The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-12-17, Page 5A Boxing Day Treat! EXETER ARENA Sat, Pec. 26 Matinee and Evening Show Advance Tickets at Arena Give Three Prizes At Strathroy Tilt Thrpp prises will be given away at Exeter Mohawks home game against Strathroy Rockets Friday night. The first of five Kenwood blankets being raffled off by the club Will be drawn for during the contest. One blanket will be given away each month until April, prizes have been donated Gould and Jory. Two m°re program prizes be awarded. These are merchand­ ise certificates donated by local stores and won by holders of lucky programs. Game programs were intro­ duced for the first time last Fri­ day night for the game with Forest. Jones, Seeds Ltd. are leaflets. Donors of last were Snelgrove’s Cleaners. The by will MacNawghton providing the week’s -priges and Brady THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 17, 1953 Goderich, Zurich Top Threat To Forest In Cyclone Race Goderich Pontiacs and Zurich Flyers appear to be the biggest threats to Forest’s supremacy in the Cyclone league. The Pontiacs moved into sol? possession of second place this wepk with their 8-0 shellacking of Ilderton. Goderich hasn’t lost a tilt since Lucan Irish defeated the team in its first game of the season. Third Straight Zurich Flyers posted a 4-2 vic­ tory oyer Strathroy Rockets Sat­ urday night to chalk up their third straight win. Like Gode­ rich, the Flyers haven’t dropped a game since they lost to Forest in their first contest of the sea­ son. Although Zurich is in fourth place as of Wednesday morning, the team lias the best percentage of wins and losses except for Forest and Goderich. The Lakesides continued their winning ways Tuesday night by drubbing the lowly Byron sextet 9-2. Split Series Lucan Irish and Hensall Finks are tied in third spot with four wins each. These two clubs split a home and home series this week, Hensall winning 10-3 on Lucan ice, the Irish 9-6 victors on Finks’ rink Tuesday. Game Summaries Lucan, back to full strength again, pulled away from Finks in the last of the third period in Tuesday’s contest. The teams were tied 6-6 in the middle of the final stanza before Lucan poured in three goals to Pm f ★ Panthers Win Cage Tourney South Huron Panthers emerg­ ed undefeated from basketball tourney Saturday. The local seniors games in the pre-season exhibi­ tion tournament. They defeated Seaforth 29-21, Goderich 32-14 and Clinton 40-20. Other teams taking part were Mitchell and St. Marys. Don O’Brien, Panther star, was the high scorer of Members of were O’Brien, Ron Rowcliffe, Yungblut, Bob Parsons, Ed. a “good-will” at Goderich won all three Featuring •OLDILOCKS A THE 3 BEARS Canada’s Largest Ice Show Mohawks Add Strength For Strathroy Contest the day. the local team Gary Middleton^ Jim Sturgis, Bill > Fletcher, Chuck ______ __ Diechert, Terry Wade, Peter Cowan and Ed Hunter-Duvar. A similar tournament for jun­ ior boys teams will be held at Exeter on January 9. Read Times - Advocate Ads for profit. Want [Cl EARL'S PLACE We Will Be Closed From 8 p.m. Christmas Eve Until January 2 We would like to take this opportunity of extending SEASON’S GREETINGS TO EVERYONE! E. R. Witmer fafFaBFa8Fa«Fa»a«Fa«Fa ft Cheer up, Mohawk fans! Rein­ forcements are being called up and the team’s improving. Barry Doak, former Goderich defenseman who comes to town from Lethbridge, will be strength­ ening the defense Friday night against Strathroy Rockets. And there’ll probably be one, and maybe two, new attackers in the Mohawk blues. The call for help blared forth from the Mohawks executive af­ ter Forest Lakesides splintered the locals Friday night,. Mohawks were wounded with­ out the services of Ted Elder, leftwinger who broke two bones in his back during a practice on Thursday nigjit. This, coupled witli a sagging forward attack and only three steady, defence­ men, forced the mentors to ring Mr. Bell’s instrument for help. Doak was already in town be­ fore Friday night ‘but didn’t play because he wasn’t in shape. He saw his first Cyclone contest Wednesday night in Strathroy. Wlrat the new forward strength will be or where it will come from isn’t known now but the officials are trying to get an at­ tacker who can blink those red lights. The addition will bolster the second line to replace Elder. Two-Period Contest 'Mohawks put up a two-period contest against the undefeated Forest crew but the Lakesides ■ went wild in the other stanza. The adding machine gave the final total as 14-4, It was one of those nights for Mohawks. They took tough breaks, got disorganized and' generally fell apart. On the other hand, the league’s top team flew under full steam and the engine worked without a miss. They capitalized on almost all breaks and made hardly a mistake. In the first and third periods it was a 6-3 contest, but in the middle stanza it was an 8-1 scrub match. Climax of the Forest roundup came early in the second when Jack Wright, Hap Randall and Bill Hick fired three goals in less than 25 seconds! Mohawks began to warm up in the last half of the third. The tribe poured in three goals to match. Forest’s contribution dur­ ing that time. Hick racked up five goal- and two assist-points over the night. Wright notched three and tw'o with Stan Ulrich getting three and one. Sharpshooter George Shaw pot­ ted two blueline drives for the Mohawks. John Anderson, Frank Anderson picked up Period 10-1. Win. Hensall came through with an easy 10-3 victory Friday night when the Irish were without the services of two Revington hoys. The Fjnks took a 3-0 first per­ iod lead and although Lucan ral­ lied to score two in the second. Hensall sunk six in the third to clinch the victory, Broom counted three for the winners with Becker getting two. Rowett scored twice for Lucan and Stretton, in his first appear­ ance for Lucan this year, count­ ed the third. Zurich 4, Strathroy 2 Junior Barash scored two goals Saturday night -to spark the Zur­ ich Flyers to a 4-2 win over Strathroy Rockets. Joe Maison- ville and Jim I-Iayter scored sin­ gles. Maisonville figured in every goal, getting three assists. Cousins and Allen scored Roc­ ket goals. Goderich 8, Ilderton 0 Ilderton took its worst defeat since joining the Cyclone league when Pontiacs blanked last year’s champions 8-0 Friday night. Johnny Meriam with two goals and Doug Cruickshank with a goal and two assists paced Pontiac attack. Game Postponed St. Marys had to postpone tilt with Zurich Friday night cause of a rash of injuries. The Alerts are seeking to bring in players from Toronto to bolster their crippled team. Maroons Win First Contest Exeter Maroons won their first contest in the Rec League Tues­ day night, downing Crediton 6-3, The boys a has a game. In the other Rec game Tuesday night, Centralia RCAF handed Dashwood Tigers their first feat. The score was 7-1. The airmen and the Tigers now tied for top spot with records each. League play will be postponed until after Christmas. victory gives the tpwn 1-3 record while Crediton 1-2 mark with one tie Dashwood Centralia RCAF Centralia ...... Crediton .......... Maroons ....... Knowing Where To Sell Saves Yau Maney Sell Your Poultry With Confidence TQP PRICES PAID — WEIGHED AT YOUR DOOR de­ ars 3-1 Cyclone Standing (Wednesday the its be­ VICK ROUND UP OF GIFT BUYS p >a| Kitchen UtensilsChina Toasters Electric Kettles — Heating Pads Pressure Cookers Cups and Saucers Novelties Irons Westinghouse Appliances Outstanding Varieties of Wife-Saving Gadgets Riverside Poultry Co, Howard Ferguson, District Representative PHONE COLLECT Buy Television THE PERFECT FAMILY GIFT! Five Famous Makes To Choose From. Have Yours Installed Before Christmas! Children To See Santa Claus! He’s In Our Toytown Basement Every Saturday Afternoon Beavers Hardware PHONE 86*MAIN STREET EXETER W ■? Hensall 680-r-27-1230 London •a morning) Forest (A) ,,, Goderich (A) . Lucan (C) ... Hensall (A) .. Zurich (C) ... Strathroy (A) Exeter (A) .. Ilderton (D) .. St. Marys (A) Byron (B) ... » * Results This Week Tuesday, December 15 Lucan 9, Hensall Forest 9, Byron. 2 Saturday, December 12 Zurich 4, Strathroy Friday, December 11 Forest 14, Exeter 4 Hensall 10, Lucan 3 Goderich 8, Ilderton 0 Wednesday, December 9 Zurich 8, Ilderton 4 "We can’t afford to take chances • • • that’s why we like Debentures” "When I retired, I looked for an investment that was safe, that paid good interest and that could be bought for a short term. .1 wanted to be sure of one hundred cents on the dollar at maturity. My Huron & Erie five year debentures do all this for me ... at interest on my money.” District Representatives Listed Below $1.00 £ £IT’S BRIMMING WITH BEAUTY! Ask for the folder '20 Questions’ Ki: £■! Huron&Erie MORTGAGE CORPORATION. “Older than the Dominion of Canada" _____ " * BAILEY'S Phone 276 Now On Display At POTTED PLANTS 350 Shopping Days Left2/350 GOULD & JORYPHONE 16 EXfcTER Successors to Southcott Bros. Old English Plum Pudding 16 oz......................................... Niblets Corn Priced .......... Mixed Nuts 1 lb. .-.......... Schneider’s Mince Meat Two-pie size .................... Stokeley’s Tomato Juice 48 oz.................... Rose Brand Pure Cranberry Sauce 12 oz......................................................... 270 and Fred Hewer all two points too. scores were The New '54 Chevrolet Pin Chatter with the Snell Bros. Ltd Exeter Ladies' League By KAY HAY On Tuesday night, the Alley Cats defeated the’ Crackerjacks 7-0. High scorer for the Cats was Kay Hay with 576 (230) while Dorothy Gatien bowled 477 (206) for the Jacks. The Skunks and Jolly Six split the points 5-2. Kay Penhale trun­ dled high score of 525 (214) for the Skunks. Helen Frayne rolled 477 (173) for the Jolly Six. The Busy Bees skunked the Nit Wits for seven points. Busiest bee was Shirley Guenther with 593 (229). Marilyn Hern rolled 518 (208) for the Nit Wits. On Wednesday night, the Pin Poppettes trimmed the. Hi-Lights 7-0. Phyllis Haugh tossed 482 (224) for the winners. The high Light was Dot Pfaff with 557 (207). The Frisky Sisters and Dumb Bunnies split 5-2. Peg Hunter- Duvar was the friskiest Sistes, rolling 57 6 (200). Lois Porter­ field rolled 566 (259) for the Bunnies. The Hot Dogs moved into sec­ ond place by defeating the Yarn Spinners 5-2. Mae Wolfe bowled high score for the Dogs with 514 (242). Almira Ford was tons for the Yarn Spinners—510 (204). Thursday night, the Merry Maids were merry when they trimmed the Jolly Jills 7-0. Mer­ riest Maid was Eileen Bonnallie with 574 (261). Alma Preszcator bowled 506 (192) for the Jills. The Happy Gals took all seven from the Wee Hopes. Mardie Thornton was high bowler with 607 (250) for the Gals. Terry Heywood scored 528 (212) for the Wee Hopes. High single of the week was 261, bowled by Eileen Bonnallie. High triple went to Mardie Thornton with 607. STANDINGS Xmas Trees CUT FLOWERS, WREATHS AND OUT FOR MONTH — Ted Elder, left winger of Mohawks’ second line, will be lost to the club for most of the remaining season. The Stratford boy has two bones broken in his back, the result of a crash into the nets during a practice in the arena last week. TABLE CENTRES Centralia Crediton Exeter ... Exeter .. Hensall . Zurich .. Head Office Lloyd B. Hodgson .... H. K. Eilber Bell & Laughton ... B. M. Francis F. G. Bonthron . J. W. Haberer London, Ontario Christmas Is A Family Affair . . . and Christmas shopping because it’s a. family reasonable prices. A Lay-Away—at Plan Gould & Jory is the place for store. Gifts galore for for vour convenience, everyone Happy Gals .. Hot Dogs ........ Alley Cats .... Wee Hopes ... Busy Bees .... Merry Maids . Hi Lights .... Frisky Sisters Skunks ............ Pin Poppettes Yarn Spinners Jolly Jills .... Jolly Six ........ Dumb Bunnies Nit Wits ........ Crackerjacks . Huronia Chorus Presents Program Following the evening service at Main Street United Church on Sunday, members of local and district churches joined with the Main Street congregation for a Christmas concert, an “Hour of Song” by the Huronia Male Chor­ us, directed by Mrs. H. L. Stur­ gis.The program, which included sacred and secular numbers and solos by Harry Hern and Harry Hoffman, was most enjoyable. The chorus was assisted by a quartette of public school teach­ ers, Miss K. McGill, Mrs. L. Por­ terfield, Mrs. H. Pym and Miss Doris Robinson, who sang two groups of songs, “Jingle Bells” and “Winter Wonderland”, and two Christinas carols. The audience, which filled the church to capacity, was welcomed by the Rev. A. E. Holley. Patron: Waiter .... what’ special today? • Walter: What we couldn’t get rid of yesterday. For Ladies Dresses Nylon Golvns Nylon Slips and Panties Scarves Rayon-Gowns Rayon Slips and Panties Cardigans Pullovers Silk Headsquares Handbags Nylon Hose Mitts and Gloves Boxed Handkerchiefs Nylon Overboots Blindcraft Aprons Snuggledown Gowns Snuggledown Pyjamas Housecoats McBrino Luggage For Men Station Wagon Coats Biltmore Hats Forsytli Shirts Sport Shirts Cardigans Pullovers Pyjamas Nylon Socks Leather Gloves Initial Handkerchiefs Initialed Scarves Belts, Plain & Initialed Ties Braces Cuff Links Gift Hat Certificate Tie Clips, Initialed Housecoats Houseslippers McBrino Gladsone Bags For Children •’ Snow Suits • Station Wagon Coats • Goloshes •Mitts and Gloves Pyjamas Sweaters Lined Jeans Corduroy Slacks Cotton Flannel Shirts Nylon Slips and Panties Handkerchiefs For the Home Kenwood Blankets Chenille Spreads Loop Twist Mats Sheet & Pillow Case Sets Flannelette Sheets Towel Sets Baih Mat Sets Tablecloths China Grocery Specials For Thursday, Friday & Saturday 390 290 490