The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-02-18, Page 2Page 2 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 18, 1954 This Journal shall always fight for progress, reform and public welfare, never be afraid to attack wrong, never belong to any political party, never b» satisfied with merely print­ ing news. THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY IS, 1954 Many Obstacles, But Industrial Scheme Excellent One Back At It We must get back into the editorial fray over the location of the new Huron County courthouse. After starting the battle several weeks ago by suggesting that the new building should be located in Clinton instead of Goderich, we have watched with i amusement the repercussions. These have consisted of: (a) The Goderich Signal-Star I patting us on the head and telling us to go home like good little boys should, and (b) The Clinton News-Record clubbing The Signal-Star on its posterior and calling the lakeshore town a “mistake”. The Goderich editorial writer boasts about his metropolis as the “prettiest, finest- situated, most interesting, most important town not only in Huron but in a much wider district”. To which the Clinton paper replies: . early settlers were so haphazard in their treatment of planning and development that they misplaced the plan (of Goderich) entirely and came up with some circular idea that was originally meant for Guelph. That was the result of the setting for the present courthouse which was a mistake from the first, perhaps a fortunate one for Guelph, since it is now a city, while Gode­ rich with its oft-vaunted though out-dated circular plan is still striving towards that goal.” Although two to one may be unfair, we’re going to stick to our guns and battle for Clinton. South Huron may be the “small end” of the county, as The Goderich Signal-Star suggests, but it certainly carries a big end of the stick in assessment, population and the amount of taxes it contributes to the county. As a matter of fact, the value of three of the most southern townships in the county is more than five northern ones. Rut this is not adhering to the point. We assert again that Clinton is far more central, both milcage-wise and population­ wise, than Goderich. Since trains, harbours, size of towns, prettincss, ego, history, or sense of importance are not legitimate fac­ tors in the deciding of a location for the county courthouse, let us build it where it’s most practical. Let’s leave the old, decrepit landmark in Goderich’s famous multigonal “square” for the sake of dear old history and build a practical new courthouse in the “hub”. (Any connection between this editorial and the fact that we enjoy being the third party in an editorial feud is purely coinci­ dental.) The plan to organize an industrial pro­ motion scheme on a county level is an ex­ cellent one but it presents some obvious dif­ ficulties. The suggestion is to pool resources of the urban centres to establish a county in­ dustrial commission which will attract plants to Huron. When this commission suceeds in interesting a concern in the area, then it would be the responsibility of the individual municipalities to sell themselves. Since none of the towns in the county can afford to finance an extensive promo­ tion campaign on its own, this co-operative plan appears to be the best solution. The major obstacle to this would ap­ pear to be the human elements of jealousy, suspicion and selfishness. These must be overcome before much could be accom­ plished. The first poser, of course, is the matter of contributions. Should these be made according to population, or assessment, or some other means ? Will each municipality donate voluntarily or will it be necessary, if possible, to compel each town to contribute ? Another problem is that of representa­ tion on the commission. Should it be one man for every municipality or should it be based on the amount of money contributed? Still another question comes with the thought of hiring a full-time industrial com­ missioner. A suggestion at a recent meeting- favored a man from outside the county be­ cause he could not be accused of working for any particular town. On the other hand, a resident of the county would certainly have our interests more at heart. Even after these problems are solved, more-difficulties will appear. Since industry does not locate thick and fast, some towns will get plants before cithers and this may cause suspicion and jealousy. Rivalry be­ tween towns may reach unhealthy propor­ tions when industry becomes interested in the area. But perhaps the greatest obstacle will be the securing of public support. It might be several years before a county industrial commission can succeed in attracting in­ dustry. This is usually the case. Will the public support the outlay of funds if no im­ mediate results are received? They will have to be persuaded that this project is a long- range one and that it may .take many years before success is apparent. These are a few of the problems which face the supporters of the county plan. They have a difficult task on their hands but their objective is a beneficial one. It is to be hoped that all municipalities will co-operate with an open mind and a broad outlook. JASPER TIMES Crippled Timmy Enjoys Sports DO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS Join The Ranks The Hsing popularity of the ancient Scottish pastime of curling makes one won­ der if that avocation might not be started .here. Recent reports indicate that nearly 80,- 000 persons in Canada betw'een 18 and 80 are getting a kick out of swishing a broom and sliding a 4<0-pound rock on ice. “From Newfoundland to British Colum­ bia, the rhythmic action of brooms across glassy ice and cries of “sweep” are familiar sounds in hundreds of natural and artificial rinks.” With the splendid facilities of our own rink available, perhaps this popular sport would make splendid recreation here. At least two other Huron County towns, Gode­ rich and Seaforth, seem to enjoy the pas­ time. Logical Move Suggestion of the Clan deboy e Farm Forum that cars should be compelled to stop al level railway crossings appears sensible. The grim record of railway accidents reveals that one person is killed every three days at the 32,000 crossings in Canada. Most of these crossings are in the rural area and 25,000 of them have no protection except for railway approach signs on the roadside. These facts are borne out in- our own area. Only the crossing at the main street in Lucan has an automatic warning device. Every other crossing in the district has only an approach sign as a warning measure. Three Steps From the discussion on industrial pro­ motion which took place in. Exeter last week, it is apparent that there are several imme­ diate goals which our town should strive for to make its appeal more acceptable to in­ dustry. First, and probably most important, is the formation of a town plan. According to the Ontario Department of Planning and Development, this is one of the important considerations from an industrial point of view. Secondly, and much more fundamental, is the development of industry salesmen. These come in two categories: (a) the "super-salesman” who can officially repre­ sent the town to visiting prospects, and (b) all the citizens, who must be industry-consc­ ious enough to show their pride for the town, recognize prospects and steer them to the proper authority. Thirdly, it is wise to have a group of men ready to invest capital into a building should an industry wish to have one which it could lease. These are at least three steps which should be taken to improve our own cam­ paign for industry. The record show?, however, that driv­ ers are becoming careless when they ap­ proach. rail crossings. The criss-cross signs are not enough. The logical step is to compel cars to stop at these crossings, as the Clandeboyc Forum suggests. Cxeter Timos Established 1873 Amalgamated 1924 Advocate Established 1881 ♦ Published Each Thursday Morning at Exeter, Ontario An Independent Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of the Town of Exeter and District Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Member of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Member of the Ontario-Quebec Division of the CWNA Member of the Audit Bureau of Circulation Paid-in-Advance Circulation as of September 30, 1953 2,474 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Canada (in advance) $3.00 per year U.S.A, (in advance) $4.00 per year Published by The Exeter Times-Advocate Limited 50 YEARS AGO Nine new members added the Board of Trade at theii’ cent meeting, brought the mem­ bership to 35. Questions debated were, the need of a new station; the cost of a successful canning factory; the improvement of winter traveling conditions and the cost and requiremnts knitting factory. The weather during the week has been bright and but extremely cold with the cury dropping to’ 18° 1 zero, irregular, due to snow. The chief of police has been having a number of delinquents before the J.P., for neglecting to pay poll tax. The council has instructed the village constable to prosecute any person found driving dogs (attached to carts or sleighs) on the sidewalks, or children hang­ ing on sleighs. - Mr. Thoihas Jaques died neai’ Exeter. Crippled from youth, he was a familiar figure as he weu.1; to and from town in a cart, built especially for him. to re­ of a past clear mer- dropping to’ 18° below Train service, is still very 25 YEARS AGO The Valentine carnival at the Dome rink was one of the best evei’ staged in Exeter. A new post office for Exeter is included in the estimates of the Department of Public Works, tabled at Ottawa this week. The estimates provide $21,000 for the building, which may be erected this summer. Herman Gower won the Senior WOSSA oratorical • contest his subject- “The British pire.” Mr. James Dignan, 83, has been actively engaged blacksmith here for the past 55 years, was guest of honoi’ at the Chamber of Commerce banquet at the Central Hotel. Old-time curlers in Hensall are making good use of the rink, and village grocers are doing a land­ office business selling brooms. Two cows on the farm of Mr. Cephas Pym, Usborne, have given birth to twin calves within the past two months. baritone soloist at the Kiwanis Music Festival in Massey Hall, Toronto. At Exeter's sixth blood clinic, 97 donors from Exeter and dis­ trict and No. 9 S.F.T.S., Cen­ tralia, reported. Two Centralia farmers, Mr. E. Dixon and Mr. J. L. Hotson, re­ ceived British Empire medals for heroic action in rescuing a stu­ dent pilot from a burning plane which crashed on a nearby farm. Members o f Exeter - Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion and their ladies enjoyed a ban­ quet to celebrate the burning of the mortgage on their building. President, R. E. Pooley, acted as chairman. Raymond Badger, of Weston, i looking forward eagerly to the Ontario, a nine-year-old young- < annual sportsmen's dinner which ster who doesn’t let a cripple’s brace stand ip the way of enjoy­ ing I if Q as. a schoolboy who gets into everything that’s going on, has been chosen as Ontario's Timmy during the forthcoming Easter Seal campaign. As Timmy, young Ray will represent all the thousands of handicapped youngsters in Can­ ada for whom the campaign, sponsored by the Ontario Society for Crippled Children, will seek $5Q0,000 between March 18 and April 18. Associated with the So­ ciety will be 195 service clubs scattered across the province. Ray is the eighth youngster honored by being selected as Timmy since the Society started its annual campaign in 1947 with one of its young proteges as a symbolic leader. Through the Weston - Mount Dennis Rotary Club, Ray was brought to the attention of the Society, and the club paid for two lengthy stays at the Hospital for Sick Children, bought him his brace and two pairs of special shoes, and sent him away each of the last two summers for a vacation at Blue Mountain camp, one of five crip­ pled children’s camps owned and operated by the Society. More than two years ago Ray's hip began bothering him and an alert family doctor diagnosed the trouble as Legge - Perthes dis­ ease, a bone condition which can become very serious if unattend­ ed. Today Ray wears a brace which relieves the hip of his weight while it is mending, and some day, it is hoped, lie will be able to abandon the. brace en­ tirely. Ray is a big boy for his years, 5 feet 3 inches tall. He is a grade four student at Melody Road public school and, according to his teacher, is an above average' student. He is an avid sports fan, and follows the Maple Leafs hockey team religiously. He is . preludes the Society’s annual ap- j peal, because then, he hopes, he will meet most of his favorite athletes. He takes part in some | sports himself, despite his leg < brace, and plays goal-tender for his grade team soccer league. He is mer and last year at Blue Moun­ tain Camp passed his Beginner’s Tests a'nd has completed half of i ■the Junior’s which he expects to I finish this year. His favorite hob- j hies are wood-carving, collecting match-box covers and watching I TV. ; Ray is confident that he won't' in the school a fair swim- wear his brace for very lout, be­ cause he is firmly determined to be a soldier when he grows up. He takes considerable kidding from his father, Leslie.Badger, a service department specialist with the Mall Tool Company. Mr. Badger was in the navy during the war, finishing his-service as an antisub instructor. “Ray’s a good, keen young­ ster,” says Mr. Badgei’ and Mrs. Badger echoes his attitude, “He has never complained and he gets along fine with all the fam­ ily, an older brother and three younger sisters. We’re very proud that he is to be Timmy this year.” Smiles “I wonder what cannibals do with their victims’ heads?” “Oh, probably make noodle • soup out of them.” St Prof: What is a patriot? Conscientious Objector: A who is always willing to lay down your life for his country. * ** NINE-YEAR-OLD RAYMOND BADGER of Weirton, Ontario, ,ias been selected as the 1951 TIMMY to represent the thou­ sands of crippled children in Ontario during the forthcoming Easter Seal Campaign which will be belli from March 18 until ; April 18. Campaign which is sponsored by over 190 Service ■ ‘ j Clubs associated wit'i The. Ontario Society for Crippled Cliild- ren has an objective ol‘ $500,000 for the province of Ontario. with as a 15 YEARS AGO Verna Joyce Foster, 3, drown­ ed in a creek that runs through her father’s farm, near Granton. Miss Matilda' White is serious­ ly ill as a result of a fall which resulted in a fractured hip. Her father, the late John White, was founder of the Exeter Times. Joyce Broderick, of Hensail, received second prize for her singing and tap dancing on Ken Soble’s amateur contest held in London. Mr. Warren May has taken a position as junior clerk with the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Mr. and Mrs. William Pybus were honored by members of Chiselhurst United Church be­ fore leaving for their new home in Exeter. Life memberships in the W.M.S. and choir were pre­ sented to Mrs. Pybus and a floor lamp and chair for their home was presented to them church members. Penny Bank deposits eter Public School pupils $702.24 at the end of bet, by the by Ex­ totalled Deeem- 1O YEARS AGO The Kalbfleish plahing mill at Zurich was. entirely wiped out by fire and large piles of lumber were destroyed. Fire departments from Hensall, Dashwood and Grand Bend, R.C.A.F., joined Zurich firemen to save adjoining buildings. Loss Was estimated at $50,000 to $75,000, Mr, Carey Joynt, of I-Iensa'IJj a former iixeter High School stu­ dent, now a medical student at Western, won first ftrize as a j Every fifteen minutes, a Canadian suffers serious injury in a traffic accident Every four hours a life is lost. Every two minutes a fender is smashed. Insurance cannot restore life or mitigate pain. All it can do is relieve the financial burden of disaster. Even then, the bill comes high. . ALL CANADA INSURANCE FEDERATION Last year, companies writing Automobile Insurance paid out more than $75,000,000 in accident claims — a part of the cost of carelessness and discourtesy in driving. AU CANADA INSURANCE FEDERATION on behalf of more than 200 competing companies writing Fire, Automobile and Casualty Insurance.