The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-06-01, Page 1T I 1 i I V t r t 1 t t I t t t » r ( < i t * t 1 i $ 4 1 f < I * t * r f i t < <• t 1 t stationed at Church of God the at new arimen’s Station Can by fire Tues children of be educated with a Lean, M.P., and Tom Pryde, M.L.A., -who are shown with Mr. Carroll. Tile fair is more than a half-century old. —Cut Courtesy of The London Free Press OPEN HENSALL FAIR — The large crowd which gathered | right, George Armstrong, president of the show, A. Y. Me­ at Hensall last week for the annual spring fair heard J. A. Carroll, superintendent of .fairs in Ontario, left, officially open the best fair on record. Other speakers were, left to Seventy-sixth Year Tulips Plentiful This Year Tulips, in all their variegated colors have adorned many a home and garden around the town. One of the beautiful beds of tulips can be found in the garden of Mrs, Garnet Flynn. She has a wonderful profusion of blooms. Animal Judging Shown To Beef Club The members of Exeter Beef Calf Club met at the farm of Fred Dawson on Friday last, The meeting was taken by Fred Wilson, assistant agriculture re­ presentative. Mr. Wilson pointed out to the boyS1 the things to look for in a good .beef animal. The boys then “placed" a class of mature cows and gave rea­ sons for placing them. President Tom Easton presid­ ed at the business part of the meeting. The boys decided to make a rope halter at the next meeting, to be held about the end of June. Plans were also made for the boys to attend junior judging competition Seaforth on June 10. More houses will soon be ready for R'CAF personnel at Centralia. The 1.35 houses now being built by -Parker Construction Company are almost completed. Officials say occupation will’begin in six to eight weeks. Parker has another contract for 175 additional houses to be built within the next year. When these are completed the airport community will have a total of 360 houses. Construction will commence this summer on a fourteen-room school at Centralia Air Station for children of married person­ nel with completion slated for September, 1951, Group Captain W. F. M. Newson, D.S.O., D.F.C. .and Bar, commanding officer, announced today. Tenders have been called for the building which will be con­ structed in the midst of 'the new housing development adjacent to the big. flying training school. No estimate of cost for the school has 'been made, but con­ tracts will be let by the Domi­ nion Government within a few weeks, Group Captain Newson said. The community project is designed to provide modern liv­ ing quarters and educational facilities for the families of the 1,400 air force men the Centralia base. In the meantime these families will in temporary quarters, principal and four teachers pro­ vided. When completed, the school will pupils with principle and Cost Divided Half of the tion will be paid by the Provin­ cial Department of Education and the other portion by the Department of National Defence for Air. Group Captain Newson made the announcment Friday during press and radio day at 'this fly­ ing training of Western were given Force Day, The commanding officer and his staff briefed the visitors on the function of Centralia in the national defence program. Here fliers receive instruction which is second to none in the Royal Air Force, Group Captain New­ son said. Ix>w Accident Record Since the flying school was re­ organized on a peace-time basis, the accident record has been less than half of one per cent for each 1,000 hours of flying, with not one pilot killed and only a few receiving minor in­ juries. During this period about thirty per cent of the students had been failed in their tests to be­ come pilots and officers in the (R.C.A.F., it was pointed out,’ with 4.5 per cent quitting of their own accord, 18.5 per cent ■being “washed out” for poor flying ability, 5.8 iper cent leav­ ing because they would not make good officers and the re­ maining 2.2 per cent leaving the school because of low academic standings, After being told about the operation of the various flying schools at this big base, the visiting newsmen were conducted through the station to see how affairs are carried out on a nor­ mal training day. The majority of the visitors were taken aloft for a flight over Western On­ tario in a big Dakota radio trainer in which navigators re­ ceive experience in radio naviga­ tion. accommodate a principal, six teachers. 225 vice- cost of this educa- base, when newsmen Ontario publications a preview of Air June 10. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 1, 1950 es Airmen’s Lounge Interior of the lounge at RCAF tralia was gutted day afternoon, Damage was esti mated at $400'0. The lounge was being prepared for opening on Air Force Day, June 10‘. The building was not furnished, but workmen had been laying tile floor and erect­ ing plywood walls, which were -part of the redecoration plans. Fire was believed started by a blow torch. Group Captain W. F. M. Newson, 'D.'S.O., D.F.C., com­ manding officer of the station, has ordered an investigation of the blaze. Fast work on the part of the station fire department, officers said, saved the one-storey frame building from destruction. Fire­ men had the blaze under control minutes after the alarm was given. Walls and roof of the building were practically undamaged ex­ cept for a hole firemen had to chop in the roof to put out the fire. During the war the building was used for a Women’s Division canteen. After the war it had been established as emergency married quarters. s'., IF !:'SS Single Copy 60 ■X.A&L F-F-'SM Illi Mis Sprains Ankle In 'Fall Mr. S. B. Taylor is hobbling around by the use of crutches. On Thursday last while putting up an awning he had the mis­ fortune to fall from a ladder spraining the right Taylor says there is tion he is able to sit and will be able to some of his watch repairs. ankle. Mr. one consola- at his bench catch up on Famous Bible Teacher To Speak At Bend An internationally known Bible teacher, Dr, Albert Hughes, will preach at morning and evening services in the this Sunday. Dr. Hughes, sader’s Church, founder of Muskoka Bible 'Con­ ference and the Christian Camp for Boys and iGirls. He is editor of the Challenger, a Christian magazine, and for many years he was pastor of the popular radio program “Morning Devotions". Dr. Hughes will speak to a rally in Clinton, Saturday night, then travel to Grand Bend the Sunday services. •pastor of Cru- Toronto, is the Local Students youth $25 Holmes in Exeter charge of officer in Fight With Police Brings $25 Fine A fight with police at Grand Bend cost one Detroit and court costs. Magistrate Dudley convicted the man court, Tuesday, on a obstructing a police execution of his duty. “We don’t want Grand Bend turned into a rowdy camp,” the magistrate said. A little bit of high spirits is all right but none of this other stuff.” The accused, David L. Fitz­ patrick, pleaded guilty to the charge. Provincial Constable C. Cutingdyke investigated a com­ plaint at Dooley’s Cabins and found two boys tresspassing in a cabin rented by three girls. •When he ordered them off the premises, Fitzpatrick took sev­ eral swings at the hefty con­ stable. Fitzpatrick was subdued and taken to Goderich jail. A charge against companion, William Bartlett, was dismissed. Henry Menard was convicted of common assault $25 and costs. Two informations against Mrs. Janet Stephen, She is charged with exposing or keeping for sale in­ toxicating liquor contrary to the provision of the Canada Temper­ ance Act, and “within the three months last .brought or caused to be brought intoxicating liquor into the Cdunty of Huron for' other than her personal or fam­ ily use, contrary to the Canada Temperance Act”. Thp hearing will be heard On June 27. and fined were laid Diebold, of for BLANSHARD Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker, Orrie, Elizabeth and Linda spent Sunday in London with Mr. T. Waugh. Mr. .and Mrs. Will Rodd of Granton were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Langford. Miss Madeline Dann had her tonsils removed on .Friday at Victoria Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mills and family spent Sunday at Blyth with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones and Carl were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Don King of Uniondale. Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper, Ruth, Clare and Veryl were Sun­ day evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Facey of .Welburn. ( Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Hooper were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Atwell of Wel- burn, Mr. Harvey (Parkinson spent I School. Monday in Toronto. ’ To Graduate Many district students will graduate at the University of Western Ontario Convocation this Saturday. Two will receive Gold Medalist awards, for highest honours in their course. They are Peter Fraser who will receive a B Sc, in Mathematics and Physics and Cameron Henry, Brucefield, who graduates with a B.A. in English and 'Philosphy. < Others who will receive B.A. degrees are Stuart McBride, (economics), Kippen, Donald Southcott (journalism), Marjory Klopp (French and Latin ), Zur­ ich, 'Pauline 'Haberer, Zurich, H. Jane Hicks Pringle and W. ,J. Loosemore, Lucan. Two former residents of Exe­ ter will also receive their de­ grees. Robert Stanbury graduates in journalism and Warren Finlay receives a general degree. Graduates of district normal schools have accepted positions in Western Ontario schools. Pat Hay will teach at S.S. 5, Usborne, . Francis Lostelle has been engaged by Plugtown school. Bonnie McFalls -will teach at a school in Sarnia, Betty Gaiser at New Dundee, and Fran­ cis .Taylor at Thorold. The above, and also Jean Armstrong, grad­ uated recently from London Nor- KIPPEN and Mrs. J. Carter Mooresville. and and Par- and Sun- Mrs. Anita Datars, of Zurich, who ■has finished .her course at Strat­ ford Normal, will be engaged at Kitchener. The Ontario Agricultural Col­ lege held graduating exercises last week. Among those who re­ ceived degrees w’ere Allison Mor­ gan, of Thames -Road, and Rod­ ger H. Milliken of Millbank. Mr. Milliken is a .grandson of Mrs. W. A. Balkwill, of Exeter, and is well-known in this district. Students Entertain Home And School Club The Home and School Associa­ tion held its final meeting of the season in the Sunday room of Main Strret Church on Friday night. The meeting took -the a ‘Family "Night" with the child­ ren accompanying their parents., Mr. Claude Farrow was chair­ man for the evening. Each room of the Public School ,had pre­ pared one number for the pro­ gram. Mrs. Hodgert’s pupils sang an Arbor -Day song. Mrs. Hughson’s group gave a choral reading. Bobby Hodgins of Mrs. Porter’s room played the piano. Beverley •Nichols of Mrs. Armstrong’s room did a tap dance number. Miss Pepper’s room was represented by Michael Farrow who gave a piano solo. Roxanne Beavers of Mrs. Jamieson’s room recited, while Mrs. J e r m y n’s kindergarten groups and ‘Mrs. Turvey’s groups contributed songs to the pro­ gram. Four pupils from Mr. Blowes’ room presented a short play entitled “Getting Married”. Miss Nancy Wright of London entertained with piano selections. The program was interspersed with films which were .enjoyed by the children. Lunch was served and a social hour followed the meeting. A collection amounting to $25.80 has been donated to the Manitoba Flood Relief Fund. School United form of Relief Fund Inceases Slowly, Less Than Nine Hundred Raised Donations to The Times- Advocate Manitoba Flood Relief Fund have greatly decreased during the past week. As compared with the $700 raised in the first week of the campaign, less than $200 has been turned in this week. This means that, outside of the RCAF, this district, compris­ ing some 10,000 people, has sub­ scribed less than $900 or only $0.09 per person. This cannot be compared with the thousands of dollars other communities this size have given to the Mani­ toba homeless. Personal contributions reach­ ing local fund headquarters num­ ber less than 70—less than one per cent of the population. The flood has gone down, but the water-soaked houses are still there. The job / ...L_ has just begun. The Water-rotten furniture must be replaced, the warped floors ‘ Thousands of war veterans who have just spent their savings buying furniture and houses have lost all their money. The government has made grants for new houses, but money for the personal belongings Of the vic­ tims must come from other Can- of rehabilitation must be relaid. adians. Exeter and district must show these people that it is them in their struggle build. The following is the contributors during the week: Miss Norma Wilson ........ -Rev. C. W. Down ,,...... Frank „Coates William May .................. J, B. Creech ..................... Crocker Refrigeration ..... J. H. Jones ...... ............... Mrs. R. Ferguson, R. 3 ... A. W. Musser ............. Wesley Johns Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Squire Wesley Neil ........ . Fred May ......................... Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lawson Main. St. U.C. S.S............ Mrs. Milo Snell ...............,* H. N. Taylor ...................... Exeter Home & School As. Mrs. M. Foster, Kirkton H. L. Sturgis ................... Frank H. Glanvilie .......... Mrs. Frank Brierley S.S. 4 Usborne (Eden) .... . Mrs. Alex McFalls ............ Anonymous, Woodham .... behind to re­ list of past best we ever Caro,of days last the vlcin- Observes Eightieth Birthday On Friday, Mr. Fred Hogarth observed his eightieth birthday, and on Saturday, his family were all home to celebrate it. Lawn Bowling Club To Open The Exeter Bowling Club will open the season with a jitney on the local greens Friday evening beginning at 7:30 sharp. Any­ one who woud like to try the game is invited. Bowls will provided. 'Biggest And Best’ Spring Fair Draws Big Crowd To Hensall Big crowds and big tions set new records at the Hen­ sall Stock Fair, on Saturday. “Biggest and had,” said W. R. Dougall, secre­ tary-treasurer of the South Hu­ ron Agricultural Society. The new community arena was used for the first time at the fair. Several classes and com­ petitions, and more prize money has been added to the show. Al­ most 1,500 attended and prize money amounted to $1,200. World markets are attracted by high quality and don‘t come by chance, J. A. Carroll, Toron­ to, Ontario Agricultural Society superintendent, told the exhibit­ ors when he opened the show. Stock from Hensall’s fair last year found its way into 30 of the United States and 20 other foreign countries, he said. Other speakers were Dr. Roy Campbell, Guelph, past president of the society; Andrew McLean, M.P., for Huron-Perth; Thomas Pryde, M.L.A., for South Huron; and George Armstrong, president of the society. Bannockburn Pipe Band, Var­ na, and Exeter District .High School Bugle Band attended. The baby show, an added at­ traction, drew a large crowd. William Brian, 8-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Decker, won first prize with a big smile. Ten-month-old Larry Glen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ken McLean, of Kippen, was second, and Laura be 5.00 2.00 2,00 10.00 2.00 25.00 25.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 10.00 5,00 22.25 2.00 5.00 28.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 5.00 2.00 8.00 Mr. daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robinson of Mitchell were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Archie sons. Mr. and Mrs. S. Beattie children of Wingham were day visitors with Mr. and Robert McBride. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon West­ lake and children of Bayfield visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones. Mrs. Grant Love Mich., spent a few week with relatives in ity. Mr. Elgar MousseaU, Mr. John Cochrane of Kippen and Mr. Herb Mousseau of Zurich spent several days last week ern Ontario. Many local citizens jxttended the Hensall Spring Thursday last. Mrs. Robert Thompson spent a day last week at Niagara. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gack- stetter and Gail Ann and Mr. and Mrs. William Horney spent Sunday in Guelph. in North- Fair on Gives $50 To Fund/ Plans To Improve Park Members of the-Rata Sigma Phi Sorority donated $50 to the Manitoba Flood Relief Fund this week. The contribution was sent directly to a sister chapter at Winnipeg. The Sorority plans to put pic-’ nlc tables and more swings in Victoria Park, The girls have already set up sand boxes, slides etc. for kiddie’s entertainment. Last Week, twenty members of the Kinsmen Club helped the Sorority clean and rake the park? Purchases Residence Here Mr. Alf Coates of Usborne purchased the brick residence on Albert Street from Mr. Mel Al­ derson. Mr. Alderson, who has been employed at the hydro office, has been transferred to London. .---------------- ■ ■..............~. ..........1.1AIRPORT NEWS B-........... The station baseball team de­ feated Hensall by a score of 10 to 5 in the first league game of the season played in Hensall on Monday night. The Centralia crew was paced by the pitching of 'Mickey Maguire and Harry Den- boer. A highlight of the game was a triple play by Centralia. Alec Grant grabbed an infield drive, touched second base, and tossed to Slim Snyder on first to complete three outs. Shorty Harris racked up the first home run of the schedule during the game. On Monday, June 5, Lucan plays at Centralia, and on Wed­ nesday -Centralia plays at Exeter. On Air Force Day, June 10, the St. Thomas Canada Iron Foun­ dry club Will compete with station team.♦ * * * A formal dance is planned the Officer* Mess Friday night, June 2. Bern Conway’s orchestra the for has « Central arrived to bol- .............................■■■■- -.-...■.n.K will supply music for the occa­ sion...........................»* * * * Reinforcements from Flying School at Trenton on the station this Week ster the instructional staff of FTS. The dozen hew officers will replace those Who have been posted from the unit during the past year. Among the new faces is that of F/L Andy Williamson, who, before leaving for CFS late Assistant Chief Officer on last year, was Administrative station. ■>» Materials permanent the runways have arrived on the station, and It is - expected that work on the system will begin shortly...Zrhe testing is under way on the new Ground Con­ trolled Approach radio flying. The system is and .is being tested at locations on the airfield, * ♦ be used in * to lighting system the ald to mobile, various Dashwood Band To Re-Organize Dshwood Band has reorganized with T. H. Hoffman as leader assisted by Melvin Stade and Maurice Klumpp, Any boy or girl wishing to join the band con­ tact T. H. Hoffman or the president, Jack Gaiser. Practice will be held every Monday eve­ ning. Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Noll and Mr. and Mrs. Simon Noll of Milver­ ton attended the funeral of ths late Louis Kleinstiver on Satur­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Noll re­ mained for the week-end to visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hopcroft were Sunday visitors in Exeter. Mr, and Mrs. Melton Walper and daughter of Ingersoll spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Fassold. Mrs. S. P, Currie and Marilyn are visiting with her parents in Meaford. Mrs. Ed. Edighoffer of Zurich spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Mdsaac, last week. She also attended the funeral of her bro­ ther, the late Louis Kleinstiver. Miss Shirley Smith, who has been in Toronto for some time, has returned home for the sum­ mer. Mr. Duncan Snider, who had an operation in .London hospital, has retured home. Mrs. Howard Klumpp and Mrs. James Hayter entertained friends to tea in honour of Mrs. Russell Tieman. Mr. Menzer Herbert spent a day last week at Niagara Falls. exhibi-1 Ann, 10-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Grenier, of Dashwood, was third. Robt. Hern, Granton, won the breeders’ special for boys and girls under .21. Jack Kinsman, Cromarty, was second, and the others, .in order, were Gladys Pepper, Murray Dawson, Hensall, and Ross Fervor, Kippen. Nelson Howe, of the Bannock­ burn Pipe Band, took first place in the bld time fiddlers’ contest. Ward Allen, Kirkton, ond, and Bill Hyde, For Mr. Hyde it was sixth fiddling prize started at the age of In the Public School parade, S.S. <2 Tuckersmith, won first prize, S.S. 2 Hay, second, and combined schools 5, 6, and 7, Hibbert, were third. Fourth prize went to S.S. 1, Tucker­ smith. Winners Peter awarded agricultural team Edward Brothers, awarded a special cattle. Edwards .Brothers took every first prize for the Aber­ deen Angus cattle class and shared the rest with E. B. .Wel­ don, London. W. E. Parker and Sons, Wat­ ford, won several firsts in Short­ horns. Wm. Turnbull and Sons, Brussels, and Jack Kinsman, of Cromarty, also took firsts in Shorthorns, and other winners were Melvin Taylor and Sons, Belgrave; J. E. McKinley, Zur­ ich; Fred Dawson, Hensall; and Roy Pepper, Seaforth. Howard Wright and Son, of Cromarty, and Johnx McGregor, Hensall, took more firsts for Hereford cattle. Frank Thompson and Son, Wingham, and Robert Hern, Granton, took other Here- , Cord prizes. Jarrott Brothers, Kippen, and the County Home shared honors in the Holstein class. Roy Pepper, Frank Thompson, Turnbull and Sons, Robt. Hern, and Jack Kinsman took the prizes for market cattle. Horses Win Zimmerman Brothers, took, took top place in eron or Belgian horse Darcy Rathwell, of Brucefield, Petqr Graham, Ilderton; and William J. Dale, Clinton, were other winners. Zimmerman, Gra­ ham and Dale were also winners for light draft horses. For wagon teams, single or team roadsters, and team carriage horses, hers were Bert Lee, Grove; Ed •Schroeder, Wallace Munro, Embro; Wright, Listowel; and Roy Inch, St. Thomas. Munro had the grand champ­ ion carriage horse and top draft horse. Rowena Robbins, of Shedden; Sandra Ironside, Arva; Leighton Shatz, New Hamburg, and Albert Etherington, Hensall, took prizes for single ponies and teams under 44 inches. Sandra Iron­ side had the grand champion pony, best horse under saddle and the best pony ridden by a boy or girl, 14 years or under* John Parsons, Centralia, took the prize for hurdle jumpers. Gentleman's turnout prize was taken by Wallace Munro, and lary drivers by Mrs. Munro. , took sec- 85, third, his forty- since he 1,2. Listed Graham, a siver Ilderton, was tray for best of horses, and Watford, were •prize for beef Tavis- P er ch- show. single or main win- Wilton Hensall; J. L.