The Citizen, 2010-12-02, Page 18PAGE 18. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2010. Great Deal on a Healthy Holiday Dinner It’s not too late to make your holiday dinner a healthy one too! www.huroncounty.ca/health 100 % FREE 43210/3.0-,201+.0*)('.&0%,0%+.$%0#*"2!"2!01+.013* .,0"%0) "2!01+)10!*.)10".0*.".0-"1+0,)0).%+.0(),3*"1.0"2)-0,30 2,-0-+,0"%0#*"2!"2!0 0000001+.03%3)01) 0!"(1% 000000+"%0.)*&00"%0#*"2!"2!01+.0'30 000000+.0)0+)01+."*0 0'30%+,1 x Goderich00 ,)0 )2)")20 .!",2 56 Kingston Street, Goderich 3.%)&0 ..#.*00(*,00000 Seaforth00/.)(,*1+00 "%1*"10 ,32"10 .21*. 122 Duke Street, Seaforth ,2)&0 ..#.*00(*,00000 Wingham00 ,)0 )2)")20 .!",2 183 Victoria Street, Wingham +3*%)&0 ..#.*00(*,00000 CL I N I C S Good job Brussels Cadets Commanding Officer Louise Wegg, left, was awarded a 10-sided medal for her 12 years of dedicated service. Wegg was praised for her hard work and dedication in the work that she has put into the Brussels Cadet Corps. She was awarded by Captain Kim Cottel. (Vicky Bremner photo) Isaac Neudorf of the Bluevale hasalready begun serving a four-monthsentence for Impaired Driving afterbeing sentenced in Wingham onNov. 18 by Judge R.G.E. Hunter.Neudorf, who was accompaniedby a German translator, his wife, hisspiritual advisor and his defenseattorney, Phil Cornish, has hadstruggles with alcohol over theyears, Cornish admitted, with thischarge being his third driving-while- intoxicated charge in five years. Because of the number of alcohol- related charges in a small amount of time, Neudorf faced a minimum four-month jail term and a minimum three-year suspension of his driver’s licence. Cornish said that Neudorf has been a labourer all of his life, that he has a language barrier and limited education. OVER 80 Jeremy Anderson was handed a $1,000 fine and a 12-month driving prohibition by Hunter for a charge of operation a motor vehicle with over 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood. The charge went to trial, as Anderson pled not guilty and wasprovided with a defense attorney toargue his case.Anderson was pulled over inBelgrave on Jan. 17. His attorneyattempted to argue that thebreathalyzer machine was not inworking order.Crown attorney Bob Morris,however, argued that three readingshad been taken at roadside. The firsttwo were errors because, in the mind of the officer, Anderson didn’t provide a steady stream of breath, which will prompt an error code. Subsequent to that, Anderson went to the OPP detachment just south of Goderich, where tests found him to have over 100 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood, Morris said. Hunter said he accepted the evidence given by the arresting officer, who was the only witness brought forth by either side, saying the officer had the grounds to stop the vehicle and that there was no evidence to the contrary of the officer, who said the breathalyzer was in working order. Anderson was given 90 days to pay the fine and his drivingprohibition can be reduced to sixmonths, should he qualify for theInterlock program.CARELESS OPERATIONAndrea Cronin was found guiltyof Careless Operation of a motorvehicle, stemming from a charge onDec. 10 where she was pulled overin Morris-Turnberry.Cronin was involved in anincident, Morris said, where there was a collision on Amberley Road. She was given a 90-day driving prohibition and a $1,000 fine, which she has 90 days to pay. OVER 80 Allen MacDonald of Wingham was ordered to pay a $1,000 fine and was handed down a 12-month driving prohibition, that could be reduced to three months, should he qualify for the Interlock program, after being found guilty of Over 80 in North Huron. MacDonald was driving in North Huron just before midnight on Sept. 2, Morris said, when police pulled a car over that had no taillights. The car was being driven by MacDonald, Morris said, and the officer found there to be a substantial odour of alcohol coming from the car once the driver’s side window was opened. MacDonald admitted to drinking three beers, but when tested at the side of the road, registered 140, 110 and 120 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood.STOLEN PROPERTYMichael Beyersbergen was givensix months probation and aconditional discharge stemmingfrom a charge of possession stolenvalidation tags for a vehicle.Beyersbergen had come intopossession of a car that he hadpurchased for $150 and Morris saidthe validation tags were alreadyaffixed to the licence plates. MISCHIEF Wade Fancey of Ajax, just east of Pickering, was ordered to pay restitution and was given 12 monthsof probation stemming from adomestic disturbance in the Howickarea on Oct. 31. Fancey had been sleeping afterdrinking that night and Fancey’sgirlfriend awoke him, asking him todrive her back to her home in Ajax.Fancey became angry, Morris said,and damaged several items in theircottage, including a door and awooden reindeer. Fancey’s girlfriend was in attendance and she informed Hunter that the two were still together. Bluevale resident behind bars for Impaired Driving Archival Materials & Heritage Preservation in Huron County Do you have an interesting collection? The Huron County Historical Society is currently working with community partners to find ways to ensure that valuable archival material (2-dimensional) and artefacts (3-dimensional) from various personal and group collections and attics across the county can be kept and preserved properly - particularly those in private or volunteer hands with no resources to ensure preservation. For this reason, the committee is conducting a county-wide survey to identify the existence of all such collections and to determine the expectations and requirements of individuals or groups who are interested in creating an archive or an archive network for Huron County. If you have an interesting collection, or if you know someone who does, and you would like to see that collection preserved for future generations, we invite you to complete and forward a survey which can be found on the Society’s webpage at www.huroncountyhistoricalsociety.ca Alternatively please contact David Armstrong (519-524-1156) for a hard copy of the survey. Please note that the return date for completed surveys is December 25, 2010.