Clinton News-Record, 1972-11-09, Page 16a a a a a a a a O LES PERANCE: TRIO AT HOTEL CLINTON THE **************** ELM HAVEN MO TOR HOTEL .4( SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT .4( MATINEE SATURDAY AFTERNOON 4.6 p.m. "THE FEVER TREE" BEGINNING Tuesday, November 7 through Sat. Nov. 11. Coming Next Week "THE RING" NEW BINGO, Clinton Legion Hall, 8:30 p,m, Nov, 9. Admission $1.00, fifteen regular games, $10.00 each, Three Share-The-Wealth games. One jackpot for $250 in 59 numbers, or less, or guaranteed $25.00 consolation.—ctf CASH BINGO, Legion Hall, Seaforth, Friday, Nov, 10, 8:15 p.m. Regular games, $10; three $25 games; $75 jackpot to go. Door prizes, Admission $1,00. Auspices Branch 156. Proceeds welfare work. —1 BAZAAR and Tea at Brucefield United Church, November 18 at 2 p.m.—c44,45b TEA, Bazaar and Bake Sale at Auburn Community Hall 'on November 11th, 1972 at 2 p.m. Sponsored by United Church Women, Proceeds for redecorating Sunday School rooms.—c44,45b WALT DISNEY'S "Black- beard's Ghost" (Comedy) at Clinton Public School Auditorium, Friday, November ,10th, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sponsored by Clinton Figure Skating Club.—c45b irentiAktr SAT/SFY YOUR NEEDS r0000000000000000000 FOR YOUR & ENJOYMENT 0 by Gordon Shobbrook and William Leiner and responded to by Mrs. Eric Anderson and Claire Vincent. Jack Lee thanked the ladies and Mrs. Margaret Whyte accepted the thanks. Bob Thompson introduced Mr, Jim Lawrie of Blyth who showed slides of their trip to his homeland Scotland and of England, ELDERS MEET On Friday night Rev. McDonald entertained the following elders and their district: Ed Bell, Lorne Hunking, John Jewitt, Ron Jewitt, Reg. Lawson and Mrs. John Riley. Games were played and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Lyon showed pictures of their trip to Disney World Florida, and local pictures. YOUNG PEOPLE A large attendance of young people sat down to a Pot Luck Supper on Sunday evening in the church hall when they met for their regular meeting. Robert and Donna Shaddick coun- sellors, were in charge. Following the supper, Mr. McDonald conducted some recreation activities,' The study for the evening was poverty with a' film shown, after which Mr. McDonald conducted a discussion period. In the business of the evening, it was announced that the Hymn Books given to the church had been dedicated with Harry Stewart representing the young people. They are also, taking part in a young peoples service on Sundafi November 19th with Paul Dunsmore of Stratford as guest speaker. The next meeting will be held on Friday, November 17th with Don, Larry, Ken, Kevin and Brian Jewitt in charge. SPECIAL COURSE Mrs. Tom Duizer and Mrs. Elmo Jewitt attended the two day senior leaders training school in Clinton on October 24 and 25th "Ontario Fruit". Anyone wishing to take advan tage of this course please con- tact either of these leaders. It is open to all ladies in 'the com- munity. PERSONALS Rev. McD(inald was in Varna on Saturday conducting the wedding service and attended the reception in the Varna United church for Mrs. Lynn Taylor and Mr. Clare Procter. Mrs. Norman Alexander is a patient in St. Joseph's hospital London following surgery on Monday October :30th. Mrs. Bert Lyon is a patient in Clinton hospital following surgery on Monday October 30th we wish them both a speedy recovery. Sorry to report the death of Mr, Bert Nott whose funeral took place from Ball and Mutch funeral Home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Nott had been residents of this community their home being the farm now owned by Mrs. Joyce Kennedy, Sympathy is extended to his daughter Mrs. Joe (Geraldine) Miller and family of Mississauga, We welcome Mr. and Mrs, David Bowie and family from Barrie who have purchased the Cameron home. The Cameron s have moved to Clinton and we wish them happiness in their new home, Mrs. Mary Robinson of Goderich spent a couple of days this past week with Mr, and Mrs. Joe Shaddick, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Gaunt returned home Thursday night having spent the past week with his sister Mr, and Mrs. Ward Shickluma of Mississauga. ,, Mrs. Dora Kenny of London spent the weekend with Mrs. Laura Saundercock. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook attended a seminar in Goderich on Thursday afternoon where Barry Wenger Editor and Publisher of Wingham Advance Times was guest speaker. Mr. Elgin Penfound and his mother, Mrs. Olive Penfound, returned home on Saturday November 4th having spent the past two weeks visiting Rev, and Mrs. Mervyn Penfound and family in Shellbrook, Saskat- chewan, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pipe visited on Sunday with her brother Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hooper of Ailsa Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Chrysler of Leamington spent the weekend with her brother Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tamblyn., Kevin and Suzanne. Miss Barbara Burns a R.N. at St. Joseph's Hospital London, spent the weekend with her prents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burns. Miss Wendy Caldwell and friend Miss Wendy Johnson, student nurses at Toronto Western Hospital, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Caldwell, who returned to Toronto with them on Sun- day afternoon and are spending I BENEFIT DANCE for CLINTON JUNIOR D HOCKEY CLUB Saturday, Nov. 18, 1972 at CLINTON COMMUNITY CENTRE DANCING 9-1 LUNCH--REFRESHMENTS 'Tickets from Rec. Committee or,at Door al111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111ii Tu g. esday Night Night Food Speciaks and Entertainment by tgth Son HOTEL TEX NOBLE Friday and Saturday we are presenting ITHE MAITLAND TRIO 5---Homommommommummummumiumminimmimiummummimumimmiumwmimmr. Mr. and Mrs. Arie Binnendyk are visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. Binnendyk in Edmonton. Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Mellis visited in Wroxeter recently. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moore, Mitchell visited relatives in the area, HENSALL LEGION NEWS The Legion Banquet will be held on Saturday, November 11 at 7 p.m. in the Legion Hall. The Legion will parade Sun- day, November 12 to Carmel Presbyterian Church for the 11 o'clock service. A study in Britain found that the woman, motorist takes longer to learn to drive than a man, but she has a slightly bet- ter chance of passing the driving test at her first attempt. The average first-car male will hold a provisional licence for six months, will have 18 hours of driving lessons and will take the driving test 2.1 times before passing. The woman will have had a provisional licence for 12 months, will have 22 hours of driving tuition and will take the test 1.7 times before passing. Other facts from the study, quoted by the Ontario Safety League: Half the new owners buy their cars out of savings, They make wildly low guesses at the annual cost, estimating less than half the •real cost of running a small car. BY MRS, SHOBBROOK A large number of members and visitors attended the United Church Stinday morning, The greeters were Harry .Lear and Jack Tamblyn, the ushers were Kevin Miley, Darrell Shob- brook, Danny and David Lear. Louise Lovett and Audrey Peel sang a duet "Spirit of Love" and Rev. McDonalcg sermon was "humility" The flowers were placed in loving memory of Mr. George Watt and Mr. Bert Nott by their families. HULLETT MASONS Hullett Masonic Lodge held their Ladies' night last' Wed- nesday and entertained them to a turkey banquet in Londesboro hall. Mr. Eric Anderson, master of the lodge, was master of ceremonies. Toasts were given Kippen BY RENA CALDWELL KIPPEN EAST W.I. The family and consumers af- fairs meeting of Kippen East W.I. will be held in the Legion Hall, Hensall at 8:30 p.m. on November 15. The roll call will be something new I have pur- chased for the home recently. Mrs. Glen Bell will give the motto and the 4-H girls will en- tertain. Demonstrations on "Up- to-Date" home furnishings will be given, Mrs. H Caldwell will have charge of lunch. 4-H The sixth meeting of Kippen I "Slicking Cooks" was held Oc- tober 24 at Jill McLellan's. At this meeting, final plans for the buffet supper were made. Table setting was discussed. Fondues were highlighted, chocolate fon-, due with dipped marshmallows, apples and bananas was a "first" for everyone and made an excellent Third Meal. PERSONALS wait 8 Thu.9 Fr L / 0 S&,11 GENE HACKMAN pig LEE MARVIN & rl DANCE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17th CLINTON ARENA MUSIC BY BLUEWATER PLAYBOYS • Tickets $3.00 per couple --Restricted to 1$ years and over— Sponsored by Tiuron County Junior Farmers Tickets are required and available from:— Jim Nixon, 527-0738 Keith Williamson, 887-6587 Lois Jones, 262-5195 ....••••••••••••••• *** * ************** * THE WHITE CARNATION * HOLMESVILLE * GRAND OPENING * * SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2 * DANCING * TO * )1THE BLUEWATER PLA YBOYS: * I SMORGASBORD FOR TICKETS OR RESERVATIONS CALL 482-9228 WE CATER TO' BANQUETS, CHRISTMAS PARTIES, ETC. TICKETS $5.00 COUPLE * ENTERTAINMENT COUNTRY and WESTERN Every Friday and Saturday Evening TASTY SNACKS AMPLE FREE PARKING COMMERCIAL HOTEL Seaforth, Ont. —20tf a few days with their daughter Mr. and Mrs. Joe Marzan, Can- dice and Glen. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton of Moorefield are visiting with their daughter Mr, and Mrs. Bob Thompson, Mrs. Gladys Gourley motored to Toronto Friday afternoon to the home of her son. All• then went to the wedding of a friend in Gananoque where her grand- daughter was maid of honor. Mrs. Victor Stackhouse is a patient in Clinton hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery. The Order of Eastern Star held a very successful Bazaar and Bake sale in Blyth Memorial Hall on Saturday af- ternoon, Miss Edythe Beacom, Worthy Matron, welcomed all and opened the Bazaar at 2:30 p.m. Tables of Baking, sewing, produce, fish pond, mystery par- cel, a cup of coffee, and cookies were served. The ways and means conveners Dorothy Elliott and Marjorie East wish to thank all for their co- operation. The worthy Matron thanked all. Mr. Jim McEwing, Nelson Lear, Reg. Ball, Harry Williams, Harry Sturdy, Ken Thompson, Tom Allen and Cliff Sundercock are enjoying this week on a hunting trip to Hurst. oderich Little Theatre 1 1 th ANNUAL ROTARY CHARITY BALL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1 8 For tickets or table reservations, call Mike Rogers at 524-6086 or, Harold Walls at 524-8344. in co-operation with C linton Lions C PRESENTS A MUSICAL EXTRAVAGANZA IAN L.A9 WIT .16—ClintOn News-Record, Thyrsday, November 9, 1972 Corning Events Londesboro news and views DANCING IN THE "DINING ROOM" E FRI. & SAT. NITE NOV. 10 & 1 1 a a Hut choice televition 111.1iiMMEMIIMINM111=MMr-‘11 1 k I A TUESDAY, November 14, Bingo at Huron Fish and Game Club, 8:30 p.m, Jackpot $56 in 56 numbers.—c7 AFTERNOON skating, Wed- nesdays for ladies and tots, 15c and 25c, 2-4 p.m.—c45-48b RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Don Dickson (nee Janice Van- derburgh) on Saturday, Novem- ber 18, 1972, from 9:00 to 1:00, in Saltford Valley Hall. Music by the Country Musicmen. Everyone welcome, Lunch will be served.-45,46 LIQUID Embroidery-Mrs, Phyllis Mitchell invites you to CAMEO Open House, Walton Hall, Saturday, November 11, 1-5:30 p.m. Instructors will demonstrate new ideas in paints. Fashion show at 3 p.m. Bargain tables. Special discounts. Refreshments. Everyone welcome,—c45b HURON-PERTH Intermediate baseball team DANCE at Clin- ton Community Centre, Novem- ber 10. Ken Scott's Orchestra. $3.00 couple. Everyone welcome.—c45b ONTARIO Street United Church Bazaar and Tea, December 2, 3 to 5 p.m.—c45 & 47b ST. ANDREW'S Presbyterian Church, Tea and Bazaar, Satur- day, November 18, at 3:00 .p.m.—c45b COME—Join the crowd! At the annual pancake supper at the Clinton and District Christian School. Eat your fill. November 17th, 5:30-9:00 p.m. Adults, Grade 9 and over, $1.25; .children ,75c; Family Bargain ticket, $5.00; Door Prize- Camera.—c45,46b WATCH FOR: "Two A Penny" a dramatic and refreshingly honest teenage love story released by World Wide Pic- tures at Huron Centennial School, Brucefield, Nov. 20, 21, 22, One showing nightly, 8 p.m. admission $1.25. Advance tickets $1.00.—c45b MUSICAL REVUE. The Lions Club of Clinton presents Goderich Little Theatre produc- tion of "What's Yer Fancy" November 10 and 11 at Central Huron Secondary School, 8:30 p.m. Adults $2.00. Students, $1.00. Reserved seats.—c43,44,45b WEDNESDAY, November 15, at 2:30 p.m. Holmesville UCW Bazaar, Bake Sale and Tea at Wesley-Willis United Church, Clinton. NOTE:CHANGE OF PLACE.—c45b