The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-12-10, Page 13Comments About Clandeboye By MRS. O. J. PATON W.M.S, And W.A. The ladies of the W.M.S. and W.A- were entertained Thursday •for their annual meeting at the home of Mrs. Will Darling. Mrs. ’ T. Collins presided for the W.M.S. melting with the watch wprdz and theme, “Ready For Christmas”. The treasurer gave a report that the allocation of $75 had been met. Officers were returned for 1954 as follows: president, Mrs. T. Collins; first vice-president, Mrs. Will Darling; second vice- president, Mrs. Rea Neil; secre­ tary, Mrs. George Simpson; trea­ surer, Miss Aggie Northgrave; friendship secretary, Mrs. Arnold Blake. Mrs. R. Williams presided for the W.A. and opened the meeting with a poem, "Birthday Of A King”. The treasurer gave a re­ port of the turkey supper receipts of $255. A crokinole party will be held during the holidays with Mrs. George Simpson as convenor. Officers elected for 19 54 were: president, Mrs. Rupert Williams; secretary, Mrs. M. McNaughton; treasurer, Mrs. Arthur Simpson; sunshine convenor, Mrs. Art Hod­ gins; parsonage committee, Mrs. Wilmer Scott, Mrs. M. McNaugh­ ton and Mrs. R. Williams. Hillcrest Farm Forum Hillcrest farm forum met on Monday evening, December 7, at the home of Mr .and Mrs. Gor­ don Banting in Lucan with 20' present. Questions for discus­ sion were: (1) Do you think the 4-H Clubs and other youth programs in your province have been suc­ cessful in producing community and farm organization leaders? The answer was: We think that 4-H Clubs and Junior. Farmer organizations have been success­ ful in producing leaders. (2) Some people say that if .a young man is a good farmer he is making sufficient contribution to the community without taking part in farm or other community organizations. What do you think? The answer was: A young man should take an interest and play an active part in farm and other community organizations. It would help him to be unseL fish and more broadminded. (3) How can the interest of young people be developed in . such problems as Canadian pub­ lic affairs and international re­ lations? The answer was: By join­ ing Junior Farmer organizations, public speaking contests and by taking part as trustees and coun­ cillors. After the discussion, Mr. Earl Atkinson gave a report of the Federation of Agriculture ban­ quet held at Ilderton Wednesday. A social . time was after the meeting, Observe Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Arthur entertained Wednesday in honor of the forty-fifth wed­ ding anniversary of Mrs. Hodgins’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Morley, of Whalen. Other guests were: Mr. and Mrs. William 1 ............ " T—............... enjoyed Hodgins evening YOU CAN DEPEND ON When kidneys fail to remove excess acids and waBtes, back­ ache, tired feeling, disturbed rest often follow. Dodd's Kidnoy Pills stimu­ late kidneys to normal duty. You feel better—sleop better, work better. Get Dodd's at any drug store. You can depend on Dodd's. Page 13 X THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 10, 1953 VARIETY SHOW (All Local Talent) Coutts Hallmark Christmas Cards AT THE TIMES-ADVOCATE Teachers’ Meeting Mrs. White, teacher of S.S. No. 1 Biddulph (Coursey School), was hostess on Tuesday, Decem­ ber 1 for the teachers of Bid­ dulph and North London. The guest speaker was Miss Gillies, a London teacher who spoke on arts and crafts. A discussion and social hour followed. Family Reunion Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hardy and family, of Lucan, Saturday evening attended a family reunion held at the home of Mrs. Hardy’B sister, Mrs. Ross Love, Shipka. Other guests included Mr. Man­ sell Hodgins and sister, Miss M. Hodgins, ‘"of Parkhill, and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hayes and family, of Toronto. Lucan And District News Personal Items Mrs. G. Patrick, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mel Culbert. Weekend guests in­ cluded Mr. and Mrs. C, F. Pat­ rick and Mrs. Sarnia. Mr. Wa.lker of Lucan, is in al for observation. Mrs. J. B. Armitage recieved word her brother, Mr. Thomas Ogden, of Fillmore, Sask., while crossing the street, was hit by a car necessitating his being rushed to Regina Hospital. For­ tunately the motorist was going slowly or he would probably have been killed. Miss Justina Burrows, London, epeht Thursday with her cousin, Mrs. Murray Hodgins and family. Two car loads of C.G.I.T. aiid Explorers attended the Vesper Service at Wellington St. United Church, London, on Sunday. ■Mrs. J. C, Davey, Woodstock, spent the weekend with her sis­ ter, Mrs. Mitchell Haskett, and Mr. Haskett. Mr. C. W. Parkinson, Lucan’s new bank into the bank. Sunday Mrs. Frank Hardy were Mr. Mrs. J. Edwards and family Mr. and Mrs. D. Sisind, of ronto, and Mr .and Mrs. C. Parkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hardy, of Lucan. Mr. spent Elgin Mr. Appleton, who were married re­ cently at Muncey, will make their home in London. Mrs. Appleton is the former Bernice Ruth Schwyler, daughter of Mr. Wil­ liam Schwyler, Muncey, and the late Mrs. ~ is the son ton and Appleton, Have you seen the prize dis­ play at Haskett’s furniture store to be won at the fowl bingo on December 16 in Stanley Opera House? The Lucan Lions remind you there is still time to buy tickets on the TV set. Help build the Scout club house. R. Simpson, of McVey, formerly St.Mary’s Hospit- manager, has moved apartment above the Christmas Tree Highlights Bazaar The United ChurchW.A. held a most successful ^bazaar, sale of home cooking and tea in the church parlors Saturday after­ noon, December 5. The rooms were , beautifully decorated with a huge Christmas tree, wreaths and seasonal decorations. The president, Mrs. Sheridan Reving­ ton, and Mrs. E. M. Cook receiv­ ed at the Marlene Revington selling of mas tree, booth looked very tempting and food disappeared like magic. Mrs. T. S. Hill, Mrs. I. Carling, Mrs. Wilbert Stanley and Mrs. Harry Lankin were kept busy. At the fancy work tables were Mrs. Earl Young, Mrs. George Young, Mrs, Emerson and Mrs. Ivan Stanley, Mrs. T. A. Watson and Mrs. Wes Atkinson. At the County Store were Mrs. W. T. Amos and Miss Gertrude White. The "This and That” table was loaded with a miscell­ aneous collection of white ele­ phants and kept Mrs. Harold Whyte and Mrs. G. E. Nicholson busy. The candy booth, with Mrs. J. McLean and Miss Gertrude Chown, was a popular spot. The kitchen and tea room com­ mittees included Mrs. S. Chown, Mrs. V. D. Banting, Mrs. H. B. Langfod, Mrs. R. Pitt, Mrs. Wes Revington, Mrs. J. W. Lockyer, Mrs. John Park, Mrs. Stewart Park, Mrs. L. Acheson, Mrs. Bert Thompson, Mrs. Edgar McFalls and Mrs: J. Murray. Mrs, Murray Hodgins was charge of the decorations. door. Bevington and Rose had charge of the gifts from the Christ- The home cooking Present Awards At Pigeon Fete Ladies Auxiliary to Lucan |H gion catered to a turkey dinner for the Forest City Pigeon Club in the the Community Centre last Wednesday. Paul Brothers and Shirley were (he entertain­ ers. The six Lucan members each received prize money and Mr. Jack Hardy received two silver trophies and Mr. Harry. Hardy one silver trophy. Mr. I-I. B. Langford presented his trophy to Mr. Clark, of Woodstock. In the absence of Mr. Fred Revington, his father, Mr. Wes Revington, presented Fred’s trophy to Mr. Jack Hardy. After prizes and awards were presented, dancing was enjoyed. New Denfield School Opens Denfield’s new school, in Le- United Church WA Elect New Officers The Lucan United Church W.A. met in the church parlors Wed­ nesday afternoon for their De­ cember meeting. The following is the slate of officers for the com­ ing year: president, Mrs. Sheri- Revington; vice - president, C. H. George; secretary, H. B. Langford; treasurer, Jack Lankin; group leaders, Ivan Stanley, Mrs. Cecil Robb, Mrs. Earl Young, Mrs. Wes Hodgins, Mrs. Myron Cul- bert and Mrs. Harold Whyte, During the business session, plans for the bazaar were com­ pleted. The possibility of organ­ izing a junior choir was dis­ cussed and a committee appointed to see what could be done. It was decided to purchase some new hymn books for the church. Mrs. Cecil Robb read an interesting Christmas story. After the ing of Christmas carols, the ing, closed with a social hour. dan Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. sing­ meet- half guests with Mr.and and and To- W. and Mrs. A. M. Hedden Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hedden, of London. and Mrs. George Roy Schwyler. The groom of Mrs. William Apple- the late Mr. William formerly of Lucan. French; Janice, Earl and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. William Morley, and Janice and Miss Elva and Bill the Jr. Morley, all of Whalen, Mr. Mrs. Russell Brock, ©on, and David, of Hensail. Personal Items Mr. Lome Derbyshire has cement foundation for his house finished. Clare Paton is improving after being ill five weeks with virus flu. Miss Mary Taylor, of London, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Kilmer. Mrs. Aimer Hardie spent a few days in Chatham last week with her daughter, Mrs. Bill Downing and family. She: See that couple there . . they’re happily married. He: How nice .... She: Yes . . . another guy's wife with somebody else’s hus­ band. IS YOUR MONEY OUT OF WORK? If you yourself were out of work— not making any money, you’d consider yourself something of a failure, wouldn’t you? By the same token—-MONEY Should be working, too, making more money and maxing it safely. 4% Guaranteed Trust Certificates Unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest.^ Pay 4%, payable half-yearly. Snort term—5 years. Authorized investment for trust funds. No fluctuation in principal. IN 5 YEARS $410.18 ACCUMULATES Ttl $500.00 STERLING TRUSTS C O R P O READ office 372 Bay St. Toronto R A T I O N branch office 1-3 Dunlop SI. Borde a-s .. . ___ . _____ _ which replaces the one destroyed by the tornado last May, opened last Wednesday. The official opening was set for last Saturday with the Gerry Supply and Lumber Company, Ltd. supplying a pro­ gram, supplemented by musical numbers by local residents. Members of the school board are T. J. Walls, Edgar Holland and William Phillips. The teacher, Mrs. Meredith .Charlton, will present a Christ­ mas concert December 9. A.Y.P.A. Meeting The Lucan A.Y.P.A. met in parish hall Monday evening the December meeting. The new president, Miss Marion Ash­ worth, bers were present. During business session, the branch cided to again decorate church for the Christmas ___ vice’s. They also decided to enter the Drama Festival to be held in January. Mrs. Charles Corbett consented to direct the play. the for presided. Fourteen mem- the de- tli e ser- i 4-H Club Members Receive Awards The following local 4-H Club members received awards at the Ilderton Community Hall Thurs­ day evening, December 3: Bill Tliirlwell, Ross Watson, Leslie Charlton, Ronnie Hodigins, Bruce Henry, Norman McLellan, Keith Grigg, Fred Lewis, Richard Zirk, Don Leitch, Richard and Robert Gledhill, Grant McLellan, Bob Shipley. The guest speaker, Edwin Ful­ lerton; London teacher, gave an account of a trip to England while on sabbatical leave 1 ■Mr. C. sented with service diploma T. L. Patrick, M.L.A. Officers Installed DDCM Earl Kerslake and staff installed the following 19 54 officers of Wildey Lodge No. 153 Granton: N.G., William McComb; V.G., Wilmer I-Iarlton; recording secretary, William R’odd; financ­ ial secretary, Wilf Hedy; treasur­ er, Norman Riddell; warden, Richard Riddle; conductor, Glen Parkinson; chaplain, Omar Bur­ nett; R.S.N.G., Gordon Dann; L.S.N.G., Carelton Ridley; R.S.- V.G., Henry Wissel; L.S.V.G., Morley Wass; R.SrS., Thomas Gunning; L.S.S., J. Clatworthy; O.G., Alf. Hodgins; I.G., Lorne Rid gley. his Arena Activities I’ve com- R. Charlton was pre- by Auxiliary Elects Officers The Ladies Auxiliary to Legion, Lucan Branch, held elec­ tion of Officers recently. The present slate was returned for 1954 with the exception of first vice-president. Comrade Damm resigned from this office and Comrade Ione Stanley was elected to replace her. The draw for the doll and doll’s wardrobe will be held on Main Street in front of Damm’s bakery on Saturday, December 12, at 3 p.m. It was decided to cancel the regular monthly social evening of December 15 in lieu of the heavy holiday social activities at this time. thje C.G.I.T. The C.G.I.T. met in the United Church parlors Tuesday evening. Carols were sung in preparation for the Vesfcer Service to be held at the United Church evening service, December 20. The worship service was taken by Maureen Fenn and Helen Hardy. Roll call was answered by 19 girls. Collection taken by Marlene Revington amounted to $1.30. Girls agreed the sale of “United server”. The C.G.I.T. will Explorers in the singing of Christmas carols to ‘‘shut-ins” before attending the Christmas party in the church parlors Wednesday, December 23. "A” this to take on Church Ob- join with on Miscellaneous Shower Prior to her marriage on__ day evening in St. Thomas Church, Granton, Mrs. Cliff Ship- ley, of Lucan, was hostess for a miscellaneous shower for her niece, Miss Elizabeth Powell. She was assisted by Mrs. R. Hardie, of Granton. Thirty guests were present to extend best wishes to the bride-elect. Frl- Explorers The Lucan Explorers held their regular expedition in the United Church parlors Friday evening. During the business session, ft was decided to sing carols to “shut-ins” on Wednesday, De­ cember 23. The Christmas supper party will be held the same eve­ ning. Counsellor Elva Young ' took ' ' ’ ’ ' ' Marie White- Hickson the the study book and head and Diane worship service. During the craft period, a new project was begun; the making of plaster paris figures. Anyone still wishing to purchase waste­ paper baskets may do so as there are a few left. = By LEN GAUDETTE On Monday, December 14, called a get-together in the mittee room of all those persons interested in putting together a. variety show. So if you want to help out in any way, be there at 8 p.m. I think we can per­ suade some amateur talent from this area to show off their ability in the entertainment line. Hensall Here Friday H e n s a 1 l’s Intermediate squad will be our guests Friday night. Lucan fans are ex­ pected to make, it the largest turn-out to date. „ Fern Fillion is itching to back into the line-up, but want him ' fully fit before steps on that Bantams Lose St. Marys our boys 8-2 and, as we go match is 'being played in St. Marys. Pigeon Club members enjoyed themselves last week at their annual banquet at our hall. Frank Hardy kept alive and was in good Laugh Of The Week Young Bill Smith’s he discovered his shoes under a bench after skating, was heard to remark: “Whose shoes must I have on?” Sportsman Of The Week This gentleman loves hockey, but rarely has the opportunity to witness a full game, due to helping out in the box office at all Irish and 11 d e r t o n home games! He’s a painter by trade, and my sportsman of the week is good old Mel Bradley. Take a bow Mr. Bradley! Until next.. week, remember, we can’t all play sports, but we can all be sports! ice. get we he Bantams over the to press, defeated weekend a return the party voice too! lad, when YES, JOE- THOUSANDS OF TONS OF GRASSES GO THROUGH OUR DRYER EVERY YEAR TO GIVE YOU NATURE'S OWN VITAMINS AND MINERALS IN POWDERED VITA-GRASS FOR ROE POULTRY AND STOCK FEEDS YOU MEAN I DON'T HAVE TO STOP THE BENEFITS 0F6REEN6RA5S WHEN I PEN MY BIRDS? j OF COURSE NOT, JOE-NOTICE THE RICH FRESH COLOR OF ROE VITA-LAY EGG MASH- IT HAS VITA-GRASS IN IT TO SUPPLY THE VITAMINS AND MINERALS YOUR FLOCK NEEDS TO BUILD STRONG BODIES- PRODUCE E66S AND MAINTAIN HEALTH YOU KNOW HOW YOUR • FLOCKS AND HERDS THRIVE ON LUSCIOUS GREEN GRASS AND CLOVERS EACH SPRING AND SUMMER.-WELL, ROE VITA-GRASS CARRIES THIS SAME BENEFIT Personal Items Mrs. George Strasser, Ralph Strasser and Mrs. Elliott Simpson were weekend guests of . Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tate, Dear­ born, Mich. Mrs. George Young was called Monday on the "Can You Name It?” program, but unfortunately didn’t know the answer. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Powell and daughter Connie, of Detroit, were weekend guests of Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Shipley. Dr. and Mrs. Ken Banting, of Pt. Huron, spent Monday with Mrs. W. T. Banting and family. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stretton spent last Sunday with the lat­ ter’s mother, Mrs. William Sang- ster, of Hensall. Mr. and Mrs, Sheridan Reving­ ton, Marlene and Gary were Sun­ day guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Pollard, of Ingersoll. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shapton and Robert and Mr. and Shapton and babe, were guests of Mrs. sey and family last Mr. A. Mitchell, Exeter, called on Lucan friends last Thursday, Mr. Bob Charsley and’ two friends from Sudbury, who were down- to see the Winnipeg-Hamil­ ton game, spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Godbolt, of Centralia, were Saturday visit­ ors with Mr. and-- Mrs. Henry Hodgins. At a meeting of the village council December 3, it was de­ cided to send out a financial re­ port this year. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Laidley, of Toronto, spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stanley. Owing to the Christmas festivi­ ties, the Ladies Guild of Holy Trinity Church will hold their December meeting in the Parish Hall December 14 instead of De­ cember 2 8. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. T. D. Orme, whose sister, Mrs. M. Wildern, of St. Catharines, passed away very suddenly last week. Mrs. Art McLean, of London, visited with her mother and fa­ ther, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Rev- ingtqn, on Saturday and attend­ ed the United Church bazaar. Mr. Jim McMehen, of Ottawa, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Stanley and family. Mrs. Fred McLean underwent another eye operation in Victoria Hospital last week. Doctors and family are most encouraged with her progress and hope at least partial sight will be restored. The Lucan Lions Club has taken advantage of last week’s Indian Summer weather to get the cement blocks laid for the foundation of the Scouts’ new club house. Mrs. F. Cunningham returned to London on Saturday after a week’s visit with Mr. and Mrs. Will McFalls. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Brown and grandson Stephen, of St. Thomas, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thompson and family. Mr. G. Weinestraun visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. Fenn last Saturday. ' Sylvia Ford, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ford, is able to be home after two months in the hospital with blood poison­ ing in her foot, the result of stepping on a nail. She is now on crutches and went outside for the first time on Monday. Mrs. Fred Ford had the mis­ fortune last Saturday to lose two $10 bills and a one between her home, Main St., South, and the bank corner. Two Alice St. resi­ dents picked up one ten and the one and returned them, but the other ten is still missing. It too, probably blew down Alice St. She still hopes it may be returned to her. John Anthony Cartwright, in­ fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cartwright, was baptized in Holy Trinity Church Sunday evening, December 6. Godparents were John Stephen Howson, Charles P. Corbett and Jean Anne Chapman (Dorothy Chadwick proxy). Mrs. Bruce of Exeter, Irene Cour- Sunday. Stanley Hall, Lucan Thursday, December 17 at 8:00 p.m. sharp Fun for the Whole Family! SUPPORT LUCAN’S CUBS AND SCOUTS! Help the Fund Grow to Build Their Own “Hut” ADMISSION 500 — CHILDREN 250 '4llllllllllllll)llilUIIIIIIIIIIIII(l,lll,lll„lllllllllllllllllll<llllllll.................................................. Hon. Akide Cote, Q.C., M.P,, PojfmtHler Generol W. J. Turnbull, Deputy PoHmoiler General Greeting Cards Unsealed 2< 5 words written messages not to exceed CANADA POST OFFICE a $100.00 Christmas Cash WITH EACH Used Car WE SELL ON Make-Us-An-Offer Sale Your Present Car May Be A Down-Payment 1952 1952 1952 1952 1950 1950 1950 1949 1949 1949 1948 1950 FORD COACH, light green finish, low mileage. METEOR CUSTOM COACH, 2-tone green, under­ coated, 13,000. DODGE SEDAN, grey metallic finish, low mileage. METEOR SEDAN, overdrive, clean as new. METEOR SEDAN, grey finish, clean inside & out. PONTIAC SEDAN, light green finish, low mileage. METEOR COACH, dark blue. CHEV COACH, light grey, one owner car. MERCURY COACH, 2-tone brown, dual exhaust, radio and spotlight, fender skirts. MERCURY COACH, maroon, radio, low mileage. DODGE SEDAN, dark blue finish, clean inside and out. HILLMAN SEDAN, new tires, looks and runs like new. DODGE SEDANS (2). CHEV COACH. 1940 1939 These Cars Are Guaranteed for 6 Months or 6,000 Miles Lucan Motor Sales LUCAN, ONTARIO Mercury, Lincoln and Meteor Dealers | ^iiiHiiiii.......... ........................ .......................................... ..................................................................................................... By Roe Farms Service Dept _________ VL-16 GOSH, DOC/THE WAY YOU SAY IT, IT'S JUST LIKE M0VIN6 THE RANGE INDOORS. I GUESS WHEN YOU PUT''FARM-PROVEN" ON ROE FEEDS YOU REALLY MEAN f THAT'S ABOUT JOE. OVER 20.000 ROE HENS IN OUR PENS PROVE THE VALUE OF VITA-LAY E66 MASH-THERE'S NEVER ANY GUESS­ WORK ON YOUR PART* PROFITS GROW IDor"” EGG MASH INTO YOUR LAYING HOW DOES THAT HELP ME. DOO ? 4LSO W PEU£T FORM H. Kellerman, Dashwood C. Tindall, Mooresville Lorne Eiler, Hensall