The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-06-22, Page 6page 6 the; times-advocate, exeter, Ontario, Thursday morning, june 22, 1950
Tank Sprayer
Cylinder Type
With Continuous Spray
ur Austin
Hand Sprayer
Defeat the Insects
with this
Continuous Sprayer
Fly Spray
5% DDT
)ies In Calgary
Word has been received of the
:eath of Arthur Austin of Cal-
;ary, Alta., who took ill in the
norning of June 7 ,and passed
way the same evening. He is
urvived by his widow, Vera
lobble.dick Austin, formerly of
Dxeter, two .sons in Calgary and
i, daughter in Toronto. Funeral
ervice was held in Calgary,
rune KJ.
House Sprayer - Only 45c
Use It Inside or Outside . . .
A Good Investment at Low Cost
Hand Cultivator
A Handy Tool that
Is Easy to Use
Pruning Shears
Sharp Shears that Do a
Fine Job on Shrubs and Trees
)ecorated Church
Scene Of Rally
There was a large attendance
t the Holy Name Rally in Our
<ady of Mt. Carmel parish last
unday. About 500 Holy Name
len frpm the parishes of Lucan,
•arkhifl, Zurich, French Settle
ment and Mt.
o the newly
f Mt. Carmel.
The special
lev. T. J. McCarthy, S.T.D.,
'eter’s Seminary, London. In an
ateresting address he outlined
he duty of the observance of
he Sunday. The Rev. J. F. Pa-
uette recited the Holy Name
atany, and the renewal of the
loly Name Pledge of reverance
or the Holy Name of Jesus was
ad by the Rev. J. M. Fogarty.
Benediction of
lacrament was given by Rev. J.
l. .Mackesy, assisted by the Rev.
V. Bourdeau and Rev. A. Lu-
ier. The choir rendered suitable
ausic and concluded by singing
he beautiful hymn "Holy God,
Ve Praise Thy Name”,
FOR SALE—Completely equipped
renovated house trailer, 22 x
8 feet, electric brakes, dolly,
hydro, furnished, stoves, ice
box, cupboards, wardrobes and
all effects. Enquire McCredie,
Ed’s Imperial Garage, Exeter,
beam "Shavemaster’’, —Phone
4 55-W.
FOR SALE'—'30 Chev, steel top,
good tires, heater, new brake
and clutch lining. Apply: Gor
don Hamilton, R.R. 1 Hensall.
Carmel marched
decorated church
speaker was the
■ - ------ St.
tlie Blessed
FOR SALE—Cabin trailer, sleeps
3, wired for hydro, ice box,
nice cupboards, very comfort
able. J. T. McCaughey, Blyth,
25 words or less - 350
More than 25 words,
13c per w’prd.
Subsequent Insertions 25c
More than 25 words
lc per word.
Semi-Display Classifieds
(restricted to one column)
First Insertion 84c per inch
Subsequent Insertions
70c per inch
Classifieds calling for a box
number 10c extra.
Bookkeeping charges will be
added to all accounts not paid
within one month.
Classified ads accepted up till
Wednesday noon. Auction sale
copy should be in Tuesday at
the latest.
WANTED-—W oman to scrub
store floor. Phone 52 Exeter,
Mayfair Bakery, 22c
GIRL OR WOMAN to operate
dishwashing machine full time
or "nights and Sundays. Write
oi* ’phone W. E. McIlroy,
Snack Shop, Grand Bend, Ont.
years of age; references re
quired; write or ’phone W. E.
McIlroy, Snack Shop, Grand
Bend, Ont. 22c
Grass Shears
Steel Blades —
Strong Wood Handles
bounty Council
—Continued From Page One
ssist them. The amount of
istance would be determined at
later date. The clause in the
ree cutting by-law dealing with
he 50-foot strip along roadways
zas deleted and a new by-law
assed to .restrict and regulate
he cutting of trees along road
Lawn Mower
Quality Mower at Low Price
14” Cut
Rakes, Hoes
and Spades
Strongly Made Tools That
Are A Pleasure To Use —
Take Your Pick At Traquair’s
rater Fair Gets Grant
Council after some delibera-
m authorized a grant of $100
the Exeter Agricultural So-
Ry for Regional Hereford
■eeder’s Show.
The executive committee
mmended that no grant
ven the Hereford Breeders
uncil in session threw* out
Non-Fading High Standard
recommendation on grounds that
it was discriminatory since both
the Shorthorn and Holstein
Breeders had been given grant.
The clause was amended by mo
tion of Reeves F. Sills and S.
Other grants authorized by the
council were: Canadian . Cancer
Fund, $500; Girl Guides Associa
tion, $100; and Ontario Tuber
culosis Association, $1000.
That Lawn
.Furniture Today
With Lowe Bros.
House Paint
Miracle Paint Brush Cleaner
That Will (‘lean Any Brush
Worn or Torn Screens
Protect your family's health by keeping flies out—
and protect the good looks of your home by having
neat, well-screened, well-painted windows all around.
Buy your materials at Traquair’s, who offer screen
ing at sensible prices.
This Store, Will Be Open Friday .Evening, June 30
%_____ .........
Warden Cecil Johnston in sup
port of a grant to the Girl<
Guides, said ten acres had been
added to the Guide camp, recent
ly opened on concession 10 of
Ashfield and 4,500 trees planted.
A windstorm last winter had
blown down some of the huts.
A large new* building was now
being constructed. Special train
ing was given the girls, and the
warden advocated a larger grant,
as the cause, he said was a
worthy one.
FOR SALE—zTwo-row power lift
corn cultivator for W. C. Allis-
Chalmers tractor. Also 25
acres of clover hay when
baled. —Wallis Wein, Dash-
FOR SALE—Allis-Chalmers com
bine model 60 in good condi
tion; also a Johnson % gas
engine, nearly new. Apply:
Blackwell Bros., R.R. 2, Hen
sall, phone Zurich 8 8-r-8.
FOR SALE—Fleury-Bissell man
ure spreader, nearly new. Ap
ply: Fred J. Neil, Ailsa Craig,
phone 615-r-33. 15:22c
FOR RENT — Two-bedroom cot
tage, double porch, modern
conveniences, on water’s edge,
private beach, 8 miles north of
Grand Bend; also rolling home
for sale. —A. Hamilton, Exe
ter. 8:15:22*
help a young mother with two
children and expecting an
other, live in a better condi
tion than ‘one upstairs room’?
Just for a few months, please.
Phone 27-r-31 ’Crediton. 2 2*
FOR RENT—2-room apartment,
separate entrance, in Cen
tralia. Apply to: Mrs. Edith
Flynn, Centralia. 22*
ROOMS, Apartments and Houses
wanted by Air Force person
nel and others. We have al
most daily calls for living
space to rent. If you have any
living accommodation for rent
please let us know and we
will be glad to send you pro
spective renters. —C. V. Pic
kard, Real Estate and Insur
Of 45 Registered and Grade
Durham and Holstein
Cows and Heifers
W. E. Nairn, auctioneer, will
sell at public auction on
Lot 9, Con. 7, Hibbert,
5 miles southeast of Dublin
Mapleview Farm
commencing at 1:30 o’clock
SIXTEEN Durham cows, milk
ers and springers; 6 Holstein
cows, springers; 8 Holstein cows,
milkers; 13 Holstein heifers,
due in Aug. to Nov.; 2 choice
Shorthorn bulls, registered and
fully accredited; 6 Durham
calves; 6 Holstein heifer calves.
The above cattle are all young'
—several fully accredited. All
T.B. tested, and sold under a
TERMS: Cash.
Wallace Stroud, Prop.
W. E. Nairn, Auct. 22c
FOR SALE—Cabin trailer, sleeps
three, wired for electricity, ice
box, nice cupboards, very com
fortable. —J. T. McCaughey,
FOR SALE—200 Red-Rock
5 weeks old, mixed; 10-ft.
Cockshutt dump rake, good
shape; 6-ft. Frost & Wood
mower, needs some repairs.
Apply: James Airth, R.R. 3,
Exeter. Phone 457-r-21. 22*
Weddle Canadian Approved
Chicks and Turkeys at reduced
prices for June and July.
Chicks day old to eight weeks,
non-sexed, pullets, cockerels.
Turkeys, day old to six weeks,
non-sexed, sexed hens, sexed
Toms. Ask for our Bargain
Prices on four and six week
old turkeys. Tweddle Chick
Hatcheries Limited, Fergus,
Ontario. , 15:23c
quiries for a medium sized
house. Preferably with about
three bedrooms. If you wish
to sell please contact C. V.
Pickard, Main St., Exeter.
WANTED — Three-room apart
ment (unfurnished) or small
house in Exeter. Write Mr. L.
M. Waters, 37 Wellington St.,
Clinton, Ontario, giving full
particulars. 8:15:22*
FOR SALE—Strawberries. Pick
your own. Apply: William
Walters, Winchelsea, phone
14-r-16 Kirkton. 22:29c
kinds of horses, any size, any
age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83
Exeter. May 4*tfc
FOR SALE—Ten choice York
pigs, weaned. Apply to David
Dignan, Hensall P.O. 22*
FOR SALE—Dining room exten
sion table # with extra leaves
and six chairs. Apply; Times-
Advocate.8: 22tfc
FOR SALE—G ravel box for
wagon. Apply:. Wes Hackney,
Exeter North. 22*
FOR SALE—White enamel ice
box in good condition. Apply
Times-Advocate. 22*
— Paperhanging a specialty.
Work guaranteed.—Mr. Nixon,
phone 380-M Exeter. IStfc
Repairs done. Bricks for sale.
Cement available, if required.
—J. V. Webster, Exeter Sta
tion West side, phone 423.
Following the death of my
father, I wish to thank the many
friends and customers who sup
ported and co-operated in the
past few years. I will be carry
ing on the livestock business in
the future to the best of my
ability. Mr. Morrison, head sales
man of U.F.O, has promised his
fullest co-operation in Toronto.
2 2:29c —Mac Hodgert
FOR SALE—General Electric re
frigerator, in good condition;
and electric washing machine,
in good condition. —Phone 52
Exeter, Mayfair Bakery. 22c
Grand Bend available at rea
sonable rates, within walking
distance from beach. Apply:
Mrs. J. Hotson. 22:29*
FOR SALE.—'Two purham calves.
9 weeks and 3 weeks respec
tively, both just new milk.
Apply: G. Pearson, 14th of
Stephen, opposite George Link,
phone 34-r-9 Dashwood. 22c
NOW IS THE TIME to spray
your corn for weeds. It should
be done when the corn is
about 6 inches to 1 foot high
and do not cultivate it after
it is- sprayed. —L. V. Hogarth,
phone Exeter 266. 22:29:6c
Unmarried Parents Increase
Mrs. M. Chaffee, superintend
ent of Children’s Aid Society,
deplored the increase in un
married parent cases in hex* re
"We continue to have un
married parent cases in greater
number than before,” she said.
"There is a looseness in the at
titude of the younger generation
which is to be deplored. This is
of course fed by the type of
movies seen regularly; and the
very young girls who are whis
tled up to go for a joy ride—
often they only know the first
name or nickname of the boy
who takes them.”
Mrs. Chaffe expressed grati
tude to Bethesda Hospital, Lon
don. and the work that Major
Ellis is doing to rehabilitate the
The Society has the largest
number of children ever in care
—121. Many of these are on
adoption probation.
She asked members of council
to advise her if they knew of a
good farm home that would take boys from nine to fourteen6 for
summer months. Mrs. Chaffee
expressed appreciation of the
Reception Home in Zurich.
"We are very .grateful for this
help in our work from the rural
area of our county and it will
mean a lessening of our load to
have such confidence in a
Library Expands
Mrs. A. J. Eckmier reported
that "the expansion of library
service this year has been parti
cularly to rural schools not in
cluded in the township school
area' system,”
School No. 5, Hullett, and
No. 9, Hay and Stanley, received
their first books in March. In
September books will be placed
in the new six-room school to be
opened at Centralia RCAF Sta
tion. This Will bring the total of
schools served from the book
truck up to twenty (consisting
of thirty-seven rooms). There
are also twelve township school
areas of 117 rooms receiving
Put pep in the pocket by put*
ting profitable Want Ads on the
FOR SALE—21 pigs, chunks
weigh about 60 lbs. Apply:
Albert Mitchell, Exeter South.
WANTED — D o o r m a n, Lyric
Theatre. Apply Lyric Theatre
from 7 to 9:30 p.m. 22c
Blansliard Municipal
Telephone System
The Ontario Municipal Board
will hold a Hearing at the
Township Hall, R a n n o c h , on
Wednesday, June 28, 1950, at 2
o’clock p.m. for the purpose of
giving consideration to an ap
plication of the above mentioned
System to re-locate its Medina
Exchange at Lakeside.
As this matter effects the in
terests of all the Subscribers of
the System they are urged to he
present and to make known their
views and to see that the best
interests of the System as a
whole are served.
By order of the
Commissioners of the Blansliard
Municipal Telephone System
S. Adamson, Sec.-Treas.
FOR SALE—Fox hound puppies,
8 weeks old, black and tan,
and black and white. —Phone
25-r-5 Crediton._______15:22*
FOR SALE—Used play pen and
pad, cheap.—Phone ,328-J Exe-
FOR SALE—The Times-Advocate
is agent for the new Royal
Portable Typewriter. Let us
demonstrate one for you!
Rev. and Mrs. A. Page and
son, Dr. John Page, of Owen
Sound were week-end guests of
Mrs. M. Anderson.
Mrs. Lewis .Johns attended the
funeral of her cousin, Mr. Irvine
Louth, at Tillsonburg, Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Klein-
feldt and Ruth accompanied by
Mrs. Ervine Eggert, Sheila and
Bobby, of Greenway, spent the
week-end visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. William Damm of Chesley
and called on friends at Hanover
and Gorrie.
Active Church Worker
Mrs. R Sharpe Dies
' Mrs. Bertha Sharpe, 77, the
• widow of Fred Sharpe, and
former resident of this commun
ity, died in London Wednesday
at the home of H. D. Rodwell.
Mrs. Sharpe came to Exeter
fifteen years ago from Stephen
Township, following the death
of her husband, she was a mem
ber of James Street United
'Church and active in the W.A.
and W.M.S. and also Red Cross
Surviving are six nephews—
Jack Taylor, Lloyd Near, Henry
Scott, George Hobart, Albert
■ Keyes, and Verne Sharpe; and
i two nieces, Miss Mary Guest
and Pearl Keys.
Funeral services were conduct
ed in the R. c. Dinney Funeral
Home on Friday with Rev. PL
J. Snell officiating. Interment
was made in Exeter Cemetery.
Pallbearers were five of the
nephews and Chester Smith.
ONLY $7200 buys Bruce County
287-acre homestead. 2-storey
house, furnace, phone. Steel
roof barn,for 57 head. Drive
shed, piggery, 100 level tillable
acres, 20 hardwood bush, bal
ance softwood and pasture. In
land lakeshore for boating,
fishing. Tourist, picnic poss
ibilities. —Wm. Pearce, Real
tor, Exeter.
HOUSE, BARN, henhouse, ser
vice station and small acreage
on Highway 81, reasonably
priced. —W. C. Pearce, Exe
FOR SALE—5-room brick cott
age in good repair, half of
roof hew, basement. Hot and
cold water on tap, 3-piece
bath. Kitchen cupboards. New
garage. —W. C. Pearce, Real
tor, Exeter, 8c
FOR SALE—-Hensall two-storey
brick house, insulated, full
basement, 3-piece bath main
floor, 2-piece upstairs. Built-
in' kitchen cupboards each
floor. Many extras, nice lawn,
hedges, etc. Moderately priced.
—W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exe
ter. 8 c
We are now offering a brick
building, well located on Main
St., Exeter. This property with
some renovation, would be
suitable for almost ahy type
of business. —C. V. Pickard,
Realtor, Main St,, Exeter.
FOR SALE—-storey ,brick
house with modern eonven-
iences. This property has 13
acres of garden land. —C. V.
Pickard, Realtor, Exeter.
Two New Homes
Each with full basement,
furnace and full bathroom,
R. f. Balkwill
Phohe 69-J, Exeter, Ont,
Tenders will be received by
the undersigned until June 26,
8:00 p.m., for the woodshed on
No. 3 school grounds of Stephen
Township School Area. Lowest
or any tender not necessarily
Arthur J. Amy,
Exeter, Ontario
Of Chattels
The undersigned auctioneer
has received instructions to sell
by public auction in
the property of the late Thomas
Trevethick on
at .1 p.m. D.S.T. ,the following:
Piano and stool; end table and
2 rockers; large oil lamp; flower
stand; quantity of pictures; table
lamp; bridge lamp; dining room
suite; table and 6 chairs; china
cabinet; buffet; magazine rack;
2 small tables; leather rocker; 2‘
rugs and mats; bed springs;
mattresses bedding; dresser;
toilet set; commode; bed lamp;
umbrella; hall mirror; kitchen,
cabinet; Quebec heater & pipes;
General Electric stove, 3-burner;
Kelvinator refrigerator, nearly
new; 2-burner rangette with
oven; 2 tea kettles; table rack;
galvanized pail; all kinds of
dishes; pots, pans, and pails;
Coffield electric washer; stand
for wash tubs; wood kitchen
sink; roll of linoleum; bake
board; 2 floor boards; stool;
kitchen table and chairs; win
dow cleaner; kitchen utensils;
carpet sweeper; 2 wash boards;
electric iron; ironing board; lan
tern; mantel clock; many other
articles; 4 chairs, Raymond sew
ing machine; couch; apple dryer
and steamer; form for dress
maker; 3 trunks; 3 chests for
packing clothes; 4-section screen;
2 clamp lamps; large clock;
writing desk; 2 rockers; cup
board; 2 beds; dressers; corn
mode; small table and lamp;
arm chair; 2 toilet sets; ward
robe; blankets, quilts, and pil
lows; bureau with 4 drawers;
chemical toilet, quilting frames;
oil lamps; hammock; quantity of
fruit; garden tools; lawn mower;
scythe; empty sealers, galvan
ized tub; crocks; step ladder;
writing desk; box stove; 4
chairs; stool; 2 benches; chop
ping block; saws, shovels, axes,
drawknife, brace & bits, chisels,
planes, hammers, w r e/n c h e s,
clamp, large wooden clamps;
quantity of foot wood; 9 oak
planks, 12x12x2; large auger;
vice; slats for binder reels; boxes
of bolts and nuts; hammers; 4
trestles; cupboard; ladder; bor
ing machine; quantity of whippie
trees; 10 tongues; quantity of
lumber; windlass; 6 barrels;
long ladder; wooden wedges;
quantity of lumber, 3-inch
planks, black ash; frame shed;
new files, never used; saw sets;
sledge hammer; buck saw; wood
files; many other articles; gal
vanized roof.
Brick shop, 40x22x38.
Mrs. Ann Trevethick, Prop.
Frank Taylor, Auctioneer
F. Dawson, Clerk
Sale Announcement
Watch Your Daily Newspaper This
For Full Description Of
This Machinery Will Be Offered for Sale by Auction
If You Need Farm Machinery, Don’t Miss This Sale
LaVerne Hawken, Arkona
G. Hollingsworth, Auctioneer