and, of course, Aberdeen. Tomorrow we fly to Belfast where we will be received by the city and later by Sir Basil Brooke, Prime Min ister of Northern Ireland. From there we go to Wales and then to other cities on the west coast of England, On August 24 ,.we leave England for Canada. , Escorting officers on the tour are S/L S. C. Tugwell of Kings ton, S/L R. Smith of Hamilton and Mr, John Ayre of St. Johns, Newfoundland, who represents the Air Cadet League of Canada. privacy as their stay divine ser- hundred The ser- the Rev. to the Try a Want Ad—-A small doer of big deeds —Phone 31-W, W.O.A.A. Girls’ (Group Finals) EXETER - COMMUNITY PARK Thurs. Night Dashwood vs. Exeter Admission 35c Public School 15c THE' ANNUAL 1 Memorial Day Service the week-end with Mrs. Valeria Arm- Zion Cemetery Usborne Township will be held in Zion United Church Sun., Aug. 27 Donkeys Win Hensail Game The Hensail Legion sponsored an interesting “donkey baseball” game under the floodlights at the park Monday, which was largely attended. The teams were Tuckersmith “Toughies” and Hay “Huskies”. The score was 0-0 in favour ’of the donkeys end of the fifth inning. Hay team was as Earl Soldan, Harold Donald Mousseau, Ed Sandy McArthur, Bill Don Flear, H. Adkins, J. Adkins. TuckerSmith; John Sangster, Neil Campbell, Russ Pepper, Lome Hay, Rollie Smith, Jim Sangster, Jim Venner, Jack Tra- quair, Lome Broadfoot. Wohelo Class The Wohelo Class of Hensall United Church are planning a reunion picnic at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield, on Saturday, Septem- ber 2, at 2 p.m. All members ©f Miss Ellis’ former classes are invited. In case of inclement weather the picnic will be held in Hensall Community Arena. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hedden, Mr. and Mrs. George Hedden, Shirlene and Sharon, Hamilton, Mrs. Frank Balfour, Terry and Timmie, Port Dalhousie, were week-end visitors" with Mrs. C. M. Hedden and Herb. Mr. and Mrs, K. C. Passmore and Mr. and Mrs. Al Passmore and family, Aylmer, Rivers, Essex, were tors with Mr. and Passmore. A very pleasant spent at the home Mrs. William Hyde when Mrs. E. L. Mickle, Mrs. Jack Faber and Mrs. Florence Joynt arranged a lawn picnic in honour of their aunt, Mrs. Addie McLeod, of Calgary, who has been spending some time with friends and re latives in and around Hensall. Abo.ut twenty immediate rela tives' attended this gathering. Mr. ' ” “ * Donna ing at Queen. Mr. two-week trip to Manitowaning. Miss Ada Gramm of Adrienne, Mich., is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Gramm. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Case spent the week-end in London. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Perley and Sherrill of Montreal recently- visited with Mrs. Edna Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stowell, of Big Valley, Alberta, are vaca tioning on a trip through the New England states. at the follows: Koehler, Corbett, Coleman, A1I at 2:30 p.m. D.S.T. collections and donations for upkeep and cemetery. Ross W. Hern, Secretary, • R.R. 1, Granton, Ontario. ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE' FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS FRIDAY■SATURDAY August 25 - 26 Swashbuckling tale of adventure in old Mexico ‘The Eagle and the Hawk’ In Tecluiicolour - John Payne Rhonda Fleming Dennis O’Keefe CARTOON London Rink Wins fowling Tourney Three London rinks carried off half of the prize money at the Doubles tournament on the local greens Wednesday after noon and evening of last week." W. Stellard and F. C. Wilson, of the London Elmwoods, cap tured the Jones & MacNaughton ■trophy winning a Tip Top suit or overcoat They had three wins plus 36. Bend was the third ■plus 16. Second was won Fairbairn, 3 wins plus 27. Third prize, a nylon shirt, went to Sam Gra ham and Harry Bartlett, London Elmwoods, 3 plus 26. M. Dow and J. Hooper, Fairmont Club, London, won fourth with 3 plus 21. The only Exeter rink to emerge a winner were Lex Mc Donald and Merle Mode with 3 plus 13. T. Rayburn and W. W. Love, London Elmwoods, sixth prize with 2 plus 24. The weather was ideal. The tournament attracted the largest entry of the season with forty- two rinks participating. This ne cessitated a double draw, Three 15-aad games were played, was close to 1:00 a.m. when games were finished. Two-game winners were Dennis, London, plus 12; Armstrong and K. Hockey, Exe ter, plus 19; McCormick, Lon don, plus 7; w. H. Pollen and U. Snell, Exeter, plus 8; Hazle- Wingham, plus R. G. Seldon, ★ ★ ★ Mrs. J. W. recent visi- Mrs. John Moorehouse of Lam beth is visiting with Mrs. W. C. Pearce. Mr. Clarence Miners and Miss Victoria Miners of Saskatoon are visiting with relatives and friends in and around Exeter. Miss Meta Salter and her moth er are holidaying this week in Wingham with Provincial con stable Charles and Mrs. Salter. Misses Verna and Betty Coates are on a motor trip and other northern Masses Stella and Southcott and Mrs. cott attended the trousseau tea given by Mrs. R. G. Kelly of Belgrave for her daughter Lois, whose! marriage to Mr. Joseph Morgan of Ailsa Craig takes place this week. Several lads from Exeter are attending the United Church Camp north of Goderich this week. Among them are Ed Hun- ter-Duvar, Kevin Delbridge, __ Pollen, Jim' Tomlinson, Bob and Jack Robertson and Falls. Miss Shirley and kley are visiting in their aunt. Dr. Hugh Creech, ______ __ Joan, of Philadelphia, are visit ing for a few days with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Creech. Eight ladies from Exeter are ! this week at South- _________ __ __ _ They are Mrs. Otto Arthur Ford, Detroit, Malted re- Mrs. James Taylor, Mrs. J cently with Mr. and Mirs. Wil- Stewart Dick, Mrs. Andy Hamil- | liam Horney. Mr. Mac Campbell ton, Mrs. L. Gibson, Mrs. Wil- (and son, Tommy, and Bob Me-!“a,m Stone and Mrs. William Lean of Glanis called at the Etherington. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elliot of [Ingersoll visited oil Tuesday with Mr. ana Mrs. Wesley Jaques I !“r .1 prtcc nwri xr* and Mrs other, Mr. Thomas G. Hand- - —t j* . *urs-jford, who is visiting here from I Dousman, Wisconsin. | Miss Margaret Ritchie has re- ; turned to London after visiting ... ~ ...Aa Miss to North Bay points. Florence J. M. South- Richard Bill Me- Phyllis Mer- London with Truck Strikes Bump, Load Shifts, Spills A five-ton truck loaded with 250 bushels of loose grain over turned in a ditch a mile and one-half west of Hensall on No. 84 highway, spilling grain across the road, ditch and adjoinin’g field on Friday. The driver escaped uninjured after he was released from the. cab of the upturned vehicle by I home of Mr. and Mrs. Horney passing motorists. ion Monday. The accident occurred opposite i ■ “ the farm of Harold Bell at 3:30 and Ross and Mr. and Mrs.' j pan. The driver said he struck . Samuel Bower attended the fun- ’ a bump in the road and his load < eral of Charles E. Jaques in St. ’ I shifted. ’i’he steering wheel snap- J Marys on Monday. ( ped in two as he struggled to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ford ’ for* a^ounle"^ weeks "with keep the heavy vehicle on the j and two small sons have re-; Alice Handford, highway. j turned to Brampton after spend- J The wheat, owned by Sam ‘ ing two weeks’ vacation with f Hendrick of the Blue Water ■ Mr, and Mrs. Hilton Ford and' Highway, was being trucked to ’ Mrs. Frank Brierley. Hensall for processing by a local Mr. and Mrs. George Link of | mill. ; Dashwood and Mr. and Mrs. -- -____——— __■........... .......... Norman Kleinfeldt and Ruth and .............................. .. ..p i Miss Connie Ostland visited on (Sunday with Mrs. M. Jacobs and j family at the Old People’s Home i at Clinton. I Mr. Jutson Corbett of London [spent the week-end with his I parents, Mr, and Mrs. Nat Cor- I bett. ■ Mr. and Mrs, Matthew Brint- j nell of Saskatoon, Sask., spent i the past week with Mr. and Mrs. i Russell Brintnell and family of ’ town. Richard and i i i For Health’s Sake Roller Skate EXETER ROLLER SKATING RINK SKATING MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS Skating 8:00 to 11:00 P.M. SATURDAY AFTERNOONS 2:00 TO 4:00 P.M, ADULTS 350 CHILDREN 250 REFRESHMENT BOOTH Hot Dogs French Fries Ice Cream Glim Cigarettes Chocolate Bars 5 i Shingle Church Roof ? Cliff Brintnell and his men f are engaged in putting on green ‘ asphalt shingles on the roof of 1 the James Street United Church. It is a high building with a large roof. The weather, so far, has been fine for the job. Mrs. J. H. Willis Was 98 Years Old Mrs. John H. Willis, who for the past three years has made her home with Mr. and Mrs. Noble Scott, died Thursday of last week at an age that is esti mated at 98 years. For the past several months she had boon confined to her bed. Her maiden name was Louisa Bedford. She had been a resi dent of Exeter for many years, her husband having predeceased her in 1933. A number of nieces and nephews survive. The funeral on Saturday after noon was held from the Hopper- Hockey Funeral Home with Rev. H. J. Snell officiating. The bear ers were Messrs. Elmer Willis, Gerald Lawson, Albert Ethering- ton, Noble Scott and a Mr. Wil son and a Mr. Bedford of Lon don. Interment was In the Exeter Cemetery. time was of Mr. and W. Miller of Grand runner-up going into game with two wins prize, a windbreaker, by J. Vance and J. Of Tillsonburg, with won It the and Mrs. Don Rigby and of Blenheim are holiday- the home of Stewart Mc- Dave Sangster is on a SUNDAY MIDNIGHT MONDAY - TUESDAY August 28-29 Don’t miss the rest of the Jolson Story ‘Jolson Sings Again’ - in technicolor - A Larry Parks ★ Barbara Hale CARTOON “RAGTIME BEAR” WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY August 30 - 31 Greer Garson’s first technicolor picture and she’s glorious with Walter Pldgeon in the story of a fighting woman, and the romance that inspired her. ‘Blossoms in the Dust’ ALSO SHORT SUBJECTS made for two chairs Was alumin- won by 20; R. Exeter, ORCHESTRA L CL Btrllnthaw, Rrwrcfen* grove, Snell and plus 9. A draw um lawn Doug Knowles. a. l Mr. Frank Johns of Toronto and his sister, Mrs. Percy Mc- Falls sang a duet at the James Street United Church last Sun day morning. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. May are enjoying a motor trip to points in Michigan. Miss Ruby Steiner of Roches ter, N.Y., spent several days last week at the home of her bro ther, Dr. E. S. Steiner. Grand Bend Dancing Nightly NEIL McKAV