The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-12-31, Page 8Page 8 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 31, 1953 Baptize Children At James Street At the morning service In James St. United Church following children received. Celebrate Christmas At Home And Away the the the rite of baptism by the minister, Rev. H. J. Snell: Donald, George, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jones; Douglas Sterling, son of Mr. and Airs. Donald Case; Lynn Ellen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Richards; Gale Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sweet; Karen Helen,. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ollen-Bittle, of To­ ronto; Susan Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reg. MacDonald; Richard Paul, son of Mr. and Airs. Irvine Armstrong; Victoria Leslie, daughter of Air. and Mrs. Tom Steiner. Distant Relatives Attend Funeral Out-of-town friends and rela­ tive who attended the funeral of the late Mrs. John Hunter in­ cluded W. W. Hunter, N. Battle­ ford, Sask., John W. Hunter, of Ottawa; William Knights and Clarence Knights, of Ridgetown; Phin Dickins and Alfred Dickins, London; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coleman, Mrs. James Hodgins, Mrs. John Hodgins, Miss Gora Neil, Mrs. Willard Garrett, Lu­ can, and Miss Greta Lammie, of Hensall. Mr. W. Huntei- returned Ottawa with his son and flew his home in N. Battleford T.C.A, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. David Millar with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Turnbull, in Leaside, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Tinney and, Lois with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Pepper and family, of Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. William May with their son Gordon and family in Hamilton. Miss Helen Anthony and Miss Helen Hardy with Miss Isabelle Anthony and Mrs. James Anthony in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Pym with their daughters, etta, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gail and Karen, ed with Mr. and aid and Mrs. G. F. Roulston. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Darling and two sons spent Boxing Day in Toronto. Dr. F. J. and Mrs. Butson with Mr. and Mrs. Loril Butson, of Munro. Miss Irene Beaupre with her brother Keith at Iroquois. Mr. John Strange with mem­ bers of the family in Toronto. Ralph Hicks and and Mrs. J. F. Catharines. John Western for the i to to by Nurses Receive R. N. Degree Congratulations to Mrs. Grant Gowanlock, of Lambeth (nee Velma Ferguson, of Hensall) and Mrs. Elgin Hendrick, Dash­ wood (nee Patsy Mitchell, of Hensall), -who have successfully passed their examinations for Registered Nurses. Both are 1953 graduates of the School ing at Victoria Hospital, Miss Eleanor Cook, of also a 1953 graduate School of Nursing at Hospital, successfully passed her examination for R.N, some weeks ago. of Nurs- London. Hensall, of the Victoria Corsages Order Now BAILEYS Myrna and Lor- V. L. Roulston, of Simcoe, visit- Mrs. E. A. How- Comments About Centralia By MRS. F. BOWDEN f Lyric Theatre Phone 421 Previews Its Coming Attractions .} FRIDAY & SATURDAY January 1 and 2 Farmer Takes A ★ Betty Grable ★ Dale Robertson A technicolor musical with lots of good comedy and laughs . . . Matinee Friday, Jan. 1, and Saturday, Jan. 2, at 2:30 p.m. The annual Christmas concert was presented in the school room of the church on Wednesday eve­ ning of last week with Mr, Reg Hodgson as chairman. There was a good program of recitations, songs, instrumentals and plays with all Sunday School classes taking part. Convening the pro­ gram were Mrs. Elmer Powe, Mrs. Frank Hicks and Mrs. Wil­ fred Huxtable. The arrival of Santa Claus caused a great deal of excitement among the young folks. Christmas guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson were Mr, and Mrs. Reg Hodgson and Kath­ leen, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Greb and Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Love, Maurice and Arlene. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Shoebottom and family, of Parry Sound, Mr. and Mrs. M. 'Johnston of London were Christmas visitors with the former's son, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shoebottom. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. spent Christmas with the parents in London. Mr. and Mrs. Borden and Beverley and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smyth visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Theander in Lon­ don on Christmas Day. Mrs. Field and Winnie of Nobel are spending the holidays at their home, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hodgins and family, of Greenway, and Mr. Charles Hodgins, of Sarnia, were Christmas visitors Mrs. K, Hodgins. Visitors at the and Mrs. Christmas Samson McFalls, Gerald McFalls, Gerald Glenn and Dr. A, McTag- gert of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam Quinton and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. Lilley and family, and Miss Helen McFalls of London. Mr. and Mrs. C. Rowe and Linda, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Essery and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lightfoot and family, Mr. Charles Isaac and Mr. Percy Webber were Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Essery. Mr. and _Mrs. Frank Hicks, Jo­ anne and with Mr. Craig. Mrs. E. Elliott latter’s Smyth with Mr. home of McFalls and Arthur were Mr. Mr. and Mr.and and Mr. for Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Bruce spent Christmas and Mrs. Lee at Ailsa MONDAY & TUESDAY January 4 and 5 11 Wife -k Cary Grant ★ Deborah Kerr Here is a pleasing, light, man tip comedy that is good enter­ tainment. ro- WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY January G and 7 The Desert Rats ★ Richard Burton ★ Robert Newton A .gripping war melodrama. It is a fine tribute to the gallant British Empire forces who fought the battle for Tobruk in North Africa. The management joins with the staff to wish everyone A HAPPY NEW YEAR! Honsberger of Norwich is visiting with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Honsberger, and fam­ ily. Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baynham and fam­ ily of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Gor­ don Baynham and family, of Ex­ eter, Mr. E. Carruthers, of Lon­ don, and Mr. and Mrs. William Haddock. Holiday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Robinson were Miss Beck and Mr. Bud Doucette of Toronto, Miss Arlene Doucette of London and Mrs. Archie Robin­ son of Rodney. Mrs. E. Lamport was pleasant­ ly surprised on Christmas Day when she received a telephone call from her son, Melvin Lam­ port, in Albernie, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph. Lightfoot and Sharon spent Christmas with Mr. and AJrs. William Northcott. Mr. and Mrs. George Dunn are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. Paisley and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dunn in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E. Thompson and family, of London, were Christ­ mas visitors with Mrs. Parsons and Mrs. Kershaw. Mr. Melvin Harlton, of Lobo, and the Morley boys were visitors f' Bring In The 3 3 S 2 i Monetta Menard's New Years Party Novelties Entertainment 3 3 i AUSTIN CARTER’S ORCHESTRA Southern Fried Chicken Dinner Make Your Reservations Now! s Closed Christmas Day — Open Boxing Day Mr. and Mrs. John with Mr. Pringle, of St. is home from holidays. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Laiupman and Mr. A. Lindsay spent Satur­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Lampman and Mrs. Ross Hughes at Bur- gessville. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Follick with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Warriner, of Newtonbrook. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Elliot and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Snider and family with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Swinn, of London. Mr. and Mrs. George Swan with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Strange, in Toronto. Miss Meta Salter with Mr. and Mrs. C. Reeves, of Seaforth. Mr .and Mrs. Walter Outbush with Mr. and Mrs. Maclnnes, of Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newton in Strathroy. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Vessey and family in St. Marys. Dr .and Mrs. A. J. MacKinnon, of Galt, and Mrs, Rose Russell, of town, with Mrs. MacKinnon and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kalb- fleisch at Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. May with Dr. C. D. and Mrs. Richardson, of Sarnia. Dr. H. H. Peter with Reynolds in Mr and Mrs. with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Taylor in Sarnia. Miss Mary Elworthy with Mr. and Mrs. Springer and Mr. and Mrs. O. Kestle, of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Prouty in Dundas. and Mrs. Cowen and Mr. and Mrs. Jack London. Hector Taylor Install Auxiliary Officers Zone Commander Mrs. Luella Hall,'«of Blytli, conducted the in­ stallation of 1954 officers of the Ladies Auxiliary to Exeter Branch of the Canadian Legion, No 167 at their last meeting of the year, December 28, The social part of the evening was spent in contests and an ex­ change of gifts. Mrs. Stan Frayne was winner of the mystery prize. More Accidents Damage estimated at $200 re­ sulted from a collision on Satur­ day night between cars driven by Wayne Shaw, Grand Bend, and John Shorey, of Exeter, The ac­ cident occured as Shaw made a left turn on Highway No. 81, south of Grand Bend. No one was injured. Provincial Constable Cecil Gibbons, of Exeter, invest­ gated. Hits Hydro Polo Earlier the same afternoon, a pickup truck driven by Adam Black, of Centralia, skidded off No. 4 Highway, three miles south of Exeter, into the west ditch where it snapped a hydro pole. Mrs. Black suffered minor cuts and was treated by Dr. F. J. Mil­ ner. The truck was damaged to the extent of $400. Struck By Car In "an accident the same eve­ ning on No. 4 Highway, one-half mile north of Hensall a south­ bound car driven 'by Ralph John­ son, 23, of RCAF Station Cen­ tralia, struck Dirk Toonk, 48, of Hensall, who was walking along the road. Toonk was taken to South Huron Hospital for treat­ ment of minor bruises and later released. Dr. F. J. Butson, Ex­ eter, attended. with Mrs. A. Harlton on Christ­ mas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammie, Bobby and Jean, spent Christmas with Miss G. Lammie in Hensall. Mrs. George Godbolt and Mr. Dave Clark spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Godbolt and were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Godbolt in Mit­ chell. Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Huxtable and Billy were Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. Don Dixon of Ailsa Craig spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harrison. Misses Edna and Marie Brown and Mr. Shermon Eaton, of Lon­ don, and Mr. Don Heaman, of Ailsa Craig, were Christmas visi­ tors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomp­ son. > Mr. Jack Gates of Dannville, Ill., was a holiday guest with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gates. Among the long distance telephone calls which Mr. and Mrs. Gates received on Christmas Day were from Denver, Cal., and another from Saskatchewan. Mrs. F. Shoebottom, of Parry Sound, called on Mrs. G. Godbolt on Christmas Day. ’ Mrs. W. Palmer, of St. Cathar­ ines, spent the holidays with her , parents, Mr. and Mrs. George : Hepburn. Boxing Day visitors with Mr. i and Mrs. Borden Smyth were Mr. i and Mrs, H. Theander and family i of London. Mr. and Mrs. K. Greb and i Wayne were Saturday visitors ; with Mr. and Mrs. H. Love and i family. Mr. and Mrs. R. Lammie and i family visited with Mrs. Flossie : Dickens in Exeter on Sunday. Mrs. E. Lamport was a visitor i at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E, : Lamport on Boxing Day. Mr, and Mrs. Richard Doherty, i of Mt, Clemens, Mich., were Sun- i day callers at the home of i and Mrs. Harris West. Mr. Arthur McFalls has i ceived word of the death of i cousin, Mr. Jack Atkinson, ■ Pontiac, Mich. Mrs. A. Robinson of Rodney Is ; visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin i Essery. Misses Dianne Quinton and i Barbara Lilley are holidaying i with their grandparents, Mr, and HMrs. A. McFalls, Mr. re- his of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Simmons and My. and two Mrs. W. Bruce with his Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Beer and Miss May Skinner with Air. and Airs. Earl Russell. Air. and Airs. Davis Robertson, of Clarkestown, spent Alonday and Tuesday with Air. and Airs. C. L. Robertson. Air. Douglas Pryde, of Toron­ to, at his home here. Mr. and Airs. W. H. Waddell, of Guelph; Aliss Alarguerite Pic­ kard and Aliss Elizabeth Glad­ man, of Hamilton, with Mr. and Airs. C. V. Pickard, The latter two are spending the week. Air. and Mrs. Ernest Gustaf­ son, of Storthoaks, Sask., are spending several weeks with LAC Lyall Gustafson and family. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Long, of Royal Oak, Alicli., an^ Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Wuerth, of London, with Mr. and Airs. Alf Wuerth. Rev. R. E. and Airs. Southcott, Jack and Jim, of Oil City, at the home of Miss Stella Southcott. Air. and Airs. Edwin Gardiner, of Kitchener, with Air. and Airs. E. D. Howey. Miss Fern Shortt and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Roberts and family, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Charles White and family, of Toronto, and Air. and Mrs. Fred Nixon and family, of Flint, Alicli., with Mrs. William Welsh. Mr. and Mrs. William Harvey, of Petawawa, and Donald Web­ ster, of Sarnia, with Mr. and Mrs. William Webster. Mr. ami Mrs. James Tuckey and three children, of Cass City, Mich., with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tuckey. Mr. Neil Jones, with his parents, Mr. and J. H. Jones. Aliss Florence Southcott, don, with her parents, Air Mrs. J. _ ~ ‘ Miss parents, Allison. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Noels and family, of St. Marys, Miss Fran­ ces Barrs, Miss Edna Smith, of Toronto, with Mr. and Airs. E. C. Appleton. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Webber and family, Varn’a; Mr. and Airs. Irvine Armstrong and Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Southcott and family with Mrs. Valeria Arm­ strong. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jaques, of Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jaques and son, Mr. and Airs. Clifton Jaques and daughter, all of Zion, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bowers and family with Mr. and Airs. Wes Jaques. Mr. and Airs. Lloyd Hern family, of Zion, Mr. and Harold Davis and Mr. and Miller AIcCurdy, Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs. George Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris and Susan, o,f London, with Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Pfaff. Mrs. M. Laidlaw, of Toronto, with her daughter, Mrs. R. Wat­ kins. ' Miss Janet Thompson, of. To­ ronto, with her parents, Mr. and Airs. Sidney Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Mattingly and two children, of Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cox and two daugh­ ters, of Niagara Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hannigan and two chil­ dren, of Essex, and Mr, and Mrs. Norman Hannigan and two sons, of Toronto, with Mrs. N. gan. Mrs. E. Rookes, of with her son-in-law and ter, Mr. and Mrs. C. •Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sarnia, with Mr. and ton Frayne. Mrs. G. R. Martin and Miss Mary, of Simcoe, Miss Margaret Martin, of Kingston, and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Martin and Miss Joan, of Orillia, with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Cochrane. Mr .and Mrs. Peter Fraser and Miss Uene Fraser, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fraser. Miss Mary Easton, of Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Easton. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Walker and three children, of Hanover, and Mr. Raeburn, of Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Doerr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hall and son Stanley, of Toronto; Mrs. J. Essery, Mrs. L. C. Hicks and Stanley with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Creech. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Ellsmere and Gwynne, of North Bay, with Mrs. A. E. Buswell. Mrs. Buswell and Helen are returning to North Bay with them. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Armstrong and family and Mrs. Lillian Roach, of St. Marys, with Air. and Mrs. W. H. ” ' Roach remained end. Mr. and Mrs. of Toronto, Norman Heaman. Mr. and Mrs. David Toronto, with Mr. and fred Turnbull. Mrs. Frank Reeder and Jack; Mr. and Mrs." Cooper McCurdy and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Musser and Harold Musser at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Huxtable. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Black and Mr. and Mrs. A. Fleischauer and three children, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. John Norry. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Floody, David and Janice, of Windsor, with Mr. and Airs. E. Lindenfield. Mrs. Floody and family are re­ maining for New Years when Mr. Floody will again visit here. Gary Ford, a polio patient in Children’s War Memorial Hospit­ al, spent Christmas with his pa­ rents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Ford and has returned to hospital further treatment. Mr .and Mrs. Lloyd Cook family, of Brantford, and ahd Mrs. Stewart McBride David, of Toronto, visited “with Mrs, William Cook on Sunday. and Mrs. Fred Simmons children with Mr. and J, Ross, of Stratford. Alderson, of Parkhill, parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Biggart and daughter in Clinton. Dr. R. F. Reilly and two child­ ren in Toronto. Mrs. Reilly and children are returning Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. William Parker and Mr. and Mrs. cator and family Mrs. Les Parker Mrs. Stan Tudor, Mrs. Arthur Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs, H. Pollen and Bill, Mrs. S. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Sim Pol­ len, Flint, Mich., With Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kestle, Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor, Jean and Jeanette and Mrs. Charles Box with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Tavistock and granddaughter, turned with them for the holi­ days. Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson and their family, Kay and Kent, of Evanston, Ill., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hamil­ ton and family, of town, and also with Mrs. Johnson’s brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grainger, R.R. 2, Zurich, and Mr. and Mrs. Ardell Grainger, of Watford. Howard Presz- with Mr, and and Mr. and of Hensall. of Detroit. George Jaques in Guelph. Their June Francis, re- Note Increase In Seal Sales J. B. Creech, local chairman of the Christinas seal campaign, has received the following infor­ mation from Mrs. J. B. Russell, Seaforth, on campaign in December 14: taining se'als Huron county. Up to December 14, 2,065 were returned with money amounting to $4,039.95, an increase over 1952. Up to December 1, the sale in the Dominion of Canada showed an increase of 8%. Saskatche­ wan had a 23% increase in spite of 1953 wheat crop not sold and Noranda, in Northern Quebec, though paralyzed by strikes, showed a 100% increase. Exetei’ has responded well but definite figures were not avail­ able. B. the results of the the county up to J.2,417 letters con- were sent out in Mr. Howard Hunter,' Bramp­ ton, attended the funeral of his grandmother, Mrs. John Hunter. Mr. J. T. Allison, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allison with Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Allison. Data On Dashwood By AIRS. E. H. RADER of Toronto, Mrs. M. Southcott. Betty Allison with Mr. and Mrs. Lon- and her Charles Mrs. Mrs. with Hanni- Action, daugh- Hall. Frayne, of Mrs. Clay- I* Hodgson. Mrs. for the week- Lloyd Heaman, with Mr.and Mrs. Miller, of Mrs. Wil- for and Mr. and Zion Lutheran Church held its annual Christmas service Thurs­ day, December 24. Both churches held services on Christmas day. Christmas visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. Melton Walper and girls, of Ingersoll, Mrs. Nel- da Routledge, of London, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ratz, of Shipka, with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fas- sold;Miss Lorna Kraft, London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Kraft; Mr. and Mrs. Wen­ dell Gamble and Gary, London, Airland Mrs. Garnet Wieburg and “children, of Waterloo, with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rader. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Rader held Christmas on Boxigg Day by having their eight children and families, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rader and Glen, Mr. and Ervin Rader and children, and Mrs. Leonard Prang family of Zurich, Mr. and Ivan Taylor and Ray, Waterloo, Mr .and Mrs. Elgin Rader and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rader and boys, Mr. and Mrs.. Garnet Wieburg and family, of Water­ loo, and Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Gamble and Gary, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Allemang and family, of Niagara Falls, Mrs. Nora Koessel, Frieda, Fran­ ces and Eugene, o,f Harbour Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Message From Greenway By MRS. CARMEN WOODBURN Holiday visitors in the district were: Mr. and Mrs. David Cluness, of Parkhill, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Windsor and daughter, of West Corners, and Mr. Claire Wood­ burn, of Goderich, with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Woodburn and fam­ ily. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Brown and Stephen, of Toronto, with Mrs. 5 E 1 d aJohn Brown and Miss Brown, Mr. Seibourne English, troit, at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Harold of De­ Hons- berger and family, of Vineland, with Mr. and Mrs. William Hicks. Mr. Dawson Woodburn, of To­ ronto, at his home here. Miss Evelyn Bullock, Thames Road; Mr. and Mrs. Pete Paw- liwi and Joan of Bright’s Grove; Mr. and Mrs. John Sabot and son, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bullock and family, of Ar- kona; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bul­ lock with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bul­ lock. Miss Viola Curts, of London, with Mrs. Charles Curts, Eve­ lyn and Manuel. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bropliey and Frances and Miss Muriel Fallis, of Sarnia, with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Fallis and family, of Mount Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pollock and Jim, of Bothwell, with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pollock and Carl. Miss Gladys Stewardson, of Strathroy, with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stewardson. Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Mousseau and Marilyn, of Kippen; Mr. and Mrs. Rufus‘Turnbull and Donna, o.f Grand Bend, with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown and family. Miss Eleanor McLinchey, of Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred McLinchey. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pollock and Morley with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pollock and family, of Kerrwood. Mr. and Mrs. William Eagle- son, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Eagle- son and family and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pollock with Mr. and Mrs. Ross, Guenther and family, of Dashwood. Mrs. Frank Low is at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Bus Lager- werf since returning from the hospital. Mr. Wilbert Young broke seve­ ral ribs recently and. Mrs. Henry Hodgins broke her wrist. Mr. Hector Murray is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Murray and family. Word was received here of the death of Mr. Sid Reis at Ban­ croft. He was a half-brother of the late Mr. Chldley Woodburn, Mr. and Mrs, Eddie Hartle and sons, of Sarnia, visited recently With Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hartle. Mr, and Mrs. William Abbott (nee Ethel Reis) and Gary, of Toronto, visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Carman Woodburn and other relatives. Beach, with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stumpf and family, of Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Miller; Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hinley and family, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Maine and Janet, of Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold Miller. Miss Nancy Tieman, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Tie­ man; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Newton and family, of London, with Mrs. A. Willert; Mr. and Mrs. Ward Kraft and family, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Koehler; Mr. and Mrs. George Maier, of Detroit, Mr. Don Maier, of Howe, Indiana, Mr. and Mrs. George Fritzley, Ronald and Donna Lyn, of Burford, Mrs. Maimie Fritz­ ley, of Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wright and Donald, Mrs. Young, London, with Mr. Mrs. Lome Genttner. Mr. and Mrs. K. Streets, ton, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey and family, Riverside, with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Tieman. Miss Thelma Weber, who had not been home for eight months, was allowed to spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Weber. Sanatorium, isfactory. Mr. and with Mr. and Mrs. Art Koessel and f amily, In Lansing, Mr .and Mrs. Edwin family with Mr. and Neeb and family, in Mrs. Mabel Gilbert of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Dattars and family, of Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Datars and June, Mrs. . Mr. Mrs. . and ] Mrs. Dave Haugh and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nadiger and Helen, all with Mr. and Mrs. William Haugh. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kimpel and Susan, of Kitchener, with Mrs. Mary Becker. Mrs. Becker returned home with them; and Mrs. Emil Becker and ily with Mrs. Alex Fraser, Russeldale; Mr. and Mrs. Becker and family with Louise Rarich, of Zurich, day; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wolfe, Caro­ lyn and Katherine and Mr. Shel­ don Wolfe, all of Clifford, with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oestreicher. Mrs. Henry Becker, Sr. with Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Becker; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Weiburg, of Waterloo, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weiburg and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Tyler; Z72.__ Betty, Lois Gaiser and friends. o.f London, with their mother, Mrs. Cora Gaiser; Mr. Herb Wein, of Detroit, with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald • Hignell and son, of Thorold, with Rev. and Mrs. Louis Higinell; Mr. and Mrs. Helmuth Messner, Mr. and Mrs. Fonger and friends, Lon­ don, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Messner; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stelck ^.turned home on Monday after spending a couple of months with Mervin Stelcks at Bradford; Mr. and Mrs. W. Filkins and Janice, of Howell, Mich., with Mr. and Mrs. William Nadiger. ■Mr .and Mrs. Rufus Kestle, of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snell, Mr. and Mrs. William Pitt, Lon­ don, and Mr. Orby Kestle, of De­ troit, with Mr. and Mrs. Charles- Snell. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rader, Mr. and Mrs. George Tieman and Michael with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cudmore, of Willowdale. Mr. Garnet Wildfong, Wind­ sor; Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wild­ fong, Miss Mr.- Grant with Mrs. Tieman. Mr. and children, of Brantford, with Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Keller. Herb Gaiser, of Detroit, his brother, Mr. Ches. 4 Hensall Choir Entertains Thursday night before Christ­ mas, the E.U.B. choir had the pleasure of having the Hensall ladies’ choir render a fine pro­ gram of enrols, anthems,' solos and a .piano Instrumental. The pastor, Rev. W. F. Krotz, in his short address, referred to the six carols as Recorded in Luke’s Gospel. The proceeds are to be used to help pay for the new orifin which will be dedicated on January 17, Cyclone Hockey —Continued from Page 1 by defeating Zurich for the sec­ ond time by the score of 9-3 on Tuesday night. Since Zurich has already scored on© defeat over Strathroy, con­ tenders for third spot, it appears as if the three top positions arp pretty well decided. Unless something of the un­ expected happens, Forest, Gode­ rich and that order Fight For So that the last three playoff positions. Strathroy is currently in the best position with Hensall and Lucan right on the Rockets’ heels. St. Marys Alerts, who strengthened their position this week with two wins, are contenders, as well as Exeter Mohawks, who could ihake a spot if they ran into streak. Biggest surprise of week was St. Marys’ Lucan Irish on Boxing Alerts edged Langford’s lads 5-2. On Tuesday night, the St. Marys crew took Ilderton 10-4 to jump ahead of Exeter. Plagued by in­ juries earlier, the Alerts appar­ ently have .. been able to add strength to their club to get back into contention. Hensall Finks defeated the lowly Byron club 10-5 Tuesday night to maintain their .500 clip. Exeter Mohawks have been since their win over Ilderton Tuesday night. In the first meeting of two rival “C” clubs last Wednes­ day night, Zurich came through with a convincing 12-5 win over Lucan. START THE NEW YEAR. OFF RIGHT! Come Out to the Junior Farmers' Meeting Tues., Jan. 5 Glen and Clin- Cook Her progress at the London, is quite sat- Mrs. Clayton Pfile Mich; Miller and Mrs. John Wellesley; and Ellen, Mr. and Howard, Willert, and Mrs. Mr. and Zurich will finish in at the top of the loop, Tluree leaves the fight for AT S.H.D.H.S. at 8:30 p.m. Girls’ Topic: “First Aid” by Miss Claypolo Boys: Election of Officers for 1954 ‘ GIRLS PLEASE BRING LUNCH New Members Welcomed a winning the past win over Day. The idle last the Cyclone Standing (Wednesday morning) w L T F A P Forest (A) .........8 0 0 70 22 16 Goderich (A) ....8 2 0 75 28 16 Zurich (C) .........6 3 0 56 48 12Strathroy (A) ..,6 4 0 57 36 12Hensall (A) .......5 5 0 62 65 10 Lucan (C) ......5 5 0 56 68 10 St. Marys (A) ..4 5 0 40 60 8 Exeter (A) .........3 6 0 45 54 6 Ilderton (D) ....2 7 0 45 68 4Byron (B) ......0 10 0 29 84 0Results 22 4 Tuesday, December Zurich 9, Byron - Exeter 9, Ilderton 5 Forest 5, Goderich 2 Wednesday, December 23 Zurich 12, Lucan 5 Saturday, December 2S St. Marys 5, Lucan 2 Tuesday, December 29 St. Marys 10. Ilderton 4 Hensall 10, Byron 5 Goderich 9, Zurich 3 Lions Juveniles Lose First Tilt Exeter Lions Clinton 10-8 in game of the night. Missing some the locals took a 5-0 drubbing in the first period but fought back to outscore Clinton in both of the last two periods. Lion J. B. Creech is manager of the team, Coaches are Clayt Needham and Barry Doak. Lineup: goal, McFalls; toJuveniles lost their first hockey season Monday of their regulars, Exeter Arena Schedule of Events (Closed New Year’s Eye) FRIDAY, JANUARY 1 (Closed All Day) SATURDAY, JANUARY 2 PUBLIC SKATING 2:00 p.m, and 9:00 p.m. MONDAY, JANUARY 4 JUVENILE HOCKEY Exeter vs. Hensall 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. PUBLIC SKATING To 10:30 p.m. TUESDAY, JANUARY 5 REC LEAGUE HOCKEY WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6 ILDERTON vs. EXETER MOHAWKS THURSDAY, JANUARY 7 Ml-LVERTONvs. * CENTRALIA FLYERS ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND FRIDAY & SATURDAY January 1 and 2 ★ Randolph Scott “THUNDER OVER THE PLAINS” (Technicolor) Lex Barker -fc Phyllis Kirk Packed with the flavor of fron- tier fury . . . SELECTED SHORTS ★ , of Grand Bend, Elmore Datars and and Mrs. Garnet A. Schumaker, Mr. Mrs. Urban Phile, Elmer Rader and boys, Mr. Lineup: goal, McFalls; de­ fence, Bob MacLaren, Scotty Re- gier, Jim Haley, Kevan Delbridge and Dennis Finan; forwards, Don Wells, Don Love, Eugene Willard, Don Taylor, Terry Wade, Garfield Johnson, Ron Webb, Jim Dalton and Joe Green. Midgets Beat Monkton Exeter Kinkids defeated Monk­ ton 9-2 in a midget league game Wednesday night. TUESDAY. & WEDNESDAY January 5 and 6 “FRANCIS COVERS THE BIG TOWN” ★ Donald O'Connor ★ Yvette Dugay They rftn the gangsters ragged and drive the police crazy! NEWSREEL AND ADDITIONAL SHORTS t Mr. with Gaiser. Mr. fam- near Emil Miss Mon- Misses Marion Wildfong and Wildfong, of London, Wildfong and Mrs. Mrs. Earl Telfer and Stephen Township Federation of Agriculture Annual Meeting And Turkey Banquet STEPHEN TWP. COMMUNITY CENTRE, CREDITON Wednesday, Jan 13, 7:00 p.m. GUEST SPEAKER: REV. NORMAN RAWSON of Hamilton Local Entertainment Admission $1.50 Winston Shapton, Pres. Allan Richard, Sec. Tickets Available From Directors 3 Plan Now To Attend! EXETER LEGION’S NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY " Thursday, Dec. 31 DANCING NOISEMAKERS / 3 3 3 3 3 3 ' • FAVORS . . . FOOD ENTERTAINMENT Music By Johnny Waunch London’s Newest and Best Band Dancing 10:00 to 2:00 Advance Tickets may be secured from members of the executive, Chambers & Darling and W. G. Simons. * 3 s 3 3 3 3a