The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-10-21, Page 11THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 21, 1954 Page 11
A psychiatrist was examining
a selectee. “What’s your occup
“I’m a gag writer for tele
“Let’s see you invent a gag
right here and now.”
The selectee rose slowly, went
to the door, looked down at the
long line of selectees and shout
ed, “O.K., you guys can go home
now, the job’s taken.”
| H. J. Cornish, L. F. Cornish, D. Mitchell
20 Years Asleep!
After sleeping peacefully for
20 years, Rip Van Winkle
awoke to a world vastly dif
ferent from that which he had
known. Great changes could
enter our lives too — but in
these modern times we ' and
our dependents need fear no
sudden awakening to a drasti
cally changed existence provided our Life Assurance
programme is adequate and up to date.
See me for full information—
Harry Hoffman
A Mutual Company — All Profits for Policyholders
;j WHEREAS, tuberculosis is a communicable disease |
| which took 2/156 lives in Canada during 1952, and |
i| over 20,000 Canadians are in our sanatoria, and =
| WHEREAS, there is a very definite danger of infection =
| to our residents if active cases are allowed to go 1
| undetected, and i
15 WHEREAS, facilities are being made available whereby =
;| all residents of Biddulph may obtain a free X-ray. =
| THEREFORE, I, Reeve of Biddulph hereby officially I
| designate November 2 and 3 as the period for i
2 this free X-ray clinic and. earnestly request that |
§ every citizen respond most wholeheartedly to this 1
§ campaign, first by having an X-ray and then by 1
| suppotring the project among their friends and 1
H acquaintances by word of mouth. By so doing, you =
= will not only protect yourself and your family, but =
| make Biddulph a healthier place in which to live. =
5 Signed |
| F. R. DOBBS, Reeve (
X-Ray Centre Open
| 2:00 to 5:00 P.M. and 7:00 to 10:00 P.M. 1
To Mrs. D. B. Hoggarth
Mr. .lames Low, manager of London office ALSCO Sales, is
shown presenting this beautiful ALSCO fully extruded com
bination door. Mrs. Hoggarth’s name was dratvn By Mayor
Rush of London at the recent Western Fair.
737 King St. E.
Or Call Mrs. Hoggartlq Exeter 529J to have
Representative Give An Estimate i
Lucan And District News
Chest X-Ray Campaign
In Middlesex Under Way
The mass chest x-ray campaign
in Middlesex started this week
When canvassers began rapping
on doors to request residents to
check their chests at free clinics,
The clinics for the north end
of the county will be held around
the first of November. The
schedule was released recently
by Hugh Filson, Denfield, who
is publicity chairman for the
■Canvassers in the county have
been attending briefing meetings
for the past two weeks to prepare
themselves for the door-to-door
campaign to persuade Middlesex
residents to take advantage of
the clinics.
Officials of the junior farmer
organization, which is sponsor
ing the campaign, emphasize that
getting the chest x-ray is a simp
le, quick procedure. It only takes
a few minutes because all the
person has to do is to step up
to the machine; he doesn’t even
have to undress. A week or so
after the x-ray has been taken,
a confidential report on what has
been found is received.
■General chairman of the coun
ty survey committee is Miss Mad
eline Hardy, of R.R. 4, Denfield.
Mr. Alex McComb, of R.R. 2
Denfield is co-chairman.
'In charge of the North Middle
sex district are Mrs. Rajr Camp
bell, Miss Joyce McEwan and Mr.
Ben DeKay; the east section is
being administered by Don Mid
dleton, Miss Joanna Anderson
and Wm, Grieve.
In the Lucan Community, the
x-ray unit will be at the arena
on Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov.
2 and 3, from 2 to 5 p.m. and
from 7 to 10 p.m. Mrs. Sher
idan Revington is the survey
In the Ailsa Craig Community,
the unit will be at the town hall
on Monday, Nov. 1, from 2 to
5 p.m. and from 7 to 10 p.m. At
Parkhill the survey will be made
in the town hall on Thursday
and Friday, Nov. 4 and 5, dur
ing the same hours.
Honesty Pays Off
Heather Acheson, 10-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Acheson, picked up a wallet on
the London Market containing
$166 in cash and two $6 cheques.
Her mother notifed the police and
the owner, Alphonse Verba, came
out to Lucan to pick up his wal
let which he hadn’t missed until
notified by police. He was so
overjoyed to receive it back that
he rewarded Heather with a $5
Bride-Elect Feted
Mrs. Howard Black and her
daughter, Mrs. Milton Price, were
hostesses to 20 of their neighbors
who met at the former’s home to
do honor to one of Lucan’s popu
lar bride-elects, Miss Audrey Mar
shall, by presenting her with a
miscellaneous shower.
Three contests were features of
the evening’s entertainment, Miss
Marshall winning two of the
three, “guessing beans in a bot
tle” and “the names of articles
in a bag.” The third contest,
“jumbled words,” was won by
Mrs. Ross McRoberts.
Teacher's Group
Elects Officers
The Biddulph and North Lon
don Township Teachers’ Associa
tion met in the Catholic School
last Tuesday afternoon with Mrs.
Nora Conlin presiding. Most of
the session was spent on a dis
cussion of school problems and
the election of officers which re
sulted as follows: past president,
Mrs. Nora Conlin; president, Mrs.
Muriel Cobleigh; vice-president,
Miss Marie Lewis, and secretary
treasurer, Ann White.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Darling
have moved into the house recent
ly vacated by Mr. Robert Clubine,
who is spending the winter in
Personal Items
Mrs. Cecil Hodgins received
$100 on the recent Canada Quizz
Contest and last week Terry Cul-
bert, son of Mr, and Mrs. Mey
Culbert, the paper boy who de
livered Mrs. Hodgins’ paper, re
ceived $25 — and was he ever
a happy hoy!
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hedden
spent last weekend in Buffalo,
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Haas,
Miss Anna Orr of Parkhill
spent last weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Corbett.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Flanni-
gan (nee Mabel Abbott) have
puchased the Ross house,
Mrs. W. Dickins spent last
weekend in Richmond, the guest
of her sister, Mrs. John McKinley.
Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Smith and
Mr. Frank Sawyer spent last
weekend at their cottage at Pen-
etang and on Sunday had a fam
ily gathering of 3 4 at the George
Lackie cottage. They came home
via Beaver Valley, and found the
trees most beautiful.
Rev. and Mrs. J. Armstrong of
Milverton were Monday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Stanley and
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lewis
have moved into their new home
in the Lewis sub-division.
Mr. Lloyd Acheson of the Lu
can Motor Sales has won, not only
the honor of being head salesman
in Ontario, but also of being sec
ond in the Dominion.
Inspector D. G. Smith visited
the Lucan Public School on Fri
Mrs. A. Adams of Toronto is
visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. B. H. Elliott.
Miss Margaret Ashworth has
accepted a position as Industrial
Nurse at the Imperial Oil Medical
Centre, Sarnia.
Susan Bridger, small daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Bridger,
who broke her leg July 30, 1953,
and again June 29, 19 54, had her
second cast off last Friday. In
spite of the mishap, Susan start
ed to*school in September.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bawden of
North Battleford called on Miss
Ida Porte and Mrs. Helen Watson
last Tuesday.
Topics From
Message From
Letter From
Important Notice
to Holders of
Government of Canada
3% Victory Bonds
Holders of Canada 3% Victory Bonds can get more income
by selling them at the current premium and reinvesting the
proceeds in 3J4% Canada Savings Bonds, Series Nine.
The investor receives an increase in income of $2.50 per $1,000
per year. And the proceeds from the sale of Canada 3% Victory
Bonds not only cover the cost of the same amount of 3j<£%
Canada Savings Bonds, but also leave cash in the investor’s
Canada Savings Bonds, Series Nine are always worth 100
cents on the dollar. They can easily be converted to cash at
any time at their full face value plus accrued interest.
Canada Savings Bonds, Series Nine are available in denominations
of $50, $100, $500, $1,000 and $5,000. Each individual may pur
chase up to $5,000 principal amount.
We strongly recommend the purchase of 3%% Canada Savings
Bonds, Series Nine, either for cash or in exchange for Govern
ment of Canada 3% Victory Bonds.
Order yours by mail or telephone today.
36 Kina Street JVest mat i ^""1 1 o
Toronto i Woocl, uundy & Company
Telephone: EMpire 4-4321 Limited
Thank Offering Meeting
Members of the United Church
Women’s Association and Mission
ary Society held the Autumn
Thank Offering meeting Thurs
day in the church with Mrs. E.
Lawson in charge of the devotion
al period.
The Study Book was reviewed
by Mrs. G. Zwicker assisted by
Mrs. R. Reid, Mrs. H. Lightfoot
and Mrs. S. King.
W.A. business meeting was pre*
sided over by Mrs. N. Lamport
when plans were completed for
the annual bazaar being held on
Saturday, November 13. The
meeting voted a donation of $10
to C.N.I.B.
Mrs. W. Mack was in charge
of W.M.S. business. Mrs. G. Hill
was appointed delegate to the
coming convention.
Both societies appointed nom
inating committees to bring in
slates of officers at the November
meeting, when election will be
Hostesses were Mrs. W. Par
rott, Mrs. W. Wright, Mrs. Garnet
Hill and Mrs. E. Lamport.
Service For John Smith
Funeral services for the late
Mr. John Smith on Thursday of
last week were conducted by Rev.
F. Faist, of Kitchener, assisted
by Rev. W. Parrott, of Crediton
United Church. Pall bearers were
Messrs. Bert Clark, Herb Falir-
ner, Harold Holtzman, Maurice
Klunipp, Clifford Hill and Herb
Distant relatives attending Mr.
Smith’s funeral included Messrs.
Herbert and Edward I-Iaist, of
Pigeon, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Young of Fort Wayne,
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young are
visiting this week with Mr. and
Mrs. William Smith.
Mr. Howard Beaver, Hamilton,
visited this week with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Beaver.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Morlock
of Galt spent a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. H. Young and Mr. A.
Mrs. Beatrice Tate, of Water
down, Visited over the weekend
with Miss Maleeda Schenk and
Mr. and Mts. Joseph FinkbMner,
Mrs. Lloyd England is spending
this week in Montreal.
Mf. and Mrs. Mervyn Camm of
Fort Erie and Mr. K. Atkinson
of London spent a few days last
week at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. William Oestricher,
Mrs. M. Faist is spending this
Week in Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. William Gilmartin
The Harmony Glass of the Un
ited Church is sponsoring a pot
luck supper for the Young People
of the Anglican and United
Churches in the United Church
basement on Friday evening at
7 o’clock.
An error was made in last
week’s news item concerning the
bazaar of the United Church
W.A. It will be held in Corbett
School, Sat., Nov. 2'0', instead of
Nov. 19.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred ICading, of
Grand Bend, spent a few days
last week with Mr. and Mrs.
George Gollen.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pollock and
Jim, of Bothwell, and Mr. Carl
Pollock, of London, spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mil
ton Pollock.
Mrs. Levina Kennedy and Mrs.
Albert Kennedy, of Bad Axe,
Mich., visited last week with Mrs.
Albert Pollock.
Mr. and Mrs. Ervine Eggert,
Sheila and Bobby, visited on Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Kleinfeldt, of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Gillies and
sons, of Detroit, spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Rev. C. W. Down, of Exeter,
will be the guest speaker at the
United Church on Sunday.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Milton Pollock who celebrated
their silver wedding anniversary
October 17.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown, Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Brown and fam
ily visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Bartlett of Mt. Brydges.
Mrs. Albert Pollock visited one
day last week with Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Detloff of Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Love visited
Wednesday at Thedford with Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Love.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Miller of
Detroit spent a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. Newton Hayter.
Mr. Glen Love attended the
plowing match on Tuesday at
Miss Barbara Hayter has gone
to Detroit to visit with friends
for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Love went
Thursday to Breslau to attend the
plowing match.
Mr. Mansell Hodgins and sister
visited in Lucan with Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Hardy Wednesday.
Lodge Marks Anniversary
Agnes Watson L.O.B.A. Lodge
1167 celebrated Its sixth anni
versary at the L.O.L. Hall, Wood
ham, last Thursday bight. Mem
bers from Mitchell, Seaforth, Lu
can and St. Marys lodges and
Woodham L.O.L,, with their Wives
and lady friends, attended.
The evening was spent in pro
gressive euchre followed by a
program to which each lodge con
tributed a number,
Mrs. Verna Seeley won the
draw for the hostess chair.
and SOU Danny, of Lambeth, visit
ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jo
seph Woodall.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Molitar and
daughter Kathy, of Strathroy,
Were weekend visitors with Mrs.
A. Molitor,
Back in 1825 the Danish
scientist Oersted produced the
first pebble of metallic alu
minum. Half a century passed
before a technique was discov
ered for turning out the metal in
Modern processing of bauxite
ore to make low-cost aluminum
uses fantastic quantities of
power. That is why Canada is
one of the world’s major alu
minum suppliers. In Quebec
province, smelters at Arvida,
Shawinigan Falls, Isle Maligne
and BeauharnOis last year used
nearly one-fifth of the country’s
total electrical output, And in
British Columbia new sources
of water power are feeding the
pot lines of the new smelter at
Kitimat. Aluminum Company
of Canada, Ltd. (Alcan).
We want to thank all those who have contributed their time anr effort to
assure success to our first county-wide Mass Chest X-Ray Survey.
Ontario Department of Health
Beck Memorial Sanatorium
Women’s Institutes
Ministers of the Churches
School Boards and Schools
Radio and T.V. Outlets
London Health Association
Medial Officers of Health
Agricultural Federations
Civic Authorities
We have all worked together and have accomplished a great deal.
We have done everything we can think of to make this X-Ray service
valuable to you — the people of our neighborhood.
You will endorse our effort and make it all worthwhile when you take
advantage of a chest X-Ray — free.
Join us in making this Chest X-Ray Survey the best in the Province £—
just like our County ~ and our folk.
Middlesex Junior Farmers